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Fortune telling “Four Aces. What are the meanings of an ace in fortune telling?

If in layout if two identical ones occur, this usually does not change the interpretation, except that the importance of each of those in the pair may be enhanced to some extent.

However, if there are three or four identical cards, then this can have an independent meaning, regardless of the meanings of the individual cards.

Four Aces- great strength and power, dynamic action, radical change.

Three Aces- ample opportunities, movement, new interests, success beyond all expectations in any enterprise.

A). without the Ace of Spades - predicted opportunities promise great pleasures, new friends, unclouded joy.

b). without the Ace of Hearts, the predicted opportunities have nothing to do with love or family.

V). without the Ace of Diamonds - the predicted opportunities relate to business or financial opportunities minimally.

G). without the Ace of Clubs - the predicted opportunity affects the Client’s social life only to a minor extent. Four Kings:

for a male Client: new connections, expanding the circle of friends or business contacts, rewards, high respect, new opportunities.

for a female Client: new and difficult relationships with men, the possibility of family difficulties, manifestations of jealousy.

Three Kings:

for a male Client: new business contacts, male entertainment, less likelihood of unpleasant situations or tedious responsibilities, increased likelihood of joyful events and success.

for a female Client: expanding the circle of acquaintances with men, the possibility of romantic attachments, a deeper awareness of one’s own femininity, less likelihood of quarrels, manifestations of jealousy and unpleasant events, increased likelihood of feeling pleasure in connection with the acquisition of new friends.

Four Ladies:

for a male Client: a difficult, comical or even indecent situation. It is assumed that the Client will become entangled in the networks of jealousy; he should be advised not to take the situation in which he finds himself seriously.

He may get confused, wanting to please everyone at once; but he can save the situation if he maintains a sense of humor while navigating among his intimate affections.

for a female Client: a warning that her affairs are the focus of unhealthy attention from other women; she should treat her friends’ curiosity lightly and with humor; if she succumbs to the influence of gossip, she can cause herself major troubles.

Three Ladies - meetings with important people. The client (regardless of gender) should make new acquaintances among the ladies he will meet in the near future, since these acquaintances will be very significant for him.

In addition, the merits of these ladies will not be striking, but by showing interest in them, the Client can achieve a lot as a result of the disposition that they deign to show.

Four Jacks- exchange of news, all kinds of news:

A). without the Jack of Spades - generally pleasant and joyful news.

b). without the Jack of Hearts - news, news that is not related to the Client’s love or family relationships.

V). without Jack of Diamonds - news not related to money issues.

G). without Jack of Clubs - news that does not affect the Client’s social status.

Four Tens - symbolize doors. They mean the cessation of old and the emergence of new life norms. The client should change his lifestyle and try to make the best use of new opportunities.
Three Tens - the meaning is the same as in the case of four Tens, but to a slightly weakened degree.

A). without the Ten of Peaks - the loss of friends or a change in the usual ways of life will not cause sadness;

b). without the Ten of Hearts - radical changes will not affect home and family;

V). without the Ten Tambourine - radical changes will not affect the Client’s financial affairs;

G). without the Ten of Clubs - changes will not be expressed in the loss of friends or a change in the Client’s social status.

Four Nines- fulfillment of long-cherished plans, desires, hopes, aspirations; however, this may not bring the expected joy. The client should prepare for unexpected disappointments.

Three Nines- joy from an unexpected source; fulfillment of desires. A twist of fate that threatens to end in disaster, but unexpectedly brings joy and success.

Four Eights- balance and order in everyday life, calm pleasures; material well-being along with the spiritual richness of life.

Three Eights- increased ability to deal with difficulties without losing the ability to enjoy life. A strong character. A rich inner world, not overshadowed by accidents or misfortunes.
Four Sevens - the possibility of conflict, quarrels, disappointments. A call to self-control, quiet courage and devotion to duty in the face of danger.

Three Sevens- bickering, petty gossip, the possibility of false accusations. An appeal to the Client not to deviate from the path leading to lofty goals, not to be guided by envy, so that after justice is restored, he will have no reason to regret the dishonesty shown in the past.

Four Sixes- slow but steady progress towards achieving desired goals and the assumption that the Client is being tested. A call for restraint.

Three Sixes- hidden opportunities. The final decision regarding the Client’s fate has not yet been made, so if he is able to successfully deal with minor problems, the result will be interesting friendships, career successes and other achievements. Four Fives - accuracy, exaggerated attention to detail, persistent adherence to routine. Advise the Client to break with old, crusty orders and gain a new, fresh worldview.

Three Fives- rebellion against authority; ill-considered actions can lead to loss of prestige and waste of energy over trifles. The client should weigh his actions to ensure that the goals he is striving for are worthwhile and achievable.

Four Fours- rest, calm, constancy. The promise of a life that is not rich, but brings satisfaction in everyday life.

Three Fours- overcoming difficulties. Rest after struggle, illness or misfortune. A philosophical attitude towards limitations, followed by pleasure and inner peace.

Four Threes- dissatisfaction, determination, new impressions. The client should not give in to despondency, but carefully think through his plans for the future, paying special attention to details; seeking satisfaction in new hobbies.

Three Threes- erroneous judgment, disappointment, despondency. The client should refrain from self-blame; he needs to develop new plans and make new decisions, gain new experience.

Three Twos- all sorts of small troubles, both pleasant and unpleasant. Periods of inactivity, trifling gifts, short visits. Enjoying reading, nature, art, hobbies.

Three Twos- the same as with four Twos, with the following clarification:

A). without the Two of Spades - a minimum of troubles, the day is filled with small joys;

b). without the Two of Hearts - joy outside the home, mainly when meeting strangers, as a result of unexpected pleasant actions of casual acquaintances;

V). without the Two Tambourine - joys from intangible sources;

G). without the Two of Clubs - joy from internal sources; heightened sense of beauty, renewed interest in abandoned activities, spiritual insight.

All 36 cards must be laid out from left to right in 4 rows, face down, one at a time, without turning them over. Then you need to turn over the first row, but only 1 time, and sort the cards until an ace is revealed.

After an ace has been found, all extra cards must be put aside. The same actions must be done with the remaining columns up to the ace. An ace may not appear in some column, don’t worry - it means that two or three will appear in the next one. Extra cards, without interfering, must be laid out in 3 columns again from left to right, specks up. And again, each column needs to be sorted until the ace.

Once you find it, put all the extra cards aside. Continue this way until you have laid out all the cards. Without shuffling first, the extra cards must be laid out in 2 columns, also face down. And again they need to be expanded to an ace. All excess is eliminated. If the ace lands on top, then there is no need to throw away anything.


As a result, only four cards may remain, for example all aces, but it happens that there may be many more cards. Next, they need to be turned over and opened. This procedure clearly shows what remains. For example, four aces, and no other cards. We need to see what position they are in. If 2 aces are inverted and 2 are upright, then the wish will come true 50/50.

If there are no other cards left, then we can say that everything will depend on how everyone can take advantage of this situation, and, of course, on life circumstances. If all four aces are upside down, then the wish will not come true at all. If one is up and three are down, then the chances are slim. It is important to remember that each ace is only a quarter of the fulfillment of your desire. Next you need to see what is left. For example, the jack of spades means that time and effort were wasted on solving some problem. Your actions will not bring the desired benefit. If there is a lady left, then there are some obstacles to the fulfillment of your desire.

Every person has certain fantasies and tries to make them come true. Sometimes you want to quickly find out whether a wish will come true or not. People turn to fortune telling for answers. One of the popular types of divination for the fulfillment of a wish is a layout of four aces. This kind of solitaire is interesting and simple at the same time; even an inexperienced person who does not understand fortune telling can cope with it.

The layout is appropriate only if a certain question is asked: “Will I meet my love”, “Will I get married”, “Will I find a well-paid job” and others. Do not voice a question that will not give a specific answer: “Yes” or “No”.

Preparing for the schedule

Start the process with bright thoughts. Think only in a positive way. While playing solitaire, retire to a room where there is no one. Turn off the TV, radio and mobile phone. Nothing should distract or confuse your thoughts.

Take a deck of 36 cards. If there are 52 of them and there are twos, threes, fours, fives and jokers in it, they can be removed. Leave the values ​​from six to ace.

Step-by-step plan for fortune telling

Before the deck begins, remove 4 aces from the deck and then shuffle. After this, do the following:

  1. Place the aces in a row with their face value facing up, choose one of them, and make a wish.
  2. With your left hand, remove part of the deck towards you, and place one card at a time under the aces so that you get rows.
  3. Having laid out the entire deck, take the stack that was located near the selected ace and examine its contents. If it is dominated by cards of the same suit, then the wish will come true.

Second option of divination:

  1. Make a wish.
  2. Shuffle the deck, remove some of the cards with your left hand towards you, and place them under the bottom of the deck.
  3. Now take 15 cards one by one, one at a time, and lay them face down. If an ace appears among them, put it aside.
  4. Shuffle the remaining cards and repeat the previous action 2 times.
  5. Now look at how many aces you managed to collect in 3 layouts. If during this time you manage to get all 4, then your wish will come true, but if at least one of them is missing, your wish will not come true.

In addition to these methods, there are many more layouts. They take a lot of time, and the explanations for them are difficult to interpret, so I suggest that you familiarize yourself with another truthful and quick version of card fortune telling.

  1. Make a wish.
  2. Take a deck of 36 cards and shuffle.
  3. Arrange from left to right in 4 columns of 9 cards face down.
  4. Take the first column and find aces in it; if they are not there, don’t be upset, they will appear in the next column.
  5. Look at the second column: if there is one ace in it, the wish will not come true, if there are two, it will come true, but partially, if three come up, it means that the plan is destined to come true.

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How to read layouts and interpret dropped cards

Above you got acquainted with three methods of divination. So, what does this or that suit mean, and how to correctly interpret the cards.

  • If you come across 4 kings, your wish will come true only if you do everything possible and do not sit idly by.
  • If you get 4 ladies, it means that your wish will come true if your loved one wishes.
  • Four jacks mean that your plans will come true, but you will have to work on it for some time.
  • A quartet of tens in solitaire means the fulfillment of a wish by 50%.
  • If 4 nines are rolled, you need to think about whether the desire is worth causing yourself major and unpleasant changes.
  • Four eights rolled in solitaire mean that the wish will never come true.
  • Four sevens in a reading indicate quickly approaching troubles. You will simply forget about fulfilling your desire.
  • Sixes. If a quartet of sixes is rolled, it means that an important trip to somewhere far away awaits you soon. It is there that the future will be decided, which will influence the fulfillment of one’s cherished desire.

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I provide a list of tips that will help during the solitaire game.

  • Solitude and faith in what you are doing are important, otherwise, why this idea?!
  • Ask the cards a specific question so that you can understand whether it will come true. Do not ask questions like these: “What awaits in the near future,” “What prospects await me in my work,” and others.
  • You need to shuffle the cards carefully; you should knock down the deck with your left hand and towards you.
  • If you want to get the right answers, get a new deck.
  • There should be no strangers in the room, but only you and the one you are telling fortunes to. If only for yourself, stay alone.

In what cases will fortune telling not come true?

If you don’t believe in fortune-telling, but make a reading just to laugh, the cards won’t say anything. Don't make the same wish several times, especially if the first time you say it won't come true.

Bad solitaire is guaranteed if you take satin cards or a deck that has already been played. If you lay out the suits face down, but you know where each card is, your plan will not come true.

There are a huge number of solitaire games that help you find out whether your wish will come true or not. The simplest and easiest is fortune telling using four aces or four kings. These layouts can be performed either independently or with the help of a partner.

Pay close attention to which cards appear, they may indicate important points. For example, if there is a king, queen, jack and several small suits next to the ace, this means that your wish will not come true and you wasted your time searching for the answer. If you see a lot of small cards with an ace, this indicates impending troubles and failures. If large meanings dominate, it means that the relationship with a loved one will improve and the wish will come true by itself.

About “pictures”. Aces, kings, queens and jacks, in no particular order, symbolize a cheerful life filled with entertainment, trips, picnics. If in a group of ten or twenty cards the majority are “pictures,” then this does not mean anything, since four or five “pictures” together have meaning. The meaning of “straight” and “reversed” cards is the same.

Cards with a numerical value, or "score". The predominance of “point cards” in smaller decks means good luck and happiness. Moreover, the more such cards, the better. Each suit has its own meaning, which is especially true if cards of the same suit follow one another or make up the majority.


Hearts – love, affection, passion or the exact opposite feelings. The intensity of passions can have good and bad consequences. The predominance of worms in the layout is a good sign. Worms determine the harmony of relationships in the family and beyond.

Clubs ♣

Clubs - prestige, strength, wealth, comfort, pleasure, etc. The suit represents strong family ties and the presence of influential friends.

Diamonds ♦

Diamonds predict ups and downs depending on life circumstances. This suit represents business and money. It is a good sign if the diamond cards follow one another or are in the majority. In all other cases, options are possible, as they say, i.e. it all depends on the other cards.

Spades ♠

Spades are a sign of misfortune, and its reliability increases with the number of spades in a row, and the longer the tail of the spades, the worse. If the peaks are scattered, although they make up the majority, the matter is not hopeless, since strong cards can neutralize the peak attack. In a full deck, the cards are arranged in a strict sequence of cards in order of seniority. In smaller groups, there is no need for a strict sequence; here the frequency of appearance of certain cards matters.

The meaning of groups of cards in fortune telling

Group of four cards in fortune telling

Thus, four aces indicate a sudden change, perhaps for the worse. Subsequent cards can soften the situation, preferably any other card in the group of aces. The worst forecast is in a combination of four “straight” aces. The more “inverted” ones, the more likely the situation is to be corrected.

Four kings is wonderful. Success in business, wonderful surroundings, wonderful life. If the kings are “straight”, expect wealth and the fulfillment of all desires. If some of the kings are reversed, wishes will be fulfilled faster, but not to the same extent.

Four ladies predict a life filled with communication. However, each “reversed” lady foreshadows deep disappointment in the future.

Four Jacks - fun, holidays. If you do not curb your cheerful carelessness, trouble is expected. Each “reversed” jack helps to keep the situation under control, and all four in this position indicate despondency and apathy.

Four tens - achieving goals; if two, three or four cards are “turned over”, luck will be required to overcome the obstacles that appear along the way.

Four nines is a surprise, perhaps a favorable one. If all the cards are “straight”, a surprise will follow immediately, “inverted” nines call for the need to be patient. The best combination is all four reversed nines, they promise honors as a reward for patience.

Four eights are a sign of uncertainty, change of plans, change of place of work. The more “turned” cards, the more catastrophic the confusion.

Four sevens - persecution of ill-wishers. Salvation lies in “inverted” cards: the more of them, the greater the likelihood that the machinations of enemies will turn against them.

Group of three cards in fortune telling

Three aces – changes, but not radical ones. Problems, but not serious. Problems can even be ignored unless the Aces are "reversed".

The Three Kings confirm a concerted effort to achieve the goal. Each of the “inverted” kings must be understood as an obstacle that will have to be overcome. Three “reversed” kings reduce the chances of success to zero.

Three ladies - meetings, parties with women, intrigues and quarrels. The latter depends on the number of “reversed” queens.

Three jacks - a conversation with an intelligent person will bring wonderful results if two cards are “straight”; uncertainty if one card is “straight” and the other is “reversed”; disagreements if two cards are “turned over”.

Three tens - financial difficulties; at the same time, troubles due to violation of the law and other complications are possible. However, the more “reversed” cards, the smaller the losses, although difficulties of a different kind are likely.

Three nines mean prosperity and contentment, but every “reversed” card that appears in the layout promises a quarrel and failure in financial matters. Three “reversed” nines reduce “prosperity and contentment” to zero.

Three eights - love, romantic adventures, marriage. “Reversed” cards will reduce events to light flirting and ultimately to separation.

Three sevens are a sign of fatigue, melancholy, and the need to show fortitude. Reversed cards indicate that the trials will soon end.

Group of two cards in fortune telling

Two kings. If both are “direct”, you can count on the support of your friend; if one is “inverted”, cooperation will be interrupted; both are “inverted” - interests coincide over trifles.

Two ladies denote a chance meeting, an exchange of opinions or secrets. If one is “straight” and the other is “inverted,” a conflict of interests is possible. Plans will go down the drain if both cards are “reversed”.

Two jacks - intrigues are being woven against you, be careful. If two jacks are "straight", the losses will be insignificant and easily replaced; if one is “straight” and the other is “inverted”, danger is already nearby; both are “reversed” - the blow can be delivered when the expectation of danger has passed.

Two tens - a change in fate or circumstances, usually for the better. If one card is “reversed”, changes will be delayed somewhat, if both are “reversed”, changes will not come soon.

Two nines - solid profit or strengthening of market position. One “reversed” nine will delay good luck, and two will promise compensation for previous losses.

Two eights - fleeting love. “Straight” eights give reason to hope for more.

Two sevens - predict ardent love; if one of the cards is “reversed”, then with ups and downs. If both are “inverted”, it is more realistic to expect a disagreement.