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What year was the year of the cat? Year of the Cat - what years? Year of the Cat: characteristics and predictions. What the Year of the Cat will bring to the zodiac signs

Year of the animal according to the eastern calendar: Rabbit (Hare, Cat) (born in 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023).

02/06/1951 - 01/26/1952 (element of the year - metal, color white)
01/25/1963 - 02/12/1964 (element of the year - water, color black)
02/11/1975 - 01/30/1976 (element of the year - wood, color blue)
01/29/1987 - 02/16/1988 (element of the year - fire, color red)
02/16/1999 - 02/04/2000 (element of the year - earth, color yellow)
02/03/2011 - 01/22/2012 (element of the year - metal, color white)
01/22/2023 - 02/09/2024 (element of the year - water, color black)

Characteristics of the year Rabbit.

Cat. Hare. Rabbit- the fourth sign of the eastern calendar.
Everyone knows that the Cat always falls on its paws. He is very lucky! Gifted, moderately ambitious, pleasant to talk to, restrained and modest, despite the fact that he knows his own worth. The Cat has refined taste and is very virtuous. But among his many advantages there is one drawback, small but important: he is rather superficial and his best qualities are also superficial. The cat loves social gatherings. He is not averse to gossip, although he does it tactfully and carefully. In a word, he loves society and it loves him.
At Kot's house everything is arranged with great taste - it is clear that a socialite lives here. The cat enjoys receiving guests, partly because he enjoys showing off his home. The Cat Woman loves to show off her education. In general, her knowledge is shallow, but she studies some subjects thoroughly with the sole purpose of impressing everyone. She wants to shine, and she succeeds. One of the main secrets of the Cat woman's charm is her melancholy. She is able to excel in all activities that require taste, hospitality and good representation. A politician cannot find a better wife - secular and modest.
The cat rarely gets out of balance. He is usually calm and unperturbed. A small personal trouble upsets him more than the tragedy of other people. War and hunger in the world affect him only when he himself suffers from it. And he suffers so much that he may not be able to stand it and die. The cat may cry over the most insignificant reason, but quickly calms down.
The cat is conservative to the extreme - he hates everything that can disturb the peaceful course of his life. Most of all he strives for comfort and safety. Does not undertake anything without first weighing all the pros and cons. This caution of his inspires admiration and trust among people.
The cat is lucky in financial matters. Anyone who signs a contract with him will never go wrong. He can also be a good speculator - he has a gift for profitable deals. In general, the calm and imperturbable Cat is a dangerous and experienced businessman. He will be successful in trading. With exquisite taste, he may well be the owner of an antique store. He will also make a good lawyer (advocate, notary) or diplomat, provided that his life is not subjected to
The cat is affectionate and helpful with those he loves. But he easily separates from his loved ones in favor of his friends. He has no sense of responsibility to his family. Often he treats his family and children as strangers, preferring to them friends whom he has chosen himself. The maternal instinct of this sign is very limited. The Cat Woman does not know what blind maternal love is; rather, she fulfills her maternal duty.

Cat, Hare, Rabbit and zodiac sign.

Aries: Wild Cat.
Taurus: Gentle Cat, never lets out his claws.
Gemini: The House Cat, the calmest of the Cats, but takes some risks.
Cancer: A cat on your lap, he is charming and pampered.
Leo: The tiger cat, although quite calm, always has its claws extended.
Virgo: Wise Cat, but will pull chestnuts out of the fire.
Libra: Melancholic, feminine, charming, like him.
Scorpio: Cat-sorcerer, beware of damage.
Sagittarius: Exceptional Cat, the best of Cats.
Capricorn: The Longing Cat, can be the strictest, less sociable.
Aquarius: Capable Cat, can be a valuable friend.
Pisces: Thrice Cat, very pleasant in company.

Cycle of the Year of the Rabbit according to the Chinese horoscope
1903 1915 1927 1939 1951 1963 1975
January 29 The 14th of February February 2 February 19 February 6 The 25th of January 11 February
1987 1999 2011 2023 2035 2047 2059
January 29 February 16 February 3rd
*Dates indicate New Year's Day.

A characteristic portrait of a person born in the year of the Rabbit

Rabbits have a calm character, they are receptive, but cannot be successful in competition - if they need to take risks, they are immediately overcome by anxiety. The fragile balance of emotions of rabbits can easily be shaken by an unexpected situation; they instinctively want to create a peaceful and cozy atmosphere. This makes them very pleasant guests and attentive hosts, and they make every effort to ensure that people do not feel lonely and forgotten.

Rabbits understand that details are of great importance to create a comfortable environment, and they pay attention to literally everything - from the interior and dishes on the table to a pleasant friendly conversation.

If rabbits are confident that everything is working properly, they can relax and become sociable and intelligent companions. They have a rich imagination and high intelligence, which are combined with an openness and generosity that allows them to turn enemies into friends. The Rabbit becomes stubborn only when he feels that the impossible is being demanded of him.

When faced with a choice or simply being in a bad mood, Rabbits try to carefully hide their thoughts, considering it indecent to make any demands or impose their opinions on others.

Their life style is conservative, they do not like it when their security is threatened, but by prioritizing security over risk, they may not take advantage of favorable opportunities.

Rabbits do not like to be the center of attention, they are frightened by conflict situations, and if there is an opportunity to avoid them, they immediately take advantage of it. This does not mean that the Rabbit is frivolous or irresponsible: if he fully understands this, then he becomes serious, persistent and active.


Your intellect and rich imagination contribute to your career, and you always think carefully about your plans before moving on to their implementation. You are cautious and prefer to have information about all the details in order to finally weigh everything. You do not like sudden changes in business life, you prefer methodical and reliable work, so you have little interest in politics and finance.

Working under pressure makes you nervous, as does unexpected pressure to come up with a creative idea. Your creative talents are at their best when you are allowed to work at your own pace. Many colleagues like your tact and modesty; they understand that you are a good worker and are unlikely to step over others to achieve your goals.

You could pursue a career in literature, art, design, or public relations. You will be a good consultant, lawyer, judge, counselor or secretary.


In a relationship, you need reliability and tenderness; you are completely happy when you manage to create an atmosphere of trust and comfort. You are not looking for emotional turmoil, you are not attracted to romantic impulses, therefore, when your partner’s behavior begins to irritate you, you hide in your “rabbit skin”.

Basically, you are confident in your love, but a rash act or a careless remark can unexpectedly cause you to have serious doubts. Try to doubt out loud at such moments, and perhaps you will understand that your doubts are unfounded.

When you find the right partner and when your feelings are reciprocated, you can learn to forgive and be interested in your partner's problems, rather than focusing only on your own.

You enjoy art, informal dining, and engaging conversations. It will take you time to find your soulmate, but when you find one, you will be loyal to that person.

Yin and yang

Yin and yang are two great cosmic forces that influence and balance all life. Yin is cold, damp and calm, while yang is heat, weight and dynamism. The rabbit is associated with the element "earth", in which yin and yang are balanced. This combination is associated with thinking and caring.


Green. Rabbit is associated with the color green, which is associated with spring. This is the color of new life, peace and relaxation. It is believed that good dreams will come true if they have green in them, as it is a lucky and influential color, especially when combined with red.

Side of the world

East. Each of the twelve animal signs corresponds to the direction of the compass needle. The rabbit is associated with the eastern direction, which in turn is associated with the hours of sunrise. This direction is also traditionally associated with mid-spring - a time when yang continues to gain strength and yin loses it.

Horoscope for 2011 Ushasty.

2011 Year of the White Rabbit. What will this cute fluffy creature bring us? What surprises and gifts does it prepare for us? And what does his soft, shaggy nature hide?

According to the eastern calendar, the Year of the Rabbit is a time of family idylls, happy marriages and great success in professional activities. By nature, the rabbit is extremely timid and melancholy, but at the same time it is very hospitable, friendly and kind. The rabbit does not like large companies, prefers to spend time in a quiet family circle and very closely monitors the atmosphere of home comfort. It is no coincidence that it is in his year that the happiest and most lasting marriages are concluded, because our Eared One is a great romantic. He loves apples and greens, categorically denying heavy meat foods. It is best to celebrate the Year of the White Rabbit in light and light outfits, giving preference to soft shades.

In addition to family gatherings, our rabbit also loves to work, so it promises a lot of professional success for those who sincerely love their work and want to achieve great success in it. The luckiest people in the New Year will be those who have connected their lives with economics, diplomacy and law. However, those who earn their living by other work should not despair, because Ushasty patronizes all those who are confident in themselves and always, like a cat, land on four paws. By the way, according to ancient Eastern legend, the year of the Rabbit is also the year of the Cat. According to legend, when Buddha distributed places among animals in the new era, the cat and the hare got one year between them. Being prosperous and friendly, the animals did not argue and decided to rule together.

Most of all, the Rabbit (Cat) patronizes those born in the year of the Goat, Horse, Ox and Dragon. It will be more difficult for those who were born in the year of the Tiger, Rooster and Monkey. For other signs of the eastern calendar, the Rabbit promises to be neutral, but still promises a lot of happiness and good luck.

For Aquarius, the New Year promises to be quiet and calm, but it advises them to stay away from risky situations and better understand themselves. For Pisces and Sagittarius, the Rabbit portends great success in social activities and big changes that can turn their entire future destiny upside down. 2011 does not advise Aries and Virgos to get involved in risky activities; they need to beware of deceptions and always be on the alert. Taurus will always need to soberly assess the current situation, but they can safely make new friends and interesting acquaintances. Gemini, Libra, Cancer and Leo should devote more time to their personal lives, because this year can bring them the purest and most lasting feelings. But Rabbit sincerely advises Scorpios and Capricorns to get into serious business; they will experience immense success in business.

New Year 2011 is the Chinese style 4709 year of the White (Metal) Rabbit. Therefore, let us dwell on this element in more detail.

Characteristics of the element Metal

People of the Metal Element are able to concentrate and direct other people to different goals; they are like conductors of energy and information. Intuitive, emotional, focused, confident and aggressive in achieving goals. These are specifics and practices, since their thinking is aimed at results. From time to time they need solitude to organize their thoughts. Subject to despondency and melancholy. They may leave their partner to “get away” from the problem. In love they are erotic, picky and hardy.

People of the Metal Element give the impression of being persistent and tough. It's quite difficult to convince them. When a problem arises, they tend to become self-absorbed. They do not like active advisers, do not let strangers into the world of their feelings and experiences, and do not “cry into their vest,” but tend to look at life realistically.

Since the Metal element is associated with money circulation, they successfully stimulate other people to achieve results and social advancement. They react sharply to injustice and do not tolerate falsehood and deception. There are cynical, ambitious and eccentric people. They are well versed in the subtleties of smells and have a natural sense of the energy emitted by the interlocutor.

If such a person has had positive life experience and is intellectually developed, she becomes more flexible and open, and can be a wonderful friend, ready to help at any moment.

What qualities do those born in the year of the Rabbit/year of the Cat have? Habits and character traits, basic inclinations, advantages and disadvantages. Talismans for people born in the year of the Rabbit. Which Chinese Zodiac signs do those born in the year of the Cat relate to?

Year of the Cat/Rabbit in the 20th and 21st centuries: 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023.

General description of the Rabbit/Cat sign

Rabbits are very wary of life; it is impossible to drag them into any adventure. They will check if the iron is turned off ten times, and only then will they leave the house. The rabbit attracts with its modesty; it is always neatly dressed and behaves with dignity. Despite his apparent isolation, the Cat is very sociable. People are drawn to him because he is an excellent conversationalist and can support any conversation.

The main advantage of someone born in the year of the Rabbit (Cat) is that he not only speaks, but is also an excellent listener. He will allow you to speak out, pour out your soul, and then give wise advice. Of course, only if you ask. The rabbit is very tactful, so it will not teach you life if you don’t want it. The cat cannot be called the life of the party; he is rarely the ringleader, but his absence is always noticeable. This is his talent - to stand out without attracting attention.

The Rabbit is the most friendly and peace-loving sign of the eastern horoscope. Aggression is alien to him, quarrels and conflicts exhaust him. He always strives for order and harmony, so his company is warm even in the most severe frost. The rabbit always looks for the cause of any conflicts within itself, and knows how to put itself in the place of another.

The cat loves his home very much and makes great efforts to make it safe and cozy. He always has everything sorted out, he does not tolerate chaos and disorder. He treats his loved ones very kindly, but cannot stand their criticism. Being a very sensitive person, she takes everything too personally.

The Cat/Rabbit is very sensitive to the grief of others, he tries to help everyone he can. But he expects help in return when he needs it. Those born this year prefer to be among people when their hearts are heavy.

Cat/Rabbit in love and marriage

Rabbits do not like change, so they are very careful when choosing a partner; they prefer long-term, stable relationships. They prefer to marry once and for life. The cat is enraged by anything that disturbs the harmony in his space, so he tries to choose a calm partner.

Male Rabbit

They are gallant and seductive, they know all the rules of courtship and are able to conquer any girl. Their intelligence and sense of humor will not leave anyone indifferent. They expect loyalty, decency and the ability to avoid unpleasant situations from their partners. The Rabbit man will start a family only with a housewife who will wait for him from work and feed him a delicious dinner. The Cat is not interested in frivolous, superficial young ladies.

The Rabbit man is very patient and forgives his chosen one for many pranks, but if his patience runs out, in a fit of anger he will remember all his grievances to her. The problem with these men is that they are too jealous, and this can greatly ruin their relationship. Rabbit men are afraid of changes in family life, so they often continue to live with their partner, even if they are not at all sweet.

The Cat man has many friends, but he will never leave his wife alone for the sake of a fun get-together with them. Women are attracted by the kindness of the Rabbit man, who will always feed a street kitten and offer help to an old woman with heavy bags. The children of these men simply adore them; they become the best fathers for their children.

Rabbit Woman

She adheres to traditional views on relationships and will never take the first step. The Cat Lady is very modest, and sometimes she has to wait a very long time before someone shows interest in her. This woman can only be attracted to a serious man; womanizers and partygoers are not suitable for her.

Often a woman born in the year of the Cat gets married without feeling much love for her partner. She does this only in order to finally find stability in her personal life and feel comfort and security. The Rabbit woman is afraid of the world around her; it seems unpredictable and unsafe to her, so she expects loyalty and devotion from her partner. Cat women themselves are the most reliable life companions. Since childhood, they have dreamed of marriage and see themselves primarily as a wife and mother.

Representatives of this sign are very timid, and it takes them a lot of time to learn how to express their feelings for their partner. Sometimes, even years later, the Rabbit woman will be embarrassed to show her love. She will be an excellent partner for a man who values ​​constancy and does not need affectionate words and hugs. The Rabbit woman experiences loneliness very hard, as she needs to take care of and look after someone.

Catwomen rarely express their dissatisfaction; they usually keep all negative emotions inside, silently swallowing grievances. They try in every possible way to hush up the family conflict and continue to pretend that everything is fine. A good feature of a lady born this year is that she will never discuss her husband with her friends and will not undermine his authority. These women generally do not wash dirty linen in public. Her children are always neat and polite, she teaches them to distinguish bad from good. But even to her offspring she does not show maternal affection.

Cat/Rabbit at work

The Rabbit's diplomacy and tact make him indispensable in the team. He is the one who is able to create a friendly atmosphere at work, smoothing out rough edges in a timely manner. His easy-going character and ability to feel his interlocutor promise him success in negotiations. It is not surprising that he is entrusted with attracting business partners and concluding contracts.

Most Cats are born with an entrepreneurial streak. They have a nose for profitable projects. Rabbits often find themselves in trading and investing, but they will never invest a large amount at once. They prefer to move towards their goal slowly but surely, avoiding major risks. As a rule, Rabbits are very economical and always think about their future financial well-being.

Most modern people know which zodiac sign they belong to and like to re-read their horoscope from time to time. In this article I would like to consider the year of the Rabbit: what years of birth correspond to it and what can be briefly said about such people - representatives of this sector of the zodiac circle.

A little about the eastern calendar

Many people may be interested in why some years have a double name. So, for example, what years correspond to it? It is worth saying that the cycle repeats every 12 years, so after such a period of time certain animals will again be the rulers of the year. In numerical terms (relative to Rabbits) these were the following years: 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999 and 2011. However, why the Cat and the Rabbit? The legend says: at one time (when the order of animals in the eastern calendar was determined) people were so carried away by the battle between the Buffalo and the Tiger that they simply missed who came to the finish line fourth: the Cat or the Rabbit. And in order to at least somehow assuage their guilt, they divided fourth place between these two animals.

Additional characteristic

Having briefly examined the year of the Rabbit, which years correspond to it, it must also be said that each year has its own additional characteristic. But how to determine it correctly? Everything is simple here, you just need to know a certain system, and figuring it out will be completely easy. You just need to know what number the year of birth you are looking for ends with.

  • If it is 0 or 1, it is Metal, white color.
  • If it is 2 or 3, it is Water, the color will be blue or black.
  • If it's a 4 or 5, it's a Tree, and it's color is green or blue.
  • If it is 6 or 7, it is Fire, the color will be pink or red.
  • If it is 8 or 9, it is Earth, the colors will be as follows: yellow, orange.

For example, what color will 1951 be? This is the year of the White Metal Rabbit. That's all the wisdom.

About chronology

Considering the year of the Rabbit, which years correspond to it, it is also worth recalling that the chronology according to our European calendar and the Eastern calendar are somewhat different. So, our year always begins on January 1 - this is no secret to anyone. But in Eastern countries the situation is somewhat different. Each year must be considered separately. For example, the 1951 Year of the Rabbit begins only on February 6 and ends on January 26, 1952. This should not be forgotten especially by those people who were born in the first month of any year.


Now I would like to consider each year separately and highlight special ones born at this time. So, 1951 is the year of which Rabbit? If you look at the definition system described above, you can easily say that this is a White Metal Rabbit (or a White Metal Cat). When exactly does this sign come into its possession? This happened only on February 6, 1951. And his reign lasted until January 26 of the following year, 1952. Such people are definitely distinguished by their willpower and steely character. And even though the Rabbit is a little timid by nature, this only plays into his hands. After all, such people seem to view all difficult situations from afar, approaching them only when they become completely safe. This often saves representatives of this zodiac sign from various dangerous and unforeseen situations. Rabbits are also very weak personalities, but those born in 1951 are people of strong character. And if they are sure of something, it is almost impossible to convince them. The white color in which this sign is painted somewhat softens all the negative aspects of the representatives of this zodiac sector.


Let's move on, looking at the calendar. 1963 - what kind of Rabbit is he? So, it will be the Black Water Rabbit. He will come only on January 25 and will extend his reign until February 12 next year. What can be said about these people? So, they are very cunning and enterprising. They really like to take advantage of other people's advantages and achievements, for which they are often condemned by the team or others. These people do not want to accept their failures and do not know how to accept them. They blame everyone but themselves for mistakes. Therefore, they often have various kinds of conflicts and controversial situations in the workplace. As for personal relationships, such people lack openness. Unlike their relatives, Black Rabbits try to keep everything to themselves, not talking about their problems (for which they, however, blame others).


The next one is 1975. What kind of Rabbit is he? Blue Woody. This animal takes over only on February 11th. And he will remain on the throne until January 30 next year. How can you briefly describe such people? So, these are cheerful guys who love to be the center of attention. As for the work sphere, such people will do whatever is assigned to them without any problems. In addition, they will also be active in social activities. This is an excellent work unit that works well with other people and is a good team player. Let's move on, looking at 1975. What kind of Rabbit is he - we figured it out. I would also like to say that these people are very kind. But often, thanks to this quality, they are deceived. Therefore, by their nature, Tree Rabbits are secretive; they have difficulty accepting other people’s help and most often refuse any advice, even very practical ones, expecting a trick from everyone.


Let's move on. 1987 is the year of which Rabbit? Red Fire. It comes into force only on January 29, ruling until February 16, 1988. How do people born this year differ from other Cats (Rabbits)? So, these are everyone's favorites. People always like them and are often attractive to members of the opposite sex. And this will not only be appearance, but rather the ability to conduct a conversation and behave in society. These are true diplomats who can resolve almost any conflict without problems or effort. Most often, these are people who are developed in many areas, but all their knowledge is superficial. That, however, does not stop the Red Rabbits from shining. But what the representatives of this sector of the zodiac circle lack is self-confidence, self-confidence, and also risk. Such people will look at the problem a hundred times and already lose the chance to fix it without the slightest loss. However, if such a Rabbit is given a good kick, he begins to move and even reaches quite great heights in his career. As for the sphere of personal relationships, these are people who do not have many friends, but all of them are faithful and reliable. For such individuals, the other half makes up the entire Universe.


1999 Year of the Rabbit? This is the Yellow Earth Rabbit. He will come only on February 16th and will hand over his post only on February 4th next year. How can you characterize such people? First of all, I would like to say that these are excellent businessmen. Professions that involve a lot of money are ideal for them. Earth Rabbits are great with finances. They know how to increase them better and faster. They are also hardworking and persistent people who always think through their actions several steps ahead. They rarely have problems, but if they do, it is not of their own free will. If we talk about the sphere of personal relationships, then such Rabbits primarily look for benefits in friends. Only after a certain service has been rendered can such a person be included in the list of comrades. As for family relationships, it is very difficult for representatives of this zodiac sector to become family relationships - constant affairs get in the way. If this succeeds, such a person will provide for his family, but this will happen to the detriment of other, more important things: attention, affection, care.


Let's move on. - what kind of Rabbit is he? Again, like 1951, White Metallic. It will begin according to the eastern calendar only and will give way to the next sign on January 22, 2012. However, you can read about the characteristics of such people above, in the section on 1951. However, there are still certain nuances here. So, these are people who are by nature intelligent and inquisitive, but a certain timidity often makes them move back, giving way to “a place near the Sun” to other individuals. A few words must be said about what the representatives of this sign of the eastern horoscope are like in personal relationships. So, these are romantics to the tips of their ears. And if they fail to get anything like that, they will be romantic with others. Give, not accept - this is one of the slogans of the White Metal Rabbits. Because of their devotion, such people are highly respected by their friends. But getting into the circle of comrades with a representative of this sign is not so easy; the White Rabbit’s trust must still be earned. Among the negative qualities one can highlight pedantry. In addition, such people are most often too busy with themselves to see other people's problems. However, they rush to the rescue of their friends, relatives and other close people when necessary.

Basic characteristics of the Rabbit

Having fully examined the year of the Rabbit and what years it represents, I would like to say a few more words about such people in general. What are the main characteristics that distinguish Cats (Rabbits) from other representatives of the eastern zodiac circle?

  1. This is a "home" sign. Most often, such people are homebodies.
  2. Their main characteristic is timidity and to some extent cowardice. However, often these qualities “play into the hands” of their owners.
  3. Rabbits are smart and developed people in many areas. However, often their knowledge is not deep, but superficial.
  4. These are people who are always ready to help everyone. But it’s better to ask the Rabbit about this; he simply may not see other people’s problems while trying to solve his own difficulties.
  5. They are also excellent friends and comrades. However, you still need to be able to earn their favor.
  6. In family matters, Cats (Rabbits) will not prove their point. These are diplomats who will try to solve all problems peacefully.

The main problems of Rabbits

Considering the year of the Rabbit and what years it represents, I would also like to say what representatives of this sign of the eastern horoscope need to pay special attention to (we are talking about health). So, almost all Rabbits have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, so they need to carefully monitor their diet. These are also people who, more often than others, are susceptible to a wide variety of allergic reactions (most often to food). Well, problems with the nervous system may arise. Although Cats are not hot-tempered, they experience all emotions within themselves. And this is fraught with frequent stress, depression and even mental disorders.

Cat, Hare, Rabbit- the fourth sign of the eastern calendar. Rabbit (Hare, Cat) – shy, peace-loving, sentimental, conservative.

Years of birth of the Rabbit or Cat (1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023) according to the eastern horoscope calendar:
02/06/1951 - 01/26/1952 (element metal, color white)
01/25/1963 - 02/12/1964 (element water, color black)
02/11/1975 - 01/30/1976 (element wood, color blue)
01/29/1987 - 02/16/1988 (element fire, color red)
02/16/1999 - 02/04/2000 (element earth, color yellow)
02/03/2011 - 01/22/2012 (element metal, color white)
01/22/2023 - 02/09/2024 (element water, color black)

Everyone knows that the Cat always falls on its paws. He is very lucky! Gifted, moderately ambitious, pleasant to talk to, restrained and modest, despite the fact that he knows his own worth. The Cat has refined taste and is very virtuous. But among his many advantages there is one drawback, small but important: he is rather superficial and his best qualities are also superficial. The cat loves social gatherings. He is not averse to gossip, although he does it tactfully and carefully. In a word, he loves society and it loves him.
At Kot's house everything is arranged with great taste - it is clear that a socialite lives here. The cat enjoys receiving guests, partly because he enjoys showing off his home. The Cat Woman loves to show off her education. In general, her knowledge is shallow, but she studies some subjects thoroughly with the sole purpose of impressing everyone. She wants to shine, and she succeeds. One of the main secrets of the charm of the Cat woman is her melancholy. She is able to excel in all activities that require taste, hospitality and good representation. A politician cannot find a better wife - secular and modest.
The cat rarely gets out of balance. He is usually calm and unperturbed. A small personal trouble upsets him more than the tragedy of other people. War and hunger in the world affect him only when he himself suffers from it. And he suffers so much that he may not be able to stand it and die. The cat may cry over the most insignificant reason, but quickly calms down.
The cat is conservative to the extreme - he hates everything that can disturb the peaceful course of his life. Most of all he strives for comfort and safety. Does not undertake anything without first weighing all the pros and cons. This caution of his inspires admiration and trust among people.
The cat is lucky in financial matters. Anyone who signs a contract with him will never go wrong. He can also be a good speculator - he has a gift for profitable deals. In general, the calm and imperturbable Cat is a dangerous and experienced businessman. He will be successful in trading. With exquisite taste, he may well be the owner of an antique store. He will also make a good lawyer (lawyer, notary) or diplomat, provided that his life is not in danger.
The cat is affectionate and helpful with those he loves. But he easily separates from his loved ones in favor of his friends. He has no sense of responsibility to his family. Often he treats his family and children as strangers, preferring to them friends whom he has chosen himself. The maternal instinct of this sign is very limited. The Cat Woman does not know what blind maternal love is; rather, she fulfills her maternal duty.

Cat, Hare, Rabbit and zodiac sign.

Aries: Wild Cat.
Taurus: Gentle Cat, never lets out his claws.
Gemini: The House Cat, the calmest of the Cats, but takes some risks.
Cancer: A cat on your lap, he is charming and pampered.
Leo: The cat is a tiger, although quite calm, but with his claws extended all the time.
Virgo: Wise Cat, but will pull chestnuts out of the fire.
Libra: Melancholic, feminine, charming, like him.
Scorpio: The cat is a sorcerer, beware of damage.
Sagittarius: Exceptional Cat, the best of Cats.
Capricorn: The Longing Cat, can be the strictest, less sociable.
Aquarius: Capable Cat, can be a valuable friend.
Pisces: Thrice Cat, very pleasant in company.