Construction, design, renovation

What flowers do Sagittarius like? We choose indoor plants according to our zodiac constellation. Bouquet for Sagittarius

The cosmic law is the same for all things, which means that the plant world is subject to the same principles as the human world. Therefore, ancient astrological knowledge about plants will help us establish harmony with nature. From this article you will learn which crops belong to the sign of Sagittarius and what their bioenergetic characteristics are.

In the constellation Sagittarius there is the center of our Galaxy (closed from visibility by dense clouds of gas and dust) and the winter solstice point, through which the Milky Way passes. There are approximately 115 stars in this constellation, the brightest of which is called Rukbat (in Arabic “Rukbat al Rami” means “knee of the shooter”).

In the constellation Sagittarius, the ancient Greeks saw the mythical centaur Chiron, galloping across the sky with a drawn bow and ready to shoot an arrow at Scorpio, who fatally stung the hunter Orion. Chiron was considered an excellent shooter and patronized sailors. According to legend, to help sailors (for better navigation at sea), he invented the Zodiac, dividing the annual path of the Sun (Helios) into 12 parts (zodiac constellations). After the death of the wise centaur Chiron, Zeus turned him into the constellation Sagittarius and left him to shine in the sky as a reward for all his services, including raising the glorious heroes of Greece.

Characteristics of Sagittarius plants. "Faster, higher, stronger"

Sagittarius is the third sign of the element of Fire. It is ruled by Jupiter, the “planet of luck,” as astrologers call it. Therefore, a horseshoe is considered a magical talisman for Sagittarius, bringing good luck. Jupiter activates religious worldview, philosophical thought, wisdom, knowledge, desire for self-improvement and love of travel. Likewise, Sagittarius plants contribute to the achievement of success, fame, honor, spiritual development and prosperity.

Rapid growth and development

Sagittarians are restless and active. They are able to go to the ends of the earth to pursue their dreams, and the energy of plants of this sign helps to materialize this dream. For good luck in business and fulfillment of desires, it is important to have in the house fast-growing, tall crops with strong stems, large leaves, red or orange flowers. For example, reed (bamboo) palms, ficus sacred (religious), balsam, tetrastigma.

Attractiveness and nobility

Sagittarians are very charming and selfless. These are knights with a keen sense of justice, opposing any manifestation of evil. Astrologers attribute these qualities to the carnation (Dianthus). Even in ancient Rome, carnations were grown in honor of Jupiter, hoping that he would notice his favorite flower on Earth and be merciful to people. The Parisian communards made the scarlet carnation the “flower of the revolution.” Carnations still grow near the Wall of the Communards in Paris.
Today, breeders have developed a large number of carnation hybrids. This noble flower, grown with your own hands, brings good luck in business and supports well-being in the home.

Love of life

The best qualities of Sagittarius are love of life and optimism. Sagittarians are mobile, active, active, so it is easy to work with them. They know how to charge those around them with a good mood. Sagittarians have the most stable psyche, but sometimes they are not confident in themselves. This is the result of a contradiction between dreams and reality. Sagittarians with a shaken psyche need to grow chrysanthemums (Chrysanthemum), symbolizing love of life and temperament. Chrysanthemums delight gardeners until late autumn and are not afraid of the first frosts. They easily tolerate replanting even at the peak of flowering, they last for more than 3 weeks when cut, and in terms of the variety of inflorescence shapes and the splendor of colors they simply have no equal. It is better for inexperienced flower growers to first master the cultivation of Korean chrysanthemum, and only then can they cultivate large varieties that bloom in November - December in greenhouses.

Spiritual development

Sagittarians are inclined towards spiritual development and comprehension of philosophical truths. They need to grow bonsai with cascading and asymmetrical shapes, stimulating the thinking process and expanding their worldview. In the East they believe that bonsai makes a person’s mind more sensitive and his heart wiser. The basic requirements for indoor bonsai are high humidity in the room and constant soil moisture in the flower pot.

Another Jupiter plant - lemon (Citrus limon) - will be perfect in the house of Sagittarius. Lemon has enormous potential energy, which encourages active activity, broadening one's horizons and achieving one's goals. This plant brings variety to life and attracts interesting events. A grafted fruit-bearing lemon helps improve the financial situation of the owner.


Sagittarians directly express their opinions, regardless of persons and circumstances. And their words reach their target like a flying arrow. Such straightforwardness is promoted by Sansevieria (Sansevieria), one of the most unpretentious indoor plants with variegated, straight and long leaves. Many are afraid to keep sansevieria (“mother-in-law’s tongue”) at home, believing that it will provoke a quarrel and backbiting. But that's not true. On the contrary, the plant cleanses space from the negative energy of words and thoughts. Sansevieria will help Sagittarius people seeking self-improvement and career growth.

Sagittarius Plants

  • Indoor plants: azalea, fuchsia, indoor bonsai, balsam, tetrastigma Voignier (indoor grape), Sansevieria three-striped, chamedorea, eucharis, clivia, clerodendrum, crinum, strelitzia, thunbergia, schefflera, ficus sacred (religious), hemanthus, lemon, radermachera.

  • Garden plants: anise, asparagus, mint, borage, dandelion, rhubarb, sage, strawberries, strawberries, tomatoes, cucumbers, green onions, watercress, pepper, nutmeg, grapes, calendula, cinquefoil, lungwort, gladiolus, cloves, chrysanthemum .
    Shrubs: currant, walnut, sea buckthorn.

  • Trees: ash, hornbeam, fig, beech, plum, apricot, elderberry, almond, chestnut, mulberry, reed (bamboo) palms.

Houseplants, like people, obey the laws of the universe. The influence of space extends to all life on planet Earth, and plants are no exception. According to astrology, plants can be divided into certain groups corresponding to the signs of the Zodiac. Growing indoor flowers of a certain zodiac sign helps to cope with health problems ( Pisces, Cancer, Sagittarius), climb the career ladder ( Capricorn, Aquarius), acquire supernatural abilities ( Scorpio, Virgo), and etc. According to the zodiac sign, indoor flowers are recommended for anyone who wants to maintain peace of mind, energy, and protect themselves and their family from troubles and sudden changes.

What flowers can or cannot be grown at home, according to horoscopes?

Aries is a strong fire sign under the influence of the planet Mars, which embeds in a person’s character the desire for high goals. Aries purposefully strives to achieve its plans, no matter what. Representatives of the fire sign prefer plants that do not require careful care, are unpretentious and hardy. Flowers for the Aries sign should be bright, with large inflorescences, powerful stems, and thorns. Responsible for personal success.

Aries loves indoor flowers:

  • azalea (Indian, Japanese);
  • dwarf pomegranate;
  • geranium;
  • ehmeya (striped, sparkling);
  • prickly cacti;
  • guzmania reed;
  • royal begonia;
  • spurge;
  • Haworthia striped.

Preferred shades: red, orange, pink. Aries will not get along with asters, lemon, asparagus, laurel, arrowroot, chrysanthemums, sansevieria, chlorophytum, cissus.

Taurus (21.04 – 20.05)

Taurus is an earth sign under the influence of Venus, like Pisces. These people love to dig in the ground and take care of plants. Plants for the Taurus sign must be hardy, since representatives of this sign are naturally lazy. This is a symbol of physical health and material well-being. Taurus loves low, showy indoor flowers:

People born under the sign of Taurus should avoid indoor plants: aechmea, agave, pepper, calceolaria.

Gemini (21.05.-21.06.)

Gemini is an airy and mobile sign of the Zodiac under the influence of Mercury. Indoor flowers for representatives of this sign serve as a talisman for good relationships in the family, at work, and in school. Geminis prefer plants with narrow leaves and dense aerial parts. Geminis love houseplants:

Gemini will not get along with arrowroot and croton (codiaum).

Cancer (22.06.-22.07.)

Cancer - representatives of this zodiac sign are balanced and calm in any situation. Cancer prefers plants that will protect the comfort of the family hearth, mental and emotional peace. Indoor Cancer flowers should be planted if you want to restore good neighborly relations and family well-being. Compact bushes growing together in one pot, with fleshy leaves - this is what Cancer loves. For people born under the sign of Cancer, such plants help cope with stress, unnecessary emotions, illnesses and illnesses. It is recommended to grow indoor Cancer flowers at home for those who suffer from long-term illnesses and who want to improve their health.

Cancer prefers flowers:

  • aloe;
  • agave americana;
  • dieffenbachia charming;
  • peperomia;
  • fuchsia;
  • Mason's begonia.

It is undesirable if Cancer grows dracaena, monstera, ficus, oleander, yucca, and fatsia at home.

Leo (23.07.-22.08.)

Leo is one of the strong, powerful, majestic signs of the Zodiac under the influence of the Sun. Leo uses flowers to strengthen love and achieve success in creativity. Flowers should be large, with beautiful leaves and inflorescences.

Leo prefers indoor plants:

  • balms;
  • gardenia;
  • Akalifa bristle-haired;
  • geranium;
  • calla;
  • Calceolaria hybrid;
  • Chinese rose;
  • camellia japonica.

It is undesirable for Leo to grow codeum, laurel, and arrowroot at home.

Virgo (23.08.-22.09.)

Virgo - representatives of this sign are distinguished by practicality and order in everything. The same applies to the plants with which Virgo decorates the windowsill. These are indoor flowers that, in addition to aesthetics, bring benefits: cereals, ornamental fruit trees, medicinal plants ( see photo). Since Virgo is born under the influence of the air element of Mercury, plants that occupy a lot of space are subject to her: vines, flowers that produce many aerial roots, drawing strength and energy from the air.

Virgo loves:

Clivia cinnabar and bulbous plants are not suitable for Virgo.

Libra (23.09.-22.10.)

Libra - representatives of this zodiac sign love originality; stereotypes and rules are alien to them. Libra prefers exoticism and chic. This sign gives care, warmth, and hospitality.

Libra chooses as home plants:

Not suitable for Libra: aechmea, agave, kalanchoe, dracaena, begonia.

Scorpio (23.10.-22.11.)

Scorpio – those born under this sign have strength, great energy and the ability to influence others. Scorpio draws energy from its surroundings, so plants are a match for it. Scorpio will prefer a beautiful shell with a dangerous filling inside. These are botanical predators that feed on insects: flycatchers, prickly cacti. Such plants are difficult to grow and nourish at home. Therefore, Scorpio chooses an alternative:

Not suitable for Scorpio: clivia, any citrus fruits, hippeastrum, palm trees.

Sagittarius (23.11.-21.12.)

Sagittarius - believes that the flower should correspond to the owner. Sagittarius symbolizes the desire for knowledge, distant countries and the culture of other peoples, and is responsible for travel, trips, and business trips. Sagittarius loves large, strong plants, slender and strong. Sagittarius's home flower is a symbol of movement and good luck on long journeys.

Sagittarius chooses:

It is undesirable for aloe, ivy, ferns, cacti, calceolaria, and capsicum to grow near Sagittarius.

Capricorn (22.12.- 21.01.)

Capricorn - representatives of this sign were born under the influence of Saturn, who endowed them with a strict disposition and resistance to provocations and changes. Capricorn is in no hurry, so he chooses plants that grow slowly. Capricorn strives to achieve high status in society and at work, so the flower of this zodiac sign is a symbol of climbing the career ladder.

Capricorn plants are chosen to improve social status, for success in career, study, for achievements and fame.

Flower that suits Capricorn:

  • laurel;
  • lithops;
  • ficus benjamina;
  • Crassula;
  • dracaena;
  • yucca;
  • rubber ficus;
  • Liviston.

Reeds, ginura, and hoya are not suitable for Capricorn.

Aquarius (23.01.-19.02.)

Aquarius – Those born under the sign of Aquarius are constantly on the move, they are pioneers and innovators. The Aquarius flower serves as a symbol of discoveries and extraordinary solutions. Aquarius prefers beautiful flowers of unusual shape, with asymmetrical leaves and irregularly shaped inflorescences. Aquarius flowers are chosen if you need to look at the situation with different eyes, broaden your horizons and change your worldview.

Aquarius chooses:

  • reo variegated;
  • arrowroot;
  • spurge;
  • abutilone;
  • Dracaena Godsefa;
  • ragwort.

Houseplants that develop from bulbs are completely contradictory to Aquarius.

Pisces (20.02.-20.03.)

Pisces are representatives of the water element, born under the influence of Neptune and Venus. Pisces prefer beautiful and fragrant plants that neutralize emotions, calm the bustle and bring peace. Home flowers under the sign of Pisces are a symbol of calm and balance. These plants are recommended to be grown not only by Pisces, but also by other signs of the Zodiac, especially Scorpio, Sagittarius, Aquarius, Aries, and Capricorn.

Pisces are the element of water, so flowers love moisture, abundant watering, or prefer life in water (aquarium plants).

The appearance of Pisces flora often resembles underwater inhabitants ( see photo).

Pisces prefer:

  • tolmia;
  • geranium;
  • aquarium plants;
  • hyacinth;
  • orchid;
  • alocasia;
  • Crassula;
  • Helxina;
  • Cyperus.

Bulbous plants, echmea, and capsicums are not suitable for fish.

Indoor flowers, selected according to the signs of the Zodiac, can influence fate. They serve as a talisman that brings happiness and prosperity ( Cancer, Libra, Taurus, Virgo, Pisces), good relationships (Gemini), helps fulfill desires ( Scorpio, Aquarius) and achieving success in any activity ( Capricorn, Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Aquarius).


Sagittarius is interested in philosophy and spiritual discoveries, so a bonsai plant is perfect for him, because looking at it, you really want to philosophize. A plant limited in size, shaped like a large tree, helps Sagittarius see the invisible, spiritual meaning of any phenomena.

This plant develops the ability to see patterns in life; a person begins to pay attention to the signs that life sends. Bonsai helps to expand one's worldview and draws attention to the spiritual world; a person's heart becomes softer and wiser. The ability to predict events in your life and interpret dreams appears.

Tetrastigma Voignier (indoor grapes)

Indoor grapes are a huge home plant, reaching 2 meters in height. The plant tends upward, beyond the horizon, just like Sagittarius. This plant is able to bring sparks of spiritual fire into a room, cleansing and ennobling the space, filling it with light and light energy. Indoor grapes are good for people who are lost on the road of life. He will help them find their goal and purpose, give them an incentive to move forward, and give them a fire of enthusiasm. It will allow you to achieve your goals faster and show greater flexibility in business.

Sansevieria three-striped ("pike tail" or "mother-in-law's tongue")

The leaves of this plant resemble long tongues and some believe that it encourages the spread of gossip. In fact, Sansevieria cleanses the room of evil thoughts and energies. It absorbs anger and rudeness and produces creative positive energy. Helps develop accuracy and perseverance. Sansevieria is good for all students, it helps them overcome laziness and study in any, even the most difficult conditions. This plant is also good for teachers to have at home.


Lemon has a sour taste, thus it is associated with Jupiter, the planet of Sagittarius. At the same time, the lemon fruits themselves are attributed to the planet Venus. The interaction of these planets promotes the desire for material comforts and beauty, giving a sense of harmony and style. Lemon allows you to clear the space of negative thoughts. It gives rise to the desire to move up the social ladder, to achieve success and broaden one’s horizons.

Clivia cinnabar

Clivia has become a favorite plant of many gardeners. Clivia flowers on a long peduncle allow it to be classified as a Sagittarius plant. It even blooms during the Sagittarius period - in November and December. Clivia cleanses the atmosphere in the house and promotes the development of a correct and tolerant attitude towards various religions, the culture of other countries, social and political activities. In addition, clivia will give Sagittarius a good mood, especially during the flowering period.

Flowers of the Zodiac signs. Sagittarius" Correctly selected flowers for Sagittarius are a guarantee of a direct hit in his heart. We choose the best flower gifts for winter birthday people.

Choosing the best floral gift for winter birthdays is not the easiest task. At this time of year, many different bright, cheerful and beloved holidays are concentrated, for which a huge number of interesting gifts are usually given.

In order not to get lost in the whirlpool of festive events and to enjoy your own birthday with all your heart, the birthday boy needs help. How? The right gifts, which are chosen taking into account their main features. To do this, we suggest using the tips of the Zodiac horoscope.

Bright colors for fiery Sagittarius This sign can rightfully be considered the first winter sign of the Zodiac horoscope, since it comes into its own at the junction of late autumn and early winter. Active, lively, restless, sometimes unpredictable and fickle, Sagittarius absolutely cannot tolerate boredom. To escape monotony, they often undertake various experiments and are able to radically change their lives if the need arises.

Representatives of this sign prefer bright, rich colors in flower bouquets and compositions, reflecting their fiery essence. SAGITTARIUS (November 23 – December 21) is a fire sign, which is under the protection of Jupiter.

Jupiter is an eternal celebration of life, romance, the desire for new worlds - be it the stars or other countries and cultures.

Plants associated with this zodiac constellation promote spiritual growth and inner peace. In addition, they protect a person when traveling; they are useful for those who spend a lot of time traveling. Sagittarius loves to surprise with exotic things, so unusual plants grown in other countries and in greenhouses grow well in his house.

By choosing plants according to astrological compatibility, the acquired pet will not just be an interior decoration, but will become a real talisman for the owner, changing his life for the better.

Flowers are mascots of the sign: ROOM PLANTS OF SAGITTARIUS: Strelitzia reginas, Clivia cinnabar, Hemanthus Catarina, Crinum Powell (amaryllis family), Lachenaya aloe vera, Sansevieria three-striped (Mother-in-law's tongue, Pike tail, Snake skin), Dracaena (dragon tree), Tetrastigma Voignier ( indoor grape), Citrus (lemon), Clerodendrum, Crinum (amaryllidaceae family), Thunbergia (black-eyed trifoliate hibiscus or black-eyed Susanna), Ficus sacred (religious), Hemanthus, Radermachera (emerald tree), Schefflera radiata or stellate, Eucharis grandiflora (Amazonian lily), Fuchsia, Eustoma (lisianthus, Irish rose), Bonsai, Impatiens, Azalea, Asparagus, Hamedorea (bamboo palm), Poinssetia (Christmas star).

GARDEN PLANTS OF SAGITTARIUS: Tulip, Narcissus, Daisy, Gladiolus, Carnation, Eustoma, Alstroemeria, Chrysanthemum, Dahlia, Phlox, Cornflower, Marigold, Calendula, Jasmine, Anise, Mint, Dandelion, Gravilat, Burdock, Sage, Lungwort. Since the horoscope is directly related to the birthday, you have a great opportunity to give a person born under this sign a Flower - a talisman that brings him good luck and joy.

Strelitzia: Her Majesty the Bird of Paradise Strelitzia, a close relative of the common banana, came to us from distant and mysterious South Africa. There it forms dense thickets in the subtropics, in the forests of the Cape Mountains, between two oceans - the Atlantic and Indian. And it was there that in the second half of the 18th century, English travelers discovered this unusual bright orange flower with a blue or purple tint. The discoverers brought this beautiful plant to Europe and named it Strelitzia in honor of the wife of King George III, Queen Charlotte Sophia of England, born the German Duchess of Mecklenburg Strelitz. The Strelitzia flower was first introduced to Europe in 1773 at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, London. Since then, Strelitzia began to conquer the world with its exotic beauty. It has spread widely throughout the world because it takes root very easily wherever there is sun and warmth. Strelitzia has even become a symbol of Los Angeles and the Canary Islands. Being an evergreen plant, Strelitzia grows up to two meters in height. It has wavy, dark green, banana-shaped, elliptical leaves. The wonderful flowers of Strelitzia do not smell at all and therefore sometimes even seem artificial. In their bizarre shape, they resemble the head of a crested crane or bird of paradise. By the way, the second, non-scientific name of this plant is “bird of paradise”. There are few Strelitzia in nature, there are only five species. The most common type is called “Royal Strelitzia”. Royalty does not grow up in paradise, but on the banks of streams and rivulets, among tall grass and small bushes in the deserts of South Africa. Under natural conditions, Strelitzia are pollinated by tiny (no more than 3 cm) birds - sunbirds. Regal strelitzia is very popular in Argentina. There it is planted on spacious green lawns near houses, in parks or in courtyards. In the capital of Argentina, Buenos Aires, Strelitzia blooms almost all year round, except for the summer months, and, of course, “birds of paradise” are one of the most important decorations of the city, although they are perceived by everyone as something natural and taken for granted. One of the types of extraordinary strelitzia is dedicated to the last Russian Tsar. The famous botanist Eduard Regel, head of the Imperial St. Petersburg Botanical Garden, named Strelitzia in honor of the Russian Emperor Nicholas. After all, the Shah of Iran once gave Nicholas II this particular type of strelitzia.

Many plants can become indoor bonsais. For Sagittarius bonsai growers, the philosophy is this: by reducing the size of the plant's body, a person increases the spiritual meaning of its life. Therefore, bonsai will be useful in those homes where people put material wealth first in the hierarchy of life values.

Moreover, bonsai of a symmetrical shape will clear the energy of the space around materialists, who still admit the presence of other values ​​in life other than money; bonsai of asymmetrical shape are suitable for people who deny all other values ​​except material ones; cascading bonsais are suitable for those who are completely immersed in the bustle of the world. Bonsai will be especially useful in rooms where people gather for spiritual conversations or in places of religious ceremonies.

Under the subtle influence of bonsai, a person will begin to listen more to his feelings and sensations, which will ultimately lead to the development of intuition. Bonsai with a straight stem will help a person decipher his dreams. Bonsai will also help you learn to accurately determine the character of people, not by their appearance, which is often deceptive, but on a more subtle level. Based on this, indoor bonsai are perfect for psychologists, teachers, doctors and anyone whose work involves communicating with people. Bonsai have one more property: to calm down the Fire inherent in Sagittarius. Under the influence of these plants, a person begins to control his actions and actions, and will no longer act impulsively if his desire can harm others. Bonsai, thanks to its spiritual meaning, can help a person find the causes of his illnesses in his own behavior, character, thoughts and feelings. They help a person change himself, his attitude towards the world, which ultimately leads to physical healing. Hemanthus Katarina IN THE PHOTO (below)

Indoor grape (Tetrastigma Voignier) is a fast-growing plant; in one year it can grow up to 2 meters. It is precisely because of its swiftness that it is classified as a plant of Sagittarius, which also strives in every possible way to disappear beyond the horizon. This plant perfectly cleanses the atmosphere of the house and fills it with the energies of higher powers. Due to their large size, indoor grapes are not very popular in indoor cultivation. However, it can be very useful for people who want to develop extrasensory abilities, in particular clairaudience.

Grapes are well suited for people who enjoy the process of work, but are not focused on results. It will help lazy people get off the couch and start taking action towards improving their lives. And since grapes are a flexible plant, they will not allow people to go over their heads towards their goal, but, on the contrary, will teach them to avoid obstacles and avoid all sorts of troubles. At the physiological level, indoor grapes promote the flexibility of our body and accelerate the body’s healing process in case of illness.

Sansevieria three-striped (pike tail) is popularly called “mother-in-law’s tongue.” But it only resembles a tongue in appearance. This plant, in an energetic sense, has the opposite ability than is commonly thought: it cleanses space from the energy of evil words and thoughts. Sansevieria performs the function of a “vacuum cleaner” in the house, and therefore will be useful for rude and harsh people who do not disdain caustic or obscene words. This plant absorbs the energy of heaviness and roughness, thereby ennobling the atmosphere of the house and making it more comfortable. Sansevieria is perfect for people who want to get a good education and use their knowledge in practice. It helps speed up the learning process and is recommended for absent-minded people with poor memory. This plant is intended for students and teachers, which is probably why it can often be seen in schools and various educational institutions. An indisputable fact is that this is one of the most undemanding plants to care for. And this ability of sansevieria allows a person to receive an education in any, even unfavorable conditions. At the physiological level, the plant helps to increase the adaptive abilities of the human body, and protects us from colds and general weakness when changing atmospheric pressure, humidity and air temperature. In this regard, Sansevieria is well suited for people sensitive to changes in weather conditions.

In many homes you can see Lemon grown from a seed. Most often, such lemons do not bear fruit. But they still have the potential energy of Jupiter, the planet of expansion. The fruits themselves are ruled by Venus, which rules the material plane. A person under her influence wants to improve his financial situation and decorate his life. Thus, the confluence of these two planets in lemon gives rise to a desire in a person to do something for everyone. Therefore, lemon is perfect for people working in social projects, and will also help avid homebodies get out of the house. It will be useful for housewives and people living at the expense of their parents. This plant will encourage a person to look for work and express himself more actively in society. On a physiological level, lemon trees improve blood quality and liver health.

The sign of Sagittarius is associated with religious and philosophical teachings, as well as long-distance travel and social life. Many people do not support such topics and are extremely negative against them. In this case, astrologers advise Sagittarius to get Clivia. It neutralizes the energy of irritation and rejection and harmonizes the atmosphere in the house. In addition, the time of its flowering coincides with the birthday of Sagittarius. Therefore, clivia is simply intended for this zodiac sign. It will give people a joyful mood and protect them from the blues and weakness on cloudy days. It will also keep your heart in good shape, thereby giving a boost of energy to the whole body.

THE RIGHT FLOWERS - A DIRECT HIT IN THE HEART OF SAGITTARIUS! They really love live plants. Flowers for Sagittarius are a way to surround yourself with the sophistication of nature, helping spiritual development and the flight of philosophical thought. A Sagittarius flower should correspond to its sophistication and nobility, be tall, bloom profusely and delight with its originality. In terms of color, plants in shades of blue, purple or bright red work well. Bouquets of purple freesias, eustomes, dark red carnations or tulips will be gladly accepted. And since representatives of this zodiac sign love solemnity, it will be good if flowers for Sagittarius are supplemented with phoenix branches or large-leaf greenery.

In view of the fact that we are talking about the autumn sign of the Zodiac, one cannot help but recall such a Sagittarius flower as the chrysanthemum. Compositions using this queen of autumn floristry will bring a lot of pleasant emotions to your star centaurs. Properly selected flowers for Sagittarius are a guarantee of a direct hit in his heart. But remember that when choosing gifts and flowers for Sagittarius, you are preparing to make a pleasant present for perhaps the most optimistic and cheerful sign of the Zodiac. Therefore, it is almost impossible not to please Sagittarius and not to see his happy eyes!

Chrysanthemums - symbols of the sun Chrysanthemum is one of the most common flowers on our continent. Japan and China are considered the birthplace of chrysanthemums. An image of a chrysanthemum was discovered on ancient Chinese porcelain that was made 2,500 years ago. Chrysanthemum is notable for its rich variety of varieties. The Japanese, expressing their love for this flower, made it an unofficial symbol of their country. The image of chrysanthemums is found on fabrics and dishes. Traditionally, the chrysanthemum is depicted on coins and the national emblem of Japan. The name of the flower even bears one of the highest awards of this country - the Order of the Chrysanthemum. In ancient times, only representatives of the imperial house could wear clothes with the image of the sacred chrysanthemum. Chrysanthemum is rightfully considered a symbol of the sun. The Japanese even have a holiday in honor of this flower. The Chrysanthemum Festival is a special ritual during which the Japanese admire every shade of the inflorescences, reflecting on the life they have passed. In America, chrysanthemums are also revered. Every year, Chrysanthemum Month is held there, during which various exhibitions and events dedicated to this flower are organized. The decorative qualities of chrysanthemums have always been highly valued. Breeders have developed a huge variety of new forms and varieties of plants. Some types of chrysanthemums are grown outdoors, others only in greenhouses. Every gardener appreciates chrysanthemums for their beauty and duration of flowering. Chrysanthemums were brought to Europe in the 17th century. But they came to our country only in the middle of the 19th century. In Russia, the most famous variety of chrysanthemum is chamomile. It can also be called a symbol of our country. Oak trees are another common chrysanthemum in our country. They owe their name to the external similarity of their leaves to oak leaves. These flowers are quite unpretentious, and even in the cold season they delight with a variety of shades, blooming under the cover of snow. Initially, all chrysanthemums were yellow, but over time, thanks to new varieties bred, a huge variety of different colors appeared. It is generally accepted that chrysanthemums symbolize devotion and fidelity. These flowers will bring a piece of the sun's warmth into your home and make your home more comfortable and brighter.

BOUQUETS FOR SAGITTARIUS. Optimistic, active, kind and straightforward Sagittarius will appreciate not so much the bouquet as the fact of attention. The only thing is that representatives of this sign are unlikely to understand one flower given to them. They love flowers with a slender, tall stem and lush inflorescences. Carnations, gladioli, chrysanthemums, hyacinths, hippeastrum, freesia are an excellent choice to please Sagittarius. Irises, callas, lilies of the valley, snowdrops and white lilies are not in harmony with the sign, and therefore are undesirable for gifts. Self-confident and amorous Sagittarius will appreciate bouquets in bright red and pink tones. Although many representatives of this sign like flowers in blue and purple shades. Young girls of this sign also really like bouquets of barely blossomed tulips and daffodils.

Sagittarius are resilient optimists who strive to conquer new heights and reach unprecedented heights. These are people who are not afraid of difficulties and enthusiastically perceive everything new and unusual. That is why bouquets for Sagittarius should be especially spectacular and eye-catching. Only in this case will people of this zodiac sign understand that the gift for them was thought out and was not prepared hastily. Bouquets for Sagittarius: we surprise and amaze Sagittarius are very positive and endowed with considerable intelligence. Sociable, eloquent, these people have a fair amount of charisma. Charming a person does not seem difficult for them. Therefore, the choice of a bouquet for Sagittarius must be approached with special care. It can be of any size, the main thing is the compositional idea, shape and unusual additions. Coloristics. Fiery, bright Sagittarius prefer clean, rich tones. By choosing sunny, red, burgundy, purple and wine shades, you can create a bouquet that is interesting in color. Composition of the bouquet. Sagittarians are not fundamental in their preferences. The main thing is the mood and emotions that will arise when receiving the bouquet. Decor. Sagittarians love to surprise and be surprised. Seeing an unusual plant, fruit, or decorative binding in the bouquet, he will be completely delighted and will definitely remember such a gift. When choosing a composition, you should take a risk and order a basket of flowers with an unusual composition. Form. If the bouquet is simple in composition, the shape will help to beat it. Falling, cascading bouquets, compositions on a frame will undoubtedly please the winner!

Compatible and incompatible flowers for Sagittarius People of this sign are very emotional and do not hide their mood. Before making a bouquet, it is better to make sure that it does not contain flowers for Sagittarius that he will not like. Compatible plants that Sagittarius will receive with a bang: amaryllis, freesia, chrysanthemums, dahlias, carnations, tulips, mimosa, gladioli. Incompatible plants that are best avoided: callas, lilies, ferns, ivies. Of course, no one canceled individual preferences. If a Sagittarius girl, contrary to forecasts, prefers calla lilies, you should not ignore this desire. A gift for the heart and soul is what Sagittarius values ​​more than anything else. Bridal bouquet for a Sagittarius girl Girls of this sign are very persistent and emphatically sexy. Therefore, when choosing a bouquet, they choose those proposals that radiate energy and sensuality. When choosing flowers and decorations for a bouquet, you should pay attention to the following aspects: Colors. Bright, contrasting bouquets of predominantly red and white colors. Composition of the bouquet. Plants with small flowers that have a dense and sharp bud: tulips, crocuses, spray roses. Ivy and ferns are not used for bouquets. Size. The wedding bouquet should be medium in size. Bouquet shape. Dynamic. For Sagittarius brides, a wand or scepter bouquet, textured or round, is suitable. People of this sign are very emotional. They don't like boredom and routine. When choosing a bouquet, you should approach the selection of flowers with special care. The arrangement for them can be made up of plants with large buds (roses, peonies, carnations, single-headed chrysanthemums) and small flowers (daffodils, tulips, hyacinths, anemones). A striking example of an ideal floral arrangement is the compact bouquet “For Sagittarius”, made from flowers contrasting in shape, color and size. A juicy cocktail of scarlet roses, salmon carnations, terracotta chrysanthemums and blue anemones, like an invigorating drink, gives pleasure from contemplation, vigor and optimism. Such a bouquet will be an excellent gift for a mentor, colleague, or a token of attention to a dear and loved one. The medium bouquet “For Sagittarius” shimmers like a rainbow gemstone in all shades of scarlet, blue, pink and orange. Amaryllis, anemones, carnations, minigerberas are complemented by hypericum berries, velvet celosia and chrysanthemum. This ensemble would be incomplete without the graceful greenery of eucalyptus, slightly softening the impression of the explosive charisma of the composition. Bouquets for significant others and loved ones The large bouquet “For Sagittarius” seems to be created in order to surprise, conquer and leave the best impressions. He is full of contradictions and contrasts, which is very close in character to Sagittarius. Bright and delicate purple Vanda orchids are complemented by anemones, a large number of amazing purple, salmon and scarlet roses, chrysanthemums and carnations. The painted eucalyptus foliage acts as a final accent, which is in no way lost against the background of the multi-colored palette, but adds an additional note to the range of colors and subtle shades. You will also like the composition “For Sagittarius”. A feast for the eyes is provided by the stunning tints of orange, salmon and yellow shades of roses, and the whimsical specks of thin and exquisite orchid petals. Such a gift will help you confess your love, show respect and admiration for your loved one.

Astrologers say: there is some mysterious connection between all zodiac signs and flowers. That is, each sign corresponds to a flower. What plants do Sagittarius need? Those that help them develop communication skills, increase interest in life and allow them to establish contacts with people around them. Today you will find an answer to the question of what flowers are suitable for Sagittarius.

What plants and flowers are suitable for Sagittarius?

What does a flower look like that would best suit a representative of this zodiac sign? It should have long stems, a huge number of flowers and lush foliage. When choosing flowers for Sagittarius, it is important to know that they do not like all shades. It is best to choose flowers that are red, purple, blue, lilac and white.

Houseplants: lemon

Lemon can confidently be called one of the most suitable plants for Sagittarius. It helps to free yourself from illusions and too many thoughts. This houseplant simply radiates the energy of altruism, allowing Sagittarius to express himself in some useful activity. Lemon balances emotions, relieves anxiety, significantly improves mood and improves well-being. In addition, it stimulates brain function and promotes the development of intelligence.

According to the horoscope, Sagittarians are susceptible to colds, and they often suffer from bronchitis or asthma. Therefore, lemon is simply necessary in their home, because its cool, sour aroma has an anti-infective and antiviral effect. It also relieves headaches, nausea and dizziness. Lemon helps Sagittarius in the fight against insomnia and poor appetite.

Clivia cinnabar

Another flower for Sagittarius is Clivia cinnabar. The beautiful clivia simply won the hearts of all gardeners thanks to its bright, lush blooms and small amount of greenery. For the same reason, she became the main symbol of this particular zodiac sign. And clivia blooms exactly when the Sun is in the constellation Sagittarius - in November-December!

What is good about clivia cinnabar? The Sagittarius flower is primarily able to neutralize the energy of irritation that accumulates in the house due to the fact that household members are stressed by certain aspects of Sagittarius’ life. Clivia can not only normalize relationships in the home, but also helps representatives of this zodiac sign find the right attitude towards various sciences, religions, and cultures of different countries. Clivia flowers warm the heart and soothe it. They can protect Sagittarius on days of weakness, becoming an invisible shield against poor health and mood.

Indoor grapes

Among the indoor flowers for Sagittarius, the horoscope highlights a plant called tetrastigma voignier - indoor grapes. It is ideal for people living without a goal. A plant that aims upward helps to find a goal in life and an incentive to move towards it. Grapes will lift the lazy person off the couch, charge them with enthusiasm and speed up the work process for those who are not used to working quickly. At the same time, the plant will not force Sagittarius to move ahead, over the heads of others, without principles. The fact is that indoor grapes are a very flexible plant, and therefore a person under its influence becomes more careful and tactful, learns to avoid troubles and conflicts.

Another useful property of this plant for Sagittarius is that it can become a real talisman for people who have already found their path. Grapes will help you achieve your plans as quickly as possible and become a real strategist. It is also important that such a plant helps Sagittarius improve their health. The flexibility of grapes allows you to maintain the flexibility of the body, and its high growth helps to heal diseases faster. Tetrastigma voignier literally fans the fire of the immune system!

"Mother-in-law's tongue"

Sansevieria three-striped, popularly called “mother-in-law’s tongue,” is another flower of the Sagittarius sign. For some reason, a stereotype has developed that this plant makes people gossip and provokes them to slander. All this is fiction! In fact, “mother-in-law’s tongue” is the best way to cleanse your home of negative energy left after evil words and thoughts.

It's no secret that Sagittarius are masters of abuse, even if they don't say bad words out loud, heavy thoughts in their heads are frequent guests. Therefore, sansevieria given to representatives of this sign will become a real “vacuum cleaner”, absorbing the energy of harshness and rudeness. The room where this plant is located becomes more comfortable, conducive to creativity and relaxation. It is also important that “mother-in-law’s tongue” is an unpretentious plant, and therefore is perfect for Sagittarius.

Indoor bonsai

When choosing a plant for Sagittarius, you should pay attention to bonsai. The thing is that people born under this constellation are interested in spiritual practices and philosophy. And it is simply impossible to imagine another plant that better evokes philosophical thoughts. A large tree enclosed in small forms allows Sagittarius to see the hidden meaning of any phenomena. Bonsai also helps develop the ability to see patterns and pay attention to the signs that life sends to Sagittarius. A person who has a bonsai in his house becomes wiser and gentler.


Why are orchids considered Sagittarius flowers? The fact is that these flowers simply fill the house with the powerful energy of the Sun. In a room where there are orchids, joyful and bright feelings and positivity reign. When choosing orchids for Sagittarius, you should pay attention to their color. So, white is a symbol of creativity. Yellow and orange flowers speak of creative endeavors and friendship. They symbolize mutual understanding, and they are also suitable for people who have been making plans for too long and cannot decide to take the first step.


Among Sagittarius' favorite flowers are gladioli. By the way, you can give them not only to women, but also to men. This flower can be called a symbol of fidelity. And in the Middle Ages, it was generally accepted that the gladiolus helped to win; it was often given to gladiators! Gladiolus gives Sagittarius courage and inner strength. He brings consistency and care into their lives.


Longevity and abundance - this is how these flowers can be characterized. They are suitable for Sagittarius for several reasons: firstly, chrysanthemum is a symbol of the Sun, and secondly, these flowers reveal creative potential and teach them to see the beauty of the world around them. It is also important that chrysanthemums help to find harmony with nature. In addition, they can be called a symbol of long life, prosperity and boundless happiness.


Sagittarians who are constantly in search of a spiritual path can also be given lotuses. These flowers are a symbol of the beauty of life, purity, and rebirth. The lotus, which opens at dawn and closes its petals at sunset, can represent the rebirth of the Sun, and at the same time any other rebirth: for example, youth or vitality. It is worth paying attention to the color of the lotus. So, white will give Sagittarius a state of absolute spiritual perfection. The red lotus teaches representatives of this sign compassion and manifestations of love. Blue lotuses help in gaining new knowledge.


When choosing flowers for a Sagittarius woman, you cannot help but pay attention to roses. The Queen of Flowers attracts favorable energy into the house, she literally dissolves any conflicts, and the atmosphere is filled with love. Moreover, the stronger the aroma of roses, the greater the influence the flowers have on Sagittarius.

Roses in delicate pastel shades are a symbol of romance, while red roses are a symbol of power, passion and love.