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How to survive noisy upstairs neighbors. Noise and trampling from neighbors above. Conspiracies from bad neighbors Neighbors are surviving from the apartment, what to do

It just so happens that when buying a house or apartment, we don’t have to choose our neighbors. It often happens that the proximity of other people is sometimes simply unbearable. Noise through the wall, frequent gatherings sometimes until the morning become the cause of conflicts that are rarely resolved peacefully with a bad person. How to deal with this and how to pacify violent residents? A conspiracy from neighbors will help. The magical rituals presented below are aimed at pacifying violators of peace and quiet. Some of them will help you drive your neighbors out of the house altogether.

How to pacify noisy neighbors

This white magic spell can be used for eviction if evil and aggressive neighbors do not cooperate and make your life simply unbearable. In this case, they can be pacified or even forced to move out.

To perform a magical sacrament you will need several items:

  • coarse salt - a few pinches;
  • clean clear glass bottle;
  • laurel - 3 pcs.;
  • dill seeds - 3 pcs.;
  • garlic - 20 medium teeth;
  • black pepper - 3 peas.

As soon as it gets dark outside, you need to throw all the ingredients into the container, and in the order in which they are listed. Then you need to read the following words of the conspiracy:

“Let all the products mix. I appeal to the protective forces. Protect me and my family from all evil and bad thoughts. Calm cunning and noisy tenants. Subdue all hatred and anger. Let there be peace and quiet in my house. Amen".

After completing the salt ritual, you will need to hide the bottle so that no one can find it, and leave it until the ritual takes effect.

How to survive your neighbors from home

If no actions help you come to an agreement and calm down a noisy and irresponsible resident, you should perform this particular ritual. Such a plot against bad neighbors is suitable for those who cannot get rid of annoying, scandalous and noisy tenants in their apartment. In this way, you can starve them out so that they leave forever.

Surely many of you are familiar with the situation when neighbors from above often flood the house, constantly smoke, drink and have noisy evenings, and also often make scandals and start fights. You need to get rid of such unpleasant residents urgently, otherwise there will be no life. To perform the sacrament for the neighbors to move out, you will need several components:

  • coarse salt - 1 teaspoon;
  • olive oil - 1/2 cup;
  • chicken feather;
  • yellow church candle;
  • clean tablespoon.

In order for your neighbors to move, you need to read the plot completely alone, otherwise it will not work. Choose a quiet and deserted place, for example, in a park, square or country house.

Place a lit candle on the ground. Place a vessel nearby, add salt, add oil to it. Take a pen in your hand and say the following words:

“Oh, Almighty, protect me from all evil and hatred. Give me protection from bad neighbors. Everyone is already tired of annoying neighbors. So let them leave us alone and never come to our house again. Let the protective forces take these people away from our homes. Otherwise, they will have neither a good life, nor work, nor prosperity. I ask you to fulfill my wish from myself and other good residents. Amen".

After reading the plot from evil neighbors on salt, you need to dip your pen in an oil solution and draw a line, as if distinguishing your home from your neighbor’s. Such a conspiracy will begin to affect neighbors the very next day.

A conspiracy from Natalia Stepanova's unfriendly neighbors

If you are tired of noisy, cunning neighbors who are constantly interested in your life, if they constantly harm you, you should carry out this very easy-to-follow plot from Natalya Stepanova. Such a ritual is much more effective than a banal call to the police at home. A healer from Siberia offers many spells and prayers aimed at pacifying and surviving bad tenants. All the prayers that the magician offers are addressed to the Almighty, which means that the effect of such rituals will be effective.

With the help of such sacraments, you have the opportunity not only to pacify annoying roommates through the wall, but also to protect yourself and your family from their witchcraft, damage and the evil eye. Such slander from neighbors will certainly protect you, and for a long time.

Features of the ritual

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. I address my words to you, Lord. I need your help in this difficult hour. May I have strong protection from bad deeds, envy and evil of bad people living nearby. Help all the holy archangels to the Lord God. Take the bad people who do not give me peace and life away from my house. Jesus Christ protect the hearth of God's servant (your name) from evil spirits. Let my request come true and be strong as iron. Amen".

These were rituals aimed at survival and pacification of neighbors. There are many ways you can improve relationships with residents using white and black magic spells. Let's look at them in detail.

These rituals will help protect you from a harmful neighbor, resolve the conflict that has arisen between you and protect you from the negative impact on you and your family from harmful tenants.

We use baked goods from unwanted neighbors

Such a conspiracy against noisy neighbors, so that they do not come to you and bother you, has strong magical powers. It helps very well to get rid of the “evil tongue”. To do this, you need to invite malicious residents living next door to try your treat, for example, pies. But first, you need to get them talking.

First you need to knead the dough for pies. The kneading process should be carried out with lit candles. To perform this ritual you will need three candles.

When you start preparing the filling, you need to read the following text:

“Let the malicious old woman, like all evil tongues, be silent. I baked some baked goods, sweet and tasty. So let our conversations with our neighbor be just as pleasant and friendly. Let all the hatred leave her. And we will only have joyful and friendly relations. My every word is stronger than a stone and no one and nothing can destroy it. Amen".

To destroy your discord and get rid of misunderstandings with your neighbors, try to treat your ill-wishers with fresh baked goods immediately after cooking. As soon as they take the treat in their hands, you need to whisper:

“May only peace and friendship come to me from you. I wish you health and peace of mind.”

How to get rid of neighbor's witchcraft

If you find a lump of hair, an unfastened pin, a needle or other suspicious things under your threshold, it is most likely that you have been damaged. This could well have been done by a neighbor who wishes you harm. Such a person is trying in every way to give you unhappiness, sorrows and misfortunes, and to save you from the blessings of life.

You can punish the evil granny or achieve reconciliation with her. You need to carry out such a ritual using any silver object. It could be a brooch, pendant, ring, whatever. Why silver? Because this metal is used for purification purposes.

For the ritual to work, you need to win the favor of the malicious old woman. So don't show that you're angry with her. To perform such a ritual, you will need a new silver item. When purchasing it at a jewelry store, you need to read the following words out loud:

“I need peace, friendship and reconciliation with the harmful (neighbor’s name).”

After this, you can’t talk to anyone or look back. Come to your neighbor and give her this thing. If she outright refuses your gift, then try to get her to at least touch it.

Such a conspiracy against neighbors with the help of silver can also be used for relatives. For example, if you had a fight with your husband, give him some silver jewelry and cast the same spell. Such a ritual will help you pacify an evil stepmother or relative who hates you. In 1-2 days you will certainly make peace.

Knot magic from malicious tenants

If your neighbors are constantly annoying you, keep you up at night, and you want them to move, then this white magic is just what you need.

Buy a skein of black sewing thread. Tear off a piece of thread and, holding it in your hands, try to remember all the troubles, bad deeds and pain that people living next door caused you. By performing such rituals, you can even show your emotions - cry or scream. When your condition reaches its maximum boiling point, say the words:

“I wish you to move out of this house forever.”

Then tie a knot on the thread, but in such a way that you can untie it later. Place the thread on the table, leave the room and do any useful task - for example, washing or cleaning. Read your favorite book or listen to music. It is also recommended to take a shower after such a ritual to completely calm down and relax. When you feel that your emotions and anger have left you, you can go into the room, take the thread and gradually untie it. While untying the knot, think about how your problems with your neighbors go away and dissolve into thin air.

Protective spell on fish

If your neighbors harm you, bully you and you want to calm them down or survive, use this particular plot. A very simple fish plot will help protect yourself and your family from the evil eye of your neighbor and negativity. Take a large saucepan, fish, several sewing needles and gauze cloth. Then do the following, and be sure to do so on the day when the moon is waning:

  • fill the container with water, bring to a boil, put the fish there and boil for half an hour;
  • Wrap the needles in gauze and throw them into the boiling soup.

After a few minutes, stand near the pan, look at the fish and say the following words:

“A dumb fish swims in the water. So let my neighbors be silent and not throw evil words in my direction. I can only accept their smiles and joyful communication. I want to forget about swearing and quarrels with a bad person forever. Amen".

After reading the ritual, the wrapped needles must be carefully removed. And pour out the fish soup or give it to be eaten by an animal, for example, a dog or cat.

Carefully remove the needles and stick them into the door frame of your neighbors so that no one notices them. After this, say the words:

“You will now be dumb and agree with me in everything. Amen".

This is a very strong conspiracy on the neighbor’s door so that the neighbors will move out and make peace with you, it will begin to take effect within a week. If you have established a relationship with a bad neighbor, then everything has worked out for you.

Conspiracy against neighbors' curses

How to get rid of bad neighbors who do not fear God, sacred prayers and can “curse” you at any moment? To protect you, your family and your home from such terrible negativity, you will need to perform the following ritual.

Take three church candles, arrange them in a triangle and light them. Place a transparent container of water in the center of the triangle, or a regular liter jar. Touch the water with your lips and read the following text:

“Let these candles burn brightly and long, and destroy all the evil that comes from bad neighbors. Let these people not dare to think badly of me. Let their evil deeds pass me by. Create for me the heavenly forces and iron protection from the earth to the sky. Amen".

To calm down an angry neighbor or neighbor and gain respect from them, you will need:

  • a photograph depicting an ill-wisher, and one without strangers or animals;
  • a piece of black fabric;
  • matches;
  • three thin candles, preferably church candles;
  • plastic bag.

Wrap the photo in cloth. Place it in the center of the table. Place candles around the package in a triangle, light them and read:

“Let the evil servant of God (name of the neighbor) leave hatred and anger as soon as these candles melt. My neighbor will not touch me with an evil word or bad intentions. My word is stronger than stone. Amen".

This ceremony takes place closer to midnight. After it is done, you cannot look in the mirror or talk to anyone.

When a conspiracy from bad neighbors begins to take effect

Remember that only those who sincerely believe in white magic can get rid of curious, noisy neighbors and make them leave you behind forever. Any conspiracy of yours must be read with faith that it will certainly work.

A conspiracy against noisy neighbors, aimed at reconciliation, begins to take effect a couple of weeks after it is committed.

But if you want to evict old neighbors who constantly interfere with your life, think carefully first. This is black magic and it will not start “working” right away. In order for neighbors to move out, they need to find new housing, sell the old one, and the move itself takes a lot of time. In addition, if they wish you harm, but in the end they themselves get into trouble by moving to another place, perhaps these people will suspect something and want to take revenge on you. Therefore, weigh everything carefully and it may be worth trying to simply establish relations with them, and not go to extremes.

In order for a conspiracy against noisy neighbors to have long-lasting magical power, experienced magicians recommend carrying it out three times with a break of a week. And the words of the conspiracies need to be read nine times.

Sometimes situations arise when the family idyll is disturbed by the noise created by the neighbors above. If this is not the first time such a situation occurs, then the thought immediately flashes: how to evict noisy neighbors?

There are many solutions to this kind of problem. First you need to talk to the troublemakers in simple, accessible language. If the violent neighbor does not react at all to such requests, then you need to contact the relevant authorities.

File a properly completed complaint with the police or the courts. You must draw up an appeal yourself or seek help from a highly qualified lawyer.

He will prepare the necessary documents and represent your interests. When several household members suffer from a noisy rowdy, a collective claim is written and endorsed with the signatures of disgruntled citizens.

It’s a good idea to be patient when dealing with inappropriate people. If everything goes well, you can get the rowdies from above to be evicted.

If necessary, use the same weapons against unscrupulous guests. When you wake up for work in the morning, turn on the music at maximum volume so that they feel for themselves what kind of inconvenience they create and agree with other owners to create psychological pressure together.

Due to the constant noise from the inhabitants above, a very tense situation arises at home. A calm state turns into survival in hellish conditions. It is impossible to relax peacefully, do what you love, or watch a movie in peace.

Nerves begin to fail and, worst of all, the negative state negatively affects one’s well-being, which can lead to irreparable losses of health.

If the rowdy is one of the inappropriate people, then it is better not to talk to him, but to immediately resort to contacting the competent authorities who will solve these problems. They will help get rid of the brawlers from above.

Before contacting the police, it is necessary to collect evidence of hooliganism. The more information is provided, the more effective the outcome of the investigation and punishment of the brawler will be.

The following effective ways will help you get rid of hooligans from above:

  • influence the same level of music volume or create other loud sounds;
  • wake up very early by insistently ringing the doorbell;
  • arrange a few unpleasant setups, for example, pour valerian on the rug in front of the front door and invite a couple of cats, they will be guaranteed a free concert.

The troublemaker can be removed from above in many other harmful ways, from loudly knocking on pipes to smearing the pest's door hinges with a liquid composition of rotten eggs.

The main thing to remember is that you will have to answer before the law for carrying out such actions and if they are abused, you can be subject to criminal liability. Therefore, it is better to start with a positive conversation.

Lime brawler on top

Most people, when purchasing a new home, pay little attention to information about their future neighbors. Overwhelmed with positive emotions from the location of the apartment, layout, cost and other positive characteristics. It is important to initially collect up-to-date information about guests and protect yourself from possible problems.

There is Federal Law No. 52 “On Silence”, which determines the permissible noise level day and night. From seven in the morning to eleven in the evening, the noise level should not exceed forty decibels, and from eleven in the evening until seven in the morning the maximum noise limit is thirty decibels.

If the offender does not comply with the requirements of the order on silence, he will be held administratively liable and subject to a fine ranging from one hundred to five hundred rubles. If the brawler from above violates it again, a fine is applied, but in a larger amount.

Decree No. 52 provides for the following actions leading to violation of the permissible level of silence:

  • Very loud sounds, screaming, singing;
  • Working with repair equipment that creates an excessive volume level during operation;
  • Use of various fireworks and firecrackers;
  • Use of powerful sound amplifiers.

Repair work on the apartment is allowed on weekdays from nine in the morning until seven in the evening.

Perhaps a written appeal to the district police officer will help him survive the brawler from above. After writing this form, it is necessary to monitor the work of the district police officer with the brawler. Perhaps the noisy bully, after appropriate measures have been taken, will come to his senses and stop disturbing the peace and quiet.

It is the owners from above who are able to break the silence. Not only with loud music or screaming, but also with loud stomping and jumping of children. And if inadequate people do not follow the simple rules of living in society, then you can expect anything from them. Therefore, it is necessary to resort to prompt measures to tame the brawlers.

Any targeted action within the framework of the legislation of the Russian Federation will help to get rid of rowdies.

If your neighbors are alcoholics, then it is better to immediately contact the courts, indicating the reasons and attached evidence. If the claim is objective and the amount of evidence attached is sufficient, then the court’s decision will be forced treatment and a large administrative fine.

When the troublemakers are drug addicts, before filing a complaint with the court, it is advisable to call the police in order to record facts of possible sale of narcotic substances.

Or competent medical staff will record the state of hooligans under the influence of drugs. This evidence may become a reason to get rid of the negative influence of such people.

How to survive in the disgusting conditions created by your neighbors in a communal apartment?

When you live in a communal apartment, and ordinary people through the wall regularly disturb the peace, the situation is worse than ever. Naturally, they are wrong and will be held accountable to the law, but it is better to try to find a common language, because living together is close and close.

A complaint letter submitted to:

  • police;
  • judiciary;
  • to the district police officer.

When contacting the above authorities, it is necessary to have fundamental evidence of their guilt.

It is necessary to collect testimony from other neighbors (or better yet, immediately file a collective complaint), conduct an independent examination of the excess of the permissible noise level, and provide evidence from the preliminary conversation.

If you try to indicate all the facts of the violation, the chances of winning the case increase.

When comprehensive measures are applied, but the long-awaited result is not obtained, it is advisable to think about selling or exchanging the home.

Unconventional methods of solving the problem

Most respectable people are faced with problematic neighbors who turn life into absolute hell with regular rowdy behavior, litigation, and countless noisy night parties.

After taking comprehensive measures that did not bring a positive result, many turn to unconventional methods of solving the problem.

They try to resolve issues by turning to astrologers, witches, and sorceresses. Helping through the use of spells and all kinds of rituals. Contacting such specialists is a purely personal matter.

However, there are people who believe that magicians will really help them by effectively influencing the negative inhabitants and ensuring a peaceful stay in their native lair. According to the collected reviews, after the rituals, the troublemakers sometimes moved out for one reason or another or became docile and quiet.

Final points

Negative rowdies do not only include people who make noise. There are ordinary people who:

  • They have unsanitary conditions, keep pets and do not take proper care of them;
  • They carry out illegal redevelopment;
  • They smoke on the staircases.

The consequences of these actions lead to terrible living conditions for all household members. According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, Article No. 30 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation is provided, which provides for the obligation to maintain residential premises and common household property in proper condition.

Apartment owners are protected by the Federal Order “On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of Citizens.” When filing complaints to the appropriate authorities, it is necessary to refer to the norms of the “Rules for the Use of Residential Premises.” It is also possible to submit complaints to the housing inspectorate and the prosecutor's office.

Redevelopment is considered illegal when load-bearing structures, general building communications, basements and attics are affected. In such a situation, you should contact the management company, which has every right to initiate legal proceedings against the offender and force them to stop further redevelopment of the premises.

When rowdies live in a rented apartment and no official rental agreement has been signed, the police can easily evict them. The owner of the apartment will be held criminally liable for illegal business activities.

In the fight against smoking and littering citizens, a set of measures by the management company will help. It is within her competence to resolve these situations that have arisen.

Forced eviction is possible if the offender lives in municipal housing and regularly violates certain rights of other household members.

It is necessary to have great patience and strength to survive in such conditions, but the result of a difficult struggle will certainly be crowned with success.

ABOUT! People! I'll write soon.
Yes, everything is as simple as day.
There are home-based neighbors - they rented out the apartment to third parties.
The apartment has been rented out for years since 2000.
The first tenant flooded us 5 times. But he paid us off with paint and plaster. Moved out.
But we communicated normally - he turned on the fool, called the plumbers, went around apologizing, saying hello, being interested...
Now people have arrived with a child (crazy in my opinion) who runs and jumps in the morning and in the afternoon.
Not at night.
And then people talk about the law on breaking silence there and so on. But it talks about night time, not day time. This happens during the day.
So here it is. We live in a five-story brick building. The floors in our house are such that you can hear EVERYTHING. And they are made on the principle of a drum. A wooden beam and a floorboard on it. The floors are empty. Any sound is amplified. But this is from the category of physics. I'll tell you about the lyrics.
There are people who are well-mannered, and there are others who are not.
So the roar and stomping would not be so terrible if it were not produced by a preschool child whose parents are outright insolent. We asked them politely - well, keep an eye on the child - well, don’t let him run around ALL DAY, the audibility is such that individual words and phrases from above can be heard on a quiet day. And the stomping is actually like torture. The walls are shaking, the chandelier is rattling. The battery is in the corner, and something is rumbling out of the hole in the ceiling where the pipe near the battery is.
We call them and tell them - this way and that - we live under you and endure the stomping and rumble from you. Will be kind. Are you people or what?
And they responded: “Buy us a carpet, change our flooring.” And so on.
We contacted the district police officer, they - TENANTS - apparently sent him too. Because he got rid of this whole situation by gathering everyone in his stronghold, inviting representatives of the public there. Grandmothers there, representatives of the housing department, law students and someone else there. They convinced us for a long time that everything was as it should be and WE would have to be patient until the child’s running age passed and he calmed down. Of course, they recommended laying a carpet for the tenants and the Owner (he was present there)!
That's all. No answer, no hello.
And long and painful weekdays began. Everything from above jumps and jumps, falls to the floor and squeals.
There is no control. Everything is as it was.
I wrote to the Moscow Housing Inspectorate - a reply, saying it was not our competence.
Rospotrebnadzor - reply, they say contact NIImos_something, they can measure noise and so on.
MosNII did not respond.
Now there is a new district police officer, but going to him again - I think it will be the same.
All officials have the same argument - there are no laws to prevent children from running around at home.
I have hope for a new housing code, but everything there is too florid.
Call your neighbors with requests? How much can you humiliate yourself... I’ve been living in my apartment for 25 years, they’ve been around for a week, they came from region 44 and they behave like this. They asked politely, they were told please. Never mind.
They don’t send letters in three letters, but they do everything in such a way that I can’t live in my apartment.
When people run over your head all day long, you won't get much.
I studied the laws and other scribbles. Drew conclusions from the housing code.
I went to a lawyer and paid 1000 rubles for talking with him. I demanded from him - explain the housing code to me. Tell us the legitimate interests of your neighbors, tell us the rules of the hostel.
And he tells me - buy wine and sweets and go and make friends with them, SUDDENLY THEY WILL CALM AWAY.
There are no more words...
Well, now I’m writing here on the forum.
There are similar articles and topics here, but people's situation is a little different. They deal with stomping Landlords, and I deal with Tenants. Although it doesn’t matter who is jumping over you, what matters is how to act in such a situation.
My mother is elderly; during this time she had a stroke and is now a group 3 disabled person.
Whether it was due to the roar from above or not is still a moot point, but a fact is a fact.
I'm not against children, I'm not against people who go to Moscow to work, study, steal, and so on.
I am against noise that disturbs and prevents me from living.
I understand that everything always happens differently for everyone. There are different noises, and there are people (schizophrenics) who call the play of the cat in the upstairs neighbor's room stomping. Your cat stomps and doesn’t let me sleep. That's one thing.
But the stomping of children on empty floors is different. It's truly unbearable.
8 am - squeals and roars from above - woke up.
Then there's running and roaring...a 5-minute break. Again. Again. Again.
They seem to have quieted down. Gone? God bless!
An hour later there was another roar - they came...
A scratching sound on the ceiling across the entire apartment - yeah - I rode a scooter...
BANG...threw it.
And so on all day.

So what should I do, people?

Human life consists of many relationships. The most difficult situation is with those people who live nearby. Often cultural requests do not work, and then more practical methods have to be used. There are many opportunities for revenge on neighbors upstairs who are constantly making noise. Many people are willing to do mischief or spoil things, but only strong-willed people can eliminate the source of problems. It is enough to use your ingenuity and then the problem will be solved.

There can be a lot of complaints against neighbors. The main factor is noise, when people are constantly arguing, listening to music or having guests.

There may be other reasons for dissatisfaction with neighbors, for example, they smoke in the apartment, and smoke can be felt through the walls.

The entrance is considered a public place where silence must also be maintained. There are different ways to punish offenders. Perhaps some of them will help improve your life.

You can put up a notice asking people to behave decently. Moreover, this can be expressed in a standard or original form. An example is a sign that reads “Troublemaker!” For night parties, those living upstairs can contact the tax or sanitary epidemiological station. Employees will constantly check on them and come. Everyone gets tired of such adventures, and therefore the worries can stop.

For those cases when music constantly interferes, there is another method to annoy. Needles should be inserted into the keyhole, which must first be lubricated with super glue. The needles need to be broken off. In this case, offenders will not be able to get into the apartment for a long time, because the lock will need to be replaced. They will get tired of doing this all the time and, perhaps, they will understand what’s going on. Shocks to the battery work great. This will help teach dishonest people a lesson. There are special substances that emit unpleasant odors.

There is another original way to annoy people - posting advertisements with unusual entries. They may have unexpected content. You can write about the sale or exchange of a neighbor’s apartment. The entrance will be the best place to put them up. All that remains is to observe the reaction of the offenders.

Proven Methods

To harm your neighbors for their constant noise or other actions, you must use effective methods:

  • The “knock on the battery” method: you need to take an object and knock. This usually works;
  • A convenient way to take revenge would be to use a “GSM signal jammer.” It will not allow you to make calls in your area of ​​coverage. You can warn that the Internet may also be disconnected. If the offenders are young, it will be difficult to live without these amenities;
  • To upset your neighbors, you can cut the wire from the telephone, Internet, or intercom. It is difficult for a modern person to live without these amenities;
  • If flooding occurs constantly and no requests bring results, then you can flood your floor. Naturally, those living below will come. Then everyone will complain and the problem will disappear;
  • Wealthy residents can afford to purchase a high-power speaker system. Not everyone is able to withstand such a test. This will teach offenders a lesson.

Should we declare war?

If there is constant noise coming from people living nearby, then you can first try to resolve everything peacefully. Many people turn out to be quite adequate and it will be enough to just talk calmly with them. You can use a few simple rules:

There is no need to immediately reprimand people at the slightest noise. They also have the right to carry out minor and major repairs if necessary. If this happens at the permitted time, then you should tolerate it. If the noise continues for a long time, you need to talk to your neighbors. We need to explain to them to be quieter;

Some apartments have enough space, so you need to think about high-quality sound insulation. A thick carpet is excellent for walls and floors, and plasterboard for the ceiling, which must be laid over a layer of insulation. In this case, any noise will not be very noticeable.

Solving the issue by legal method

The constant noise from above is very annoying, and therefore it is better to resolve the issue legally. The law requires maintaining silence from 22.00 to 06.00. If there are constant noisy evening events, you must contact the police. In the morning, you must write a statement and give it to the local police officer. Such actions can be repeated until these illegal actions end.

If once again representatives of law enforcement refuse to leave, then you can file a complaint against them with the prosecutor’s office. It is not difficult to prove the call, since all conversations are recorded. After this, the police will carry out checks even when no one called them.

Active actions

If no measures help, then offenders can be punished using the following methods:

  • It is necessary to create uncomfortable living conditions. Posting advertisements describing the lives of neighbors has excellent results. You can use the Internet with the help of friends. Nowadays there are many catalogs and newspapers;
  • Caustic paint, which is used to write the word “noise” above the offender’s apartment, will help take revenge on the offenders. But it should still be taken into account that there is no need to do much harm, since retaliatory actions may follow. There are special smelling substances that are unpleasant to people.

Other methods

An effective way to take revenge on noisy people is mental influence. You can use a program such as an “auto dialer”. She will make calls to the specified number herself, and at the wrong time.

For those who understand electricity, the method of turning it off is suitable. Moreover, you should cut out such a section of the wire that it would be difficult to make the connection.

Basic knowledge of physics will help you improve your life and ruin relationships with offenders. You need a metal pan that needs to be filled with water. You just need to leave the top empty. Then the container should be placed on the cabinet so that the edges are pressed tightly against the ceiling. Then you need to attach the headphones to the walls of the pan and turn on the music. This creates a strong hum. And there will be silence in your apartment. There is also a vibrating column for this.

To spoil your neighbors, you can use the advice of superstitious people. You need to sprinkle salt, earth, and feathers under the rug of their apartment. This works for many people. The entrance will be the best place for reminders of the offender.

To truly eliminate noise, you need to use the following tips:

  • Any measures must be carried out carefully so as not to lead to war;
  • You should not use radical methods, because often only a hint is needed;
  • Your actions must be accompanied by at least a note. A person must realize that he is disturbing people;
  • You should not get personal, you should point out actions;
  • There is no need to use obscene words or physical force;
  • It is prohibited to create situations dangerous for people and animals;
  • No matter how much you want to take revenge on your own, it is better to involve law enforcement agencies for this. They will do this using legal methods.

What the law says

To regulate such issues, there is a law “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population.” It spells out rules of behavior not only for those living above, but also for others. It is important to observe the following restrictions:

  • It should be quiet between 11:00 pm and 7:00 am. The noise can be up to 30 dB. The entrance enters a zone where there is also an order;
  • In the period 7.00-19.00 noise can only be due to the reconstruction of living quarters or repairs. Such events can only be held on weekdays. The law prohibits noise on holidays and weekends.

These rules do not apply to cases of emergency and construction work when ensuring the safety of people is important. There should only be a prior warning about this. The entrance is also one of the areas where silence is required. The duration of repair work should be about 6 hours, followed by a break. Activities that cause noise include:

  • Use of amplifiers used in retail premises;
  • Fireworks and pyrotechnics;
  • Repair;
  • Singing, shouting and whistling.

Necessary measures

If there is noise coming from neighbors above, then you need to determine how strong it is. Sounds louder than 40 dB during the day and 30 dB in the evening are considered a violation because the law prohibits such behavior. This is determined by a special device.

Law enforcement officers can establish a violation, on the basis of which requirements are presented to the violator. Responsibility for this comes when residents begin to complain. It is best to resolve such issues peacefully.

If this cannot be done, then legal methods will help to cope with this. Other measures are also in effect:

  • Conducting an independent examination. Based on this event, a report is drawn up indicating the date and time of the noise measurement. All testimony must be recorded in the document. The work is performed under the guidance of licensed experts. The device must be accredited, otherwise the document drawn up will not have legal force;
  • Contact the local police officer. It is this law enforcement officer who is obliged to monitor compliance with the law on silence. Not everyone is willing to engage in such matters, but one should persistently seek compliance with their rights. The district police officer must take measures to eliminate the offense, for example, make a reprimand or issue a fine. Collective requests are welcome, because it’s much easier to solve everything this way;
  • Going to court. The last resort in the presence of noisy neighbors is to go to court, which will allow you to take revenge on the offenders. The law regulates such relationships. In this case, the judicial authorities will deal with the issues. If repairs are being made, you need to warn people living nearby. It is necessary to write a statement indicating all the facts.

It will be difficult for legislators to deal with cases where children are noisy. Many irresponsible parents leave them alone at home, which leads to many unpleasant situations. Then you just need to talk so that the children don’t run and jump. It is possible to contact the guardianship and trusteeship authorities and the children's ombudsman.

If there is noise on the street

Loud sounds are made not only by neighbors above, but also by companies on the street. What to do if you are faced with such situations? This is regulated by the rules for residential premises, which state that silence must be maintained in the house and on the street 100 meters from it.

The entrance also belongs to the area where it is necessary to behave decently. Usually there are benches nearby where various companies like to gather in the summer. There should be no noisy establishments, cafes, bars, clubs nearby. Residents in such a situation are often haunted by thoughts of how to take revenge on their offenders.

The first thing to do is try to resolve the problem in a peaceful manner. If the offenders do not want this, then the police can be called. Usually this helps calm cheerful companies.

Making noise at the wrong time can cause serious consequences. The district police officer draws up a protocol, which is submitted to the court. A case of administrative liability will be considered there. There are penalties for this:

  • 500-2000 rub. – for citizens;
  • 1000-5000 rub. – for officials;
  • 3000-7000 rub. – for legal entities.

The fine is paid within the prescribed period, which will definitely allow you to take revenge on unscrupulous residents. If this obligation is violated, double the amount will be imposed. Sometimes defaulters are detained. Although extreme measures will ruin the relationships of the residents, they will allow you to find peace in the house.

It very rarely happens that neighbors in the stairwell become bosom friends. Usually the opposite happens. Or friendship ends as soon as renovations, guests and loud music begin. And these endless repair work that lasts all day and does not allow you or your children to sleep. You have a question: « How to take revenge on dysfunctional neighbors?».

And there is nothing left for you to do except sit modestly in your apartment and only mentally start a war with them. Since your attempts to peacefully resolve the current conflict situation, the neighbors respond with even more “nasties”. How to legally take revenge on your neighbors without harming them.

In our article you will learn 9 legal ways to take revenge on your neighbors.

Method No. 1. If the neighbor's grandmother is on daily guard, watching your apartment through a peephole.

Is your life being monitored 24 hours a day? And then heatedly discussed with other housemates? In this case, an ordinary dummy external surveillance camera will help you take legal revenge on your neighbors, which you need to install with a view of your neighbors’ door.

And it is very important to stick a leaflet next to it - “We conduct 24-hour video surveillance” thus, you will unbalance your grandmother if you fight her with her own methods.

But a drastic and not entirely legal method would be to seal the eye with tape - but this is only a one-time solution to the problem, silicate glue will solve your problem once and for all.

Method No. 2. Neighbors are constantly rude, and their guests only ring your door or intercom.

Even in this case, you can find a way to take revenge on your neighbors. There is a very harmless way, for this you just need to place an ad in a free newspaper with a huge circulation, about "sale of neighbors' apartment" for a symbolic amount, or "renting an apartment" with payment only of utility bills.

A prerequisite is to register calls on weekdays from 23:00 to 24:00, and on weekends from 7 to 8 am. If they don’t have a phone number, just provide the address and it’s doubly fun.

You'll see, your neighbors will start "sweet life"!

You can also post notices about the loss of a gray kitten named "Kotya", any cat will respond to this name. And you need to promise a huge reward, for example 10 thousand rubles and give the address of your neighbors. Imagine what a string of people with gray kittens will reach out to their neighbor. After all, everyone wants to get easy money.

It is important to indicate the address, not the telephone number! Everyone can enjoy "guests with cats"!

Method No. 3. The new neighbors are a young couple who have late-night get-togethers every night.

You can legally take revenge on your neighbors using an ordinary GSM signal jamming device. Young people always have a huge amount of electronic devices and equipment, and no one wants to live in an apartment where "for some reason" Not a single gadget works.

You will see that your neighbors will soon move away from you. But there is one significant problem: electronic devices will not work in your home either.

Method No. 4. Your neighbors like to organize night dances that continue until the morning.

If you have already tried all the ways to peacefully resolve the conflict, but your neighbors still haven’t understood anything, then it’s time to take revenge on your neighbors.

If the next drinking session ended with dancing, and you knocked on their door and did not receive an answer, then simply turn off the lights - by lowering the switch in the electrical panel on the site.

If the neighbors did not understand the first time, then the power outage can be repeated; soon they will get tired of it and they will calm down.

Method No. 5. Your neighbor likes to listen to criminal songs at full volume at night or wakes up early in the morning to the loud sounds of the radio.

After a hard day at work, you came home, took a relaxing shower and were just about to settle down comfortably in front of the TV while watching your favorite movie, when from behind the wall you hear the inhuman howls of thieves’ songs.

In this case, you can legally take revenge on your neighbors using the same music. If you have a child, then it is enough to buy him a drum set or bass guitar. And arrange rehearsals in the morning when your "musical neighbor" just getting ready to sleep.

But if you don’t have a baby or the baby is still too small, then ordinary power speakers will come to your aid, which you turn on at full power and point at the wall where your child lives. "musical gourmet" and you can calmly go to work, leaving him listening to his favorite song on constant repeat.

But there are situations when, on the contrary, a neighbor gets up very early, for example at 5 am, but his alarm clock is the radio turned on at full power. You can fight with such a neighbor in the same way. If he lives on the first floor, then it is enough to sprinkle millet on the cornice of his window and he will wake up to completely different sounds.

Method number 6. If jokers and partygoers have settled below you.

In addition to the options already listed, how to take revenge on your neighbors using music, stomping, rumble and other sound irritants.

You get an undeniable advantage to the current situation; now you are on top. And you have access to such a function as a flood. If, of course, you don’t mind your covering or it is very old and already requires repair, then you can fill all the floors. And after half an hour, start intensively cleaning everything.

If your neighbors knock on your door, you can open the door and show that you have been sleeping for a long time and are surprised that water is dripping from them. You can safely send them to your neighbors on the floor above, citing very old ceilings.

Method No. 7. A neighbor parks his car or motorcycle under your windows or parks on the playground.

Your peaceful requests and comments are constantly ignored and children’s rights are not taken into account in any way, and in the evenings and nights music plays from the car and beer flows like a river?

There is a right solution - fill the car or motorcycle with bread crumbs or millet, a couple of such operations to wash the car from bird feces will forever discourage him from parking the car in this particular place.

Method No. 8. Neighbors in the countryside get into drunken brawls, and their dog howls at the moon all night.

The dacha season has arrived, and you go to the dacha with great pleasure to take a break from the usual bustle of the city, but that’s not the case. Your neighbors have completely different plans for this weekend.

Their program includes singing, dancing, drinking and barbecuing until the morning. It is not uncommon for such gatherings to end in a fight. Moreover, their dog constantly howls, and you absolutely cannot sleep.

It will be very easy to punish your neighbors if you have a packet of dry yeast with you. Stealthily sneak into your neighbor's area and empty the entire contents of the bag into the toilet. You'll see, a wonderful surprise awaits them in the morning.

And you can deal with a dog if you have a special whistle, the sound of which only the animal can hear. As soon as your neighbors go to bed, start whistling—long barking is guaranteed!

Method No. 9. If your neighbors have been doing repairs for more than a month, both early in the morning and very late in the evening.

Are you tired of the constant sounds of drilling and a working hammer drill. The neighbors have been tearing down and breaking walls for the last time, and the noise is so loud that small children get scared and cry. The smell of paint is present even in the entrance, and your head is splitting from the constant use of tools, then you can punish your neighbors in the following way.

Be patient with all their repairs, or, if possible, go to your relatives in another apartment or to the country. But when the renovation work is completed, give them a great karaoke night with friends, singing all night long.

If they call or knock on your door, open it and calmly tell them that this is a thank you for the months of repairs.

Method number 10. Neighbors make love all night, screaming loudly and groaning at the same time.

If your neighbors' lovemaking has been keeping you up all night, it's very easy to punish your neighbors. Moreover, this can be done with several neighbors at once; print a love note and put it in the box of the hated neighbor. Showdowns between two apartments are guaranteed.

No one will have time for lovemaking, which means you can sleep peacefully.

But after some time, everything will resume, try to solve this problem peacefully.

Method number 11. How to deal with neighbors who smoke in the entrance.

It is very easy to punish neighbors who constantly smoke in the entrance; just make a clever ashtray with a surprise.

It is prepared as follows: take an ordinary tin can and pour sulfur from matches into it, and the layer should be at least 0.5 - 1 cm thick. And put a couple of cigarette butts on top.

All you can do is wait for your neighbor’s reaction. After he shakes the ashes there or stubs the cigarette butt, a loud bang will be heard and the sulfur will begin to burn.

This way, you can punish your neighbors, and perhaps permanently convince them to stop smoking.

The tobacco smoke that came into your doorway will no longer bother you or your family!

In conclusion, I would like to note that there are a great many ways to punish your neighbors. Special craftsmen have even written more than one book on how you can legally wage war with your neighbors.

But not always a long and exhausting war with neighbors can bring the result you want, very often from harmless jokes and jokes, neighbors break the law and cause harm to property, and sometimes even each other’s lives.

Sometimes it is much more effective to have a heart-to-heart talk with your neighbor over a glass of strong "tea", such intimate conversations solve even a very long conflict once and for a long time. Try to resolve everything peacefully, this way you will save your nerves and the nerves of your neighbors!

Be kinder to everyone around you!

How not to take revenge on your neighbors:

How to legally achieve silence in an apartment:

Not every neighbor is a gift of fate. Sometimes the proximity of residential areas becomes a real tragedy - people who are not burdened with a sense of tact, good upbringing, and respectful attitude towards others literally ruin your life. What to do in such cases, how to point out to the offender his inappropriate behavior, force him to order, or simply take revenge from the heart? Before you choose a method of revenge, remember that for some of them you can also be punished, so think first and then act.

We make offensive inscriptions

Do your neighbors have a lot of unpleasant human qualities that directly or indirectly affect your comfort in your home? Then why not take revenge on your neighbors by telling others about their shortcomings using offensive nicknames, bright incriminating inscriptions painted on the wall of the house or the door of the apartment?

You can start with a more gentle option - print out the necessary words in large print on paper and attach it with tape to your neighbor’s habitat. For example, “Silence Breaker”, “Brawler”, “Source of Garbage in the Entrance”, “Boor”. If this doesn't help, you can write on the door or wall with a marker/spray.

We pay with the same coin

Why not respond to your neighbor with his own weapons - that is, rudeness, noise, dirt, and so on?

  • Does your tenant regularly throw wild parties? Wait until there is complete silence in his apartment (at night, early in the morning), and wake up the merry fellow, for example, with some hit “Rammstein”. You can also use the sounds of a fight, a dog howling, a creaking door, a drill, which can be found on various sites. The main thing is to warn your neighbors in advance that you have planned an act of retaliation at such and such a time. If you live on the floor below the offenders, then in order to take revenge on the neighbors above, enlist the support of the residents of the apartments located above them or at least on the same floor as them. This way the effect will be more noticeable.
  • Is your neighbor littering, sweeping dirt from his floor to your door? Collect the dirt, add to it the carefully swept dust from under your and your neighbors’ doors and return it in a neat pile back to the “Motherland”. You can also add an explanatory note like: “We received garbage from you. Thank you. We return it back. Best regards, N floor."
  • Do the residents of the neighboring apartment regularly make boorish jokes and statements at you? Just stop saying hello, don't answer questions, and generally don't notice their presence in public places. It will be ideal if all the other neighbors support you - complete ignorance from the public will be unpleasant even for the most daring rude person. When asked what the reason for such an attitude is, you can briefly explain once: “We just don’t know how to speak the language of rudeness that is familiar to you.” A similar method will be especially effective for taking revenge on neighbors in the country, because there is a friendly disposition outside the city neighbors sometimes becomes simply vital.

Don't let your neighbor do bad things

You can react more sharply to constant noise from the apartment (music, drills, parties) at inopportune times. For example, carefully cut the wires leading to the electrical panel. This can only be done if you are well versed in electrical engineering and completely eliminate the possibility of injury or fire in the wiring during the process.

If the neighbor is particularly curious and has a habit of keeping an eye on the residents and spreading gossip, then you can cover the door peephole with paint. You can prepare a more “thermonuclear” mixture - mix silicate glue with soot or silver. There is no way to remove such a composition without damaging the glass. Don’t forget to simultaneously resort to the first method and attach an explanatory sign like: “Don’t poke your nose into other people’s affairs.”

Rules of conduct for "Avengers"

Revenge is not a simple matter. To implement it, several important rules should be taken into account:

  • Don't get caught (unless direct conflict with the offender is part of your plans). Carry out retribution when your neighbors are not at home or, suppose, they and other possible witnesses to your deeds are fast asleep (that is, under cover of the dead of night).
  • You shouldn’t immediately start with the “heavy artillery”; give the person a chance to realize the error of his behavior and become better. Therefore, always do minor dirty tricks to the offender first.
  • Do not forget to explain to your neighbors the reason for your revenge - perhaps the person does not realize that he is behaving ugly and disturbing others.
  • Avoid using obscene language. And in general, in pursuit of justice, do not become like a violator.
  • Don't get personal!
  • Always avoid situations that could harm people or animals!
  • Don't go too far. Even having good reasons for the most fierce hostility towards your neighbors, you should not unleash all your righteous anger on them. Moreover, if you play too much, you can easily fall under some article of the civil code. If after several acts of revenge the neighbor does not change his behavior, feel free to contact the local police officer for help.

The following articles will also help you deal with neighbors who interfere with your life.

Noisy neighbors - this problem affects all people who live next to them. For this reason, it is impossible to carry out daily activities, rest or get enough sleep.

As a result, you have to constantly endure loud noises and be in a stressful state, which negatively affects your mental state and, of course, your own health.


Conflict with neighbors is extremely undesirable. It is unknown how long you will have to live next to these people, perhaps a very long period of time.

Nobody knows what could happen tomorrow, especially since no one can guarantee what will happen in a year or more. This is why it is recommended to avoid conflict.

How can I do that:

  1. First, clearly explain the problem, try to speak convincingly to your neighbors, but at the same time show respect for them.
  2. Secondly, refer to the letter of the law, which will make your appeal more convincing and thorough.


The legal basis for resolving disputes arising with neighbors is the Housing Code of the Russian Federation and other Federal Laws.

In them:

  • a time is established during which repair work cannot be carried out;
  • sanitary requirements for the premises and common property of an apartment building are determined;
  • issues related to smoking, etc. are resolved.

Remember that reliance on legislation is the key to the successful resolution of each case.

How to punish neighbors?

How to punish neighbors? First, try to find a compromise, for which you need to contact them personally. Sociologists call this conversion strategy “peace negotiations.”

In some cases, namely in 35-40 out of 100, this makes it possible to convey the essence of the problem to restless neighbors.

Rules for communicating with a neighbor:

  • Don’t be too aggressive or suspicious;
  • try to be polite or show friendliness;
  • quickly and clearly state the essence of the problem, indicate the reasons for your appeal;
  • propose solutions, tell why they need to be applied.

Taking these nuances into account, in most cases you will be able to find a common language with your neighbors and solve the problem that has arisen.

Top or bottom

How to punish neighbors above or below? Do not rush to take retaliatory measures - try to resolve the situation yourself.

If this cannot be done for certain reasons, then the only way out is to contact the police. This requires a reason.

For the noise

Neighbors can only be punished for noise if they violate legal regulations. Federal Law No. 52 establishes restrictions regarding this issue.

For example, on weekdays you can only make noise or carry out construction work from 8 am to 9 pm. On holidays and weekends this time changes slightly - from 9 am to 10 pm.

The legislation of the constituent entities may provide for other provisions.

For stomping

The stomping noise from neighbors above can be heard for various reasons - most often, it is small children playing, or a large number of people living there. Why are the steps of strangers so audible? This is usually due to the poor quality of the flooring, which is reminiscent of a drum in design.

There is no liability for stomping, except in situations where it violates the noise limit.

First, try to talk with your neighbors, if this does not help, then there is only one way out - contact the police.

For loud music

Loud music is one of the most common reasons for reporting neighbors to the police. Such complaints are made if sounds are heard regularly, and at night.

If the volume exceeds the norm established by law, then this issue can be resolved.

For insult

Insult is a humiliation of a person’s honor and dignity, expressed in an inappropriate form. If you have been insulted by a neighbor, you must file a statement with the prosecutor’s office, since it is they who initiate cases under the Code of Administrative Offences.

Liability - imposition of a fine, the amount of which ranges from 1,000 to 3,000 rubles, for officials - up to 30,000 rubles.

For smoking in the entrance

You can fight smokers at the entrance in various ways:

  1. Make a verbal reprimand to your neighbor in a polite tone. The effectiveness of this method is not high, but in some cases the technique works.
  2. Repeat the warning and threaten that the police will be called if it happens again. They may not stop buying, but relations with their neighbor will significantly worsen. In addition, he may know that there is no law prohibiting smoking in the entrance.
  3. Call the police. There are several problems here - most likely, the employees will not respond to such a call, in addition, it will be difficult to prove that the person smoked on the staircase. Exceptions are situations if you have testimony of two or more witnesses or photographs (video recordings).
  4. Make an announcement that smoking is prohibited in the entrance.

The only more or less effective way is...

He must know the residents of each apartment building located on the site owned by him. His task is to have a conversation with the smoker.


Many different situations can arise, for example, the neighbor is unfamiliar. If you live in a house where neighbors do not communicate and practically do not know each other, then they must be notified of the gap in writing.

Write a letter stating that you or other residents are unhappy with the behavior, but do not include a name or address.

As noted above, try to be diplomatic. This method is one of the best ways to pacify neighbors; in addition, anonymous drafting is a guarantee that recipients will not recognize the applicant himself.

Another situation that may arise is inappropriate behavior of a neighbor.

Such a problem cannot be solved by a simple letter or an attempt at conversation.

If you know that your neighbors are not entirely adequate people and can take measures in response, then you should not “get involved” with them - refer the matter to law enforcement agencies.

Contacting law enforcement agencies

When contacting law enforcement agencies, you are required to file a statement against your neighbors.

It should include the following information:

  • information about the recipient;
  • indication of the applicant's full name, residential address (if the complaint is drawn up collectively, then the name of each citizen is indicated);
  • description of the essence of the problem;
  • statement of the request for resolution of the situation;
  • signature and date of preparation.

The application is submitted in two copies - one is handed over to the district police officer, the other remains with the applicant.

The document must be submitted to the district police officer or the police, but remember that the case will still be transferred to the district police officer, so it is recommended to draw up an application immediately in his name (the exception is situations when this official is inactive).

Sometimes the people who live next door are not entirely friendly and adequate. And peaceful negotiations to resolve the conflict do not always help. To stop intrigue, slander and aggression on the part of these people, you can use a conspiracy against your neighbors. After it is carried out, a conspiracy against evil neighbors will help to pacify, establish contact, stop the flow of aggressiveness, calm the noise, stop slander and attacks in your direction. You can also use magic to make them sell their property and move away from you.

Calm your neighbors' anger

A conspiracy from neighbors is necessary in the following situations:

Make your neighbors turn down their music volume

  1. If people who live next door are loud, swear and do not respond to requests to be quieter. In this case, a conspiracy will help get rid of noisy neighbors.
  2. With constant partying and drinking, the use of drugs by a neighbor above or below. By getting rid of the bad habits of your neighbors with the help of magic, you can expect that these people will simply change their place of residence.
  3. If these people deliberately do nasty things, tampers or damage.
  4. If they systematically flood you.
  5. With constant fights and rowdy behavior, loud swearing, aggressiveness.

In such situations, a conspiracy from bad neighbors will help to achieve reconciliation and make peace with neighbors. You can also survive your neighbors, carry out such rituals so that the neighbors move out. It is advisable to use a plot against bad neighbors if conversations and peaceful resolution of the conflict fail.

In addition to using magical rituals, you can also use prayers to various saints. During the ritual, you cannot: stop abruptly halfway, interrupt the ritual, you must under no circumstances wish harm to other people, it is important to have a goal, after the ritual, do not tell anyone anything and believe in the power of magic.

The main thing is to believe and not stop midway.

Effective rituals

White magic offers various options for rituals, the purpose of which is pacification, reconciliation, and reaching a compromise. Or, in the opposite situation, you can kick out negligent neighbors, have them evicted from their house or apartment (primarily this applies to unscrupulous tenants, those who live in a communal apartment).

From noisy neighbors

There is an effective plot against noise caused by people living next door. It's simple but effective. You need to turn towards their house and say the following:

“I’m walking along a wide road. I drag behind me, dragging a black ox and driving a viper. I will fill the eyes of my enemies and adversaries with poppy seeds, consecrated in the bright temple. Become mute to my walls, so you will speak like a fire burning in a stove. So that the neighbors do not make noise, do not shout, do not interfere. Let it come true as it is said.”

Sign yourself with the cross three times and read the Lord's Prayer.

You can also read the protective words at their doors:

Read the words at your neighbors' doors

“Just as people cannot live without food, so my neighbors cannot live in noise and screams. Let silence reign in your home, and let the noise hide. They will no longer be heard or revered by you. Let it be as it is said.”

Repeat the spell three times.

How to punish for slander? If people are constantly being too noisy or behaving inappropriately, an effective ritual is carried out. Collect morning dew and pour into different containers. Take three drops from each vessel, drop on your left hand, wash and say:

“I wash myself with the bright dew, I take the stars from the sky, they will become my helpers. Let the evil person not touch me, let the neighbor not be harmful. I pacify you with a bright word and God’s deed.”

From evil neighbors

How to get rid of neighbors if they constantly pester you with their nagging, swearing and rudeness? You can read the following words from evil neighbors by turning towards their residence:

Get rid of neighbors who pester you with their nagging

“Calm down, evil neighbor, calm down, evil neighbor. I drive you with a magic word, a magic word. I’m talking about noisy neighbors, an angry neighbor, don’t look in my direction and hiss. Let what is said come true.”

When moving into a new home, you can perform a ritual that will protect you from bad neighbors. You need to put treats on a plate and place them on the first night after moving in a secluded corner of the house, saying:

“The keeper of my house, the brownie father. I will leave you some treats, a reward for your concern towards me. Become our protector and guardian. We will not know sorrows and sorrows, insults and slander, slander and anger from others. And whoever wishes me harm, let it return to him.”

You can also pacify them using another option. Take a new broom and sweep the house with it, saying:

Buy a new broom for your home

“May all misfortunes and hardships go away with this magical broom, and may happiness and love increase.”

Throw the broom near the house of other residents. Whoever picks it up and takes it for himself will have all your failures and bad luck.

So that the neighbors move out

How to get rid of bad neighbors, a plot will help with this, so that the neighbors move, move away from you forever. If you are constantly flooded, interfere with a quiet life, or become rowdy, you can carry out a strong conspiracy. You will need the following attributes: three wax candles, black fabric, photographs of haunting people. Cut out silhouettes of people from fabric, light candles. Place cut out silhouettes and photographs on the fabric. Say these words:

“As a dead man rides across the crossroads for the last time, so you (names), cross the threshold of your house for the last time. Go as far away from me as possible, don't come back. This house will become torment and hard labor for you until you leave it. Let it be so".

For a good relationship

To make peace with neighbors, to reconcile with a harmful or evil lady, you can use the following version of the ritual. Bake a pie or cupcake on your day off. While kneading the dough, read the spell forty times:

“Evil old woman shut up, evil old man be silent, like all the other evil tongues. I baked you delicious pies and cupcakes. Just as my food is delicious, your speeches will be tasty and sweet. May hatred go far and forever. There will be peace between us, let's make peace, let's respect each other. There will be no envy or words of anger. But only peace and joy. My words are as strong as a block of stone; they cannot be broken or destroyed. Amen".

When the baking is ready, treat your neighbors to the enchanted pie. You should also give a piece to your neighbor's pet. When they try the treat, protection from evil neighbors will take effect immediately.

Other ritual options

Place an obstacle in front of your home for your neighbors to enter.

Neighbors can be not only noisy, but also annoying people. The following prayer will help put an obstacle to entry into your home:

“All-merciful Lord, help us, become for us a pacifier of the neighbor’s spirit. May there be protection from them, enemies, envious people, slanderers and ill-wishers. Let it be so from now on and forever.”

Sometimes you may need protection from neighbors if they are jealous or behave too intrusively.

Getting rid of ill-wishers who live nearby is carried out in this way. Collect holy water in the temple, wash your face for three days in a row, and on the fourth day say:

“I will wash myself with water, I will wash away all adversity and bitterness. I can get rid of enemies on the other side of the wall by reading these conspiracies. Let the neighbor's negativity not rub off on me. Whatever I get from them, I will give to them. We remove all curses from ourselves, we survive, we get rid of the bad and the bad. Let it be so".

Wash your face with holy water for three days in a row

Amulet from neighbors' curses

If simple rituals and amulets are not effective, various amulets are used to get rid of envious people and to protect themselves. They will also help if it is a communal apartment. The amulet must be made with your own hands; materials such as wax, wood or wool are used for this. After the amulet is made, strangers will not envy you.

To protect yourself from noisy and unpleasant people who live nearby, they make an amulet. You will need the following attributes:

  • head of garlic;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • several bay leaves;
  • allspice;
  • Dill seeds.

Mix all ingredients, saying:

Mix remaining ingredients with garlic

“My house will become quiet and calm. My neighbors will become peaceful, without thunder and lightning. As these words were spoken, so the action began. Amen".

Pour the charmed spices into a bottle and hide it in a secret place in the yard or house. This is a strong protective amulet that will help all family members, bring good luck and protect from all evil.

The following amulet will help against unkind people who live nearby:

  • juniper sprig – absorbs negative energy;
  • souvenir broom - they will not be able to slander, slander or slander the owners of the house;
  • willow twig;
  • sedge twig.

Place the finished amulets at the front door; this is excellent protection. No evil person will be able to enter your home and harm its inhabitants.

Do your neighbors like to listen to music loudly and do not respond to your requests to stop this torment? Buy a vibrating speaker and start turning it on at the time permitted by law. Choose a repertoire that is clearly not to the taste of your neighbors (you have undoubtedly managed to study their preferences)

Before starting “military actions” you must be completely sure that no other civilized methods have any effect on your neighbors. A long confrontation with neighbors is often quite exhausting, and if it can be avoided, then it would be foolish not to take advantage of this opportunity.

How to take revenge on your upstairs neighbors for noise while being silent for yourself

  • take a metal pan with a capacity of about 10–12 liters and fill it with water;
  • Pour in enough water to leave a gap of one and a half to two centimeters from the edge unfilled;
  • place the pan on a cabinet or stepladder so that the edges are pressed tightly against the ceiling;
  • take the headphones and use tape to secure them to the walls of the container;
  • turn on the music (preferably rock) at full volume, and calmly go about your business.

Before resorting to decisive action and searching for a practical answer to the question of how to annoy neighbors above for noise and commotion, it would be most reasonable to try to resolve the conflict peacefully. It is likely that your neighbors are reasonable people, and a calm conversation with reasoned claims will be more than enough.

Conspiracies from bad neighbors

It just so happens that we do not have the right to choose our parents, relatives and neighbors, but if we manage to resolve the situation peacefully with our relatives, then with our neighbors this is not always possible. Most respectable people from time to time suffer from noise behind the wall, from regular gatherings that end in the morning, and how to deal with this?

Having collected the components and waited for the sun to set below the horizon, we throw them all into the bottle in the order in which they are given in the list. As all the components of the plot fall into the bottle, you need to pronounce the following words once:

How to survive the neighbors above

Post an advertisement (or post it on the Internet) about renting an apartment. For example, “We need tenants for six months to look after the apartment. Pay only for services." Let them be tortured with calls. Of course, you won’t be able to achieve anything, but a little dirty trick will make your soul a little warmer.

The upstairs neighbors are fed up with us. For the last 2 years they have been undergoing non-stop renovations, sometimes in the active phase, when the walls are being destroyed (not a single door closes in ours anymore, the walls are damaged), sometimes they just run around the rooms with a drill. They are the whole family of disabled people, it seems, because... the arms and legs are in place, but none of them are working. My son, damn it, is the same age as me, doesn’t sleep at night, plays music. center, cat. The speakers are mounted on the wall and from 22.00 to 05.00 the walls are shaking with boom-booms. Damn, he sleeps off during the day, idiot, and I have to go to work.
You can’t smoke them out of the apartment; in response to all complaints, they bark from behind the door that it’s not theirs, although they turn the music a little quieter. Our shields are locked, incl. You can't turn off the electricity. Really, I want to get some sleep, I’m in a bad mood all the time. It's a pity I don't have any friends, cat. I would like to explain to them with my fists that making noise is dangerous!

Author, you are completely free to experience any feelings towards your neighbors. Sometimes a person is irritated by some slight tapping of his nails on the table. And helplessness in front of the “upper” only enhances the perception of natural differences in life rhythms. But nothing goes unnoticed; in turn, a person who knocks his nails may be irritated by the ringing sound of stirring sugar in tea. So, if the option of escalation is chosen, look for the weaknesses of those at the top. And this side is their time of rest. However, the “top” are in an advantageous position, since their “shit will righteously boil” after attacks on their silence for no apparent reason. Determine for yourself where your “behind Moscow” is, and even if it’s still far away, then it’s better to move to a new place, and not to a prison house.

Club of Defenders of Silence

There is no need to break glass or damage other property - you can be held liable under the law for this. The problem is that the law practically does not protect against tramplers, because it is very difficult to establish that they have committed illegal actions. But if you are caught breaking glass or doing other dirty tricks, everything is much simpler. Why create problems for yourself because of goats.

Everyone already understands that there are many ways to fight the neighbors below, but what about the neighbors above? Who can suggest anything?? What about glass in the apartment? What can they use to smash them? We, the lower neighbors, seem to have no rights. They can do anything with us - and we - be patient. Just don’t suggest the police or anything like that - that hasn’t helped for a long time. Our problems truly concern only ourselves!

  • Come up with a reliable reason (it’s your birthday, you received a bonus or a new position, the reason “drink to my health” will also work) and treat your neighbors to vodka laced with a laxative. Of course, they will not be cured of alcoholism, but at least for a while they will have no time for fighting and dancing!
  • Involve law enforcement agencies as defenders and contact the local police officer (the more residents complain, the better). Taking measures to ensure order in the entrusted territory is his responsibility. This employee can conduct a conversation, issue a warning, and also issue a fine. In other words, make efforts to calm the residents down.

How to take revenge on your upstairs neighbors

For those cases when music constantly interferes, there is another method to annoy. Needles should be inserted into the keyhole, which must first be lubricated with super glue. The needles need to be broken off. In this case, offenders will not be able to get into the apartment for a long time, because the lock will need to be replaced. They will get tired of doing this all the time and, perhaps, they will understand what’s going on. Shocks to the battery work great. This will help teach dishonest people a lesson. There are special substances that emit unpleasant odors.

  • The “knock on the battery” method: you need to take an object and knock. This usually works;
  • A convenient way to take revenge would be to use a “GSM signal jammer.” It will not allow you to make calls in your area of ​​coverage. You can warn that the Internet may also be disconnected. If the offenders are young, it will be difficult to live without these amenities;
  • To upset your neighbors, you can cut the wire from the telephone, Internet, or intercom. It is difficult for a modern person to live without these amenities;
  • If flooding occurs constantly and no requests bring results, then you can flood your floor. Naturally, those living below will come. Then everyone will complain and the problem will disappear;
  • Wealthy residents can afford to purchase a high-power speaker system. Not everyone is able to withstand such a test. This will teach offenders a lesson.

21 ways to take revenge on your upstairs neighbors for everything

  • place a cobblestone or brick on the hood of the car (this will serve as a warning);
  • sprinkle more grain on the car and the surrounding birds will flock to the treat (and they will not only peck at the hood and roof, but will also “decorate” the surface with their waste);
  • Douse your car with valerian - and all the cats in the area will “pop in for a visit” (traces from dirty paws and claws are guaranteed).

There was a family of idiots at the top who were annoying for many years. New children were always being born, their mother was always screaming like she was sweating. Day and night. I spoke with her husband several times, he is a nobody there. For several years I met him at the entrance. Did not help. One night, my patience ran out, the roof went crazy, I took an ax and went upstairs. He opened the door and beat the whole family for two hours until the police arrived. Mom died, my husband remained a fool with an iron plate in a jar, and I served three years. They admitted that he was in a state of passion. He recently got out, and now this disabled person howls around the clock. His mother takes care of him. He stomps on purpose and also yells curses... I’m lying here now, listening to another concert and realizing that soon I won’t be able to stand it again and will go upstairs with an ax and kill everyone completely.

What to do if the upstairs neighbors are noisy

Then you need to prepare written complaints about noise from children and put them in the mailbox or under your neighbor’s door. If there are a lot of dissatisfied people, then more people should be involved in such communication so that the opinion does not arise that for some reason you are biased towards your neighbor and his children.

And to do this, it is necessary to determine how the legislator regulates the issue of noise in an apartment building. It should be borne in mind that regulation is provided for a certain time of day. In addition, noise is different, so each type of noise requires a different approach.