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Recipe for making Antonovka jam. Apple dishes, confiture. A simple recipe for Antonovka jam

Antonovka jam, probably one of the simplest and most versatile types of jam that I make at home. Its versatility lies in the fact that we often use it in baking, for example in. Apples of the Antonovka variety are the leader in pectin content; due to this, the jam turns out thick, with a minimum liquid content, so it is ideal for fillings.

I cook this jam with minimal labor costs, at a time, without any intermediate stages of standing between cooking, etc. I store it in refrigerators or in the cellar, however, even just in a cool place in the apartment, the jam is stored quite well all winter.

For apple jam you will need:

  • Green apples. 2 kg. The best one is Antonovka.
  • Sugar. 1.8 kg.
  • Chokeberry - a few berries for color. Completely optional ingredient. The jam turns out great without it.

About Antonovka.

A very tasty, sweet and sour variety of apples. Antonovka is often used in cooking - like pork, fried as a side dish, soaked, etc. The main reason for such frequent and varied use of this variety of apples is not only the wonderful taste, but also the unique aroma of Antonovka.

Unfortunately, these apples do not tolerate long-term storage. Therefore, you can only buy them in the fall, since apples are autumn. What is often passed off as Antonovka in markets, especially in winter, is not this variety. Only in the fall can you buy a truly real Antonovka.

Making apple jam.

I repeat, I make this jam very simply, the way my grandmothers made it. Moreover, in this case there is no goal to preserve the shape of the apples or their pieces, although the pieces still retain their shape. I am completely satisfied with the result, so it is unlikely that I will switch to any other technology.

And further. You can peel the apples or leave them on. I personally like it better with the peel because the jam is more flavorful. My family is of the opposite opinion; they don’t like apple peels in jam, so they have to peel them. This time I combined - I peeled most of the apples, but still left a couple of them with the peel.

So, we peel the apples, cut out the seed capsule and cut the apples into small pieces.

Pour all the chopped apples into a bowl for making jam and cover them with sugar.

Gently mix the apples with sugar with your fingers, adding a few chokeberries if desired and possible.

We leave the apples with sugar to stand for 40-60 minutes so that they give juice. This is necessary so that when heated, the sugar does not start to melt and burn.

Place the bowl of apples on low heat and bring the jam to a boil. After which we reduce the heat further and leave the jam to cook until done, avoiding rapid boiling - let it gurgle slightly lazily.

If any foam forms, carefully remove it. It is not advisable to stir the jam - you can gently shake and lightly shake the entire bowl so that the contents are gently mixed.

We cook the jam for about an hour and a half, you will see for yourself that it begins to thicken a little, and all the apple pieces will begin to become transparent.

Today I want to offer you a simple and unpretentious way to prepare apples. Let's prepare a spicy and very aromatic apple confiture for the winter. Such a tasty and healthy homemade preparation is a godsend for the “hot” apple harvest time, because preparing confiture involves short-term heat treatment, a minimum amount of sugar in the composition and the simplest possible preparation process.

This cooking option allows you not only to preserve the rich natural aroma of apples, but also to emphasize their delicate taste. Thanks to the natural high content of pectin in the apples themselves and the addition of gelling components, the consistency of the finished apple confiture is more like marmalade or jelly. And the addition of warm, spicy spices - cinnamon, vanilla, nutmeg and citrus zest - allows you, with minimal effort, to turn a handful of seemingly unremarkable fruits into a truly festive and memorable dessert. Try it!

To prepare apple jam for the winter, prepare the ingredients according to the list.

Remove the seed pod and cut the apples into small pieces. Add the zest of half a lemon, 1 tbsp. lemon juice and water in such an amount that it covers the apples by about 2/3.

Bring the mixture to a boil and simmer, covered, for 15-20 minutes until the apple slices are soft.

Remove the citrus zest and puree the apples. You can use a blender, rub the apples through a sieve, or even use a regular potato masher if you don’t mind the strips of apple peel in the finished jam.

I do not recommend peeling apples in advance - apple peels contain a lot of pectin, which, in combination with the gelling component, gives the confiture that very appetizing “marmalade-jelly” texture.

Add spices and pectin to the applesauce (I have a ready-made mixture for making jam, based on citrus pectin). Following the manufacturer's instructions, I pre-mix pectin with 2 tbsp. Sahara.

Stirring over medium heat, bring the mixture to a boil.

Add sugar. Select the amount of sugar according to the instructions on the pectin package. My recommended proportions are 2:1, i.e. For 1 kg of peeled apples I add 500 grams of sugar.

Bring the mixture to a boil again and, stirring, cook for another 5 minutes.

Place the hot confiture in sterilized jars, close with lids, roll up and wrap until cool.

Apple confiture is ready for the winter! Bon appetit!

All sorts of preparations are made from apple fruits. Particularly relevant are those preservations that do not require much time and effort to prepare. Such express preparations include apple jam for the winter, the recipes for which we will consider in more detail below.

Unlike jam, you don’t need to worry about the safety of fruit pieces in the finished dish and the transparency of the syrup. Apple jam is a versatile dish that can be used as a spread on a piece of toast or as a filling for baked goods.

Quick jam option

There is no time for preparations, but there are too many apples? We suggest using one of the quick and easy recipes for making a sweet and tasty dessert. It's time to figure out how to make apple jam.


  • apples - 3 kg;
  • lemon juice - 25 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 1.9 kg.


  1. Wash the fruit, remove unedible parts and skin. Cut into convenient slices and pass through a meat grinder. Add lemon juice to the prepared mixture and mix thoroughly. Add sugar, stir. Place on the stove and cook on medium heat for 40 minutes. To prevent the mixture from sticking to the bottom, it must be stirred regularly using a wooden or plastic spatula.
  2. Place the finished dessert in sterile jars, close and leave on the kitchen counter until completely cooled. Store in the cellar.

Sweet treat with cinnamon

To prepare this recipe, you can use apples of the “Semirenko”, “Renet”, and “Golden” varieties. Making apple jam with cinnamon for the winter at home is quite easy and simple, but in the end it turns out very tasty and aromatic.


  • powdered sugar - 800 g;
  • apple fruits - 1 kg;
  • ground cinnamon - 15 g;
  • filtered water - 60 ml.

  1. Rinse the fruit, cut out the unedible parts and chop into small cubes. Place apples, sugar, cinnamon and liquid in a large container. Place on the stove, set the heat to minimum and cook for 40-50 minutes, remembering to stir.
  2. Place into clean jars, seal tightly and turn upside down. Leave it like this for 10-12 hours. Then put it in the cellar.

To give a brighter taste and aroma, the spice can be used in the form of a stick. The apples are boiled together with it, and 2-3 minutes before turning off the stove, they are carefully removed.

Jam in a slow cooker

Almost every housewife has a multicooker in her kitchen. With its help, you can quickly and tasty prepare porridge, a first or second course. The “miracle stove” is especially appreciated by those who prepare for the winter. Apple jam in a slow cooker is easy to make and tastes unforgettable. We invite you to consider one of the recipe options for an unusual dessert.


  • apple fruits - 1.8 kg;
  • citric acid - 1 tsp;
  • gelatin - 7 g;
  • granulated sugar - 600 g.

Operating procedure:

  1. Rinse the fruit thoroughly under running water. Place in a food bowl and pour over boiling water. Cool and dry. Remove skins, seeds and other unedible areas. Chop into small cubes.
  2. Place them in a blender bowl and grind. Place the finished mass in a slow cooker, add lemon juice, sugar and mix everything thoroughly. Set the “Porridge” mode and the timer for 45-50 minutes.
  3. Meanwhile, in a plastic bowl, dissolve the gelatin in warm water. As soon as the multicooker beeps that the dish is ready, add gelatin. Stir well, place in clean, sterile jars and seal tightly. Turn it over and put it in the cellar.

Attention! If you add a little more gelatin to the product, you can get marmalade instead of jam.

Confiture with oranges and apples

For memories of a warm, bright and joyful summer, you need to prepare a beautiful and tasty confiture of apples with citrus fruits. The dessert will delight not only relatives, but also unexpected guests. Due to the presence of orange juice, the consistency of the treat is a bit like jelly.


  • red apples - 3 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 2 kg;
  • warm water - 500 ml;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • oranges - 800 g.

Now what to do:

  1. Wash the fruits and place them on a clean towel. Peel the apples and remove the seeds. Chop into medium-sized cubes, place in a saucepan, fill with boiling water. Cover and leave for half an hour.
  2. Peel the oranges and remove the white film. Grind the zest finely with a knife or food processor. Cut the pulp into cubes, removing the seeds.
  3. Strain the infused apples through a sieve, measure out 500 ml. Combine apples, infusion, orange, zest and granulated sugar. Place on low heat and cook until the apple pieces become translucent. Pack into jars, close tightly and turn the container over.

From apple pulp

This recipe is perfect for competent and economical housewives who know that nothing should be thrown away in the house. The pulp left over from making apple juice is considered a good ingredient for a winter treat. The dish does not require much effort, but the taste can surprise even a gourmet. Let's look at the step-by-step technology for making apple jam.


  • apple pulp - 500 g;
  • fruit juice - 250 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 500 g;
  • spices (cinnamon, vanilla or cloves) to taste.


The cake must be carefully sorted: remove seeds and other unedible parts. Place the prepared component in a suitable pan and add juice. Stir and put on the stove, after boiling, cook for a quarter of an hour. Add granulated sugar and spices, stir and continue cooking for another 7 minutes on low heat.

If the apples are sweet to taste, then you can add lemon juice. Place the finished jam into the treated jars, close tightly, and after cooling, put them in the cellar.

Apple jam is the most popular and favorite sweet treat. It is not only tasty, but also very healthy. The majority of the population does not know about many of the qualities of this product.

You should definitely know about the beneficial properties of apple jam. It preserves all vitamins and microelements. There are quite a lot of them both in fresh apples and in the boiled version. Contains:

  • beta - carotene;
  • vitamins (A, B1, B2, H, C, PP);
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • sodium;
  • zinc;
  • phosphorus;
  • iron;
  • magnesium;
  • selenium.

All these components are fully conveyed in apple jam.

Sweet dessert promotes:

  • normalization of digestion;
  • strengthening heart muscles;
  • reducing blood cholesterol.

In addition to the listed beneficial effects, the product is an excellent source of vitamins, microelements, and nutrients.

Interesting apple jam recipes for the winter

Any housewife loves to experiment. Each one probably has a special recipe from her grandmother. There are many interesting and simple apple jam recipes that all housewives should know about.

Before starting the process of making apple jam for the winter, it is necessary to process the fruits. They should be:

Apples do not need to be peeled. However, the jam without them turns out more tender and homogeneous.

Simple apple jam recipe

This method of cooking is traditional. The composition of the sweet includes:

  • kilogram of apples;
  • glass of water;
  • kilogram of sugar;
  • 1 tsp. citric acid.

Pour prepared ones into a cooking container.
They can be ground or finely chopped. Add all the ingredients there and put on fire. It is necessary to stir constantly so that it does not stick. After boiling, cook for about half an hour.

The jam will be thicker if you cook it over high heat. For a more liquid one, you need to reduce the heat well.

The finished dessert, while hot, is poured into sterilized jars and closed. Store preferably in a cool place.

This is a fairly simple apple jam recipe. It is convenient to cook it from any type of fruit. Overripe, sweet, and sour apples are also suitable. The result will certainly please the hostess.

Recipe with added cinnamon and vanilla

How to make apple jam with a special flavor? Just one minor ingredient can dramatically change the taste of a dish. To get apple jam with a special, unusual taste, you need to add a pinch of cinnamon and vanillin to it.

For preparation you will need the following components:

  • kilogram of apples;
  • kilogram of sugar;
  • half a glass of water;
  • ground cinnamon and vanilla.

Apples must be prepared in advance as indicated above. Grind in a meat grinder. Pour the resulting mixture into a non-stick pan. Pour water over the apples and put on fire. Cook this mixture for half an hour over low heat. Throughout the cooking process, it is necessary to stir the consistency, as it gurgles and splashes around.

After 30 minutes of cooking, add sugar. Boil the almost ready apple jam over low heat for another half hour. You can add a pinch of vanillin and cinnamon along with sugar or 10 minutes later.

If you don’t like the strong aroma of cinnamon, you can boil a cinnamon stick with jam for 15–20 minutes, then remove it.

You can make apple jam for the winter using this recipe with the addition of. It is poured along with sugar.

Zest, cinnamon, and vanillin are used at the same time. The taste is extraordinary. Remove the jam from the heat and immediately roll it up.

You can add ingredients such as cinnamon, lemon, anise, and cloves to apple jam. Cherry leaves are also used for a special aroma.

Recipe for apple jam from Antonovka for the winter

There is a special ingredient in the Antonovka apple jam recipe for the winter. This is nothing more than a whole liter of water. The peculiarity lies in the variety of the fruit itself. They contain a lot of pectin, which makes liquids curdle well. For jam you need:

  • kilogram of prepared apples;
  • liter of water;
  • kilogram of sugar;
  • 0.5 tsp. citric acid.

Apples must be peeled and seeded and grated on a coarse grater. Immediately pour all the ingredients into the pan and cook, stirring. After boiling, cook for another 40 minutes. Close when hot.

What makes this recipe special is the variety of apples. Jam from them turns out like marmalade. Each small segment of the fruit is preserved intact. The water turns into hard jelly.

Apple jam in a slow cooker

In addition to traditional methods of preparing sweet desserts, it is possible to use a multicooker. This device will make the housewife’s task easier and make excellent jam.

You need to take:

  • kilogram of apples;
  • 0.5 kilograms of sugar;
  • 2.5 glasses of water.

After peeling the apples, do not throw them away, but steam them in the multicooker itself, pouring 200 ml of boiling water. This will release the pectin from the skins and help the jam thicken.

Washed and peeled apples should be finely chopped and poured into a slow cooker, add the juice obtained from boiling the skins. Cover everything with sugar and put on simmer mode for 1 hour.

At the end of the mode, you need to mix everything and turn on the baking mode for 40 minutes. During the process, stir the jam several times.

Pour the finished dessert into jars and roll up. Making apple jam in a slow cooker is not difficult. You need to be careful with the heating temperature of the device. Jam is cooked no higher than 130 degrees. If it is possible to select the temperature, it must be set at exactly 130 degrees.

The number of apples for making jam in a slow cooker should not exceed 1 kg. Otherwise, the dessert will spill into the slow cooker and ruin both it and the jam.

If you follow the primitive cooking rules, it will not be difficult to cook thick, transparent apple jam of a beautiful bright shade. There is no need to think about how to make apple jam for the winter at home; it’s quite simple and quick to do.

This delicious dessert can be used both as a sweet addition to tea and for making buns and pies.

Apples are the most common fruit in our country, so they were eaten fresh and processed. They are the most accessible to any family. Therefore, almost every housewife prepares apple jam for the family for the winter during the appropriate period. After all, this sweet is loved by both children and adults: it can be spread on bread or pancakes, and it is perfect as a filling for pies.

Cooking jam is very similar to making jam: it is checked for readiness in the same way - a small amount is dripped onto a snack plate and made sure it does not spread.

But there are also differences in the technological process:

  • the finished dish should be poured into jars while hot, otherwise it will thicken right in the container where it was cooked;
  • In order to achieve a light color of the product, you need to pour salt water (1 liter of liquid and 1 tablespoon of salt) into the fruit for 15 minutes before heat treatment.

How to choose and prepare apples correctly

Any variety of apples is suitable for making jam, but sweet and sour fruits are especially good. Moderately ripe fruits make jam into pieces, while overripe fruits are suitable for a dish with a uniform consistency.

To make jam, take ripe fruits. Preparing fruits involves washing, cutting out blemishes and cores with seeds. The apples are then sliced ​​or grated to speed up their cooking.

You can remove the skin from the fruit as desired, but you need to keep in mind that the skin on apples contains pectin, and it will be more difficult to achieve a jelly-like consistency without it. If it is left, then after cooking the pulp is rubbed through a sieve.

How to make apple jam at home

Most often, jam is prepared with the addition of sugar; heat treatment is used to cook it. Apple sweets differ from each other in the presence of various ingredients and consistency, as well as appearance. Therefore, there are many recipes that combine various ingredients and the consistency of the components of the sweet product in different ways.

A simple recipe for the winter

For jam, quickly prepared according to a simple recipe, you only need to add fruit and sugar in equal quantities. Step by step it is prepared like this:

  • the prepared fruits are placed on the bottom of the container in which they will be cooked and sprinkled with granulated sugar;
  • leave for a while and begin to bring to a boil, stirring;
  • when the jam boils, reduce the power of the stove and continue stirring;
  • cook for 40 minutes, skimming off the foam.

If you want to get thick jam and have a homogeneous consistency, then at the end of cooking, beat the mass with a blender. After the preparation process is completed, the product is placed in sterilized jars and sealed.

Apple confiture with cinnamon and lemon

This apple product has a richer flavor than regular jam because it is cooked with lemon and cinnamon.


  • apples;
  • sugar;
  • lemon;
  • water;
  • cinnamon.

Refined sugar is poured into water and syrup is boiled. At the same time, prepare the apples. Then they are grated on a coarse grater and placed in syrup. Cook for an hour, stirring. At the end of the cooking process, add lemon juice and cinnamon. Everything is poured into sterilized jars and hermetically sealed.

Apple jam with lingonberries

This is an old recipe that combines apples and lingonberries, and many people still want to make it today.

Recipe ingredients:

  • apples;
  • cowberry;
  • water;
  • lemon acid;
  • granulated sugar;
  • gelling agent;
  • vanilla sugar.

Prepared apples are separated from the skin and core. Then they take a pan and put in what was trimmed from the fruit. A solution is prepared in another container: water is poured in and citric acid is poured in, and then the fruit pulp, which is cut into slices, is immersed in it. The apples are infused in this solution for some period.

After keeping the fruit pulp in acidic water, it is poured into the container where the skins are located. Then put this pan on the fire and boil for 3 minutes. The pectin from the skin goes into solution and thus the jam will become thicker.

After cooking, strain and pour the liquid back into the first pan. Boil the fruits for 10 minutes until they are softened. After this, puree with a blender, but not completely, and leave some of the pieces and add lingonberries.

The next step is to mix vanilla with regular sugar and add a gelling agent. Place on the fire and, stirring, leave for 5 minutes. Remove the boiling product and pour into prepared jars, roll up with iron lids.

In a slow cooker

Modern technology can greatly simplify the process of making apple jam. Making it in a slow cooker is very easy.


  • apples;
  • sugar;
  • water.

The fruits are prepared and the skin is removed. It is loaded into the bowl of the device, select the “Steam” function and leave for 10 minutes. Then a liquid containing pectin remains in the container, into which chopped apples and sugar are placed.

After this, turn on the “Quenching” mode and leave for 60 minutes. After preparation, pack into sterilized containers and roll up.

With orange

If you cook this aromatic jam correctly, children will especially like it.


  • orange;
  • apples;
  • water;
  • sugar.

Boil the apples in water and remove them, and add sugar and chopped orange to the remaining liquid. Grated apples are also returned here. Stirring, keep them on the fire for a quarter of an hour. Pour into sterile containers and seal.

With chokeberry

This jam is a vitamin product due to the properties of chokeberry.

Recipe ingredients:

  • apples;
  • Rowan;
  • sugar;
  • water.

The prepared fruits are cut into slices along with the skin and core. At the same time, the berries are also prepared. Pour water into the pan and blanch the black rowan for 5 minutes. Then add apples and cook for 20 minutes, stirring. Remove the container from the heat, cool and grind.

Add sugar to the resulting puree and cook for about an hour, stirring. Place in prepared jars and seal.

In the bread machine

This technique is quite suitable for making jams, since it has a “Jam” mode.


  • apples;
  • sugar.

The prepared fruits are grated on a fine grater. Then the puree is put into the device and sugar is given. Set it to the desired mode and leave it to cook. At the end, they are laid out in sterile jars and covered with lids.


You can make wonderful jam without the presence of sugar.


  • apples;
  • water.

Pieces of fruit are poured with water and boiled for 20 minutes. Then the mass is ground or pureed with a blender. If you need a product with greater thickness, boil it again for several minutes. Pour into prepared jars and roll up.

Without sterilization

You can make preparations for the winter without sterilization, limiting yourself to pasteurization.


  • apples;
  • sugar;
  • water.

The prepared fruits are cut into cubes, and water is boiled at the same time. Blanch the fruit for 10 minutes. Then the fruit is combined with sugar and half of the liquid remaining after blanching is added. Cook until done. Stir occasionally. Pour into jars and seal.