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Global cooling is approaching the earth. Global cooling: analytics, scientific opinions, forecasts When will the cold start

As a result of studies of the solar system and our planet, scientists have determined that the threat of global cooling of the Earth is currently looming. This problem lies in the fact that there is a process of gradual cooling of the earth's surface, as a result of which the annual temperature drops by several degrees. If a climate catastrophe occurs, the planet may become frozen, as it was during the Ice Age.

History of the problem of global cooling

The last time there was a period of global cooling on the planet was in the 17th century. At that time, the temperature dropped to unimaginably low levels. The first manifestations of global cooling were recorded by an English scientist, and in his honor this period was called the “Maunder Minimum,” which lasted from 1645 to 1715. According to eyewitnesses, even the Thames River froze.

In the 1940-1970s, the hypothesis of a global cooling of the planet dominated. When, as a result of rapid economic development and industrial activity, air temperatures began to rise rapidly, scientists began to talk about global warming. Soon this hypothesis began to be widely discussed, and the information reached the common population. Thus, the cooling theory was forgotten for some time.

Experts started talking about the dangers of nuclear winter again when the threat of a nuclear attack on cities arose. In addition, this hypothesis is now confirmed by new research by scientists. They discovered some black spots on the sun, and in 2030 a new solar cycle will begin, along with global cooling. This will happen because the two waves of rays will reflect each other, so the Earth will not be able to heat up with the energy of the Sun. Then the planet may experience another short-term “ice age.” There will be severe frosts for 10 years. Astronomers predict that atmospheric temperatures will drop by 60%.

A group of researchers says that neither this approaching cold snap, nor those that are expected in the future, can be stopped by people. While some people worry about global warming, the threat of an “ice age” is getting much closer. It's time to buy warm clothes, heaters and invent ways to survive in the harsh conditions of low frosts. There is very little time left to prepare for the approaching cold. However, these are just assumptions of scientists; we will see the results soon.

    Scientists have found that a new global cooling may begin on Earth in 10-15 years. ...According to preliminary forecasts, activity on the star will soon decrease sharply. In 10 years, global cooling will occur on Earth. Such forecasts were voiced by scientists from the UK as a result of their experiments modeling solar activity cycles. British scientists have found that global cooling on Earth may occur within 10 years. Experts from England's Northumbria University have found that global cooling will occur within 10-15 years.

    climatologists: in 10 years the earth will be covered by global cold

    European scientists have concluded that a “little ice age” on Earth is more likely than previously thought. A team of researchers has revealed a scientific model that predicts a decline in solar activity.

    A team of European researchers has revealed a scientific model that suggests the Earth may experience a "little ice age" as a result of declining solar activity, the Sunday Express reports. …From 1645 to 1715, global temperatures fell due to low solar activity, causing a 70-year “ice age.”

    British climatologists tell the world that in 10-15 years the planet will experience another global cooling. ...After studying the cycles of the star, it was found that its activity will soon decrease.

    Having analyzed the processes that are currently occurring on the Sun, British experts suggested that in 10 years global cooling may begin on Earth. ...In turn, a decrease in solar activity will lead to global cooling.

    Researchers from the UK have found out how many years later global cooling will be recorded on our planet. ...Scientists note that cold weather will come to Earth in 10-15 years: the activity of the star will slow down significantly, which is why progressive global warming will be replaced by cooling, FAN reports.

    A new global cooling may begin on Earth in 10-15 years. ...According to researchers, its activity will decrease significantly, as a result of which progressive global warming will be replaced by cooling.

    Global cooling will occur on Earth in 10-15 years. Scientists from Great Britain came to this conclusion.

    British scientists from Northumbria University modeled solar activity cycles and came to the conclusion that in 10-15 years, earthlings will face not global warming, but global cooling, RT reports. According to experimental data, previously the Earth and the Sun gradually moved closer together, but now the distance between them is increasing, which is why our planet is facing a new ice age.

    According to scientists, a new global cooling could begin on Earth in 10-15 years. ...According to research data, activity on the Sun will soon decrease sharply.

    British experts have come to the conclusion that within 10-15 years a new global cooling will occur on our planet. Scientists made their conclusions based on a mathematical model of the processes that are occurring on the Sun today.

    Scientists have decided that in 10-15 years the process of global warming will be replaced by global cooling. Experts from Northumbria University in the UK made this conclusion based on an analysis of solar activity cycles.

    At the moment, global warming can be noted, but in ten years it will change in the opposite direction - towards cold. This prediction was made thanks to a mathematical model built on various processes occurring on the surface and inside the Sun.

    British climatologists claim that in ten years, due to global warming, a new ice age will begin on Earth, reports ...Scientists note that in the coming years, solar activity will begin to decline sharply, and global warming will be replaced by even more widespread cooling.

    Over the coming decades, global cooling will come to Earth, scientists from the UK said. They found this out by summing up the results of their study of the processes occurring on the Sun.

    Its activity will decrease significantly, as a result of which progressive global warming will be replaced by cooling, experts say. ...The fact is that in recent years, significantly fewer spots have appeared on the luminary than previously, which, according to researchers, is a harbinger of a mini-ice age.

    That same notorious nuclear winter has become a very common concept describing the expected effect of global cooling. Black smoke and ash from cities destroyed by nuclear strikes will rise into the atmosphere and block access to sunlight.

    Scientists simulated the 25th and 26th cycles of solar activity. ...In this regard, experts concluded that during the 26th cycle, processes in the bowels of the star neutralize each other, which will lead to a sharp drop in solar activity.

    British scientists predict an imminent global cooling that will cover the Earth in 10-15 years. ...Scientists said that the distance between the Earth and the Sun is constantly changing.

    In particular, the researchers prepared their forecast based on mathematical modeling of processes occurring on the Sun. ...Thus, short-term cold snaps and severe winters that we are experiencing do not at all contradict the warming trend.

    Scientists from the British University of Northumbria reported that global cooling will occur in 10-15 years. ...Northumbria University expert Valentina Zharkova and her colleagues modeled the 25th and 26th cycles of solar activity.

    Scientists from Britain analyzed solar activity and came to the conclusion that the Earth is facing global cooling in 10-15 years. The fact is that the distance between the Sun and the Earth is constantly changing and now the distance is increasing, which will lead to cooling.

    British scientists from Northumbria University modeled solar activity cycles and came to the conclusion that global cooling will occur on Earth in 10 to 15 years. According to them, the peaks of decline in solar activity will occur in 2022 and 2040.

). He predicts that global warming, which will occur in less than 50 years, will lead to terrible disasters: earthquakes, tsunamis and a new ice age. It turns out that Zharvin is not alone in the scientific world. The head of the space research laboratory of the Main (Pulkovo) Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Khabibullo ABDUSAMATOV, is sure: it will start to get colder in five years! The St. Petersburg astronomer explains the causes of climate change in his own way.

The sun is shining, but it does not warm

Khabibullo Abdusamatov believes that the Sun is to blame for everything - both global warming and the coming cold snap. He discovered that throughout the twentieth century, our star shone more and more brightly, which is why the average temperature on Earth rose by 0.6 degrees over 100 years (it is these data that are considered evidence of global warming). And in the early 90s, the Sun stopped burning so zealously.

We have not felt this because we continue to bask in the remnants of the heat that the planet has accumulated. But supplies don't last forever. Several years will pass, and the temperature will begin to fall, the scientist explains. - The ocean primarily accumulates heat, and it also determines the climate on the planet. And oceanologists say that since 2003, the upper layers of the ocean have been cooling.

Abdusamatov spoke about his theory at a symposium of the International Astronomical Union and at the Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism of the Russian Academy of Sciences. There were no serious objections.

Greenhouse effect - fiction

But what about the greenhouse effect, which seems to be to blame for global warming? An astronomer from St. Petersburg is sure: man has nothing to do with it at all, and there is no greenhouse effect in nature!

The pattern of this effect is familiar to every summer resident, explains Khabibullo. - The greenhouse glass allows the sun's rays to pass through, but does not allow infrared radiation and carbon dioxide from the earth to return. Due to this, the temperature in the room increases.

But in the atmosphere this “glass” simply does not exist! This was proven by scientists from the Pulkovo Observatory. Carbon dioxide travels calmly through the air layers and does not think of accumulating under the skies. Abdusamatov refers to the research of polar explorers. They drilled through four kilometers of ice near the Vostok station in Antarctica and Greenland and took samples of rocks that are several hundred thousand years old. In both cases, it turned out that the amount of carbon dioxide had increased before, and the temperature on Earth changed regularly. But the accumulation of gas did not precede, but rather was a consequence of warming.

This means that warming has nothing to do with the greenhouse effect! - says Khabibullo.

The scientific community reacted painfully to this statement by Abdusamatov. After all, 168 countries have signed the Kyoto Protocol, which states that the greenhouse effect must be combated and emissions of harmful gases into the atmosphere must be reduced. Hundreds of billions of dollars are being spent to combat the scourge; dozens of scientists are defending their dissertations.

We'll start freezing in 2012

Abdusamatov established that the Sun shines stronger or weaker, obeying strict cycles: 11-year and century-long. And it won't be long until it gets colder. The secular cycle of the sun's dim light will begin in 2012. Temperatures on the planet will begin to decline and will reach a minimum by 2050. On average it will become 1.2 - 1.3 degrees colder than now. Trifle? But global warming is measured in even smaller numbers - 0.6 degrees per hundred years! Khabibullo cites the cold period of 1645 - 1715 as an example. In the new ice age, humanity will have to freeze the same way.

Then the Seine and Thames were covered with ice, all the canals of Holland froze, Abdusamatov frightens (for comparison: this January in Paris, London, and Amsterdam it was about +10 degrees - what ice is there! - Ed.). - Our ancestors organized fairs on the thick crust of the icy Dnieper and Moscow Rivers. Abnormal cold weather scared the Vikings who conquered Greenland. Seeing that glaciers were advancing on the previously green island, they decided to leave.

In Russia, the lack of sunlight will become noticeable in about 15 years, winters will become longer and frostier. And by 2050, the north of the country will be covered with deep snow. The white snow will reflect sunlight, causing it to become even colder.

Why does the Sun shine unevenly? There is no consensus yet. Thermonuclear reactions are raging in the depths of the star; most likely, the instability of the star is associated with them. When the temperature in the solar core rises, the pressure increases - the Sun “inflates” and the Earth receives more light and heat from it. It is more convenient to study details from space. Employees of the Pulkovo Observatory developed special equipment, and the cosmonauts promised that in 2008 they would take it to the ISS in order to measure changes in the shape and diameter of the Sun as part of the Astrometry project. This data will help more accurately predict the timing and severity of global cooling.


One of Khabibullo Abdusamatov’s arguments: Mars periodically gets warmer and colder. And exactly at the same time as on Earth! These are the results of recent NASA research. But on the Red Planet there are no Martians, much less factories, cars and other sources of greenhouse gases. This means that the climate of both us and our neighbors is influenced solely by the Sun and its changes in “mood.”


In the Australian town of Dubbo (located in the state of New South Wales), the cold snap has been going on for a hundred years! While global warming is being talked about all over the world, throughout the 20th century, daytime air temperatures have been steadily decreasing. Summers there are now much cooler than in the early 1900s, and winter frosts are becoming more frequent! These paradoxical data are presented by Mark Howden, an employee of the Australian research organization CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization). The melting of the ice sheet that covered much of North America was the main cause of the cold snap that began about 12,800 years ago, British and Canadian scientists write in a paper published Thursday in the journal Nature.

2. During the period of severe climate cooling, which lasted about one and a half thousand years, in some regions the temperature was 15 degrees lower than today, and the transition from a warmer climate occurred in just a decade.

A study conducted by Julian Murton from the University of Sussex and his colleagues proved the hypothesis that the cause of sudden climate change was the melting of a giant glacier that occupied the eastern part of modern Canada, and then the breakthrough of the periglacial Lake Agassiz and the entry of huge volumes of fresh water into the North Atlantic.

Colder and lighter fresh water formed a “screen” on the surface of the ocean, cooling the surface air, resulting in the formation of much more drifting ice, and the Gulf Stream - a warm current that determines the climate of almost the entire northern hemisphere - was "cut off" and stopped reaching the northern latitude

The authors of the work recall that the hypothesis about the fatal role of Lake Agassiz in the onset of cooling was published in Nature back in 1989 by a group of scientists led by Wallace Broecker. However, there was no definitive proof of this connection.


Merton's team found the last missing link in this chain - traces of powerful water flows leading from a periglacial lake to the ocean. They studied sediments in the Mackenzie River delta region and found signs of severe erosion that could only be explained by the overflow and outburst of an ancient glacial lake.

3.The problem of climate change occurring on our planet has acquired unprecedented relevance in recent years. Today, literally everyone is willing to talk about global warming, from academics to housewives. The media are happy to replicate the frightening predictions of experts who cannot come to an agreement among themselves about what exactly the “greenhouse effect” threatens humanity with – a global flood or a monstrous drought. Meanwhile, as Russian scientists believe, in the coming decades a completely different misfortune awaits us, and global warming in our lifetime will be replaced by global cooling, and then, you see, a new ice age is not far away.

According to experts from the Main Astronomical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Pulkovo), the period of low temperatures will be replaced by warming only at the beginning of the 22nd century. Scientists base their conclusions on observational data on eleven-year and hundred-year fluctuations in solar activity. Researchers claim that in the 20th century the Sun increased the amount of energy emitted, and now the flow has reached its maximum, but solar activity will soon begin to decline. After which we should expect a decrease in the average annual temperature of the Earth's surface.

“Based on our research, we have developed a scenario for global cooling of the Earth’s climate by the middle of this century and the onset of the next 200-year cycle of global warming at the beginning of the 22nd century,” said the head of the space research sector of the Pulkovo Observatory, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Khabibullo Abdusamatov, speaking at a joint conference of scientists and environmental activists in London.

According to the researcher, cooling will begin in 2012–2015, and its peak will occur in 2055–2060. By this time, the temperature may drop to the level of the so-called Maunder minimum, which took place at the end of the 17th century. Then all the canals in Holland froze, and in Greenland, due to the onset of glaciers, people were forced to leave many settlements.

As Abdusamatov said, he and his colleagues received new confirmation of this hypothesis from foreign researchers. “The other day I received a very important letter by email. Western colleagues reported that in 2003–2005 there was some cooling of the upper layers of the World Ocean, which is fully consistent with the results of our research,” the scientist said.

The consequences of future climate change can be very serious, says Khabibullo Abdusamatov. In his opinion, the governments of world powers should prepare in advance for the cold news

    Global cooling 6200 BC- Reconstruction of the GISP2 glacier temperature over the last 10 thousand years, indicating periods of cooling. Cooling 6200 BC e. (8.2 thousand years ago) is designated by number 5. Global cooling 6200 BC. e. the most severe... ... Wikipedia

    Global cooling 6200 BC e.- Reconstruction of glacier temperature GISP2 over the last 10 thousand years, indicating periods of cooling. Cooling 6200 BC e. (8.2 thousand years ago) is designated by number 5. Global ... Wikipedia

    Global dimming- (eng. Global dimming) an effect caused by natural (volcanism) and man-made pollution of the atmosphere with dust and other particles, as a result of which the amount of solar radiation falling on the Earth’s surface decreases. Effect... ...Wikipedia

    Global warming- Global warming is the process of a gradual increase in the average annual temperature of the Earth’s atmosphere and the World Ocean in the 20th and 21st centuries. Position of the Interstate Panel on Climate Change ... Wikipedia

    glacial period- This section is missing references to information sources. Information must be verifiable, otherwise it may be questioned and deleted. You can... Wikipedia

    Changing of the climate- This article is about the phenomenon as a whole. For current global climate change, see Global Warming. Climate change fluctuations in the climate of the Earth as a whole or its individual regions over time, expressed statistically... ... Wikipedia

    Paleoclimatology- Paleoclimatology is the science of the history of climate change on Earth. Contents 1 History of science 2 Methods 3 Basic principles ... Wikipedia

    Methane hydrate gun hypothesis- (eng. clathrate gun hypothesis) is a generic name for a series of hypotheses that rising ocean temperatures (and/or falling sea levels) could trigger the sudden release of methane from methane hydrate deposits under... ... Wikipedia

    World Warming- Global warming is the process of a gradual increase in the average annual temperature of the Earth's atmosphere and the World Ocean. Scientific opinion expressed by the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), and directly supported by... ... Wikipedia

    End of the world- This term has other meanings, see End of the World (meanings). The death of humanity as imagined by the artist (see also... Wikipedia


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May 5th, 2018

They usually discuss what will happen with global warming. The ice will melt and the level of the world's oceans will rise. Everyone has seen these maps - for Russia it will not be too critical. Some coastal areas will go under water, but nothing critical, such as for countries such as the Netherlands, England, etc.

But for example, experts believe that global cooling will simply bring catastrophic consequences for Russia. Look...

Global cooling will create ice dams at the mouths of Siberian rivers, and they will block river flows. Water from the Ob and Yenisei, not finding an outlet into the ocean, will flood the lowlands. Excess water will fill the Turan Lowland, the Aral Sea will merge with the Caspian Sea, the level of which will rise by more than 80 meters. Then the water along the Kuma-Manych depression will spill into the Don. The Krasnodar Territory, part of Turkey and Bulgaria will go under water. To avoid the onset of an ice age, humanity needs to support the operation of the earth's main battery - the Gulf Stream.

This can be done in two ways: the first is to launch the eastern warm Kuroshio Current into the Arctic, the second is to pump the Gulf Stream to the north.

The climate is warming, and quite significantly. Over the past century, the average temperature on the globe has risen by 0.7-0.8 degrees. Nothing like this has happened on the planet for more than two millennia. Warming and cooling cycles have always existed on Earth. Scientists are still arguing about what causes them. Some believe that this is caused by the changing activity of the Sun, others say that the planet gets colder during periods when the solar system passes through dust and gas accumulations, others blame the earth's axis, which constantly fluctuates and changes its angle of inclination.

Back in 1939, the Yugoslav scientist Milankovitch calculated that the Earth's climate changes in three cycles - 23,000, 41,000 and 100,000 years (they were called Milankovitch cycles). In accordance with them, humanity is now experiencing the very heat (Great Summer), which should be replaced by cold (Great Winter). And the change will not take millennia or centuries (as now with global warming) - it will happen in 10–15, maximum 50 years.

What could cause a new ice age and how, in particular, Russia will change then is described in the book by science popularizer Valery Chumakov “The End of the World: Forecasts and Scenarios” (ENAS Publishing House, 2010). For informational purposes, we present an excerpt from a book about global cooling.

How does the Gulf Stream work?

The Gulf Stream is the most powerful warm current on the planet. It originates in the Gulf of Mexico, where winds drive huge masses of water through the Yucatan Strait, and goes to the north Atlantic, right up to the islands of Novaya Zemlya and Spitsbergen, covering about 10 thousand kilometers along the way; its width is 110-120 kilometers. The current speed reaches 10 km/h.

Salty ocean water heated at the equator, moving north, gradually releases its heat into the atmosphere. Ocean winds carry warm air to the mainland and warm coastal and island states. Having reached the northernmost point, the Gulf Stream cools down completely. Its salty water is heavier than the fresher water of the Arctic Ocean. It descends to depth and, having turned into the deep-sea cold Labrador Current, begins its return journey to the south, to the equator. This “lowering” ensures the continuous operation of the giant thermal conveyor that is the Gulf Stream. If the “elevator” moves the flow from one flow to another, the entire conveyor will stop. The shutdown will lead to a sharp drop in average temperatures in most of the leading countries of the world - in the USA, England, France, Germany, etc. The worst situation in this case will be Norway, where the temperature will immediately drop by 15–20 degrees.

To make this stop, you need to increase the temperature in the North Pole area by only 1.2 degrees. Then the melting Arctic glaciers will “merge” into the Arctic Ocean with a huge mass of fresh cold water. Mixed with the salt water of the Gulf Stream, fresh water will greatly lighten it and prevent it from falling to the bottom. At the end of its journey, the current will simply spread across the surface and, having no return, will stop.

But this will not happen overnight. The stopping process will take from 2 to 7 years, during which the Gulf Stream will increasingly shift southward until it closes on the cold Canary Current, which now washes the shores of West Africa. At the same time, temperatures will drop in the countries of Northern and Western Europe and on the east coast of the United States.

The stop of the Gulf Stream and a sharp cooling in Europe and South America will become a kind of “trigger” that will set off a chain of further changes. Falling temperatures will cause snow cover in these regions to last much longer. And since the albedo (reflectivity) of white snow is about nine times higher than the albedo of black earth, sunlight will be reflected from it almost completely, without turning into heat. The result will be a kind of chain reaction that will lead to snow covering the ground almost all year round.

Then the process of glacial advance will begin. More precisely, leakage, because glaciers flow - not so slowly, their speed can reach up to 7 meters per day. The cooling of the world's oceans will lead to the fact that it will begin to absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. This will be similar to the situation with champagne: the colder it is, the less gas it emits. The concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will greatly decrease, and since it is the main greenhouse gas, the greenhouse effect will weaken, and accordingly the temperature on the planet will continue to fall.

All this applies mainly to coastal areas. Those territories that currently house 40% of the planet's population and produce more than half of the world's product. Russia will have other problems, but no less. A group of Russian scientists, led by Valery Karnaukhov, deputy director of the Institute of Cell Biophysics (Pushchino), on instructions from the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations in April 2000, calculated the scenario according to which events would develop in our country.

Russian Sea

So, the Gulf Stream has risen, warm water does not flow into the Arctic, and soon a huge ice dam will form along the northern coast of Russia. Large Siberian rivers rest against this dam: the Yenisei, Lena, Ob, etc. After the formation of the Siberian ice dam, ice jams on the rivers will become more powerful, and spills will become more extensive.

In the early 1950s, the USSR developed a project to create the West Siberian Sea. Huge dams were supposed to block the currents of the Ob and Yenisei at the outlet to the ocean. As a result, the entire West Siberian Lowland would have been flooded, the country would have received the world's largest North Ob hydroelectric power station, and the evaporation of the new sea, comparable in area to the Mediterranean, should have greatly softened the sharply continental Siberian climate. However, the largest oil reserves were found in the area to be flooded, and “sea construction” had to be postponed.

(What happened to temperatures in the northern hemisphere over the last million years)

Now, what man failed to do, nature will do. Only the ice dam will be larger than the one they were going to build. Consequently, the spill will be larger. Ice dams will eventually completely block river flows. Water from the Ob and Yenisei, not finding an outlet into the ocean, will flood the lowland. The water level in the new sea will rise until it reaches 130 meters. After this, it will begin to flow into Europe through the Turgai depression, located in the eastern part of the Ural Mountains. The resulting stream will wash away a 40-meter layer of soil and expose the granite bottom of the hollow. As the channel expands and deepens, the level of the young sea will fall and drop to 90 meters.

Excess water will fill the Turan Lowland, the Aral Sea will merge with the Caspian Sea, the level of which will rise by more than 80 meters. Then the water along the Kuma-Manych depression will spill into the Don. And these will be the great Siberian rivers Ob and Yenisei, completely turned towards Europe. All Central Asian republics will be under water, and the Don itself will turn into the deepest river in the world, next to which the Amazon and Amur will look like streams. The width of the stream will reach 50 kilometers or more. The level of the Azov Sea will rise so much that it will flood the Crimean Peninsula and merge with the Black Sea. Then the water will go through the Bosphorus to the Mediterranean Sea, but the Bosphorus will not be able to cope with such volumes. The Krasnodar Territory, part of Turkey and almost all of Bulgaria will go under water.

Scientists set aside 50-70 years for everything. By this time, the northern part of Russia, the Scandinavian countries, the Netherlands, Denmark, Finland, almost all of Great Britain, most of Germany and France will already be covered in ice.

"Atlantis" on the path of the warm current

There are other scenarios, for example, proposed by Russian scientist Nikolai Zharvin. He and his supporters believe that the change between glaciation and warming periods does not occur because the amount of heat it receives increases or decreases. In accordance with their theory, these giant cataclysms are caused by vertical vibrations of the two largest lithospheric plates - the North American and North Eurasian.

The Gulf Stream did not reach northern Europe and America 8 thousand years ago. His path was blocked by a rather vast island, the size of Greenland. Resting against it, the current turned away and warmed not Scandinavia, as it is now, but the already warm Gibraltar. The lack of heat led to the fact that the surface of the continents already beyond the 50th parallel (the southern border of Great Britain) was covered with a layer of ice. It is believed that the ice reserves of the same Greenland were then three times greater than today. Due to the fact that the mass of water accumulated in the northern glaciers, the level of the World Ocean was 150 meters lower than today. It was during this period that people settled a lot of islands that are now cut off from each other, and maybe even crossed from Europe to America overland.

The pressure of the Greenland ice on the North American plate led to the fact that it, unable to withstand the load, broke and sharply sank into the planet, into the magmatic layer. This was accompanied by a monstrous earthquake and a series of powerful volcanic eruptions. When everything calmed down, it turned out that the island blocking the path of the Gulf Stream was no longer there. The fault passed right through it, and it simply plunged into the ocean depths to a depth of more than a kilometer. Some time later, people, remembering this fertile land washed by a tropical current, will call it Atlantis and will remember it as a lost earthly paradise.

The Gulf Stream, now not encountering any obstacle on its way, broke through to the north and began its vigorous climate-forming activity there. Gradually, the Arctic warmed up and was freed from accumulated excess ice. Now Greenland's reserves are only a third of what they were before - 2.7 million cubic meters. km. And this would be normal if stocks were not declining at an ever-increasing speed. Glaciers in North America lose up to 10 meters in growth per year. When their mass drops to critical, a new rupture will occur and the North American plate will jerk up about a kilometer, again revealing Atlantis to the world. Jarvin's supporters called the future cataclysm an "Icelandic steam explosion."

Masses of water vapor, escaping through the resulting cracks into the atmosphere, will cover the planet with a dense layer of rain clouds, from which truly biblical rain will pour onto the Earth. Trillions of tons of water will fall on the continents, which will lead to flooding of all low-lying and flat areas. The earthquake will generate a series of powerful tsunamis that will simply wash away all coastal European and American cities. And the Gulf Stream, having again met Atlantis, which had emerged from the abyss, on its way, will go south, giving rise to a new ice age.

Salvation - Bering Strait Dam

What is the recipe for salvation - how to help the Gulf Stream? In order to avoid the onset of the ice age or delay its arrival, humanity needs to support the operation of the earth's main battery - the Gulf Stream. This can be done in two ways: the first is to launch the eastern warm salty Kuroshio Current into the Arctic, the second is to pump the Gulf Stream to the north.

In 1891, the great Arctic explorer Fridtjof Nansen proposed to the Russian government to expand and deepen the Bering Strait in order to facilitate the rather powerful but spatially limited Kuroshio access to the Arctic Ocean. As a result, the Arctic climate would become much milder, and the shipping capacity of the Northern Sea Route would increase significantly.

In the early 1960s, projects for insulating the Arctic began to take on real features. In 1962, Soviet engineer P. Borisov proposed building a giant dam across the Bering Strait. The pumping units located in it were supposed to pump 140 thousand cubic km of water from the Arctic Ocean to the Pacific per year. The resulting shortage in the Arctic Ocean would be replenished by “pulling in” the warm currents of the Atlantic. In this way, the Gulf Stream could be extended to the mouth of the Yenisei, where the Greenland glaciers would no longer spoil it.

If the plan were implemented, the Soviet Union would significantly reduce the cost of mining minerals in Siberia, make the richest oil and gas-bearing areas of the country more suitable for life, and would have an almost year-round shipping route from Europe to Asia - without going around, through the Suez Canal , and almost directly - through the Arctic Ocean.

The idea of ​​the Bering hydroelectric complex was so popular in the 1960s that drawings of the dam were even published in the Children's Encyclopedia, and its sketches appeared on matchboxes.

However, the military intervened. The main bases of the Soviet nuclear submarine fleet were located in the North, and there was no need for trade caravans to roam around these strategically important areas all year round. The project to “warm” Russia was closed.
