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Evgeny Osin: biography and personal life. Evgeniy Osin: what’s wrong with him now and where is he? Drunk Evgeniy Osin

51-year-old singer Evgeny Osin, remembered by Russian listeners for such hits as “The Girl Is Crying in the Machine,” “Eighth of March,” “Tanya Plus Volodya,” “Kachka,” “Fellow Traveler,” ended up in one of the capital’s clinics a few days ago . Doctors assess the performer's condition as serious. After a thorough examination, Osin was diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver. According to doctors, the disease developed due to serious alcohol abuse.

Doctors are making great efforts to ensure that the celebrity’s condition stabilizes. This is not the first time Osin has been hospitalized due to problems with alcohol addiction. This winter, the singer spent several days in the hospital as his illness worsened.

In the 90s, Osin was at the peak of his popularity. His songs were heard from stalls, and Yevgeny himself even took part in Boris Yeltsin’s election campaign. However, the musician's career began to decline in the mid-2000s. In 2012, he was still working at a school, teaching music lessons to children, and even created a group that included his daughter Agnia.

Problems with alcohol completely destroyed the Osin family. His beloved wife left the artist, taking her child with her. Evgeniy took these events seriously, as he considered Agnia the most valuable person in his life. In order not to suffer from loneliness and to forget about grief, he abused alcoholic beverages.

“I fell into a situation of hopelessness. I’m not a poor man, I have a lot of things, but I don’t have women or happiness. My daughter has not wanted to communicate with me for two years now. I suffer a lot from this,” said Osin.

// Photo: Petr Terekhov/

The 90s star lives alone in a four-room apartment. He has complained about his health more than once and told reporters that doctors come to his house and put in IVs. He developed pancreatitis and problems with his pancreas. Osin said in one of his interviews that he had a presentiment that he would soon die, so he did not allow himself to marry again. Nevertheless, women surround Osin with affection and care. Many of the fair sex with whom he is friends help the artist clean the apartment, since, according to him, there is a real mess there.

The last album that Evgeny Osin released was the disc “Separation,” which hit store shelves in June of this year.

Composer and singer Evgeny Osin is a pop star of the 90s. In those years, his concerts took place in stadiums, he himself was a guest of the Christmas Meetings program, and a participant in Alla Pugacheva’s anniversaries. And, of course, he had an incredibly large number of female fans. His image was reminiscent of The Beatles - bell-bottom trousers, a guitar and a stylish hairstyle. During Boris Yeltsin's election race, “Vote or Lose,” his song was used.

But suddenly he disappeared somewhere, Evgeniy’s songs appeared on air less and less, although they remained at the top of the Russian charts for a long time. And, indeed, these are iconic hits of their time: “The girl is crying in the machine gun”, “And when the sea is pitching” and others.

Evgeny Osin is an alcoholic

There was no news about the artist for two decades. Sometimes inconspicuous short messages slipped through the press or on the Internet: he works as a music teacher at school, lives in the capital, he has a daughter. But this is no longer at all similar to its former popularity. So television, radio, and then fans forgot about him. After disappearing from the visibility of the media, Evgeniy released several more albums. But they remained unknown to the masses. Evgeniy Osin’s official VKontakte group also did not help their widespread distribution; album sales there are insignificant. There are also objective reasons for this: the songs have lost their former enthusiasm and positivity. By the age of fifty, many popular singers move to a more serious status: they write books, poetry collections, and teach. The charm of youth wears off, “beer, women and rock and roll” cannot last forever, the body simply cannot stand it. But it seems that this is precisely what Osin did not take into account.

Where did Evgeniy Osin disappear to?

In 2016, new information about the idol appeared. One of the federal channels made a whole program about his return. She was not a sensation of the artist's former stature. The TV crews wasted their time on Evgeniy Osin in vain. The result was a story about the artist’s latest binge.

In his youth, Evgeniy was very popular. Eight beauties performed as his backup dancers; there was no shortage of beautiful girls in his life either. As often happens in this case, a stable personal life did not work out. The first marriage broke up quickly, the second wife also left the singer. Agnia’s daughter from her second marriage remained with her mother.

It is difficult to say what was the root cause: alcohol led to divorce, or the breakdown of family relationships gave impetus to the development of the disease. The artist himself gives the following explanation: “The performance schedule was intense, it was necessary to relieve fatigue, and then he drank to drown out the pain of the divorce.”

Alcohol, which initially brought relief, now brought problems. The ex-wife prevented meetings with his daughter. Then Osin went to work at a Moscow school as an ordinary music teacher, the school where his daughter studied. Here he and his students created the group “Fishki”, in which Agnia played the drum set. In 2009, Evgeniy released an album of songs for children. In the recording of one of them, Agnia’s voice is heard. Life began to get better. But when his ex-wife found out that Evgeniy was communicating with his daughter, she transferred her to another school. The artist began a new binge, bordering on drug addiction: antidepressants were added to vodka.

Evgeniy tried to maintain a relationship with his daughter by phone, but Agnia answered less and less often. The gifts bought for her now remained meaningless artifacts in the singer’s apartment. The little princess never received them. And Evgeniy plunged into oblivion and alcoholism.

Evgeny Osin suffers from alcohol addiction

In 2016, it came to an emergency call; a childhood friend called an ambulance; he alone did not leave the musician alone in trouble. This is how Evgeniy ended up in the clinic. With the help of drips, the poisoning was removed, the binge stopped, the artist changed in appearance and began to feel better. He begged the doctors to transfer him to outpatient treatment. They believed him. In vain.

During this period, the NTV channel decided to film a program about the artist. We were hoping for sensational material. It was supposed to arrange a meeting between Evgeny and his daughter Agnia. They brought the artist in order, he discussed his image with the stylists, which was supposed to remind us of his former idol. Agnia agreed to the meeting. Everything was going well, there was no reason to worry.

Evgeny Osin started drinking again

But on the appointed day, when the journalists arrived at Evgeniy’s home in the morning, he was not there. We found the singer in the nearby Pyaterochka; he was buying a fair amount of cognac there. It was clear that Evgeniy was ashamed, but he still admitted to reporters that he drank for courage. As a result, the artist got drunk, did not go to the meeting, and rudely kicked the journalists out of the apartment. The TV channel failed to create a sensation, and the artist failed to restore his relationship with his daughter. We had to make a program from the material that we managed to collect. It didn’t look like the return of a former idol. Osin is presented as a lonely loser man in his fifties, who could not realize himself as a father and quietly drinks himself alone to his old hits.

For a year, the artist was forgotten again, but in July 2017, the artist came to the “Live Broadcast” television program, hosted by Boris Korchevnikov. He talked about his health problems, that his legs were failing. He said that a year ago journalists got him drunk in order to film another sensational story. He told about his creative plans. A narcologist in the studio explained to the artist that his leg problems were common alcoholic polyneuropathy, the result of long-term alcohol consumption. The peripheral nervous system dies and the person loses sensitivity. At a certain stage of the disease, this loss can become complete.

Alcohol in the lives of artists

Then they remembered Oleg Yakovlev (Ivanushki International group). Cirrhosis of the liver killed him. This leads many to believe that Oleg was addicted to alcohol. Another studio guest was Anna Kalashnikova. In her opinion, artists are doing a disservice by their popularity. Anna is a singer and knows this from her own experience. Public people hush up their problems longer and more carefully, including those with addictions, so that it does not immediately become public knowledge. The artists are helped in this by their loved ones, falling into a state of codependency.

Sergey Chumakov took part in the program. The performer of the hit “Don’t hurt me, groom” also suffered the same fate as many popular artists; he became addicted to alcohol. Sergei never hid his problem and often sincerely spoke about it to journalists. At the end of the program, Anna Kalashnikova closed the topic with the phrase “You don’t need to ask, but you need to act.” But it seems they didn’t listen to her. Everything in Evgeniy’s life remains the same.

Evgeny Osin and the “Let Them Talk” program

On August 17, the TV show “Let Them Talk” was hosted by Dmitry Borisov, its new presenter. Evgeny Osin was supposed to be a guest on the program. There is a version that the artist’s neighbors, who supplied him with food, called the television - they could not get into his apartment. Reporters from the central channel found themselves in Evgeniy’s home and found the singer in critical condition.

On the program that day, instead of Evgeny, there was composer Alexander Levshin, his friend. He told the audience that alcohol for the singer is a means to get away from problems and pain, to forget about a failed family life and a break in relations with his only and beloved daughter.

According to the presenter, at this time, narcologists were already brought to the artist’s house, and by the end of the program, Evgeniy was supposed to appear in the studio. However, the audience's expectations were not met - Osin could not come; in the second part of the TV show, viewers had to learn about the ex-husband of singer Irina Allegrova, who had recently returned from prison. The new host of the program eloquently revealed the little secrets of celebrities, and in the meantime, Andrei Malakhov, one of the creators of this famous show, took action!

Let us recall that Andrei was able to convince Dana Borisova, who suffered from drug addiction, to begin a course of treatment and rehabilitation. Andrei Malakhov and the chairman of the board of the National Anti-Drug Union Nikita Lushnikov went in search of the artist.

Evgeny Osin disappeared again

On August 18, information appeared: Osin had disappeared. The artist’s sister contacted the police for help in the search. It quickly became clear that everything was fine with the artist; he was admitted to a clinic for treatment for alcoholism. Only the most difficult condition made it possible to do this. Evgeniy Osin still did not think that he drinks a lot; he claimed that his alcohol consumption was within normal limits. The artist did not consider himself an alcoholic and did not want to undergo treatment. Dana Borisova, a TV presenter and his friend, was involved in the process.

Dana Borisova is currently undergoing rehabilitation at a local clinic on Koh Samui in Thailand. As it recently turned out, Dana is addicted to drugs. She contacted Evgeniy via Skype and in a conversation was able to convey to him that treatment was necessary. She invited me to fly to her and get rid of addictions together. Surprisingly, the singer agreed.

Where is Evgeny Osin now?

This information is confidential. We can only report that Evgeniy Osin is undergoing treatment in one of the capital’s clinics and is preparing to travel to Thailand. There he will continue treatment and rehabilitation not alone, but in the company of Dana Borisova. She became the person who was able to convince the artist of the need to undergo a treatment course. The singer denied having a problem and claimed that he drinks like everyone else until he talked to Dana. This position is typical for all addicts, including alcoholics. Denying the problem prevents you from starting treatment, this is how the body protects itself from stress - deprivation of alcohol, to which it is accustomed.

Evgeniy Osin was cleared of alcohol intoxication, his health is satisfactory, his life is safe. Doctors are conducting a medication treatment program, and psychologists have begun working with the artist. For rehabilitation, Evgeniy will go to a clinic on the tropical island of Samui, located in Thailand. This is an excellent place to house drug addicts and alcoholics in recovery. It is impossible to get drugs and alcohol there; the country’s harsh laws prevent this. But here there are conditions suitable for healing: the sea, sports, tropical fruits, freshly squeezed juices.

Now the artist is under the supervision of professionals. You can also place your loved one in the clinic where Evgeniy Osin is being treated, and then send him to a rehabilitation center in Thailand. We can organize this course of treatment and rehabilitation; to do this, you need to call the clinic.

Everything will be fine

The network of drug treatment centers “Help” wishes the artist recovery and promises to provide news about his life. We are confident that Evgeny Osin still has enough strength and talent to return to a healthy life and become a sought-after author and performer. The main thing is not to turn to alcohol for help. Does the artist have enough spirit? We'll find out soon - stay tuned.

VIDEO: Evgeniy Osin dies due to alcoholism

Oblivion of the public and family dramas made the star of the 90s Evgeniy Osin into a binge alcoholic. Now the once popular artist is between life and death.

"Yes, I'm an alcoholic!", says the current megastar of the 90s, Evgeniy Osin, about himself.

Two decades ago, his songs in the style of the 70s were hits that were listened to throughout the post-Soviet space. There were times when, as they say, turn on the iron, and from there you can hear Osin singing about how bitterly “The girl in the machine is crying”...

He toured a lot, was a success with the public, and received fabulous fees. It was at his speech that Boris Yeltsin, defying his pre-heart attack state, performed his famous dance during the 1996 election campaign.

Evgeny Osin and Boris Yeltsin

But all this is in the past. Fame, success, fees came to naught and dissipated, in the words of the classic, like smoke from white apple trees.

He released his last album (“New and Best”) in 2010. In the same year, Evgeny Osin got a job as a music teacher at Moscow school No. 1287. There, under his leadership, the group “Fishki” was created. His only daughter Agnia (born in 2002), whom he tried to give a ticket to the stage, also performed in it.

But then he was left alone. The betrayal of a once beloved woman and separation from his beloved daughter pushed the artist to drink.

And now he is on the verge of life and death. Journalists trying to understand the intricacies of the fate of the 90s star were forced to call doctors to bring Aspen out of his alcoholic coma.

90s star Evgeny Osin was on the verge of death due to drunkenness - New Russian sensations

In a semi-fainting state, Evgeniy Osin was carried into the ambulance. According to doctors, there are still chances to save the artist, although they are melting before our eyes and are becoming less and less every day.

Osin himself is ready to fight his illness.

In front of the icon, he vows to put an end to alcoholism, to return his human appearance and with it the affection of his only loved one.

The performer stated that his health is fine and he feels great. However, he added that no one saved him.


“Malakhov helped in quotes. He helped send me to this reservation, where people are humiliated in every way,” Osin said about the TV presenter who sent him to rehabilitation. Evgeniy noted that he was in Thailand in a rehabilitation center, where “there are no doctors, IVs or medications.”

“There are so-called psychologists there, where they treat in quotation marks. They don’t treat there, they keep people under supervision,” the Komsomolskaya Pravda website quotes the artist. Regarding Dana Borisova, who was addicted to drugs, and who helped Osin in the fight against the green snake, he responded very rudely (the TV presenter was treated in the same rehabilitation center - editor's note).

“Yes, this is a complete person! Her psyche is destroyed, she will never return to normal life. And in general, who knows, no one needs her? Everyone abandoned her and imprisoned her in this place,” said Evgeniy. Dana was not left without an answer.

Publication from Dan Borisova (@danaborisova_official) Aug 19 2017 at 5:00 PDT

“I would like to address the singer and my great friend Evgeny Osin. You left the program and set off on your own. Judging by the information that comes from Moscow, you go on TV shows and tell all sorts of unpleasant things about those people who became your saviors , benefactors who helped you become sober and confident as you are now,” says Borisova. The celebrity wished Aspen not to lose his temper and to be more grateful to others.

Singer Natalya Sturm, who also suffered from the performer, is still in shock that Osin has the audacity to say that she poisoned him. “Let him prove that he was poisoned or is responsible for slander. Or apologize to everyone live,” says the artist. In addition, Sturm added that the songs that Evgeniy performed were given to her by their author. “And let this be our answer to him. People told me in confidence that he did not write a single song himself,” Natalya summed up.

As journalists from found out, 51-year-old performer and musician Evgeny Osin went to the capital’s hospital a few days ago. After a thorough examination, the doctors issued a disappointing verdict - cirrhosis of the liver. The disease developed due to alcohol abuse. The condition of the once popular artist is assessed as serious.


Back in December, Evgeny Osin complained of poor health, although he assured journalists that he was struggling with alcohol addiction. “Lately I’ve been feeling very unwell, I’m very sick, a doctor comes to see me every day and puts on IVs. Pancreatitis and problems with the pancreas. I recently broke my arm, I didn’t even bother to put a cast on it. It’s hard to play the guitar. I fell into a situation hopelessness. I am not a poor person, I have a lot of things, but I don’t have women and happiness. My daughter has not wanted to communicate with me for two years. I am suffering from this very much. I would like to get married again, but I can’t put this pressure on myself. a burden, because I feel like I’m going to die soon,” Evgeniy said in a recent interview.

Osin lives alone in a four-room apartment in the center of Moscow. Women he knows help tidy up the actor’s home. “I have such a mess in my apartment because there is no one to clean: there is no wife, no housekeeper. Sometimes friends come: it so happens that I have more female friends than male friends. They help a little with the housework, they say: “Zhen, come on, go get some sleep, we’ll clean and wash everything here,” Osin shared.

Once upon a time, Evgeny Osin was extremely famous, and his hit “The Girl is Crying” broke records for popularity. However, at some point the artist suddenly disappeared. As it turned out, Evgeniy preferred the stage and popularity to working at school as an ordinary music teacher. The artist did this in order to meet his daughter Agnia, whose mother the singer divorced.