Construction, design, renovation

Definition of the concept “monitoring.” What is included in transport monitoring Big legal dictionary

Economic dictionary of terms

(from Latin monitor - reminding, supervising) monitoring

continuous monitoring of economic entities, analysis of their activities as an integral part of management.

New explanatory and word-formative dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


    Constantly keeping an eye on smb. process in order to determine its compliance with the desired result or initial assumptions.

    Observation, assessment and forecast of the state of the environment in connection with economic activities.

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998


monitoring the state of the environment (atmosphere, hydrosphere, soil cover, as well as technogenic systems) for the purpose of its control, forecast and protection. There are global, regional and local levels of monitoring. It is carried out using television images, photographs, multispectral images, etc., obtained from spacecraft, as well as by collecting data from land and sea stations. Space monitoring allows us to quickly identify the sources and nature of environmental changes, track the intensity of processes and the amplitude of environmental shifts, and study the interaction of technogenic systems. Monitoring services have been established in many countries; 1988 The World Conservation Monitoring Center (WCMC) was established.

Large legal dictionary



Monitoring- a continuous process of observing and recording object parameters in comparison with specified criteria.

Monitoring- a system for collecting/registering, storing and analyzing a small number of key features/description parameters of a given object to make a judgment about the behavior/state of the given object as a whole. That is, to make a judgment about an object as a whole based on the analysis of a small number of characteristics characterizing it.

Parameter monitoring- monitoring of any parameters. The result of parameter monitoring is a set of measured parameter values ​​obtained at inextricably adjacent time intervals, during which the parameter values ​​do not change significantly.

Website monitoring- the process of checking the functionality and testing the accessibility parameters of a website or web service on the Internet. Special website monitoring services simulate the actions of thousands of visitors in order to see how the resource reacts to traffic and the use of various functionality. If any malfunction is detected, the service sends a signal to the webmaster, thanks to which the specialist can quickly restore the functionality of his own resource. Using website availability monitoring has many additional benefits.

Condition monitoring- monitoring the state of the object to determine and predict the moment of transition to the limit state. The result of monitoring the state of an object is a set of diagnoses of its constituent entities, obtained at inextricably adjacent time intervals, during which the state of the object does not change significantly. The fundamental difference condition monitoring from parameter monitoring is the presence of an interpreter of measured parameters in terms of state - an expert system for supporting decision-making about the state of the object and further management.

Monitoring of tracking systems and fire alarm systems- the process of continuous, automated collection of information coming from security and fire alarm systems and GLONASS/GPS tracking systems installed at facilities of all types of property. The purpose of monitoring tracking systems and fire alarm systems is the timely delivery of received “Alarm” signals to officials of relevant private organizations and government services, as well as the safety of property located at the facility.

Monitoring of critical and dangerous facilities- the process of instrumental automated round-the-clock monitoring of individual parameters of objects. The purpose of monitoring is to prevent emergency situations and damage or destruction of facilities. The main difference between this type of monitoring is that during the monitoring process, deformations and shifts of the object and its individual elements are monitored, which makes it possible to prevent the occurrence of a negative event, rather than inform emergency services about the emergency that has occurred. Monitoring is carried out using optical, laser and geophysical methods and instruments.

Monitoring in marketing- this is a systematic and planned observation of the state of the market in order to assess it, study trends, and study the competitive environment. Marketing monitoring necessary for effective business management. Monitoring results make it possible to make adjustments to marketing and management. The closest Russian equivalent of the concept “ monitoring» - tracking.

Monitoring- the systematic collection and processing of information that can be used to improve decision-making, and also, indirectly, to inform the public or directly as a feedback tool for the purposes of project implementation, program evaluation or policy development. It has one or more of three organizational functions:

  • identifies the state of critical or changing environmental phenomena for which future courses of action will be developed;
  • establishes relationships with his environment, providing feedback regarding the previous successes and failures of certain policies or programs;
  • establishes compliance with regulations and contractual obligations.

In international relations, monitoring refers to the activities of international organizations to monitor the fulfillment by states of their obligations under international treaties. Monitoring mechanisms can be of various types: these include, for example, the European Court of Human Rights, international election observation, etc.

The closest Russian equivalent of the word “monitoring” is tracking. The terms control, supervision, supervision, supervision, which are sometimes indicated as synonyms, still have a slightly different meaning.

In technical diagnostics, monitoring is understood as a continuous process of collecting and analyzing information about the value of diagnostic parameters of an object’s condition. Game server monitoring is the process of communication between the web server and the game server, the game server transmits its data to the web server. The data contains information such as the status of the game server (online or offline), the number of players, and other data. The list of data depends on the game server and the game as a whole.

Monitoring tools are carried out remotely; in the latter case, monitoring results can be transferred to a remote technical support service to determine the causes of conflicts in the operation of software and hardware.

Examples of the use of the word monitoring in the literature.

Coordination monitoring allowed us to study the problem of mutual influence, cross-border penetration of drugs and their producers.

A native of the planet Cinruss, a GNFO with a highly developed empathic sense, which, among many other things, is simply invaluable in diagnosis and monitoring unconscious patients.

Pankratov explained the reason for his business trip to Tula simply: the National Alcohol Association is holding monitoring industry in order to have a complete picture of the situation on the alcohol market, which will help in developing recommendations to the government.

During the period of construction, operation and liquidation of objects, engineering and environmental surveys should be continued, if necessary, through the organization of environmental monitoring to monitor the state of the natural environment, the effectiveness of protective and environmental measures and the dynamics of the environmental situation.

Medical systems are an extensive network of electronic sensors and microwiring built into a spacesuit or ship module, directly connected to AI and designed to monitoring and monitoring the pilot’s biological functions during ceflink.

Carried out only monitoring production process without any physical intervention.

The Effective Policy Foundation sends me weekly monitoring Russian press, both Moscow, including electronic media, and regional.

The message appears as a result monitoring,moving the replica request.

Conduct preliminary magical preparation of the operation site in order to shield it from possible monitoring other divine agents of Vyria.

The tasks monitoring fail to stimulate such experience, destroy confidence and create error proneness.

Tasks monitoring lead to nerve atrophy, causing a new form of fatigue that is intolerable to people.

Monotonous tasks monitoring with nervous tension, tasks of managing according to a schedule under the guise of scientific management and increasingly intense work - all this pushes shift workers to despair.

Surveyors visited villages twice a season to monitoring the presence of narcotic plants, monitoring their development, maturation and obtaining samples for analysis.

If in the future the republic resumes the production of ephedrine for medical purposes, then the system should be strengthened monitoring, develop appropriate rules for the collection of ephedra, ensure licensing.

In 1999, new regions were included in the survey, methodologies were improved, maps of drug trafficking routes were updated and clarified for all three countries participating in the mapping, and an updated methodology was introduced monitoring illegal opium poppy and hemp plantations.

The concept of monitoring itself is of interest from the point of view of its theoretical analysis, since it does not have an unambiguous interpretation, because it is studied and used within various fields of scientific and practical activity.

The difficulty of formulating a definition of the concept of monitoring is also related to its belonging to both the field of science and the field of practice. It can be considered both as a way of studying reality, used in various sciences, and as a way of ensuring the scope of management of various activities through the provision of timely and high-quality information.

In the most general way, monitoring can be defined as “the constant monitoring of a process in order to determine its compliance with the desired result or initial position.”

Monitoring was first used in soil science, then in ecology and other related sciences. Currently, it is being studied both in technical and social sciences, and in various fields of practical activity. There is reason to say that there are few areas of activity left where monitoring is not used to one degree or another.

The main areas of application of monitoring as a method of scientific research are ecology, biology, sociology, pedagogy, economics, psychology, management theory.

The main area of ​​practical application of monitoring is management, or more precisely, information services for management in various fields of activity.

  • Materials of the international study of schoolchildren's readiness TIMSS -WWW.CSTEEP.BC.EDU
  • Press monitoring - WWW.DEALINE.RU
  • Environmental monitoring in Canada - WWW.CCIW.CA
  • Television and radio monitoring - WWW.WPS.RU
  • Geoecological monitoring - WWW.SYNAPSE.RU
  • Options for global monitoring systems - WWW.CSU.EDU.AU, WWW.STUDENT.WAU.NL
  • Monitoring the readiness of elementary school students - WWW.UNC.EDU
  • Physiological, instrumental and medical monitoring - WWW.VI-LAB.COM
  • International Association for Educational Assessment (IEA), materials of international comparative studies and other useful information - WWW.UTTOU2.TO.UTWENTE.NL
  • American Psychological Association, regulations and standards - WWW.APA.ORG

Monitoring is a rather complex and ambiguous phenomenon. In different areas it is used for different purposes, but at the same time it has common characteristics and properties. However, different monitoring systems, while having common features, exist and develop quite separately within the framework of a particular science or field of management.

The degree of study and intensity of its use in various fields of activity are unequal. Monitoring problems are successfully solved, both at the applied and theoretical levels, in the field of ecology. Here the concept of monitoring is defined and accepted by the majority of the scientific community. Its methodological apparatus has been developed quite deeply, measurement tools have been created that are adequate to the assigned tasks, there is a well-functioning system for implementing monitoring, which includes the collection, storage, processing and dissemination of the information received, its status is fixed at the legislative level.

In some areas of scientific and practical activity, monitoring is just being mastered, in others its development is at the final stage. This situation gives us a rather unique opportunity: having studied the theory and practice of mastering monitoring in various scientific and practical fields, its current state in the Russian education system, to determine ways to increase the efficiency of using monitoring to achieve our goals.

To get the most complete picture of the essence of monitoring, let’s take a closer look at what it represents in relation to various areas of its use.

So, the theory and practice of using monitoring have received the greatest development in ecology and sociology. In ecology, the concept of monitoring is defined as continuous monitoring of the state of the environment in order to prevent unwanted deviations in the most important parameters.

In the 70s, Yu. A. Israel and I. P. Gerasimov developed two alternative concepts of environmental monitoring.

According to Yu. A. Israel, “it is more correct to call monitoring a system of observations that makes it possible to identify changes in the state of the biosphere under the influence of human activity...”. “Monitoring includes observation, assessment and forecast of the state of the natural environment and does not include management of environmental quality and human activities...”.

I. P. Gerasimov understands monitoring as “a system of observation, control, assessment and environmental management, which must be purposeful, interconnected and effective.” At the same time, he notes that the effectiveness of monitoring not aimed at management is low and leads to a number of shortcomings, the main of which are redundancy and insufficiency of information, its lack of demand.

In the 1970s and 1980s, a well-known debate arose about the role of monitoring in management. As a result, the monitoring concept of Yu. A. Israel was officially adopted. However, further developments showed that I.P. Gerasimov’s fears were confirmed, and that the lack of focus of monitoring on management actually reduces its effectiveness.

N. F. Reimers notes that the meaning of monitoring is to perform two interrelated functions - observation (tracking) and warning and that such monitoring is aimed at recording the negative consequences of economic actions and their secondary effects and, thus, has low predictive potential. Actions taken based on the results of such monitoring should be in the nature of rescue operations.

The practice of implementing environmental monitoring in the West provides for its mandatory relationship with management and response systems. Ensuring this relationship is certainly advisable both from the point of view of increasing its own effectiveness and from the point of view of expanding the possibilities of its use.

It should be noted that the users of the information provided by environmental monitoring are not only government authorities, but also that part of the population that is directly interested in this information (for example, if it is threatened by any danger), and the entire society as a whole . Thus, in the practice of using environmental monitoring, the position of openness and accessibility of the information it provides is of fundamental importance.

The implementation of this principle is also envisaged in the practice of using sociological monitoring. Sociological monitoring, according to T. I. Zaslavskaya, is a kind of holistic system for tracking changes occurring in society based on research and analysis of mass perceptions about them.

As T.I. Zaslavskaya notes, the main goal of sociological monitoring is to provide society with reliable, timely, sufficiently complete and differentiated socially significant information.

Traditionally, sociological research is conducted on different topics, at different times, in different regions and within different social groups, using a variety of sociological tools and methods.

Their disadvantage is that the resulting information is usually difficult to compare. In addition, most sociological information reaches users after it has already become outdated.

The use of monitoring allows us to solve these problems in providing users with the necessary sociological information. According to the developers of this system, the effectiveness of monitoring is ensured by compliance with the following conditions:

ü the presence of a clear and well-coordinated organization of all levels of collection, processing and analysis of information;

ü use of a powerful technical base;

ü attracting highly qualified personnel;

ü availability of competent methodological control of project implementation;

ü sufficient funding.

The main feature of the sociological monitoring tools is their integrity and consistency, which are ensured by the strict linking of all tools to a common system of indicators.

Each area of ​​research and each tool is based on a specific set of indicators selected from a common system, and these sets partially overlap. One indicator can be operationalized by questions addressed to all groups of the population: experts, entrepreneurs, etc. At the same time, control is exercised to ensure that the study involves, if not all, then the vast majority of indicators included in the system.

Thus, monitoring provides better information and is based on a finite number of systematically selected indicators. The object of monitoring is sociological objects. A special condition for monitoring is methodological control of project implementation and the coherence of the processes of collecting, processing and analyzing the information received.

Within sociology, monitoring can be used to solve various types of problems. For example, I.V. Bestuzhev-Lada considers monitoring as a means of ensuring the effective functioning of the forecasting system. The forecasting system he presented is based on a systematic, specially organized survey of experts. At the same time, he notes that forecasting is not reduced to unconditional predictions, but aims to weigh in advance the possible consequences of decisions made using purely conditional predictions of a search and normative nature.

The following stages of forecast construction are distinguished:

ü initial indicators;

ü forecast background;

ü search development;

ü construction of a “tree” of promising problems to be solved by means of management;

ü normative development based on a “tree of goals” according to predetermined criteria;

ü construction of an “optimal decision tree”.

But as soon as the decisions made begin to be implemented, the predicted situation immediately begins to change. In addition, it changes objectively, under the influence of forecast background factors. For these reasons, for subsequent decisions, “the worked forecast is not suitable, a new one is needed.” Ideally, as Bestuzhev-Lada notes, the technological forecast can and should be continuous.

As one of the simplest, cheapest and most effective ways to ensure its continuity, Bestuzhev-Lada suggests using a periodic survey of experts, taking into account the changed situation. However, when periodically surveying the same group of experts, a repeated panel study is essentially conducted with all its pros and cons. The disadvantages include the inertia of experts’ thinking and the inevitability of the appearance of artifacts. The advantage is the “self-learning effect”, which allows you to improve expert assessments taking into account the results of each stage. It should be noted that panel studies have proven their effectiveness in many branches of sociology.

The constant improvement of panel research has led it to a new quality, in which it can be designated by the concept of monitoring. By monitoring, I. V. Bestuzhev-Lada proposes to understand the definition given by Yu. A. Israel: “systematic observation, assessment and forecast of the state of the environment caused by human economic activity.” Having chosen this definition, he comes into contradiction with himself, since Bestuzhev-Lada declared that the main characteristic of predictive monitoring was an orientation towards management, changing the situation, and this change is implied by the very nature of the work. At the same time, the above definition of monitoring does not include a management component.

Two more interpretations of the concept of monitoring in sociology are of interest. One of them, which defines socio-political monitoring as a constant, systematic collection of information by means of mass communication for the purpose of monitoring, monitoring the progress of development of any socio-political phenomenon or process and its forecasting, is valuable in that it quite accurately describes the main characteristics of monitoring - systematic, dynamic, focused on forecasting.

However, debatable questions remain about reducing the purposes of monitoring only to monitoring the progress of a process, without providing for active intervention or management, about the possibility of describing a socio-political phenomenon or process only on the basis of information available in the media.

In the following definition given by A.V. Tolstykh, sociological monitoring is considered as a systemic set of regularly repeated studies, the purpose of which is scientific and information assistance to interested organizations in the implementation of social programs that correspond to the socio-cultural characteristics and characteristics of the mass consciousness of different generations of the population. In this definition of monitoring, we are interested in its interpretation as a means of assistance in the implementation of social programs, which presupposes its obligatory focus on the sphere of management.

In order to more fully illuminate the problems that interest us, we will touch upon the area of ​​activity where monitoring has become widely used only in recent years, namely medicine. Here, the subject of monitoring may be the integral impact on humans of the natural environment, the consequences of medical influences, and the development of individual pathologies. It is carried out with the aim of identifying and preventing critical situations dangerous to human health.

In medicine, more than in any other field, various local and private monitoring systems have become widespread. In addition, it can be noted that in medicine, monitoring is also used for scientific purposes to prove certain research hypotheses.

Differences in the interpretation of the essence of monitoring, in goal setting and means of its implementation reflect the specifics and level of development of monitoring problems in each of the areas of its application.

In Russia, the concept of “monitoring” appeared after the Chernobyl disaster as a system for tracking the health status of Chernobyl children, and then took root in the Russian language. The English word monitoring comes from Lat. monitor (warning) means control.

Attention and interest in monitoring are also shown at the level of government. In the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of April 21, 1993 No. 471 (clause 1), the Ministry of Labor of Russia, together with other interested organizations of the federal executive power, was instructed to prepare and submit to the Government of the Russian Federation proposals for organizing the All-Russian monitoring of the social and labor sphere. The Labor Monitoring Center was organized as part of the Labor Institute of the Ministry. The objects of his research are enterprises and institutions located in different regions of the country. The subject is the employment process both in enterprises and organizations, and within individual ministries and departments.

Thus, the problems of monitoring in all areas of its use are solved simultaneously both at the level of their theoretical understanding and at the level of its practical implementation.

Reasons for the termination of the functioning of a particular monitoring system:

ü the monitoring object itself may cease to exist (examples of such objects are prices for state bonds, metal corrosion, intrauterine development of the embryo, etc.);

ü the monitored object ceases to pose a danger (examples of this kind of objects are sea level, if it remains stable for a long enough time; elections after their completion and analysis of the results).

In other words, some monitoring systems, having completed their specific task, cease to exist, while others can exist indefinitely. They can be carried out over several decades or even centuries (for example, weather observations).

The areas of use of monitoring are extremely diverse. The main area of ​​practical application of monitoring is management, or rather information services for management in various fields of activity.

Numerous monitoring systems have some common characteristics, which makes it possible to talk about monitoring as an integral independent scientific and practical phenomenon.

Monitoring principles

The principles of monitoring are specifically developed within the framework of environmental monitoring as the most advanced in implementation. Let us consider these principles and the arguments in their defense that environmentalists offer.

The principle of problem organization exists in opposition to the idea of ​​total monitoring; it removes the syndrome of “excess data - lack of information.” The research and observation program is developed only for a specific problem; regional monitoring consists of a package of problem-oriented programs. Such an organization leaves room for new problems to be posed and new programs to be deployed. This principle implements the idea of ​​problem monitoring. It can hardly be perceived as universal. For some monitoring systems, background or management monitoring is more suitable. To monitor prices, you probably shouldn’t look for a problematic organization method.

The principle of development (openness to development) is a system of feasibility (implementation, completion of projects and creation of new ones). This is the principle of environmental monitoring. It cannot be extended to a large number of other monitoring systems, since there are stable tasks for the functioning of systems for which stability and long-term results are important for the purpose of forecasting or clarifying forecasts.

The principle of management priority - as opposed to the environmental approach. In the triad "management - monitoring - examination", management plays a leading role, monitoring and examination are very important, but supporting blocks. The management develops targets and outlines the contours of the problem; expertise acts as a means against possible professional narrowness in solving the problem. One of the results of monitoring is knowledge transferred for decision making. Probably, management priorities are a universal sign for monitoring in general if management is considered in the broad sense of the word and includes the formation or influence on public consciousness.

The principle of integrity is the continuity of the triad “management - monitoring - examination”. It can be assumed that it would be more accurate to talk about the triad “management - monitoring - forecast”, since expertise is still a procedural concept.

The principle of information openness is a necessary condition for efficiency. All results of environmental research and observations should be available to managers, entrepreneurs, politicians, and the general public. Users must articulate their requirements when designing monitoring programs. Information openness cannot be a principle of any monitoring. Some of the monitoring is undoubtedly confidential and custom-made. The secrecy of some monitoring results in education may depend on several circumstances. Obtaining information for public access and information only for the management system has a different motivational basis and can bias the estimates obtained from surveying social systems. Some information about education is private, private, and its disclosure can cause harm to the individual. In general, the problem of access to monitoring information undoubtedly exists.

The principle of efficiency is the efficiency of processing and issuing information and the efficiency of decision-making.

Responsiveness is an essential feature of monitoring and can be considered a universal principle.

Based on an analysis of the principles of monitoring in ecology, sociology and other fields of knowledge, several general principles of monitoring can be identified that have received empirical confirmation:

ü Integrity;

ü Efficiency;

ü Control priority;

ü Compliance (monitoring goals with the means of its organization);

ü Scientific;

ü Forecasting (focus on forecast);

ü Consistency (validation by common sense);

ü Variety.

We can say that monitoring is a rather complex emerging phenomenon that is interdisciplinary in nature. Monitoring can be considered as an informational, diagnostic, scientific, prognostic system, the implementation of which is carried out within the framework of management activities.

Thanks to its structure and functions, the monitoring system acquires a complex, holistic character. It provides universal opportunities in marketing activities in the field of education, in its various subsystems.

Related information.


Monitoring: concept and types

1 Concept of monitoring

2 Classification of monitoring

Environmental monitoring

1 Environmental monitoring systems

2 Monitoring of the natural environment

3 Environmental Monitoring Program




The problem of preserving the natural environment and the transition of modern humanity to sustainable development is one of the most important today. Environmental protection is a very complex and multifaceted task that requires the common efforts of countries and regions, both global and local, to be solved.

In various types of scientific and practical human activity, the method of observation has long been used - a method of cognition based on a relatively long-term, purposeful and systematic perception of objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality. Having experienced the results of the destructive effects of water, wind, earthquakes, avalanches, etc., people have long implemented elements of monitoring, accumulating experience in predicting weather and natural disasters.

Brilliant examples of organizing observations of the natural environment were described back in the first century AD in the “Natural History” of Gaius Secundus Pliny (the elder). Thirty-seven volumes containing information on astronomy, physics, geography, zoology, botany, agriculture, medicine, history, served as the most complete encyclopedia of knowledge until the Middle Ages.

Much later, already in the 20th century, the term monitoring arose in science to define a system of repeated targeted observations of one or more elements of the natural environment in space and time.

Rational environmental management presupposes the management of natural processes, and for management to be sufficiently effective, it is necessary to have data on the dynamic properties of these objects, their changes as a result of anthropogenic impact, and to foresee the consequences of human intervention in the course of natural processes. This information is also needed in people’s daily lives, in housekeeping, in construction, and in emergency situations - to warn about impending dangerous natural phenomena.

The purpose of this work: to give the concept of monitoring, its goals, objectives and types; describe the features of environmental monitoring

1. Monitoring: concept and types

1.1 Concept of monitoring

Monitoring (from the Latin monitor - warning) - in a broad sense - specially organized, systematic observation of the state of objects, phenomena, processes for the purpose of their assessment, control or forecast.

Environmental monitoring (ecological monitoring) is an information system of constant observation and regular control, carried out according to a specific program to assess the current state of the natural environment, analyze all processes occurring in it during a given period, as well as early identification of possible trends in its change (Fig. 1 ).

This term appeared before the Stockholm UN Conference on the Environment (1972) in addition to the concept of “control”.

Figure 1 - Block diagram of the monitoring system

Objects of monitoring can be natural, anthropogenic or natural-anthropogenic ecosystems.

The main provisions on monitoring are set out in the Federal Laws “On Environmental Protection”, “On the Protection of Atmospheric Air”, “On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population”.

Its procedure for organizing and implementing is established by the Government of the Russian Federation (Resolution No. 177 of March 31, 2003 “On the organization and implementation of state environmental monitoring (state environmental monitoring)” // SZ RF.-2003.-No. 14.-Art. 1278)

Goals of environmental monitoring (Federal Law “On Environmental Protection”):

) monitoring the state of the environment, including in areas where sources of anthropogenic impact are located;

) monitoring the impact of anthropogenic sources on the environment;

) ensuring the needs of the state, legal entities and individuals for reliable information necessary to prevent and (or) reduce the adverse consequences of changes in the state of the environment.

The main tasks of environmental monitoring of the natural environment. An ecological system initially assumes a constant and continuous cycle of substances. But the process of decomposition of various wastes does not occur at the same time. If the recycling of some waste (paper, fabrics, organics, etc.) is not difficult or they decompose independently and quickly, then the decomposition of waste, for example, from metal, plastic, synthetic materials, is greatly slowed down or practically does not occur. Therefore, their processing is necessary, which in turn requires certain costs.

The main task of environmental monitoring of the environment is the maximum provision of management systems for environmental safety and environmental activities with reliable information, on the basis of which the following can be made:

assessment of indicators of the condition and functional integrity of the natural environment.

identifying the reasons for deviations in indicators of the state of the natural environment and assessing the consequences of such changes in indicators.

identifying and making decisions to eliminate the causes of deviations in indicators and ensuring early warning of negative situations.

Sequence of monitoring stages: measurement - analysis - description - modeling - optimization.

For reasonable management of environmental management, it is necessary, first of all, to have data on what environment is optimal for normal human living conditions. The starting concept in this work is the quality of the environment, that is, such a set of its parameters that fully satisfies both the ecological niche of man and the scientific and technological progress of society. And to obtain timely information about changes in the ecological system, a so-called “reference point” is needed, that is, some specific value of the environmental quality parameter, which Yu.A. Israel called background. The parameters of such a background state are not constant, but change under the influence of human activity within a certain critical level of the environment, beyond which external influences should not take this system in order to avoid irreversible changes. These are considered to be the maximum permissible environmental load (MPEL) or the maximum permissible concentrations of xenobiotic substances alien to a given system (MPC).

Recently, environmental monitoring of anthropogenic changes has become most relevant - a system of observation, assessment and forecast of the state of the environment, created with the aim of highlighting the anthropogenic component of these changes against the background of natural processes.

The most dangerous changes to the ecological system, natural complexes, and landscapes are brought about precisely by economic activity and the technogenic impact of humanity on the natural environment. With the help of environmental monitoring, the state of the ecological system is analyzed and forecasted, including natural and technical subsystems and medical and hygienic indicators of the human environment.

Monitoring covers the entire wide range of analysis of observations of the changing abiotic component of the biosphere and the response of ecosystems to these changes, including both geophysical and biological aspects, which determines a wide range of research methods and techniques used in its implementation.

In terms of its structural and functional composition, environmental monitoring combines all the necessary components: instrumentation and hardware, a measurement organization system and a set of methods for analyzing observation results necessary to implement the functions presented in Table. 1.

Table 1 - Environmental monitoring functions

Since communities of living organisms cover all the processes occurring in the ecosystem, a key component of environmental monitoring is monitoring the state of the biosphere or biological monitoring, which is understood as a system of observation, assessment and prediction of any changes in biotic components caused by factors of anthropogenic origin and manifested in the organism. , population or ecosystem levels (Fig. 2).

Figure 2 - Environmental monitoring subsystems

Monitoring classification

The term "monitoring" is derived from the Latin. monitor - observing, warning. There are several modern formulations of the definition of monitoring. Some researchers understand monitoring as a system of repeated observations of the state of environmental objects in space and time in accordance with a pre-prepared program. A more specific formulation of the definition of monitoring was proposed by Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Yu.A. Israel in 1974: monitoring the state of the natural environment, and primarily pollution and the effects they cause in the biosphere - a comprehensive system of observations, assessment and forecast of changes in the state of the biosphere or its individual elements under the influence of anthropogenic influences.

The UNESCO program of 1974 defines monitoring as a system of regular long-term observations in space and time, providing information about the past and present states of the environment, making it possible to predict future changes in its parameters that are of particular importance for humanity. The closest Russian equivalent of the word “monitoring” is tracking. The terms control, supervision, supervision, supervision, which are sometimes indicated as synonyms, still have a slightly different meaning.

Monitoring- the process of observing and recording data about any object at inextricably adjacent time intervals, during which the data values ​​do not change significantly.

Distinguish Parameter monitoring And Object condition monitoring.

Parameter monitoring- monitoring any parameters. The result of parameter monitoring is a set of measured parameter values ​​obtained at inextricably adjacent time intervals, during which the parameter values ​​do not change significantly.

Condition monitoring- monitoring the state of the object to determine and predict the moment of transition to the limit state. The result of monitoring the state of an object is a set of diagnoses of its constituent entities, obtained at inextricably adjacent time intervals, during which the state of the object does not change significantly.

The fundamental difference between state monitoring and parameter monitoring is the presence of an interpreter of measured parameters in terms of state - an expert system for supporting decision-making about the state of an object and further management.

Monitoring of tracking systems and fire alarm systems- the process of continuous, automated collection of information coming from security and fire alarm systems and GLONASS/GPS tracking systems installed at facilities of all types of property. The purpose of monitoring tracking systems and fire alarm systems is the timely delivery of received “Alarm” signals to officials of relevant private organizations and public services (security, police, Ministry of Emergency Situations, medicine, technical specialists, etc.), for the implementation of necessary actions and planned measures for protection , both the life and health of workers (clients), and the safety of property located at the facility.

Hazard Source Monitoring- the systematic collection and processing of information that can be used to improve decision-making, and also, indirectly, to inform the public or directly as a feedback tool for the purposes of project implementation, program evaluation or policy development. It has one or more of three organizational functions:

− identifies the state of critical or changing environmental phenomena, in relation to which a course of action for the future will be developed;

− establishes relationships with his environment, providing feedback regarding the previous successes and failures of certain policies or programs;

− establishes compliance with rules and contractual obligations.

In international relations under monitoring understand the activities of international organizations to monitor the fulfillment by states of their obligations under international treaties. Monitoring mechanisms can be of various types: these include, for example, the European Court of Human Rights, international election observation, etc.

In technical diagnostics under monitoring understand the continuous process of collecting and analyzing information about the value of diagnostic parameters of the object’s state

Monitoring object - a natural, man-made or natural-technogenic object or part thereof, within which, according to a certain program, regular observations of the environment are carried out in order to monitor its condition, analyze the processes occurring in it, carried out for the timely detection and prediction of their changes and assessment.

There is a classification of monitoring systems by factors, sources and scale of impact (Fig. 2.2 and Table 2.2).

Monitoring of impact factors – monitoring of various chemical pollutants (ingredient monitoring) and various natural and physical exposure factors (electromagnetic radiation, solar radiation, noise vibrations).

Monitoring of pollution sources – monitoring of point stationary sources (factory chimneys), point mobile (transport), spatial (cities, fields with introduced chemicals) sources.

Rice. 2.2. Block diagram of the monitoring system

Based on the scale of impact, monitoring can be spatial or temporal.

Based on the nature of information synthesis, the following monitoring systems are distinguished:

global – monitoring global processes and phenomena in the Earth's biosphere, including all its environmental components, and warning about emerging extreme situations;

basic (background) – monitoring general biosphere, mainly natural, phenomena without imposing regional anthropogenic influences on them;

National - country-wide monitoring;

regional – monitoring processes and phenomena within a certain region, where these processes and phenomena may differ both in natural character and in anthropogenic influences from the basic background characteristic of the entire biosphere;

local– monitoring the impact of a specific anthropogenic source;

impact – monitoring of regional and local anthropogenic impacts in particularly dangerous zones and places.

Depending on the scale of the emergency, there are five levels (stages) of monitoring:






Each following level of monitoring is an integral part of the above level.

The classification of monitoring systems can also be based on observation methods (monitoring by physical, chemical and biological indicators, remote monitoring).

Chemical monitoring is a system of observations of the chemical composition (natural and anthropogenic origin of the atmosphere, precipitation, surface and groundwater, ocean and sea waters, soils, bottom sediments, vegetation, animals and control over the dynamics of the spread of chemical pollutants. The global task of chemical monitoring is to determine the actual level of environmental pollution with priority highly toxic ingredients presented in Table 2.1.

Table 2.1. Classification of priority pollutants and control of their content in various environments

Priority class Pollutants Wednesday Measurement program type
I Sulfur dioxide and suspended particles Air I, R, B, G
Radionuclides (Sr-90, Cs-197) Food I, R
II Ozone Air I, B (stratosphere)
DCT and other organochlorine compounds Biota, man I, R
Cadmium and its compounds Food, man, water AND
III Nitrates, nitrites Drinking water, food AND
Nitrogen oxides Air AND
IV Mercury and its compounds Food, air I, R
Lead Air, food AND
Carbon dioxide Air B
V Carbon monoxide Air AND
Petrocarbons Sea water R, B
VI Fluoride compounds Drinking water AND
VII Asbestos Air AND
Arsenic Drinking water AND
VIII Microtoxins Food I, R
Microbiological contamination Food I, R
Reactive hydrocarbons Air AND

Note. I - impact, R - regional, B - basic, G - global.

Physical monitoring – a system of observations of the influence of physical processes and phenomena on the environment (floods, volcanism, earthquakes, tsunamis, droughts, soil erosion, etc.).

Biological monitoring – monitoring carried out using bioindicators (i.e., such organisms, by the presence, condition and behavior of which changes in the environment are judged).

Ecobiochemical monitoring – monitoring based on the assessment of two components of the environment (chemical and biological).

Remote monitoring – mainly aviation and space monitoring using aircraft equipped with radiometric equipment capable of actively probing the objects under study and recording experimental data.

Monitoring system (equipment condition) - a set of procedures, processes and resources implemented using a diagnostic network, which allows, based on the results of measurements of specified parameters at given points and observations of equipment operation, to obtain information about the current technical condition of the equipment, hazards and risks associated with its use, required actions of maintenance personnel, and others information necessary to implement established preventive measures.

Monitoring systems must provide information about the monitored object in the required quantity and quality to ensure observability of its technical condition. Based on the observation results, the monitoring systems produce control actions in order to ensure the necessary margin of stability of the technological system, the quality of its functioning, technogenic, environmental and economic safety.

Depending on the classification principle, there are various monitoring systems (Table 2.2).

Table 2.2 Classification of monitoring systems (subsystems)

Principle of classification Existing or developing monitoring systems (subsystems)
Universal systems Global monitoring (basic, regional, impact levels), including background and paleomonitoring National monitoring (for example, a national service for monitoring and control of environmental pollution levels) Cross-national monitoring (for example, monitoring of transboundary transport of pollutants)
Reaction of the main components of the biosphere Geophysical monitoring Biological monitoring, including genetic Environmental monitoring (including the above)
Various areas Monitoring anthropogenic changes (including pollution and responses to them) in the atmosphere, hydrosphere, soil, cryosphere and biota
Factors and sources of influence Monitoring of pollution sources Ingredient monitoring (for example, individual pollutants, radioactive emissions, noise, etc.)
The severity and globality of the problem Ocean monitoring Ozonosphere monitoring
Observation methods Monitoring by physical, chemical and biological indicators Satellite monitoring (remote methods)
Systems approach Medical-biological (health status) monitoring Environmental monitoring Climatic monitoring Option: bioecological, geoecological, biosphere monitoring

The construction of monitoring systems should be carried out taking into account the general principles:

The principle of sufficiency. When building a monitoring system, you should use the minimum required number of process sensors accompanying the operation of the equipment and the technological system as a whole, which is capable of ensuring observability of the technical condition, and the minimum required number of procedures for processing the output signals of the sensors (detection, filtering, linearization, correction of amplitude-phase characteristics and etc.).

The principle of information completeness. The set of diagnostic features used in the monitoring system must ensure good conditionality of the inverse physical problem of detecting all faults characteristic of the monitoring object.

The principle of invariance. The selected diagnostic features must be invariant to the design of the equipment being diagnosed and the form of correlation with its faults, which ensures the use of standard procedures for standard-free diagnostics and equipment service life prediction and, accordingly, reduces the time for development and implementation of monitoring systems.

The principle of self-diagnosis. This principle can be implemented by supplying special test signals to the measuring and control channels of the monitoring system with their subsequent analysis at the output of the channels. In this way, the functioning of the entire path of the monitoring system from the sensor to the computer program and monitor is checked. The implementation of this principle ensures easy commissioning of systems, ease of maintenance and repair of individual channels, and ease of adapting the monitoring system to changing production conditions.

The principle of structural flexibility and programmability. This principle ensures the implementation of the optimal parallel-sequential structure of the monitoring system, based on the criteria of the required speed at minimum cost.

Systems with a parallel lumped structure (VME-VXI standards) have maximum performance at maximum cost. Systems with a sequential distributed structure have minimal performance at minimal cost. Systems with a series-parallel structure occupy an intermediate position.

Note - The main disadvantage of using parallel systems in explosion- and fire-hazardous industries is the high cable consumption, the cost of which is commensurate with the cost of the monitoring system. The choice of system structure (degree of parallelism) requires an assessment of its required performance. The latter is determined by the rate of degradation of the technical condition of the diagnosed object. For example, as experience shows, for pumping and compressor equipment of hazardous industries in the oil and gas industry, the sensor polling period should not exceed 5 minutes.

The principle of correction. To ensure the necessary metrological characteristics of the monitoring system, the non-ideality of the measuring paths (nonlinearity, deviation of the real transfer characteristics of the filters from the nominal ones, etc.) must be compensated by computational methods.

The principle of a user-friendly interface with maximum information capacity. The interface of the monitoring system should ensure that the operator quickly and easily perceives information about the state of the technological system as a whole and receives instructions for immediate urgent actions.

Note - To implement this principle, a computer is used; displays with graphic screens that comprehensively reflect the state of the object and its properties in automatic mode and under operator control; multimedia tools and built-in expert systems that provide diagnostics of equipment and the technological system as a whole.

The principle of multi-level organization. The monitoring system must allow specialists of different skill levels and responsibilities to work with it.

When working with the system, entry-level specialists (machinists, mechanics) should not be required to have any other knowledge and skills than the ability, through a simple action (for example, by pressing one key), to accept system messages about changes in the technical condition of the equipment and instructions for its operation.

Personnel of the second level of qualification (mechanics, engineering and technical workers) are required to perform operations to manage menu options to review process trends and results of signal analysis, including spectral. Diagnosticians of departments and workshops for technical supervision of the condition of equipment also work at this level.

The presence of network support allows you to combine monitoring systems of different workshops into an enterprise monitoring system, to which the computers of technical supervision diagnosticians and user managers are connected - from deputies and shop managers to chief mechanics and production engineers and the enterprise as a whole. Such multi-level control ensures effective management of the technical condition of equipment and its safe operation. An automated monitoring system throughout an enterprise or company should provide for the accumulation of data on the technical condition of equipment and diagnostic features, which ensures continuous improvement of the system.

The principle of integration into the enterprise production executive system (MES system). The implementation of this principle ensures automatic entry into the enterprise resource planning system of information about the condition of equipment supplied by the monitoring system, plans for its repair, etc., providing maintenance and repair of equipment according to its actual technical condition.

Block diagram of the monitoring system. The general block diagram of the monitoring system is shown in Figure 1.

The monitoring object is a collection N units, each of which contains up to T nodes to be diagnosed. Such components include those that limit the reliability and service life of units and hazardous industries in general.

Physical processes generated in nodes (for example, vibrations) through a system of mechanical and other connections (propagation channels) reach places where they are perceived by the system from P sensors of different types (depending on the diagnostic method or non-destructive testing used).

The signal analyzer and diagnostic feature generation unit convert an array of input signals into an array of diagnostic features associated with the technical condition of objects using digital signal processing algorithms.

The decision-making block, based on the input array of diagnostic signs and operational data stored in the information database and knowledge, determines the technical condition of objects and issues the required diagnostic information and/or instructions for bringing the object to a normal state.

The notification, display and registration unit conveys information about the status of the equipment to personnel using various channels: visual (system display), audio, print (printing protocols on a printer).

Through the network interface block, information about the status of the equipment is transmitted to external interested services via dedicated local network lines (Ethernet), serial data channels (RS-232/485), and telephone lines using modems.

The information database and knowledge contains:

Databases of configuration of the equipment being diagnosed, configuration of the monitoring system, database of values ​​of diagnostic signs, signals, trends, logs and other data necessary for the operation of the monitoring system;

Knowledge bases necessary for the operation of the expert system.

The control and synchronization unit carries out general control of the entire monitoring system according to a specific algorithm and/or a set of adaptive algorithms.

Classification of monitoring systems. A classification of monitoring systems is established according to 13 factors, each of which corresponds to the value of the indicator Ri, i = 1, 2, ..., 13.

1. Classification by number and type of condition monitoring methods (non-destructive testing methods) (R1).

Complex systems (R1 = 1);

Specialized systems (R1 = 2).

Specialized systems use one control method.

Complex systems use a range of different control methods.

2. Classification by type of expert system (R2)

The following groups of systems are installed:

Decision support systems (R2 = 1);

Diagnostic (R2 = 2);

Status indication systems (R2 = 3).

Status indication systems only determine the type of technical condition of an object (for example, serviceable/faulty) without indicating the cause of the malfunction.

Diagnostic systems, along with determining the technical condition, must indicate one or more reasons for the faulty state of the object.

Decision support systems include the properties of diagnostic systems and must issue instructions to personnel to prevent a dangerous state of an object and bring it to a normal state.

3. Classification according to the volume of detected faults (R3)

The following groups of systems are installed:

Wide class (R3 = 1);

Narrow class (R3 = 2).

Narrow class systems detect faults in only one component of the unit, for example a bearing.

Systems of a wide class must detect malfunctions of various components of the unit, as well as malfunctions in its operation according to the technological scheme of the unit.

4. Classification according to the probability of error in static recognition of equipment state (R4)

The following groups of systems are installed:

Low probability of error (R4 = 1);

Average probability of error (R4 = 2);

High probability of error (R4 = 3).

5. Classification according to the probability of error in dynamic recognition of equipment state (R5)

The following groups of systems are installed:

Low probability of error (R5 = 1);

Average probability of error (R5 = 2);

High probability of error (R5 = 3).

Low error probability systems must provide an error rate of less than 5%. Medium error probability systems should provide an error rate of no more than 30%. High error systems allow for an error rate of more than 30%.

6. Classification according to the risk of missing a sudden failure (R6)

The following groups of systems are installed:

Low risk of missing out (R6 = 1);

Medium risk of missing out (R6 = 2);

High risk of missing out (R6 = 3).

Low risk of omission systems must provide a risk of missing a sudden failure of less than 5%. Medium risk systems should ensure that the risk of missing a sudden failure is no more than 30%.

High miss risk systems allow a risk of missing a sudden failure of more than 30%.

7. Classification according to the number of measuring channels of the system (R7)

The following groups of systems are installed:

Multichannel (R7 = 1).

Single channel (R7 = 2).

8. Classification according to the method of polling sensors (R8)

The following groups of systems are installed:

Universal (parallel-serial) (R8 = 1);

Parallel (R8 = 2);

Sequential (R8 = 3).

Sequential systems alternately measure signals and process them. Sequential measurements can be carried out either automatically or by a human operator (portable systems).

Parallel systems carry out simultaneous measurement of signals and their subsequent processing.

Universal (parallel-serial) systems have a mixed structure: they establish groups of channels, within each group the signals are measured sequentially, and then the output signals of the groups are processed in parallel and/or vice versa.

9. Classification by architecture (R9)

The following groups of systems are installed:

Distributed (R9 = 1);

Focused (R9 = 2).

All equipment of a concentrated system (with the exception of sensors) is located in one place, usually at a distance from the monitoring object.

The distributed system equipment can be located directly at the monitoring object.

10. Classification by signal analyzer type (R10)

The following groups of systems are installed:

Vector (R10 = 1);

Scalar (R10 = 2).

In scalar systems, the signal analyzer outputs single-numeric values ​​(general vibration level, temperature, etc.).

Vector systems, as a result of information processing, along with single-numeric values, must produce one-dimensional and multidimensional data arrays, perform spectral, correlation and other mathematical processing.

11. Classification by type of status indicator (R11)

The following groups of systems are installed:

Complex (R11 = 1);

Multi-level (R11 = 2);

Simple (R11 = 3).

Simple status indicators only have the function of displaying the status of an object.

Multi-level status indicators, along with displaying the state of an object, must have the functions of displaying the states and parameters of its various components.

Complex status indicators include the functions of multi-level indicators and should display: start/stop dates of systems and units, their time between different types of failure, forecast of residual life, and also display information through the following channels: audio, printing protocols, data transmission over the network ( publication on a Web server).

12. Classification according to the presence and level of the diagnostic network (R12)

The following groups of systems are installed:

Automatic diagnostic network (R12 = 1);

Manual diagnostic network integrated with portable monitoring systems (R12 = 2);

Manual diagnostic network (R12 = 3);

There is no diagnostic network (R12 = 4).

A manual diagnostic network provides access to data from stationary monitoring and diagnostic systems from computers of remote users through manual operations to manipulate addresses, through searching for the necessary files, modes for viewing and registering them.

A manual diagnostic network integrated with portable (personal) systems should provide, through manual operations, access for remote users to data from both stationary monitoring systems and portable diagnostic tools.

An automatic diagnostic network should, with a single access to the network, ensure automatic presentation on the computers of remote users of complete information about the status of equipment received by both automatic stationary monitoring systems and portable (personal) devices. In this case, the presentation of information on the user’s display must coincide with the presentation of information on the displays of stationary and portable devices. Information is transmitted through dedicated and switched telephone channels, wired and optical Ethernet lines, and radio channels.

13. Classification by type of control (R13)

The following groups of systems are installed:

Automatic (R13 = 1);

Automated (R13 = 2);

Manual (R13 = 3).

Manual systems perform most monitoring functions under the control of a human operator.

Automated systems must perform basic monitoring functions automatically, and auxiliary ones under the control of a human operator.

Automatic monitoring systems must perform all monitoring functions automatically. A person in automatic systems can be used as a control link to issue control actions on an object.

Monitoring system and emergency forecasting consists of the following main elements:

Organizational structure;

General model of the system, including monitoring objects;

A set of technical means;

Situation models (situation development models);

Methods of observation, data processing, situation analysis and forecasting;

Information system.

The general model of the monitoring system reflects the possibility of the development of the following emergencies:

Natural emergency situations, the source of which are natural processes and phenomena;

Biological and social emergencies;

Man-made emergencies;

Emergency situations as a result of the use of modern weapons: nuclear, bacteriological, chemical weapons and other special weapons.

The organizational structure generally includes:

Management body of the monitoring system at the appropriate level;

Observation and control service (a set of posts, observation and control stations);

Service for collecting and processing information and developing recommendations for a set of measures aimed at preventing the occurrence of emergencies or reducing their harmful effects on the environment and people;

Technical support service for system activities.

The set of technical means must satisfy the purposes of monitoring and control:

Ensure that the required parameters are measured;

Have the accuracy, reliability, efficiency, and level of automation necessary to assess the state of the environment (in accordance with the emergency model).

Emergency models (situation development models) must contain:

General description of situations depending on the process of its manifestation;

A set of characteristics, input measured parameters of the state of the environment, allowing to identify the situation as a whole and individual stages of its development;

Decision criteria.

Note - If there are interconnected sources of emergency situations, the model must also contain an enumeration of the sources of emergency situations and the mechanism of their interaction.

Methods of observation and control must contain:

Description of observed processes, phenomena and list of observed parameters;

Values ​​of observed parameters accepted as normal, acceptable and critical;

Observation mode - continuous or periodic;

Accuracy of measurements of observed parameters;

Rules (algorithm) for processing observation results and the form of their presentation.

Emergency forecasting methods include:

Description of predicted processes and phenomena;

List of initial data for forecasting;

Rules for assessing the representativeness of source data;

Forecast algorithm (including assessment of the reliability of the results) and requirements for software and hardware;

List of output data.

The information monitoring system is a distributed automated system for the operational exchange of information and contains a network of switching centers and subscriber points that ensure data exchange, preparation, collection, storage, processing, analysis and distribution of information.

The system must be built in accordance with the basic reference model for the interaction of open systems and have a unified interface for communication with various application tasks. The system must ensure the security and confidentiality of information, as well as free access to subscribers. The monitoring information system must have organizational, software, technical, mathematical, methodological, linguistic, metrological and legal support.

The system for monitoring and assessing the state of hazards and their impact on humans and nature is very diverse. It includes the following elements.

− environmental monitoring (global, state, regional, local, background);

− monitoring of hazard sources (facility, aerospace), equipment and product safety control, non-destructive technical control:

− monitoring of the health of workers and the population (certification of workplaces, control of human exposure to dangerous factors in the technosphere, such as vibration, noise, EMF and EMR, radiation, etc.).


The purpose of monitoring the physical and psychophysiological state of a person during physical education and sports.

The purpose of monitoring the physical and psychophysiological state of a person during physical education and sports is to optimize the process of physical exercise based on an objective assessment of the state of the body.

3. The tasks of monitoring the physical and psychophysiological state of a person during physical education and sports.

Tasks :

Study of the level of physical development and psychophysiological state of the subjects;

Determining the effect of physical activity on the body;

Medical and pedagogical control during educational and training sessions;

Analysis of physical training results;

Forecasting development trends.

4. Definition of the concept of “psychophysiological state of a person” and its main characteristics

Psychophysiological state is a holistic reaction of the individual to external and internal stimuli, aimed at achieving a useful result (E.P. Ilyin). Psychophysiological state (PS) is a causally determined phenomenon, a reaction not of a separate system or organ, but of the personality as a whole, with the inclusion of both physiological and mental levels in the response.

PS includes response levels:

Mental (emotions, experiences);

Physiological (somatic structures of the body and mechanisms of the autonomic nervous system);

Behavioral (motivated behavior).

Classification of types of monitoring by purpose.

According to the purposes of monitoring, there are:

1. Information – structuring, accumulation and dissemination of information. It does not provide for specially organized study at the stage of information collection.

2. Basic (background) - identifying new problems and development trends of a system. The monitoring object is monitored using periodic measurements of indicators (indicators) that sufficiently fully define it.

3. Problematic - clarifying patterns, processes, phenomena, problems that are known and relevant. This type of monitoring can be divided into two components, depending on the tasks being solved:

Problem functioning – local in nature, dedicated to one task or one problem; its use is not limited by time;

Problem-based development - its main feature is dynamism, solves current development problems and ends with their solution.

Classification of types of monitoring by task

By task:

Some monitoring systems, having completed their specific task, cease to exist, others can exist indefinitely. They can be carried out over more than one decade or even a century ( for example, observations of changes in anthropometric indicators).

The reasons for the termination of the functioning of a particular monitoring system can be of two types:

The monitoring object itself may cease to exist (intrauterine development of the embryo),

The trend of changes in the characteristics of the monitored object ceases to be significant (changes in body length during the development of the organism).

The main area of ​​practical application of monitoring

The main area of ​​practical application of monitoring is management information services in various fields of activity. Monitoring in this case is one of the components of control.

General features of the monitoring process during physical education and sports.

1. The monitoring object is dynamic and in constant development. It is susceptible to external influences that may cause undesirable changes in the functioning or development of the object.

2. The implementation of monitoring involves organizing, if possible, constant monitoring (assessment, study) of the object. The measure of constancy, the set of tools and methods are determined by the characteristics of the object of observation and resource capabilities.

3. The use of a monitoring system makes it possible to reliably evaluate the observed processes at a high technological level.

4. Monitoring implies the presence of a forecast (model) of changes in the state of an object.

5. Monitoring is based on methods for diagnosing the physical and psychophysiological state of the body.

9. Definition of the concept “z” dor O Vieux"

Health the natural state of the body, characterized by its balance with the environment and the absence of any painful changes.

“Health is a state of complete physical, spiritual and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”

10. Types of dor O Vya(a few examples)

Individual – the health of an individual.

Population, public health – the health of the population, society as a whole.

Physical health is the natural state of the body, conditioned by the normal functioning of all its organs and systems, perfect self-regulation in the body, harmony of physiological processes, maximum adaptation to the environment.

Basic methods of assessing health status.

1. Direct measurement of significant indicators and comparison of them with standards, evaluating their integration in the form of an assessment of “healthy”, “practically healthy”, “belongs to a risk group” and “needs observation and correction”.

Disadvantages: difficulties in integrating a large number of diverse indicators.

2. The use of final socially significant indicators (average life expectancy, population reproduction - mortality exceeds birth rate or vice versa, moral and psychological comfort or well-being). Reflect changes in indicators of the population structure and human adaptive capabilities.

Disadvantages: the need for long-term observations to form an objective picture.

Methods of medical examination.

1. Questioning – makes it possible to collect information about the medical and sports biography of the athlete, to find out about his complaints at the moment.

2. Examination – based on the sum of visual impressions, obtain a general idea of ​​physical development, identify some signs of possible injuries and diseases, evaluate the behavior of the subject, etc.

3. Palpation – obtaining tactile sensations about the shape, volume of the parts of the body or tissue being examined. This method determines the physical properties, size, surface features, density, mobility, sensitivity, and so on.

4. Listening to the lungs and heart helps to conduct research by capturing sound phenomena that occur during the functioning of organs.

5. Use of standards, anthropometric indices, exercise tests to assess the physical condition of the body and physical fitness.

12. Definition of the concept of “self-control”»

Self-control- regular monitoring of the state of one’s health and physical development and their changes under the influence of physical education and sports. It cannot replace medical supervision, but is an addition to it.

Types of pedagogical control during physical education and sports.

1) timing the activities of students in class;

2) determining the intensity of physical activity during exercise;

3) control tests;

4) pedagogical observations of the educational process.

Types of response of the cardiovascular system to stress by the nature of changes in heart rate and blood pressure (BP)

Normotonic, hypotonic (asthenic), hypertonic, dystonic and stepwise.

Determination of muscle strength.

The main method is dynamometry. Carpal and backbone.

Centile method - using centile tables, it is easy to work with because calculations are eliminated. Centile tables have been widely used since the late 70s of the 20th century. Allows you to compare individual anthropometric values ​​with standard tabular values ​​obtained during mass surveys.

Physical development is considered harmonious if all the studied anthropometric indicators correspond to the same centile series, or they are allowed to deviate from each other within the neighboring centile. A large difference indicates inharmonious development.

Physical development is considered:

Harmonious and age-appropriate - if all anthropometric indicators are within the 25-75th centile.

- Harmonious, ahead of age - if the results obtained correspond to the 90-97th centile.

Harmonious, but lagging behind age standards - if the data of the subject is within the 3-10th centile. All other options indicate inharmonious development.

49. Characteristics of methods of approximate calculations (indices) used in assessing the level of physical development.

Based on taking into account the basic patterns of increase in body mass and length, contours of the chest and head. For average physical development indicators the permissible interval of deviations of actual data from calculated ones is± 7%.

I. Weight and height indices:

2) Broca-Brugsch index ( IS):IS = (Z- 100), that is, the body weight should be equal to the body length ( Z) without 100 units.

II. Breast and height indices:

Where T– chest circumference at rest, cm;

Z– standing body length, cm.

Talks about the proportional development of the chest. For male athletes it is equal (+5.8 cm), for female athletes (+3.8 cm).

Where R– body weight, g;

Z– standing body length, cm.

This index shows how many grams of body weight are per 1 cm of body length

Methods of sports selection.

- expert review;

Hardware method;

Test method.

Examples of tests for high school students.

1. Endurance. Running 1000 m.

2. Speed ​​and agility. Shuttle run 10x5 m.

3. Strength. Pull-ups on the bar.

4. Static strength endurance. Hanging on the bar.

5. Strength endurance. Raising the body in 30 s.

6. Flexibility and mobility in the joints. Bend forward from a sitting position.

66. Definition of the concept “somatotype”»

The somatotype is determined on the basis of anthropometric measurements (somatotyping), genotypically determined, characterized by the level and characteristics of metabolism (predominant development of muscle, fat or bone tissue), a tendency to certain diseases, as well as psychophysiological differences. It is a constant characteristic from birth to death.

67. Definition of the concept “physique (constitution)”

Physique (constitution - from the English Constitution) - proportions and features of body parts, as well as features of the development of bone, fat and muscle tissue.

A person’s physique changes throughout his life, while the somatotype is determined genetically and is a constant characteristic of him from birth to death. Age-related changes, illnesses, and physical activity change the size and shape of the body, but not the somatotype.

68. Body dimensions – total And partial.

Body sizes are total (from the Latin totalis - whole, whole, full) and partial (from the Latin pars - part). Total (general) body dimensions are the main indicators of human physical development. These include body length and weight, as well as chest girth. Partial (partial) body sizes are components of the total size and characterize the size of individual parts of the body. Body dimensions are determined by anthropometric examinations.

Definition of “monitoring”

"Monitoring"– specially organized, systematic observation of the state of objects, phenomena, processes in order to identify the results of the influence of various factors (both external and internal), their assessment, control and forecast.

In the most general way, monitoring can be defined as the constant observation of a process in order to determine its compliance with the desired result or initial position.