Construction, design, renovation

Solyanka preparation technology. Preparation of solyanka Technological map of solyanka for 1 liter

Goal of the work: familiarization with the assortment and gaining practical skills in the production of restaurant-quality soups.

Assortment of dishes: 1. Mixed meat solyanka (No. 352) (Fig. 4.2.).

2. Puree soup from various vegetables (No. 369).

3. Transparent chicken broth (No. 379).

Croutons with cheese (No. 1366).

4. Soup puree from fresh fruits or berries (No. 419).

Tools and equipment: pans with a capacity of 2, 1 and 0.5 l; small frying pans; chef's knives (medium and root); fun; skimmer; sieve; pouring and tablespoon; soup plates; soup cups; pie plates.

Cooking technology.

Bone broth (No. 260) Gross Net

food bones*400400


parsley (root)118




* Edible bones include: beef - articular heads of tubular bones, pectoral, vertebral and sacral bones; pork and lamb - vertebral, thoracic, pelvic, tubular and sacral bones. The rib and shoulder bones of beef carcasses are not used for preparing broths; they are handed over for technical processing. Vertebral bones are used to make sauces.

Transparent meat broth (No. 378) Gross Net

edible bones (beef,

except vertebrates)500500

beef (cutlet meat) for pulling 190140

eggs for guying 2/5 pcs. 16


parsley (root) 1510

or celery (root) 1510




1. Solyanka mixed meat (No. 352) Gross Net


beef (scapular, subscapular

parts, brisket, trim)11081

smoked-boiled ham

or boiled (with skin and bones)5340

sausages or wieners4140

beef kidneys121104

weight of finished veal – 104

weight of finished beef – 50

weight of the finished ham – 40

mass of ready-made sausages or small sausages – 40

weight of finished buds – 50


pickled cucumbers10060



tomato puree5050





with sour cream6060

Work sequence “Meat solyanka” (Fig. 4.2):

1. Prepare the meat and cook the meat broth.

2. Process and cook the kidneys, cut the buds lengthwise, rinse well, cover with cold water and soak for 1.5 hours, periodically changing the water. Then rinse again, add cold water again and cook. When the water boils, change it, rinse the kidneys to remove any remaining foam, add hot water again and cook for 1.5 hours without covering the dish with a lid. Cooked kidneys should be easily pierced with a chef's needle. Remove the finished kidneys from the broth and rinse with cold water.

3. Process pickles. Peel cucumbers with rough skin and ripe seeds. Cut thin-skinned cucumbers, along with the skin and seeds, into thin slices.

4. Simmer the prepared pickles.

5. Chop and saute the onion . Cut the onion into thin half rings and saute; when the onion is sauteed, add tomato puree to it and continue heating for another 3-5 minutes.

6. Prepare the broth. Remove the cooked meat from the broth and strain the broth.

7. Prepare a meat set for hodgepodge. Cut boiled meat, kidneys, ham, sausages or sausages (without casing) into thin slices.

8. Set the hodgepodge to cook. Put sautéed onions and tomato puree, poached cucumbers, capers with brine, prepared meat products, spices into the boiling broth and cook for 5–10 minutes.

9. Decorate the hodgepodge. When leaving, put black olives, a slice of peeled lemon, sour cream in the hodgepodge and sprinkle with chopped parsley.

Figure 4.2. Technological diagram for the production of Solyanka soup

2. Puree soup from various vegetables (No. 369) Gross Net

fresh cabbage10080






canned green peas77 50

wheat flour2020



eggs 2/5 pcs. 16

broth or water750750


Sequence of work “Vegetable soup puree” (Fig. 4.3):

1. Set the broth to cook.

2. Peel the vegetables.

3. Chop the onion and save.

4. Cut vegetables and let it go. Pre-blanch the turnips. 5-10 minutes before the end of poaching, add sautéed onions and green peas.

5. Wipe the vegetables.

6. Prepare dressing (leison). Beat the eggs with a whisk, dilute with hot milk and, stirring with a paddle, boil in a water bath. The temperature of the mixture should not exceed 70–75 o C. Strain the finished mixture.

7. Prepare the liquid soup base. To hot flour fatWhile sautéing, add 1/3 of the hot broth and stir the mass until it becomes homogeneous, then add the rest of the broth in two additions. Boil the sauce and strain.

8. Combine liquid foundation with vegetable puree.

9. Season the puree soup. Cool the puree soup to 80 o C and season with leison.

9. Prepare the puree soup. Pour puree soup into soup bowls. On top you can put part of the green peas as a whole, as well as leeks, cut into strips and sautéed.


Figure 4.3. Process flow diagram for the production of puree soup
from different vegetables

3. Transparent chicken broth (No. 379) Gross Net


weight of boiled poultry* –188

or chicken bones750750

eggs for guying 2/5 pcs. 16


parsley (root) 1310

or celery (root) 1510




* Taking into account portioning losses

Croutons with cheese (No. 1366) Gross Net

wheat bread13851165




* Mass of grated cheese

Work sequence “Transparent chicken broth” (Fig. 4.4.):

1. Set the broth to cook. Wash the chicken or chicken bones, add water and cook over low heat, skimming off the foam and fat.

2. Prepare a guy. To prepare the guy, an additional 200 g of poultry bones per 1000 g of broth are consumed. Pour crushed chicken bones with cold water (1–1.5 g per 1 kg of bones), add salt and leave in the cold for 1–2 hours, then add lightly beaten egg white.

3. Fry peeled vegetables for the broth. Cut carrots, parsley and onions into large slices, place in a hot, dry frying pan and bake without fat. Place the vegetables in the broth 40–60 minutes before they are ready.

4. Prepare a clear broth. At the end of cooking, skim off the fat from the broth again, strain the broth and cool to 50–60 o C. Then add the extract, mix well and cook the broth atvery low boil for another 45–60 minutes. At the end of cooking, add salt to the broth (if necessary) and strain.

5. Prepare croutons with cheese. Slice the bread 0.5 cm thick, sprinkle with grated cheese, sprinkle with butter and bake in the oven (Fig. 4.5).

6. Apply for work. Pour clear broth into broth cups, serve croutons with cheese on a pie plate.

Rice. 4.4. Process flow diagram for the production of transparent broth
from chickens

Rice. 4.5. Technological diagram for the production of the dish “Toasts with cheese”

4. Soup puree of fresh fruits and berries (No. 419) Gross Net

raspberry or 424360

strawberries (garden)424360




plum400 360





potato starch2020


cinnamon (for apple soups)11



* Net weight for cherries without stem and pit

Sequence of work “Puree soup from fruits and berries” (Fig. 4.6):

1. Prepare berries or fruits. Peel the apples and remove the seed nests. Sort the berries or fruits, remove the stems and rinse. Leave some of the best berries whole; remove the seeds from stone fruits.

2. Squeeze out the juice.Squeeze the juice from cherries, cranberries, cherries, raspberries and strawberries and put it in the refrigerator.

3. Saute the apples and hard-to-clean fruits.

4. ApplesWipe other stewed fruits.

5. Fill the pulp with water , cook and strain.

6. Prepare starch. Dilute the starch in a chilled broth and strain (for 1 part starch, 4 parts broth).

7. Finish preparing the puree soup. Add sugar to the strained broth, bring to a boil, add starch, bring to a boil, add berry juice or puree and cool.

8. Prepare the puree soup. Pour puree soup into soup bowls and place whole berries on top.

Rice. 4.6. Technological diagram of dish production
“Fruit and berry puree soup”

Product quality requirements


Taste and smell

Solyanka meat

Meat products and cucumbers are cut into thin slices, onions into half rings. On the surface of the soup - sour cream, finely chopped herbs

Reddish brown. Fat – orange

Meat products, pickles, spices. Very intense, sharp

Soup puree from various vegetables

Homogeneous puree-like mass

Creamy orange

Boiled vegetables with the taste and aroma of sautéed onions, milk and butter

Chicken broth transparent

Transparent liquid with single droplets of fat on the surface


Chicken broth, well expressed

Croutons with cheese

Slices of bread 7–8 mm thick, covered with a layer of melted cheese. Crispy consistency

Cream with brown areas

Toasted bread, baked cheese and melted butter

Soup puree of fresh fruits or berries

Homogeneous puree-like mass

Characteristic color of fruits or berries

Sweet characteristic of fruits and berries. With cinnamon flavor for apple soup puree

Products should be cut into slices, onions should be chopped. Meat products, onions and cucumbers should retain their cut shape, with an orange sheen of fat on the surface. Lemon slice without peel. The taste is sharp, with the aroma of capers, sautéed onions, and cucumbers. The color of the broth is cloudy (from tomato and sour cream). The consistency of meat products is soft, cucumbers are slightly crunchy.

The quality of soups largely depends on the way they are stored. During long-term storage, the taste and appearance deteriorate, vitamin activity decreases, so ready-made soups are stored for no more than 2 hours. To avoid boiling, overcooking and burning, they are stored on a steam table (water bath). Soups seasoned with lezon are stored at a temperature of 60-650C.

Technology for making hodgepodge

Leipzig vegetable solyanka


Potatoes - 4-5 pcs.

Asparagus - 250 gr.

Cauliflower - 250 gr.

Morels - 250 gr.

Butter - 50 gr.

Flour - 1.5 tbsp.

Greens - several branches.

Granulated sugar - 1 pinch.

Salt - to taste.


Coarsely chop the peeled potatoes, divide the cauliflower into inflorescences, chop the asparagus, simmer in salted water, adding 2 tsp. butter and a little sugar. Peel the morels, rinse, add cold water, bring to a boil; Stir the mushrooms constantly with a slotted spoon so that the sand settles. Drain the water, add new water, and boil. Drain the mushrooms in a colander and mix with the vegetables. Prepare a light gravy from butter and flour, adding a little liquid in which the vegetables were stewed. Mix the gravy with vegetables and mushrooms, sprinkle with chopped herbs. Vegetable hodgepodge is ready.

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Specialty “Cook” (3rd year of study)

Lesson 3

Subject: Technology for preparing seasoning soups. Solyanka.

Lesson Objectives


  • To develop knowledge about the technology of preparing hodgepodge, to consolidate knowledge about the technology of preparing borscht;


  • Develop skills in updating knowledge, attention, memory, speech, thinking, the ability to draw conclusions, determine goals, and ensure self-control;


  • Cultivate interest in the subject, activity, and organization.

Methods: verbal, problem presentation, partially search, visual and illustrative.

Equipment: computer, projector, presentation “Technology for preparing hodgepodge”, workbook, instruction cards, products, overalls, equipment.

Lesson type: lesson on communicating new knowledge.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment (3 min)

Checking attendance.

II. Preparing for the lesson.

Introductory stage (7 min)


Excerpt from the poem “Russian Cuisine” (read by the teacher) (Slide 2).

Think about what we will talk about today?

Message of the topic and purpose of the lesson (Slide 3).

Homework survey - crossword puzzle on the topic: “Technology for preparing borscht” (Slides 5-6). (Self-control).

Annex 1

III. Updating of reference knowledge

  1. Vocabulary work: poaching, sautéing.
  2. Mechanical culinary processing of onions.
  3. Onion cutting shapes.
  4. Preparing salted and pickled vegetables for heat treatment.

Main stage (23 min)

1. Communication of new knowledge.

2. The history of the emergence of hodgepodge. (Slide 13).

With the advent of fast foods and sushi bars in public catering, we began to forget the original Russian dishes. Russian cuisine is distinguished by a variety of first courses. Knowledge on the topic: “Technology for preparing hodgepodge” will be useful to you in everyday life.

3. Basic rules for preparing hodgepodge (teacher’s story).

Solyanki is a seasoning soup and consists of a liquid base, a side dish and a dressing. Concentrated meat, fish and mushroom broths are used as a liquid base. Solyanka contains pickled cucumbers, sautéed onions, tomato puree, capers, olives and black olives. Mushroom solyanka is prepared with fresh and dried mushrooms.

Pickled cucumbers are cut into strips or slices and poached. The onions are finely chopped and sautéed. Tomato puree is sautéed separately or onions are added at the end of sautéing. The pits of olives and black olives are removed. The lemon is washed, peeled and cut into slices. Meat products are boiled and cut into slices or strips. Meat and mushroom solyankas are served with lemon, sour cream and herbs, fish ones - without sour cream (Slides from 14-17).

3. Technology for preparing mixed meat solyanka (students’ independent work with a textbook. Appendix 2.

4. Physical education minute - exercise for the eyes (Slide 19).

5. Instructions for preparing mixed meat solyanka (Slides 20-28)

Fry the pork and boil in salted water (1 hour). Remove the meat, cool, cut into small pieces. Finely chop the onion. Cut the cucumbers into strips. Cut delicacies into strips. Fry delicacies. Fry the onion in vegetable oil. Add cucumbers, fry for 3 minutes. Add tomato paste, simmer for 5 minutes. Add delicacies to the broth. Add pork, cook for 7 minutes. Add onions, cucumbers.

After this, add herbs, salt and pepper. Let it brew for half an hour.

Pour into plates, put a circle of lemon, olives and sour cream and chopped herbs on a plate.

6. Features of preparing various types of hodgepodge (homework - student presentations with mini-projects).

Features of preparing various types of solyanka (Slides 30-35).

Final stage (7 min)

1. Consolidation of the material covered.



This technical and technological map was developed in accordance with GOST 31987-2012 and applies to the Solyanka mixed meat dish produced by a public catering facility.


Food raw materials, food products and semi-finished products used for preparing dishes must comply with the requirements of current regulatory documents, have accompanying documents confirming their safety and quality (certificate of conformity, sanitary-epidemiological report, safety and quality certificate, etc.)


Name of raw materials and semi-finished products \Gross\Net

Veal95 63 - - - -
Beef (shoulder,
brisket, trim)110 81 110 81 88 65
Smoked-boiled ham
or boiled (with skin and
bones)53 40 53 40 - -
Sausages or sausages41 40 41 40 41 40
Beef kidneys121 104 73 63 - -
Weight of finished veal - 40 - - - -
Weight of finished beef - 50 - 50 - 40
Weight of finished ham - 40 - 40 - -
Weight of ready-made sausages
or sausages - 40 - 40 - 40
Weight of finished buds - 50 - 30 - -
Bulb onions 119 100 107 90 107 90
Pickles 100 60 100 60 100 60
Capers40 20 40 20 40 20
Olives 50 50 40 40 - -
Tomato puree 50 50 40 40 20 20
Butter24 24 20 20 16 16
Bouillon 750 750 800 800 900 900
Lemon16 10 13 8 10 6
Exit- 1000 - 1000 - 1000
Sour cream60 60 50 50 20 20


Solyanka is prepared with a variety of meat and fish products, as well as fresh and dried mushrooms. For fish solyankas, fish broths are used, which are cooked from food fish waste or heads of fish of the sturgeon family (heads).

Solyanka contains pickled cucumbers, onions, tomato puree, capers, olives or black olives. Pickled cucumbers are cut into slices or diamonds. Cucumbers with rough skin and mature seeds are peeled and seeded. Thin-skinned cucumbers are cut together with the skin and seeds. Prepared cucumbers are allowed to simmer.

The onions are chopped and sautéed with the addition of tomato puree. Tomato puree can be sautéed separately. The pits are removed from the olives and the olives are washed. The lemon is peeled and cut into slices.

Meat products (meat, ham, kidneys, heart, poultry, etc.) are boiled and cut into thin slices.

Fish of the sturgeon family (with skin without cartilage or without skin and cartilage) is cut into 1-2 pieces per serving and simmered in broth; for hodgepodge, you can use commercially produced fillets (sea bass, cod, spotted catfish, etc. .).

Place sautéed onions and tomato puree, poached cucumbers, capers (along with brine), prepared meat or fish products, spices into the boiling broth and cook for 5-10 minutes. When on holiday, add olives or olives and a slice of lemon to the hodgepodge; sour cream to the meat hodgepodge and sprinkle with chopped parsley. Solyanki can be served without lemon.

To add a sharper taste to the hodgepodge at the end of cooking, you can add strained cucumber brine.

When making solyanka, instead of butter, you can use ghee or table margarine. If olives are unavailable, they can be replaced with capers.


Serving: The dish is prepared according to the consumer’s order and used according to the recipe for the main dish. Shelf life and sales according to SanPin, SanPin Note: the technological map was compiled on the basis of a development report.

Solyanki (selyanki) are one of the traditional soups of Russian cuisine. These soups are prepared in concentrated broths rich in extractive substances, since all the products specified in the recipe (meat, sausages, ham, poultry, fish) are boiled in the same broth. Solyanka is prepared in broths: meat and bone, fish, poultry, as well as mushroom broth. In terms of the composition of the garnish, the soups of this group differ from others not only in pickles, tomato puree, onions, but also in the sharp, specific taste imparted by capers, black olives, and lemon.

Cucumbers, peeled from rough skin and mature seeds, are simmered for 15 minutes. The onions are finely chopped and sautéed in butter or ghee or margarine. Tomato puree is sautéed separately or added to onions that have been sautéed until half cooked (sautéed onions with tomatoes are sometimes called solyanka breze). Boiled meat products (beef, ham, sausages, kidneys, veal) are cut into thin slices.

Fish of the sturgeon family (with skin without cartilage or without skin and cartilage) is cut into 1-2 pieces per serving, scalded for 1 minute, then washed. Fish with a bone skeleton is cut into fillets with boneless skin, cut into 1-2 pieces per serving. You can use commercially produced fillets (sea bass, cod, catfish, etc.). The lemon is peeled and cut into slices. The olives are washed. Olives are pitted by cutting off the flesh in a spiral. Capers are the unopened flower buds of the caper bush; when pickled, they are used together with brine.

Place sauteed onions and tomato puree, poached cucumbers, capers, prepared meat or fish products, spices into the boiling broth and cook for 5-10 minutes. When on holiday, add olives or olives and a slice of lemon to the hodgepodge; sour cream to the meat hodgepodge and sprinkle with chopped parsley. Solyanka can be served without lemon. Some cooks recommend adding sour cream not during the holiday, but seasoning the hodgepodge with it before the end of cooking.

Solyanka from prepared products can be prepared very quickly, which allows these soups to be sold mainly as made to order, in portioned bowls.

Solyanka meat. Prepare it as described above (Fig. III.3). When cooking, a meat set is introduced into it, consisting of beef, veal, smoked or boiled ham, sausages or sausages.

Homemade diesel fuel. Place diced potatoes into the boiling broth, boil them for 10 minutes, then add the rest of the ingredients. Meat products are put in the same quantities and in the same quantities as in the hodgepodge meat mixture.

Rice. 111.3. Technological diagram for preparing meat solyanka

Solyanka made from offal. It is prepared in the usual way, but during cooking a set of prepared offal is added to the broth: beef tongue, beef kidneys, heart, udder.

Solyanka made from poultry or game. Prepare as described above, but instead of boiled meat products, boiled poultry or game is used.

Fish solyanka. When making to order, put pieces (1-2 per serving) of prepared fish into portioned bowls, add fish broth, add sautéed onions and tomato puree, poached cucumbers and cook for 10-15 minutes. At the end of cooking, add the head (if the broth is made from sturgeon heads). When leaving, add olives or pitted olives and a peeled lemon slice, sprinkle with chopped herbs.

When cooking in large quantities, the fish is boiled separately and placed in a hodgepodge when it is released.

Solyanka Donskaya. Solyanka is prepared from sturgeon fish, part of the tomato is replaced with fresh tomatoes and, in addition to onions, sautéed carrots cut into slices and parsley root are added. When made to order, put pieces of scalded fish, cartilage, sautéed vegetables and tomato puree, poached cucumbers, capers into a portioned bowl and cook for 10-15 minutes. 5 minutes before readiness, add fresh tomatoes cut into slices and spices. When cooking in bulk, the fish is cooked separately until tender.

Mushroom solyanka. Cooked in mushroom broth. Add chopped boiled mushrooms, sautéed onions and tomato puree, poached cucumbers, and capers to the boiling mushroom broth. Boil for 5-10 minutes. When on holiday, olives or pitted olives and sour cream are added to the hodgepodge.