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Why are those born in May unlucky? Famous people born in May. Born in May: Finance

According to folk signs and superstitions, the month of May is considered the most dangerous and unstable month of the year. Our ancestors never played weddings in May, built houses or started serious business. Why did this happen, and is May really a difficult month?

Wedding in May - the couple will have to suffer all their lives

It is believed that a wedding cannot be held in May, otherwise the newlyweds will not be happy in marriage. This superstition comes from the very name of the month - May, that is, to suffer, to suffer.

However, there is another version of the origin of the May wedding sign. This month was considered one of the most difficult periods of the year. The peasants needed to plow the land and plant vegetables, and in May the livestock walking season began. There was a lot to do, so people simply had no time for weddings.

Why you can’t baptize a child in May

It was also impossible to perform the baptism ceremony in May. May is the month of sowing, and baptism is a holiday on which it is forbidden to work. That is why the child's baptism was postponed until next month.

Those born in May will suffer all their lives

According to folk signs and superstitions, people born in May will suffer throughout their lives. Their fate will be filled with a large number of trials and difficulties. Why? Again, because May is considered a period for physical work. Previously, women deliberately caused premature labor just to avoid giving birth in May. They tried to give birth in March or April so that they could devote May to field work.

And those children who were born this month did not receive proper attention and care, since their mothers had to immediately go to the field. It turns out that from the first days the May child faced difficulties, which then affected his entire future life.

Should you believe bad omens and superstitions?

Astrologers have found an explanation for why May is a difficult and even dangerous month of the year. In May, the period of patronage of Gemini and Taurus begins. This is the most unstable and contradictory tandem of two Zodiac Signs. Geminis do not know how to listen and understand. Taurus are stubborn and persistent. It turns out that in May two completely opposite constellations collide, which find it very difficult to come to an agreement with each other and live in peace.

It turns out that by celebrating a wedding in May, newlyweds risk attracting misunderstandings into their family life. Difficulties also arise in your career. Things at work and communication with clients or partners may not go according to plan, since this month it is difficult to negotiate with people at all.

It turns out that May is a really difficult month in terms of relationships with people. Astrologers do not recommend making serious decisions, scheduling negotiations or playing weddings at this time. Take care of your health, family responsibilities, recreation, creativity or hobbies. This way you can make May a good month of the year. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

06.05.2014 11:00

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Birthday horoscope

General astrological characteristics of May

The zodiac sign Taurus, which rules the month of May, begins its influence on April 19, however, during the first seven days it acts together with the previous sign, and gains full strength only on April 26. From this day until May 20, this sign is at the zenith of its power. Then, over the course of seven days, it gradually loses its power as the next sign, Gemini, ruled by Mercury (high), begins to exert increasing influence.
People born during this period are under the influence of the sign of Taurus, which is also called the House of Venus (high). This is one of the fixed signs of the Zodiac, the first House of Triton of the Earth.
“Taurus” is characterized, as follows from the association with the name itself, perseverance in achieving goals, perseverance and obsession. However, people born under this sign after May 21 lose a significant part of their strong-willed qualities and stubbornness, since they begin to be influenced by the incoming sign of Gemini - the first House of the trine of Air. As a result, people in the first half of May have more favorable character traits and life prognosis than people at the end of this month.
In some aspects of the character he shapes, Taurus is one of the most controversial signs of the Zodiac. People born during this period, namely from April 19 to May 20, as well as during the transition period until May 27, have traits that are usually based on perseverance and patience, unless anger or complete injustice sets them off. They are very stubborn in their determination and are often said to have bullish stubbornness and obsession. And yet, when, for example, love enters their lives, they are influenced more easily than anyone else, provided that this influence comes only from the one person who managed to awaken affection in them.
They are known for their endurance, both physical and mental, so long as their determination remains intact they can withstand any challenge. They are highly sociable, and there is nothing greater for them than to entertain and entertain friends or loved ones. They are excellent hosts and housewives who show sophistication in preparing meals and, if necessary, become excellent cooks.
They have an artistic sense of home decor, can arrange furniture beautifully, and know how to make even the most ordinary household items look attractive. They have an innate art of dramatic exits and appearances, “feel the role” and perform excellently in any role in the play called life.
As a rule, they are considered richer than they actually are, but they themselves give a reason for this, because in general they sometimes tend to “fluff their peacock tail.”
In relationships with people, they are largely guided by momentary emotions and sensations, but deep affection plays a greater role than passion.
Men of this sign usually have broad shoulders, a thick neck and large eyebrows. Women have full breasts and tend to have small arms and legs.
In love and sexual relationships, they give and give without reserve. If they love, then no sacrifice is too much for them, but if they hate, then they are ready to fight with bullish obsession until death. As a rule, they fight honestly and openly, and therefore it is difficult for them at first, but once their blood boils, they no longer know what concession or submission is.
They are very sensitive to their surroundings and often fall into a painful melancholic state if they lead a meager existence in unfavorable conditions
Neither men nor women born under this sign should marry early: their first love and marriage are usually a mistake, and yet they are for the most part precocious and marry early.
“Taurus” of both sexes in their affections are prone to manifestations of jealousy, which can push them to cruel, rash acts, which they will bitterly regret when the passion passes. They are ready to forgive at the slightest manifestation of the best feelings and kindness, and this side of nature forces them to do things that are quite stupid from a philistine point of view.
As leaders, they inspire love and devotion and often take on great responsibility.
They have an innate sense of harmony of rhythm and color and often achieve success in the pursuit of music, poetry, art, but (curiously) they, as a rule, lack the desire for personal gain, and this prevents them from using their talents to maximum advantage, except for those , who were born on certain dates, which will be discussed below.
Persons born under this sign become loyal, devoted friends, excellent public figures, officials, government officials, and occupy positions in the army and navy. They make kind and patient nurses, nurses, doctors, and almost all of them have a clear love of gardening, floriculture and life in the open air.
If the birth occurs after May 21, a decent part of the strong-willed qualities and perseverance is lost, under the influence of the sign of Gemini, which is gradually coming into force. As a result, birth in the first half of the month is more favorable in terms of prospects for predicting life success.
The most harmonious relationships among Taurus people will develop with partners born under the same sign, in the period from April 19 to May 20, under the sign of Virgo (from August 21 to September 20), under the sign of Capricorn (from December 21 to 20 January), as well as in the seven transition days at the beginning and end of each of the mentioned signs. Relationships are also favorable with people born at the opposite time of year, i.e. from October 21 to November 20-27.

The wonderful month of May, the fifth in the calendar year, the last third of spring, when the sun begins to heat up, nature acquires bright colors, the first thunder roars... This is the last 30 days of school for schoolchildren, a time of national holidays and an inspired mood. According to ancient Slavic beliefs, this month is not very favorable for entering into family life, as well as for the birth of children. They say that young people and newborns will “suffer” all their lives. Astrologers give a different meaning to such 1/12 of the year as May. The zodiac sign of those born this month is easy to determine. It is important to know where the time boundary between Taurus and Gemini is.

General characteristics of the month

Psychologists and astrologers have noticed one very interesting pattern. Their research revealed that the month of May marks the birth of people with talents in the fields of surgery, economics and pedagogy. They are pleasant to talk to, interesting and, as a rule, happy in life.

May: Zodiac sign

Each of the twelve elements of the horoscope takes on average 30 days in a calendar year. Moreover, the birth of representatives of the two signs that make up the Zodiac occurs within the same month. May gives the world Taurus and Gemini. The first of them are more often born this month. Taurus occupies 2/3 of May from the first days to the twentieth. People born during this period of time are distinguished by the concentration of those features that this zodiac sign gave them. Representatives of Taurus, who celebrate their birthday in April, cannot boast of this. After all, they are still influenced by Aries, the very first representative of the horoscope.

May Taurus are persistent in achieving their goals and are unperturbed, unlike their hot-tempered April comrades. They are more interested in art and the sensual side of life. However, Taurus is not the only one that May gives us. The zodiac sign Gemini has the right to the last third of the month. Representatives of this sign born in May are distinguished by increased artistry, a craving for art and greater diligence compared to their June comrades. They are still influenced by Taurus.

Transition moment

An important factor in determining what zodiac sign a person born in May has is his exact date of birth, and in some cases even the time. The approximate period of the Sun's transition from Taurus to Gemini falls on the 20th-21st of this thirty-one day period. So, if a person was not born at the very junction of the month of May, it is not difficult to determine the Zodiac sign. For example, the 11th gives Taurus, the 25th, in turn, gives Gemini. It is more difficult if the child is born when the Sun changes signs. In this case, to accurately determine whether you belong to a particular representative of the Zodiac, you should contact professional astrologers or programs that build natal charts. So, if a person was born on the 20th or 21st of the month, you should find out his exact time of birth by conducting a high-quality rectification of the horoscope. After all, in this case, literally seconds count. Still, it is believed that people born on the days when the Sun changes signs have the qualities of both adjacent representatives of the horoscope. This is how it is, the warm and beautiful month of May. It’s actually not difficult to find out what zodiac sign you are.

The birthday horoscope says that the zodiac signs of May, Taurus and Gemini, endow a person born in this month with an uncompromising and demanding character.

As a rule, May people are decisive, stubborn and principled. In general, it is difficult to enter into a romantic relationship or create a marriage with these people, since they are very vindictive and do not know how to forgive, much less make concessions.

People born in May are distinguished by the fact that financial well-being is placed at the very top of the list of life values. It is not strange that when the first problems appear in a relationship, a woman born in May is able to decisively sever ties with her other half.

Having drawn a line under her relationship, this lady often regrets what she did. However, she will never admit her mistake, and it won’t take much time to find a new hobby.

Unlike women, boys born in May may turn out to be good partners in marriage, since, despite their strength of character, they always strive to help the fair sex, especially if she looks at him with tears in her eyes.

Are people born this month influenced by their zodiac sign?

Taurus born in May

So, let's look at the horoscope of those born in the month of May: what zodiac sign corresponds to them? If you were born in the first half of this month, then you are a representative of the zodiac sign Taurus.

Regardless of whether a representative of this sign was born in April or May, he will be distinguished by an independent, stubborn disposition and a desire for stability and comfort.

It should be noted that this person’s main enemy is laziness, because only through hard work will he be able to achieve anything worthwhile in his life. In this matter, Taurus, the main zodiac sign of those born in May, does not endow people with special luck.

In addition to laziness, the representative of this zodiac sign does not know how to quickly navigate and act in emergency situations. Before making the right decision, he needs a lot of time to think, preferably alone.

It is safe to say about a girl born in May that she has a kind heart. However, if you were born in May, the zodiac sign Taurus gave you the gift of an overly stubborn character. Often the good intentions of this sign go so far that he begins to resort to various methods of imposing his own opinion.

Are representatives of this sign quite purposeful?

Gemini born in May

If we consider the question of which zodiac sign of May is suitable for people born in the last days of this month, it should be noted that they correspond to the sign Gemini.

This constellation is ruled by the planet Mercury, which endows representatives of this zodiac sign with curiosity and a thirst for science. This is a sign of people with exceptional intellectual abilities, thanks to which they easily find a common language with almost everyone.

Creating a harmonious and stable love relationship with Gemini is very difficult, as they are unpredictable, changeable and freedom-loving people.

When choosing names for Gemini born in May, you should give preference to options that will help develop their oratory skills and bring some stability in his active lifestyle - Valery, Nikita, Igor, Alina, Anzhelika, Liana, Inga.

As a rule, a representative of this sign has extensive connections and many friends, but there are very few people to whom he would open his soul. But with the opposite sex, things are such that he prefers superficial and short-term relationships.

The last month of spring, warm and gentle May, often gives people born at this time many positive qualities. In May, such ambiguous spring zodiac signs as Taurus and Gemini meet. They have many differences, but there is still one main feature that unites the May signs - people born at this time of year are often unusually talented, and are able to see beauty in the most ordinary things.

: main zodiac sign in May

Until the 20th of May, loving Taurus rules. And this is not surprising, because their planet is ruled by Venus, which endows its wards with a love of life and the ability to enjoy the little things. But there is also a flip side to the coin: due to the influence of the same Venus, Taurus can suffer from an excessive craving for pleasure and push people away with their vanity.

Taurus are active individuals, love to be in the center of the company and have remarkable artistry, often choosing creative professions - artists, musicians, writers. Since Venus has a very strong influence, it will not hurt Taurus to learn to restrain themselves and their impulses. Taurus should not indulge all their desires, because any positive trait can turn into a negative one (for example, love develops into jealousy, and a desire for fun into extravagance).

: zodiac sign that ends May

Possessing high mental abilities, but fickle in their decisions, favorites of the public, but capable of outright lies, Gemini is the most ambiguous spring sign of the zodiac. Appearing on the starry horizon only towards the end of May, namely from the 21st, Gemini is subject to the influence of the crafty Mercury. Thanks to him, Geminis are distinguished by their eloquence and wit, and their diplomacy and ability to organize and conduct various events make them wonderful partners in work.

The most widely known Gemini personality trait is fickleness. Geminis also need to work on themselves all the time, because their innate tendency to lies and deceit can prevent them from maintaining good relationships with their loved ones. It may seem to many that Gemini is a very frivolous and flighty sign, but this is just a consequence of a lively, creative mind and a desire to communicate. Geminis often need the support of loved ones, because they lack inner self-confidence.