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Why do terrorists dream? What the dream is trying to warn about is described in detail by the dream book. Terrorists interpretation of the dream book Why do you dream of terrorism war

If you see a terrorist in a dream, try to be more attentive and focus on yourself and the people close to you. If you dream of yourself as a terrorist, you will soon have to resort to illegal methods to achieve your goal. But beware, because the slightest mistake will lead to ruin.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of men

It is difficult to unambiguously interpret your dreams. Still, you need to take into account all the details, including those under what circumstances you had dreams, what you are interested in (for example, it is important whether you do meditation or other spiritual practices, etc.) If you interpret dreams about aliens from the point of view of the unconscious, then they dream at difficult moments of fate. When changes occur or are coming, you are afraid of losing your family, losing control over the situation and are unable or unwilling to adapt to the changes. One way or another, the “fight against aliens” is now in full swing on earth, only on an individual basis and on a subtle level (mainly on an unconscious level). The most important thing is not to save the planet, but to first “save” yourself. Pay attention to your inner world, your attitude to current events in life, country, etc. And don’t be afraid! Everything will be fine. Best,

Dream Interpretation - Capture of the planet by aliens!

Your dreams indicate that you are an active person, always striving to do something, to achieve success, showing others your importance, your need, so that they listen to your advice and suggestions. And therefore, in a dream, you are fighting with aliens (in real life - difficulties) and taking some measures. You are a good family man and you are constantly worried about the well-being of your family. Good luck.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Fate has prepared a lot of difficulties and troubles for you, but you will cope with them safely. In the near future, all you will do is awaken the conscience of your neighbors, and you will do this persistently and in an aggressive manner. Perhaps you will be sad and mopey.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Dream Interpretation - Hostage taking, escape

Good afternoon, Esther! “... It’s like I’m doing an internship in a hospital (this can’t happen in life, because I’m not a doctor and have nothing to do with medicine). “- I’ve already previously written in interpretations of your dreams that things should happen to you changes in life, and you are being pushed towards this. These changes must be drastic, something you are not used to and do not even imagine about yourself. “But here I was sent by some responsible person to this particular hospital - a large, multi-story, crowded institution. I walk around the wards, check for the presence of something, communicate with people - I feel like I’m in business” - just if you feel your mental and emotional state of this moment, you will be able to understand what awaits you. “I remember a moment: an elderly woman (one of the patients) talked about her financial difficulties, and I thought, should I lend her money?” - You will have to help people. "but I remembered that all my cash was in a different currency than the one in circulation here.... Then I remember the syringe in my hands, I used it ineptly... And that woman repaid the debt (which means I still gave her the money) " - but this help of yours will not be of a material nature. “By the night, tired, I lay down on the couch in the corridor and was just about to fall asleep when 2 or 3 men appeared. They behaved unbridledly and immediately declared us all hostages. I tried to sneak away from them unnoticed, but failed. Right there in the corridor I They sat me down again, covering their eyes with a rag." - You are bothered by the problem that you asked me about in the mail, don’t think that you forgot, I’m analyzing your question, it’s just complicated. “But I decided to try to leave openly; I tore off the bandage from my head and ran! I jumped into some room (there was a guy and a girl there), asked where the exit was. They said there was a door, but there was no exit behind it. I answered, that I would go there anyway, because I can’t go back. I went, taking this couple with me. Behind the door there was a convenient exit to the street. There we separated - I told the guy to run one way and contact the police, and myself (with the girl ) decided to run a different route so as not to get caught by the bandits' accomplices all at once." - You, subconsciously, understand your problem and are trying to free yourself. “The girl couldn’t run, I had to drag her by the collar.” - this problem is connected with some wrong action in your life, and is a karmic punishment, so you have to atone for it with your actions. And most likely this should be done through helping people. “Soon we saw elderly people sitting at a table. There were several landline phones on the table. I rushed to them, but all of them (phones) turned out to be non-working. A young woman appeared with a telephone, I approached her, begging her to let me call. She first called herself for her own needs, then, without interrupting the call, she gave the phone to me, saying, “This is the police, speak up.” From the emotions I experienced, I burst into tears (although I felt relief from being freed) and spoke into the phone through tears. I didn’t have time to receive an answer, I woke up...” - I think that everything will be fine for you, but you will have to put in a lot of effort. God bless you!

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Dream Interpretation - Hostage taking, escape

You were entrusted with some task in which you are not an expert, “not able to use a syringe,” and you agreed to this event and are ready to spend your energy “borrow money,” but nothing good will come of this event for you, because you found themselves hostage to this event, and even requests for help did not find a response, everyone “helped” in their own opinion as best they could and in whatever way they could. Some sent me down the wrong path, others gave me a phone number after doing their business. The solution is not visible in your dream, perhaps this is a warning dream, and you should be careful about proposals in which you have no experience. Good luck!

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Dream Interpretation - Hostage taking, escape

The dream most likely indicates that you will be under the influence of certain circumstances, from which it will be very difficult to escape: terrorists, non-working phones. Perhaps something will be connected with medicine, with some disease. Someone will pay you back - something positive you have done in life. The fact that you were sent to work by certain authorities probably means that you cannot control yourself in this situation. On the other hand, in a dream you are told that there is no exit behind the door, but you still find it - this is a positive sign. Then you literally drag that girl along with you - this is someone or something that opposes you in your quest for liberation. Think of this dream as an indication of some unfavorable circumstances in your life that are interfering with you, which you cannot change, but which you can resist. Good luck!

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

If you see a terrorist in a dream, try to be more attentive and focus on yourself and the people close to you. If you dream of yourself as a terrorist, you will soon have to resort to illegal methods to achieve your goal. But beware, because the slightest mistake will lead to ruin.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of men

Dream Interpretation - Attack, entrails, getting married

Your dream gives a deep understanding of the mysteries of life and death, the image of pure white snow, a mirror... Such a person is incomprehensible to himself, but seems mysterious to others. He becomes sentimental and oversensitive, at the same time relaxed, lethargic and lazy. There is a tendency to let things take their course. Fanatic self-confidence, obsession, and belief in an exceptional future may appear, which is not always bad, since inspiration may appear and a person will create, say, a wonderful work. Interest in secret knowledge and deep subconscious processes. The desire to retire, analyze your life, get rid of the secrets that burden your soul. Subconscious desire to fulfill karmic obligations. It is possible to obtain energy from hidden sources. With a low spiritual level, there is a danger of the appearance of powerful secret enemies. There is a real threat of falling under the influence of low astral forces, there may be deep mental disorders that do not appear immediately, such a person shows unnecessary initiative and wastes a lot of energy. The result is fatigue, loss of strength, or simply a lack of energy. You can’t start new things, there are a lot of small expenses, a lot of effort is spent on small things, you need to pay bills, conflicts may arise due to unpaid debts or loans, continuous unplanned and unexpected losses. A large number of unnecessary and burdensome contacts arise, which take up a lot of time.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Terrorists are evil in the flesh. Meeting them promises bad events, both in reality and in a dream. However, some dream books give seemingly strange interpretations - supposedly a bandit in a dream promises joy. For those who want to understand why a terrorist dreams, and in what dreams his participation is a good symbol, I suggest you start interpreting night scenes!

Miller's Dream Book

In the time of Gustavus Miller, the word “terrorism” was not yet known. Back then, terrorists were called bandits, gangsters. And this is what a famous American interpreter of the late 19th century can tell us about dreams with such characters.

You see gangsters shooting at you - this means that you pay excessive attention to idle chatter and slander. Did a woman dream about being attacked by an armed robber? The interpretation of the dream will be sad: she will have to make a lot of efforts in order to avoid difficulties in her personal life.

Captured by invaders - to painful situations

To see that you have been captured by terrorists is a sign of problems affecting your intimate life, as the White Magician’s dream book prophesies.

Did you come under fire in a dream? To malaise. Wounded? To injury or to an accident on the road. It’s bad if you’re killed – it means a more serious illness.

If you dreamed that you did not see terrorists, but heard them shooting, you would receive bad news about one of the family members.

If you dream that you are running away from terrorists and see that some of them are catching up with you, in reality there will be bad news everywhere.

Seeing yourself as one of the representatives of a terror group means that you are not absolutely sincere with your friends, Pastor Loff’s dream book chides you.

You deceived yourself into joining a gang in order to help out your friend, with whom you are actually in a quarrel - you will have a very quick reconciliation with him in the present.

The Eastern dream book, interpreting a vision in which you, in the role of a terrorist, killed a hostage, predicts the deception of a friend.

A young girl sees herself as a terrorist - the dream suggests that she is very categorical and uncompromising in relation to her chosen one.

Counter-terrorism department: not everything is going smoothly at work

In a dream, you are an employee of the counter-terrorism department and during an anti-terrorist operation you captured many gang members? There is a “rat” in your team, warns the Modern Dream Book.

If you had a dream that you prevented an attack on civilians - be careful in your actions. Not everyone may like them.

The Moon Dream Book also speaks of bad times in your professional life, in which you came under fire during a campaign to capture terrorists and were even wounded.

A terrorist act as a symbol of aggression and anger

Did you have a nightmare that you were in a building at the moment when a terrorist attack was committed? The dream indicates that you are a very emotional and overly impulsive person.

Seeing yourself as a passenger on a plane that was hijacked by terrorists means you will encounter the aggressive behavior of a stranger. If the head of the gang was a terrorist, you will quarrel with a representative of the fairer sex.

If you dream that you witnessed how terrorists attacked a bus with people and blew it up - this is a sign of a major scandal that has been brewing for a long time.

comment 21

    I had a dream as if I was in the gym and terrorists were coming from the door. I miraculously find myself in another room and hear their footsteps. One of the hostages comes into the room, I ask him not to say that I am in this room.


    I dreamed that I was at a children’s meeting and then a guy in a tie came in and with a smile in Arabic said that now everyone would have their throats cut in turn and cut off the skin from one’s back and carried it and showed it to everyone, I felt such horror and the children were somewhere near. I woke up.

    Very consistent and lucid dreaming. It all starts with the fact that I am in my parents’ house, but I live there already as the owner, the house came to me as an inheritance, something like that (at the moment I’m 18). It all starts with the fact that I go to my dog, whom I just recently got. I start stroking him, scratching him, and notice that I have combed out 1 flea. I tell him that tomorrow I will wash him with a special shampoo, but today it’s also worth a bath. I'm bathing the dog. I bathe myself. I leave the bathhouse and see that an old, black, tinted Bwm e34 is driving into the courtyard of a house (private house), bearded men are getting out of it, and an explosion occurs nearby. I start to save myself and look for my parents. First, a passenger car drives past the house, from behind it fires at the houses with a grenade launcher, then a bus drives by, from which it fires even more with an RPG. A shot from a RPK type machine gun is heard. I find my parents, we get into the car (for some reason, in the eye, in fact, our car is different). And we try to leave, we get into a traffic jam, we try to escape on foot, I almost lose them, traffic police cars are visible, which are of no particular use. You can see how a food truck is trying to block a crowd of people in order to protect them. The dream ends. Before this, I dreamed that certain N people find themselves in another world and through them something deadly comes out into the real world, maybe some kind of spirit. I was among these people. I dropped the bottle cap on the ground, asked a friend to pick it up, and did not find a friend. Having intuitively understood what was happening, I intuitively understood what to do. It came to close his eyes and throw a handful of earth at the place where he was sitting (so that he would wake up and return). I am an atheist, I don’t believe in God, I don’t believe in spirits, there will be no terrorists in our, roughly speaking, village, in real life I’m not intimidated by all this, but these were very conscious and consistent dreams that I remembered in detail. What does the subconscious want to tell me?

    I dreamed that I was at my sister’s school and was waiting for a disco. Something tells me that I need to leave. I left. I see a terrorist coming out of school and noticing me with my grandmothers and starting to run. I run away and see my aunt, I tell her to call the police to the school, but she doesn’t believe me. Then I just run and meet a lot of familiar people along the way. All.

    I just dreamed that I was at home with my younger sister, our apartment is on the top floor. And right in front of the house is the “city center”. So, I look out the window and see a guy with a gun killing all the passers-by, everyone is running further away from him, I take my sister to another room and hide it, at that moment our kitchen window is broken.

    Yes, I know, I’m not that old yet, I’m only 12 years old. I’m writing this at 5 o’clock in the morning because I can’t sleep without finding out what this is about. I dreamed that terrorists snuck into our house, my mother and I hid and waited, but they didn’t come, we sat there and then my dream came to a moment where we were sitting in a cafe. Next to me is my best friend and her (a friend I don’t know) and I ask what will you do? Well, it’s okay, now we’ll wait for dad with a gun, and we went with our parents. And suddenly my dream jumps to a place where I am not. There is a man in front of me, he is afraid to move. Despite the fact that the terrorist attack is over and even cars calmly drive past the place where the terrorist attacks took place. He approaches one of the cars and asks to take him with him, the driver asks where, and he says - where you go, there I go, and that’s where I woke up.

    I had a very strange dream. It all started with the fact that I came back home, to Moscow. Then I had to go to the subway. My classmates and sister were with me. For some reason, my sister decided to stand upstairs without going down to the subway. Next, my classmates and I are already driving an excavator and we are captured by terrorists. I somehow managed to warn my sister, and after a while I see my classmates running away. We then go home together. They tell us what they did there. And we agree to go to visit Vika (one of the girls).

    I had a terrible dream. That I, my supposed girlfriend, and some children are in some house, being held hostage. What do I have to do with terrorists, I don’t see weapons, but I know that we are all hostages. A man comes up to me and asks that there are police in the house, I answer that there are no and I don’t know, he asks me to bring a package, I answer that it’s good and I go to another house on the same territory and see riot police there with weapons. They ask me whether terrorists have weapons and how many times I answer them, and they ask me not to go there and the terrorists are immediately captured. My friend and the children come running and say that everything is covered in blood and there are a lot of corpses, I immediately go out into the yard and see the captured terrorists in handcuffs and they are already being interrogated. There was a woman with the terrorist regime and then my mother comes out and starts interrogating her, and tries to talk to her in different languages. And then I’m already in the house again, my friend and the children are running back and forth, I can’t understand anything, then the children run in again and shout that they can’t catch the terrorist’s child, and then he runs in to us and starts threatening. A weapon appears in his hands, and he starts shooting at his girlfriend, and then I have a knife in my hands, and I throw this knife at him, and I woke up.

    Today I had a horror dream, I was in a strange city with a suitcase, and in front of an incomprehensible type of barrier there was a man standing next to a tall box, and a lot of small things were hanging in it, and I had to hang something there too, like this would be a talisman from the church, I hung it there earring Later, on the street in the dark, I was looking for something in my suitcase, and then two bandits came up to me, put me in a car, drove me somewhere, stopped, got out, opened the car, the killer put a gun in my forehead, and the other told him - shoot her. A feeling of icy horror, creepy, I begged him not to shoot, and then I suddenly pointed the gun at him and woke up.

    I dreamed that terrorists were flying in by helicopter and leaving explosives at certain places in my city, specifically where my relatives were. The bomb beeped for one minute and then exploded. The first time they tested the bomb was in an abandoned building where me, my father and my sister were. It so happened that only my sister and I managed to escape, and dad remained in an abandoned place, but he survived. Didn't even get hurt. The second time they planted a bomb near a small grocery store. There were me and my mother. Mom doesn't run well, but I run fast. She told me to run as fast as I could, and I ran away, but she stayed. But she also survived. Then I got tired of it. For the third time, one of those terrorists was walking down the street. I remembered him very well and recognized his face. And he recognized me. I attacked him and started beating him. For some reason he couldn't resist. When I saw people, I ran away, and he ran away in the opposite direction. The third time they planted a bomb near a shopping center. One of my friends was there. I don't remember who. But he managed to leave. The explosives are always disguised and look like parts from a palm-sized car. And no one pays attention to it except me. The bomb was released every week, without delay. But this time more than a week passed and everything was quiet. For now I lived with my sister and grandmother. I told everyone that I was going to visit a friend. I came to her. She lives on the 4th floor. She and I were discussing terrorists; when I was leaving, I went to see a friend at school. The school is located near the city. I told her I had a bad feeling, but she didn't believe me. Then I just walked out and pointed out the beep bomb to her and we started running. Then all the doors and windows closed. I turned around and saw my grandmother in the window. I started crying and screaming. I didn’t even think of throwing the bomb away. I just started hitting the window and cut my hand. My friend stayed with me. There were three seconds left before the explosion. Then I woke up. Phew. You can make films based on my dreams.

    I dreamed that I was walking in a shopping center with weapons and full equipment, I went out onto the balcony and a double-decker bus drove past, and all the passengers looked at me angrily. I see that inside the terrorist is lifting the hostage, yelling something at him and hitting the glass behind him with his fist, so much so that the glass cracked. Around me, people are all excited, not Russians, as if I were somewhere in Southeast Asia, dressed in poor clothes. I quickly descend from the balcony, like running through crowds of people, through passages. I go out to the crossroads and go into our headquarters, there are still soldiers there and on the wall there is already a list of the dead, but it’s not the names that are written there, but who they were, there were about a dozen dead. I remember only the last two, it was written: someone’s dad and mom (Buddhist priest). Then they said that attacks were being prepared on our headquarters and we needed to prepare, I immediately took my position at the window. But then they called me to the table for instructions, I put my weapon on the table
    (presumably an ultrasound submachine gun with a folding stock). Awoke.

    I dreamed that I was in some house, sitting calmly, and then I heard explosions, many explosions, someone was being shot at, screams were heard, and it seems that every time I was killed, the dream began anew, no matter what happened so scary. For some reason I decided to go to the toilet, I thought that it would be calmer there, I think it was because at night I was watching about Hitler, he unexpectedly started the war, and the explosions were unexpected.

Dream book for the whole family

If you see a terrorist in your dream- try to be more attentive and focus on yourself and the people close to you.

If you dream of yourself as a terrorist- soon you will have to resort to illegal methods to achieve your goal. But beware, because the slightest mistake will lead to ruin.

Modern combined dream book

Seeing a terrorist in a dream- you should be more careful and not make mistakes. Focus on everything that concerns you personally.

If you dreamed that you fell into the hands of terrorists- this means that you are faced with an adventurous adventure, the temptation of intimacy with a person who has long been indifferent to you.

If you dreamed that you were a terrorist- this is a sign that your loved one has stopped trusting you. Women have such a dream- says that the time has come to think about serious things, about organizing your personal life with one but reliable person.

Participate in a terrorist attack in a dream- this dream promises anxiety, the emergence of unexpected obstacles on your path. You should be very vigilant in order to meet danger fully armed.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Terrorist- a loved one will constantly use you for his own selfish purposes.

Dream book of a gypsy

Terrorist- strong internal fear.

If you dreamed:

Dreams from Tuesday to Wednesday

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say out the open window: “Where night goes, sleep comes.” All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone about your bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

A wonderful DREAM, indicating that the dreamer is trying to keep the situation under personal control and wants to realize his intentions at a convenient and suitable moment for himself (or really hopes for it), but...... But first, the dreamer needs to leave the comfortable the position of living together with his parents (the dreamer is guarding hostages with his parents), otherwise pizza awaits him, which means in reality a long-drawn-out situation. And free Pizza means the absence in reality of any effort on the part of the dreamer to achieve his desires and goals. The neighboring house with the Sniper in the Window is a hint for the waking dreamer to choose a completely different, more confident and observant position, opposite to the first one, where he guards hostages and parents. Then everything will be decided. I remembered my recent Dream about Terrorists, and how I was running away from them (I didn’t want to be a hostage!), and it dawned on me (I had to adjust the original interpretation). Sincerely, LIVIA.

Dream Interpretation - Terrorism

The dream is, of course, interesting, but somewhat unclear in meaning (“anarchic” and “co-authorship” - what is this and how to understand it?). In the meantime, based on the essence of the meaning of the dream that I understood, I will write that the Dream reflected a limited position (dependence), the state of the Dreamer captured and overwhelmed with negative emotions - a crowded Bus and its capture by Bearded Terrorists, the Dreamer experiences a terrible Penetrating fear (emotions of the low earthly plane are pathological material attachments , power and competition in society). Terrorists leave the Bus without finding what they need - a good hint for the Dreamer to let go of inflated earthly goals and thereby get rid of the haunting fear of not getting what they want (you can strive for what you want, but without losing your mental balance - Women with bomb belts in a dream, where the Belt is the saving center of emotions/balance, and the Bomb is uncontrolled Emotions). This is what the Dream is about. Best regards, Livia.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun