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The son of Karachay is a hero of Belarus. Kasaev Osman Musaevich - Biography

(1944-02-18 ) (27 years) A place of death Affiliation


Type of army Years of service Rank

: Incorrect or missing image

Battles/wars Awards and prizes


Soon after the start of the war, the division in which Kasaev served was surrounded and destroyed. At the end of August 1941, having reached the Belynichi district of the Mogilev region of the Belarusian SSR, a group of fighters and commanders, among whom was Kasaev, decided to begin hostilities as a partisan formation. Kasaev was elected first as a commissar and then as a commander of a partisan detachment, which was assigned the number 121. The detachment successfully operated in the Mogilev region, destroying garrisons, punitive detachments, warehouses, motor depots, and commandant's offices. By the end of 1943, there were already more than 1,200 partisans in the detachment, and then it was transformed into the 121st partisan regiment, of which Kasaev became the commander. By February 1944, the regiment took part in 70 battles, destroyed more than 1,000 enemy soldiers and officers, and blew up 33 German trains. On February 17, 1944, during the transition between settlements in the Berezinsky region, a column of partisans was attacked by German aircraft. Kasaev was seriously injured and died 18 hours later, on February 18, 1944. He was initially buried in the village of Khripelevo, Belynichi district, but in August 1948 he was reburied in a mass grave on Lazarenko Street in Mogilev.

In honor of Kasayev, the village of Sermyazhenka, Belynichi district, was renamed Osman-Kasaevo. Also, streets in Mogilev and Cherkessk, a school in the village of Zapolye, Belynichi district, were named in his honor, an obelisk was installed in the village of Ugolshchina and a bust in the village of Uchkulan.

Also, a pass beyond the Western Caucasus is named in his honor.

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  • Heroes of the Soviet Union: A Brief Biographical Dictionary / Prev. ed. collegium I. N. Shkadov. - M.: Voenizdat, 1987. - T. 1 /Abaev - Lyubichev/. - 911 p. - 100,000 copies.
  • - ISBN ex., Reg. No. in RCP 87-95382.
  • National wrestling in Belarus. In 3 volumes. "Minsk. "Belarus". 1984.
  • People of legends. Issue 4. M., 1971.

Forever in the people's heart. 3rd ed., add. and corr. Minsk, 1984.

- Pe... Petya... Come, come, she... she... is calling... - And he, sobbing like a child, quickly mincing with weakened legs, walked up to the chair and fell almost on it, covering his face with his hands.
Suddenly, like an electric current ran through Natasha’s entire being. Something hit her terribly painfully in the heart. She felt terrible pain; It seemed to her that something was being torn away from her and that she was dying. But following the pain, she felt an instant release from the ban on life that lay on her. Seeing her father and hearing her mother’s terrible, rude cry from behind the door, she instantly forgot herself and her grief. She ran up to her father, but he, helplessly waving his hand, pointed to her mother’s door. Princess Marya, pale, with a trembling lower jaw, came out of the door and took Natasha by the hand, saying something to her. Natasha didn’t see or hear her. She entered the door with quick steps, stopped for a moment, as if in a struggle with herself, and ran up to her mother.
The Countess lay on an armchair, stretching out strangely awkwardly, and banging her head against the wall. Sonya and the girls held her hands.
“Natasha, Natasha!..” shouted the countess. - It’s not true, it’s not true... He’s lying... Natasha! – she screamed, pushing those around her away. - Go away, everyone, it’s not true! Killed!.. ha ha ha ha!.. not true!
Natasha knelt on the chair, bent over her mother, hugged her, lifted her with unexpected strength, turned her face towards her and pressed herself against her.
- Mama!.. darling!.. I’m here, my friend. “Mama,” she whispered to her, without stopping for a second.
She did not let her mother go, gently struggled with her, demanded a pillow, water, unbuttoned and tore her mother’s dress.
“My friend, my dear... mamma, darling,” she whispered incessantly, kissing her head, hands, face and feeling how uncontrollably her tears flowed in streams, tickling her nose and cheeks.
The Countess squeezed her daughter's hand, closed her eyes and fell silent for a moment. Suddenly she stood up with unusual speed, looked around senselessly and, seeing Natasha, began squeezing her head with all her might. Then she turned her face, wrinkled in pain, towards her and peered at it for a long time.
“Natasha, you love me,” she said in a quiet, trusting whisper. - Natasha, won’t you deceive me? Will you tell me the whole truth?
Natasha looked at her with tear-filled eyes, and in her face there was only a plea for forgiveness and love.
“My friend, mamma,” she repeated, straining all the strength of her love in order to somehow relieve her of the excess grief that was oppressing her.
And again, in a powerless struggle with reality, the mother, refusing to believe that she could live when her beloved boy, blooming with life, was killed, fled from reality in a world of madness.
Natasha did not remember how that day, that night, the next day, the next night went. She did not sleep and did not leave her mother. Natasha’s love, persistent, patient, not as an explanation, not as a consolation, but as a call to life, every second seemed to embrace the countess from all sides. On the third night, the Countess fell silent for a few minutes, and Natasha closed her eyes, resting her head on the arm of the chair. The bed creaked. Natasha opened her eyes. The Countess sat on the bed and spoke quietly.
– I’m so glad you came. Are you tired, do you want some tea? – Natasha approached her. “You have become prettier and more mature,” the countess continued, taking her daughter by the hand.
- Mama, what are you saying!..
- Natasha, he’s gone, no more! “And, hugging her daughter, the countess began to cry for the first time.

Princess Marya postponed her departure. Sonya and the Count tried to replace Natasha, but they could not. They saw that she alone could keep her mother from insane despair. For three weeks Natasha lived hopelessly with her mother, slept on an armchair in her room, gave her water, fed her and talked to her incessantly - she talked because her gentle, caressing voice alone calmed the countess.
The mother's mental wound could not be healed. Petya's death took away half of her life. A month after the news of Petya’s death, which found her a fresh and cheerful fifty-year-old woman, she left her room half-dead and not taking part in life - an old woman. But the same wound that half killed the countess, this new wound brought Natasha to life.

Born in the high-mountainous Karachay village of Khurzuk, Uchkulan district, Karachay Autonomous Region, into a peasant family.

Like many other graduates of the Karachay Pedagogical Workers' Faculty and Pedagogical College, Osman Kasaev in 1937. voluntarily joined the ranks of the Red Army.

He met the Great Patriotic War in Western Belarus, in the city of Slonim, as the chief of artillery of the 383rd Infantry Regiment of the 121st Infantry Division. O. Kasaev distinguished himself in the very first battles. However, under the pressure of superior enemy forces, the division suffered defeat. Many commanders and soldiers died, some were captured.

The groups of Red Army soldiers remaining behind enemy lines walked east at night with the goal of joining the Red Army. O. Kasaev’s group passed by Baranovichi, Bobruisk and in early August reached the Belynichi district of the Mogilev region. Here Kasaev and his comrades, having learned that the front was far away, decided to organize a partisan detachment to continue the armed struggle against the Nazis and their minions. On August 10, 1941, in the Sipailov forest, near the village of Wolytsina, lieutenants Osman Kasaev and Mikhail Abramov created a partisan detachment number 121 of seven people. The commander of the detachment was M. Abramov, the commissar O. Kasaev. Soon, the detachment, thanks to hiding Soviet soldiers and local residents, as well as Germans and Vlasovites who had gone over to the partisans, grew to 50 people.

On July 26, 1942, M. Abramov died, and Lieutenant Osman Mussaevich Kasaev took command of the 121st partisan detachment. By order of the military operational group at the Mogilev underground regional committee of the Communist Party of Belarus dated November 27, 1943, the 121st partisan detachment was transformed into the 121st partisan regiment. It had 3 rifle battalions, a battalion - 3 rifle companies, a company - 3 rifle platoons, as well as a reconnaissance platoon, a demolition platoon, a utility platoon, and a medical unit. On November 1, 1943, the detachment's personnel numbered 841 people. The detachment was armed with 513 rifles, 44 light machine guns, 52 machine guns, 2 mortars, 1 cannon, 2 anti-tank rifles. By the end of 1942, there were over 1,200 people in the 121st partisan regiment.

The area of ​​operation of the detachment, then the regiment - Belynichi district (villages of Ugolytsina, Khripilevo, etc.), Mogilev district and the city of Mogilev. Scouts and separate groups of the detachment-regiment constantly operated in Mogilev, where they obtained intelligence information, “languages”, and carried out explosions. Osman Kasayev and his partisans terrified the invaders. The commandant of Mogilev, Major General Emansdorf, wrote in a report to his superiors: “Partisan agents are everywhere. There are especially many of them in Mogilev... In Khripelev, Ugolytsin, Peschanka and in other villages west of Mogilev, 121 Red Partisan regiments, about which we previously reported, settled. a certain Caucasian Osman is a treacherous, experienced in military affairs, Bolshevik commissar. In essence, we control only the regional centers, and partisans have strengthened themselves in the villages... Large forces are needed against them..."

Hitler's command was forced to send additional forces. In mid-February 1944, the occupiers launched a fifth punitive operation against the 121st Regiment. Several enemy military units numbering more than 2 thousand officers and soldiers with guns and mortars, supported by 20 tanks and many aircraft, began to surround Kasayev’s partisan bases. Since the forces were unequal, Kasaev’s partisans, leaving their bases, headed to another place. When on February 17, 1944, the partisans walked through open terrain (there was no other way), they were attacked by enemy planes, who began to shoot the partisans with machine guns and bomb them. The partisans responded with machine-gun fire. Kasaev himself bravely entered the battle. When he fired at an enemy plane, a fascist pilot seriously wounded him in the chest. In total, Osman received 8 wounds. On February 18 at 12 o'clock he died, having bequeathed to be buried in the village of Khripelevo, Mogilev district, and then in Mogilev. He was buried in the forest near the village of Zhalin.

In March 1944, the body of Osman Kasaev was transported and buried with full partisan honors in a cemetery in the village of Khripelevo. In addition to representatives of the partisan regiments and detachments of the Mogilev and Belynichesky districts, more than 5 thousand civilians gathered for the funeral.

In the order of the military operational group at the Mogilev underground regional committee of the Communist Party (Bolsheviks) of Belarus No. 40 dated April 27, 1944 on perpetuating the memory of the deceased commander of the 121st partisan regiment, Captain Osman Mussaevich Kasayev, it was noted that the partisan detachment during its existence and the fight against The Nazi invaders inflicted the following defeats on the Germans: more than 4 thousand soldiers and officers were killed and wounded, German police garrisons were destroyed - 27, cars - 112, motorcycles - 13, bicycles - 150, tanks and armored vehicles - 3, railway bridges - 3 , bridges on highways - 66, railway rails broken - 1351, wire communications - 34 kilometers, gasoline burned - 32.5 tons, wagons and platforms with military equipment destroyed - 380, steam locomotives - 15, traffic on railways delayed - 660 hours, 13 different warehouses were burned and destroyed, 10 kilometers of highway were destroyed, 6 planes were shot down, etc. Trophies: light machine guns - 39, heavy machine guns - 6, cannons - 1, mortars - 7, machine guns - 40, rifle cartridges - 57,625, various rifles - 350, revolvers - 160, grenades - 73, binoculars - 10, telephone booths - 5 , typewriters - 2, cars - 10, bicycles - 25, uniforms - 371, radios - 7, etc. 49 Nazis were captured.

It is also known that the partisan regiment of Osman Kasaev, during its combat activities from 1941 to 1944, liberated 44 settlements in the Belynichesky and Mogilevsky districts of the Mogilev region of Belarus.

In addition, the Kasaevites provided the peasants with livestock, draft power, and helped carry out sowing work in the spring of 1942 and 1943. in villages that were actually under the rule of partisans. After the arrival of Major Naumovich’s reconnaissance group from Moscow, the partisans through it had contact with the capital, received information about the situation at the fronts, and carried out explanatory work among the population. O. Kasaev, who became a captain at the end of 1943, organized rallies in villages and himself repeatedly spoke to the partisans and the population.

Osman Mussaevich Kasaev - the son of Karachai - Hero of Belarus rallied not only the Soviet people in the fight against the enemy. In the 121st partisan regiment there were representatives of various nationalities: Russians, Belarusians, Ukrainians, Azerbaijanis, Georgians, Kazakhs, Mordvins, Tatars and all those who hated fascism. For example, an international group was formed in the detachment: Czechs, French, Austrians, Luxembourgers, Germans, etc. Lieutenant Balabenko, who spoke German, was appointed its commander, and the Czech Jan Patochka was appointed political instructor.

This group was often sent behind enemy lines to perform the most difficult tasks. Internationalists often acted by cunning. The soldiers put on German uniforms, harnessed tailless trophy horses to sleighs or carts, and skillfully rode around the occupied territory. They acted either under the guise of inspectors, or under the guise of soldiers and officers who had lagged behind their unit. In German or police garrisons, they disarmed the enemy, blew up fortifications, burned buildings, etc. In the above-mentioned order, noting his merits, it was written: “In honor of the deceased, heroically acting commander of the 121st partisan regiment” Captain O.M. Kasaev. I order:

1. Give the 121st partisan regiment a name and henceforth call it “121st partisan regiment named after Osman Kasaev.”

2. Upon the liberation of the city of Mogilev, Mogilev region, submit a petition to the Mogilev regional council and the regional committee of the Communist Party to erect a monument in honor of the memory of the deceased commander Kasayev in the village of Khripelevo, Mogilev region. In the future, the body of Comrade Kasaev will be transported to the city of Mogilev and a monument will be erected on his grave. ...comrades partisans and partisans, avenge the death of your beloved commander Osman Kasayev."

For military exploits accomplished during the Great Patriotic War, Captain Osman Mussaevich Kasayev, commander of the 121st Partisan Regiment, was awarded the Order of the Red Banner and the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st degree, and the medal “Partisan of the Patriotic War,” 1st degree. For courage and heroism O.M. Kasaev was nominated three times for the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. However, again, due to belonging to the repressed Karachay people, Osman Kasayev did not receive this high award either during his lifetime or immediately after his death. It was awarded to him posthumously only in May 1965 at the request of the governing bodies of Belarus.

After the death of the hero, the 121st regiment - the regiment named after Osman Kasayev - began to be called after him. This name is given, in addition to the village of Khripelevo, to a street in Mogilev, a state farm in the hero’s native village, a school, and streets in Karachaevsk and Cherkessk. An international prize has been established in his name, which is awarded to the winner of the annual freestyle wrestling competition in Karachaevsk. Many scientific works, essays, articles have been written about him, films have been made, and songs have been composed. Kasaev O.M. in 1997, a monument was erected in the village of Uchkulan.

Dedicated to the 72nd anniversary of the Great Victory

student of grade 5 B of MKOU "Gymnasium No. 9" in Cherkessk
Project Manager:
teacher of the highest category of MKOU "Gymnasium No. 9" in Cherkessk

The 72nd anniversary of the Great Patriotic War is approaching. Patriotic theme
the wars of 1941-1945 and the Great Victory are always very important. Relevance
of our project can be reflected in the words: “This is not needed by the dead, it is needed
We believe that a worthy attitude towards the feat of the participants of the Great
Patriotic War, perpetuating the memory of Heroes - fellow countrymen worthy
business for the students of our school, especially those studying their native language. Memory of
representatives of the Karachay people, brave heroes will give the opportunity
show attention to the generation of winners and self-realize in
public research activities.
The name of the legendary partisan commander Hero of the Soviet Union Kasayev
Osman Mussaevich is widely known not only in our republic, but also
far beyond its borders. In my work I want to talk about it.

The exploits of the heroes of our countrymen should be in the memory of grateful descendants,
for students to be proud of their fellow countrymen, they must know who defended
Motherland and glorified our republic, the entire Karachay people with their
Formulation of the problem:
What have we learned about the life of Karachay heroes, what feats have our
Fundamental question:
Studying primary sources:
For analysis, we collected scattered material on the Internet; in addition,
work was carried out on the study of articles, essays written in periodicals
magazines on the topic of interest to us.
in KCR.
fellow countrymen
since then

Research objectives:
 Get acquainted with the biography of the hero, learn the story
his exploits, on what fronts he fought;
By making face-to-face and correspondence acquaintances with places,
associated with the names of the heroes it is better to understand why
people fought for their native land, not sparing their
life; Compiling a general profile of Karachay heroes,
countryman hero,
who protected life on Earth;
Learn to independently search for information,
process and analyze material.

Ullu regiment commander captain
Kasailans Mussans jashy Osman,
Chegetde partisan detachment dzhyygansa,
Fascistleni ayamaiyn kyrgansa
Mogilev tögeregi districtlada
Tyuzlyuknyu and dzhangyrtyb turgansa.
Khorlamlaring ullu bolub djurtumda
Advice to the Dzhigiti Bolgansa Union.
Koychulany Askerbiy

partisan commander Hero of the Soviet Union
Osman Mussaevich Kasaev.
Osman was born in 1916 in the highland Karachay
aule Khurzuk Uchkulansky
Karachay Autonomous Region in the peasant
family. In 1031 he graduated from seven years of school in his native village, in
pedagogical workers' faculty in MikoyanShakhar
(Karachaevsk). For one academic year I worked as a teacher in
elementary school in the village of Khudessky sawmill
plant, near the confluence of the Khudes River with the Kuban.
Pedagogical College O. Kasaev in 1937
voluntarily joined the ranks of the Red Army.
workers' faculty
At first he studied at the Penza Cavalry Military School, and from November 1938 to the summer of 1939.
continued his studies at the Kiev Artillery School, which he graduated with first class. In the same
in the fall, Lieutenant Kasaev took part in the annexation of Western Belarus to the Belarusian
SSR as part of the 209th anti-tank division of the 121st rifle division. In 1940, being
battery commander in the 383rd regiment of the same division, participated in the Red Army campaigns in Latvia and
Kasaev devoted himself entirely to the assigned work, and his efforts brought good results:
In inspector's assessments, his subordinates received the best marks in all types of combat training.
Osman Kasayev was promoted, appointed chief of artillery of the 383rd regiment of the 121st
rifle division. This happened in 1940. The division was stationed near the western

He met the war in Western Belarus, in the city of Slonim
rifle regiment of the 121st rifle division. O. distinguished himself.
Kasaev in the first battles. However, under the pressure of superior
The division was defeated by enemy forces. Many commanders and
the soldiers died, some were captured. Remaining in the rear
enemy groups of Red Army soldiers walked east at night from
with the goal of joining the Red Army. Group of O. Kasaev
passed by Baranovichi, Bobruisk and in early August
reached the Belynichi district of the Mogilev region.
Here Kasaev and his comrades, having learned that the front is far away, to continue
decided to organize an armed struggle against the Nazis and their minions
partisan detachment. August 10, 1941 in the Sipailov forest, near the village of Ugolshchina,
Lieutenants Osman Kasaev and Mikhail Abramov created a partisan detachment number 121
of seven people. The commander of the detachment was M. Abramov, the commissar O. Kasaev. Soon the squad
at the expense of hiding Soviet soldiers and local residents, as well as those who switched to
The number of German and Vlasov partisans grew to 50 people. On July 26, 1942 M. died.
Abramov, and command of the 121 partisans was taken by Lieutenant Osman Mussaevich Kasaev,
Political commissar Ivan Martynovich Ivanov became commissar. By order of military operational
group at the Mogilev underground regional committee of the Communist Party of Belarus dated November 27, 1943, 121st
The partisan detachment was transformed into the 121st partisan regiment. It had 3 riflemen
battalion, in the battalion there are 3 rifle companies, in the company there are 3 rifle platoons, as well as
reconnaissance platoon, demolition platoon, utility platoon, medical unit. On November 1
In 1943, the detachment's personnel numbered 841 people; by the end of 1943, the partisan
The regiment numbered over 1200 people. Area of ​​operation of the detachment, then the regiment
Belynichi district, Mogilev district and the city of Mogilev. Scouts and individual groups
detachments of the regiment constantly operated in Mogilev, where they obtained intelligence information, “languages”,
committed explosions.

Osman Kasayev and his partisans terrified the invaders. Commandant
Mogilev, Major General Emansdorf wrote in a report to his superiors: “Agents are everywhere
partisan There are especially many of them in Mogilev. In Khriplev, Ugolshchina, Peschanka and others
areas west of Mogilev, the 121st Red Partisan regiment settled, which we mentioned earlier
reported. The regiment is commanded by a certain Caucasian Osman the treacherous, experienced in military affairs,
Bolshevik commissar. In essence, we control only regional centers, and in
The partisans strengthened their positions in the villages. Large forces are needed against them."
Hitler's command was forced to send additional forces. IN
mid-February 1944, the occupiers launched the fifth punitive operation against
121st regiment. Several enemy military units numbering more than 2 thousand officers and
soldiers with guns and mortars, supported by 20 tanks and many aircraft, began
surround Kasayev's partisan bases. Since the forces were unequal, Kasaev’s partisans,
leaving base, we went to another place. When on February 17, 1944 the partisans walked along
open area (there was no other way), they were attacked by enemy planes,
shoot the partisans with their machine guns and bomb. The partisans responded with machine guns
in bursts. Kasaev himself bravely entered the battle. When he shot at the plane
enemy, a fascist pilot seriously wounded him in the chest. In total, Osman received 8 wounds. 18
February at 12 o'clock he died, bequeathing to bury him in the village of Khripelevo, Mogilevsky
district, and then in Mogilev. He was buried in the forest near the village of Zhalin.

In March 1944, the body of Osman Kasayev was transported and buried with everyone
partisan honors
in the village of Khripelevo. IN
the above-mentioned order, noting his merits, it was written: “In honor
the deceased, heroically acting commander of the 121st partisan regiment
Captain Kasaev O.M.

A horseman is always a horseman!
Baichorov Soslan

In honor of Kasayev, the village of Sermyazhenka, Belynichi district
renamed OsmanKasaevo. There are also streets named after him in
Mogilev and Cherkessk, school in the village of Zapolye, Belynichi district,
An obelisk was installed in the village of Ugolshchina and a bust on the Alley of Heroes in the city.
Cherkessk and the village of Uchkulan.

1. Assign the 121st partisan regiment
partisan regiment named after Osman Kasayev."
2. Upon the liberation of the city of Mogilev
monument in honor of the memory of the deceased
commander Kasaev in the village of Khriplevo
Mogilev district. Later the body
transport Comrade Kasayev to Mogilev and
erect a monument on his grave.
Comrade partisans and partisans,
avenge the death of your loved one
commander Osman Kasayev."
The order was signed by the secretary
Mogilev underground regional committee of the Communist Party (b)
Belarus Lieutenant Colonel Shpak,
commander of a military operational group
at the underground regional committee as a lieutenant colonel
chief of staff
Major Georgievsky.
For military exploits accomplished over the years
Great Patriotic War, captain Kasaev
partisan regiment was awarded orders
Red Banner and Patriotic War 1st
degree, medal "Partisan of the Patriotic War"
war" 1st degree. According to Soldatenko,
O.M. Kasaev "repeatedly introduced himself to
the title of Hero of the Soviet Union and military
rank of "major".
For courage and heroism O.M. Kasaev three times
nominated for the title of Hero of the Soviet
Union. However, due to belonging to
to the people
Osman Kasayev did not receive this high award
neither during life nor immediately after death. It was
awarded to him posthumously only in May 1965
at the request of the governing bodies of Belarus and
personally the First
Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPB P.
Masherova. They are named after Kasayev, except
villages of Khripelevo, streets in Karachaevsk and

By Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of May 8, 1965
year "on the eve of the 20th anniversary of the Victory of the Soviet people over
Nazi Germany for special services in the fight against
Nazi invaders behind enemy lines and
the courage and heroism shown at the same time" Major Osman
Kasaev was posthumously awarded the high title of Hero
Soviet Union. He was also awarded the Orders of Lenin and
Patriotic War 1st degree, medal.

1941 Jylny June Ayinda, fascist Germany Dzhurtubuzga chabkhan kunlede, urub
dushman askerleni allyna syuelib, from achkhanlany ichinde Kaasai ulu Osman da bar edi.
Ullu Ata jurt kazauatny al kyunlerinde talai yyykyny keche kyun da fascistle
blah kureshgen kasaylan Osman jeti soldiers blah nemetsle algan jerde
kurshalanib kalganda. Ol alayda dzhaula blah kalai kureshirge kerek
bolgyanin jöngerlerine angylathandy. Partizanla Mogilev region Sipailov
Chegetni tabha sanab, shtablaryn alayga ornatkhandyla. Ala Osmanny bashchylygy
blah dzholany dzhollaryn kesib, yoltyurub, sauutlaryn syyyryb tebregendile. Alans
batyrlyklary, dzhigitlikleri bashkha districtlaga and dzhayylganda. Sanlari Kob
bola, south küchleri ​​da künden künnge yosyub bashlagandy. Plennge Tüschgen
partisans nemetsle tyuyub, injitib, sora alany asarg'a asmak ischlegenlerin
eshitib, Osman Alany kutharyr kaigygya kirgendi. Ol Tyurmeni Temir
tereselerin egeu blah egeb (tutmaklany birembirem kesini kara jamchysyna
sekirtib kutharganda. Asmakdan kutulgan partisan, birbiri allaryna
chaba, Osmanny da ortagya alyb, ana esliligine, batyrlygyna seirsine, karangi
chegetge kirib ketgendile. Etgen jigitlikleri yuchun Kasaylany Osmannga Council
Soyuznu dzhigiti degen syily at berylgendi. Tuugan Eli Khurzukda shkolnu atyna em
yes Uchkulanda state farm atyna yes Osmanny atalganda.

Date of birth: September 15, 1907
Place of birth: Khurzuk village, Uchkulan district,
Karachay-Cherkess Republic
Date of death 1944 (age 29)
Nationality Karachai

The Great Patriotic War is receding further and further into the past, but memory
about her is alive in the hearts and souls of people. Indeed, how can we forget our
an unprecedented feat, our irreplaceable sacrifices made in the name of
victory over the most insidious and evil enemy. Our generation in
an unpaid debt to those who remained on the battlefields, to those
who returned, giving us the opportunity for a peaceful and quiet life on Earth.

In the history of Karachay there are many smart people, journalists, scientists, heroes
was. Among them, Osman Kasaev takes an honorable place. There is no doubt that
His bright memory will remain forever in the history of Russia and Karachay.
Know the history of your country, be proud of your past, do everything that
perhaps to preserve the memory of those who gave their lives for our
The Fatherland is a necessary quality for every person who loves his
Homeland, your native land. It is very important that our grateful memory does not
was limited to beautiful words, but found its embodiment in real
affairs, in preserving historical memory. And it's in our hands!

1. V.A. Nezhinsky “Stars of Heroes” Karachaevo
Circassian branch
Stavropol book publishing house. Cherkessk 1985
2. A.D. Koychuev “Glorious Sons of Karachay” publishing house
KCHGPU. Karachaevsk 1998

BOOK OF MEMORY OF UZBEKISTAN. WE ARE LOOKING FOR OUR RELATIVES!____ 601 . Abdbakirov Faskhi Shakirovich 1906 Uzbek SSR, Bukhara region, Guzar 06/22/1941, Guzar RVK, Uzbek SSR, Bukhara region, Guzar district 207 SD Red Army soldier killed 08/30/1943 602. Abdvaliev Nishan Fergana RVC, Uzbek SSR 261 joint venture Red Army soldier killed 09/18/1944 603 . Abdgafarov Normurad 1921 Samarkand region, Jizzakh, Takinsky s/s, k/z Karl Marx Jizzakh RVC, Uzbek SSR, Samarkand region. p/p 797 h 201 Red Army soldier missing 02/00/1943 604 . Abdgafurov Abdumovli 1920 Tashkent, Oktyabrsky district, p. Maholya Oktyabrsky RVK, Uzbek SSR, Tashkent, Oktyabrsky district 5 TK 5 TK Red Army soldier killed 08/22/1944 605. Abddlaev Reason 1918 Kara-Kalpak Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Turtkul district, Stalinabad village Turtkul RVK, Uzbek SSR, Kara-Kalpak Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Turtkul district 58th SD Red Army soldier killed 09.22.1943 606. Abdegapparov Shalabay 1923 1941 Takhta-Kupyrsky RVK, Uzbek SSR, Kara-Kalpak Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Takhta-Kupyrsky district private missing 12/00/1942 607 . Abdeev Abdul Abdeevich 1925 Uzbek SSR, Samarkand region, Zaamin district, village. Zaamino 1943, Zaaminsky RVK, Uzbek SSR, Samarkand region, Zaaminsky district 296 SP 98 SD private died of wounds 05/21/1945 608. Abdeev Abit 1921 Uzbek SSR, Shnazsky district, s/s Alama Shnazsky RVK, Uzbek SSR, Shnazsky district 2 Guards. SD Red Army soldier went missing on 10/26/1942 609. Abdeev Alibay 1919 Samarkand region, Dzhambay district, village of Chururgan, cinema "Stalin" Dzhambay RVK, Uzbek SSR, Samarkand region, Dzhambay district 11 Arm. p/p 874 sergeant died of wounds 05/30/1942 610. Abdeev Arzy 1914 Uzbek SSR, Urgut district Urgut RVK, Uzbek SSR, Samarkand region, Urgut district 135th SD private killed 11/28/1942 611. Abdeev Babakul 1922 Uzbek SSR, Karakul district, village Denausky, k/z named after. Voroshilova Karakul RVK, Uzbek SSR, Bukhara region, Karakul district 158 ​​TBR. Red Army soldier went missing on 08/03/1942 612. Abdeev Galimzyan Usmanov 1916 Ufa Kattakurgan RVK, Uzbek SSR, Samarkand region, Kattakurgan district 117th infantry regiment lieutenant died of wounds 02/16/1943 613. Abdeev Galimzyan Usmanovich 1916 Ufa Kattakurgan RVK, Uzbek SSR, Samarkand region, Kattakurgan district 117th infantry regiment lieutenant died of wounds 02/16/1943 614. Abdeev Gapar 1904 Tashkent region, Sredne-Chirchik district Sredne-Chirchik RVK, Uzbek SSR, Tashkent region, Sredne-Chirchik district 221 SD private killed 07/17/1943 615 . Abdeev Golondtse Gusmanovich 1916 Uzbek SSR, Kattakurgan Uzbek SSR, Kattakurgan RVK 820 sp ml. lieutenant died 02/15/1943 616. Abdeev David 1922 1942, Denau RVK, Uzbek SSR, Bukhara region, Surkhan-Darya district, Denau district 59 Guards. tank. br. Guards private killed 01/28/1945 617. Abdeev Dezyuma 1921 Bukhara region, Kermininsky district, Kazalyasker village Kermininsky RVK, Uzbek SSR, Bukhara region, Kermininsky district 95 Guards. SD Red Army soldier killed 12/05/1942 618. Abdeev Dzhumenret 1923 Karakalpak Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Lyukus region, Chimbaysky district, Voroshilov Chimbaysky RVK, Uzbek SSR, Kara-Kalpak Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Chimbaysky district 158th SD Red Army soldier killed 12/05/1942 619 . Abdeev Zhermat 1912 Ak-Darya RVK, Uzbek SSR, Samarkand region, Ak-Darya district 110 SD Red Army soldier missing 08/25/1942 620 . Abdeev Ivan Nazarovich 1922 Kazan region, Almetyevsky district, village. Tvitipka 1939, Shirabad RVK, Uzbek SSR, Bukhara region, Surkhan-Darya district, Shirabad district 150 dept. tank. br. sergeant killed 03/19/1945 621. Abdeev Ismail 1922 Bukhara Khavatsky RVK, Uzbek SSR, Bukhara region. 24th Infantry Division Red Army soldier died of wounds on August 18, 1943 622. Abdeev Koldash 1905 Uzbek SSR, Tashkent region, Kalinin district, k/z named after. 18th Party Congress 12/00/1942, Kalininsky RVK, Uzbek SSR, Tashkent region, Kalininsky district 5 Arm. 795 OARAD corporal killed 01/06/1944 623. Abdeev Liyasbay 1922 Tashkent region, p. Kaulchi Yangi-Yulsky RVC, Uzbek SSR, Tashkent region, Yangi-Yulsky district, headquarters of the 318th Infantry Division, a Red Army soldier died of wounds on 02/29/1944 624. Abdeev Liyasbay 1922 South Kazakhstan region; Tashkent region, p. Kaunchi, k/z Kirov Yangi-Yulsky RVK, Uzbek SSR, Tashkent 489 ipt ap rgk Red Army soldier died of wounds 02/29/1944 625 . Abdeev Nasrulla 1922 Bukhara region, Kermininsky district 1942, Kermininsky RVK, Uzbek SSR, Bukhara region, Kermininsky district 358 SD Red Army soldier killed 01/14/1945 626. Abdeev Nosyrb 1920 Samarkand region, Urgut district, Malikovsky s/s Urgut RVK, Uzbek SSR, Samarkand region, Urgut district ZF 983 SP Red Army soldier died of illness 09/20/1942 627 . Abdeev Nosyrb 1920 Samarkand region, Urgut district, Malinovsky s/s Uzbek SSR, Samarkand region, Urgut RVK 983 SP Red Army soldier died 09/25/1942 628 . Abdeev Nosyrb 1920 Samarkand region, Urgut district, Maminovsky s/s Uzbek SSR, Samarkand region, Urgut RVK 983 SP Red Army soldier died of illness 09/20/1942 629 . Abdeev Pulot 1924 Tashkent region, Akhangaran district, Saglom Ahan-Garan RVK, Uzbek SSR, Tashkent region. , Akhan-Garansky district 278 joint venture, a Red Army soldier died of illness on May 26, 1943 630. Abdeev Pulot 1924 Tashkent region, Akhangaran district, k/z Saglom Ahan-Garansky RVK, Uzbek SSR, Tashkent region, Ahan-Garansky district 6 Guards. Arm. 278 SP Red Army soldier died of illness on May 26, 1943 631. Abdeev Ravshan Nazarovich 1916 Samarkand region, Narzhinsky district, s/s Mashketsky Narpai RVK, Uzbek SSR, Samarkand region, Narpai district 127 SD Red Army soldier killed 09/11/1942 632 . Abdeev Raushan 1910 Samarkand region, s/s Meronta Kuraspovsky RVK, Uzbek SSR, Samarkand region. 49 Arm. 830 SP 238 SD Red Army soldier killed 04/06/1942 633. Abdeev Rakhmat 1920 Uzbek SSR, Samarkand region. Narpai RVK, Uzbek SSR, Samarkand region, Narpai district, headquarters of the 8th Guards. art. ARGK regiment Red Army soldier killed 05/22/1942 634. Abdeev Sattar 1919 09.28.1939 Karakul RVK, Uzbek SSR, Bukhara region, Karakul district private 635. Abdeev Takhta 1918 Uzbek SSR, Samarkand region, Khatyrchinsky district Khatyrchinsky RVK, Uzbek SSR, Samarkand region, Khatyrchinsky district Red Army soldier killed 03/16/1943 636 . Abdeev Tolbay 1914 Kara-Uzyaksky RVK, Uzbek SSR, Kara-Kalpak Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Kara-Uzyaksky district 382 SD Red Army soldier died of wounds 03/30/1943 637 . Abdeev Tulyam 1920 06/00/1942 Alty-Aryk RVK, Uzbek SSR, Fergana region, Alty-Aryk district private missing 08/00/1942 638 . Abdeev Urak 1920 Uzbek SSR, Bukhara district, Sadovsky s/s Yakkabag RVK, Uzbek SSR, Bukhara region, Yakkabag district 203rd SD Red Army soldier killed 11/10/1942 639 . Abdeev Khuran 1924 Uzbek SSR, Surkhandarya region. 1943, Shurchinsky RVK, Uzbek SSR, Bukhara region, Surkhan-Darya district, Shurchinsky district 98 SD corporal killed 07/28/1944 640. Abdeev Chilik 1919 Uzbek SSR, Andijan region, Khodzhiabad district, village. Nailino Khodjiabad RVC, Uzbek SSR, Andijan region. 307th Infantry Sergeant killed 02/17/1943 641. Abdezhamilov Zhapbarbergen 1922 Takhta-Kupyrsky RVK, Uzbek SSR, Kara-Kalpak Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Takhta-Kupyrsky district, settlement 21793 private missing 12/23/1943 642. Abdeimov Gani 1921 1942 Takhta-Kupyrsky RVK, Uzbek SSR, Kara-Kalpak Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Takhta-Kupyrsky district private missing 01/00/1945 643 . Abdeykin Vasily Tikhonovich 1919 Mordovian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Bolshebereznikovsky district, village. Buzaevo 1939, Jar-Kurgan RVK, Uzbek SSR, Bukhara region, Surkhan-Darya district, Jar-Kurgan district 8 Guards. Arm. 141 department TP st. The sergeant went missing on July 17, 1943 644. Abdekarimov Allanazar 1912 1942 Kara-Uzyaksky RVK, Uzbek SSR, Kara-Kalpak Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Kara-Uzyaksky district private missing 645. Abdekarimov Mavlyan 1920 Namangan region, Chustkarai district, village. Ogosaray Chustkarai RVK, Uzbek SSR, Namangan region. 28th Infantry Division private killed 01/10/1944 646. Abdekarimov Urymbay 1915 1942 Takhta-Kupyrsky RVK, Uzbek SSR, Kara-Kalpak Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Takhta-Kupyrsky district private missing 01/00/1943 647 . Abdekulov Karabakh 1923 Tashkent region, Cherchinsky district, k/z Yangitunum Sredne-Chirchiksky RVK, Uzbek SSR, Tashkent region, Sredne-Chirchiksky district 2 Guards. Airborne Red Army soldier killed 03/10/1943 648. Abdelov Inbay 1912 10.10.1942 Khojeyly GVK, Uzbek SSR, Kara-Kalpak Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Khojeyli, private missing 649. Abdelyaev Abdurshat 1924 Samarkand region, Jizzakh district, Dmitrieva k/z Jizzakh RVK, Uzbek SSR, Samarkand region, Jizzakh district 148 SD Red Army soldier killed 03/13/1943 650. Abdelyaeev Mamadam 1915 Namangan region, Uychinsky district, Zhidakhana s/s Uychinsky RVK, Uzbek SSR, Namangam region. 106th Infantry Division private killed 04/16/1944 651. Abdemaligu Abusgair 1900 Karakalpak Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Nukus 1943, Kupshevsky RVK, Uzbek SSR, Kara-Kalpak Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Nukus 271 SD private killed 12/11/1943 652 . Abdemuratov Abmurat 1920 12/02/1941 Kara-Uzyaksky RVK, Uzbek SSR, Kara-Kalpak Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Kara-Uzyaksky district, settlement 31638 "T" private went missing 12/30/1943 653. Abdemyratov Abdemyrat 1920 1942 Kara-Uzyaksky RVK, Uzbek SSR, Kara-Kalpak Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Kara-Uzyaksky district private missing 12/00/1942 654 . Abdemyratov Abdemyrat 1920 12/31/1941 Kara-Uzyaksky RVK, Uzbek SSR, Kara-Kalpak Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Kara-Uzyaksky district private missing 12/00/1942 655 . Abdemyratov Aimyrat 1920 12/02/1941 Kara-Uzyaksky RVK, Uzbek SSR, Kara-Kalpak Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Kara-Uzyaksky district, settlement 31638 "T" private missing 1942 656. Abdenbetov Umbet 1924 09/00/1943 Muynak RVK, Uzbek SSR, Kara-Kalpak Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Muynak district private missing 01/00/1944 657 . Abdenizarov Umarali 1925 Fergana region, Kokand district, Mindlyarsky s/s, k/z "Karl Marx" Kokand RVK, Uzbek SSR, Fergana region, Kokand district 1 Baltic Front 367 ZP Red Army soldier died of wounds 03/15/1944 658. Abdenov Azim 1918 1940 Sredne-Chirchik RVK, Uzbek SSR, Tashkent region, Sredne-Chirchik district private missing 07/00/1941 659 . Abdenov Rakhmatula 1920 Uzbek SSR, Tashkent region, Yangiyul district, Voroshilov prison 1943 Yangiyul RVK, Uzbek SSR, Tashkent region, Yangiyul district private missing 02/00/1945 660 . Abdenov Utegen 1920 Kara-Uzyaksky RVK, Uzbek SSR, Kara-Kalpak Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Kara-Uzyaksky district 11th Infantry Division Red Army soldier killed 09/09/1942 661 . Abderazakh Habil Bek 1921 Tashkent region, Syrdarya district, Devat-Kazakh s/s, k/z "Algabas" Mirzachulsky RVK, Uzbek SSR, Tashkent region, Mirzachulsky district 61 Guards. SD Red Army soldier killed 07/17/1943 662. Abderaimov Zulpuhar 1911 Kazakh SSR, South Kazakhstan region, Karabulak 10.10.1942, Sredne-Chirchik RVK, Uzbek SSR, Tashkent region, Sredne-Chirchik district 251 SD Red Army soldier killed 10/18/1944 663 . Abderakhimov Rakhman 1906 Samarkand region, Pay-Aryk district, village Turtk. 1943, Pai-Aryk RVC, Uzbek SSR, Samarkand region, Pai-Aryk district, headquarters of the 102nd Infantry Division, Red Army soldier killed 664. Abderimov Zyumaiz 1913 Uzbek SSR, Kheyvinovsky district, village Shamakhalson 00.11.1941, Khiva RVK, Uzbek SSR, Khorezm region, Khiva district 31 Arm. 1 B Red Army soldier killed 10/11/1943 665. Abderimov Ibadulla 1916 Uzbek SSR, Khorezm region, Khiva district Khiva RVK, Uzbek SSR, Khorezm region, Khiva district 46 department. page br. Red Army soldier killed 09/17/1942 666. Abdekhkamov Dyanur 1922 Uzbek SSR, Tashkent region, Parkent district, Parkent village, village. Parkent Parkent RVC, Uzbek SSR, Tashkent region, Parkent district 279 SD Red Army soldier killed 02/22/1943 667 . Abdzhabarov Akhmat 1912 Tashkent region, Kirov district, st. Churachi Stalinsky RVK, Uzbek SSR, Tashkent, Stalinsky district, headquarters of the 234th Infantry Division, Red Army soldier killed 12/28/1943 668. Abdzhabarov Nasyr 1916 06/00/1942 Jizzakh RVK, Uzbek SSR, Samarkand region, Jizzakh district private missing 02/00/1943 669 . Abdzhaliev Rzamurat 1920 06/17/1942 Chimbay GVK, Uzbek SSR, Kara-Kalpak Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Chimbay soldier missing 10/00/1943 670 . Abdzhaliev Sarbai 1921 Takhta-Kupyrsky RVK, Uzbek SSR, Kara-Kalpak Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Takhta-Kupyrsky district, settlement 5873 private missing 09/00/1944 671. Abdzhaliev Turganbay 1911 1943 Kegeylinsky RVK, Uzbek SSR, KKASSR, Kegeylinsky district, settlement 21508 Red Army soldier missing 04/00/1944 672 . Abdzhamilov Dzhumash 1923 09/27/1942 Nukus GVK, Uzbek SSR, Kara-Kalpak Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Nukus Red Army soldier missing 02/00/1944 673 . Abdzhaparov Erali 1921 11/00/1941 Jalal-Kuduk RVK, Uzbek SSR, Fergana region, Jalal-Kuduk district, settlement 13518 "B" private missing 12/00/1943 674 . Abdzhaparov Yusub 1919 03/00/1939 Jalal-Kuduk RVK, Uzbek SSR, Fergana region, Jalal-Kuduk district private missing 00. 09.1941 675. Abdzhakhmanov Abdukhan 1909 Uzbek SSR, Fergana region. Vodilsky RVK, Uzbek SSR, Fergana region. 31st Infantry Division Red Army soldier killed 10/21/1943 676. Abdzhev Tyureloin 1921 Namangan district, village. Mazir Namangan RVK, Uzbek SSR, Fergana region, Namangan district 143 department. page br. Red Army soldier went missing on 12/01/1942 677. Abdzhybov Zhura 1922 Uzbek SSR, Tashkent region, Khavast district, Irganovo village, Kirova k/z Khavast RVK, Uzbek SSR, Tashkent region, Khavast district 306 SD 935 SP Red Army soldier killed 10/25/1942 678 . Abdia Bebuta 1920 10/03/1940 Dzhambaysky RVK, Uzbek SSR, Samarkand region, Dzhambaysky district Red Army soldier missing 12/00/1941 679 . Abdialayev Turgun 1923 04/00/1942 Uychinsky RVK, Uzbek SSR, Fergana region, Uychinsky district private missing 01/00/1945 680 . Abdialimov Sanji 1904 Uzbek SSR, Samarkand region, Farish district, Asmonsay village, k/z named after. Kyzyl-Yulduz, village Sayat 03/18/1944 Pai-Aryk RVK, Uzbek SSR, Samarkand region, Pai-Aryk district private missing 04/00/1945 681 . Abdiakhatov Bokhodir 1904 1941 Namangan GVK, Uzbek SSR, Fergana region, Namangan private missing 02/00/1942 682 . Abdibaev Sherinbay 1923 03/20/1943 Kalininsky RVK, Uzbek SSR, Tashkent region, Kalininsky district, settlement 14964-CH private missing 05/00/1945 683 . Abdibaitov Northdiban 1925 Karakalpak Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Tamdynsky district Tamdy RVK, Uzbek SSR, Kara-Kalpak Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Tamdynsky district 58th Infantry Division Red Army soldier killed 01/26/1944 684 . Abdibekov Nauryzbai 1919 1943 Muynak RVK, Uzbek SSR, Kara-Kalpak Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Muynak district private missing 02/00/1944 685 . Abdibekov Noshhrazbay 1919 Karakalpak Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Muynak district Muynak RVK, Uzbek SSR, Kara-Kalpak Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Muynak district headquarters 47th infantry regiment private died of wounds 10/15/1944 686. Abdiv Kudaigkyr 1909 Uzbek SSR, Samarkand region, Pakhtakor district, village. Slugurgan Pakhtakor RVK, Uzbek SSR, Samarkand region, Pakhtakor district 375 SD Red Army soldier went missing 07/15/1943 687 . Abdivadiev Sabir 1918 03/09/1940 Namangan GVK, Uzbek SSR, Fergana region, Namangan missing 01/00/1942 688 . Abdivaitov Shirmamot 1921 Uzbek SSR, Samarkand region, Kushrabad. district, k/z Ittifok 05/20/1942 Mitansky RVK, Uzbek SSR, Samarkand region, Mitansky district private killed 1944 689. Abdivaliev Kengash 1910 09/15/1942 Fergana RVK, Uzbek SSR, Fergana region, Fergana district, settlement 1855 h 282 private missing 26. 12.1942 690. Abdivaliev Kutti 1921 Uzbek SSR, Tashkent region, Parkent district, Parkent village, k/z named after. Yusupova 01/22/1942 Parkentsky RVK, Uzbek SSR, Tashkent region, Parkentsky district, a soldier went missing 08/00/1942 691. Abdivaliev Mamadoli 1910 10/00/1941 Molotov RVK, Uzbek SSR, Fergana region, Molotov district, Red Army soldier missing 12/00/1944 692 . Abdivaliev Turgun 1925 02/10/1943 Namangan GVK, Uzbek SSR, Fergana region, Namangan soldier missing 01/00/1944 693 . Abdivaliev Tursunbay 1911 Uzbek SSR, Kaganovichsky district, Vladimirovsky s/s Kaganovichsky RVK, Uzbek SSR, Fergana region, Kaganovichsky district 351st SD Red Army soldier missing 01/08/1943 694 . Abdivekov Sentbek 1925 03/31/1943 Nukus GVK, Uzbek SSR, Kara-Kalpak Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Nukus settlement 29055 Red Army soldier missing 12/00/1943 695 . Abdigaliev Elubay 1925 1942 Nukus GVK, Uzbek SSR, Kara-Kalpak Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Nukus private soldier missing 10/00/1943 696 . Abdigaliev Zhaulan 1918 04/17/1941 Khojeyly GVK, Uzbek SSR, Kara-Kalpak Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Khojeyli settlement 14829 "T" private missing 10/00/1944 697 . Abdiganiev Abdibanok 1920 09/00/1940 Margelan GVK, Uzbek SSR, Fergana region, Margelan private missing 12/00/1942 698 . Abdiganiev Abdimalak 1920 09/00/1940 Margelan GVK, Uzbek SSR, Fergana region, Margelan PO Box 72/30 private missing 12/00/1941 699 . Abdiganiev Kashap 1920 Samarkand RVK, Uzbek SSR, Samarkand region, Samarkand district 11th Infantry Division, Red Army soldier killed 09/16/1942 700. Abdigantsev Kuchkar 1918 Uzbek SSR, Samarkand region, Kotravad district, Kzyl-Kushchun prison 10/20/1939 Mitansky RVK, Uzbek SSR, Samarkand region, Mitansky district private killed 08/00/1941 701 . Abdigapirov Kasim 1918 06/18/1942 Mangitsky RVK, Uzbek SSR, Khorezm region, Mangitsky district private missing 00.11.1944 702 . Abdigapparov Abdizhapar 1921 05/10/1943 Takhta-Kupyrsky RVK, Uzbek SSR, Kara-Kalpak Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Takhta-Kupyrsky district, Red Army soldier missing 12/00/1944 703 . Abdigolimov Seytkhan 1921 09.23.1942 Tamdyn RVK, Uzbek SSR, Kara-Kalpak Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Tamdyn district infantry. school in Ashgabat, the Red Army soldier went missing on 03/00/1943 704. Abdidaev Makam 1920 Uzbek SSR, Fergana region, Andijan district, Kunchi s/s, k/z Voroshilov 1940 Andijan GVK, Uzbek SSR, Fergana region, Andijan private missing 06/00/1942 705 . Abdijabbarov Abdishukar 1900 00. 12.1944 Markhamatsky RVK, Uzbek SSR, Andijan region, Markhamatsky district, private went missing 03/00/1945 706. Abdidov Mamidin 1913 1942 Namangan GVK, Uzbek SSR, Fergana region, Namangan private missing 02/00/1944 707 . Abdiev (Abdyev) Alibay (Aliban) 1919 Samarkand region, Dzhambay district, Chirurgan village, cinema "Stalin" Uzbek SSR, Samarkand region, Dzhambay RVK 874 PP ml. sergeant died 05/30/1942 708. Abdul Abdiev 1902 Kazakh SSR, Kzyl-Orda region, Yany-Kurgan district 02/24/1942 Kuibyshevsky RVK, Uzbek SSR, Tashkent, Kuibyshevsky district private missing 08/00/1942 709 . Abdiev Abdulla 1924 04/08/1942 Yangi-Kurgan RVK, Uzbek SSR, Fergana region, Yangi-Kurgan district, private missing 710. Abdiev Abdullazhan 1922 12/22/1941 Yangi-Kurgan RVK, Uzbek SSR, Fergana region, Yangi-Kurgan district, military unit 40360 private missing 04/09/1944 711. Abdiev Abdumumin 1905 Uzbek SSR, Fergana Fergana GVK, Uzbek SSR, Fergana region, Fergana 169th Infantry Division Red Army soldier killed 11/26/1942 712 . Abdiev Abduparam 1918 Tashkent region, Chinaz district Chinaz RVK, Uzbek SSR, Tashkent region, Chinaz district headquarters of the 275th Infantry Division, Red Army soldier missing 09/18/1942 713 . Abdiev Abdurakhman 1918 Tashkent region. Chinaz RVK, Uzbek SSR, Tashkent region, Chinaz district, headquarters of the 275th Infantry Division, Red Army soldier went missing on September 18, 1942 714. Abdiev Abdushin 1922 Uzbek SSR, Chussky district, village Karkidan, k/z Lunocharsk. Chust RVK, Uzbek SSR, Fergana region, Chust district 78th Infantry Division, Red Army soldier killed 07/30/1942 715. Abdiev Abid 1921 Uzbek SSR, Tashkent region, Chinaz district, Yallama s/s, k/z named after. Stalin 06/22/1942 Chinaz RVK, Uzbek SSR, Tashkent region, Chinaz district private missing 10/00/1942 716 . Abdiev Ablajan 1925 Fergana region, Baghdad district, Samarkand s/s 03/03/1943, Baghdad RVK, Uzbek SSR, Fergana region, Baghdad district 8 Guards. SD Red Army soldier killed 04/08/1944 717. Abdiev Abykbap 1924 Tashkent region, s/z Bayautsky, dept. No. 5 08/30/1942, Bayautsky RVK, Uzbek SSR, Tashkent region. headquarters 387th sergeant killed 04/19/1944 718. Abdiev Avlya 1914 1942 Shakhrisyabz RVK, Uzbek SSR, Bukhara region, Shakhrisyabz district 472 joint venture soldier missing 08/00/1944 719 . Abdiev Agil 1910 Uzbek SSR, Bukhara region, Bukhara, st. Leninskaya, 1 Bukhara GVK, Uzbek SSR, Bukhara region, Bukhara 4 Guards. Cav. Red Army regiment went missing on 20. 08.1942 720. Abdiev Agil 1903 Samarkand region, Nurata district, Duish s/s 05/00/1943, Nurata RVK, Uzbek SSR, Samarkand region, Nurata district 65 Arm. 658 SP 218 SD Red Army soldier killed Until May 27, 1944 721. Abdiev Azimdzhan 1910 01/31/1943 Leninsky GVK, Uzbek SSR, Fergana region, Leninsk private missing 03/00/1943 722 . Abdiev Aypan 1908 Namangan region, Yangi-Kurgan district, Narimanovsky s/s Yangi-Kurgan RVK, Uzbek SSR, Fergana region, Yangi-Kurgan district 92 Guards. SD Guards Red Army soldier went missing on July 10, 1943 723. Abdiev Ali 1906 11/15/1942 Voroshilovsky ORVK, Uzbek SSR, Fergana region, Voroshilovsky district, Red Army soldier missing 12/00/1943 724 . Abdiev Ali Abdievich 1922 Uzbek SSR, Bukhara region, Kenimekh district, Dzhangildy 1941, Kenimekh RVK, Uzbek SSR, Bukhara region, Kenimekh district OK 71st Infantry Division lieutenant killed 04/30/1945 725 . Abdiev Alibay 1919 Dzhambay RVK, Uzbek SSR, Samarkand region, Dzhambay district 874 SP ml. The sergeant died of wounds on 05/30/1942 726. Abdiev Aloberdas 1913 Pai-Aryk RVK, Uzbek SSR, Samarkand region, Pai-Aryk district 221 Guards SP Red Army soldier died of wounds 08/02/1943 727 . Abdiev Alsit 1911 Tashkent region, Khorosun district Khorosun RVK, Uzbek SSR, Tashkent region, Khorosun district 239 SD Red Army soldier killed 03/24/1943 728 . Abdiev Aman 1921 1942 Kamashinsky RVK, Uzbek SSR, Bukhara region, Kamashinsky district soldier went missing 03/00/1944 729 . Abdiev Aman 1921 Uzbek SSR, Kashka-Darya region, Kamyshinsky district, Arab village, k/z named after. Stalin 05/00/1942 Guzarsky RVK, Uzbek SSR, Kashkadarya region, Guzarsky district settlement s/o 21/14-3 Red Army soldier went missing 11/00/1942 730 . Abdiev Aman 1920 07/05/1942 Guzar RVK, Uzbek SSR, Bukhara region, Guzar district, Red Army soldier missing 09/16/1942 731 . Abdiev Anarbay 1918 Uzbek SSR, Samarkand region, Bulungur district, Beshkutan s/s, Pravda-Vostok k/z 11/15/1939 Bulungur RVK, Uzbek SSR, Samarkand region, Bulungur district, private missing 12/00/1941 732. Abdiev Asimbek 1909 Tashkent region. Verkhne-Chirchik RVK, Uzbek SSR, Tashkent region, Verkhne-Chirchik district 156 department. shooter br. Red Army soldier went missing on January 27, 1943 733. Abdiev Aston 1920 Uzbek SSR, Bukhara region, Karakul district, Ziarat s/s, k/z named after. Aunbabaeva 1941 Karakul RVK, Uzbek SSR, Bukhara region, Karakul district, Red Army soldier went missing 00.12. 1942 734. Abdiev Akhmed 1923 Uzbek SSR, Kashka-Darya region, Guzar district, Chugurtminsky s/s, k/z named after. Frunze 09/00/1942 Guzar RVK, Uzbek SSR, Kashkadarya region, Guzar district, Red Army soldier went missing 12/00/1942 735 . Abdiev Akhmet 1923 Bukhara region, Guzar district, village of Chugutmy, k/z named after. Frunze Guzar RVK, Uzbek SSR, Bukhara region, Guzar district 36 Guards. SD Guards Red Army soldier killed 10/27/1942 736. Abdiev Achil 1912 06/12/1942 Guzar RVK, Uzbek SSR, Bukhara region, Guzar district soldier missing 03/00/1943 737 . Abdiev Achil 1906 1942 Mitansky RVK, Uzbek SSR, Samarkand region, Mitansky district private missing 08/00/1942 738 . Abdiev Ashanizar 1922 Samarkand region, Jambay district Jizzakh RVK, Uzbek SSR, Samarkand region, Jizzakh district 373 SD ml. sergeant killed 11/30/1942 739. Abdiev Babakul 1924 Uzbek SSR, Bukhara region. Karakul RVK, Uzbek SSR, Bukhara region, Karakul district, headquarters of the 7th Guards. SD Red Army soldier killed 02/03/1944 740. Abdiev Babakul 1909 Uzbek SSR, Surkhan-Darya region, Baysun district, Incabad s/s 01/30/1943 Baysun RVK, Uzbek SSR Red Army soldier missing 04/00/1943 741 . Abdiev Bazaar 1910 Samarkand RVK, Uzbek SSR, Samarkand region, Samarkand district 39 Guards. SD Red Army soldier died of wounds on 02/02/1943 742. Abdiev Bazaar 1910 Samarkand RVK, Uzbek SSR, Samarkand region, Samarkand district 39 Guards. SD Red Army soldier killed 01/29/1943 743. Abdiev Bobyl 1902 Surkhandarya region, Cherkhungansky district, Pushkar Shurchinsky RVK, Uzbek SSR, Bukhara region, Surkhan-Darya district, Shurchinsky district 58th SD private killed 01/25/1944 744 . Abdiev Botebek 1913 Tashkent region, Begovat district, village of Mikhnat Begovat RVK, Uzbek SSR, Tashkent region, Begovat district 215 SD private killed 07/08/1944 745 . Abdiev Vali 1912 Uzbek SSR, Namangan region, Chartak district, Alikhan s/s, k/z K.-Yulduz 12/30/1942 Yangi-Kurgan RVK, Uzbek SSR, Fergana region, Yangi-Kurgan district p/ P 61932 Guards. The sergeant went missing on 02/00/1945 746. Abdiev Validzhan 1916 Uzbek SSR, Namangan region, Naryn district, Toda s/s, k/z Socialism 01/00/1939 Uchkurgan RVK, Uzbek SSR p/o box 13 3 Red Army soldier missing 12/00/1941 747 . Abdiev Valimu-Khaned 1906 01/09/1942 Oktyabrsky RVK, Uzbek SSR, Tashkent, Oktyabrsky district missing 07/00/1943 748 . Abdiev Gaib 1920 Uzbek SSR, Bukhara region, Gijduvan district, Gidzhumak s/s, Kuibyshev k/z 1942 Gijduvan RVK, Uzbek SSR, Bukhara region. , Gizhduvan district, settlement 14861, Red Army soldier went missing on 08/00/1942 749. Abdiev Dagura Samarkand region, Karadarya district, s/s Kumilinsky, cinema "Red October" Kara-Darya RVK, Uzbek SSR, Samarkand region, Kara-Darya district 189 SD Red Army soldier died of wounds 03/02/1942 750. Abdiev Darbai 1906 Tashkent region. Verkhne-Chirchik RVK, Uzbek SSR, Tashkent region, Verkhne-Chirchik district 156 department. shooter br. Red Army soldier went missing on January 27, 1943

He was born in the small village of Khurzuk, in Karachay-Cherkessia. He fought in the distant Belarusian forests, leading a partisan regiment. For special services in the fight against the Nazi invaders behind enemy lines and for the courage and heroism shown, Major Osman Musaevich Kasaev was posthumously awarded the star of the Hero of the Soviet Union. His military valor is inscribed in the golden book of memory of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War. His feat will remain in the memory of the people forever, remaining a bright example for younger generations. Recently, residents of Karachay-Cherkessia celebrated the centennial anniversary of the birth of their illustrious fellow countryman. Streets in Cherkessk and Mogilev are named after Osman Kasaev, and this name is also proudly worn by a Belarusian school and the village where the famous partisan’s path began

Thousands of people from different parts of our vast country considered it their duty to honor the memory of Osman Kasayev. In a solemn address to the residents of Karachay-Cherkessia, the head of the republic, Rashid Temrezov, made a speech, emphasizing that the memory of the hero will live in the hearts of people for many generations: “Our youth should look up to him. Osman Musayevich was not just a soldier, but will forever remain a symbol of courage and perseverance. We remember and are proud of our legendary compatriot!”

Osman Kasaev did not immediately become a partisan. From the very beginning of the Great Patriotic War, he had the opportunity to serve on many fronts. When the harsh August of 1941 ended, the armed detachment in which Osman Musaevich was located ended up on the lands of the Belynichi district of the Mogilev region. Here the decision was made to fight the enemy deep in the rear; here Osman Kasaev, elected commissar, in a few years became the legendary commander of the 121st partisan regiment, numbering 1,200 fighters.

Operating mainly in the Mogilev region, Kasaev’s soldiers destroyed the Nazi punitive detachments with dagger attacks. After skillful operations of the partisans, the occupiers lost motor depots, warehouses, and commandant's offices. For the entire period of operations behind enemy lines 27 garrisons and more than four thousand Wehrmacht soldiers and officers were destroyed, 66 bridges were blown up and 34 railway trains were derailed - that's 380 wagons with enemy personnel and platforms with their military equipment. The 121st Regiment has accounted for more than 100 major military operations and 44 settlements in Belarus, liberated from Hitler's boot.

This is how the commandant of Mogilev informed his superiors Major General Emansdorf: « There are partisan agents everywhere. There are especially many of them in Mogilev... In Khripelev, Ugolytsin, Peschanka and other villages west of Mogilev, the 121st Red Partisan Regiment, about which we previously reported, settled. The regiment is commanded by a certain Caucasian Osman - a treacherous, experienced in military affairs, Bolshevik commissar. In essence, we control only the regional centers, and partisans have strengthened themselves in the villages... Large forces are needed against them...».

In February 1944, the front line was already approaching the borders of Belarus. The partisan detachments received orders to move west and inflict maximum damage in Hitler’s rear before a large-scale army offensive. The soldiers of Osman Kasayev, having crossed the Drut River, came under German air bombing in the Berezinsky region. According to eyewitnesses, the regiment commander, holding a machine gun in his hands, repelled the air attack and did not release his weapon until he lost consciousness from his wounds. It was not possible to save the life of the selfless warrior. He was buried in the village of Khripelevo, Belynichi district, Mogilev region.

In August 1948, the remains of the hero were transported and reburied with military honors in a mass grave at the war memorial in the city of Mogilev. It is known that the list of well-deserved awards of the commander of the 121st regiment included the Order of Lenin and the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st degree. On the eve of the 20th anniversary of the Victory over Nazi Germany, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of May 8, 1965, Major Osman Musaevich Kasaev was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Posthumously.

The memory of Osman Kasaev’s feat is immortalized in the village of Ugolshchina, where an obelisk and a memorial plaque are installed. A bust of the Hero of the USSR was installed in the village of Uchkulan, Karachay district. The village of Sermyazhenka, Belynichi district, is now called “Osman-Kasaevo” in honor of the legendary partisan liberator. Nearby is the village of Zapolye - there a school bears the name of a warrior with honor. Two streets are named after Osman Kasaev: one in Mogilev, the other in his native land, in the city of Cherkessk.

By the decision of the republican authorities in Karachay-Cherkessia, an international prize named after Osman Kasaev was established, which is awarded to the winner of the annual freestyle wrestling competition. According to local youth, future defenders of the Fatherland, there is no more honorable award for them than this.