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Catullus is not a single one among women, analysis. “Darling tells me... Questions and tasks

Guy Valery Catullus. A word about the poet.

“No, not one among women...”, “No, don’t expect to earn affection...”. Love as an expression of deep feelings, spiritual ups and downs of a young Roman. Chastity, conciseness and careful verification of feelings by reason, Pushkin as a translator of Catullus (“To the boy”)

Horace. A word about the poet.

“I erected a monument...” Poetic creativity in the system of human existence. The idea of ​​poetic merit is the introduction of the Romans to the Greek lyricists. Traditions of the Horatian ode in the works of Derzhavin and Pushkin.

Dante Apighieri. A word about the poet.

"The Divine Comedy"(fragments). The plurality of meanings of the poem: literal (depiction of the afterlife), allegorical (movement of the idea of ​​being from darkness to light, from suffering to joy, from error to truth, the idea of ​​​​the ascent of the soul to spiritual heights through knowledge of the world), moral (the idea of ​​reward in the afterlife for earthly deeds), mystical (intuitive comprehension of the divine idea through the perception of the beauty of poetry as a divine language, although created by earthly man, the mind of the poet). The universal philosophical character of the poem.

William Shakespeare. Brief information about the life and work of Shakespeare. Characteristics of Renaissance humanism.

"Hamlet"(review with reading of individual scenes at the teacher’s choice, for example: Hamlet’s monologues from scene five (act 1), scene one (act 3), scene four (act 4). “Hamlet” is “a play for all centuries” "(A. Anikst). The universal human significance of Shakespeare’s heroes. The image of Hamlet, the humanist of the Renaissance. The loneliness of Hamlet in his conflict with the real world of the “shaken century.” The tragedy of the love of Hamlet and Ophelia. The philosophical depth of the tragedy “Hamlet”. Hamlet as an eternal image of world literature. Shakespeare and Russian literature.

T e o r i a l l i t e r a t u r y. Tragedy as a dramatic genre (deepening the concept).

Johann Wolfgang Goethe. Brief information about the life and work of Goethe. Characteristics of the features of the Age of Enlightenment.

"Faust"(review with reading of individual scenes at the teacher’s choice, for example: “Prologue in Heaven”, “At the City Gate”, “Faust’s Cabinet”, “Garden”, “Night. The street in front of Gretchen's house", "Prison", Faustai's last monologue from the second part of the tragedy).

"Faust" is a philosophical tragedy of the Enlightenment. The plot and composition of the tragedy. The struggle between good and evil in the world as the driving force of its development, the dynamics of being. The confrontation between the creative personality of Faust and the unbelief, the spirit of doubt of Mephistopheles. Faust's search for justice and the rational meaning of human life. “Prologue in Heaven” is the key to the main idea of ​​the tragedy. The meaning of the contrast between Faust and Wagner, creativity and scholastic routine. The tragedy of love between Faust and Gretchen.

The final meaning of the great tragedy is “Only he is worthy of life and freedom who goes to battle for them every day.” Features of the genre of the tragedy "Faust": its combination of reality and elements of convention and fantasy. Faust as an eternal image of world literature. Goethe and Russian literature.

Translation of Adr. Piotrovsky

My darling tells me: I only want to be your wife,

Even Jupiter would wish for me in vain.

That's what he says. But what does a woman whisper to her lover in passion,

Write in the air and on fast-flowing water!

“No, not a single woman can boast of such a thing...”

Translation of Adr. Piotrovsky

No, not a single woman can boast of such a thing.

Devoted friendship, like I, Lesbia, was your friend.

Stronger than the bonds of love that once bound the two of us,

There have never been strong and binding bonds in the world.

Now my heart is broken. Jokingly you split it,

Lesbia! Passion and sadness broke my heart.

I won't be your friend, even if you became modest again,

But I can’t stop loving you, even if you’re a criminal!

“If it brings joy to a person to remember good deeds...”

Translation by S. Shervinsky

If it is gratifying for a person to remember good deeds

In the conviction that he spent his life piously,

The saint never stained his faith when entering into agreements,

For the sake of deceiving people, I did not appeal to the gods in vain, -

What awaits you, over many years, from this

There is much joy in ungrateful love, Catullus.

Everything good a person can say to another

Or do it to someone - you did everything and said.

What was entrusted to an unworthy soul was lost...

So why are you more tormented now?

If you don’t strengthen your soul, you won’t find consolation for yourself,

Driven by the wrath of the gods, will you not stop suffering?

Long love is difficult to stop with a sudden break,

It is truly difficult, but finally make up your mind!

This is your salvation, make up your mind, gather your will,

Conquer your passion, whether you have the strength or not.

Gods! You have pity, and people have shown it more than once

You are the last help even on your deathbed,

Take a look at me, the unlucky one, and if it’s clear

I have lived my life, tear the black disease out of me!

With numbness he penetrates my members deeply,

The best joys are driven away from my chest.

I don’t pray that she chooses me again

Or to be modest - it’s unthinkable for her,

If only I could be healed, if only I could throw off my dark illness.

Gods! I only ask this for my piety.

“I both hate her and love her...”

Translation by F. Petrovsky

I hate her and love her. “Why?” - you ask.

I don’t know myself, but that’s how I feel—and I’m languishing.

“Quinthia is famous for being beautiful...”

Translation of Adr. Piotrovsky

Quintia is famous for being beautiful. And I'll call her slim,

White and straight. I will praise everything in parts.

I won't just call her a beauty. Quintia has no charm,

There is no spark of fire in such a luxurious body.

Lesbia - that's who is beautiful! She deprived women

She combined all the women's magic in herself.

"Lesbia always scolds me..."

Translation of Adr. Piotrovsky

Lesbia always scolds me. Not silent for a moment

I'm ready to vouch - Lesbia loves me!

After all, it’s no different with me. I curse and scold her,

And I’m ready to guarantee that I love Lesbia very much!

“If a wish comes true beyond hope and measure...”

Translation of Adr. Piotrovsky

If a wish comes true beyond hope and measure,

The soul blesses the day with unparalleled happiness.

Blessed be the day, golden, precious, wonderful,

My dear lesbian, who returned my love.

Lesbia is with me again! What I didn’t expect has come true!

Oh, how magnificent life sparkles again!

Which person is happier than me? What else could I do?

Do I wish on earth? The heart is full to the brim!

"My life! Our love will be happy..."

Translation of Adr. Piotrovsky

My life! Our love will be happy, so you said.

Let us be faithful to each other and never experience separation!

Great gods! Make sure she doesn't lie!

Let her word come pure from a pure soul!

May we live in peace and joy for many years to come,

The mutual union of friendship is inviolably preserved.



“Glorious grandson, Maecenas...”

Translation by A. Semenov-Tyan-Shansky

To the Patron

Glorious grandson, Patron of the royal forefathers,

Oh, my joy, honor and refuge!

There are those for whom the highest happiness is -

Toss up the dust of the arena in an evasive run

Red-hot wheels: palm of victory

They are lifted up to the gods, the rulers of the world.

There are others who like the chosen one

To be the 674 crowd, ardent and windy.

This one is happy when from the Libyan field

He carefully gathered the harvest into the granaries;

And the one who is used to digging with a spade

Only my father's allotment, even riches

You can’t lure all the kings of Pergamon into the sea

The ship can cut through the treacherous waves.

And the merchant, if he is, a furious storm

Frightened, he will begin to ardently praise

The world of native fields - again for repairs

We see the ship in fear of poverty.

There are others who, with a cup of wine, are a friend

I like to while away the day lying under a tree

Strawberry, in the shade of tender greenery,

Or at the spring of the reserved waters.

The camp attracts many, - the language is mixed

And horns, and trumpets, and hated

War to all mothers. Winter cold

Without fear, without thinking about my tender wife,

The hunter is still in the forest, has the doe smelled it?

A pack of faithful dogs, or a wild boar broke through the net.

But I am only ivy, the difference between the wise,

It brings me close to the heights, the grove is cool for me,

Where nymphs dance with satyrs,

Puts me above the crowd - if only Euterpe 675 would give me

Polyhymnia 676 also gave the flute to my hands

The lesbian lyre came to me to fix it.

If you count me among the lyre singers,

I will raise my proud head to the stars.

Poem by Catullus “No, not a single woman can boast like that...” The textbook, translated by A. Piotrovsky, contains two poems by Catullus. The first is dedicated to love, the second to friendship. Let's reread the first poem. Catullus writes that his attitude towards Lesbia combined both “devoted friendship” and love, like “strong and knitting ties.” The value and uniqueness for that time of the poet’s relationship to his beloved was precisely in the combination, in the unity of these two feelings. The words “Now the heart is split” indicate that the feelings of friendship and love are in conflict with each other. Passionate attraction persists even after the poet learns about the woman’s unworthy behavior. But as a person deceived in his expectations, he cannot trust Lebsia, that is, feel her as his friend. Men of the pre-Catulline era did not feel such a split because they did not see a friend in a woman, so the question of two levels of relationships did not even arise. Catullus saw in a woman not only the beauty of the body, the ability to bring physical satisfaction, but also spiritual beauty. Lesbia turned out to be unworthy of such treatment. With a feeling of spiritual suffering of this kind, Catullus introduces something new not only into poetry, but also into the formation of high human ethics.

Lesson 48. Ancient lyrics. Catullus. “No, not one among women...”, “No, don’t expect to earn affection...”. Horace. "I erected a monument..."
What is antiquity?
1) These are all the cultures of the ancient world
2) These are all ancient cultures of the Mediterranean, including Greece, Rome, Egypt, Israel
3) This is only Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome
4) This is generally any culture except modern
In Ancient Greece, and then in Ancient Rome, much of what later existed in later European culture appeared. These are, for example, sciences such as geography, astronomy, history, psychology, biology, mineralogy, and theater studies. This is philosophy. These are the basic concepts of ethics, politics, rhetoric. Antiquity is the beginning of European architecture: the Greeks and Romans developed certain types of buildings (theater, basilica), architectural styles (the so-called orders), and architectural elements (column, pediment, frieze).
Finally, poetry appeared in Ancient Greece - with its own genres (elegy, ode, epigram, epistle, poem), poetic meters and important themes.
Main lesson content:
1. The connection between ancient Greek and ancient Roman poetry
2. The work of Catullus - the discovery of the seriousness of love, personal self-expression in poetry (themes of love, friendship)
3. Poetry of Horace - socially significant topics. Reflections on society, state and personal self-improvement.
4. The significance of Horace’s ode “To Melpomene” for poetry of later times (from Lomonosov to Brodsky)
Today we will learn how ancient poetry differs from the poetry of later times, and we will see examples of the use of ancient motifs in the poetry of Mikhail Lomonosov, Gabriel Derzhavin, Alexander Pushkin.
Lyrics appeared in ancient Greece. Lyric poetry was recited or sung, and when they sang, it was done either solo or in chorus.
The ancient Romans, who borrowed philosophy, science, and art from the Greeks, adopted the traditions of lyric poetry from them.
Great poets appeared in Rome - Horace, Catullus, Virgil, Ovid, Martial, Phaedrus and others.
Guy Valerius Catullus lived a short life. He died very young - thirty years old. He managed to leave us very few texts - only about 116 poems. But even this was enough to immortalize the poet’s name.
Catullus belonged to a group of poets whom the politician and orator Cicero mockingly called neotericians, that is, “new poets.” Neotericists used small genres - for example, epigrams and elegy. They despised public themes in poetry and were completely satisfied with private life.
If a wish comes true beyond hope and measure,
The soul blesses the day with unparalleled happiness.
Blessed be the day, golden, precious, wonderful,
My dear lesbian, who returned my love!
Lesbia is with me again! What I didn't hope for came true!
Oh, how magnificent life sparkles again!
Which living person is happier than me? And what could
Do I wish on earth? The heart is full to the brim!
Most of Catullus's poems are inspired by his love for the noble Roman woman Clodia, whom he praised under the name Lesbia. This name did not appear by chance. The famous Greek poetess Sappho lived on the island of Lesbos, so Catullus took the poetic name of his beloved - Lesbia - with an eye on the Greek tradition.
The first meetings of the lovers were joyful and promised great happiness. Then suspicions began, accusations of infidelity, outbursts of jealousy, disagreements and, finally, a breakup.
Catullus expresses all these manifestations of love with the utmost sincerity.
No, not a single woman can boast of such a thing.
Devoted friendship, like I, Lesbia, was your friend.
Stronger than the bonds of love that once bound the two of us,
There have never been strong and binding bonds in the world.
Now my heart is broken. Jokingly you split it,
Lesbia! Passion and sadness broke my heart.
I won't be your friend, even if you became modest again,
But I can’t stop loving you, even if you’re a criminal!
If we compare the lyrics of Catullus with the poems of his Greek poets and predecessors, his innovation is striking. If for Greek poets love is a game, it is always accompanied by slight irony, then in the poems of Catullus it is always serious, sincere, solemn and often tragic. Of course, in this case, any suspicion of infidelity is a disaster for the lyrical hero.
Some of Catullus's poems are dedicated to friendship. Friendship for a poet is a kinship of souls, common ideals, loyalty to each other. And if a friend
No, don’t expect to earn your friend’s affection and gratitude.
Don't expect godly love as a reward!
Ingratitude reigns, goodness brings no reward,
Where are the rewards? Good bitterness will give birth to melancholy.
So it is with me. My worst and most cruel enemy
He turned out to be someone to whom I was a friend and brother.
Another prominent Roman poet of that time was Horace. Unlike Catullus, who wrote about his personal, intimate experiences, Horace preferred socially significant topics.
Horace left quite a lot of works, combined into several collections.
The poet's talent was appreciated by the famous Maecenas - a wealthy patron of artists, whose name became a household name in many languages. Horace is a member of the Patron's circle and enjoyed his favor.
Perhaps, thanks to communication with Maecenas, Horace becomes a staunch defender of imperial power, an admirer of the first Roman emperor Octavian Augustus.
At the same time, Horace entered the history of literature as an outstanding satirist. In his satires, he opposes the civil war, which only brings misfortune to the country, and denounces the moral vices of his contemporary society.
Since all people have shortcomings, Horace calls for correcting society to begin with oneself. His poems contain a requirement to be strict about one’s own moral character and advocates the so-called “golden mean.” This phrase has become popular: it means a sense of proportion, mental balance, life without extremes.
Horace remembers death. The human body dies, but the soul continues to exist. From this thought one of his most famous poems is born - the ode “To Melpomene”, which became the basis for poems on the same topic by many later poets - Lomonosov, Derzhavin, Pushkin, Brodsky, Vysotsky.
I created a monument, cast bronze stronger,
Rising higher than the royal pyramids.
Neither the consuming rain nor the dashing Aquilon
It will not destroy it, nor will a number of
Endless years, time flies.
No, not all of me will die, the best part of me
Avoids funeral. I will be there again and again
We praise as long as we walk in the Capitol
The high priest leads the silent maiden.
I will be named everywhere - where the frantic
Aufidas grumbles where Dawn, poor in water, is king
Was with rude villagers.
Rising from insignificance,
I was the first to introduce the song to Aeolia
To Italian poems. Glory deserved,
Melpomene, be proud and supportive,
Now crown my head with the laurels of Delphi.
In the poem, Horace glorifies poetry, which brought him eternal poetic life and the love of the gods, thanks Melpomene, the muse of serious poetry, and predicts a great and long future for his poems.
And so it happened: the themes and images created by Horace were picked up by many poets at a later time.
Korovina V. Ya., Zhuravlev V. P., Zbarsky I. S., Korovin V. I. Literature. 9th grade: Textbook. At 2 o'clock with adj. on electronic media (phonograph). Part 2. - M.: Education, 2012, 2013
Analysis of the training module task:
Select from the list terms that relate to ancient poetry and, in particular, to the poetry of Catullus and Horace
1. Ode
2. Golden mean
3. Roman
4. Satire
5. Muse
6. Romanticism
Algorithm for completing the task:
1. Remember the lesson material
2. Analyze the poems of Horace and Catullus
3. Try to find these terms in them
4. Choose the correct answer options
Analysis of the control module task:
The couplet “And I hate her, and I love...”, in which for the first time in world poetry the feeling of love is presented as contradictory, created...
1. Horace.
2. Catullus
3. Sappho
Algorithm for completing the task:
1. Remember the lesson material
2. Read the poem again and find distinctive features in it
3. Compare them with the features of the poetry of these authors
4. Choose the correct answer

Catullus's poem "No, not a single woman can boast of such a thing..."
The textbook, translated by A. Piotrovsky, contains two poems by Catullus. The first is dedicated to love, the second to friendship.
Let's reread the first poem. Catullus writes that his attitude towards Lesbia combined both “devoted friendship” and love, like “strong and knitting ties.” The value and uniqueness for that time of the poet’s relationship to his beloved was precisely in the combination, in the unity of these two feelings.
The words “Now the heart is split” indicate that the feelings of friendship and love are in conflict with each other. Passionate attraction persists even after the poet learns about the woman’s unworthy behavior. But as a person deceived in his expectations, he cannot trust Lebsia, that is, feel her as his friend.
Men of the pre-Catullus era did not feel such a split, simply because they did not see a friend in a woman, so the question of two levels of relationships did not even arise. Catullus saw in a woman not only the beauty of the body, the ability to bring physical satisfaction, but also spiritual beauty. Lesbia turned out to be unworthy of such treatment. With a feeling of spiritual suffering of this kind, Catullus introduces something new not only into poetry, but also into the formation of high human ethics.