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Why dream that you are killing a snake. Why dream of killing a snake: basic interpretations. I dreamed of killing a snake

Dreams are a special reality that is not subject to human understanding, but allows him to learn a lot about future events. It’s good when only positive events appear to a person in a dream, but if you have a terrible dream, you shouldn’t get upset in advance. Perhaps this is just a warning and a timely hint.

Why dream of killing a snake - basic interpretation

The snake is sacred in many religions and represents wisdom, knowledge and strength. Of course, the appearance of snakes in a dream can frighten a person, but you should not be upset or worry in advance. Perhaps the dream will tell you how to defeat your enemies and gain the favor of the person you want.

Why do you dream of killing a snake? Such a dream must be interpreted based on a comprehensive assessment of the dream. It is worth looking at the situation in which you had to meet the snake, how long the situation itself lasted, did the snake attack you or did you attack it first? Perhaps you fought with the snake for a long time and only then killed it? This is also of great importance. In the interpretation of dreams, every detail is important.

It is also important to remember exactly how you defeated the snake. If you dream about how you personally stabbed a snake with a knife, innocent people will suffer during your personal showdown with ill-wishers. You should expect gossip and curses in the back from your own friends for your morally low act. This will be quite unpleasant for you and will not end for a long time, because your enemies are already plotting against you. It is worth preparing in advance for a period of prolonged losses.

If you dream that you did shoot a snake, you will easily deal with all your enemies and at the same time maintain your reputation. But if you see someone else killing a reptile in a dream instead of you, your laurels may well go to your work colleagues, and your family to another man. What you should do now is to think about the correctness of your actions and actions and look from the outside at your professional and personal activities.

Perhaps intrigue and gossip have been lurking behind your back for a long time, but you don’t want to notice them. You trust your loved ones, and do not expect betrayal from them, and it’s in vain. The point is that if you take proactive measures now, you won't have to bear huge losses later.

If you fire several bullets at a snake in a row, but it continues to attack you, an unequal battle with the enemy awaits you. You should take a closer look at your surroundings now and determine who is your real friend, and who may pose a greater danger to you in real life.

If you completely strangled a snake in a dream, you should take a closer look at the enemies you already have - one of them has enormous strength and it will cost you a lot of effort to fight him, because it will drag on for months. In order to defeat such an opponent, you should make every effort to ensure that such situations do not happen to you again.

If you cut off the head of a snake attacking you in a dream, you will begin to actively fight your fears and negative emotions, you need to control them now so that they do not play a cruel joke on you in the future. As you know, all people’s problems are first formed in their thoughts, and only then are produced in the world around them. You should be attentive to all the thoughts that arise in you. Perhaps you yourself are exaggerating and not allowing the situation to develop.

Why dream of killing a snake according to Freud’s dream book

Freud’s dream book says that a snake in a dream represents primordial sexual energy, and if a man dreams of killing a snake in a dream, he will be tempted to cheat, but will remain faithful to his soulmate.

If a woman has such a dream, her lover has already started an affair on the side, and thanks to her wisdom and restraint, she will be able to neutralize her rival. She will win the fight against her and will happily continue her happy life with the man she has chosen.

If an unmarried woman dreams of how she killed a snake that was basking in the sun, she will destroy someone’s marriage, perhaps not of her own free will, but a married man will simply prefer her to his wife. There are many small snakes around a woman - such a dream suggests that she will become dependent on evil tongues. If a woman can kill them all in a dream, she will triumph over her ill-wishers.

If a man dreams of his beloved holding a snake in her arms and talking to it, it means that his missus has already started an affair on the side. In order to avoid an affair, time has already been lost, but if a man kills a snake in a dream, he will be able to restore relations with his beloved.

Why do you dream of killing a snake according to Miller’s dream book

Why dream of killing a snake in a dream? Miller’s dream book says that such a dream speaks of a person’s struggle with his internal blocks and fears. He is susceptible to them now and there is no need to put off until later the need to work on himself. For an unmarried woman, such a dream may indicate her fear of building strong family relationships. In fact, everything is not going well in her personal life only because she herself does not allow events to happen in her. Once you overcome the snake of fear within yourself, your life will radically change for the better.

If a snake appeared to you in a dream as a kind of mythological creature endowed with intelligence, with whom you had a conversation and then killed it. It is worth remembering what exactly was discussed in the conversation with the snake. Perhaps she gave you tips and advice on how you should behave with specific people, how you should build your life? Perhaps she described pictures of the future to you, or took you back to the past? Then it is important to remember what exactly she focused her attention on.

If after the conversation she attacked you and you killed her, you should be careful with the knowledge you have acquired; it should be obtained only from trusted sources. If you yourself attacked the snake and tore it to pieces, you are in fact a cold-blooded and ruthless person who does not listen to the admonitions of others.

Why do you dream of killing a snake according to other dream books?

Miller’s dream book says that a dream in which you meet a snake on your way promises a meeting with a worthy opponent. If you kill her, you will find yourself in a rather difficult situation when you will need all your ingenuity and endurance. Do not be upset in advance - after overcoming the difficulties on your life path, understanding of you by those around you and their recognition of your merits will reign.

Vanga’s dream book says that killing a snake in a dream speaks of a change of power in the country, global changes in a person’s life. Whether these changes will be positive will be determined by other details of the dream.

The dream book of Nostradamus says that the snake is a symbol of sin, and its appearance in a person’s life indicates that he is subject to various passions that are beyond his understanding, and he cannot control them. If in a dream you killed a snake, in reality you will become true to yourself and your friends. If you killed a lot of snakes in a dream, but they continue to attack you, your troubles will not end quickly.

If a person who has been sick for a long time had a dream about killing a snake, then it promises him a quick recovery and a quick restoration of health. If a person has been fighting for a long time to become the first in some business, such a dream promises victory in his plan.

If a married woman dreams that she defeated a snake in a dream, then such a dream may mean that she has defeated her rival and nothing threatens her family happiness anymore. If a young girl has such a dream, it may mean her victory for the affection of a particular young man towards her.

Do not be afraid if in a dream you saw an unpleasant picture of your personal struggle with a snake, because the main thing is victory and you need to believe that this will happen. That on your path in life you will meet only friendly people, but all this will happen only after you overcome your personal temptations and your complexes. If you cannot see them on your own, you should ask for help, otherwise the matter will not end with your victory over the circumstances in reality. Your enemies will no longer be able to harm you after such a dream. It will be enough to take an active position in defending your personal interests in order to get the desired victory.

Anchor points:

  1. Dreaming of killing a snake with a knife
  2. Kill a snake in your house
  3. Kill a snake with a shovel
  4. Kill a snake with your own hands

Dreaming of killing a snake with a knife

If you killed a snake in a dream with a knife, this means that very soon you will encounter an enemy. Outsiders may be involved in the problem. This may also mean that you will be able to repel someone’s attacks in reality. This could be a complex conflict situation or the resolution of a minor dispute. Kill a reptile with a knife– during the resolution of the conflict, innocent people will suffer. A snake killed with a knife is a readiness to defend one’s interests to the end. This is a good sign of your future victories.

Kill a snake in your house

If you dreamed that you killed a snake in your house, in reality this could mean the following: you will be able to protect your home from scandals and squabbles, and your relatives from troubles and rash actions. This dream suggests that you will be able to get out of any difficult situation and that fortitude and determination will help you in this. Another interpretation of this dream is that perhaps you will soon turn to God for help, you will become a believer looking for answers to your questions in the temple. If you killed a snake in the house with your own hands- everything in your life will be wonderful.

Kill a snake with a shovel

If you dreamed about killing a snake with a shovel, in life you will have to defend your interests with force. Such a murder is interpreted in different ways. What happened may indicate that you will have to fight fate. Sometimes for this you need to use different methods, even the most unconventional and unambiguous. You will emerge victorious from any situation. The confrontation between you and your enemies will be weakened and conflict will be avoided.

Kill a snake with your own hands

Killing a snake with your own hands in a dream means coping with all life’s troubles and fears on your own. This dream guarantees your victory over all enemies and ill-wishers. You will be able to triumph over cunning and wise enemies. After such a dream, you can safely hope that your determination will force others to take your decisions and actions into account.

Why does a pregnant woman dream about this?

Killing a snake in a dream for a pregnant woman means coping with her fears and anxieties associated with the upcoming birth. A woman will be able to take control of negative emotions and experiences. If a pregnant woman has such a dream, perhaps she needs male affection, which she so lacks in her position. A pregnant woman in a dream killing a snake is a sign of imminent trouble.

Go to main interpretation- why do you dream about a snake?

There are many pictures in the dream world, and some of them leave a lasting impression. Killing a snake in a dream is considered not only one of the most vivid, memorable visions, but is also a significant dream.

There are many pictures in the world of dreams, and some of them leave a lasting impression.

It depends on the perception of the person himself, namely:

  • Assessing danger and responding to it.

The degree of threat experienced by the sleeper leaves a clear trace in his conscious memory, i.e. The more clearly a person remembers the action itself (fear, panic, concentration, excitement, etc.) - the stronger the dream carries the program.

  • The critical barrier of experienced feelings.

If a person is lucky enough to suddenly wake up from his own feelings (fright, extreme tension or stress), then there is a high probability that the future event will radically affect his life, in the literal sense - will take him to a new stage in the development of relationships, career, etc.

In most cases, the snake is not some kind of negative character; rather, it is present in a dream as a kind of pointer to the development of subconscious fears, closely related to something important in the dreamer’s life. It is also a kind of symbol of wisdom, and, therefore, is interpreted as an indicator of a future important lesson for the dreamer, from which he will be able to learn something new.

  • Among professional psychologists, as well as people who know parapsychology, a snake is more associated as a creature that produces poison, from which a healing agent can be obtained.
  • If we consider the Old Testament, then the snake (the personification of the devil) tempted Adam and Eve to commit sin, after which they tasted the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge, ultimately realizing their sin.
  • In lesser-known interpretations, the snake means the natural cycle of things (Ouroboros from the times of Ancient Egypt and Mesoamerica), and in some cases it was revered as a kind of sacred creature - a harbinger of wisdom.

For modern people, a snake is a sign of danger or threat, which the dreamer in most cases tries to get rid of or simply avoid the reptile.

Snake in the dream book (video)

Killing a snake in a dream: what does it mean in dream books

The key point in decoding is not even the snake itself, but rather the factors that motivate it to be killed. Today, there are not many situations where a person, acting in a dream as in reality, is able to override the instinct of self-preservation and kill a snake, because subconsciously a single snake bite in a dream is equal to death.

For a more accurate interpretation of the picture of the killing of a snake, it is important to correctly understand your dream: what exactly contributes to the feeling that guided the dreamer?

  • The snake is interpreted as a means of comprehending wisdom, which is given through awareness, acceptance of major mistakes of the past, search for strength in overcoming the present, etc. Those. the snake itself can be associated with trouble, enemy, misfortune, collapse.
  • The interpretation according to Miller’s dream book says that killing a snake in a dream means the emergence of a difficult situation, which courage and determination will help to overcome, and the solution to the problem itself will increase the dreamer’s authority in the eyes of others.
  • For people already experiencing some kind of misfortune, illness, etc. killing a snake in a dream is a harbinger of victory over illness, overcoming difficulties, the end of trials.
  • Killing a snake is also interpreted as overcoming all sorts of temptations, victory over one’s animal desires.

Killing a snake in a dream means a difficult situation will arise.

But if a girl or woman dreamed that they killed a snake, then in reality they will face victory over a rival, envious people, gossip or a competitor.

Seeing a snake killed in a dream

Seeing the killing of a snake in a dream is deciphered as follows:

  • What impeded (threatened) the achievement of the dreamer’s goal will be eliminated by a stronger ally, friend, patron.
  • Or impulsively with the help of feelings that far exceed the fear of the snake (danger), for example, the desire to protect one’s family or a huge desire to survive.
  • For a sick person, this dream is a harbinger of recovery.

In some cases, there is a possibility of solving a problem with a certain risk.

Why do you dream about murder in a dream with a knife or shovel?

The details of the dream can be not only the emotional background, but also improvised things, such as a shovel or knife. If a person remains with a keen sense of the experienced feelings after a vision, then its interpretation will be the most clear.

My dream is similar to the description on the site, but still a little different - how to decipher it?
How many people - so many dreams. How many dreams - so many opportunities, sometimes missed. The meaning of a dream is difficult to understand without taking into account all its aspects, the person's personality and the context. To find out what a dream REALLY means, write to a site expert, it’s free!

  • Killing a snake with a knife is a close, risky contact with the problem that has arisen, from which the dreamer will emerge victorious.

A knife from a dream has the meaning of a tool that is the most painful for both the dreamer himself and those around him: for example, for some it is money, for others it is help, for others it is something else. The sharper the instrument is for a person, the more clearly he will remember it.

  • Killing a snake with a shovel means avoiding danger without making much effort.

It will not be too significant for the dreamer, but still quite serious. More likely, the dreamer will solve the problem with the help of connections or some kind of power.

Killing a snake with a shovel means avoiding danger without making much effort

The emotional background of a dream will accurately assess the degree of threat aimed at what the dreamer really values.

Strangle a snake in a dream with your own hands

This type of dream speaks of the despair that the dreamer experiences. In this case, it is worth determining what can cause such a feeling in reality and protecting yourself as much as possible.

  • A dream where a person tries to strangle a snake with his hands speaks of a huge expenditure of strength and energy in achieving victory, but the dreamer will overcome all difficulties.
  • Perhaps a person faces a difficult struggle to defend his values ​​against strong enemies, competitors, and enemies.

This type of dream speaks of the despair that the dreamer is experiencing.

In some cases, the hopelessness of the situation will force one to accept radical methods as the only true option and the snake will be defeated.

Why do you dream about killing a black snake?

Black color or the color of darkness is a symbol of mortal danger, serious illness, misfortune, unexpected trouble, the emergence of a dangerous enemy, fears.

The emotional background will again help the dreamer determine the direction of the black snake’s strike.

  • Self-defense - maintaining positions at work, in business.
  • The feeling of hunger is a huge risky income.
  • Panic - the dreamer simply must overcome his fear, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous.
  • A feeling of protection, love - the dreamer will have to repel attacks towards those he loves and for whom he is responsible.

Killing a big black snake means overcoming a huge danger that has serious consequences or complications, defeating a complex disease, learning a huge life lesson, putting an end to your fears.

Kill a big black snake - overcome a huge danger

Why does a woman have such a dream?

If a woman dreams of killing a snake, then in reality the dreamer will have a long-awaited victory over a rival who is poisoning her life. The dream can relate to both a woman’s private and public life.

In some cases, the meaning of sleep indicates a speedy recovery.

Why do you dream about a snake (video)

Before falling asleep, it is better to let go of all daytime worries and fears: only in this case will the body have a good rest and restore its strength. And the meaning of any dream can be deciphered in the dream book.

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Dream Interpretation Killed Snakes, interpretation in Vanga’s dream books.

Dream Interpretation kill a snake- a dream where you happen to kill a large snake means that in reality you will get rid of the influence of a vile person. To kill a snake for a woman - Miller’s dream book indicates that in reality a woman can expose an enemy or expose treason.

Dream Interpretation killed snakes— to see a lot of killed snakes in a dream means getting new opportunities in real life.

Dream Interpretation kill a snake with a knife- if you dream of killing a snake with a knife, this usually promises family quarrels due to jealousy.

Dream interpretation of killing a snake with your hands- means, by one’s own actions in reality, to turn away an intelligent person.

Dream interpretation of killing snakes with a shovel- when you dream of cutting off a snake’s head with a shovel, or killing a viper with a stick, it means in life you will have to defend your interests with mental or physical strength.

Why do you dream about killing a lot of snakes?— if you kill a lot of snakes in a dream, it means in reality you will confront the conspirators.

Dream interpretation of killing snakes in the house- seeing a snake in an apartment, killing snakes in a house means having ardent opponents in the family circle.

Dream Interpretation: a cat kills a snake- if you dream that a cat is killing a snake, it means you will be lucky in reality; circumstances will force your enemies to turn their attention away from you.

Dream Interpretations interpretation:

Fence Smell Hare Statement Feast Lighter Stuck Castle Marriage Gold Earth Mirror Teeth Snake Tan Envy Welding Blockage Get Lost Hammer Taken Get Pregnant

Dreams sometimes play a huge role in a person's life. Sometimes, thanks to them, it is possible to find out and predict the future, and become familiar with it in detail. It’s great if a person believes in dreams and can cope with upcoming problems.

Very often a person sees terrible and unusual dreams, which seem to be deliberately filled with symbolism. In fact, killing a snake in a dream is a good sign. Most likely, soon a person will finally be able to cope with his problems and troubles and overcome them.

In addition, this is a sign that ill-wishers will no longer have power over the person. In fact, with the help of such a dream, many serious and very dangerous problems can be prevented.

Of course, it is wonderful if a person sees in a dream that he was not harmed when killing a snake. This means that it will be possible to cope with crises in real life without casualties or any losses. Sometimes this is very important. The most important thing in this case is not to give up in the face of serious problems, but to stubbornly resist them.

In addition, such a dream is like a hint from fate, meaning that a person can easily cope with all the problems in his life and will go through them with his head held high. It is better to prepare in advance for the trouble that the dream portends, so that in the future you can successfully deal with it and with the consequences of this dream, which may soon manifest themselves in full force.

It is interesting to note that many people do not believe that dreams have meaning, but for fun they try to interpret them. This is sometimes very difficult to do due to the lack of details with the help of which a detailed interpretation takes place.

It is a very bad sign if you dreamed that you killed a snake, but it managed to bite a person. It’s worth remembering right away whether the person felt severe pain in any part of his body. The problem is that such a dream most often foreshadows health problems that the person does not yet know about. Perhaps an infection has already settled in the body, which will be very difficult to overcome.

It is better to visit a specialist who will tell you in detail about the development of the disease and its presence. Perhaps the person is completely needless to worry and no danger even exists.

Often a snake bite in a dream means that a person will overcome problems, but will face betrayal from family and loved ones. Of course, this is very difficult to survive, but sometimes you just need to come to terms with betrayal. Very often this sign marks problems in areas in which a person has never been confident. For example, you may encounter large-scale crises in your personal life.

Perhaps a loved one has already hastened to betray the owner of the dream. It is better to pay attention to the peculiarities of his behavior and try to predict future problems. Perhaps the relationship can still be resurrected.

It is important to note that this dream has contradictory meanings. Some interpret it exclusively as a negative sign, while others see in this dream something positive for the future person.

If I dreamed that I was killing a snake, and there were several more around, then the symbol is not the most positive. Most likely, a person will be able to cope with only one problem in his life at this stage.

Very often, troubles fall on a person all together, and it is very difficult to overcome them. That is why it is so necessary to choose the most worthwhile, most important area for yourself and try to deal with the problems in it. In this case, at least something can be saved from problems.

Of course, if in a dream a person does not see how the battle with snakes ends, then most likely he will not be able to accurately answer how the battle with his own demons and troubles will end. Here, fate cannot answer whether a person can defeat his own demons, and everything will depend on him. The most important thing is not to give up halfway and try to overcome all your troubles as quickly as possible.

By the way, if the snake in a dream is big and scary, then in reality the problem was very minor. If, on the contrary, the snake is very small and resourceful, then a person may not notice the consequences of the problem in reality, its impact on a person’s life and on his future.

Everyone still needs to interpret dreams. Sometimes a person’s success in life and his future depend on it. However, it is necessary to carry out the interpretation wisely so as not to run into problems.

Killing a snake is interpreted by dream books as a favorable sign. Snakes in dreams symbolize betrayal and deception. By dealing with it in a dream, a person seems to free himself from the negativity that has accumulated in life.

Miller's Dream Book

A killed snake in a dream means receiving a source of energy that will help cope with ill-wishers, conflicts, and competitors. The time has come to begin implementing long-conceived plans with faith in success.

Modern dream book

Killing a snake means depriving your competitors of the opportunity to put a spoke in their wheels; conflict situations that interfere with business will disappear by themselves. New partners will appear, profitable contracts will be concluded without any special difficulties.

Why does a woman dream of killed snakes - peace in the family, new friends. Situations will arise that will allow you to change your attitude towards life and realize your creative potential.

Universal dream book

A snake crawling through the body is an internal contradiction, a conflict with oneself. Killing the snake means that harmony will finally be restored, problems will go away, making way for positive emotions.

Killing a snake crawling up a tree means your knowledge in some areas of life is not entirely correct. You should find a person who will help you deal with the difficulties of perception and show you the right path to success.

Killing a snake in water means getting rid of apathy and indifference to the world around you. There will be an opportunity to look at situations and people differently.

Loff's Dream Book

Killing a snake in a dream means that some sacrifices will be required to achieve your goal. What you have to give up will be shown by the details of the dream. If in a dream someone kills a snake before your eyes, then there is a person in life who will help you cope with your problems.

To kill a snake with your bare hands - the fight against enemies will be grueling, and victory will require maximum effort.

Seeing killed snakes in your home in a dream means avoiding conflicts in the family; contradictions with loved ones will be resolved.

Killing a snake with a knife is the wrong way to solve problems. In the fight against enemies, people who are innocent of your troubles may suffer. It is worth reconsidering the methods used to achieve goals.

Killing a snake crawling along the road means understanding your purpose, finding your path in life. You should not listen to the advice of others, you should trust your intuition.

Why dream of killing a snake and destroying its nest - getting rid of a person who was plotting behind his back, weaving intrigues.

Seeing snakes in a dream is a bad sign.

Snakes in a dream mean our enemies and envious people, rivals (and more often rivals), cunning and deceitful people. Sometimes a dream about snakes predicts illness.

If the snake is calm in a dream, then avoid conflicts and risky ventures.

If she is aggressive or wiggling, then you are in danger from enemies who hate you.

Try to take the necessary precautions.

A snake baring its teeth at you in a dream is a sign that someone wants to take revenge on you for an insult.

If you dream that a snake has wrapped itself in a ring around you and is ready to attack, then your situation is irreparable. You are completely at the mercy of your enemies. Try to free yourself from the snake in your dream. In life, this will help you get out of serious trouble.

If a snake bites you, beware of an accident. Be extremely careful.

A dream in which you saw a snake bite someone else means that your friend will suffer from your actions.

Fighting a snake in a dream is a sign of danger. Beware of enemies and illness. If your conscience is not clear, you face imprisonment.

A dream in which you saw how a small snake turns into a huge snake ready to attack you means a great danger that you did not see at the very beginning.

If in a dream you manage to avoid meeting him and save yourself, then in life you will pass a difficult test with honor, overcome all the obstacles prepared by your enemies and literally come out unscathed. Sometimes such a dream is attributed to illness.

Holding a snake in your hands in a dream is a harbinger of a quick and successful victory over your ill-wishers. Sometimes such a dream predicts to you that a loved one may betray you. Especially if the snake changes its behavior or color while you are holding it.

A dream in which you saw an acquaintance or friend with snakes visible from behind your back warns: beware of a conspiracy against you.

If in a dream the snakes are obedient to this person, then in life you will have a powerful intercessor who will protect you from troubles.

If you dream of children playing with a snake, then you should take better care of them so that they do not fall into bad company. Otherwise they are in great danger.

The same thing means a dream in which you are trying to protect a child from a snake. But such a dream also warns you that you should take a closer look at your business partners. Some of them may betray you.

Killing a snake in a dream is a sign of victory over a formidable enemy, the fulfillment of a desire and great honors.

A dead snake in a dream is a sign that you blindly trust people and they enjoy your trust. Sometimes such a dream tells you that some danger has passed.

If you are bitten by a dead snake in a dream, then hypocrisy will upset you, and your enemies will triumph.

Seeing a viper in a dream and handling it quite normally foreshadows that you will enter into an arranged marriage, but will not be happy. If you dream that a viper scared you, then beware of the enemy’s revenge.

A dream in which you saw that a snake was relentlessly following you warns that you will be tormented by remorse.

Seeing that a snake has fallen on top of you is a warning about the machinations of a person in power.

Seeing a lot of vipers in a dream means that you will face disputes with partners or discord in the family.

Seeing yourself surrounded by snakes is a warning that the people around you, for the most part, do not wish you well. Leaving such a place in a dream means that you will successfully get out of a difficult situation and slanderers will not damage your reputation.

Seeing an anaconda (sea boa) in a dream is a sign that you will have a hard time in life. Anaconda lives only in water. Such a dream predicts that you should protect yourself and insure yourself on all sides in order to avoid great danger. Such a dream encourages you to fight to achieve your goal.

Dreams about snakes also include a rare dream about Medusa the Gorgon. Medusa Gorgon is a character from Greek mythology. Her image always meant victory over powerful enemies that no one could cope with. She had many snakes on her head instead of hair. No one could defeat her.

Medusa Gorgon was a symbol of the fight against fatal evil. Seeing her in a dream is a harbinger of victory over an all-powerful enemy or evil, unless in a dream her anger is directed against you.

Being the Gorgon Medusa yourself with thousands of snakes on your head is a sign of a glorious victory over your enemies.

Accidentally stepping on a snake in a dream and not being bitten is a sign that you will make a mistake and miraculously avoid the bad consequences of your frivolity.

If the snake managed to bite you, then you will have to pay dearly for your rash actions.

Non-venomous snakes or snakes in a dream mean a far-fetched danger or a false alarm.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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To understand what the sign means in a dream, you should remember the qualities that the reptile is endowed with: the tempting Serpent, the symbol of eternity Ouroboros, a harbinger of danger. The circumstances under which it happened to kill a snake in a dream, which means this or that plot, are discussed in the dream book.

Why do you dream about the death of a viper?

Interpretations of why one dreams of killing a snake foreshadow victory; predictions relate to current areas of life. A person suffering from a disease will overcome his illness, a needy person will solve a financial issue, a lover will be reciprocated.

Nostradamus warns about the likelihood of facing temptation. If you manage to resist, the authority of the sleeper will increase. Freud's dream book identifies an incident in a dream with sexual fantasies, the implementation of which is dangerous to health or illegal. It's good if in real life common sense prevails.

Dream Interpretation Enigma

In the Enigma dream book there are many interpretations for women about why they dream of reprisals. A girl in love will win the heart of her chosen one. A married lady will get rid of her rival or become convinced that she did not exist at all.

A pregnant woman’s dream is reassuring that her worries are unfounded: nature itself took care that the baby was born safely.

Interesting interpretations

Some dream books offer interesting interpretations of what it means to dream of killing a creeping reptile. Gustav Miller claims that uncompromisingness, determination, and brute force are the only friends of the sleeper.

Vanga’s encouraging prediction concerns not only the sleeping person, but also the society around him: positive trends are coming. The Islamic dream interpreter promises power to a dreamer who knows how to keep secrets.

Poisonous but dead

Moods and motivations in a dream will tell you why you dream of killing a poisonous snake:

  • self-defense speaks of career growth and progress in business;
  • protecting loved ones from poisonous reptiles reflects responsibility;
  • hunting for food - the risk will be worth it;
  • get snake venom for healing - old phobias will recede.

What kind of reptile did you dream about?

Dream books will help you figure out why you dreamed about the pronounced signs of a reptile. The deliberately gigantic size of the reptile that died in a dream indicates attempts to understand the incomprehensible. At the same time, there is an awareness that this information is important.

The small baby snakes that died at your hands represent intriguers, gossips, and their own irrepressible gullibility. Now is not the time for sincere confessions or expressions of sympathy - they simply will not be accepted. A modest charm of restraint would be more appropriate.

Huge creature

If in a dream you happened to get rid of a creature of enormous size, Nostradamus’s dream book considers the symbol a harbinger of loss. The great predictor reminds that losses are not only unprofitable, but it is also possible to get rid of an unpleasant person.

It is possible to kill a huge snake on the eve of the moment of truth: some facts of the biography of a person who enjoys trust will be revealed.

Black or white?

Interpreting what the death of a creeping creature symbolizes, dream books specify what color it was:

  • a white woman was killed - it’s time to change priorities;
  • black - eliminate a dangerous enemy;
  • golden - stay away from financial adventures;
  • red - changes will make you worry;
  • green - excellent health will allow you to move mountains;
  • gray - you risk warming up an ungrateful person.

What does choosing a weapon mean?

The dream book explains in detail what this or that method of dealing with an amphibian in a dream means. If a firearm was used, it means that a conflict will break out between your loved ones. Time-tested sticks and stones let you know that brute force is your ally in this situation. A ruined kublo represents the breaking of a burdensome connection.

Killing with bare hands warns against unwise actions. There is a high risk of inadvertently rejecting a loved one, destroying business connections, and losing a source of information. Choking warns of a grueling confrontation.

Stabbed with a knife

An explanation of why you dream of using a knife and other types of bladed weapons warns of a collision with injustice.

The dreamer may be undeservedly reproached, or he may inadvertently disturb uninvolved people while defending his interests. The severed head symbolizes spiritual advantage over an immoral opponent.

Finished off with a shovel

If a dreamer who is married or in a permanent relationship happens to kill a snake with a shovel, Veles’s dream book sees an acute manifestation of jealousy in the sign. Either the destructive feeling can be overcome, or it will consume both and destroy the union.

The choice of weapons in a dream warns that methods that contradict the moral and ethical concept of the sleeper will be the most effective.

What details did you see in your dream?

Why did you have to see how another person or animal killed the snake? The collision of various natural elements indicates problems in the body. If a wild cat did this in a dream, in reality all that remains is to watch how ill-wishers kill each other.

Seeing how a domestic cat saves a family from danger happens on the eve of enemy activity. If the four-legged defender is injured in a fight, the Eastern Dream Book recommends not to interfere with what is happening: the problem will neutralize itself.

Tried but couldn't

Trying unsuccessfully to kill a snake happens during periods of internal contradictions, reports the Esoteric Dream Book.

If a woman dreams of her husband failing to deal with a reptile, the interpreter suspects that in reality the man is resisting the charms of some temptress. Joy in a dream because the snake is alive promises favorable changes in married life.

Where was the snake killed?

To more accurately interpret why you dream of killing a snake, remember where it happened. If you prevented an invasion of your own home, one of the household members was up to no good. The meaning is confirmed if the viper crawled along the body.

An unfamiliar mountainous or desert area represents confusion and depression; pond - indifference, apathy.

What do the numbers mean?

A numerology interpreter will tell you what the number of killed reptiles means. If there are exactly two of them, there will be a serious one-on-one confrontation. The great multitude symbolizes new horizons.