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How to read mantras correctly so that the universe hears you. How to read mantras correctly Appeal to the great god Yama

Most mantras in Buddhism are repeated 108 times, and this number is non-random and is considered sacred, since one is a symbol of the Highest Energy, zero is the perfection of Divine creation, and eight symbolizes indestructibility and eternity.

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How many times can you recite mantras?

A mantra is an appeal to the Higher Powers for help, an attempt to harmonize the surrounding space, which can result in positive changes in a person’s life. The question of how many times you can read mantras is very individual. Usually the person himself must feel when the optimal effect is achieved. It’s difficult to overdo it, but you should focus primarily on internal sensations.

Let your soul spread its wings!

The main criterion is the feeling of peace that descends on a person during the process of meditation.

  • In some cases, the standard number of repetitions of the selected “key” is recommended to be a multiple of three (9, 18, 27 times - and so on).
  • Other practitioners advise putting “seven” at the forefront - accordingly, reading mantras 7, 14, 21 (and so on) times.

Which option should you prefer? This is where a personal “indicator” can help. The soul must respond, sing at exactly the right point. In the future, having finally decided how many times to read the mantra to achieve the desired effect, you need to stock up on rosary beads with the required number of beads - this will help you not get confused and not be distracted in the process.

It is much more important to pronounce the chosen text correctly - words in Sanskrit must vibrate in a certain way. This is why you cannot recite mantras in translation - it seems that the meaning is preserved, but the sound vibrations come out completely different. They do not have the expected ennobling effect on the human soul and the surrounding Universe.

Too much - or too little?

  • Usually the maximum one-time the number of repetitions does not exceed 108- this is exactly how many beads are contained in the most voluminous rosary.
  • You should not meditate according to the principle “the more, the more effective.”
  • It is better to repeat the phrase fourteen times, but thoughtfully, soulfully, listening to the sound of your own voice and completely detaching yourself from the bustle of the world around you.

What do you want to receive from the Universe? One person dreams of finding true love, another asks for health or a successful resolution of a problematic situation. If mantras are chosen as the “language of communication” with Higher powers, how many days should these phrases be read, is it worth changing them, diversifying them, or somehow combining them with each other?

You have discovered working with mantras. This is the first step towards achieving harmony in life. It is very important to know how to read mantras correctly. On the one hand, the technique is not complicated. You need to sit down, concentrate, repeat the words correctly. It all looks like this from the outside.

Meditation with mantras is a very important part of spiritual life. There are canons and rules that must be followed. How many times have people not gotten the desired effect because they didn’t work according to the rules? To prevent this from happening to you, use the advice of practitioners. They will answer the most important questions and help you get started. Very soon, by listening to your heart, you will find your own right path.

Mantras and prayers have been known for many centuries. Monks guard secret knowledge. You have the opportunity to truly improve your life. You will get what you want. Health, luck, success at work, happy personal life, creativity. All this will be brought to you by the power of the mantra.

Mantra - sacred text

First of all, you need to understand what a mantra is. This is not a spell or conspiracy. Mantra is a prayer. If you find a translation of one of them, you will see: the mantra consists of the names of the Gods. They are divided into syllables, sometimes mixed with each other.

In Buddhism there is a huge pantheon of deities, each of them is responsible for its own important role in human life. By turning to them, you absorb part of the power of this God. Sacred texts help people change, change the space around them. The energy plan can be clogged with unnecessary information, remnants of the energy of illness, and heavy thoughts. All this prevents you from living in harmony with yourself. The mantra will clear the space with its sound.

There are texts for different purposes:

  • Treatment of body diseases.
  • Healing mental illnesses.
  • Finding peace.
  • Development of your creative abilities.
  • Search for Knowledge.
  • Knowledge of mysticism.
  • Cleansing energy channels.
  • Seeking divine blessing.

There is a mantra for everyone. Your problems can be solved if you find the right mantra. Every person strives to gain Knowledge. Even touching it is already considered happiness in the Buddhist tradition. This is exactly what you need to strive for, throwing away worldly vanity. The mantra will help you with this.

Is it possible to recite the mantra in translation?

Many people face a problem: the text is written in Sanskrit. You will find a transliteration of each mantra. It is in this form that it should be pronounced and read. There are translations in all languages, but using them is a futile exercise. Translation is needed so that you can better feel the connection with the mantra. The meanings in translation are always not exact.

Sanskrit is very difficult to translate into European languages; almost 90% of the necessary information is lost. This is just an approximate meaning.

The most famous syllable and symbol is “OM”. It is pronounced at the beginning of each mantra. The important thing here is to find the vibration. The letter "M" vibrates. It is believed that everything that exists came from this mantra.

These are just two letters that can be translated into any language, but how do you translate the meaning? This is impossible to do. The mantra “OM” consists of one word and is pronounced in this way.

To get started, learn the text by heart. It is important to remember it, and then the correct sound will come. Don't be afraid to experiment. Many practitioners wanted to learn Sanskrit in order to understand the meaning better. It's hard because the language is dead. Of course, for those who want to devote their lives to practicing with mantras, knowledge of Sanskrit is simply necessary. Saying a mantra in your own language in translation is a waste of time. You won't get the vibration you need.

How to achieve accurate sound?

The second question is how to achieve the desired sound. It is best to listen to recordings of ritual chants. There are so many yoga recordings out there. These are modern recordings made by real Buddhists. They pronounce syllables and words accurately and correctly.

During classes, meditation, car trips - listen to them. There are descriptions of the correct pronunciation, but it is difficult to do without a teacher. Listening to music is the easiest way to learn. Why is it important? The mantra produces a special effect on the world around us. You can't see it, but you can feel it. If you are in the same room with a person who pronounces the mantra absolutely correctly, the effect is noticeable immediately.

Headaches go away, the functioning of all organs improves. Correct vibration cleanses space and removes everything unnecessary from it. This may be more useful in your home or office. Living in such a space is easier, working easier and more enjoyable. Listen to the recording as many times as needed. If you pronounce the mantra incorrectly, you will feel bad. A headache may begin. Only when you feel harmony with yourself will you learn to pronounce all the syllables correctly. It's like picking a key in a lock. If the key does not fit, you can damage it, the lock, and damage the mechanism. If the key is correct, the door will open without problems.

How many times are mantras pronounced?

Many people do not know exactly how many times the text needs to be said. Most of the texts are short, so it’s not clear - 1 time, 10, 100? It all starts with 7 pronunciations. The maximum number is 108. This is a ritual number that means the code of the Universe. The mantra is pronounced 7, 14, 28...108 times.

This is an important condition that must be observed. Saying a mantra 6 times is not enough, and 150 is too much. Vibrations reach their maximum only at certain points - 7, 14...108 pronounced mantras. You can start with 7-14 times. It's not hard.

  • Pronounce words and sounds accurately.
  • Don't rush to finish quickly.
  • Chant it out.
  • Listen to what your body is telling you. Does he like the text? Is it good for the body?
  • Take breaks after each utterance.
  • Continue with a comfortable number of sevens.

To avoid losing count, use a rosary. The classic version contains 108 beads, but you may find fewer. You can always remove the extra ones. This will help you concentrate on the sound, and not on the score.

What you need for meditation

The first thing you need is attitude. It's harder than it looks. You live in a world of problems. Work, home, affairs, acquaintances, requests from relatives, minor failures, dreams. All this is constantly in your head. You are not aware, but you are thinking, reflecting. All this is necessary for life, but during meditation the mind must be turned off.

Stand at the threshold of the room where you will meditate. Remember all your problems, list them out loud. Let them stay outside the door. You will still learn to get rid of unnecessary worries, but for now, just leave them in another room for a while. Close the door and get started.

  • You will need a spare room. It should only be you.
  • Turn off all devices and connections with the world. For these 30 minutes you are left alone with yourself.
  • Wear comfortable ritual clothing in white or yellow.
  • Bow to the Sun if you start meditation in the morning.
  • If in the evening, stand in front of the window, breathe, calm your breathing.
  • You need to breathe through your nose.
  • Sit down and relax.
  • Start saying the mantra.

Let all concept of time and space go. There is only you and the sound of your heart. There is only a mantra in my head. It's not as easy as we would like, but meditation is also a workout.

The simplest mantras

To get started, simple mantras will do the trick. They are easy to learn and pronounce.

"Om Mane Padme Hum."

Only 4 words, but a lot of positive energy. It’s easy to wake up in the morning with this mantra. She calls on the universe for help, shows you the right direction to move. Start your day with it - it will definitely be successful.

"Om Namah Shivaya."

This is a simple sounding but powerful mantra. Be sure to concentrate well before starting.

"Om Mahadevaya Namah."

When difficult times come in life, this text will help you cope with problems and restore harmony. You definitely need to remember it. Repeat during difficult periods of life.

There is a whole set of rules on how to read mantras correctly. It is necessary to fulfill them, because the text is only the material part of the prayer. Everything else lies in the spiritual plane. Follow the rules and your meditation will be perfect. You will achieve the desired results, it is not difficult. Practice and practice again. Exercise every day.

Learning Sanskrit text may seem difficult, but simple techniques will help you. Well-known practitioners also once started from scratch. You have a long path to Knowledge ahead, but it is worth it. There are as many success stories as there are people. There are no mistakes here that cannot be corrected.

The Universe will hear your requests and answer them. Mantras have helped thousands of people around the world. They have already become the secrets of the success and beauty of stars, helping writers and artists find inspiration. It's your turn to change your life for the better. Tibetan texts will become your personal secret to prosperity and harmony.

Positive vibrations

Mantras are very different, but they are united by the fact that every sound and every syllable is filled with positive vibrations. And there are certain rules, following which you can learn to read mantras correctly, and, accordingly, achieve the maximum positive effect.

Mantras - sacred words

Use of words

In Hinduism and Buddhism, mantras are sacred words. It is even believed that they consist practically only of the names of deities. That is why, by pronouncing certain mantras, a person tunes into the energy of the deities of Hinduism, turns to them and merges with them. And after identifying himself with a certain god, a person acquires the necessary qualities inherent in this god. This means that the desired changes in life follow.

We can say that reading mantras adjusts to a certain state, and therefore life begins to change. All that remains is to choose the mantras necessary for a given period of life. So, there are healing mantras, there are mantras of prosperity, wealth, love, luck, success, mantras of knowledge and enlightenment and many other mantras.

Accurate sound reproduction is important

Compliance with the rules

Some people believe that mantras should be read in the same way as prayers. But there is a huge difference. The prayer must be read with a pure heart and an accidentally missed word will not play a certain role. Whereas in mantras, accurate reproduction of sounds is important.

Experts have long established that all the sounds, as well as the words that we pronounce, have a huge impact on our lives; one might even say that mind influences matter. Therefore, recently, all psychologists have been tirelessly repeating that our thoughts and words determine our lives. This means that you should exclude swear words from your own speech so as not to destroy your own energy biofield.

The mantra has special power. It is translated from Sanskrit as “liberation of the mind.” Many Buddhists believe that by repeating mantras daily, one can achieve liberation from almost all worldly experiences and suffering.

Read only in Sanskrit

We use Sanskrit

The most famous mantra is the utterance of the seemingly simple sound “OM”. Some believe that the universe arose from this mantra. The mantra “OM” should be pronounced in such a way that vibration is created with the sound “m”. That is, this sound must be pronounced while exhaling. It is also important to direct breathing from the mouth to the very bottom of the abdomen.

How many times and when to read mantras

How and when?

Experts emphasize that it is necessary to read mantras 3, 9, 18, 27 or 108 times. It is 108 that is considered the most significant number of repetitions of mantras. And you should always strive to repeat the mantras as many times as possible. Some Buddhists recite mantras more times. But it is important to always remember that you can read mantras any number of times, a multiple of 9. And in this case, the mantra will already have a positive impact on life.

How to avoid losing count? To do this, you can bend your fingers, counting the desired number. But it’s better to use rosary beads – they relax a person. And at the same time they allow you to count the required number of mantras.

Relaxation and concentration

Some tips

Experts who teach reading mantras emphasize that while reading it is necessary to learn:

  • breathe correctly
  • concentrate the mind
  • relax the body.

Based on this, you should read mantras while in a meditative state. To do this, you need to lie down and relax. As a rule, everything does not work out right away. After all, the mantra must be read 108 times. A relaxed person will simply fall asleep while reading mantras. But with some preparation, anyone can do it.

A person who is just starting to read mantras can be recommended to learn the mantra they like and sing it, as sometimes we have the motives of popular songs spinning in our heads. This is not entirely correct from the point of view of the basics of correct reading of mantras. But many claim that in this way they improved their lives.

Mantras - from trusted sources

Selection of mantra

Finally, it is worth noting that the power of the mantra lies only in the correct pronunciation of sounds. Therefore, you should not take mantras from unverified sources. Without knowing Sanskrit, if you choose the wrong sounds, you can even harm yourself.

If the mantra is chosen correctly, then with regular and correct pronunciation you can achieve impressive results.

One of the most “compact” and most effective appeals to the Lord is the Jesus Prayer, which is only a sentence long. It contains an appeal to the Son of God by name and a request for mercy, that is, for protection and help. A sentence that is easy to remember, but not very easy to repeat daily... Busyness, this is our eternal busyness, which becomes a huge gap between God and man! And, mind you, God is not to blame for this.

Meanwhile, this prayer phrase contains everything: our confidence, our peace of mind, our happy future. All the benefits that everyone strives for fit into a short prayer. And they are fulfilled, provided that the Jesus Prayer is read correctly.

Text and meaning of prayer

The Holy Fathers call it revelation, confession of faith and vow. Despite its brevity, the Orthodox Jesus Prayer is very capacious in content, and allows each person praying to put their own meaning into it.

When saying: “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me!”, everyone means the pardon that he needs at the moment. Someone prays for a successful day, someone for health, someone for loved ones, someone for peace, someone for oh And everyone finds the answer in it - not today, but in a week, in a year , but it definitely comes if a person puts a lot of soul into prayer work.

Purification of the heart and the giver of divine gifts - this is how this miraculous prayer is also characterized.

Where and how to contact Jesus

God hears us everywhere and always. There is no day or time of day when He refuses His children attention. So that we could constantly “stay in touch,” He gave Christians convenient short prayers. The Jesus Prayer? As in other prayer requests, the main instrument is the soul.

God hears sincerity, God responds to love. Indulging in prayer, you need to forget about yourself for a while and love Jesus for his sacrifice, for the salvation of the human race, and simply - without conventions - for the fact that He exists. And remember that the Son of God, ascending Calvary, did not demand special vows from people, did not even force or ask to change unsightly ones. He simply went to die out of love for who we are.

Doing the Jesus Prayer is allowed in any place and under any circumstances: at home, at work, on the way somewhere. You can say prayer while sitting, you can stand, you can do it during some physical activity (cooking dinner or watering flowers). The main thing is that your thoughts are focused on turning to Jesus Christ, and that extraneous fantasies do not interfere with prayer.

Under God's protection

In some regions of Ukraine, the main greeting for several centuries has been the phrase “Glory to Jesus!” By pronouncing it, a person testifies to his respect and faith in the Son of God and wishes the Lord's protection to the one to whom the greeting is addressed.

The protective effect that the Jesus Prayer provides is almost limitless. After all, by pronouncing the name of the Son of God, a person affirms that Jesus is the Lord, and by calling on Him for help, we recognize that God is the center of the Universe, we receive support from Him, that ray of light that every soul needs.

Priests advise, before reading the Jesus Prayer, to repent and begin reading with a pure, free heart, ready to accommodate the Divine power with which it will be filled as it is reunited with the Lord.

And one more thing: the Jesus Prayer is capable of cleansing oneself from sins; one only has to admit oneself as a sinner after “have mercy on me” and add: “judgmental, envious, proud,” etc.

How many times should you say the Jesus Prayer?

In principle, church canons allow the repetition of the Jesus Prayer to be limited to a certain number. But which one exactly? How to pray the Jesus Prayer correctly and how many times? Everyone determines this for themselves: when pronouncing a prayer word, you need to listen to yourself. When calmness and joy spread in the soul, everything small and unsightly dissolves, it means that turning to the Son of God has had an effect.

For some, to achieve such a state, ten times of prayer is enough, while for others, even a hundred times is not enough.

In order not to be distracted by calculations and at the same time not to lose track of the number, you can use a rosary while saying the Jesus Prayer.

What is mental prayer?

In Christianity, smart doing is understood to be the maximum amount of spiritual strength aimed at contemplating God in one’s own heart.

For any prayer, even said not in book words, but in your own words, smart doing is very important. Priests always remind us of the Jesus Prayer when teaching parishioners how to pray mentally: it makes it possible to concentrate to the utmost of your strength. When pronounced for a long time, the person praying rises to one spiritual level, and more understanding of God is revealed in his mind and heart.

The mental prayer of Jesus opens up enormous opportunities in the spiritual world, guiding a person along the path that will bring him only good. But anyone who wants to immediately begin saying this prayer should know: prayer is a feat that must be performed with a pure heart and good thoughts. Otherwise, if there is prayer on your lips, but hatred in your soul, there will be no sense from it, there will be another disappointment, of which there are already enough in life.

The effect of prayer

As Metropolitan Anthony said, the Jesus Prayer makes one’s existence strong, since concentrating on the name of Christ can gather all spiritual, mental and physical strength, allowing a person to be more courageous and confident in actions and more quickly achieve their goals.

When a person is without support from above, his nature is very fragmented, he cannot get together and finally realize all his plans, he rushes about, searches, cannot find, does not know how to believe and therefore suffers. The Jesus Prayer restores the integrity of weak human nature.

  1. Heals the body and helps strengthen mental balance.
  2. Thanks to it, a person can resume control over thoughts and emotions, and streamline the sensory sphere of life.
  3. Prayer takes possession of the entire human being and begins to positively influence all areas of life: divine light penetrates both the spiritual and material levels. A person begins to feel obvious help and support in everything.

You have decided to take up meditation practices and mantras, which means you need to do it correctly. Not everyone who practices mantras does so as tradition dictates. Because of this, the very effect you need disappears. Before moving on to practice, understand the theory of how to read mantras correctly. There are three simple rules that apply to any mantra. If you decide to combine singing and meditation, then there are rules here too. Otherwise, singing or pronouncing mantras is a very useful thing. They normalize the functioning of the whole body, help you improve your life, and get your dream job. The main thing is that the mantra brings harmony of existence.

The Universe understands the language of mantra

What is a mantra? This is a religious song that glorifies the gods, asking them for support and help for humans and all living things. The mantra is not directed only at you. It influences the world around a person. The mantra harmonizes it.

We have been and remain closely connected with nature. Over the years, this connection becomes thinner and weaker. Man no longer depends on nature as much as thousands of years ago. You can hide from even the most ordinary things under an umbrella. Our homes are warm, bright and comfortable, and we are not threatened by predators. Connections are lost and harmony is lost. From this:

  • illness;
  • depression, anxiety;
  • bad luck;
  • a lack of money;
  • inability to build a family.

If you feel these symptoms, then it’s time to start changing your life. She will restore the usual connections with the Cosmos and improve life. It doesn't happen instantly. This kind of energy works carefully and carefully. Work on your life day by day. You will soon feel the changes coming. Some are very slow and others are fast.

People who practice reading the mantra note that they themselves did not notice how they became completely satisfied with life and happy. All this happened naturally. The Universe hears you, because you speak its language.

Why is it important to pronounce the mantra correctly?

Texts can be long or short. Sometimes, a mantra consists of only 3-4 words. All of them are words made up of the names of the gods. Either way, they work the same way. The words and syllables of the mantra vibrate in space, adjusting your connections with the Cosmos as required. If such vibration constantly surrounds you, then harmony comes. Everything goes according to the Creator’s original plan. This does not mean that you need to constantly recite mantras. Once a day is enough.

Some people combine singing with meditation or yoga. It is up to you to decide how and when to practice. But it won’t make sense if you do it very rarely, only when you remember. Practices must be carried out regularly.

Three rules

Just three. Note that this is the same way people learn to pronounce words in any language in a phonetics lab. The mantras are written in Sanskrit, an ancient language that has not been used for thousands of years. It is very complex, so only monks, researchers, linguists, and historians know it. In those days, language was not just a set of words, each of them carried an energetic meaning. Mantra is the key to understanding the harmony of life. Awareness of balance comes gradually with practice.

If you pronounce words thoughtlessly, incorrectly, then do not expect any effect. It's like trying to speak a foreign language without rules, pronunciation, distorting words. You will be misunderstood, if at all. This situation can be dangerous if you pronounce mantras for health and normalization of the nervous system. The cosmos will hear you, but will not understand what you want.

First rule: Understanding the meaning

You have a mantra before your eyes. For example, one of the most revered in Tibet

Medicine Buddha Mantra


It has a healing effect on humans. If you feel physical pain, are sick, or have a chronic illness, then this revered sacred mantra will help you. It is long, but it will be necessary to learn it.

At first glance, it is very complex. But the first thing you need to do is understand its meaning. This is not a painkiller that will act immediately, removing all manifestations of pain. She will begin to build you up inside and out. Life around:

  • your nutrition, forming new, correct habits;
  • interests, protecting you from dangerous, harmful activities;
  • communication, proper communication with pleasant people harmonizes our mind and body;
  • your home, making it the most suitable for you.

Life gets better, and along with it, the disease goes away.

Appeal to the great god Yama


Very short, but no less strong. It helps in human development. Everything that he lacks will be obtained in different ways:

  • you will meet a person on your way who will reveal the truth to you;
  • find a book that will teach you;
  • see a film with important meaning;
  • Read just one line that will change your world.

Knowledge does not come to us just like that. If you feel a craving for knowledge and spiritual development, then this mantra is for you. It is unlikely to help you pass an exam or simply become smarter. Use it when you are ready to reach a new level of understanding life.

Second rule: Listen

When you already understand the meaning, move on to the second stage. You need to listen to it. On the Internet, on disks, you can find a lot of traditional chants. They are performed by professionals who know all the intricacies of reading mantras. Some recordings were made while the monks were praying; they pronounce the words very accurately.

You can simply turn them on at home. It's best when you relax. You can lie down, sit and listen to the singing, noticing some moments, individual words. It's good if you have the text in front of your eyes. Start with simple mantras, such as one of the most famous Gayatri Mantra. It is the most sacred hymn, even small children know it in India.

Holy Gayatri Mantra


She brings light to All Living Things. The words are simple, they can be learned quickly, because while singing it is repeated many times on the recording.

Short mantras that are easy to remember

One of the most sacred prayers. Brings light, happiness and prosperity:


Prayer for women, giving peace in the soul, beauty, health


The space cleansing mantra gives an incredible effect. Takes away all the bad energy, puts the world around you in order. If it’s hard for you to be in some place, you feel pressure, fear, then you need to say it:


Rule Three: Say it along with the recording.

When you have already memorized the text a little, focus on working on pronunciation. Listen and repeat. Relax while reading and let the words come from your heart. At this stage you can already conduct meditation. Peek into the text if you want.

It is important to start pronouncing words that you understand on your own. Knowing the meaning, just imagine the mantra in your head. This makes it much easier to start repeating on your own.

When you learn, you will feel an indescribable harmony from what you say out loud. Many mantras can be recited to calm down. If you find yourself in a stressful situation, you are nervous: say your favorite mantra 7 times. Very soon it will get better, consciousness will clear up. They help those who are truly dedicated to the practice.

Chanting and Meditation

Meditation on mantras also has its own rules. You need to start meditating when you can already repeat the words correctly. At first, you can use the recording to help yourself, but it is better to avoid reading from a piece of paper with text.

Many mantras serve to set the mood for a new day. It is most logical to read them early in the morning, with the sun rising. Other mantras are read in the evening. There is no hard and fast rule that governs this. Proceed from your feelings and logic. If there is one mantra that the monks read before eating. She tuned the body to receive the most useful things from food. They were famous for their excellent health, did not get sick and lived for more than 100 years. You can teach your body to do the same with any product.


It is read before meals, in the morning or in the evening - it doesn’t matter.

How to meditate on a mantra

You need to stay in the room alone. The exception is if one of the family members also wants to meditate with you, agrees to follow all the rules.

  • Sit comfortably in the lotus position, or simply with your legs crossed.
  • Place a yoga mat underneath you. It should be pleasant and warm to sit. If you are cold, hard, uncomfortable, then it is better to find another position or place.
  • Take deep breaths 3-4 times. You need to let go of all negativity, bad thoughts, experiences. Leave them outside the door of the room where you meditate.
  • Your body belongs only to you, not to diseases or problems. Feel your arms, legs, head. Every organ.
  • Start reading the mantra.

When reading, the number of repetitions is a multiple of 7. At the initial stage, it is best to read it 7 times. After that - a comfortable number of times, a multiple of 7. The maximum number is 108 times. Don't say more in one day. You can buy Tibetan rosary beads to count the number of times.

How to read the mantra correctly

There are not many rules, but still, pay attention.

  • You need to pronounce it measuredly, observing the accents.
  • Don't rush to finish quickly; such practice will not help you. There will be no benefit from such practice.
  • Don’t just pronounce, but feel every syllable and word.
  • This is a chant, so chant it slowly.
  • Take breaks between repetitions. They are needed in order to turn your gaze inward. Are you comfortable with this mantra? Do you feel changes in yourself?
  • Decide for yourself how many repetitions will be in your daily cycle. For some, only 10-15 minutes are enough for everything, while others stretch meditation for 40 minutes or an hour.
  • When you're done, you don't need to immediately jump up and run errands. Sit in the same position for another 5 minutes. Relax, smile at yourself, feel the state of your body after the mantra.
  • When you are ready, stand up slowly and your day is sure to be successful.

The most common questions from newbies

They don’t teach this in schools, they don’t talk about it on TV. You need to know how to read mantras correctly, otherwise you are simply wasting time and energy. Beginners ask approximately the same questions, and the answers turn out to be very simple.

How often should you read mantras?

There is no concept of “necessary” here. If you feel a desire for harmony in life, then your desire will be constant. It is best to say it every day. To do this, choose 20-30 minutes that you can spend in silence. You need to chant the mantra where no one will interfere or interrupt.

What happens if you miss one day?

Nothing bad will happen. But, it is better to make it a rule to practice regularly.

Are mantras read in the morning or evening?

Some in the morning, some in the evening. This is clear from the meaning of the mantra. If you have absolutely no time in the morning, then it is better to choose evening time. The main thing is that during practice you can relax and not constantly think about the fact that your bus will leave and you will be late for work.

Can Christians recite mantras?