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Miller's Dream Book - free interpretation of dreams online. Miller's dream book - interpretation of dreams Prophetic dreams according to Miller

Gustavus Hindman Millerborn in 1857 on a ranch in Texas. Miller received his initial education at a local school, and began his working career in 1877. He got a job as a clerk in a rural store, and after a couple of years of hard work he was able to afford to open a store in Tennessee.

In 1889, Miller and his brother moved to Chattanunga and opened their own department store there. After 6 years, the future interpreter and several entrepreneurs founded a factory and then a corporation. In 1923, Gustav retired as president of the company.

But the psychologist gained popularity in wide circles precisely thanks to his dream work. In addition to the dream book, the scientist published several lesser-known books (“Tysparia”, “The Jew” and others).

What is the meaning of sleep according to the author?

A rationalist and skeptic by nature, Miller was able to combine elements of psychology and analysis in his view of dreams. The researcher has been collecting data for several decades on how human consciousness and self-awareness interacts with the surrounding reality and then gives rise to dreams of an unusual form.

The researcher believed that dreams are not just a chaotic collection of pictures, scenes or symbols.

He saw in dreams the messages that the brain (subconscious) sends to us to warn him against taking any actions (or, conversely, push him to action). Dreams help us foresee events that will happen in the near future.

Gustav tried to compare approximately identical dreams in completely different people, to compare them with the events that happened to the subjects in the near or distant past. For many years, the researcher collected and analyzed data obtained from more than one thousand subjects. As a result, in 1901 the book “Dream Book or Interpreter of Dreams” was published, published in New York.

It is important to see not only what you dreamed

Miller tried to interpret dreams deeply, to penetrate into the essence of the scenario and symbolism. Many dream books that existed before what he wrote interpreted dreams superficially, they did not pay attention to details, and did not consider several options for the development of events in a dream.

Since the researcher was a good psychologist, he based his scientific work primarily on the psychological aspects of individual behavior, on his conscious and subconscious. Miller combined psychology with astrology, mysticism, psychic elements and psychotherapy.

All of the above helped create a very detailed dream book, which is still superior to many competitors. The interpreter presents more than two thousand interpretations, each including several variations in the development of the dream (in total, more than 10,000 interpretations can be counted).

Dream interpretations are presented in alphabetical order, so using the interpreter is simple and convenient.

Interpretation for women and men

Is there a difference in the interpretation of dreams for men and women? This is not to say that the difference is that great. Some dream interpretations include interpretations for both men and women (for example, dreams about pregnancy).

However, most of the dream book assumes versatility.

"The Great Interpreter of Dreams"

Miller's dream book has several features that distinguish it from competitive interpreters:

Miller was confident that when deciphering dreams, you need to pay attention not only to the dream book and dry text, but also to interpretation in combination with the events of your past and present, i.e. connect the conscious and unconscious.

By the way, the day of the week was also important for Miller when interpreting. Some dreams and their interpretation directly depend on this factor.

One of the disadvantages of the famous psychologist’s research work is its somewhat archaic nature. Still, since the dream book appeared in print, our lives have changed a lot. But this does not make the dream book completely outdated, since most of the interpretations are relevant to this day.

Useful video

Psychologist Irina Udilova on the meaning of prophetic dreams and interpretation of dreams:

Watch for free online “why do you dream...”

For those who do not have the opportunity to purchase a paper version of the famous dream book, it is possible to find out the interpretation of the dream online. Our resource provides the opportunity to watch the interpretation of a dream for free without registration using a search. Simply select the letter you need, and then the symbol that interests you that came in your dream.

Dreams play a very important role in human life. Much suggests that night visions reflect those things that may happen, or those that will inevitably happen soon or sometime in the future. Many experiments confirm this observation.

The vast majority of residents of this part of the galaxy have books in their apartments containing the decoding of certain dreams. They are also called dream books. However, with the development of technology and the digitization of books, people are trying to find the answer to their fate on the Internet. This is noticeably cheaper than buying the book yourself.

Over the centuries of its existence, humanity has compiled many different dream books. They can be found in libraries and on the World Wide Web. Our website contains dream books of such famous people as Vanga, Nostradamus, Freud and Jung. There are also lesser-known dream interpreters. However, this does not mean that they cope with their task worse than their popular counterparts.

It is no coincidence that we have posted so many dream books. The fact is that each oracle, medium or psychologist approaches the interpretation of dreams in his own way, and different specialists will interpret the same dreamed image in different ways. One of those interpreters who inspire the most confidence is the dream book of Gustav Hidman Miller. This book contains information about more than ten thousand images that may appear in your visions. That is why, when interpreting dreams, it is very important to find out what Mr. Gustav Miller thought about this.

Miller's Dream Book and Interpretation of Dreams

This collection in its current form is completely different from its first edition, which appeared at the border of the 20th and 19th centuries. You really shouldn't think that the book has gotten worse. Yes, it has become more difficult for non-specialists to understand. But the complication of the structure served to better systematize the information presented in the dream book. In addition, throughout its existence, the book was supplemented by some dream images that Miller’s colleagues contributed to it. Thus, in the first edition, for moral and ethical reasons, there were no erotic dreams. But the work of Sigmund Freud showed that such dreams can tell a lot about a person's unconscious.

As Erich Fromm stated, human night visions must be understood. This skill is akin to art. It requires not only skills, but also endurance. Based on the host of fleeting meanings contained in image decoding, Gustav Miller was a well-rounded psychologist. Miller's Dream Book is the cornerstone of dream interpretation; it will be consulted for a long time.

This psychotherapist's book is notable in that it does not borrow from earlier works on this topic. But this only applies to direct quotation. When compiling the dream book, Miller relied or relied on both mediums and fellow psychologists, but never quoted them directly. Gustav was also an innovator, using his own approaches in the interpretation of dreams.

The main thesis that guided Miller when writing the interpreter is that dreams are not limited to reflecting the patient’s unconscious world. Miller's dream book believes that visions are intended to hint at something to a person. On what was, is, will be, or what he should do in the current situation. But this data is encrypted in the human mind, and can only be understood through associations. The author himself often used his theory in life, which helped him achieve his goals.

Images in dreams and their interpretation according to Miller

Now we will try to give examples of decoding the most common dream symbols, after which we will interpret them according to Miller.

Often female representatives from twenty to forty years old dream about an “interesting situation.” The latest edition of the dream book says that this is a bad sign. One of the interpretation options is an unhappy marriage in which a sick baby will be born. But there are other interpretations. It is possible that the vision is a reflection of the woman’s worries or her thoughts before bed.

Another common dream is a woman doing something with her hair. There are many ways to understand this dream. Miller's dream book says that the key to understanding will be the condition of the hair in a dream. Beautiful curls promise a lady rash actions. And dirty hair with gray hair is a warning of problems.

A dream that portends trouble is not a reason to panic. Most likely, the dreamer just needs to be a little more careful. And do not forget that the prediction does not always come true - it is just a hint of one of the possible options for the future.

Below you can find, in alphabetical order, all the dream interpretations from Gustav Miller. To interpret what you saw more accurately, you need to formulate your dream as succinctly as possible. And to get acquainted with other opinions, use the search in all dream books.

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Miller is a successful businessman who solves dreams. Gustav Hindman Miller is a famous American entrepreneur, farmer, writer, financier and company owner. He was respected for his intelligence and subtlety of thought in commercial circles, revered as a writer of picturesque stories, but his innate ability to conduct in-depth analysis of dreams brought him worldwide fame.

Miller, by nature, was distinguished by his desire for psychological analysis of facts, understanding the circumstances of situations, the root cause of consequences and identifying the nature of dreams - such abilities, coupled with decency, apparently helped him achieve a worthy position in society, as well as become the most famous author of a dream book in the world .

Rock and fortune

Difficult childhood

Gustav was born in the Texas border region in 1857, under the roof of a small ranch house. His father died when he was not yet five, and his mother had another one-year-old child, his brother Frank. She married a second time, and the children were raised in her father's house. Soon the grandmother died, and the grandfather married a young widow with two children, who subsequently bore him four more. This is how Gustav grew up in a crowded house, during the years of the Civil War, in deprivation and gloomy living conditions. However, his grandfather was distinguished by high morality and a tough character; he despised deception in trade, and treated many merchants with disdain, because he considered them “unclean.” His grandfather's credo left its mark on the way Miller conducted his affairs in life.

The beginning of the way

As soon as Gustav received his secondary education, he decided to improve his life, and, having received the position of a clerk, began working in a store. At the age of 21, Miller married a beautiful girl from a wealthy family, and a year after the wedding, he opened his first grocery store with his brother, and they called their business Miller Brothers and Company. The Millers began to succeed in the store business. They sold essential goods, but unfortunately the store burned down, leaving behind only ashes. Unshakable will and faith in success helped the brothers open a new store, and then the largest department store on the entire southern bank of the Ohio River, which very quickly was able to gain popularity, and the business of the business brothers began to flourish.

Recognition and career

Miller's fame as a businessman grew every year, he succeeded in many things, and was known as a respected citizen in America. Over the years, Gustav Miller became president of the Hamilton National Bank, founder and president of the Mills (hosiery) company, co-owner, president and director of the Miller Brothers & Co. department store, and owner of a controlling interest in the investment firm Ross-Hindman Miller.


The Millers' quiet family life was undermined by misfortunes associated with children. In total, the Millers had seven children, but the first three died when they were still babies, the fourth died at 21, and only the last three lived to an old age.


In Gustav’s busy life, there was also room for creativity. He devoted his evenings to literary pursuits; several books were published from his pen and received the reader’s favor, including “Lucy Dalton”, “Is Marriage a Mistake”, “The Jew” .

Miller's famous dream book

The acuity of perception of the outside world, genius in psychoanalysis, the ability to see the background of facts and the ability to unravel signals of the subconscious helped Miller to compile a dream book, which even today surpasses all known ones in popularity. More than 1,500 objects were interpreted in the dream book, which Miller analyzed not only on the basis of his own dreams, but he also used in his creation the knowledge gained from mastered ancient teachings about the providence of dreams. His theory about an unconscious journey into the world of dreams is based on the belief that the human subconscious remembers everything that happens in reality, analyzes the past and present, and then in a dream sends an encrypted message to consciousness, which, if interpreted correctly, can predict many events in one’s life and prevent trouble , abandon the planned risky business in time, or, on the contrary, expect success in your endeavors.

If the concept of a classic genre can be applied to the process of dream interpretation, then this category has its own well-deserved name-symbol - Gustav Hindman Miller, a famous psychologist from America who lived at the end of the 19th century. The character of this intelligent and inquisitive man, who was seriously interested in the human psyche, always had a clearly expressed commercial component. It is quite possible that this circumstance contributed to the enormous popularity of Miller’s Dream Book. However, the predominant significance of its success is primarily due to slightly different reasons. After all, none of the famous dream interpreters - such as, say, a dream book or Freud's dream book, could surpass Miller's dream book in the total number of interpretations.

Perhaps for this reason, the research of this famous dream researcher justifiably earned universal respect not only for its scale, but also for the depth of penetration into its subject, and directly for the quality of the research. It is generally accepted that the interpretations of dreams from Miller’s dream book are distinguished by sufficient originality in terms of the depth of penetration into the subject of interpretation. According to Miller himself, dreams are nothing more than veiled information about past, current and future events. All this is intended for one purpose, so that a person can recognize it; his own subconscious gives the consciousness some clues in the form of peculiar associations.

For a long time during which people can enjoy the interpretation of Miller's dream book, this truly, true masterpiece of its genre thoroughly maintains its standard of impeccable reputation. In our time, the leadership of the most famous, authoritative, comprehensive, and reliable source of interpretation rightfully belongs to this work. This dream book has won the genuine sympathy of numerous generations in a row due to the fact that, like a wise and kind friend and adviser, he tries to explain to the reader the content of a certain situation, prevent trouble in a timely manner, and, of course, suggest the right way out of the current situation.

The “biggest drawback” of this dream interpreter is associated only with his venerable age. From one point of view, a certain part of his interpretations, for people of the 21st century, have already lost their relevance. From another point of view, in this dream book it is already difficult to find much of what is really interesting to the modern reader, from the point of view of interpretation of modern phenomena and objects that surround us. But the inexorable time that has made Miller’s masterpiece a “venerable old man” is nevertheless powerless against the undeniable merits of this work of art of dream interpretation.