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Chicken with cauliflower in the oven - wonderful! Recipes for healthy and tasty chicken and cauliflower dishes in the oven. Cauliflower with chicken: the best recipes, cooking features and recommendations Cauliflower with chicken baked in the oven


  • Cauliflower - 1 kg.
  • Chicken breast fillet - 500 g.
  • Kefir - 250 ml.
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Garlic - 3-4 cloves
  • Dill - 1 bunch
  • Salt, pepper - to taste.

Cooking time:

Yield: 8 servings.

If you decide to take a closer look at your figure, then the choice of what to cook so that you can eat enough and not gain weight is a tough one for you. In this recipe, we'll show you what to cook with cauliflower and chicken, two low-calorie foods. Kefir sauce also does not add “heaviness” to the dish, unlike sour cream or cream, so the total calorie content of the dish is only about 90 Kcal per 100 grams. Our casserole with cauliflower and chicken is prepared in the oven, which also affects the dietary qualities of the dish in the best possible way.

How to cook chicken breast and cauliflower casserole - recipe with photos step by step

First, let's prepare the necessary ingredients indicated earlier. It is better to take two and a half percent kefir, not low-fat - this will have little effect on the overall calorie content of the dish. But kefir with a low fat content may curdle and not become that delicious kefir sauce.

Cut the chicken fillet into pieces.

Finely chop the dill.

Squeeze the garlic through a press.

Mix dill, garlic and kefir, beat in the egg. Add salt, pepper and stir the resulting sauce.

Place the chicken fillet in the sauce and leave to marinate while you prepare the cabbage.

Divide the cabbage into inflorescences.

Boil cabbage in salted water. If this is not done, the cabbage may taste bitter. In principle, you don’t have to make a casserole, but cook this dish in a frying pan. Stewed cauliflower with chicken is also low in calories. In this case, there is no need to boil the cabbage before stewing; just pour boiling water over it.

Place the chicken fillet in a non-stick baking dish (non-stick cookware is needed because we do not use additional oil).

Place boiled cabbage on top.

Pour the remaining chicken sauce over the cabbage.

Bake the chicken with cauliflower in the oven for 35 minutes at 200 degrees.

Grate the cheese.

Sprinkle the casserole with grated cheese and bake for another five minutes.

Serve the finished casserole hot with fresh vegetables. Bon appetit!

I offer you a wonderful dish - chicken with cauliflower, cooked in the oven. The dish turns out tasty, tender and light. You can serve this chicken with cauliflower for breakfast on a weekend or for dinner; you can also offer it to guests. Try it, you will definitely like it!


To cook chicken with cauliflower in the oven you will need:

chicken (I prepared chicken legs, but you can use other parts of chicken) - 400-500 g;

cauliflower - 250-300 g;

onion - 1 pc.;

carrots - 0.5 pcs.;

hard cheese - 70-100 g;

sour cream 15-20% - 200 g;

salt, spices for chicken - to taste;

vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.;

dried garlic - 0.5 tsp;

greens for serving.

Cooking steps

Pour vegetable oil into a baking dish, place chicken pieces (I cut chicken legs into 2 parts), salt them and sprinkle with spices.

And also arrange the peeled and coarsely chopped onions and carrots.

Bake the chicken with cauliflower, carrots and onions in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for about 50 minutes, then sprinkle with grated cheese.

Extraordinarily delicious chicken baked with cauliflower in the oven is ready! Serve the dish hot, sprinkled with herbs on top!

Enjoy your meal!

Chicken with cauliflower in the oven is a delicious casserole that is cooked in the oven. To prepare this dish you will need a small amount of ingredients and some free time.

To prepare cauliflower baked with chicken, as a rule, sour cream filling is used, as in many other casserole recipes. It is thanks to her that the pieces of chicken are connected to each other.

In addition to chicken and cauliflower, you can add zucchini, in particular zucchini, green peas, boiled or canned corn, champignons, green beans, fresh herbs, onions, and carrots to the casserole. In addition to such casseroles, there are also recipes for baked chicken legs with cauliflower, but that’s another story.

And now I propose to see how it is prepared chicken baked with cauliflower in the oven step by step with photos.


  • Chicken fillet - 500 gr.,
  • Cauliflower - 500 gr.,
  • Sour cream 20% fat – 1 cup,
  • Spices for meat - a pinch,
  • Salt - to taste
  • Chicken eggs – 1 pc.,
  • Hard cheese - 100 gr.

Chicken with cauliflower in the oven - recipe

The first step is to cut the chicken fillet into small pieces. As a rule, cauliflower is used to prepare this cauliflower casserole, but if you don’t have it, you can cut the meat from the legs, as I did.

Chicken with cauliflower in the oven. Photo

Cauliflower and chicken are two incredibly healthy foods. You can prepare a lot of delicious dishes from them. The most interesting recipes are collected here.

Chicken with cauliflower in the oven - general cooking principles

Before cooking in the oven, cabbage is boiled in boiling water. There is no need to hold the vegetable for a long time; usually 3-5 minutes is enough. Then the product is removed from the liquid, seasoned with spices, and mixed with the bird.

Chicken is usually used raw. But there are recipes with boiled or smoked poultry, one of which is just below. This ingredient is also seasoned with spices, placed together with cabbage on a baking sheet, in a mold, in a pot, or placed in a sleeve or in foil. Often the ingredients are topped with sour cream, mayonnaise or other sauces. The finishing touch to open dishes is cheese, which gives a special taste and a beautiful crust.

Chicken with cauliflower in the oven (with sour cream sauce)

Recipe for baked chicken and cauliflower dish in the oven. You can use the whole carcass or some specific parts, for example, drumsticks, thigh pieces.


800 g chicken;

450 g cabbage;

300 g sour cream;

Salt pepper;

2 cloves of garlic.


1. Wash the chicken pieces, wipe with napkins, sprinkle with spices and add one spoon of sour cream. Rub everything with your hands, leave it aside, let the bird marinate a little.

2. Divide the washed cabbage into inflorescences, but not finely. Approximately the size of chicken pieces.

3. Place the cabbage in boiling water and cook for three minutes to improve the taste of the vegetable. Remove from the water.

4. Place the chicken pieces in a greased pan.

5. Stick cabbage inflorescences between the birds.

6. Mix garlic with sour cream, add any seasonings.

7. Grease the top of the dish with the resulting sauce.

8. Place in the oven, which should already be preheated to 190°C. Cooking for 45 minutes. If necessary, the time can be increased.

Chicken with cauliflower in the oven with cheese

You can also use turkey (fillet) for this dish. In this case, baking will take longer. Any hard cheese can be used. It is important that the product melts well and forms a beautiful crust.


600 g chicken fillet;

700 g cabbage;

200 g sour cream;

150 g cheese;

3 spoons of soy sauce;

1 tsp. spices for chicken.


1. Mix soy sauce with sour cream in a bowl and pepper. Set aside 2 tablespoons of sauce and mix them with chicken seasoning.

2. Cut the chicken fillet into slices, approximately 1.5 cm thick. Lightly beat with a hammer. Rub with a mixture of sour cream and seasoning. Leave the fillet to marinate.

3. Separate the cabbage into small inflorescences. Immerse in boiling water and cook for 5 minutes. Drain into a colander.

4. Assembling the dish. Place the marinated fillet on the bottom of the dish. If it doesn’t fit in one layer, then you can overlap it slightly.

5. Place boiled cabbage inflorescences on top.

6. Grease the cabbage with sour cream sauce.

7. Place the mold in a preheated oven. Cook for 20 minutes at 200 degrees.

8. Take out the mold and fill the dish with cheese. Put it back in the oven and cook for another 12-15 minutes.

9. Remove and cool slightly. Then cut the cheese layer with a knife into portioned pieces.

Chicken with cauliflower in the oven in the sleeve

An option for a simple, quick and dietary dish of chicken with cauliflower in the oven. The taste will directly depend on the spices used. Potatoes are also added to the dish; if necessary, this ingredient can be omitted.


700 g chicken;

1 head of cabbage;

500 g potatoes;

2 carrots;

Onion garlic;

1 tsp. mustard;

1 tbsp. l. olive oils


1. Chop the chicken into portion-sized pieces. You can just use your shins. Wash, dry, rub with spices and mustard.

2. Separate the cabbage into pieces of equal size, boil for five minutes in salted boiling water, pour into a colander. The water should drain well.

3. Peel the potatoes, cut into four parts or more if the root vegetables are large. Cut carrots into slices, onions into half rings. Add garlic to taste.

4. Combine with all vegetables except cauliflower. Add salt and olive oil, stir with your hands to evenly distribute the spices with the fat. At the end, add the cabbage inflorescences and mix gently.

5. Transfer all the ingredients into the sleeve. We tie the ends.

6. Make 2-3 punctures on top with a needle.

7. Place the filled sleeve into the oven. Cook the dish for 50 minutes at 180 degrees. 10 minutes before the end, you can cut the sleeve and let the pieces of vegetables and poultry brown a little.

Chicken with cauliflower in the oven in pots

Another option for a simple and tasty dish of cauliflower with chicken in the oven. Instead of sour cream, you can use cream, it will also turn out delicious. Quantity of products for 2 pots.


4 pieces of chicken;

300 g cabbage;

1 small onion;

120 g sour cream;

60 g cheese;

10 g butter sl.


1. Rub the inside of the pots with butter.

2. Cut the onion into half rings and divide into two pots.

3. Separate the cabbage into small inflorescences. If you use large pieces, there will be many gaps in the pots. Boil for three minutes, remove from the broth. Let's add some salt.

4. Place some cabbage on the onion.

5. Rub the chicken with salt and other spices. Place two pieces of cabbage in each pot.

6. Now comes the cabbage again. Let's add a little salt.

7. Divide the sour cream in half and place it on top of the cabbage. Pour 3-4 tablespoons of water into each pot from the edge.

8. Close it and put it in the oven. We cook for half an hour. 180 degrees is enough.

9. Cut the cheese into small cubes.

10. We take out the pots. Open, sprinkle the dish with chopped pieces of cheese on top.

11. Place the dish in the oven again, but now you don’t need to cover it. Cook for another 20 minutes. Remove, cover and let stand for a while. You can add some fresh garlic on top.

Chicken with cauliflower in the oven (with cheese and eggs)

For this tasty and satisfying dish you will need already boiled chicken. But you can also take a finished leg or breast, it will be even tastier.


1 head of cabbage;

180 g cheese;

400 g chicken;

120 ml milk;

Spices to your taste;

2 tablespoons of oil.


1. As usual, you immediately need to disassemble the head of cabbage and boil the inflorescences in water. Five minutes is enough. Let stand for another five minutes in a colander.

2. Immediately turn on the oven to warm up, set it to 190.

3. Beat eggs with milk. Grate the cheese and add to them. Add salt, pepper and any spices to the mixture. Stir.

4. Cut the boiled or smoked chicken into strips or cubes, no need for coarse ones.

5. Grease the mold.

6. Place cabbage with chicken. It is better to place the inflorescences first and push the chicken into the voids. Level the layer by hand.

7. Place the egg mixture and cheese on top and level with a spoon.

8. Place in the oven. Cook for 20 minutes, focusing on the cheese crust on top. Serve the casserole with herbs, fresh vegetables, and top with any sauces.

Chicken with cauliflower and peas in the oven

This dish requires fresh or frozen peas, but you can also use canned peas. White chicken breast meat is used.


500 g cabbage;

150 g peas;

400 g chicken fillet;

0.5 cups grated cheese;

20 g butter;

3 spoons of crackers.


1. Cut the chicken fillet into strips and sprinkle with spices.

2. Separate the cabbage into small inflorescences and boil in salted boiling water. Five minutes is enough.

3. Carefully coat the inside of the mold, sprinkle with two spoons of crackers. Leave a little for the top topping.

4. Mix cauliflower and chicken. There is no need to add additional spices, the cabbage is salted, the fillet is seasoned.

5. Fill the voids with green peas. Just pour it on top and spread it out with your hands.

6. Mix the egg and mayonnaise, pour the dish on top, and stretch the sauce.

7. Mix the grated cheese with the remaining crackers. Sprinkle the mayonnaise layer on top of the dish.

8. Bake for 30-35 minutes at 180 degrees.

Chicken with cauliflower in the oven (in cream)

A variation of the most delicate dish of cauliflower and chicken. It is better to use fillet, since it is more convenient to form even layers; the food will turn out not only tasty, but also very beautiful.


500 g fillet;

250 ml cream;

800 g cabbage;

150 g cheese;

1 clove of garlic;

Salt, oil, pepper.


1. Boil cabbage inflorescences for no more than three minutes in boiling water. Drain the water and cool.

2. Cut the fillet into pieces of 3 centimeters, no more, maybe smaller. Sprinkle with salt and pepper.

3. Pour the cream into a frying pan or stainless steel saucepan. Let's start heating.

4. Three cheeses, pour into cream, immediately add chopped garlic, salt the sauce. Heat until the cheese dissolves and immediately remove from heat.

5. Place chicken pieces in a greased pan or on a small baking sheet.

6. Now the cabbage inflorescences. We cut it with a knife so as to give it a flat shape; the pieces should not stick out much from the general layer. Cover the fillet completely with a layer of cabbage.

7. Pour the prepared cheese sauce over the dish.

8. Place in the oven to bake. Set at 180, leave for 30-35 minutes.

Chicken with cauliflower in the oven - useful tips and tricks

To prevent the chicken fillet from becoming dry and tough, it is important not to overcook it in the oven. For white meat, half an hour is enough to reach full readiness.

Cabbage will retain its snow-white color after cooking if you add a teaspoon of sugar to the water.

To make the cheese crust on the cabbage crispy, the grated product can be mixed with a small amount of breadcrumbs.

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