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What does time mean in a dream. The magic of numbers. Why do you dream about Time of Day according to the dream book?

according to Loff's dream book

Time and time mysteries can be a difficult element when interpreting a dream. Since dreams come to us as phantasmagoria, very few signs can be used to judge how time is perceived in a dream. One dream may seem to take place in real time: twenty minutes of events in a rem cycle; another dream may take place in a series of edited scenes taking place over several days, weeks, years, or an immeasurable period of time; another dream may turn out to be completely outside of any time bounds. One way to determine the movement of time in a dream is to simply imagine scenes of situations and try to establish any chronological changes in them. Another way is to think about numbered objects in your dreams and associate their numbers with the time frame of your life. If the clock in your dream shows 5:15, then it could be a time, a date, or time elapsed between two ages; in the latter case, perhaps five and fifteen years. Sometimes time mysteries are frustrating and surprising, sometimes they are full of deep meaning: you can easily observe the periodically repeating cyclical structure of life, remember the time when maturity and self-awareness manifested themselves, how long the transition period took. In this way many things can be understood. Sometimes the temporal aspect can influence the emotional environment of the dream; it is likely that a dream in “real time” will have a different emotional connotation than a dream in “scattered time.”

Why do you dream about watches?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

change in life; remember the hour and minutes (year and month or month and day of change); buy - the beginning of new things; someone is buying nearby - conducting unexpected new business, offers from an unexpected place.

I dreamed about a clock

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing a watch in a dream means that you will succeed in playing the stock market. To dream that you are looking at your watch means that your efforts will be negated by your rivals. Breaking a watch portends troubles and losses. Breaking the glass of a watch is a harbinger of your frivolous behavior in an unpleasant society. If a woman loses her watch in a dream, it means that troubles at home will cause misfortune. To dream that you have stolen a watch means that you have fierce opponents who are trying to tarnish your reputation. Giving someone a watch means that trouble awaits you. If you hear the clock striking, upsetting news is possible.

The meaning of a dream about a clock

according to Freud's dream book

In a dream, winding up the watch on your hand - such a dream indicates that you will receive a reward for the work you have done, only this reward may not be material. If you dreamed of a large wall or grandfather clock, it means that you will be surprised by sex with a person whom you always thought of as very reserved and dry. It turns out that in an informal setting this person expresses his feelings very clearly, so that there is no doubt about his emotionality. If you dreamed of a tower clock, it means that you are about to learn some very important news, and long-awaited one at that. A broken watch is a symbol of bad sex. Perhaps you are too straightforward and do not want to come to terms with some of your partner’s eccentricities, in your opinion, and he, in turn, does not want to give up these quirks. Someone has to take the first step, right?

Clock in a dream

according to the dream book of Nostradamus

Looking at an old watch in a dream is a sign that in the future you will greatly regret the mistakes you have made in the past. Perhaps such a dream means that you will be ashamed of the mistakes made by your ancestors. Seeing a wall clock in a dream means that in the future you will experience something that will radically change your life. If you dreamed of a wristwatch, then such a dream suggests that you will not have enough time to carry out your plans. Perhaps this dream suggests that the ruler who is now in power in your state will not have time to implement all his reforms and projects. Determining time in a dream using a clock that does not have a dial is a bad omen. The event that will happen to you will be unusual, and therefore will greatly upset you. Hearing the sound of a clock in a dream is evidence that someone close to you really needs your help. And the sooner this help is provided, the better.

Why do you dream about a watch?

according to Vanga's dream book

If you saw an old clock in a dream, then such a dream indicates that the time has come to reflect on your past: did you live with dignity, did you do good or bad deeds, what mark will you leave behind on Earth. If you dreamed of a wall clock, you do not value your life at all. Remember: life is not eternal, and therefore do not let it pass you by. Seeing a wristwatch in a dream is a sign that there is very little time left for an important event in your life. Determining time in a dream using a watch that does not have a dial is a harbinger of serious danger. Such a dream prophesies a great tragedy, which you can only survive by turning to God for help. Hearing the sound of a clock in a dream is a prophecy that your life will not get better for a long time. It will seem to you that God has turned his back on you, but this is not so, you are simply destined to go through many trials in order to find peace, tranquility and happiness.

Why do you dream about summer?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

out of season - good news.

  • Time - if in a dream you look at your watch and see the number 2 clearly visible on the dial, then in reality after 2 days you will become the object of gossip and ridicule. If your dream left a pleasant impression on you, then people will talk about you because you are a bright personality, and this increased attention to your person will last no longer than 11 days. If your dream was sad or unpleasant, then you will become the object of gossip because in reality 20 days before the dream you did not behave in the best way. In this case, do not expect the conversations to stop soon; for at least two months you will be annoyed by gossipers and envious people.
  • If you dream that you look at the clock and see that it shows two o'clock in the morning, it means that 2 days ago you met a person who can give you what you are missing. This dream warns girls against hasty actions and rash actions. If in a dream you feel annoyed or frightened, then in life you will have to dodge for two months in order to profitably take advantage of the information received from a new acquaintance. If in a dream you don’t care that the clock shows 2 o’clock, that is, deep night, or you even like it, then in reality your friend will contact you on the 2nd, 11th or 29th.
  • If in a dream you see that the clock shows 2 o'clock in the afternoon, then in life you will have to show your talents - in 2 weeks you will have the opportunity to get a new job or take on a new, interesting and original business. This dream is especially favorable for artists and traveling salesmen. However, if in a dream you feel that you are late for something, then in reality you have a real danger of missing out on this happy occasion. Be careful and pay special attention to the phone calls that will ring in your house in 2 days - the second call will carry this tempting offer.
  • If in a dream you ask strangers what time it is, and the answer you hear is “2 hours,” then after 20 days you will be able to sort out your relationship with a person who was previously your friend, but has recently begun to avoid you. If the people who tell you the exact time in a dream are pleasant to you, then you will be able to renew a friendship or love relationship, since the whole point is some kind of misunderstanding, but if the speakers do not evoke positive emotions in you, then you are unlikely to be able to maintain relationship - most likely, you are to blame for this person.
  • If in a dream you are asked what time it is, and you decisively answer: “2 o’clock in the afternoon (or night),” then after 2 weeks in real life you will witness interesting events. Maybe you will have a new boss or the entire hierarchical structure will be restructured. If your dream leaves a light and pleasant mark on your soul, then in reality you will be able to enjoy the current state of affairs, perhaps you will even receive material benefits from it. If in a dream it is unpleasant for you to answer people’s questions or you are amazed by the fact that it is already 2 o’clock, then in reality the changes that have occurred will throw you off balance and make you spin wildly so as not to end up overboard.
  • If in a dream you make an appointment for 2 o'clock in the afternoon and forget to come to it, then this indicates that in real life you have two important problems that you need to solve within 2 weeks, otherwise you will be in trouble.
  • If you come to a meeting and wait a long time for the person or several people you invited, then after 2 days you will receive a message from him or them, and it will either contain valuable information or simply bring you joy. If in a dream you are the second to arrive at a meeting and find that they are already waiting for you, then in reality after 20 days you will be forced to report and explain your behavior.
  • If in a dream you make an appointment for 2 am, then in life you will compromise yourself with unworthy behavior.
  • If in a dream you are given a date at 2 o'clock in the afternoon or night, then in reality in 38 days you will go on an important business trip, in which you will get acquainted with new methods of work and will be able to engage in your professional skills or self-education. To arrive at a meeting before everyone else means to rise to the occasion in a difficult situation; If you don't panic on the 2nd of next month, you will have a lot of supporters. This dream advises women to devote all their attention to an event that will take place in 2 days or 20 days, where they will be able to win more than one man’s heart.
  • But if you come to this night date late or refuse it altogether, then the trip planned for the near future may be disrupted due to your negligence. Pay attention to what a person born on the 2nd, 11th or 29th advises you.
  • If you are given an appointment at 2 pm, then after 2 weeks of intensive work you will receive a reward worthy of you and your perseverance - it is very likely that you will be nominated for an academic degree or receive a large bonus. It’s good if you come second to this date in a dream, this means that your ideas will be considered by your superiors, approved by them and put into action. If you do not come to the meeting, then your ideas will also be accepted by a superior, but there is a great danger that someone from your environment will appropriate them. Pay attention to the person who is 2 or 11 years older than you, and whose house is approached by a bus or trolleybus with the number “2”.
  • If in a dream you spend 2 days, hours or minutes on something, or 11, 29, 56 and so on (all numbers add up to two!) minutes and hours, then in life you will succumb to the persuasion of a person who only and dreams of deceiving you. But if in a dream you are doing a pleasant thing, then this person will not be able to catch you in his net - after 2 months you will prove to him that you are completely in control of the situation. If you spend this time in a dream on unpleasant responsibilities and affairs, then by the end of the second month you will see that you are completely confused in the situation and that your insidious opponent has won a complete victory over you.

Dream book of the 21st century

Why do you dream about Time and what does it mean:

Time - A clear sunny day in a dream promises you a new acquaintance in reality; a grey, gloomy and rainy day promises losses or obstacles in business. If in a dream events develop during the daytime, this is a good sign, even if other symbols have a negative interpretation, unlike those events that occur early in the morning or at night.

A too long night in a dream means meeting an unpleasant person. Evening in a dream and all the events associated with the evening are a good sign, promising you a turn of affairs for the better, an end to troubles.

Psychological interpreter Furtseva

According to the dream book of Times

Remember exactly how you saw time? If we were talking about the time of day that you dreamed about, in most cases, this is a sign of what stage of life you are currently going through. So, if you watched the sunrise, it means that you are young, on the rise, filled with energy and optimism. On the contrary, if time in a dream was expressed as a sunset, you dreamed of a sunset - this is a sad warning, you probably feel too old, you are tired, you want to get away somewhere from active life, where you could hide and just take a break from the hustle and bustle.

Idiomatic dream book

Why do you dream about time?

“Time is money”, “time doesn’t wait”, “wasting time”. “to fall behind the times” - vanity, haste, fears, anxieties; be old-fashioned. “to have a lot of time” - peace of mind, to be in time for everything; “to gain time”, “to pass away, kill time.”

The ABC of Dream Interpretation

To dream about time, what does it mean?

Time can be indicated by a clock or signs of nature. The time of day indirectly reflects age or perspective in business. For example, the situation is unclear (night). Morning, dawn - youth, hope, new beginnings. Day - maturity, stability in business. Early evening is the middle of life, an indication of the completion of affairs. Late evening, night - old age, failure in business.

Symbolic dream book

Time - how to solve a vision?

Most often, it emphasizes the literal meaning of what is happening in the dreamer’s life: “winter” - stagnation, inaction, stagnation (freezing), alienation. “Spring” - awakening, activity, flourishing, good progress, a successful undertaking. “Summer” – maturity, busyness, vacation time (rest and relaxation). “Autumn” – result, fruits, results, gifts, reward, decline, withering.

Late evening time of the day may mean that it is too late (to change or do anything). The more sunlight there is in the sleeping space, the better. However, occasionally the symbolism of very large, significant tragic events can be accompanied by the emission of intense light, which indicates inevitable karmic consequences sent “from above”, for edification, as punishment (from God).

“Night, darkness, gloom” - indicates the hopelessness of the situation in reality, hopelessness. “Light, day” – luck, clarity of goals and thinking. “Morning” is a good start, auspiciousness, the reality of opportunities and plans.

Time, as the duration of events, sometimes itself holds attention to some place, detail, or action. At the same time, time seems to freeze in the process, “scrolls” - thereby the dream emphasizes the special duration of what the designated fixation represents. For example, “running in a dream” and at the same time additionally “getting stuck”, slowing down, freezing in place - indicates the duration of interference and problems, given that “running in a dream” in general means interference and difficulties. “eating in your sleep” with fixation on the chewing process has a similar effect: minor troubles, scrolling (chewing) receive additional reinforcement. Moreover, such a temporal elongation of an event will not necessarily be associated with the length of daytime (real) time, but, more often, it happens in internal, subjective perception.

On the contrary: the speed, instantaneousness of events and various transformations indicates suddenness, unexpectedness, suddenness, transience of the phenomena and feelings of the person sleeping in reality, as the dream book predictor reports.

Psychological dream book

What does it mean to see the flow of time in a dream?

May indicate a stage in the sleeper's life. A sunset can talk about leaving active life, about the desire to hide from it. Sunrise - a feeling of optimism, awakening, youth.

The Dream Guide by David Loff

Why did you dream about wasting time?

Time and time mysteries can be a difficult element when interpreting a dream. Since dreams come to us as phantasmagoria, very few signs can be used to judge how time is perceived in a dream. One dream may appear to occur in real time: twenty minutes of events in the REM cycle; another dream may take place in a series of edited scenes taking place over several days, weeks, years, or an immeasurable period of time; another dream may turn out to be completely outside of any time bounds.

One way to determine the movement of time in a dream is to simply imagine scenes of situations and try to establish any chronological changes in them. Another way is to think about numbered objects in your dreams and associate their numbers with the time frame of your life. If the clock in your dream shows 5:15, then it could be a time, a date, or time elapsed between two ages; in the latter case, perhaps five and fifteen years.

Sometimes time mysteries are frustrating and surprising, sometimes they are full of deep meaning: you can easily observe the periodically repeating cyclical structure of life, remember the time when maturity and self-awareness manifested themselves, how long the transition period took. In this way many things can be understood. Sometimes the temporal aspect can influence the emotional environment of the dream; it is likely that a real-time dream will have a different emotional underpinning than a scattered-time dream.

Dream Interpretation of Black Magic

Interpretation of sleep - Time

Night. Dark evening. Darkness. Lack of light, sun. The general background of the dream is dark, gray. Or the light can be dim, diffused, or electric. Or there is very bright, piercing, unnatural, unpleasant lighting.

Why do women and men dream about Time?

Experts have found that the plot of women's dreams is emotional and consists of small details. And the dreams of men are distinguished by specificity and active dynamics of events. This is due to gender differences in brain function. The symbolism of sleep is the same for a woman and a man, therefore Time in a dream has the same meaning for both sexes.

The dream you had on the 28th touches on your past; it is a processing and re-evaluation of what has already happened to you. This dream does not retell or affect your future in any way. On this day, nightmares and dreams are of particular importance - which cause a negative aftertaste in the morning. Only those stories that were dreamed at dawn should be interpreted - all other dreams are empty.

Read more in the dream book:

  • what a dream
  • what was the dream about
  • why do you dream about the image

Most people are familiar with the theory that the brain constantly processes incoming information during sleep, even if the person in reality did not pay any attention to this information.

Sometimes a person has dreams that make even the most inveterate skeptics and convinced materialists interested in its meaning. A dream in which a person looks intently at the clock, noting the time, belongs to this category.

The emphasis not on the mechanism, but on the hand of the clock after waking up arouses interest, so the dreamer looks in dream books for what time means in dreams.

Famous dream books

Time is an abstract concept. Therefore, most people associate it with a mechanism – a watch.

In Miller's dream book, time is considered specifically in connection with the clock. If in a dream you were looking at your watch, keeping track of time, pay attention to your competitors - perhaps you need to change your strategy to achieve success.

According to Medea’s dream book, time symbolizes the prospects of your affairs:

  • Morning hours mean new successful beginnings.
  • Daytime symbolizes a stable state of affairs.
  • Evening time indicates that the work begun is nearing completion.
  • The night hours symbolize the uncertainty of the situation.

Vanga’s dream book notes that if you dreamed of time that you determined by the clock:

  • On which the numbers are not visible, you need to be careful and thus avoid trouble.
  • Which ticked loudly - you need to make an effort to achieve the desired result.
  • Antique watch - you need to think about the past and draw the necessary conclusions.

Loff noted that time is a rather difficult element to interpret, since the perception of time in a dream is very different from its perception in reality. The dream book indicates that if you saw certain numbers on a clock in a dream, this element of the dream may symbolize the time period between two significant events.

The Russian folk dream book interprets the numbers on a clock in a dream as an indication of a date that will be of key importance to you (the hour hand shows the year, the minute hand shows the month or day).

In Grishina’s noble dream book, a clock is also considered a symbol of time. If you dreamed that:

  • You determine the time by striking the tower clock - important events await you.
  • You are looking at the dial on your wristwatch - it means that in reality you are spending too much time on unimportant details.
  • The numbers on the clock are not visible when trying to determine the time - you will not participate in any important events.
  • Time has gone backwards in a dream - someone or something from the past will acquire special weight in your present.
  • The hands on the clock show midnight - then this dream reflects one of the significant future events, but it will not come true soon.

Specific time in a dream

The modern dream book interprets time depending on the specific numbers on the dial. If in a dream the clock showed:

  • One o'clock in the morning - you will have an unexpected trip, which will be pleasant if you love night time.
  • One o'clock in the afternoon - you need to pay attention to your health, as a cold can interfere with the implementation of your plans.
  • 1 hour, but you cannot understand the time of day - in reality you will be able to beat your competitor and get approval from your superiors. If, after reflection, you decide that the clock shows one in the morning, expect a visit and important business news the next day.
  • 2 am - in reality exactly 2 days ago you met a person who can give you a lot. The dream book recommends that girls not rush into decisions on this matter.
  • 2 o'clock in the afternoon - in reality, after 2 weeks you will be able to do a new interesting thing or get a new job where your talents can fully manifest themselves. If in a dream you feel uneasy when you see these numbers on the clock, you need to make an effort not to miss your chance.
  • 3 am - in reality, it will be difficult for you to take control of a difficult situation, but if you are prepared for it, you will be able to avoid panic and disappointment.
  • 3 pm - your faded passion will flare up again. Pleasant emotions in a dream indicate reciprocity of feelings and positive development of your relationship. A girl who has had such a dream may be asked to marry in 3 months.
  • 4 o'clock in the morning - in reality, you will find an opportunity to save face and at the same time abandon the business that bothers you or end the relationship with the person with whom you are already tired.
  • 4 pm - in reality, changes will be made to your plans. Your disappointment in a dream will turn into positive emotions in reality, and joy in a dream promises the need to rethink the situation due to the intervention of an outsider.
  • 5 pm symbolizes the need to concentrate so as not to miss the chance to demonstrate your skills and professional skills to a person who can influence your destiny.
  • 5 am - a pleasant surprise awaits you from your colleagues. If in a dream you feel annoyed because you are not sleeping so early, you will have to return to solving the problem that you were dealing with 2 weeks ago.
  • 6 am - in reality, you need to overcome laziness so as not to miss a profitable project that will bring you a solid income.
  • 6 pm - you need to overcome timidity and shyness so that your dream can come true.
  • 7 am - your life plan for the near future needs adjustment, so heated debates with your superiors or your immediate circle await you.
  • It’s 7 pm, and you need to go somewhere - in reality, you will be able to destroy the networks set up by slanderers, and victory over your ill-wishers will be quite easy.
  • 8 am and 8 pm are numbers that are evidence of your organizational skills and desire for power, but you need to show that you can lead better than your competitors.
  • 9 am means that you need to step up your activities and not miss a profitable offer, which from your point of view will be very unusual, but will bring profit. For women, this dream promises a quick marriage.
  • 9 pm means that your efforts will be crowned with success if you are in a good mood in the dream.

You asked what time it is

The dream book also considers why you dream about time, which you learn from other people. If you asked what time it was and they told you it was now:

An hour (the time of day does not matter), your efforts will bring well-deserved success and bring you closer to your goal. Moreover, the more you like the people to whom you asked the question, the faster you will get the desired result.

2 – for three weeks you will have to sort things out with a friend who has begun to avoid you.

3 – you need to control yourself when meeting unpleasant people, otherwise you will cause a lot of negative emotions to others.

4 – a journey awaits you, and the more pleasant the voice of your interlocutor, the more positive your impressions of the trip will be.

6 – an unexpected business trip awaits you if the voice was male, and an entertainment trip if the voice was female.

7 - soon you will hear an unexpected declaration of love, which may end in marriage if the voice of the person answering you in the dream was pleasant.

And if they asked you

Time-related numbers may also have additional meanings if you answered the question:

  • The hour promises financial profit.
  • 2 – significant events await you.
  • 3 – you need to eliminate your mistakes within 3 weeks.
  • 4 – the business you started will bring profit within 4 years.
  • 6 – there has been progress in your health.
  • 7 – physical work awaits you.
  • 9 – changes for the better await you.

Unfortunately, the dream book does not consider all possible combinations of numbers on the dial, but it also notes that spending 9 hours on something means good news, devoting 8 hours to pleasant activities in a dream means successfully solving legal problems, and making an appointment for 5 hours - to a successful coincidence of circumstances for 5 days.

Why do you dream about time?

Dream Interpretation of Black Magic

Dark evening time is the darkness of life.

Why do you dream about time?

Psychological dream book

Time of day - can indicate a stage in the life of the sleeper.

Sunset - can talk about leaving active life, about the desire to hide from it.

Sunrise - a feeling of optimism, awakening, youth.

Why do you dream about time?

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

To see a dream about Time (days) – The time can be indicated by a clock or signs of nature. The time of day indirectly reflects age or perspective in business. For example, the situation is unclear (night). Morning, dawn - youth, hope, new beginnings. Day - maturity, stability in business. Early evening is the middle of life, an indication of the completion of affairs. Late evening, night - old age, failure in business.

Why do you dream about time?

Dream book of catchphrases

TIME – “time is money”, “time does not wait”, “wasting time”. “Being behind the times” - vanity, haste, fears, anxieties; be old-fashioned. “Have a lot of time” - peace of mind, have time for everything; “to gain time”, “to pass away, kill time”, see add. watch.

Why do you dream about time?

Idiomatic dream book

“Time is money”, “time doesn’t wait”, “wasting time” - you need to act faster; “to fall behind the times” - vanity, haste, fears, anxieties; to be old-fashioned; “to have a lot of time” - peace of mind, to be in time for everything; “to gain time” - you will be lucky; “pass away, kill time” - do not waste your strength in vain.

Why do you dream about time?

Online dream book

The dream book interprets time as clues of fate that you should pay attention to; this could be a moment in the day or a season of the year.

Morning dawn in a dream is a symbol of cheerfulness and fullness of strength.

I dreamed about the moment when the sun rises from the horizon - some new achievements await you.

The dream in which you saw noon means that you are now at the peak of your success, your position will not be shaken.

If you dreamed about a certain time of day, this could be a symbol of your age, or a harbinger of the development of your affairs.

Seeing the evening in a dream means bringing some plans to completion, but if dusk is gathering or night has fallen

You dream of the sun setting behind the horizon - you want peace, you want to get away from the hustle and bustle.

If in a dream you have a huge amount of time, you really want it, or you are fluent in the skill of self-organization.

If you dreamed that there was a time machine in front of you - in life you try to avoid caring about someone, avoid responsibility, dream a lot and live in your own world.

Time on the clock - a dream can be prophetic, and you saw the time when some grandiose event will happen, a moment of great joy.

Why do you dream about time?

Universal dream book

Time in a dream - does the dream mean that you also don’t have enough time for everything? There is only one solution: set the clock back five minutes and forget about it.

If you dream that you still have a lot of time ahead, the dream is either a reflection of your desire, or it indicates that you have learned to organize yourself.

People often say: time is money - is your dream related to this saying? Do you have an abundance of both money and time, or do you lack both? And one more thing: your dream may simply indicate that you need a break.

Why do you dream about time?

Dream book of symbols

The time of day, year - most often, emphasizes the literal meaning of what is happening in the dreamer’s life: “winter” - stagnation, inaction, stagnation (freezing), alienation; “spring” - awakening, activity, flourishing, good progress, successful undertaking; “summer” - maturity, busyness, vacation time (rest and relaxation); “autumn” - result, fruits, results, gifts, reward, decline, withering.

Late evening time of the day may mean that it is too late (to change or do anything).

The more sunlight in the sleeping space, the better. However, occasionally the symbolism of very large, significant tragic events can be accompanied by the emission of intense light, which indicates inevitable karmic consequences sent “from above”, for edification, as punishment (from God). “Night, darkness, gloom” - indicates the hopelessness of the situation in reality, hopelessness; “light, day” - luck, clarity of goals and thinking; “morning” is a good start, auspiciousness, the reality of opportunities and plans.

Sometimes a dream itself keeps attention on some place, detail, action. At the same time, time seems to freeze in the process, “scrolls” - thereby the dream emphasizes the special duration of what the designated fixation represents. For example, “running in a dream” and at the same time additionally “getting stuck”, slowing down, freezing in place - indicates the duration of interference and problems, considering that “running in a dream” in general means interference and difficulties. “eating in your sleep” with fixation on the chewing process has a similar effect: minor troubles, scrolling (chewing) receive additional reinforcement. Moreover, such a temporal elongation of an event will not necessarily be associated with the length of daytime (real) time, but, more often, it happens in internal, subjective perception. On the contrary: the speed, instantaneousness of events and various transformations indicates suddenness, unexpectedness, suddenness, transience of phenomena and feelings of a person sleeping in reality.

Why do you dream about time?

Dream Interpretation of the Yellow Emperor

Primary elements - wood, earth, water, fire. Elements - wind, humidity, cold, heat. Emotions - anger, joy, thoughtfulness, fear, unattainability. Organs - liver, spleen, kidneys, heart. Planets - Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury, Mars. Explanation and interpretation A dream bears the imprint of the day to a greater or lesser extent: our behavior regarding the world during the day, combined with a general life outlook, is reflected. The expanded opportunities that existed during the day (to open one’s arms to the world) or the limitations of perception (to observe the world through the narrow slit of a visor of preconceived opinions) are repeated at night at their core: impressions change externally, but emotionally duplicate the sensations that arose during the day. Usually people set themselves a goal: life goal, for a year, for a day, for an hour... Achieving/non-achieving a daily (or larger) goal is reflected in dreams by the image of a sense of distance. Distance is the separation/separation of a person from a real-life goal. It is no longer space that separates the result of achievement, but the time required to overcome it. Therefore, the feeling of space in a dream is often (almost always) associated with the feeling of time (enough - not enough). However, each person lives, as it were, inside - in a capsule of his own internal time. A person creates processes (deeds) and relationships around himself, trying to subordinate everything to his internal rhythms. When independently setting deadlines for achieving a future goal, everyone proceeds from knowledge of their past tested capabilities, even if they are partially convinced of their limitations. Thus, by realizing past possibilities to achieve a future goal, a person already limits himself - creates obstacles between himself and the goal. In addition, the philosophical categories of space and time are interconnected (outside this connection they are invisible) by the idea of ​​one’s own speed of movement. Space and time create their own speed of movement/perception and immediately, although invisibly, begin to actively impose them on their human creator (philosophical categories live in full correspondence and mutual transformations of yin and yang). After all, man, creating the concepts of time and space, gave them as a creator his strength - energy and weakened. This is the second serious limitation in achieving the goal of overcoming space and time: any human weakness gives them power over the creator. Next, a simple quantitative law comes into play: what will be more - right or wrong? Strengths or weaknesses?.. A person who is open to the world and free from bias will, of course, receive more correct information and will achieve his goal faster and more likely. The world is stronger than the creatures of mind, space and time. To feel distance and space acutely in a dream - distance-yin is capable of accepting/containing everything from a needle to the universe - all ten thousand entities on earth. Perceiving distance in a dream means realizing your own attitude to the world around you, your distance or proximity from it: Distant objects (people, mountains - panoramic landscape/image) and a slow rhythm of perception combined with the fact that the picture is not getting closer - lack of self-confidence and fear of the goal. Distance in a dream is not at all a sign that the goal is far from the observer; on the contrary, the observer is moving away from the goal, since he does not have the inner strength to achieve it. If a picture in a dream rapidly approaches the observer (sometimes he runs towards it) to extreme proximity and fusion (enter the picture and begin to perceive it as reality) - overcoming one’s own fears and self-limitations. Merging with a goal destroys the heightened and always unfavorable (unhealthy intensity of emotions and the limit of possibilities) feelings of perceiving space and time as something separate from a person. Merging with a goal is merging with the world in which it exists: one becomes the world and the world becomes him. This harmonious state of mind means overcoming all negative emotions. And since the world is fundamentally whole, sharp restrictions disappear and cease to interfere: a goal is not a goal, I am the world, I am time, space, and so on. The last dream option is very favorable and promises success in all areas. To see images of your past in any of the dream variants with a sense of space (a distant image or a close one with the dreamer entering the picture) - in this case, the acute sense of time cannot disappear, since it is impossible to merge with the past. Moreover, in the morning there may be a break from reality: a craving to return to a dream, to the past. In this case, it is necessary for the mind to clearly understand that the dream came for the sake of correcting something in the present and future (some important information was forgotten in the past). Only in this case will the past merge with the present and future, feeding them with energy. Returning to the past is physically impossible for a person - it means stopping forward movement and death. The dream is favorable to the extent that you can understand its meaning and use the information received.

Why do you dream about time?

Psychoanalytic dream book of V. Samokhvalov

Afternoon - masculinity, femininity. Middle age, the border of individuation.

Certain hours of the day mean a certain age. So, 10.30 ten and a half years old, etc. The memory of the events of this age is important.

Why do you dream about time?

Dream book of the 21st century

A clear sunny day in a dream promises you a new acquaintance in reality; a grey, gloomy and rainy day promises losses or obstacles in business.

If in a dream events develop during the daytime, this is a good sign, even if other symbols have a negative interpretation, unlike those events that occur early in the morning or at night.

Too long a night in a dream - means meeting an unpleasant person.

Evening in a dream and all events associated with the evening are a good sign, promising you a turn of affairs for the better, an end to troubles.

Why do you dream about time?

Loff's Dream Book

Time and time riddles can be a difficult element when interpreting a dream. Since dreams come to us as phantasmagoria, very few signs can be used to judge how time is perceived in a dream. One dream may appear to occur in real time: twenty minutes of events in the REM cycle; another dream - may occur in the form of a series of edited scenes occurring over several days, weeks, years or an immeasurable period of time; another dream may turn out to be completely outside of any time bounds.

One way to determine the movement of time in a dream is to simply imagine scenes of situations and try to establish any chronological changes in them. Another way is to think about numbered objects in your dreams and associate their numbers with the time frame of your life.

If the clock in your dream shows 5:15, this could be a time, a date, or time elapsed between two ages; in the latter case, perhaps five and fifteen years.

Sometimes temporary riddles are frustrating and surprising, sometimes they are full of deep meaning: you can easily observe the periodically repeating cyclical structure of life, remember the time when maturity and self-awareness appeared, how long the transition period took. In this way many things can be understood. Sometimes the temporal aspect can influence the emotional environment of the dream; it is likely that a dream in “real time” will have a different emotional connotation than a dream in “scattered time.”

26 lunar day

The picture seen does not contain secret codes or hidden meaning: it directly points the sleeper to important moments in his life. The qualities that you will have in your dream indicate those advantages or disadvantages that you need to develop or, conversely, overcome.

Waning moon

A dream on the waning moon belongs to the category of cleansing: it indicates that it will soon lose value in real life. Only dreams with negative content come true: they carry a good meaning.

July 28th

A dream is a mirror reflection of events from the past of the sleeper. Often it contains an assessment of his actions, words, and important decisions. Such dreams have nothing to do with the future.