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Animals according to the dream book. Astral attacks in a dream Creatures crawl out of the body

A scary creature that is inappropriately dressed is a symbol of the dreamer’s inner demon, which pushes him to commit a selfish act. To avoid getting into trouble, do not forget about moral principles. Why do you dream about a scary creature?

, there are several meanings of such a dream, firstly, and this is reliable, expect loss of money, someone with lynx ears is an enemy of harmony.

Scientists believe that the most important ability of sleep is to give us dreams. During sleep, the brain is not in a sleeping state, but undergoes a number of very interesting transformations. When we fall asleep, we plunge into an unconscious state. Approximately minutes after falling asleep, we plunge into the deepest fourth stage of sleep - slow-wave sleep, when the brain is at rest. But after ninety minutes, a surge of brain activity occurs, as if the person woke up or did not fall asleep - this state is called REM sleep. Periods of REM sleep occur every hour and a half of sleep. Moreover, during moments of REM sleep, the brain is more active than during moments of wakefulness. It is in this stage of REM sleep that a person most often begins to dream.

If you see some unusual creature in a dream, then you will soon find yourself under the spell of a womanizer, whose behavior will mislead you. If you dream of an alien, then this portends a change of residence or a business trip. It could also mean your unconscious fear of something new that is about to burst into your life. The mythological dream book, according to which a monster means unreasonable fear, indicates the dreamer’s empty speculation. Most likely, what a person fears in reality is not so scary in reality.

In dark glasses - your fear in general, horror of everything unknown.


If the creature you dreamed of seems cute and cute, if you enjoy sex with it, perhaps it is a symbolic image of a person with whom you enjoy communicating in reality. In a mask, from under which your eyes glow - your real, today's self.

How dreams are used in neo-esotericism.

Scary dreams and scary creatures usually occur to impressionable and vulnerable people. To those who disagree with many things in this life, to those who take the troubles of others closely. Who worries often? All monsters of reality in a dream are seen as nothing other than monsters. Such dreams can still be dreamed when a person is not confident in his abilities, when hopelessness grows.

Interpretation according to Miller's dream book.

If you dream that you are at the Last Judgment and experience a feeling of remorse during it, you will be able to plan well and successfully complete your work. If you behave daringly during the Last Judgment, you will face serious problems in reality, and your work will be a failure.

Sinister, strange and devoted servant - your body and the shadow of Satan rolled into one.

If you saw a monster in the mirror instead of your own reflection, it means that you are not entirely happy with what those around you say and think about you. But you shouldn’t worry too much about this, because even in the absence of a reason, people sometimes do not hesitate to express their thoughts. In this case, try to humble yourself and behave with dignity. They always carry the meaning that was originally inherent in the corresponding legends and myths and which we absorb into consciousness from early childhood during learning, communication, cognition (damn, Santa Claus...). Less often, a dream reflects the opposite intention of the symbol used. See Dictionary "Mythological.

With a big mouth, threatening to swallow - I, containing myself, instead of containing the world.

Why do creatures dream - If, on the contrary, you see an alien caught and chained, this means that no one will be able to encroach on your privacy. In any case, you will successfully stop such attempts. with monstrous ears - your self, closed “in listening to yourself.

Why do you dream about the Creature? Any chance meeting will become significant for you (as a sign.

The different forms of sleep can be interpreted as follows:

If a girl dreams that she is standing before the Last Judgment, this means that her own behavior will make her suffer and suffer. She will only have herself to blame for her lonely, loveless life.

Why do you dream about a creature?

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

A certain creature about which you can only say: “a certain person” or “a certain master” - a double with an “alien face”, representing a certain part of your personality, especially an active one. He in a black suit is your antipode, acting on the spiritual plane; in a gray vague robe and with a completely vague face - an antipode operating on the spiritual plane; someone in a checkered, colorful, bright suit is an antipode, active on the plane of the physical body, acting through it. Someone with an evil face - “putting the limit of truth in you”, with monstrous ears - your self, closed “in listening to yourself.” With a big mouth, threatening to swallow - I, containing myself, instead of containing the world. With a monstrous nose - something in the body that denies you as a person - I, denying myself. Someone with lynx ears is the enemy of harmony. In dark glasses - your fear in general, horror of everything unknown. Someone “jumping” – fear of depth. Someone with a terrible distorted face is your self in the past, an image associated with previous incarnations. Someone without a face is your future self, your destiny. In a mask, from under which your eyes glow - your real, today's self. The person on the tower is your waking spirit. On a rock, a mountain - your antipode. On the wall is the guardian of your body. In the basement or in the well are your hidden passions, suppressed by the will. The gentleman crawling out of the ground, climbing the walls and ceiling is your “place”, something in you that allows you to be different with different people, a certain larva or vampire who has the most direct relation to you, who has become a part of you. A strange manager is your destiny, “karma”. The man with the smoking pipe is a double, personifying the powers of your imagination. Sinister, strange and devoted servant - your body and the shadow of Satan rolled into one. A certain pyrotechnician - your affects, passions. Someone catching you blindfolded is your fear of public opinion and justice.

Why do you dream about a creature?

Dream book for women

If you see some unusual creature in a dream, then you will soon find yourself under the spell of a womanizer, whose behavior will mislead you. If you dream of an alien, then this portends a change of residence or a business trip. It could also mean your unconscious fear of something new that is about to burst into your life.

Seeing yourself as an alien means missed opportunities, the loss of some thing that has served you as a talisman for a long time. If in a dream you see yourself captured by an alien and handcuffed, expect something alien to invade your quiet life; your envious people will bother you. If, on the contrary, you see an alien caught and chained, this means that no one will be able to encroach on your privacy. In any case, you will successfully stop such attempts.

If you see a UFO in the sky, get ready for unexpected encounters and new acquaintances. An unmarried woman will meet a man on her life's path who will give her his love. Love will be mutual if the girl watches with interest the flight of the “unknowns”. Absent-minded observation of what is happening promises an unrequited feeling.

If you're watching aliens land, set the table and wait for guests to give you an appropriate gift. In addition, your deepest wish will come true.

If you see in a dream how you are flying with an alien, get ready for your own betrayal, which entails divorce. For an unmarried girl - a profitable marriage and a faithful life partner.

Why do you dream about a creature?

Dream book for the whole family

If you see some unusual creature in a dream, you will soon find yourself under the spell of a womanizer, whose behavior will mislead you.

If you dream of an alien, this portends a change of residence or a business trip. It could also mean your unconscious fear of something new that is about to burst into your life.

Seeing yourself as an alien means missed opportunities, the loss of something that has served you as a talisman for a long time.

If in a dream you see yourself captivated by an alien and handcuffs are put on you, expect something alien to invade your quiet life; your envious people will bother you.

If, on the contrary, you see an alien caught and chained, this means that no one will be able to encroach on your privacy. In any case, you will successfully stop such attempts.

Why do you dream about a creature?

Dream book of symbols

Creatures (fairy-tale, mythological) always carry the meaning that was originally inherent in the corresponding legends and myths and which we absorb into consciousness from early childhood during learning, communication, cognition (damn, Santa Claus...). Less often, a dream reflects the opposite intention of the symbol used.

Signs of an astral attack in a dream The term “astral attack” relatively recently migrated from magical practice into everyday speech.

People who are subject to an astral attack during sleep are quite easy to recognize. If a person complains that he constantly has nightmares, he feels bad when waking up, he is haunted by causeless attacks of fear, the feeling that someone is watching him, there is reason to suspect an astral attack. The listed signs are also characteristic of mental disorders. Therefore, victims of astral attacks are in no hurry to turn to specialists, justifiably fearing that doctors will only refer them to a psychoneurological dispensary. There is no punishment in the legislation for an astral attack; it will not be possible to bring the aggressor to justice with the help of earthly laws. However, it is possible and necessary to resist people and entities that cause astral attacks.

We carefully analyze our condition and rest conditions.

For people far from magic and spiritual practices, identifying signs of an astral attack is a difficult task. To cope with it, it is necessary to analyze whether there are the following facts indicating regular astral attacks:
obsessive, repetitive plots of heavy, gloomy dreams; headaches in the morning;
rapid heartbeat, increased sweating at night;
dream plots that leave behind a loss of strength or outbursts of rage;
After waking up, aggressive thoughts that are not typical for him are spinning in a person’s head, and the need for inappropriate actions arises.
The states of fear and aggression are closely interrelated. If in a dream a person experiences attacks of panic or horror, there is a high probability that these are the first signs of an attack.
It should be remembered: for many people, the sleeping place is poorly protected from astral aggressors. Ideally, the number of reflective surfaces in the rest room should be reduced to zero, the windows should be covered with thick curtains, and there should be no mirror at all. An astral attack works better if the air in the room is dry. Magicians believe that one of the methods of combating nightmares is the presence of devices that humidify the air. Astral aggressors cannot stand oak, metal objects, rowan, or juniper. Care should be taken to ensure that things made from these materials are in the bedroom. As for esoteric literature, it is best not to keep it where you sleep. Most books on esotericism have special energy vibrations that attract the attention of astral entities that do not belong to the human world.

What can you dream about during an astral attack?

Most often - nightmarish otherworldly creatures for whom human energy is a delicacy. The more powerful the negativity in a person, the more damaged his defense against them is. Under no circumstances should you be scared when you dream of something scary! The best option: start pronouncing magical or religious formulas in a state of sleep. If you don't panic, you will be able to determine the source of the attack. When a person performs actions, the victim often dreams of a bladed weapon, with whose help wounds are inflicted. Try to intercept the weapon, then return the blow to the aggressor. It is possible that someone you know will become seriously ill in the coming days after such a dream. But this way you can identify the astral aggressor in your environment. If you often dream of a car that is chasing you and trying to run you over, this could also be a sign of an astral attack. A natural question arises: how to behave then?
The first step is awareness: astral attacks are coming at you. The most dangerous time is considered to be before dawn, when energy and information channels operate at full capacity. An important point: astral aggressors rarely show their true faces and usually hide behind masks. In a dream, they can appear in the form of people dear to the victim - living and dead. Astral aggressors love to evoke pity and provoke a feeling of guilt in the sleeper, which allows them to drink energy. If during sleep you realize that you are being attacked, do not run or hide in the astral space - this will strengthen the enemy. Imagine: you have a weapon in your hands, attack the astral aggressor with it, do not give him a chance to intimidate you. Remember: you are stronger, because the aggressor is only able to take advantage of your weaknesses, fears, and panic.





REPTtiles, amphibians and others (snakes, lizards, frogs...)



FAIRY-TALE CREATURES (monsters, mermaids, God, demons...)

Living beings in dreams often represent our sensual, emotional part of life associated with relationships. So, wild animals are enemies and a sign of enmity. Animals in the zoo "- excitement. Rat - danger; hunt - anxiety. Thieves - disappointment. In a word, living beings, especially the animal kingdom, mean different states of our soul in interaction with reality and with other people, when all this is colored feeling, emotion.

However, beasts and animals have a special meaning in relation to us, if you look at them from the side of Man, and not at Man from the side of the beast, according to Darwin, so to speak. The fact is that the behavioral side of animals and all living beings in general, if you look more closely at the huge accumulated ethological material (ethology is the science of the behavior of living beings), amazingly captures materially and visibly our most complex human plot structure. After all, a person in his manifestation is (as I wrote about this in the Introduction) a behavioral program, consisting of many different typical plots, inserted into the Machine of Life. However, a program that is able to see its behavior, define and realize its plot plan. If we consider that to know means to become what you know, realize, then in animals we can see ourselves as if disassembled into separate, simple actions-plots, embodied in the stereotypes of behavior of these living creatures.

In this twist, animals appear (and not only animals, but also insects and fish) in our dreams as a simplified mirror of the images and actions of good and bad people, their plans for us. The dog becomes a friend, a patron (if it is very large). Horse - a lover, a bride or a casual woman (for a man), depending on the circumstances. Butterfly - hope, date (if it flutters). Worms - the machinations of treacherous friends...

It is very difficult to understand why some living beings mean one thing and others another, except for the most obvious. Let's say flies are annoying relatives, and the Fox is a secret enemy.

But what’s surprising is that if you look at highly enlarged photographs of insects, they look surprisingly similar to the qualities we attribute to them. This makes the fly look like a dirty bandit. The mosquito is a sadist, a killer. A butterfly or a grasshopper is very harmless and touching, despite its ugliness (except for moths and moths, which look like Monsters). And the ant is, well, a typical soldier... The question is, how did Nature and Evolution guess our idea of ​​these creatures and express it in enlarged photographs? After all, our idea could not have been born from observing the appearance of these insects before the invention of the magnifying glass...

And, finally, how do animals acquire their mystical totemic essence if this essence is not contained in ourselves and our unconscious stereotypical behavior? It is this totemic essence that is visible in many dream-interpretive meanings, although it is not always easy to catch it, not to mention the fact that totemic animals differ among different peoples.

A female figure in men’s dreams (as a man’s figure in women’s dreams) can also mean a relationship, but the designations of these relationships are more literal. As a rule, the figure is similar to the one or those women with whom the sleeping person has a relationship. Moreover, this connection can be expressed in the form of a need to somehow resolve protracted misunderstandings... This resolution of worries can be expressed in the clarification of the atmosphere, or in the clarification and clarity of the view before the eyes in a dream... An unfamiliar woman in men’s dreams often expresses life itself in what way -that place. For example, a prostitute for 2.5 rubles can mean 2.5 years of strange life where he met her. The very figure of a woman can combine several women at once, either literally or by affiliation, say, you see your mistress, with whom you have already broken up or are about to break up (everything is leading to that), and she looks like a wife, or literally your wife in a dream. .. Such a connection speaks of her daytime intention to be a wife or his intention to make her a wife. Another merging of meanings is also possible: say, a mistress looks like a wife, and then turns into her altogether. This may mean that the problems associated with her are very reminiscent of those that led to past or current troubles with his real wife. If in a woman’s dream a male figure, made up of different images, determines her assessment and other people’s assessment of her relationship with a certain man (or men in general), then in a man’s dream, a woman made up of different images means the women themselves and the relationship literally. However, often women, especially strangers, in men’s dreams mean more business, work relationships, and career opportunities. In women's dreams, male figures are almost always personal: a husband, a love relationship.

If the figures are of the same gender, it could be us ourselves, the so-called Shadow Figures of our Personality according to Jung (Jung Carl Gustav, “Analytical Psychology”, St. Petersburg, 1994). The actions of such figures, their actions in a dream, are extremely important for the sleeper in the sense of interpreting his true motives in reality, shifted as it were not onto himself, but onto other people, motives displaced from consciousness either due to disagreement with them (motives), or because for their unacceptability... So in a woman’s dream, a girl is herself, and a boy can be her husband. The transformation of figures is obvious: it means changes in relationships.

If we are tormented by an Ugly strange feeling for someone in reality, a feeling that the sleeper would like to get rid of - in a dream this feeling will appear in the guise of the person for whom we feel this feeling, but in an ugly guise in the form of a monster that will attack on us (for no apparent reason, since the feeling is our own) and will begin to torment, torment... If at this moment (in a dream) salvation comes, it means in reality the Savior or Savior from the dream will enter into a relationship with this person and the whole plot the combination will be resolved for the sleeping person(s).

People can also mean happy, successful or unsuccessful days, years, months - times, in a word, just like animals: remember the fat and lean cows in Pharaoh's dream, when Joseph the Beautiful interpreted cows as abundant and hungry years.

A still living creature in a dream is our path, events, the course of affairs in reality. So, if in reality, let’s say, things have reached a dead end, in a dream we will be met by a figure blocking us. This figure embodies a sign of events, if this sign is unraveled, a door will open, a way out of a stupid situation will be revealed in reality, the creature serves as the gatekeeper of the fateful door or a sign of the path and... the path itself, an opportunity. So, a butterfly, for example, is a date, and a grazing herd is wealth. It’s not for nothing that in reality people use birds to tell fortunes, and a black cat crossing the road means bad luck. Many signs, as I wrote in the preface, arise from the dream-interpretative meaning of objects and figures, see the chapter “Dream Factory”. How we deal with this figure encountered in a dream, if we are able to unravel its meaning, is how it will turn out in reality. And the biting thoughts-flies and the evil swarm of worries will disappear. It’s not for nothing that in reality we “drive” worries away from ourselves, sometimes we “trample” our feelings, and our hopes “melt away”. In the realm of dreams, all this happens literally. Of course, some creatures can literally appear to us in dreams, for example, a fairy or a devil in his own guise. These are the same collective, fabulous folk images that Carl Jung called archetypes. The power of these images generated by the collective consciousness can be so great that they can cure the patient. They can bestow, as the Devil gifted the great Tartini, with wonderful music, playing his sonata for the composer in a dream. These strange creatures can make us happy with a brilliant thought or wonderful poetic lines. So, when you meet them in a dream, try to ask them for a gift. If you are asked what gift you want, don’t hesitate! “Which one will you give?” one must answer. Because we rarely know what we want, and even less often do we know what we really need from what we want. So it's easier to trust. So, one person was asked in a dream: “What do you want?” "I want a son!" - answered the sleeping man. “Were you happy?” - they asked him, and at the same moment the sleeping man realized that he had asked for the wrong thing, because he was not happy.


RAM - success; butting - fear, anger of the authorities.

Squirrel is a guest.

BULL - illness, sadness; pursues a bull, a calf - to an inheritance; white bull or white buffalo - big income; raised on his horns - unusual glory.

CAMEL is a nuisance.

WOLF is the enemy.

Hedgehog - trouble, envy.

STALLION - fate (quality depending on color), foal - son for the mother; ran away from the yard - loss, separation; harnessed the stallion - victory.

ANIMALS - all animals of a strange, unusual type mean anxiety, difficulties. For example, a very unusual appearance (two heads, etc.) means very unusual interference or too much anxiety; at the zoo - to travel with a famous person; to feed is ingratitude or deception.

HARE - danger; hunt - anxiety; eat - illness; running - fate has abandoned, a warning.

ANIMALS - in the zoo - excitement; wild ones are enemies; see clearly - an accident; escaped from the cages - trouble in the family; persecuted - notoriety; see animals and zoo.

BOAR, BOAR - a dangerous enemy, dangerous enmity.

Claws - to prosperity, wealth, especially birds.

GOAT is a gift.

COW - care; pursues one - to an unexpected inheritance; seeing a herd far away is a good sign.

KITTENS - unpleasant surprises, squabbles.

CAT - to tears, betrayal; black - open enemy; white - an insidious friend, petty theft; scratched - illness; ironing is a personal miscalculation; feeding is betrayal.

CROCODILE - rich groom.

RABBIT - lies in friendship.

RAT - grief, tears, danger; killing a rat is luck, the greater the size of the killed rat in a dream; white rat - hidden danger, fidelity in unnecessary relationships, someone’s favor.

LEO - wealth, security; vanity, pretension; power; to be afraid - the anger of the authorities; to find the corpse of a lion - treasure, wealth, victory; riding a lion - high patronage; hear a roar - (for a man) - the attention of beautiful women; (for, woman) - fulfillment of desires in love; lion cubs (for a girl) are suitors.

BAT - to death; to see it flying around the room is a sudden departure.

FOX - secret enemy, enmity; kill a fox - victory; ironing is danger; in the house - an evil woman or evil from a woman; deception.

HORSE - fate, hope; white - complaint, arrangement of affairs, wedding (for women); getting off a horse is a loss of position; sitting on horseback - fulfillment of hopes; entered the house - happiness, marriage, if saddled; bareback - love affair; (for a woman) - hope for a relationship, for marriage; riding on your well-saddled horse (mare) - a beautiful and rich wife; riding on someone else's horse - joy, joy with a beautiful lady; someone riding your horse is a temptation among loved ones; riding a horse with a long tail - help from friends; harnessing a horse - loss of a loved one; sitting on horseback - patronage, success in business; see go.

BEAR - friendship, groom; winning; dancing - big credit; eating bear meat - a wedding in the family; polar bear - love for the sleeping person; pursues - for a wedding, matchmaking.

MOUSE - secret enemy, foe; loss through close friends; catch - plans will come true; white - marital fidelity.

MONKEYS - enemy, deception; feed - betrayal; For a woman to see a monkey - infidelity or accusations of infidelity.

DONKEY - offensive news.

PANTHER - the worst enemy, deceiver; an influential lady will fulfill your wishes and help; suddenly appeared - an upset wedding, disappointment in love; if he killed, it’s good for lovers.

PIG - anxiety.

PIG - success, wealth; a lot - bad reputation; lying in the dirt - quarrels in the house, jealousy and greed of the opposite sex.

DOG - friend, (for a woman) lover; barks - news of victory; attacks - a friend will protect; fighting - quarrel; large - a great friend or with a high position, patronage; bites - resentment towards a friend; attacks others - passion or our vice.

HERD - wealth; herding, driving a herd of pigs is a danger in business through the personal; be careful in personal relationships; feed - beware of the catch.

TIGER - danger.

PUPPY - a gift; for a girl or woman - a recent acquaintance.


LAWYER - meet - scandal; hire - your own fault; being a lawyer is unexpected news.

ARAB - to joy (like any exotic character in general).

ARREST - an annoying nuisance; dubious love, connection (for a woman).

ARMY - to illness.

ARTIST - surprise (in life or in health); on stage - personal lies.

VAG - attacked on a deserted road - imminent serious tests; to be a tramp yourself means complete well-being, peace in your soul.

WIDOW - being a widow brings new joys; seeing a young woman is unexpected luck; to see an old, ugly woman - unpleasant news from relatives.

GIANT - to meet - fear, doubt; fight back - to success; to kill - elevation in life; to be a giant yourself is a danger of serious stupidity; to become a giant is a danger of madness (see swell, increase).

MILITARY SERVICEMAN - strong grief; officer - violence, forced road; general - patronage.

VOR - admirer (for a woman); in the house - deception; pursue - family quarrels; a lot of disappointments. ENEMY - to see in a dream - to good luck, if familiar; to kill and get dirty with blood - to get rich; unfamiliar - see opponent.

DOCTOR - losses for a woman in personal matters, for a man - in business; dentist - to illness; meeting a doctor in society, in a company is a sign of good luck, favor.

GENERAL - (to be at the reception) - they will be interested in you, to fame.

DEAF - see - forget important; to be yourself is to resolve old worries.

Mister - (very important) - the insult is greater, the more important it is.

GUESTS - quarrel; to go on a visit, to be a visitor - separation, infidelity of the sleeping person (sleeping).

ROBBERS - to suffer from them is an invitation to participate in something.

LADY - dressed up - squabbles and unexpected gossip.

GIRL - a miracle for the better, wealth; dancing - love; kissing is a joyful surprise.

CHILDREN - kissing - calm; hitting children - success.

CHILD - great surprise; chest - well-being; beautiful - joy; naked and dirty, ugly - litigation, unexpected worries.

DAUGHTER - for a father - a reward of fate, recognition, depending on the daughter’s behavior in a dream; for the mother - hope; for a man - unexpected things; for a woman - a personal surprise, she herself is sleeping; see give birth.

FRIEND - absent for a long time - someone will remember past achievements; died - got married; to see sick - bad news; joyful - good news, happy day; does not recognize (do not recognize) - to money, fame.

UNCLE - you will lose a friend.

WIFE - fight with her - reconciliation; swearing - to the illness of one of the spouses; caresses her husband - big income; a wife dreams of a very affectionate husband - very bad things in the family, see husband.

GROOM - worries, interference, delays in business; laughing is deception.

WOMAN - black-haired - gossip; old woman - squabbles; looking at a woman is deception on the part of friends; kissing a stranger means money; naked - grief, illness; old, ugly - quarrel, trouble; a young stranger - for a woman - a nuisance, for a man - a temptation in business; very beautiful - new opportunities; with long beautiful hair - health; stops - a fateful warning; to unsuccessful affairs; under a veil - to death.

DIGGER - they are waiting for your death.

FAMILIAR - meet an old acquaintance - what was lost will return; to be among friends is a state of affairs; new acquaintance is a warning; if they don’t recognize it - to money, fame; see friend

IDIOT - happiness.

INDIAN - adventure.

ENGINEER - diligence; for a woman - the solicitation of her hand.

CONFESSOR - impending imminent misfortune.

MASONRY - to see - suspicions will not be justified; talk to him - guests will come; being a mason is a good outcome.

Dwarf - delay in business, warning; dwarf animals - an unexpected solution to hopeless cases.

CHINA - arrangement of life, resolution of worries.

CLOWN - fear of ridicule; find yourself in a stupid position.

MOWER - see - quick money.

SMITH (FORGE) - order in the house.

LACKEY - failure.

PEOPLE - naked - slander, gossip; bearded - to anger; going against the sleeping person - a slander; in black - bad news; happy - wealth, consolation, cheerful - health; boring - worry about someone else's things; singing and dancing - to a quarrel; laughing - trouble or ill health.

MOTHER - premonition; a country; luck and recognition; sick mother - (for a woman) failures in marriage; (for a man) - failure in business; died - divorce for a woman; dismissal, loss of career (for men).

DEAD - change in weather; talking to him means peace of mind; to know that he is dead is a very strange event or assumption; kissing a dead man - love with a celebrity; pulling off a dress - news of the death of a loved one; comes to life - to unexpected news; disintegrates - good.

POLICEMAN - arrest - unexpected offer; visit - to recovery in the family.

BABY - to great surprise; naked - to trouble; very beautiful - completion in the personal.

MONK - messenger; hermit - empty hopes; nun - (for a woman) - to separation, to betrayal; (for a man) nun - change of place.

SAILOR - for a woman - personal losses; the sailor himself is a personal encroachment on the sleeping person. MAN - pleasure (for a woman); for a man - a new thing; appearance, behavior - (for a woman) - personal relationships.

HUSBAND - fights with his wife - towards reconciliation; swearing - to the illness of one of the spouses; very affectionate - there are problems in the family (for the wife); husband and wife feast - to separation; hugging your wife is joy in business; to connect with a wife - someone else's influence in business; wife hugs her husband - good news or events; wife gives you something to drink - fortunately; traveling together - loss of property.

RAPIST - to see and know (for women) - hope for the arrangement of personal affairs; to be raped is a successful marriage; to money, if there are no unpleasant feelings.

NEGRO - see Arab; envious friend.

BRIDE - waiting; hope in deeds (for men); being a bride means income.

BEGGAR - home joys; giving alms - exaltation; refuse - loss of service.

FATHER - if he talks to you - quick happiness; silent or sick, dead - to trouble; complete changes in life; for a girl to see her father or mother (together) - a happy marriage; seeing both parents is good luck.

HERMIT - lack of recognition; obstacle to glory.

CARRIER - win.

STOKER - bad news.

FOUNDLING - happiness.

FRIEND - (for a woman) - deception.

DEAD - to rain, change of weather; outside the coffin - a guest; a famous loved one is a messenger of fate; news of this person’s wedding or good fortune, if you see him in a coffin; a stranger in a coffin - to benefit; see coffin.

PATRONER - the higher the patron, the greater the benefit.

A TAILOR takes your measurements - they love you.

POSTMAN - receiving letters - a warning not to rush; hands over a letter - divulging a secret.

PRESIDENT - talking to him is a terrible disappointment; being president is an accident.

CRIMINAL - (for a woman) - dubious relationship; being with him means condemnation.

PROSTITUTE - visit - questionable money; for a girl - a slander; pitiful appearance (for a girl) - mutual understanding on a personal level; visiting a brothel is easy money.

OPPONENT - hinders - quick completion of affairs; killing is a benefit.

TRAVELER - loss; separation from home.

WORKER - important news; important visit.

ROBBERS - quarrel with relatives.

PARENTS - to see the dead turning to you - incredible news or deeds, see father and mother; being a parent yourself means returning lost property or affairs; to see together (for a girl) - marriage.

RELATIVES - distance; troubles, failures in business.

HOLY - hope; talking to him means longing, regret about the past; hermit - loneliness, lack of recognition.

PRIEST - prosperity, messenger.

BLIND - to be oneself or to lead is deception; with thorns, points a finger - to death.

SOLDIERS - for a woman - slander, gossip about her; for a man - losses in business.

NEIGHBORS - losses; talking - obstacles; gossip.

ACCOMPLICATOR - taking into action is a loss.

OLD PEOPLE are relatives.

OLD WOMAN - joy.

BUILDER - yourself or hire - to illness, a very bad dream.

THE JUDGE is an obstacle.

SON - died - a joyful event; for a woman - the relationship with his father, husband; if childless and unmarried - feeling, connection; for a man - resumption of relationships, affairs, the sleeping person himself.

Father-in-law, mother-in-law (father-in-law, mother-in-law) - to troubles through anger; bad luck; absurd state of affairs.

AUNT - unfortunately; condemnation of loved ones.

CROWD - news.

CORPSE - separation, if familiar; stranger - luck; a lot of corpses and no bad feelings - unexpected things, success in an unexpected place; own - happy marriage; completion of affairs.

TAMER (animals) - attention of the other sex, happy marriage.

FREAK - to see - luck, inheritance; for young lovers - doubt.

TEACHER - new acquaintance.

MAGIC (MAGICIAN) - if he performs tricks - the possibility of promotion; juggler - to money, the more, the more objects in the air; a pleasant surprise.

ARTIST - see - a warning against illusions, wasted hopes; to be him is strong love.

TSAR, QUEEN (KING, QUEEN) - during ceremonial communication, - good luck; familiarity is a pipe dream.

GYPSY - fortune telling - a stupid feeling; love with a hasty, unhappy marriage.

OFFICIAL - personal matters.

Jester (Buffoon) - a blunder; a harbinger of trouble or illness.

JEWELER - worries.


BUTTERFLY - for a date; flutters in the sun - a sign of joy, true love; bright colors - you are loved; black butterfly - infidelity, jealousy; to kill or tear off wings - betrayal in love, break a feeling, a connection.

Fleas - to see - to receive money; to catch is a nuisance, bad news; bother, bite - trouble.

LICE - to money; to see someone - good luck in business; on yourself (one or two) - for the worse.

CATERPILLAR - envy; kill - you will harm yourself; a bunch of caterpillars - protection.

BEETLE - joy.

BUGS - for money.

MOSQUITOES are a good sign of luck (if you kill them).

MOL - (in the house) - family troubles; jealousy.

MOSKARA - failures.

ANTS - prosperity.

FLY - one - sadness; many - envious friends; care; sitting on clothes - libel, slander.

WASP - see - losses from enemies; to be stung is someone else's envy.

SPIDER - missed - business; Friend; luck; weaves a web - to money; crawling along the wall - success in the hidden, to lead; kill a spider - unrealistic news; see tarantula.

WEB - intrigue, trap; brush away the cobwebs - accusations against the sleeping person.

BEES - winning (if with honey); if bitten - small money; buzzing and chasing - hopes will not come true; sting - speedy resolution of cases, lead; kill - misfortune; swarm - losses for everyone except the peasants.

SCORPIO - see caterpillar.

DRAGONFLY - see butterfly; empty hopes.

COCKROACH - a rich visitor.

TARANTULA (as well as any hairy, scary spider) - to illness; bites - danger of serious illness.

REPETTLES, Amphibians and others (snakes, lizards, frogs)

WORMS - a new acquaintance.

TOAD - an evil person; many toads are a disease.

SNAKE - deceit, betrayal; if it crawls, it means illness; treason; kill a snake - get out of the situation; honorable reconciliation; white snake is a strange help.

Dreams about unusual animals: , .

Animals in a dream

Pregnancy and birth of an animal

  • Why do you dream about animal sex - Dream Interpretation: animal sex - you will meet a person with whom you will have an exclusively sexual relationship.
  • Why do you dream of a pregnant animal - Dream Interpretation: a pregnant animal in a dream - double life of a spouse, lies /// pleasant meetings.
  • Why do you dream about an animal giving birth in a dream - Dream Interpretation: an animal gives birth - Dream Interpretation: giving birth to an animal is a risky business, the adventure will not end well. Now is not the time to take risks.
  • Why do you dream of baby animals - Dream Interpretation: baby animals - a dream associated with children, how the animals behaved in a dream is how it will be in reality.

Mythological animals

Different parts of the animal's body

Killed, dead and killing animals

Actions performed with animals


What animals dream of pregnancy?

Animals in dreams of pregnancy:

Fish (the most famous symbol of future pregnancy);

Kittens, puppies, mice, bear cubs and all young animals;


A snake wrapped around your body (See);

Stork on the roof or near you.

What animals can you dream of for marriage?

Dream about animals for marriage:

Pig with piglets;

Bull and cow;

Erotic dream book

Dream Interpretation: animals in a dream - you have or will soon have a friend with whom you will only have a sexual relationship without unnecessary obligations.

If you dreamed about animals having sex, it foretells a meeting with a person with whom you will only be connected by sex. You will feel comfortable with him. And if he allows you to take the dominant position in sexual relationships, then you will be truly happy with him during intimate meetings.

Spring dream book

Why do you dream of an unknown small animal - surprise in reality, fear of the unknown.

Summer dream book

Interpretation of dreams "animals" - make peace with friends.

Autumn dream book

The dream “unknown animal” prophesies a secret dream that will soon come true.

Dream book of esotericist Tsvetkov

Dream “unusual animals” - if you dreamed of an unusual animal in a dream, one that does not exist on earth in reality, then such a dream means strong anxieties about unusual interference and difficulties that you could not even imagine.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Various animals in your dreams:

  • I dreamed of a bear, a mother bear and cubs - a great mother, an ordinary full-fledged family // a destroying mother, the desire for death. Lokis the Bear Man is the father of the children.
  • I dreamed of a cat (all representatives of the feline family) - the archetype of a witch - the image of a catwoman, elegance, deceit. (Cm. )
  • I dreamed of a bull - blind rage - sexual desire in its negative manifestation.
  • I dreamed of reptiles - intelligence, wisdom, renewal, fear, coldness, deceit, evil, envy. (Cm. )
  • I dreamed of a cow - a symbol of food, a full rich table - femininity, mother, positive Mother archetype.
  • I dreamed of chimeras - two or more animals united into one, a variety of qualities of these animals, different potentials in one. For example, a unicorn (See ), Basilisk, hippogriff, vulture, cancerbearer, dragon, etc.
  • If you dreamed about being half-man, half-animal, it symbolizes the beginning of the humanization of your animal instincts. For example, centaur, ichthyocentaur, mermaid, etc.
  • I dreamed of a strange, ugly animal - the dreamer considers his instincts, impulses and impulses disgusting, strangely ugly.
  • I dreamed of a dog - the similarity of a person with the qualities of a dog. The dreamer's attitude towards dogs in reality greatly influences the interpretation of the dream. This could be a devoted friend, or it could be a person whom you cannot get rid of in reality. Dog - guarding, hunting, swimming, ben, aggressiveness - all this depends on the breed of the dog. The dog belongs to someone. I dreamed of a woman with a dog - the image of the Amazon, the huntress, Anima. I dreamed of a black dog at the gate to the cemetery - an ominous sign - Cerberus, the guard of the underworld, the dog of Hell, which must be euthanized or killed in order to move on.
  • I dreamed of an elephant - a symbol of the earth.
  • I dreamed of a frog - a period of transformation, coming out of the water dry, metamorphosis.
  • I dreamed of a goat - voluptuousness generated by Satan himself, the offspring of Pan, the dark side of human nature. In a dream, riding a goat is a symbol of taming your base feelings.
  • I dreamed of a horse - vital and sexual energy. In a dream, a weakened or dying horse means a weakening of the dynamics that can carry a person forward. In such a dream, it is important to know the reason for the weakening of the horse; this can be a hint for real life: what will stop you in reality, force you to stop or enter a period of stagnation. I dreamed of a winged horse - a poetic image - an unconscious instinct that allows you to live spiritually, see the good in everything and live by inspiration. (Cm. )
  • I dreamed of a lion next to a lamb - a union of instinct and spirit, pride and courage, compatibility of oppositions.
  • I dreamed about lizards - reflections.
  • I dreamed of a monkey - a regression tendency - the childish, infantile side of the dreamer. When a person develops in the womb, there is a period, an evolutionary phase, when the fetus becomes a monkey, and then it develops further. That is why a monkey seen in a dream speaks of your underdevelopment, a stop in your development, and regression. Trickster archetype, Monkey God - Hanuman.
  • Dreaming of a monster or a dragon (a non-existent evil animal) is a symbol of obstacles, a threat from within, a weak, distant fear. Quite a few monsters and dragons in legends turn out to be kind and sweet, but their appearance frightens people and, contrary to their nature, becomes an evil creature in the eyes of people. I dreamed of a flying dragon - the spiritual inner world of the dreamer. A dragon without wings is the earthly world, the outer world. I dreamed of a voracious dragon - the jaw of death, the search for immortality.
  • If you dreamed of overcoming a dragon, defeating it - conquer the fear of death in yourself. Also symbolizes the primary primitive matter in alchemy. By your effort of consciousness you must free yourself from it.
  • I dreamed of a pig, a wild boar - ignorance, gluttony, stupidity and selfishness. The dreamer recognizes these qualities in himself and must fight them. Otherwise, neither domination, nor recognition, nor transformation into a full-fledged cultural personality will occur. I dreamed of jewelry next to a pig - “throwing beads before swine” - inability to appreciate spiritual beauty. I dreamed of a swineherd - the dreamer’s son, heir or simply descendant will be a wasteful, dissolute and degraded person. I dreamed of a sow - the archetype of the Terrible Mother. I dreamed of a wild boar - sexual dominance, elementary destructive phallic power. The male principle - whoever has the phallus is omnipotent, opposition to the destructiveness of the Animus.
  • I dreamed of an unknown prehistoric animal - the past from childhood constantly haunts the dreamer. Primitiveness, darkness, chaos. I dreamed about a dragon turning into a human – Dream Interpretation: transformation into an animal is a positive result of the dreamer’s evolution.
  • I dreamed about a rabbit - fertility. I dreamed of a white rabbit - the gateway to the dreamer's inner world - the Trickster.
  • I dreamed of a rat - sickness and gluttony - the archetype of the Terrible Mother. Just as rats fill a house (a symbol of the human body in a dream), so diseases fill the dreamer’s body. Also, from time immemorial, the rat was considered a carrier of plague and other terrible diseases.
  • I dreamed of a sheep - peacefulness, fear of God, passivity. Wolf versus sheep - evil versus good.
  • Dream Interpretation: the insides of an animal (heart, liver, intestines, etc.) – Dream: the intestines of an animal, heart, liver - the fight against dark, evil forces.
  • I dreamed about parts of an animal (eyes, mouth, nose, ears, etc.) - a symbolic connection with the corresponding human organ.
  • I dreamed of a four-toed animal - the dreamer is a comprehensively developed personality, all four functions of consciousness function.

Freud's Dream Book Animal


  • I dreamed of pets in the house - a strongly developed desire to become a mother, a father.
  • I dreamed of having a pet that I don’t need – I’m not satisfied with my sex life. If a woman had such a dream, a strong desire to become a mother pushes her either to marry an uninteresting partner, or she generally wants to give birth to a child without a husband. If a man had a dream, he is ready to endure a boring sexual partner, if only she would bear him children.
  • I dreamed about pets getting sick – fear for the health of children.
  • I dreamed of killing a pet - a symbol of disappointment in family life.

Wild animals:

  • The dream “wild animals” is a symbol of rough sexual intercourse, sensual desires, strong arousal.
  • According to Freud, killed animals are a suppressed state of your hunting instinct.
  • According to Freud, the attacking animal is worries about the unceremoniousness and selfishness of your sexual partner. However, there is another interpretation of such a dream - the woman has masochistic tendencies and would really like rough, unceremonious sex.
  • Hunting wild animals in a dream means you are promiscuous in sexual relations; be proud of more and more victories in this field.

Dream book of the 21st century

  • Dream Interpretation: dreams of animals that you chase with a twig - joy.
  • Dream Interpretation: hitting animals in a dream is a misfortune.
  • Dream: killing an animal in a dream is a danger.
  • Seeing wild animals and their lair in a dream means loss, bereavement.

Esoteric dream book

  • Seeing the bones of an animal in a dream means a harvest of pears and apples (small stone fruits).
  • I dreamed about the heart of an animal - the dream book says that seeing the heart of an animal in a dream is an attack of melancholy; if you do not overcome it, it will seriously affect your health.
  • In a dream, stroking an animal is a favorable combination of circumstances.

Dream book of psychologist Loff

  • Dreams with animals are the most valuable and true dreams. Dreams about animals reveal the essence of the person seeing these dreams, his personal problems and relationships. Why do you dream about animals? Yes, because it is simply necessary to point out to the dreamer the circumstances and their significance in his life. Animals play a variety of roles in our dreams.
  • If you talk to animals in a dream, it means you need help. Remember the words spoken by the animals - this will be the answer or help. If an animal attacks in a dream, it means that in reality you will need to protect from someone, you just have to remember how you defended yourself in a dream from an angry animal.

If you dreamed about animals in a dream, animals quite often appear in dreams under the influence of personal experience, and therefore, to interpret them, you need to pay attention to how you personally feel about this animal in real life. Pay attention to the behavior of the animal in a dream and how it behaves in reality. Does behavior in dreams correspond to behavior in life? for example, a dog is a symbol of devotion and friendship. However, very often in a dream a dog attacks, bites and even chews to death. This is where your inner fear comes into play, some kind of negative personal experience that is radically opposite to the generally accepted opinion about a dog. Although in life there are two opposing opinions: “Loyal as a dog” and “Angry as a dog.”

  • Dream Interpretation: Pets in the pasture are a symbol of calm, security, prosperity and well-being.
  • Dream Interpretation: killing animals is a rare dream. It is interpreted differently based on why you killed the animal in the dream.
  • If in a dream you kill an animal for food (hunting) - the archetype of the breadwinner, the breadwinner - it is interpreted as hard work to feed the family, the need to survive, an increased sense of responsibility to household members, and also as a sign of self-affirmation.
  • If you kill animals for fun in a dream, it is a projection of anger, dissatisfaction, a social taboo on something. Unmotivated murder can be considered as a negative towards a specific person, symbolized by an animal in a dream, as well as the imposition of a taboo, a criterion for assessing antisocial behavior that the society around you has come up with. It is by murder that you show protest, violation of rules, etc.
  • What does it mean to see starving, exhausted animals in a dream - a very interesting dream from the point of view of interpretation. Among the American Indians, such a dream would have caused panic, since then it was a harbinger of pestilence and great famine. Now starving animals symbolize personal relationships with the world around you, experiences or a negative attitude towards people’s inadequate demands on you.
  • Here are a few examples of radically opposite explanations of the same animal you saw in a dream:

Cat (cat) – calmness, independence, intelligence//alienation, deceit, cunning;

Cow – breadwinner, nobility, gentleness//irresponsibility, timidity;

Dog – devotion, friendship//aggression, destruction;

Horse – hard work, usefulness//stubbornness, independence;

Mouse – calmness, tinyness//indecisiveness, timidity;

Pig – intelligence//gluttony, stupidity;

Hare - weakness, timidity, resourcefulness, caution//danger, fear, anxiety, illness.

  • I dreamed about the skeleton of an animal - a symbol of devastation.
  • I dreamed of running away from an animal in a dream - children often have such dreams. A reflection of deep-seated fear, perhaps fear from childhood. The dream reveals our fears that are not related to animals. Remember what animal you were running away from. For example, running away from your neighbor’s shepherd dog in a dream means that in reality you are not afraid of the dog, but rather afraid of the neighbor.

Dream book online Animal

  • A dream about animals is a symbol of base desires and unbridled passions.
  • Seeing a lot of animals in a dream - Why do you dream about a lot of wild animals - the instinctive animal nature of the dreamer: aggression, greed, deceit, cunning and anger // timidity, anxiety, fear.
  • Seeing many pets in a dream means kindness, devotion, affection, carelessness, obedience, prosperity // stupidity, stupidity, gluttony, uncleanliness, stubbornness.
  • Dream: dead animals - longing for a dead animal.
  • Dead animals in a dream are an accident, be careful while driving.
  • Large animals in a dream mean advancement through the ranks.
  • Feeding animals in a dream means bliss (if a mythical animal), poverty (hare, rabbit), disappointment (if forest animals), etc.
  • Dream: animals die - change your job.
  • Saving animals in a dream means you are careless and careless, this will not lead to good.
  • Why do you dream about the death of animals - Dream: the death of an animal is an accident.
  • Dream: giving birth to an animal - if you had to give birth to animals in a dream - victory over other people's stereotypes, good luck and fortune.
  • An animal bites in a dream - Dream Interpretation: animals bite - exhausting numerous chores.
  • Dream: animal carcasses are an unfavorable sign - serious illness, troubles at work.
  • Seeing dead animals in a dream is a warning dream - an accident will happen to you if you dreamed about dead animals in a dream.
  • Dream: the bones of an animal are gnawed - you have experienced a great drama, but you will be able to recover from it.
  • The blood of an animal in a dream is a successful completion of what was started.
  • Seeing animals in the mud in a dream means unforeseen obstacles.
  • Why do you dream of animal feces - Dream Interpretation: animal feces - profit, big money.
  • Dream: hugging an animal is a disappointment.
  • Dream: a non-existent animal is a mystery, the unknown. It is also interpreted if you saw an incomprehensible animal in a dream.
  • In a dream, butchering an animal carcass - if you restrain your impulses, you will achieve great results.
  • The meaning of the dream of a herd of animals is wealth.

Maly Velesov dream book

Seeing the blood of an animal in a dream is a happy ending to the matter.

Dream: animal excrement – ​​Why do you dream of animal poop – for money.

Ukrainian dream book

Why do you dream about the blood of an animal in a dream - Dream Interpretation: seeing the blood of an animal is a happy outcome.

Why dream of getting dirty with the blood of an animal means shame.

Dream Interpretation of Medium Hasse

Why dream about the entrails and blood of animals - all the work started will be completed.

Seeing your son stained with the blood of an animal in a dream means the son’s illness.

Dream Interpretation of Prince Zhou-Gong

Dream Interpretation: sea animals in a dream (dolphin) - will be appointed to a responsible position.

Dream Interpretation: huge animals in a dream (elephant) – promotion.

Symbolic dream book

Wanderer's Dream Book

  • Dream Interpretation: talking animals in a dream - you have everyday down-to-earth wisdom.
  • Dream: pets - you are in control of all your senses, even the most unbridled and animal ones.
  • Dream: domestic animals - wealth, successful business, material well-being.
  • Dream: animal feces - Why dream about animal shit - big money, enrichment.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Canaanite

  • Dream: petting an animal in a dream means the profit will be dubious and illegal.
  • Dream Interpretation: wild animals in a dream – own house, re-register it in your name, purchase it.
  • Why do you have a dream: animals driven out into the street are a danger.
  • In a dream, many animals grazing are true friends.
  • I dreamed about the blood of an animal in a dream - all things will be completed successfully, they can be done.

Psychological dream book

Dream Interpretation: animals attack each other - a struggle of instincts begins within you.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Interpretation of dreams "sea animals":

  • Dream Interpretation: sea animals - a meeting with a wayward person, incredibly stubborn, but very honest and decent.
  • Dream interpretation: sea animals in the water, hunting them from the shore - competitors will do everything possible to upset your plans.
  • Seeing in a dream how an animal is killed on board a ship - you will not be able to show proper interest in a truly promising proposal.
  • In a dream, buying sea animal meat in a store means you will soon share the joy with a friend.
  • If you dreamed about canned food from a sea animal - a very necessary and valuable thing for you disappeared a long time ago, you will soon find it, but it will be absolutely useless.
  • Seeing sea animals cooking at home in a dream means you will not be able to justify the trust placed in you by your superiors.
  • I dreamed of sea animals beautifully cooked in a restaurant - a very tempting offer: a cruise on a sea vessel.

Interpretation of dreams "wild animals":

Interpretation of dreams "pets":

Miscellaneous dreams:

ABC of dream interpretation

  • Dream Interpretation: interpretation of dreams “animals” are a symbol of the biological and psychological characteristics of a person, similar to animals seen in a dream.
  • Dream: washing the intestines of animals means well-being.
  • Dream: dirty animal intestines are a disease.

Large universal dream book

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

  • Seeing different animals in a dream is a symbol of the dreamer’s primitive and instinctive essence.
  • Dream Interpretation: a furious animal in a dream is a primitive aspect of life.
  • Dream Interpretation: a gentle tame animal in a dream is an instinct controlled by you.
  • Dream interpretation: animals running freely in a dream - you again and again succumb to natural instincts.

Dream Interpretation Master of Dreams

Dream Interpretation: animals talk in their sleep - the dreamer’s wisdom on an everyday, down-to-earth level.

Dream Interpretation: calm pets in a dream – your tamed animal part is under control. Material well-being and successful business progress.

Mythological dream book

  • In a dream there is a strange animal - plasticity, grace, anthropomorphic features.
  • Dream: talking to animals means intelligence, wise advice.
  • Dream: exotic animals, aggressive and terrible - temptation, loss of the human soul, the ability to love, empathize.
  • If you dreamed of exotic animals and riding them, you will find a way out of a difficult, downright critical situation. A miraculous healing for the sick. (Cm. )

Women's eastern dream book

Why do animals dream - for a lover? Appearance and character of the admirer

I dreamed about the heart of an animal in a dream - a fight with an enemy, with a rival, with competitors, from which you will emerge victorious.

Personal dream book

Why do you dream about a zebra animal - you are wasting your time, energy and nerves on solving some unnecessary matters. Your hobby does not bring any benefit or even moral satisfaction, you only lose your health and your well-being worsens. (Cm. ).

Generalized dream book

Islamic dream book Animals (Muslim dream book Animal)

Miller's Dream Book Animals

  • The dream “animal” is a symbol of what is hidden in the dreamer, animal nature.
  • Seeing unusual animals in a dream is a disturbing experience.
  • According to Miller, the dream of “petting an animal” is interpreted as follows: wait for friends.
  • Seeing a white animal in a dream is a pleasant meeting with a friend.
  • The interpretation of the dream “heart of an animal” is a fight with the enemy, you will emerge victorious.
  • I dreamed that “animals were walking along the streets of the city” - true friends.
  • I dreamed of freeing animals - due to a careless attitude towards your business, it will be unsuccessful, a failure.

Dream Interpretation of Felomena


And in conclusion, I would like to once again draw your attention to the fact that the appearance and characteristics of the animal in your dream significantly differ in interpretation. It’s not for nothing that radically different words are used for the same animal. For example, “loyal as a dog” and “angry as a dog”, “wise as a snake” and “warmed a snake on his chest”, “cowardly as a hare” and “fast as a hare” and the like. After all, every animal has a variety of character traits.