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The best muesli. Healthy foods: choosing the right muesli. What are the benefits of muesli for the body?

Many people love muesli. Indeed, what could be tastier and healthier for breakfast than a dish that combines cereals, dried fruits, nuts, bran, wheat germ, honey and spices? But is it possible to use them for weight loss - that is the main question of everyone who dreams of a slim figure. The high calorie content, sugar content and rumors that they are generally harmful to health force many to refuse this product as a dietary product. It's time to find out how justified this is.

Mechanism of weight loss

Recently, there has been debate about whether it is possible to eat muesli while losing weight. The main arguments of opponents were the high calorie content (300 kcal per 100 g) and the too unreliable composition, in which manufacturers include sweeteners that are harmful to the figure. However, nutritionists easily counter this:

  1. For 1 meal you can eat no more than 50 g of muesli in its pure form, plus additives (milk, kefir, yogurt, fruit). On average, it turns out to be 200-250 kcal - for breakfast this is quite acceptable even as part of weight loss.
  2. Breakfast should be high in calories and carbohydrates in order to provide the body with the necessary energy for the whole day (we have already told you what a proper breakfast is, about this).
  3. When buying a product, you can always study its composition and choose the one with the minimum sweetener content.

So, muesli is not a hindrance for losing weight; it even contributes to weight loss to some extent:

  • contain a lot of fiber, which cleanses the intestines of organic debris;
  • have a mild laxative effect;
  • They give you a boost of vigor and energy in the morning, which is so lacking when following a diet, which allows you to burn more calories during the day, especially during training;
  • prevent exhaustion of the body when daily caloric intake is reduced;
  • They make any diet balanced, as they contain the entire set of essential nutrients.

So, correctly selected and properly included in the diet, muesli is useful for weight loss, and it may well become the main dish for breakfast while dieting.

About the name. The word muesli comes from the German "Mus", which translates as "puree".

Benefits and harms

In addition to the fact that muesli promotes weight loss, it is also good for health:

  • saturate the body with vitamins, minerals, amino acids, dietary fiber;
  • energize, relieve chronic fatigue, increase concentration and endurance;
  • do not create a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, eliminate constipation;
  • reduce blood pressure;
  • alleviate the condition of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases, maintaining the norm of hemoglobin and cholesterol in the blood, strengthening the walls of blood vessels;
  • remove waste, radionuclides, toxins, cadmium, lead from the body;
  • have a beneficial effect on the central nervous system, relieving stress and anxiety, improving mood;
  • normalize the functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • improve the condition of hair and skin.

However, be careful when choosing and consuming, as in some cases they can be harmful:

  • contain a lot of sugar;
  • have a high calorie content due to sweeteners, nuts and dried fruits;
  • may cause weight gain;
  • often they include not natural honey, but its synthetic analogue;
  • can provoke intestinal disorders and exacerbation of existing gastrointestinal diseases;
  • For long-distance transportation and greater preservation, exotic fruits and nuts are often treated with sulfur, which harms the stomach and causes severe allergic reactions.

There is a lot of information on the Internet that some manufacturers include GMO products in muesli, which many people have a negative attitude towards. If this scares you, it is easy to protect yourself from this factor by carefully reading the packaging. It indicates the content of similar ingredients, so you can always put it aside and buy a more natural mixture.

Through the pages of history. Muesli is the discovery of Maximilian Bircher-Benner, a doctor from Switzerland. He combined several products into one healthy and dietary dish for the patients of the hospital where he worked.


Allowed for weight loss:

  • cereals;
  • corn and rice balls;
  • wheat sprouts;
  • spices;
  • pieces of apples and pears;
  • sesame, pumpkin, sunflower, flax seeds;
  • vitamin and mineral supplements;

Prohibited or limited when losing weight:

  • chocolate;
  • sugar;
  • dried fruits, candied fruits;
  • nuts;
  • banana pieces;
  • vegetable oils, especially palm oil;
  • preservatives, flavorings, stabilizers, dyes.

We conclude which muesli you can eat while losing weight based on its composition: nutritionists recommend choosing cereal flakes and bran with a minimum of additives.



  • Raw

They are processed only by mechanical means, in particular by infrared radiation. The composition includes seeds, dried fruits, nuts and cereals, compressed into flakes. For weight loss, it is better to buy them, as they retain maximum nutrients without being exposed to high temperatures. Plus they have less sugar.

  • Baked (crunch/granola)

Cereals are mixed with honey, juices, vegetable oils, and then baked at low temperatures. They have a rich and sweet taste, for which they are so loved. But they are not suitable for weight loss, as they are high in calories, contain a lot of sweeteners and are not nearly as healthy as raw ones.

  • Muesli bars

Good for snacking during the working day and training, as you can take them with you. However, they have a significant disadvantage: they contain a lot of sweeteners (molasses, gluten, honey) to maintain the shape of the bar. Therefore, you need to be careful with them during the diet.



Slim muesli with a fat-burning complex from the “Lose Weight in a Week” series. The calorie content of 1 serving is 198 kcal. The composition is very diverse: oat and rye flakes, sugar, a lot of fruits and berries, starch, flaxseeds, beets, dextrose, oats, citric acid, L-carnitine, celery, spices, corn silk, vitamin complex. One big plus is that the product is designed specifically for weight loss and allows you to achieve good results when following a diet. Cons: does not have excellent taste, too many ingredients that are not typical for this dish.

You can read about Leovit’s products and its functional (so-called “smart”) nutrition programs in.

They promise Finnish quality and 100% natural composition. The basis is oatmeal, to which various ingredients are added: banana + chocolate, blackberries + raspberries, nuts + apples, fruits, white + dark chocolate, etc. There are several undeniable advantages: variety of assortment, only 140 kcal per 100 g of product (+/- depends on the ingredients), excellent taste. However, there is a fly in the ointment here: the composition contains flavorings, sweeteners and vegetable oil.

Muesli baked with apple. One definite plus is that they are incredibly tasty. However, there are many more disadvantages. Judging by the name, we can conclude that they are not suitable for weight loss, since they were subjected to heat treatment. When studying the composition, this decision is only confirmed: molasses and flavorings are present. In addition, the calorie content is as much as 450 kcal, which does not fit in with dietary nutrition.


Brief description of the diet. Type: balanced, carbohydrate, low-calorie. Duration: 2 weeks. Results: 5-7 kg. Difficulty: medium.

There is a separate diet with muesli for quick weight loss, which allows you to get yourself in order in just 2 weeks.

Basic principles:

  • for breakfast and dinner, eat 100 g of muesli with the addition of berries or fruits;
  • lunch - low-fat light soup (you can take recipes), vegetable salad, something protein (chicken breast, fish);
  • plenty of drinking regime (up to 2 liters of water per day);
  • eating by the hour;
  • daily calorie content - 1,200 kcal;
  • dinner - 4 hours before bedtime;
  • everything fatty, sweet, fried and unhealthy is prohibited;
  • Lunch and afternoon tea are excluded if possible, since breakfast and dinner are already high in calories.

This diet requires mandatory exercise, since muesli is a carbohydrate product that supplies energy and allows you to train to the fullest.

Losing weight with muesli is not only represented by this classic scheme. For example, Tracy Anderson, an American fitness instructor, has developed an original diet in which you must eat a cup of this product for breakfast. By the way, she is Madonna's personal trainer. Many Hollywood stars have practiced her method: Gwyneth Paltrow, Shakira, Courteney Cox.

Muesli, due to its high calorie content, is recommended for breakfast. They provide energy for the whole day and contain carbohydrates, which are best consumed in the morning as part of any diet. You can also cook them for dinner, but always with kefir and the portion should be small.

When losing weight, you can eat muesli both in the morning and in the evening for 2 weeks. After which you should avoid this product for at least a week to give your stomach and body a rest. If you need weight stabilization, have these breakfasts every 1-2 days, alternating them with regular cereal or boiled eggs.

Many sources indicate that there are no contraindications, but cereals are forbidden to eat for celiac disease, allergies, bran for gastritis and ulcers, dried fruits for diabetes. For gastrointestinal diseases, it is recommended to pour muesli with milk and boil for 3 minutes. Given these facts, it is advisable to consult a doctor or nutritionist before losing weight.

When losing weight, muesli is eaten with:

  • 1% (considered the most ideal supplement, since it normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract);
  • natural yoghurt without additives;
  • 1.5% milk;
  • boiled or mineral still water;
  • homemade natural fruit juice (citrus fruits are ideal for weight loss);
  • pieces of unsweetened fruit (apples, pears, citrus fruits, kiwi);
  • berries (preferably sour, unsweetened).

Don’t be afraid to purchase a mixture of cereals with a minimum amount of additives: you can make up for their lack yourself, and you will be confident that they are harmless to both health and weight.


Typically, manufacturers indicate on the packaging how to prepare muesli, and even print a proprietary recipe as a bonus. However, most often they do not take into account the need to use them as a dietary product and suggest boiling it additionally or sweetening it. You don’t need to do either one or the other when losing weight. It’s better to use a selection of healthy and low-calorie recipes.

With kefir

Pour 50 g of grain mixture into a plate, mix with cherries or pitted cherries (7-8 berries). Pour 200 ml of 1% kefir. Leave for 10 minutes.

With yogurt

Mix 50 g of the grain mixture with strawberries, cut into halves (4-5 berries). Pour 200 ml of yogurt without dyes or additives. Leave for 10 minutes.

With milk

Pour 50 g of grain mixture into a plate, mix with ½ hard pear, diced. Pour 200 ml of warm low-fat milk. Leave for 10 minutes.

Overnight recipe

Pour 50 g of grain mixture into 200 ml of milk or kefir, leave in the refrigerator overnight, and lightly heat in the microwave in the morning.


Recipe 1. Mix 20 g of oatmeal, rye bran and dried apples. Pour hot low-fat milk (200 ml), leave for 10 minutes.

Recipe 2. Mix 100 g of oatmeal, 50 g of chopped nuts and dried apricots, 10 g of honey, 5 g of cinnamon powder, 10 ml of natural sesame oil. Pour 50 g of the mixture into a glass of still mineral water and leave overnight at room temperature. In the morning you can heat it on the stove or in the microwave until warm.

If you love muesli and are planning to lose weight, you don’t have to part with it. Just finally start choosing this product wisely so that it contains as few components as harmful to your figure and health as possible. A great breakfast that gives you energy for the whole day, coupled with diet and exercise, will help you lose weight and improve your well-being.

Fashion trends are observed not only in the creations of clothing designers or artists. The way of life of society also changes following new trends and trends. Now in fashion, which is very pleasing, is a healthy lifestyle and, as a result, proper nutrition. Most of us associate the latter with natural products, dietary meat, fish, vegetables, fruits, all kinds of freshly squeezed juices and smoothies, salads and, of course, muesli.

What are the benefits of muesli, and why have they become so popular among those who watch their figure and nutrition? What is the composition of the right muesli, and can you prepare it yourself? Should you eat muesli while on a diet? Why choose sugar-free muesli? In this article we will try to give answers to these and many other questions.

A little history

Despite the fact that muesli (also called “crunch” or “granola”) gained worldwide popularity relatively recently, this product was supposedly invented many centuries ago, and entered into the practice of nutrition thanks to Maximilian Bircher-Benner. Swiss doctor. During his hike in the mountains, he met a 70-year-old shepherd who shared his breakfast with Dr. Bircher - a mixture of ground wheat grains and berries, seasoned with milk and honey. The old man claimed that this recipe had been passed down in his family from grandfathers to grandchildren for many years and helped maintain youth and strength of the body. Upon returning to the clinic, the nutritionist included a slightly modified recipe in the diet of his patients and was clearly convinced of the excellent result. This was in 1900, that is, more than a hundred years ago. However, Dr. Bircher-Benner did not patent his product, and muesli gained fame only in the middle of the 20th century thanks to the American entrepreneur John Kellogg, who launched an entire concern for the production of dry muesli - crunch.

Another equally popular type of baked muesli, especially among Americans, is granola. This product consists of a mixture of oatmeal, nuts, honey, and often rice, baked until crispy. The name was patented in the USA back in the 19th century. Since then, the product's recipe has changed somewhat, but the Americans' love for it has not changed.

Muesli appeared in Russia relatively recently: in the early 90s of the last century. Of course, before, women who took care of their figure and health prepared porridge from cereal flakes with fruit and milk, but muesli in its classic form was unfamiliar to them. However, the product immediately fell in love not only with fans of a healthy lifestyle, but also with ordinary people, and to this day remains one of the most popular breakfast options, especially since muesli manufacturers offer a huge number of types and varieties of this ready-made dish. According to surveys, among people who regularly consume muesli, the majority are families with children and successful women who pay attention to their figure. In Moscow, among fans of dry breakfast cereals, 41.7% give preference to crunches; in the rest of Russia, this figure is slightly lower - 21.9% of people select muesli among other “quick” breakfasts.


If you are a follower of a healthy eating system or just a lover of natural products, then you have probably wondered: how to properly prepare muesli and is it possible to make delicious muesli yourself?

The classic (same Alpine) muesli recipe is quite simple: you will need oatmeal, pumpkin, sunflower and sesame seeds, chopped dried fruits, almonds, and a little ground cinnamon. Mix all ingredients, add natural yogurt, honey and any fresh fruits or berries. We get a healthy and very tasty dish.

Naturally, there have been a lot of variations over the entire century of the recipe’s existence. This includes muesli with various types of cereals, and with the addition of different types of nuts or seeds, and muesli with chocolate...

What is the calorie content of muesli and can it be considered a dietary product? The energy value of the product depends on its composition, but on average it is 350-450 kcal per 100 grams of dry product. "How so?" - the ladies who dreamed of using muesli to lose weight or maintain an ideal figure will gasp - “what kind of dietary muesli is after that, and how can you avoid gaining weight by eating them?” But per serving (30-50 grams) it’s not that much – about 200 kcal. In addition, you can reduce this not so large figure by choosing muesli without sugar or using a sweetener (sweetener). Moreover, as a result, you will get “healthy” calories, because muesli contains a lot of necessary substances.

Thus, whole grains are a source of iron, calcium, and B vitamins, which are necessary for glowing skin and healthy nails.

Dried fruits contain a supply of sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamin A, which are required to maintain the activity of the body and the beauty of hair. It is worth noting that some manufacturers use much healthier freeze-dried fruits and berries instead of candied fruits and dried fruits. Due to the use of low-temperature vacuum drying technology, specially developed for preparing food for astronauts, such products retain 100% of vitamins and minerals.

Nuts contain polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are so necessary for maintaining healthy liver, joints and immunity.

In addition, muesli is an excellent source of fiber, which helps lower blood cholesterol and normalizes the digestive system.

Currently, muesli is divided into two main types: raw and baked (“crunch” or “granola”).

Raw (without heat treatment) muesli contains: rolled grains, crushed nuts, dried fruits or candied fruits, seeds of various types, coconut flakes. Raw muesli, although healthy, is not suitable for everyone, especially people with weakened digestion and liver disease. The fact is that unheated cereal grains contain large amounts of phytic acid, tannins and saponins. The latter are dangerous because they bind phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc and prevent their absorption. And although raw muesli theoretically contains many useful minerals, they are simply not absorbed by the body. In addition, due to phytic acid, the digestive enzymes pepsin, amylase and trypsin, which are so necessary for the breakdown of starches and proteins, do not function normally! So a raw food diet is only suitable for people with very strong stomachs!

Baked muesli has the same composition as raw muesli, only the ingredients are baked in ovens, sometimes with the addition of honey or syrup. Such muesli often tastes better than raw muesli, and is therefore more loved by customers. However, with baked muesli you need to be careful - read the ingredients on the label and do not buy those that contain palm oil, salt, artificial flavors, dyes, preservative E220 (sulfur dioxide) or other harmful food additives, large amounts of sugar or syrup. There will be little benefit from such muesli.

Is muesli healthy?

We have figured out what muesli usually consists of, now it’s worth deciding what its various components give the body and how muesli is useful.

The main benefit comes from the main ingredient - cereals perform a number of functions: firstly, they provide the body with complex carbohydrates, which break down much longer than simple ones, that is, they prolong the feeling of fullness. Secondly, grains are good for the digestive tract. The dietary fiber (fiber) they contain improves metabolism and normalizes intestinal function.

Nuts added to many types of muesli contain vegetable protein and amino acids necessary for the body. Fruits, in addition to their wonderful taste, are rich in vitamins and are required to maintain immunity. And apples, among other things, are also rich in pectin, which can remove harmful substances from the body.

Only muesli that contains a significant amount of simple carbohydrates can cause certain harm: sugar, for example, is a completely unnecessary product and can only be used in so-called “dessert” types of crunches. Cheap palm oil, used by many manufacturers for frying, will also not be beneficial. You should avoid products that contain preservatives and dyes; they are unacceptable for those who are watching their figure and health.

So, eating muesli is healthy and necessary, but only if it is made using natural ingredients and does not contain harmful additives.

Dietary properties

As already mentioned, the basis of baked muesli is grains, which are a source of healthy dietary fiber. The dietary properties of this product are manifested in a prolonged feeling of satiety, lowering cholesterol levels, and improving the metabolic process in the body. The fiber in grains is digested fairly slowly, so you won't feel hungry any longer than usual. Also, the fiber contained in grains “attracts” some of the fats to itself, removing them from the body, which has a positive effect on health and helps maintain a good figure.

Due to slow digestion, complex carbohydrates from muesli enter the blood gradually, and the energy released is entirely spent on ensuring the vital functions of the human body, without remaining in the body in the form of fat. For the same reasons, you should not eat muesli at night, when energy consumption is minimal; it is better to eat crunches in the first half of the day. In this case, the calories that we receive with breakfast or lunch are not kept in reserve, but are spent on the current needs of the body.

However, remember that to successfully fight excess weight, you should avoid muesli with additional high-calorie additives, such as milk chocolate or frosting.

As already mentioned, the best time to eat muesli is the first half of the day. At this time, the body is in dire need of healthy, carbohydrate-rich foods that provide an energy boost.

What is the best way to prepare muesli and what do you eat it with? Since crunches themselves are a finished product, there is no need to cook them like porridge. The easiest way is to pour milk over them and, if necessary, let them brew for a few minutes. This combination will make the first meal complete and provide the body with the necessary protein and carbohydrates. If you prefer a hot breakfast, just warm the milk. On a diet, you can eat muesli with milk, but you must choose low-fat dairy products.

Muesli with juice is good for those who need vitamins and exercise a lot. This method of preparation is not particularly suitable for those who are restricting calories and carbohydrates, but it will be very good before a morning workout. Try to choose high-quality natural juices, without sugar or preservatives.

Adding natural yogurt and kefir to muesli is a great way to give the body protein and beneficial lactic acid bacteria. Those watching their figure should avoid yoghurts with sweet additives and sugar; as a rule, they are useless and even harmful. If you want something sweeter, choose muesli with fruit or add fresh berries to the mixture with yogurt or kefir.

Diluting muesli with water is one of the classic preparation methods; it is suitable for reducing the calorie content of breakfast or if you are lactose intolerant. This method of consumption is also suitable for believers during church fasts.

Baked muesli is also popular in dry form: many people enjoy eating it as a snack with tea, milk or coffee as a healthy and tasty cookie.

Where to buy and how to choose quality muesli

Arriving at any grocery store, we are faced with a huge selection of crunches and various “healthy” breakfasts, according to the manufacturer. How to buy muesli that will benefit your health? Of course, you need to pay attention to the composition and make sure that you choose natural muesli.

Firstly, if it contains sugar, muesli is no longer suitable as a dietary product and, in general, is more likely to be considered a dessert dish than a healthy food. Honey is a healthier sweetener, but it is also not recommended for those watching their weight, so it is better to pay attention to crunches without this ingredient.

The second important point in the composition is the oil in which the frying takes place. When preparing high-quality muesli, sunflower seeds are usually used.

The phrase “vegetable oil” in the composition may mean palm oil, the safety of which has not been confirmed and is highly controversial. It’s better to choose muesli without the latter.

Preservatives in muesli, as in any other food, are unhealthy for the body, so it is better to avoid products containing them. Likewise, dyes - like any chemical additives, they can be harmful and should be excluded from the diet.

The best muesli can contain only natural ingredients: oat and wheat flakes, bran, nuts, fruits, sunflower oil, malt, cocoa, etc.

It is worth noting that a pack of muesli should be made of dense, opaque material, since exposure to sunlight causes the product to go rancid and leads to the destruction of vitamins. Preference should be given to muesli in a package with a zipper, which will allow you to close the muesli after each use and keep it dry.

You can purchase the finished product in the grocery and diet food departments of the supermarket. Naturally, as mentioned above, you should carefully read the ingredients before placing a package of muesli in your cart.

It is not always possible to prepare a full breakfast in the morning. Then instant meals, such as muesli, come to the rescue. The harm and beneficial qualities of this product should be studied before consuming it. You need to know which muesli it is advisable to choose in order to maintain the health of the body.

What is muesli

Traditionally, muesli is a mixture of whole grains with the addition of. The most commonly used ingredients are wheat, oats, and barley, and sometimes rice balls or corn flakes are added. Fruits and berries can be very diverse: from the usual apples to exotic bananas and. Some manufacturers add sunflower, flax, sesame and other seeds.

The most common is raw muesli, with minimal processing of the constituent components. But there are also baked ones. Usually they have a more pleasant taste, while the calorie content of breakfast increases. You can also find granola bars that are suitable for quick and healthy snacks.

It is very simple to prepare such a dish. You just need to fill the grains with water, milk, yogurt or juice, depending on your preference. Proportions are also determined by taste. The liquid can be hot or cold.

What is the benefit

The product is popular not only because it can be prepared quickly. The benefits of muesli are very great. They help provide the body with a whole range of vitamins and minerals, as well as other components. Cereals in this form are well absorbed, charging you with energy for the whole day. Their constant presence in the diet helps to normalize the functioning of the digestive system.

But the useful qualities of this product do not end there.

  • First of all, you should pay attention to the vitamins and other elements that are present in such a breakfast. B vitamins are needed for the normal functioning of the nervous system; it’s not for nothing that they are called the vitamins of calm. Vitamin E helps maintain youth, because it is a natural antioxidant necessary for beautiful hair and skin. Vitamin A is good for vision, the endocrine system, and strengthening the body's protective properties. Other microelements are also important for health.
  • Muesli perfectly combines so-called fast and slow carbohydrates. The first ones, they are simple, are quickly absorbed by the body. If you consume them in the first half of the day, they will not settle on the sides and waist as fat. They will provide the energy that is so necessary for work and other activities. And complex – “slow” – carbohydrates will help you feel full for a long time, so you can avoid unnecessary snacks.
  • The product has a high fiber content. It is not digested by the body, but it helps remove toxins, cholesterol, heavy metal salts and other toxic elements. It has a very good effect on the intestines; those who have problems with constipation should pay special attention to it.

Possible harm

Quite a lot is known about the benefits and harms of muesli. The product helps maintain normal internal organs, maintain youth, and makes it easier to achieve a spectacular appearance. But don't forget about its disadvantages.

When choosing muesli, you should pay attention to dried fruits. If they are beautiful and shiny, then most likely they have been treated with harmful preservatives. It is better to avoid such a product.

The main disadvantage of muesli is that it is difficult to find a truly good quality product. There is usually a varied assortment on store shelves. But if you carefully study the composition on the packaging, it turns out that the muesli contains unhealthy additives: palm or vegetable oil, flavor stabilizers, preservatives. It is these additives that can harm the body, especially if they are abused.

It is also worth paying attention to the following nuances.

  • If the muesli has been fried or contains, then it can aggravate existing liver and stomach diseases.
  • The sugar and other sweeteners contained in the product are not recommended for people with obesity and heart disease.
  • Exotic fruits that may be included often cause allergies, especially in children.
  • Salted muesli is not suitable for hypertensive patients. But even in a healthy person they can disrupt the water-salt balance.

The greatest harm is caused not by the grains in the product, but by low-quality additives. Therefore, you should approach your choice responsibly. Before purchasing, you need to carefully study the composition: the healthiest muesli is not fried, it contains only the grains themselves and a small assortment of dried fruits.

Muesli and weight loss

Many people who want to lose weight review their diet and include muesli in it. At the same time, they forget about the calorie content of this product. Meanwhile, 100 g contains about 400 calories. And if the composition contains sugar or honey, then the calorie content increases.

So this option for breakfast is not suitable for a strict diet. But if we are not talking about quickly losing kilos, then you should think about including the dish in your menu. After all, it will give you a feeling of satiety, which means there will be no temptation to snack on something sweet. You should choose muesli for weight loss, the benefits and harms of which directly depend on the composition, without unnecessary additives and with a minimum of dried fruits. It is recommended to fill them with low-fat yogurt or water. You can eat muesli bars between meals to curb hunger. The main thing is not to get carried away.

How to make muesli

Since the main problem is finding quality muesli, you can make your own. To do this, you need to purchase several types of grains or a special mixture. Cereals should be ground. It is better to do this in small portions to retain the greatest amount of nutrients. You can also use store-bought ground grains. In the evening, pour 2 large spoons of grains with a cup of water and add the juice of half a lemon. It will act as a preservative and protect against bacteria. In the morning, drain the water, add your favorite dried fruits and milk or juice.

To diversify the menu, muesli can be baked. 150 g of cereals should be crushed and mixed with the same amount of dried fruits: raisins, dried apricots and others. It is also possible to add sunflower, flax, and sesame seeds. Then add a large spoonful of honey to the mixture to taste, then stir well. Place parchment paper on a baking sheet and carefully spread the mixture onto it. Place in the oven for about half an hour, remove when the muesli turns a caramel color.

You can also make muesli bars at home. You can then take them with you to work for a healthy snack. To make them, you need to mix 200 g of grains with the same amount of dried fruits, add 4 large spoons of juice, a little honey and vegetable oil. Wrap the mixture in parchment and place in the oven for about half an hour. Then let cool and cut into individual pieces.

Muesli is a healthy and satisfying breakfast, you just need to find a quality product. It is important not to abuse them, but to take care of a balanced diet. It is worth knowing what the benefits or harms are in order to create the right diet.

Muesli is considered one of the most popular breakfasts in the world. They have long won the love of adults and children. But are they really that useful? To understand this dish, you need to delve into its history, appearance, invention, modern recipes, additives, as well as the presence of nutrients and calorie content.

Let's find out if muesli is healthy? What are they and how to eat them correctly? You will find answers to these questions in the article.

What is muesli?

Muesli - what is it? Are they useful? To prepare this dish, the grains are flattened or ground so that they are as fine as possible and easily soaked even in cold milk or juice. In ready-made packages you can often find pieces of dried strawberries, bananas, cranberries or even oranges, but in classic recipes only dried fruits, such as raisins, dried apricots or dates, are added to cereals, and fresh fruits and berries are added before consumption. This is the only way to extract the maximum nutrients from this dish, since dried berries, and especially oranges, can rarely provide much benefit. Also in classic recipes, nuts and various seeds are sometimes added. But the latest supplements are not suitable for everyone due to their high calorie content and the presence of an allergen.

Depending on the composition, the presence of various additives, as well as the processing method, they come in several types. Raw ones do not require heat treatment; they contain flattened and ground grains and additives that do not require cooking. Such a product only needs to be poured with milk or something else, cold or warm. This is enough for the dish to be ready to eat. Baked muesli requires heat treatment. They should be poured with milk and then baked; only then are they edible.

A little history

Muesli - what is it and when did they begin to be eaten? The invention of breakfast in 1900 belongs to Maximilian Bircher-Benner. They were originally intended for sick people in hospitals, hence the name, which translates from German as “puree.” Since the 1960s they began to spread throughout the world. Thanks to its taste, benefits, large amount of nutrients, and speed of preparation, this dish quickly gained worldwide fame. Since that time, many manufacturing companies have appeared and began active competition in the market.

Although there is a lot of competition, most companies specialize in different types of muesli. Some are exclusively for diabetics, others are simple (cereals and a couple of dried fruits), others are richer, but also less healthy, with various exotic fruits, coconut flakes, chocolate and other fillers that are far from conducive to proper nutrition. It was with the emergence of such diversity that their usefulness began to be questioned.

Muesli: calorie content and composition

The composition of muesli is quite simple. Usually these are some kind of cereals, crushed and flattened: barley, buckwheat, wheat, rice, oats, rye, millet, and so on. All kinds of dried fruits are added to them, such as dried apricots, figs, raisins, dates or prunes. And also nuts or seeds. All this is mixed and packaged in bags.

You can add fresh fruits and berries to the prepared muesli: strawberries, cranberries, blueberries, and much more that can be found in the refrigerator. In addition, it is useful to add any nuts and seeds, but in reasonable quantities. Measure plays an important role here. Since this dish is usually consumed for breakfast, you need to maintain a balance in the amount of certain products. Nuts are quite heavy on the stomach, like seeds, so they need to be added in small quantities.

Is a product like muesli dietary? The average calorie content is estimated at 352-450 kcal per 100 grams, provided that the composition includes only cereals and dried fruits. But most often chocolate, honey, and sugar are also added to branded packaging, which significantly increases the already large figure. Muesli, the composition of which we examined, is a rather heavy product. But this is far from accurate data. On the packages of the finished product you can see the calorie content, usually it is standard, but if you make muesli at home, this figure can be significantly adjusted by adding lighter and less calorie berries, cereals, and nuts. This is precisely why people who want to lose weight pay attention to them. The dish allows you to get the maximum of nutrients in the morning, while its nutritional value and calorie content can be controlled.


What are the benefits of muesli? Many nutritionists and chefs recommend them for breakfast, and during the working day they are a good way to have a snack and wait until dinner.

Complex carbohydrates protect the intestines and prevent the development of tumors in it.

A wide vitamin and mineral composition significantly improves the immune system, has a positive effect on nerve cells, the general well-being of a person, and also improves mood and body tone. The composition usually contains vitamins A, B, C, E, PP, etc.

Other benefits of muesli? It has been proven that with regular consumption of this dish, after some time the appearance of hair improves, nails become stronger and less likely to peel, the skin acquires a healthy color, acne and age spots appear less frequently, and wrinkles are smoothed out.


Can muesli be harmful? We have already figured out what this product is and how useful it is. Now let's talk about its negative side. Muesli does not cause harm on its own. But all kinds of additives, dyes, seasonings cause the undesirable effects of such a breakfast on the human body. Therefore, to avoid most contraindications, it is better to carefully read the ingredients or make them yourself. Overweight people, children, as well as diabetics and allergy sufferers should be more careful when choosing this product. People with any diseases of the heart, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, and so on should also carefully read the instructions. The presence of harmful products in the composition can lead to bad consequences.

Therefore, for people with any diseases, as well as excess weight and diabetes, it is advised to make muesli yourself at home in order to avoid a large number of dyes, additives, and berries and fruits that are harmful in one case or another. Freshly prepared muesli will be much healthier, if only because only high-quality and fresh products were used for it. The fried product is quite heavy on the stomach and can harm the elderly and people with gastrointestinal diseases, so they need to be chosen with greater caution.

People with diabetes should avoid muesli with dried fruits, sugar, chocolate and some types of berries and fruits. At the same time, you should not completely abandon the dish; you can make it yourself, adding only healthy berries and sucrose, and sometimes honey, if the sugar level is not high.

Muesli: preparation

There are two types of muesli: instant and long-term. The first ones just need to be filled with milk, even if it is cold. The second ones need to be baked, again first filled with milk. Oddly enough, it is the latter that are considered less healthy, since they are often fried before packaging. This makes the product heavier and higher in calories. But in reasonable measures it is unlikely to harm the body.

To make homemade muesli, just buy oatmeal (or any other you like). You also need a couple of types of dried fruits. Here you can build on the body’s preferences and the desired effect. For example, figs and dried apricots perfectly support the heart, raisins and dried apricots are good for brain and liver function, dates perfectly support the nervous system. As for nuts, they also have their own characteristics. Hazelnuts, for example, are good for the brain, pistachios are good for gastrointestinal diseases, almonds are recommended for heart patients, and walnuts contribute to overall human health. In general, by paying attention to such things, you can create your own unique and very fresh berries, which will further enrich the dish.

For weight loss

Is it possible to eat muesli to lose weight? We already know what muesli is and what its composition is. From what has been said, certain conclusions can be drawn. Given the high calorie content, muesli is rarely recommended for those who want to lose weight. However, if you follow a few simple rules, they will not only help you lose weight, but will also help you maintain your body in good shape throughout the diet.

  1. You should make them yourself, at home, so you can monitor and control the calorie content and, if necessary, add or remove certain products from the composition.
  2. It is better to keep the composition minimal: one or two cereals and a couple of additives from fresh berries, fruits or dried fruits.
  3. You should add nuts and seeds to them a couple of times a week to replenish your supply of vitamins B and E, as well as potassium, phosphorus and magnesium.
  4. You only need to eat them for breakfast. This way you will allow the body to receive the maximum of nutrients in the morning and replenish its supply of vital energy. And the calories that were eaten in the morning will have time to be spent throughout the day.
  5. To get the maximum benefit, you need to fill them with low-fat dairy products, juice or compote, monitoring their composition and calorie content, and never add sugar and chocolate. They can be replaced with a small amount of honey.

With what and how to eat?

What do you eat muesli with? The dish is most often consumed for breakfast. But they need to be filled with any kind of drink: milk, compote, juice, kefir, yogurt, water. Which of all this will be most useful? To answer this question, you must first decide on the goal that you want to achieve with their help. For example, if a person wants to lose weight, it is better for him to fill this dish with low-fat dairy products or water.

What do children eat muesli with? For babies who prefer taste over benefits, you can use yogurt or juice. But it is important that the juice is homemade or at least of high quality. Compote is good for variety. The calorie content of compotes can be controlled, so they will not harm, of course, if they do not contain sugar.

Muesli has a number of positive and extremely negative qualities. Their benefits have long been proven, but if consumed disproportionately or incorrectly, such a breakfast is more likely to harm than improve your health. Therefore, it is important to approach the choice correctly, or better yet, make them yourself and monitor their composition and calorie content. It is possible and beneficial to use this product no more than 3 times a week.