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Analysis of prostate secretion: decoding, norm and deviations. Procedure for collecting prostate secretion analysis - features and recommendations Prostate secretion epithelium was not detected

Prostate secretion testing is a test in which the resulting fluid is evaluated under a microscope. Using this examination technique, the degree of inflammation of the prostate gland and its functionality are determined.

Microscopy allows you to study the prostate secretion in more detail

Why do you need microscopy?

The majority of the male population does not know why prostate juice testing is needed. Experts recommend taking this test not just once, but several times, since prostatitis detected in time will protect a man from the inflammatory process, which can greatly affect a man’s lifestyle. Typically, the influence of prostatitis negatively affects the psychological state.

Note that a patient who has submitted prostate juice for microscopy, and having received good results, should not relax. The functionality of the prostate can change at any time, so monitoring its condition is extremely important for men's health.

Microscopic examination, which is used in the laboratory, is carried out using special methods of staining the smear. This method helps to identify prostatitis, evaluate its current form, and determine the triggering factor. Sensitivity to aggressive drugs is also determined.

Research process and material collection

Prostate juice is placed under a device to count blood cells, the presence of harmful microorganisms, infections, lecithin grains. During the assessment of prostate juice, the laboratory technician determines its light tone, composition, thickness, and transparency. Using this analysis, you can detect the stage of the inflammatory process or determine the presence of trichomoniasis and other infections.

To obtain secretions for analysis, a prostate massage is performed.

There is no need to do any special preparatory manipulations; you just need to refrain from intimacy several days before examining the prostate secretion. It is recommended not to drink alcohol, visit the bathhouse, and not subject the body to heavy stress.

To obtain prostate secretions, the urologist performs prostate massage. Before this, the patient needs to lie on his side with his knees tucked under his stomach. The doctor manipulates with his finger, smoothly moving it from the edges to the center of the prostate. The juice needed for evaluation comes out through the penis. The doctor immediately collects it in a sterile container and sends it for microscopic examination.

If it was not possible to obtain the secretion, the patient should go to relieve himself. The resulting portion of urine will contain some prostate juice.

Indications and contraindications for the study

  • Difficulty urinating (pain, inability to urinate).
  • Painful spasms (genital area).
  • Fertility.
  • Inability to impregnate a partner.
  • Diagnosis of prostatitis (advanced stage).

Prohibitions include all ailments in the male body that are accompanied by elevated body temperature (more than 38 degrees). For hemorrhoids and fissures, it is also not recommended to conduct a microscopic examination of the secretion. If a man has tuberculosis (the penile area), the analysis will be refused, since the resulting analysis will not provide reliable information.

Interpretation of results

The following marks are considered normal indicators of prostate secretion:

  • whitish color;
  • volume, quantity – up to 2 ml;
  • a smell reminiscent of chestnut (different for every man);
  • density no more than 1022;

If there are deviations from the norm during the study, a definite diagnosis is made

  • hydrogen index – from 6.5 to 7.1;
  • no more than ten leukocytes;
  • red blood cells singly;
  • macrophages, amyloid bodies, trichomonas, large cells, fungi should be absent;
  • epithelial cells no more than 3;
  • lecithin grains - up to 10 million per 1 ml.

Deviations from the standard

Correct interpretation of the results of prostate juice is the key to adequate treatment.

  • Hue, density, smell. If the prostate juice is white, yellow, transparent, then this indicates possible inflammation. Pink means blood.
    If the density of the secretion changes in any direction, this also indicates an inflammatory process. The same can be said about the smell. In the case of an unpleasant aroma, the presence of harmful microflora is possible, and this analysis is determined in a different direction.

For effective treatment it is necessary to read the tests correctly

  • pH (hydrogen value). The reaction to alkali indicates a chronic stage that is in the “window” (remission). If the disease is acute, the pH changes to an acidic environment. This norm may indicate acute or chronic prostatitis.
  • All missing indicators. With elevated white blood cells, inflammation is observed not only in the prostate area, but also in the urethra. In this case, an additional blood test is prescribed. If red blood cells and epithelial cells appear in the prostate juice, then inflammation is taking place.
    Blood cells indicate the presence of neoplasms. Macrophages indicate a stagnant process in the prostate gland, the same point applies to large cells.
  • Fungus. Sometimes in men, research reveals harmful bacteria and various types of fungi. They can signal E. coli or sexually transmitted diseases.
  • Lecithin grains. If, in the case of analysis, the study showed a large number of leukocytes and a simultaneous decrease in grains, the state of the gland secretion makes it clear that there are formations, prostatitis, or a third-party chronic disease of the genitourinary system.

The male gland, the prostate, produces a secretion that is a component of sperm. Study of prostate secretion allows the doctor to give the patient the correct diagnosis.

Composition and functions of prostate secretion

The liquid consistency of prostate secretion is explained by the presence of water, which makes up 92-95% of its volume. The remaining 5-8% are potassium, calcium, sodium, zinc salts, chlorides, phosphates, enzymes (phosphatase, hyaluronidase, fibrinase, fibrinolysin), immunoglobulins, sugar (fructose, maltose), leukocytes, epithelial cells, lipoid grains, spermine.

The harmonious balance of all components of the secretion ensures the fertilizing ability of sperm. Any deviation from the norm leads to infertility in a man. After all, it is the secretion of the prostate, which makes up one third of the volume of the ejaculate, that ensures the motor activity and viability of sperm released into the external environment. Including its alkaline environment, it neutralizes the harmful effects of the acidic environment of the vagina.

Microscopic examination of prostate secretion allows us to draw conclusions about changes in its composition and determine the disease.

How is a prostate examination performed?

How to obtain prostate secretion? By massaging the prostate itself. The urologist does it with his finger through the rectum for 5-7 minutes.

But the process itself must be preceded by serious preparation:

  • sexual activity is contraindicated during the week;
  • Alcohol, physical activity, and baths should be eliminated in 2-3 days;
  • Immediately before the procedure, you need to perform a cleansing enema and urinate.

As a result of all manipulations, liquid should be released from the canal. If this does not happen, then the first portion of urine is collected - the secretion could have entered it through the ducts. But in this case the analysis is not so informative.

How to understand the research results

When examining the secretion of the male gland, macroscopic and microscopic parameters are taken into account.

Macroscopic parameters when examining secretions

From this point of view, the following indicators are studied:

  • Amount of liquid. There should be approximately 3-4 ml - up to 1-2 drops. Both a decrease and an increase in the volume of prostate secretion indicates congestion in it.
  • Color. A healthy color is whitish. If some kind of inflammation occurs in the male organ, it changes to yellow or even reddish (with blood impurities).
  • Consistency. A healthy man has a thick, viscous secretion.
  • Density. The norm is 1022.
  • pH reaction. As the disease progresses, the healthy alkaline environment of the prostate secretion may become acidic. This is a sign of acute prostatitis.

Diagnosis of prostatitis: microscopic parameters

An increase or decrease in the number of cells, the absence or presence of bacteria - for this purpose, a study of the prostate secretion is carried out.

Leukocytes: what should be the norm?

Everyone knows from school that an increased number of leukocytes signals inflammation. This means that pathogenic microorganisms have appeared in the body or in a separate organ. The prostate is no exception. Even if they are present in healthy prostate secretion, there should be no more than 0-12 of them in the field of view.

Red blood cells: as evidenced by an increase in their number

There should also be few of them - isolated phenomena in the field of view. An increase in the number of red blood cells indicates serious pathologies in the prostate gland - adenoma and cancer.

Epithelial cells (columnar epithelial cells)

Normally there should be few of them - single cells of columnar epithelium. The abundance of epithelium may indicate inflammation, for pathological peeling of the epithelial lining.

Macrophages: what they indicate

This is another beacon that signals the presence of foreign cells (bacteria, viruses) in tissues. They should not be kept secret by a healthy patient. Their presence indicates inflammation in the male organ.

Amyloid bodies as a sign of prostate adenoma

Also should not be detected in the secretion of a healthy prostate gland. This is one of the signs adenomas.

Giant cells in the prostate secretion

The presence of giant cells is also explained by pathology - chronic inflammation or congestion.

Lecithin (lipoid) grains: meaning

These are healthy cells, of which there should be a lot, because lecithin grains make up 1/2 of the total secretion. A decrease in the number diagnoses male fertility and prostatitis.

Atypical malignant tumor cells

The presence of such cells is a reason to begin treatment for prostate cancer.

Mushroom spores and mycelium

None in normal condition.

Fern symptom (arborization test)

A drop of saline solution is added to the secretion, dried and examined through a microscope. Sodium chloride precipitates and forms a pattern resembling a fern print. But only if the secret is healthy. If not, such a visual effect does not occur.

Gonococcus in the study of prostate secretions

If the patient is healthy, then when examining the secretion of the prostate gland, on the contrary, the signature “not detected” will appear.

Trichomonas as a sign of pathology

Likewise, they shouldn’t exist.

Study of the bacterial flora of the secretion

The bacterial flora of the secretion is also studied. The presence of many bacteria indicates existing and developing pathology.

An example of decoding for bacterial prostatitis

The doctor made a diagnosis. But to confirm, he ordered an analysis of prostate secretions - the interpretation may look different.

Bacterial prostatitis

This disease will be indicated by:

  • brown-yellow, cloudy color;
  • sweet smell of secretion;
  • acidic pH environment - more than 7;
  • a large number of leukocytes in the field of view - more than 10 at a magnification of 280;
  • a large number of epithelial cells - more than 10 at a magnification of 280;
  • single lecithin grains;
  • macrophages - 15-18 per field of view;
  • amyloid bodies are absent;
  • gonococci, trichomonas and fungal mycelium were found;
  • microflora - in large quantities.

Chronic bacterial prostatitis

The analysis of the secret will be similar to the first example in almost all positions. Only the color of the liquid becomes reddish before the development of a chronic form of the inflammatory disease - due to the presence of red blood cells in it. Their number can reach 25-30 in the field of view.

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This type of laboratory test provides complete information regarding the functioning of the prostate gland. In addition, with its help it is possible to identify various diseases at a very early stage. In medical practice, great importance is attached to the analysis of prostate secretions, since, along with accuracy, it does not require significant financial costs. For preventive purposes, all males over 40 years of age must undergo regular testing.

Functions of the prostate gland

The prostate is the most important organ of the reproductive system in men. Both sexual capabilities and the health of this area as a whole depend on it. It is located under the bladder, between the rectum and pubis. It is divided into 2 lobes and is shaped like a chestnut. In adult men, the mass of a healthy gland, as a rule, does not exceed 280 mg; in children it is much less.

The importance of the prostate for the body is extremely great; it performs the following functions:

  1. Secretory. The amount of fluid produced directly depends on the concentration level of testosterone (the sex hormone in men) in the blood. The composition of the secretion is represented by proteins, fats, electrolytes and other vital substances and compounds that ensure the full functioning of the organs of the reproductive system.
  2. Barrier. The prostate gland is a kind of “gate” that prevents pathogenic microorganisms from entering the upper urinary tract. This is due to the presence of immunoglobulins in the secretion.
  3. Motor. Thanks to the muscle tissue of the gland, it prevents involuntary urination, including during erection and ejaculation.

In addition, the prostate is closely connected with other organs. For example, when the testicles are removed, its functioning deteriorates significantly, it decreases in size, which cannot but affect sexual life.

In the modern world, prostate diseases are not uncommon; they are increasingly diagnosed in young people. The most common pathologies are: prostatitis, adenoma, cancer. These diseases significantly worsen the quality of life of any man. Untimely treatment leads to problems with urination, sexual impotence, and infertility. That is why, when the first suspicious symptoms occur, you need to undergo an analysis of prostate secretions.


You should definitely consult a doctor if you experience:

  • pain and cutting during the process of urination.
  • discomfort in the perineum.
  • very frequent urge to urinate at night; special attention should be paid to the pressure of the jet: if it is very weak, this is an alarming symptom;
  • yellow discharge from the urethra;
  • signs of poor potency: the tension of the penis during sexual intercourse has become less, the duration of which has also changed, an erection appears longer.

It is important to undergo an analysis of prostate secretions before the above symptoms become pronounced.

In addition, indications for the study are:

  1. Infertility. There are several types of it, but the one that is associated with impaired sperm motility largely depends on the composition of the prostate secretion.
  2. Inflammatory processes in the prostate gland.
  3. Neoplasms of a malignant nature.
  4. Bladder infection.
  5. Prostatitis.
  6. Evaluation of the effectiveness of treatment of previously diagnosed diseases.

Analysis of prostate secretions is carried out in order to make an accurate diagnosis. If the attending physician has suspicions about an infection, bacteriological culture is additionally indicated.

Limitations to the analysis

The procedure for collecting secretions is not complicated and is absolutely safe for the patient.

However, there are contraindications that make analysis impossible:

  1. Anal fissures. In this case, the procedure is accompanied by severe pain.
  2. Increased body temperature. Against the background of its increase, changes occur in the composition of prostate secretions.
  3. Diseases in the acute stage. In this situation, the analysis will provide information about the existing inflammation, but an accurate diagnosis will be difficult.
  4. Acute hemorrhoids. In this case, the process of collecting biomaterial becomes unbearably painful.
  5. Prostate tuberculosis.

If there is any contraindication, sperm is taken from the patient for bacterial culture or his examination is limited to instrumental methods.


Analysis of prostate secretions requires preliminary compliance with the following rules:

  • in 10 hours Before the procedure, any food intake is prohibited;
  • You must abstain from sexual intercourse for 2-3 days;
  • within 48 hours. you need to stop drinking alcoholic beverages;
  • At the same time, you must avoid visiting the sauna;
  • in the morning on the day of the study you need to do a cleansing enema;
  • Immediately before collecting biomaterial, it is necessary to empty the bladder.

Most men have an extremely negative attitude towards the procedure. In preparation for the analysis of prostate secretions, it is recommended to take a course of mild sedatives.

How is it carried out?

In order for the fluid secreted by the prostate to be eliminated through the urethra, it is necessary to massage the organ. It is impossible to do without it, because it comes out on its own only during ejaculation.

So, how do they take prostate secretions for analysis? The algorithm for collecting biomaterial involves performing the following actions:

  1. The patient undresses, freeing the lower body.
  2. After this, he lies down on the couch and turns on his right side. In this case, your legs need to be slightly bent at the knees and your arms crossed over your chest. Another variation of the position is the knee-elbow position, but it is used much less frequently.
  3. Before an analysis of prostate secretions is taken, the doctor massages the organ. To do this, he puts gloves on his hands and carefully inserts his index finger into the patient’s rectum to a depth of about 4 cm. Then inside he makes several stroking movements on both sides. After this, the urologist presses his finger on the prostate.
  4. The secretion is secreted through the urethra onto a glass slide or into a test tube, after which it is sent to the laboratory for analysis.

Four drops of liquid are enough for the test.

Interpretation of results

Before analyzing the prostate secretion using a microscope, the liquid is subjected to the following tests in the laboratory:

  • its volume is measured;
  • color is determined;
  • density and acidity are determined;
  • it is studied for the presence of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • the nature of crystallization is assessed.

After this, the sample taken is placed under a microscope, and the number of leukocytes, red blood cells, epithelial cells, etc. is determined.

The norm for analyzing prostate secretions is the following indicators:

  • white shade;
  • characteristic smell;
  • density 1.022 g/cm3;
  • pH - no less than 6.7 and no more than 7.3;
  • the presence of single red blood cells or their complete absence;
  • maximum 2 epithelial cells per field of view;
  • no more than 10 leukocytes;
  • the presence of a maximum of 3 macrophages (the best result is if they are completely absent);
  • fungi, giant cells, pathogenic microorganisms and amyloid bodies were not detected;
  • the number of lecithin grains in 1 ml does not exceed 10 million;
  • upon crystallization, a pattern is formed that looks like a fern.

To make an accurate diagnosis, the study is usually carried out 2 times, since too many factors can affect the final result and lead to erroneous conclusions.

The analysis of prostate secretions should be deciphered by the doctor who prescribed it.

Deviations from the norm

It is difficult to accurately determine the disease based on the results of one study. However, any deviations from the norm indicate the presence of pathology.

Today, changes in indicators may be signs of the following diseases:

  • prostatitis;
  • adenomas;
  • abscess;
  • sclerosis;
  • vesiculitis;
  • cancer;
  • sarcomas;
  • prostate tuberculosis;
  • empyema of the seminal vesicle.

In addition, the doctor may suspect the presence of stones.

Additionally, instrumental diagnostic methods are prescribed, and based on the results of all studies, the most effective treatment regimen is drawn up. It is unacceptable to postpone it, since any of the above pathologies significantly worsens health and negatively affects the quality of life.


Analysis of prostate secretions is carried out in many laboratories on a paid basis. You must find out about the availability of this service directly from the medical institution. The price of the study is approximately 300-400 rubles. Organ massage is included in this price.


The prostate gland performs many important functions in the male body. Any failures in its work threaten serious complications that can significantly worsen the quality of life. That is why, at the first alarming symptoms (frequent and painful urination, discomfort, suspicious discharge), you need to consult a doctor and get an analysis of prostate secretions.


An examination of the reproductive system called “analysis of prostate secretions in men” is a simple procedure for examining the prostate gland, the decoding of which will help the doctor determine the cause of diseases and pathological conditions. Prostate fluid affects a man’s reproductive function, so if unpleasant symptoms appear, you should not delay visiting a specialist.

What is prostate secretion

A component of ejaculate in men is a biological fluid of the body called prostate secretion. The composition of the fluid has a direct impact on the ability of sperm to fertilize. Doctors determine pathological processes by changes in the components of prostate juice. If there are suspicions of disease or complaints from the patient, a specialist may prescribe a test of the functioning of the male reproductive system - analyze the secretion of the prostate gland.

How do they take it?

Analysis of prostate secretions is a simple procedure. How is prostate juice taken from men? To take the test, the patient lies on his side with his knees to his chest, or stands in a knee-elbow position. Juice stimulation is carried out by massaging the prostate through the rectum. When carrying out a massage procedure according to the generally accepted method, a special liquid begins to be released, which the specialist collects in a sterile container. If there is no secretion, it is necessary to collect the first portion of urine. The sediment contains a small amount of prostate fluid.

Why do they take it?

A culture of prostate fluid is taken to identify the cause of pathologies associated with the male reproductive system (cancer, etc.). Also indicators for taking the test are signs found in chronic inflammation of the prostate. Identifying the symptoms of this disease is very problematic. An analysis of prostate secretion will show the quality of sperm (which is especially important in case of male infertility), the causative agent of inflammation, and will determine the effectiveness of the prescribed treatment. Other indications for the study are the presence of the following symptoms in men:

  • pain in the lower abdomen or perineum;
  • decreased potency and male libido;
  • problems with urination (weak stream of urine);
  • lack of erection;
  • discharge with an odor from the urethra;
  • urinary incontinence;
  • the urge to urinate at night.

Study of prostate secretion

Preparing for the research procedure is simple. On the day of collection, it will not be superfluous to give a cleansing enema. Preparation for donating prostate secretions includes general recommendations: avoiding sexual intercourse a week before the test date, prohibiting alcohol, baths and saunas, and reducing physical activity. Analysis of prostate secretions is carried out in laboratory conditions. The analysis is studied biochemically and visually. The doctor determines the reaction of the environment, the color of the secretion, and measures the volume.

The laboratory may conduct a special test to determine pathology. It reveals the “fern symptom” and is produced as follows: the liquid is mixed with saline. Normally, when dry, the pattern will look like a fern. Analysis of prostate juice is divided into 2 methods of study:

  • microscopic;
  • bacteriological.


Through a microscopic examination of the secretion of the prostate gland, the doctor studies the cellular structure of the fluid of the glandular-fleshy organ. Microscopy of prostate secretion is carried out as follows: a drop of secretion is examined by a specialist under a microscope. The liquid is placed on a glass slide and covered with a coverslip. If the analysis results are good, one cannot speak of the absence of inflammation. If treatment is not timely, blockage of the excretory ducts occurs.


The specialist prescribes a treatment regimen only after the results of a bacteriological examination. It is necessary to undergo tests for prostatitis, with the help of which the doctor identifies the type of microorganism that is the cause of the inflammatory process. The described procedure is otherwise called “prostate fluid culture.” If there is no growth of pathogens, closed infectious foci may be observed, so the doctor prescribes re-seeding.

Interpretation of prostate secretion analysis

An accurate diagnosis occurs after receiving the results of the analysis, which is deciphered only by a doctor. Bacteriological culture of prostate secretion will help determine the presence of fungi, bacteria and other pathogenic microorganisms. Using the information obtained, you can find out the type of pathogenic microflora, the number of bacteria and find a group of antibiotics to which the microbes will be most sensitive. Microscopy of an unstained specimen will tell laboratory technicians about the presence, absence or quantity of the following characteristics:

  • leukocytes;
  • giant cells (macrophages);
  • red blood cells;
  • epithelial cells;
  • lecithin grains;
  • amyloid bodies.


The function of white blood cells is to support the immune system. A small amount of leukocytes is allowed in the body - up to 5 cells. Ideally, there should be no component in the prostate juice, but the presence of leukocytes in small quantities does not indicate inflammation. When taking the test, a few cells may penetrate into the container, since the prostate secretion passes through the urethra. During the inflammatory process, the prostatic fluid becomes viscous and the excretory ducts become blocked. This phenomenon makes it difficult to know the exact number of cells.

Amyloid bodies

A procedure for examining the state of prostate juice, such as microscopy, will help detect amyloid stones. Exceeding their number indicates the presence of advanced stage prostatitis, stagnation in the gland, the presence of adenoma and inflammation. Amyloid bodies are a clot of prostate juice that has an oval shape. In the test results of a healthy man, no bodies are found. In older people, the risk of finding amyloid stones is much higher than in young men.

Betcher crystals

Specific crystals were discovered by Boettcher in male semen and are needle-shaped clusters that crystallize when prostate juice and sperm dry and cool. The substance should not be present in the material being tested. The presence of crystallization indicates oligozoospermia, azoospermia, and inflammatory processes.


The number of macrophages in the gland juice should not exceed one. The levels of this substance increase with fluid stagnation in the prostate or chronic inflammation. A significant number of macrophages is a prerequisite for carrying out bacterial culture when the causative agent of the inflammatory process is undetected. Macrophages are a type of white blood cell, otherwise called monocytes, that are involved in fighting infections.

Lecithin grains

Lipoid (lecithin) grains are non-cellular formations that make up 1/2 of the total secretion. The analytes are normal prostate epithelial cells. The entire field of view should be covered with these compounds. In normal analysis results there are a large number of them, but a decrease occurs with stagnation, indicating prostatitis or human fertility.

Epithelial cells

When analyzing secretions by massaging the prostate gland, a small amount of epithelial cells - connections of the prostate ducts - may be detected. When viewed under a microscope, there should be no more than two compounds in the field of view. Exceeding the norm indicates inflammation of the prostate tissue. A result of 15 cells shows desquamatous inflammation - peeling of the epithelial lining.


A single amount of some types of rods or cocci may be observed in the flora, which does not indicate pathology. A sign of nonspecific inflammation is a huge number of opportunistic microorganisms. Bacterial prostatitis causes an abundant manifestation of pathogenic flora, which the laboratory technician will definitely notice in the analysis results. The state of the flora is determined through bacterial culture, contraindications to which are:

  • body temperature from 38 degrees;
  • anal fissures;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • prostate tuberculosis.


If a man has Candida fungus in his body, fungal prostatitis (candidiasis) may develop. When the immune system is normal, the fungus does not manifest itself in any way. When the body's defenses decrease, a pathological process begins. Fungi are detected by analyzing prostate secretions through massage. There are 2 ways of infection with fungal prostatitis: through the urethra (ascending) or through the bloodstream (hematogenous).

Normal and abnormalities in the analysis of prostate secretions

Only a doctor can reliably recognize abnormalities and determine the presence of inflammation. When reading test results independently, errors are possible, which can be followed by incorrect treatment. A timely visit to a specialist will help to correctly diagnose the disease. Main indicators of deviations and normal values:

Secretion indicatorsNormDeviations
Colorwhiteyellow tint, blood
Smellthe smell of spermany other
Acidity (pH)6.4-7.0 (slightly acidic or neutral)alkaline or acidic environment
Density1,022 change above normal
Red blood cellsnoneThere is
Epithelial cellsfrom 1 to 2 in the field of view

quantitative value greater than 3

Amyloid bodies

minimal amount

There is
Macrophagesabsent or isolatedsharp increase

Lecithin grains

10 million/mlreduced number

Video: analysis of prostate secretion

Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and make recommendations for treatment based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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The prostate gland is an important organ of the male reproductive system. The prostate, like a sleeve that encircles the initial section of the urethra, is located in the small pelvis, fused at its base with the bladder. Behind the gland is the anterior wall of the rectum, in front of the organ is the pubic articulation of the pelvic bones.

The prostate gland performs an exocrine function, secreting a specific prostate secretion; it also plays a role in the formation of sexual behavior and orgasm in men. During ejaculation, the organ creates a mechanical barrier to urine, preventing it from mixing with the ejaculate.

Biological functions of prostatic secretion

The enzymatic activity of prostate juice, which makes up about 30% of seminal fluid, ensures the necessary fluidity of sperm.
The secretion ensures the viability of male germ cells in the female genital tract.
Antibacterial substances (for example, lysozyme) were found in prostate juice.

Biomaterial collection technology

Analysis of prostate secretion is performed using a specific method. Decoding allows us to judge the pathological processes affecting the prostate.

To obtain reliable data, it is necessary to ensure correct collection of prostate juice. For 4 days before the planned procedure, the patient is advised to abstain from sexual intercourse. The manipulation is performed in the doctor's office.

  1. A man empties his bladder.
  2. The doctor examines the external opening of the urethra. If discharge accompanying the inflammatory process is visible to the naked eye, rinsing is performed.
  3. The urologist puts on gloves, lubricates the finger with Vaseline oil, and then inserts it into the rectum for massage.
  4. The doctor massages the prostate gland with stroking movements, stimulating secretion.
  5. The fluid released through the urethra as a result of massage is collected in a sterile container.

Some men do not see prostatic fluid after a massage. The doctor asks them to collect the first portion of urine. After centrifugation of the urine, the secretion is separated, and laboratory testing of the material of interest is performed. Analysis of such material and subsequent decoding are less informative.



In laboratory conditions, a specialist carries out a microscopic examination of the secretion; if a bacterial process is suspected, the biological material is inoculated on a nutrient medium. Sowing allows you to clarify the type of pathogenic microorganism, as well as determine the sensitivity of the bacterial agent to antibiotics. The PCR technique has proven itself well; it is used when a bacterial process is suspected. Following the analysis, the results are deciphered by the doctor.

Macroscopic characteristics: