Construction, design, renovation

Examples of adverbs ending in a. The letters o - a are at the end of adverbs. The kitten trustingly pressed against the gentle hands


  • introduce students to the conditions for choosing a spelling;
  • develop the skill of correctly writing adverbs;
  • promote the development of thinking, including students in active mental activity;
  • contribute to the formation of cognitive interest of students.

During the classes

1. Formation of a psychological attitude.

- Hello. Today we will talk about spelling adverbs, and now I offer you the game “How? Where? When?". You will be a team of experts. 8th grade students will act as television viewers; they have compiled questions specifically for you on the topic “Spelling adverbs.”

2. Repetition of what has been learned on the topic: “Spelling of adverbs.”

Slide 1. Did I accidentally change the name of a well-known intellectual game? What other questions do adverbs answer?

Slide 2. Alena Kiseleva plays with you. Attention question:

– Which words are adverbs?

Slide 3. Vasily Surazakov plays with you. Attention question:

– Nouns are declined, verbs are conjugated.

How do adverbs change?

Slide 4. Yulia Shadrina plays with you. Attention question:

– Tell us about spelling not with adverbs.

– Complete the answer with your own examples.

Slide 5. Ree Oksana plays with you. Competitions with the computer.

Slide 6. It is necessary to replace phraseological units with adverbs. Who is faster?

Slide 7. Shadrin Ivan is playing with you. Attention question:

– What degrees of comparison do adverbs have?

Slide 8. Alexey Kazantsev is playing with you. Attention question:

– What groups of adverbs do you know by meaning?

Slide 9. Ivan Kazantsev is playing with you. Attention question: When is the suffix -A and when -O written in adverbs?

3. New material. Slide 10.

– We won’t be able to answer Vanya’s question yet, we’ll leave it for later.

Now, guys, listen to the story.

“Once upon a time there was a little man with a huge red nose, and he always walked with a giant handkerchief in his small hand. One day he was asked:
-What is your name?
“Fucked up,” he answered.
- What a strange name!
- This is true. The poor thing is called out because the poor thing is lying about everything FROM DOS flows.
- I'm sorry, what?
“He said, ‘They call me Izdos because my nose runs all the time,’” someone translated.

Izdos blew his nose into his handkerchief and began speaking normally.

“And this is my friend and assistant, pointing to the scarf, his name is Zanav,” said Izdos.
- Why is he called that?

- This is his family name. I always struggled with a runny nose; I didn’t have enough tissues. And there was a curtain hanging on the magic Window. I took it and cut off half: “ESKA remained hanging, and ZANAV is now always with me.”

Guys, am I telling you this tale so that you can better remember the adverb prefixes Windows? What kind of window adverbs are these, I’ll tell you now.

Slide 12.

– There is such a tribe: Windows consoles. They live there, in the Magic Window, and they worship and obey him, the window. And Izdos and Zanav are guards there. They select who can enter the Window Tribe and who cannot. The selection is very strict and severe - like astronauts, because everyone wants to live in the Magic Window. And those dialects that have names like guards are taken there. These are adverbs with the prefixes FROM, TO, WITH (IDOS) and FOR, ON, IN (ZANAV). But the guards decide a little in the fate of adverbs. The Window Itself controls their lives! Slide 13. For example, we don’t know whether “O” or “A” is written at the end of the words left.., right.., long ago... We substitute the noun WINDOW. It’s as if the prefixes B, C, IZ are prepositions. Left.. (out the window). So, to the left. Slide 14,15.

4. Reading spelling No. 61 on page. 115 (in chorus).

5. Physical education minute.

It's time to talk about health. Today we often pronounced the sounds O and A, let’s say them again with me, pronounce them carefully. These are not simple sounds. Doctors recommend saying them several times a day. The sound “O” increases blood supply to the heart, the sound “A” has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. So we not only get to know a new spelling, but also improve our health. Let's now consciously pronounce these sounds a few more times. We rested, improved our health, let’s continue.

6. Training exercises: Slide 16.

2. Come up with a story on the topic “I’m treating a cold,” using adverbs: right, before dark, again, left, occasionally, red-hot, long ago, first.

3. Replace these phrases with adverbs with -O or -A at the end, explain the choice of spelling:

Go to the right side (go right);

Separate for a long time (break up for a long time);

Eat until you are completely full (eat until you are full);

Rewrite completely (rewrite completely or completely).

Slide 17. I think that now we can answer Ivan Kazantsev’s question. Attention question:

– When is the suffix -A written at the end of adverbs, and when -O?

Slide 18. Homework:

1. § 41, ex. 246 (based on sample).

Slide 19. Reflection.

“Unfinished sentence”:
– I didn’t spend this hour in vain, because...
- Thanks to all. Goodbye.

Date: 01/30/2014 Subject:

Occasionally, long ago, sideways, completely, dry, red-hot, white-hot, right, left, again, first.

Left, right, tightly, right, dry, forcibly, left, completely, for a long time, rough, anew, tightly, tightly, tightly, cleanly, lightly, again, dead, alive, obviously.

Initially, enough.

I. 1. Occasionally in a nearby river a large fish splashes with sudden sonority. (T.) 2. On the shaking mill, the wheels are already making noise from afar. (Mike.) 3. The blizzard swept away the rocks completely, the sleds got stuck in the stones, the dogs left bloody footprints on the bare ground (Ald.-Sem.) 4. We crawled for a long time along a very steep slope, covered first with a pine forest and then with spruce. (Cat.) 5. The Russian people have long been famous for their hospitality.

II. 1. Around noon, the chaise turned off the road to the right, drove a short distance and stopped. (Ch.) 2. Tchertop-hanov’s eyes slowly opened, and the extinct pupils moved first from right to left, then from left to right and stopped at the visitor. (T.) 3. To the right of us, near the lake itself, a high forest rustled, to the left there was a wild, inaccessible swamp forest, turning into huge swamp spaces. (Prishv.) 4. Petya woke up long before the chimney. (Cat.) 5. The detachment returned to the camp before dark. 6. Petya decided to take a quick bath before leaving. (Cat.) 7. The branches of the young aspen were trimmed clean by the moose. (CM.)

III. 1. The children were firmly ordered not to touch matches. 2. We simply took off our shoes and forded the river.

Lesson topic: “Letters oh oh at the end of adverbs"

The purpose of the lesson : create conditions for developing the skill of writing the letters A and O at the endadverbs;

Tasks:- develop the skill of spelling adverbs with suffixes –o-, -a-,

- ensure the development of listening and speaking skills;

- create conditions for instilling neatness and attention, caring attitude and love for the native language.

Lesson type : learning and applying new knowledge

Lesson form : lesson in learning new material

During the classes

1.Org moment

2.Checking the d.z.

Vocabulary dictation: (not) bad, (not) tricky, (not) sloppy, far (not) brave

ry, (un)indignantly exclaim, (clumsily) make excuses, very (un)convincingly.

Assignment: make 3-4 sentences with these words.

Game “Collect proverbs and underline the adverb”

But the fruit is sweet; you will continue; and at home is better; spreads softly; visiting is good; Yes, it’s hard to sleep; the root of learning is bitter; drive more quietly.

Replace each of the phraseological units with one word (adverb)
A) at the top of your lungs B) at the top of your lungs C) at your best D) carelessly E) far away

G) under Tsar Pea H) a teaspoon per hour I) out of hand K) like dead L) from time to time

M) just a stone's throw away.

Introduction to new material

Creating a problem situation, encouraging dialogue to generate hypotheses:
Read the sentences on the board.Students read:
– Previously, we rarely went on vacation to the sea.– The sun occasionally appeared from behind the clouds.“Mountains rose to the left, a black abyss to the right.“I looked left, then right.– Swift darted to the right.– The floor was wiped dry.– It was sunny, dry and dusty outside.– He started writing the essay again.– It started raining outside the window again.

Find the same root words in them.

- Rarely, occasionally, left, right, left, right, right, dry, dry, again, again.

What parts of speech are these?

Highlight their suffixes. What interesting things did you notice?Among these adverbs there are cognate ones that have a similar lexical meaning, but the vowels in the suffixes at the end of words are different.What is the question? Why do the ends of similar adverbs have different vowels?What is the purpose of our lesson?Learn to correctly write the letters A-O at the end of adverbs.Look at the words again. What are the hypotheses about spelling?a-o in adverb suffixes?: Try grouping the words. On what basis can this be done?According to the method of formation: suffixal and prefix-suffixal.(Group words).
What words are they derived from? Write them side by side in parentheses. Pay attention to which vowel is written at the end of adverbs formed by the prefix-suffix method. Vowels-a, -o. What pattern do you see?Words with prefixesin-, on-, for- are written with-O at the end, and words with prefixesfrom-, to-, from- written with -A at the end of a word.N: Before dark, sparingly, white, in the morning, to the right, long ago

From - from a long time agoA IN - V a lionO

Before- A(suf)before whiteand NA- on strongO

WITH - With newA BEHIND- behind lightO

How to test your hypothesis? (Encouragement for practical testing).Reading text from the textbook "A or O"?

Let's write down the words with prefixes in the first columnin-, on-, for-, and in the second - with prefixesfrom-, to-, from- and look at their suffixes.

Do it.Students write down the words. What did the check give?Adverbs of the first column are written with-O in the suffix, and the adverbs of the second column are written with-A in the suffix. (Argument).Formulate a general conclusion. Why are different vowels written at the end of adverbs?Students (formulate a rule - discovery of new knowledge) : Answer the question: adverbs with prefixes in-, on-, for- are written with -O at the end, adverbs with prefixes from-, to-, With- written with - A at the end.

Reproduction of new knowledge

Lesson topic: " “The letters O and A at the end of adverbs with the prefixes from-(is-), to-, s-(co-), in-(vo-), on-, for-.”"

Item: Russian language

Class: 7

The purpose of the lesson:

continue to familiarize students with adverbs as an independent part of speech; introduce students to the rules for writing suffixes -О, -А at the end of adverbs; practice the skills of using the spelling rules for suffixes -О, -А at the end of adverbs.

Lesson objectives:

- educational : improve knowledge about the semantic features of an adverb as a part of speech; form ideas about the rule for choosing a suffix at the end of adverbs.

- developing : to develop students’ spelling vigilance, the ability to form adverbs according to given models, and perform morphemic analysis of adverbs. Develop the ability to analyze, draw conclusions, and give a coherent answer to a linguistic topic.

- educational: to cultivate interest in learning the Russian language, aesthetic taste, and language culture.

Lesson type : explanation of new material.

Teaching methods : practical methods

Forms of work : frontal, individual, work in pairs.

Equipment : computer, projector, screen, cards.

“The Russian language is incredibly rich

adverbs that make our speech precise, figurative, expressive.”

M. Gorky


1. Organization of the start of the lesson. Formation of psychological attitude.

Are your livestock healthy? Sit down. Surprised? This phrase, strange at first glance, is uttered when meeting Mongols. Representatives of the African Zulu tribe say when they meet: “I see you.” And in Russian we simply say: “Hello.” That is, we wish our friend good health. Smile and say hello to your seatmate.

In order to remember what we talked about in previous lessons, I offer you the game “How? Where? When?". You will be a team of experts. Pupils of grades 8 and 9 will act as television viewers; they have compiled questions specifically for you on the topic “Spelling of adverbs.”

2. Preparation for the main stage of the lesson. Slide 1 (Epigraph)

Did I accidentally change the name of a well-known intellectual game? What other questions do adverbs answer?Slide 2 .

Slide 3 Anna Lytkina is playing with you. Attention question:

Which words are adverbs?

Slide 4 .Sergey Polozhenko is playing with you. Attention question:

Nouns are inflected, verbs are conjugated.

How do adverbs change?

Slide 5 . Alexey Vavilov is playing with you. Attention question:

Talk about spelling without adverbs.

Complete your answer with your own examples.

Slide 6. Evgeniy Korenevsky is playing with you. Competitions with the computer.

Slide 7. It is necessary to replace phraseological units with adverbs. Who is faster?

Igor walked from schoolat a snail's pace(slowly).

Fives in my diarythe cat cried(few).

Today I had toget up a little early (early).

From the bus stop to our schoolclose at hand(close).

There was nowhere for an apple to fall on the bus(closely).

Slide 8. Vadim Mikhalchenko is playing with you. Attention question:

- What degrees of comparison do adverbs have?

Slide 9. Igor Korenevsky is playing with you. Attention question:

- What groups of adverbs do you know by meaning?

Slide 10. Daria Baykova is playing with you. Attention question:

- When is the suffix -A written in adverbs, and when -O?

3. Preparing students to perceive new knowledge.

We'll answer Daria's question for nowCan?

So what is the topic of our lesson?

Slide 11

Write down the date, class work and topic of the lesson: “The letters O and A at the end of adverbs with the prefixes from-(is-), do-, s-(co-), in-(vo-), on-, for-.”

Take a simple pencil, put a question mark over those words in our lesson topic where the problem of the lesson is and the purpose of the lesson follows. What is the purpose of the lesson?

Children answer: They must learn to choose the letter O and A at the end of adverbs with the prefixes from-(is-), do-, s-(co-), in-(in-), on-, for-.

Slide 12.

Yes, the purpose of our lesson– become familiar with the rules for writing suffixes -О, -А at the end of adverbs; practice the skills of using the spelling rules for suffixes -О, -А at the end of adverbs.

Now, guys, listen and watch the dramatization of the fairy tale.

(The dramatization involves a teacher and 3 students)Appendix 2

Once upon a time there lived a little man with a huge red nose, and he always walked with a giant handkerchief in his small hand. One day he was asked:

1.-What is your name?

2. “Fast,” he answered.

1. -What a strange name!

2. - This is where it is. The poor thing is called out because the poor thing is lying about everythingFROM DOS flows.

1. - What?

3. - He said: “They call me Izdos because my nose runs all the time,” someone translated.

Izdos blew his nose into his handkerchief and began speaking normally.

2. “And this is my friend and assistant, pointing to the scarf, his name is Zanav,” said Izdos.

1. - Why is he called that?

Slide 13

2. - This is his family name. I always struggled with a runny nose; I didn’t have enough tissues. And there was a curtain hanging on the magic Window. I took it and cut off half: - ESKA remained hanging, and ZANAV is now always with me.

Teacher. Guys, did you see the dramatization of this fairy tale in order to better remember the prefixes of the Windows adverbs? What kind of window adverbs are these, I’ll tell you now.

Slide 14.

There is such a tribe: Windows consoles. They live there, in the Magic Window, and they worship and obey him, the window. And Izdos and Zanav are guards there. They select who can enter the Window Tribe and who cannot. The selection is very strict and severe - like astronauts, because everyone wants to live in the Magic Window. And those dialects that have names like guards are taken there. These are adverbs with the prefixes FROM, TO, WITH (IDOS) and FOR, ON, IN (ZANAV). But the guards decide a little in the fate of adverbs. The Window Itself controls their lives!

For example, we don’t know whether “O” or “A” is written at the end of the words left..., right..., long ago... We substitute the noun WINDOW. It’s as if the prefixes B, C, IZ are prepositions. Left.. (out the window). So, to the left.

Remember the Window Rule: so, adverbs with the prefixes FROM, TO, S, ON, IN obey the Window Rule (substitute the word WINDOW and see which letter to write at the end: O or A).

In order to remember the Window Rule, let's turn to card No. 1, which is on your table.

Card 1.

Distant - from afar...

Red - red...

New - again...

Clean - clean...

Left - left...

Right - right..

Clean - completely...

Simple - easy...

Deaf - tightly...

But look at slide 15.

You see the word “known”, which is formed from an adjective with a prefix. Remember: Only adverbs obey the Window Rule

formed from adjectives that did not have prefixes. If there were already prefixes in advance, we write O at the end of such adverbs.

Slide 16.

To correctly write O or A at the end of adverbs, we must reason like this:

1. This prefix was not in the adjective from which the adverb is formed, I apply the Window Rule.

2. This prefix was already in the adjective from which the adverb was formed, I write the suffix O.

Let's turn to card number 2.

In which column are the adverbs formed in a suffixal way, and in which - in a prefix-suffixal way?

With what method of formation in adverbs with prefixesfrom-, to-, from- a letter is written at the endO, and at which - a letterA? Please note that with the suffix method the word already has a prefix, and with the prefix-suffix method these prefixes are added.

From afar - distant properly - serviceable

red hot - red pampering - pamperingly

again - new trustingly - confiding

at first - beginning connected - connected

Card 3.

Choose words with the same root and antonyms.

It's dark - dark, light.

Left - left, right.

To the right - right, left.

Determine by what principle the adverbs are combined into columns. What can be concluded?

So, what should you and I remember?

Tell each other the rule, checking it against the rule on the card I gave you to put in your grammar notebooks (work in static pairs).

Card No. 4.

Letters O And A at the end of adverbs

In adverbs with prefixes from-, to-, from- a letter is written at the end A, if these adverbs are formed from unprefixed adjectives.

Dry (fromdry - without attachment).

In adverbs with prefixes from-, to-, from- a letter is written at the end O, if they are formed from adjectives that already had prefixes.

Early (from early - with adj.) № 61.

4.Assimilation of new knowledge and methods.

In order to better remember the spelling o-e at the end of adverbs, let’s dotasks in card No. 6 . Everyone works independently in notebooks, and Alexander Chernobrov does the exercise on the board.

Card number 6. Add the necessary prefixes to the adverbs, add suffixes -O or in. Make a sentence with an adverb.

Long ago..., ...deaf..., ...full..., ...light..., ...far.......high...,

Simple..., ...full..., ...rarely... .

- So, when in adverbs with the prefixes from-, do-, s- the letter a is written at the end, and when – o?

5. Initial check of understanding.

Card No. 7. Insert the letter A or O into the adverbs.

Left, right, right, again, anew, left, left, anew, rashly, from above, tightly, dead, before dark, dark, before light, dry, dry, clean, completely, bare, before light, bare, white, long ago, blue, from afar, clearly, sideways, occasionally.

- What rule did you use when completing this task?

Physical education minute.

It's time to talk about health. Today we often pronounced the sounds O and A, let’s say them again with me, pronounce them carefully. These are not simple sounds. Doctors recommend saying them several times a day. The sound “O” increases blood supply to the heart, the sound “A” has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. So we not only get to know a new spelling, but also improve our health. Let's now consciously pronounce these sounds a few more times. We rested, improved our health, let’s continue.

6. Knowledge control

And to check how well you apply the rule when performing practical tasks, let’s turn tocard number 8.

Card No. 8. Work in pairs.

Replace these phrases with adverbs with –O or –A at the end, explain the choice of spelling, do analysis 2:

Go to the right side (go right);

Separate for a long time (break up for a long time);

Eat until you are completely full (eat until you are full);

Rewrite completely (rewrite completely or completely).

7. Summing up the lesson. Assessing student work.

- Guys, now we can answer Daria Baykova’s question.Slide 17.

Attention question:

When is the suffix -A written at the end of adverbs, and when -O?

8. Reflection. Self-esteem. Slide 18.

"Unfinished sentence":

I didn’t spend this hour in vain, because….

I evaluate my work in class at...

9. Slide 19. Homework (optional):

1. Learn the rule - card No. 4.

2. Complete the exercise - card No. 9.

Card number 9.

Write down adverbs, add suffixes -A or -O. WITH Make sentences using five adverbs.

To the left_, again_, to the right_, dry_, drunk_, long ago_, surreptitiously_, firmly_, healed_, dead_, clean_, fresh_, clean_, ~ firmly_, simply_, first, lightened.

Rewrite by inserting the missing letters.

1. The extinct pupils moved first_ from right_ to left_, then from left to_. 2. And again the autocratic sons fell before you. 3. He glanced sideways at his wife. 4. The tea was infused. 5. He has enjoyed this privilege for a long time, probably as an old-timer at the hospital. 6. We left the house after dark. 7. The snowstorm washed the rocks clean 4 . 8. We decided to return before dark_. 9. He knew about his brother’s arrival for sure_.


Come up with a story on the topic “I’m treating a cold,” using adverbs: right, before dark, again, left, occasionally, red-hot, long ago, first.

- Thanks to all. Goodbye.