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Interaction between additional education teachers and parents. Forms of work with parents in institutions of additional education for children Conversations with parents in additional education

Consultation for additional education teachers “Methods and forms of working with parents”

Zverugo Polina Nikolaevna, methodologist of the State Educational Institution “Slutsk Center for Children’s Creativity”.
Description: A wide range of directions and spheres of educational and social activities, diverse forms and methods used in the educational process of additional education institutions make it possible to satisfy the diverse needs of students and their parents, giving them the opportunity to express themselves in various types of creative and social activities.
This material will be useful for additional education teachers, educational psychologists, and parents.
Target: systematize the knowledge of teachers on organizing work with parents in the conditions of additional education institutions.
1) determine the main goals of interaction between teachers and parents;
2) identify and characterize effective forms and methods of interaction between teachers and parents;
3) motivate teachers to improve their personality and reveal their creative potential.

A special priority of educational work in an additional education institution is the formation of a culture of family relationships, parental responsibility for raising children, stimulating their social initiative, and correcting parent-child relationships. In the state educational institution “Slutsk Center for Children's Creativity”, this work is carried out in conditions of positive dialogue and cooperation, which develops into active mutual assistance between teachers and parents.
At the Slutsk Center for Children's Creativity, the system of work on interaction with students' families is carried out through a variety of forms and methods of work.
Thus, at the beginning of the academic year, the institution traditionally hosts Week of Continuing Educational Institutions. For children and their parents, exciting guide routes, interactive platforms, trips, and web showcases are planned, demonstrating new areas of activity of interest associations, achievements of students and teachers.
In the practice of the Center, group forms of interaction with parents are used: parent meetings, leisure activities.
Tested forms of parent meetings:
open mic;
fair of creative ideas;
theatrical living room;
academic concert;
premieres of performances;
class concerts;
creative report;
meeting of the music club "Alteration".
Forms of leisure activities:
congratulation concerts;
screening of performances by exemplary groups;
excursion trips.
Slutsk CDT holds annual holidays shared with teachers, students and their parents: “The world is beautiful with a mother’s love” (for International Mother’s Day), “City of Happy Hopes” (for Defender of the Fatherland Day, International Women’s Day), “Dad, Mom, I am a friendly family” (for International Family Day), “Kind palms "(for the International Day of Persons with Disabilities), "Theater Plus" (for the International Day of Theatre), "Carols, pancakes, pancakes have arrived", "We're not sitting down at the hatse - but we're dying, we're looking at the Buttercup."

In order to demonstrate the creative potential of the family, the institution conducts a variety of family creative competitions. Among them: the psychological child-parent competition “We are together!”, the competitive and entertainment program “My crew is a family!”.

The institution widely practices involving parents in the creative life of children. Through interest in the creative successes of their child, parents assist teachers in organizing festivals and competitions. Examples of such events include: the international festival of Slavic cultures “Svetoch” (Estonia), the international children’s festival-competition “Black Sea Legends” (Abkhazia), the festival of friendship and art “Children of Mountains and Valleys” (Poland, Slovakia), the international festival-competition children's and youth creativity "Paris, I love you!" (France), festival "Bulgarian Rose" (Bulgaria).
The program of competitions and festivals, as a rule, is organized in such a way that, in addition to competitive performances, students and their parents have the opportunity to get acquainted with the sights of Poland, Slovakia, Abkhazia, Spain, Bulgaria, and Estonia.
Work with parents is built in the mode of systemic measures through various forms:
online conference;
distance education;
training seminar;
opinion exchange;
charity event;
moral lesson;
parenting workshops;
music cafe meeting (interactive lesson for beginner dulcimer players);
parent piggy bank (lesson dedicated to World Children's Day);
briefing (on career guidance);
creative laboratory;
evening of relaxation with parents.

Thus, the use of various forms and methods of interaction by teachers with students’ parents allows them to create an atmosphere of trust and a favorable psychological climate.

Interaction with the family is one of the pressing and difficult problems in the work of every teacher. The basis of such interaction is constant attention to the development of the child, timely and pedagogically sound recommendations, and study of the characteristics and capabilities of each family. In creating a union of teachers and parents, the most important role belongs to teachers.

The interaction between teachers and families is a purposeful process, as a result of which favorable conditions are created for the development of the child. The higher the level of this interaction, the more successfully the problems of raising children are solved.

In the system of work of additional education teachers with parents, one can highlight such an area as pedagogical education. The accumulation of psychological and pedagogical knowledge of parents should be closely related to the development of their pedagogical thinking, practical skills in the field of education. It is necessary that the information be of a warning nature, based on practical expediency, and demonstrate experience and specific facts. This determines the selection of content, as well as forms of organization of pedagogical education.

We can distinguish traditional and innovative forms of interaction between the additional education teacher and the family.

Traditional forms of work include the following.

Individual thematic consultations. Often, in solving a particular complex problem, a teacher can get help directly from the parents of students, and this should not be neglected. Consultations with parents are beneficial both for themselves and for the teacher. Parents receive a real idea of ​​the child’s success and behavior, while the teacher receives the information he needs for a deeper understanding of the problems of each student.

By exchanging information, both parties may come to mutual agreement regarding specific forms of parental assistance. When communicating with parents, the teacher must show maximum tact. It is unacceptable to shame parents or hint at their failure to fulfill their duty towards their son or daughter. The principles of successful consulting are trusting relationships, mutual respect, interest, and competence.

Open classes Usually organized with the aim of familiarizing parents with new programs, teaching methods, teacher requirements, and student achievements. Open lessons are most often practiced in elementary schools. It is necessary to give parents the opportunity to attend an open lesson at least once or twice a year. This will avoid many conflicts caused by parents’ ignorance and misunderstanding of all the complexity and specifics of the modern educational process.

It is very good if parents are frequent guests at leisure events. These are sports competitions, concerts, exhibitions, competitions, etc. All this allows parents to get to know their children better, to discover yet unknown aspects of their interests, hobbies, and talent.

Correspondence with parents - a written form of informing parents about the progress of their children. It is allowed to notify parents about upcoming joint activities in the institution, congratulate them on holidays, give advice and wishes in raising children. The main condition for correspondence is a friendly tone and joy of communication.

Parents Club - This is an informal association of parents to solve practical problems of education. Typically, family clubs are organized by a group of enthusiasts, whose children study together in clubs, studios, and sections. People are united by passion for specific ideas in education or ideas for spending leisure time together.

But, unfortunately, at present the social activity of parents is practically reduced to zero. Therefore, one of the forms of working with parents could be the creation of a parent club to enhance the personal activity of parents.

The activities of the parent club are based on voluntariness. There cannot be orders, appointments, or assignments contrary to the wishes of the executor himself. In the parents' club, critical parents become aware of not only the shortcomings, but also the advantages. As members of the parents' club, people feel more secure and confident in life, and enjoy collective psychological support.

Self-knowledge, overcoming self-centeredness and the developing ability to understand other people, personal development of members of such a community through diverse forms of joint activities - this is the socio-psychological meaning of the activities of the parent club.

The educational significance of communication between parents and children is directly dependent on how adults understand the very essence of education. To implement “pair pedagogy,” it is necessary to conduct joint recreation, joint work, and organize joint leisure activities for parents and children.

Cooperation with other parents provides ample opportunities for joint activities. This is precisely why parent clubs are created and function. The creation of a parent club is a special form of work of the additional education center with parents.

Parent meeting- a form of analysis, comprehension based on data from pedagogical science of educational experience.

Parent meetings are effective only when they not only sum up academic performance, but also consider current pedagogical problems. At such meetings, discussion of student success is not an end in itself, but a bridge to one or another pedagogical problem.

The types of parent meetings are varied: organizational, meetings according to the parent education plan, thematic, debate meetings, final, etc. The next topic of the meeting is chosen by all parents.

When preparing and holding a parent meeting, you need to consider a number of the following important provisions:

  • - an atmosphere of cooperation between the institution and the family in implementing a program to strengthen the advantages and eliminate the disadvantages in the character and behavior of the child;
  • - intonation of the meeting (we advise, we think together);
  • - professional background of the teacher - knowledge, competence (knowledge of the life of each child, an idea of ​​the level of his needs, state of health, relationships in the children's team);
  • - good, trusting relationships (goodwill, cordiality, mutual understanding, mutual assistance);
  • - the main indicators of the effectiveness of the parent meeting (active participation of parents, an atmosphere of active discussion of the issues raised, exchange of experience, answers to questions, advice and recommendations).

University of Pedagogical Knowledge - equips parents with the necessary knowledge, the basics of pedagogical culture, introduces current issues of education, taking into account the age and needs of parents, promotes the establishment of contacts between parents and the public, families with the school, as well as the interaction of parents and teachers in educational work. The university program is compiled by the teacher taking into account the student population and their parents.

The forms of organizing classes at the university of pedagogical knowledge are quite diverse: lectures, conversations, workshops, etc.

Non-traditional (innovative) forms of cooperation with family include the following.

Conference- a form of pedagogical education that provides for the expansion, deepening and consolidation of knowledge about raising children. Conferences can be scientific and practical, theoretical, reading, experience exchange, conferences for mothers and fathers. Conferences are held once a year, they require careful preparation and involve the active participation of parents. They usually include exhibitions of students' work, books for parents, and amateur art concerts.

The topics of the conferences should be specific, for example: “Play in the life of a child”, “Moral education of adolescents in the family”, etc. To collect material and attract the attention of parents, at the University of Pedagogical Knowledge classes preceding the conference, they are sometimes asked to fill out a short questionnaire.

The conference usually opens with an opening speech from the director of the institution or additional education teacher. Parents give brief, pre-prepared reports about their experience of family education. There may be three or four such messages. Then everyone is given the floor. The conference presenter sums up the results.

Pedagogical discussion(dispute) is one of the most interesting forms of improving pedagogical culture. A distinctive feature of the debate is that it allows everyone present to be involved in the discussion of the problems posed, and contributes to the development of the ability to comprehensively analyze facts and phenomena, relying on acquired skills and accumulated experience. The success of a debate largely depends on its preparation. In about a month, participants should become familiar with the topic of the future debate, the main issues, and literature. The most important part of a dispute is conducting the dispute. Much is determined here by the behavior of the presenter (it can be a teacher or one of the parents). It is necessary to establish rules in advance, listen to all speeches, propose, argue your position, and at the end of the debate sum up the results and draw conclusions. The main principle of the dispute is respect for the position and opinion of any participant.

Workshop- this is a form of development in parents of pedagogical skills in raising children, effective solution of emerging pedagogical situations, a kind of training in the pedagogical thinking of parent-educators.

During the pedagogical workshop, the teacher offers to find a way out of any conflict situation that may arise in the relationship between parents and children, parents and teachers, etc., to explain his position in this or that supposed or actually arisen situation.

Role-playing games - a form of collective creative activity to study the level of development of the participants’ pedagogical skills. Approximate topics for role-playing games with parents could be the following: “Morning in your house”, “The child has come from school”, “Family council”, etc. The methodology of role-playing games involves determining the topic, the composition of the participants, the distribution of roles between them, and a preliminary discussion of possible positions and behavior options for game participants. At the same time, it is important to play out several options (positive and negative) for the behavior of the game participants and, through joint discussion, choose the optimal course of action for the given situation.

Innovative forms of interaction with families, in addition to the above, can also include: trainings for parents, psychological warm-ups, round tables, oral journals, workshops for parents, relaxation evenings for parents and children.

Active forms of interaction with parents are an important condition for unlocking the creative potential of the family. Actions that give a feeling of celebration, joy, and fun warm both childhood and adult memories for a long time, and positive emotions are important to everyone. In addition, there is indirect guidance on organizing leisure activities for students’ families. Positive communication is of great importance for children from single-parent and problematic families. A meeting with authoritative parents of one’s classmates can do much more for a child than conversations and moral teachings, i.e., there is also an indirect influence on the child’s future actions, the formation of his character through the desire to imitate, including the formation of a significant attitude towards the concept “ family" .

The use of non-traditional forms of cooperation with parents allows both children and parents to see each other in an unusual environment and to better understand loved ones.

A carefully prepared, meaningful, non-standard form and relevant common cause can revolutionize the minds of fathers and mothers, revealing their enormous educational potential and desire to help their child become happier; will raise the authority of the school and will allow parents to unite the educational efforts.

Creative communication with families is the main thing that helps the teacher successfully influence the development of the personality of each child and forms a value-based attitude towards the family. In modern conditions, the family is becoming one of the central objects of various fields of knowledge: social pedagogy, social work, healthcare, education, etc.

Working with parents has always been considered one of the most difficult in a teacher’s work. Parents of students are the main participants in the educational process, with whom they share efforts and responsibility for the results of pedagogical work.

Parents need not only information from teachers. The parent must feel that teachers need him and that they are ready to work with him constantly and systematically. This should not be just a list of activities to work with the family, but a comprehensive and systematic interaction with it. The work should not be built from holiday to holiday, but have a unique circle of activities, when parents, together with the teaching staff, gradually become ready to interact.

Today there are parents who completely devote themselves to raising their children, they expect advice and recommendations from teachers, are ready to get involved in any public affairs and are actively involved in the social and leisure life of their child and the entire institution as a whole.

As noted above, one of the significant aspects of joint activities with the family is a unified approach to the implementation of goals and increasing the content of educational work with students. It is very important that parents are well aware of the goals of education, which is based on the need for personality formation, and pay attention not only to the educational success of children, but also take daily care of their labor and technical training, physical, moral and aesthetic education.

Control questions

  • 1. Describe modern trends and problems of family education.
  • 2. Reveal the conditions for the development and self-development of the individual in the family.
  • 3. Determine the main directions and forms of work of the additional education teacher with students’ families. Suggest forms not listed in the manual.
  • 4. Make a comparative analysis of the characteristics of raising children in the family and the system of additional education.
  • 5. Make a historical review of the theories of family education in the works of domestic teachers. Draw connections with contemporary issues and views on family education.
  • 6. Determine the main areas of work of the additional education teacher with students’ families.
  • 7. Describe the forms of work of an additional education teacher with a family. Suggest forms not listed in the manual.
  • 1. Develop and prepare a plan for the first parent-teacher meeting.
  • 2. Make a list of possible assignments and forms of parental participation in the educational activities of the institution.
  • 3. Make a plan for preparing and conducting one of the joint activities of parents and children.
  • 4. Select diagnostic methods that determine the characteristics of family upbringing.
  • 5. Propose criteria for assessing the satisfaction of parental expectations with the work of an additional education institution.
  • 6. Make an annotated list of forms of work of additional education teachers with students’ families.
  • Kulikova I A. Family pedagogy and home education. - M.. 2006. - P. 135.

Working with parents in additional education.

Author: Bryushinina Tatyana Yuryevna.
Position and place of work: Municipal Budgetary Organization of Additional Education Training Center, Buryatia Muisky district, Taksimo village.

Purpose: This material is intended for teachers and additional education methodologists. Will help in organizing work with parents in additional education. The emphasis is on describing the forms of work with parents in preschool education, which will help you choose the most convenient for your educational process.
The interaction between family and additional education is different from interaction with parents at school. Relations between students, parents and teachers in additional education are built on the basis of freedom of choice. But, as a rule, most parents do not see the need to systematically communicate with preschool teachers, as a result of which the problem of ineffective interaction with the child’s family is revealed. The attitude of parents towards their child’s activities in the additional education system is often paradoxical:
on the one hand, parents are interested in their child doing “useful things”;
on the other hand, a significant part of parents exhibit an extremely “consumer attitude” towards classes and the teacher. It is also difficult for parents to understand the content of the activities of the children's association, its significance in the development of the child - the activities are treated as something frivolous, or they are immediately considered as initial vocational training.
At the same time, successful solution of educational problems is possible only by combining the efforts of the family and other social institutions.
Additional education teachers and parents are united by concern for the health and development of the child, creating an atmosphere of trust and personal success in joint activities.
The main goal of working with parents of students is to create psychological and pedagogical conditions for interaction between children and parents, strengthening partnerships between teachers, parents, children, and mobilizing the sociocultural potential of the family to create a unified humane, friendly educational environment. Instead of isolation and formal communication with parents, additional education teachers should strive to move towards social partnership with the family, with parents, including them in the educational process.
Working with parents includes a set of measures - various forms of psychological education, training, counseling, prevention - that help adults understand their role in the development of family ties, better care for the well-being of the child, develop him intellectually, socially, sensually, ethically, aesthetically. plan.
Objectives of cooperation with parents:
1. Establish partnerships with the family of each student.
2. Join efforts for full development and education.
3. Create an atmosphere of community of interests and emotional support.
4. Activate and enrich the educational skills of parents.

In the process of child development, modern pedagogy distinguishes three areas:
education – (targeted influence on the child),
family (the main institution of personal socialization)
society (spontaneous influence of the “street”).
The system of additional education for children is one of the components of the education sector, which determines the need for additional education teachers not only to take into account in their professional activities the influence of all the facts that determine the development of personality, but also, if possible, to create conditions for their meaningful interaction. If the primary person is the individual, then the family represents the microenvironment in which, in the words of F.M. Dostoevsky, a person can only “turn out” into a person. That is why the family should act as an assistant to society, and society should help and support the family in every possible way.
From the point of view of society, being a parent means, first of all, satisfying the basic needs of the child, taking care of his health, well-being, and happiness. From the point of view of pedagogy and child psychology, this concept includes relationships with children, their upbringing, aimed at personal development.
Parents feel the need to receive support in raising their children. It is obvious that now this need for qualified assistance is more relevant than ever, since, while engaged in the professional training of the younger generation, the education of future parents is at a very low level. Parenting is an international term that also means helping parents perform the functions of educators of their own children - parental functions.

As experience with parents shows, they are mostly interested in joint activities with their children. This is a good opportunity to see your child in new unfamiliar activities, look at him with different eyes, and just spend time next to him.

For this purpose, the following forms of work with families are actively used in additional education:
1. Group forms:
Open days.
Parent meeting.
Creative workshops.
Joint play activity.

2. Customized shapes:
Questioning, diagnostics.
Visiting family at home.
Individual consultation (conversation).
Educational work.

Let's look at the above in more detail:
Interactive forms of work.
Questioning, diagnostics. It is carried out to find out the requests of parents, satisfaction with the work of the teacher, association, organization. Methodologists and psychologists, pedagogical and methodological literature will help you compose questionnaires on various issues.
Visiting family at home. This form of working with parents is not always convenient and acceptable, but perhaps for some it will seem necessary. This is a very effective form, and sometimes it is a turning point in the relationship between teacher and parent. Visits must be arranged with parents in advance.
Conference. A form of pedagogical education that provides for the expansion, deepening and consolidation of knowledge about raising children. Conferences can be scientific and practical, theoretical, reading, experience exchange, conferences for mothers and fathers. Held once a year, they require careful preparation and require the active participation of parents. They usually include exhibitions of students' work, books for parents, and amateur art concerts. Conference topics must be specific. Conferences should be held not in a separate association or group, but in a department or organization as a whole.
Individual consultation (conversation). During conversations, both parties have the opportunity to get to know the microclimate in the family and discuss problems that concern parents and teachers. This form is very effective. In individual conversations, parents are more open than in group meetings. Consultations can be carried out on the initiative of the teacher (oral invitation at a meeting or by telephone, written invitation) or on the initiative of the parents themselves.
In the invitation, it is important to formulate the purpose of the conversation with the parent; wording such as “Please come see me next week” is unacceptable, since this statement leads parents into a state of anticipation, painful uncertainty and ignorance.
The motto of the consultation is: “We are together against the problem, but not against each other.”
Joint play activity.
One of the optimal spaces for implementing some of the ideas is the play space. It is in play that a child feels safe, comfortable, and experiences psychological space and freedom. In this case, the role of the adult who organizes this space is extremely important. That is why teachers consider it necessary to take a very active position not only as organizers of games and programs, but also as assistants to parents in acquiring new knowledge about ways to spend time together with their children. The experience of organizing this kind of work shows that the effectiveness of joint activities increases significantly, since the capabilities and advantages of its participants are combined: the experience and wisdom of an adult, the originality and non-standard thinking of children.
Through play, it is easier for adults to correct relationships between children, instill skills of self-organization, and respectful attitude towards each other.

Traditional forms of work.
Open days. A way to introduce parents to the content, methods and techniques of education and training, and the conditions of children's activities. Sometimes an “open day” helps to overcome the negative or prejudiced attitude of parents towards the child, his abilities, and to see him in a different, previously unknown light. Can be carried out up to 3 times a year.
Creative workshops. Parents and children can periodically engage in joint activities in creative workshops. The main purpose of the functioning of creative workshops is to create conditions for the creative self-realization of children and parents and, as a result, the joy of joint creative work.
Parent meeting. This is the main form of work with parents, which concentrates the entire complex of psychological and pedagogical interaction between the educational institution and the family. However, holding meetings in the form of formal reports and didactic conversations has negative consequences. It is necessary to use methods and techniques that activate the attention of tired parents, make it easier to remember the essence of conversations, and create a special mood for a friendly, frank, business-like conversation.
When preparing and conducting parent meetings, the following points must be taken into account:
1. 2-3 weeks before the meeting, announce the date to the students. This period will allow parents to plan their time on the day of the meeting and will create a psychological mood for visiting the ODOD.
2. The teacher’s speech at the meeting should be well prepared, emotional, and friendly.
The teacher’s task is to maintain the interest of each parent in the common work during the meeting itself. This is possible when parents see the activities of their children against the background of common affairs.
Parents who bring their children to classes at an additional education institution, as a rule, are not inclined to listen to long, monotonous lectures (even on a topic that interests them).
3. It is advisable to hold meetings at least 1-2 times per academic year.
Educational work.
Development and maintenance of a website (or a page on the website of your additional education organization) In recent years, due to the active introduction of interactive forms of communication into our lives, teachers have begun to use the capabilities of the Internet to highlight the activities of their creative association. The structure of the site and the content of the material presented on it must not contradict the requirements of Russian legislation.
If the site has interactive surveys for parents, then this form of work can also be classified as interactive.
Visual information. Visual information in the form of stands and corners is universal and has enormous potential for illuminating the pedagogical process. At the same time, it does not provide for direct contact between the teacher and the parent. Therefore, the form and method of presenting information, as well as its content, is important.
Forms of visual and textual information:
Thematic exhibitions are dedicated to any topic related to the family.
Group exhibitions of children's works (periodically).
Individual (personal) exhibitions of children's works.
Photo showcases and photo collages: stands presented with photographs of children, reflecting their life activities in ECEC.
Mobile library. This form is especially optimal for parents of preschool and primary school age. The mobile library involves “reading on the spot” when parents are expecting a child. The teacher can display books on current issues in raising children, magazines, brochures, booklets, etc.
Newspaper. It attracts with its colorfulness, photographs of children, articles authored by the children themselves, teachers and parents themselves. The newspaper may include a report from the scene (competition, hike), interviews, practical advice, congratulations and thanks, humor and much more.
Booklets. Help the teacher introduce his association. The booklet may contain information for several years (program goal, achievements, history of graduates, reviews of parents, etc.), as well as for a specific academic year - schedule, operating hours, necessary equipment, rules of conduct, contact information of the director and teacher, and etc.

State-public forms of work.
These forms of work involve the creation of boards of trustees, school boards, fathers' boards, city and district parents' boards; inclusion of parents in the governing boards of institutions, etc.
In general, clearly organized work with parents is constructive, making it possible to model a unified educational environment in the organization. Since parents are initially the main customers of educational services, specialists need to strive to pay due attention to effective forms of interaction between additional education organizations and students’ families.


Basic forms of working with parents

in an institution of additional education for children

Evpatoria, 2015


Modern parents consider the institution of additional education for children (hereinafter referred to as EEC) not only as a place for developing a child’s hobbies and organizing his leisure time, but also, above all, are interested in the child’s educational success and are aimed at educational results. Therefore, it is very important for a teacher of additional education to establish partnerships with parents, create an atmosphere of support and community of interests, mutual understanding, cooperation and interaction. The effectiveness of interaction with parents largely depends on the forms of work organization.

Additional education teachers and parents are united by concern for the health and development of the child, creating an atmosphere of trust and personal success in joint activities.

Work with parents includes a set of measures - various forms of psychological education, training, counseling, prevention - that help adults understand their role in the development of family ties, better care for the well-being of the child, develop him intellectually, socially, sensually, ethically, aesthetically. plan.

Objectives of cooperation with parents:

    Establish partnerships with the family of each student.

    Join efforts for full development and education.

    Create an atmosphere of common interests and emotional support.

    Activate and enrich the educational skills of parents.

These recommendations will help teachers create a system of working with parents of students, as well as avoid traditional conflicts between parents and the institution of additional education for children. In addition, a well-organized system of work between a teacher and parents of students is a way to improve the professional level and skill of a teacher, a guarantee of improving his personal qualities, the development of pedagogical creativity, a strategy aimed at developing professional skills, developing readiness for professional self-education and self-education.

Compiled by: Bessarabova T.A.

Basic forms of interaction between teacher and parents students

For this purpose, the following forms of work with parents are actively used in additional education:

1. Group forms:
Open days.

Parent meeting.
Creative workshops.

2. Customized forms:
Questioning, diagnostics.
Visiting family at home.
Individual consultation (conversation).
Educational work.

Let's look at each of them in detail.

Group forms:

Open days . This is not only a means of satisfying interest in how children live in the children's association. This is a way to introduce parents to the content, methods and techniques of education and training, and the conditions of children's activities. Sometimes an “open day” helps to overcome the negative or prejudiced attitude of parents towards the child, his abilities, and to see him in a different, previously unknown light. Can be carried out up to 3 times a year.

Conference. A form of pedagogical education that provides for the expansion, deepening and consolidation of knowledge about raising children. Conferences can be scientific and practical, theoretical, reading, experience exchange, conferences for mothers and fathers. Conferences are held once a year, they require careful preparation and involve the active participation of parents. They usually include exhibitions of students' works, books for parents, and amateur art concerts. The topics of conferences should be specific, for example: “Play in a child’s life”, “Moral education of adolescents in the family”, etc. Conferences should be held not in a separate association, but in the institution as a whole. These could be reading conferences “Family Reading Circle”, etc.

Thematic conferences on sharing experiences in raising children(at all levels). This form arouses well-deserved interest and attracts the attention of the parent and pedagogical community, scientists and cultural figures, and representatives of public organizations.

Be sure to invite several experts in the field of the chosen topic to the conference.

A parent meeting is one of the main forms of working with parents. It discusses the problems of the life of the association and the parent team. The teacher directs the activities of parents in the process of preparation. This is a mutual exchange of opinions, ideas, and a joint search. The topics of meetings can be varied: “We are one family”; “About kindness and mercy”; “Learning to communicate”, “Psychological climate in a team”, “The role of the father in raising children”, etc. Many educational institutions, taking into account modern requirements, have significantly diversified the very form of holding parent-teacher meetings. It can take the form of a round table, a debate, a thematic discussion of the parents themselves with the invitation of specialists in whom the family is interested, consultations with specialists, etc.

Dispute, discussion- exchange of opinions on educational issues is one of the forms of improving pedagogical culture that is interesting for parents. It allows you to include them in the discussion of the most important problems, contributes to the formation of the ability to comprehensively analyze facts and phenomena, relying on accumulated experience, and stimulates active pedagogical thinking. The results of the discussions are perceived with great confidence.

Organization and structure of parent meetings (Annex 1).

Creative workshops . Parents and children can periodically engage in joint activities in creative workshops. A teacher of arts and crafts is involved in such work, who help the birth of a product of joint creativity. The main purpose of the functioning of creative workshops is to create conditions for the creative self-realization of children and parents and, as a result, the joy of joint creative work.

Joint leisure activities.

One of the most popular and sought-after forms of working with parents in the preschool education system is the organization of joint leisure activities. WITH joint educational and holiday events activate and increase the interest of parents.

Forms of leisure: joint holidays, preparation of concerts, performances; viewing and discussion of films and performances; sports competitions, KVN; hiking trips, excursion trips. Joint activities in creative associations of various directions, museums, etc.

Examples of such events can be traditional holidays: “Sorceress Autumn”, “New Year’s Adventures”, “March 8 – Mother’s Day”, “Graduation Ball”, “Mother’s Day”, “Father’s Day”, “Grandparents’ Day”, “Day of my child", "Mutual Thanksgiving Day"; creative competitions and festivals: “Sports Family”, “Musical Family”, family album competition, housewife competition, “Erudic Family”, “Family Hobby”, “Our Friendly Family”, “Hobbies and Hobbies of My Family”, “Family World” hobbies”, “Dad, Mom, I am a friendly family”, “Traditions in my family”, “Mom, Dad, I am a reading family”. The competition may consist of several stages:

Literary, parents and children are invited to explore a specific topic in the form of an essay, short story, short story: “New Year’s traditions of my family”;

Literary and artistic, stories about parents, grandparents, for example, “The Labor Dynasty of My Family”, “Dad is a True Friend”, “Mom is My Sunshine”, “The family name of the family is the surname”, “The family tree of our family”, illustrated photographs, drawings, applications.

Based on the results of the competitions, exhibitions and collections of essays, stories, and essays by children and parents are compiled.

Photo exhibitions from family archives on a specific topic: “Holidays in our family”, “Holidays and everyday life of my family”, etc.

Exhibition of applied and fine arts “Hobbies”, “Family Hobbies”.

Parents can help with registration, preparation of incentive prizes, evaluation of results, and directly participate in events, creating their own or mixed teams.

Customized forms:

Questioning, diagnostics . It is carried out to clarify the requests of parents, satisfaction with the work of the teacher, association, institution. Completed forms must be kept for the duration of the academic year. Then they are disposed of, and the teacher stores the summarized results for at least 5 years (intertest period). Written reviews from parents about the teacher’s activities are usually compiled in free form and are stored by the teacher in a folder of achievements or a portfolio.

Visiting family at home . This is a very effective form, and sometimes it is a turning point in the relationship between teacher and parent. Visits must be arranged with parents in advance. When visiting a family, one gets to know the child's living conditions. The teacher talks with parents about his character, interests, inclinations, attitude towards parents, informs parents about the successes of their child, gives advice on organizing homework, etc.

Individual consultation (conversation). This form is the most common and effective. During individual conversations, parents are more willing and open to talk about the sorrows and worries that worry them. Consultations can be carried out on the initiative of the teacher (oral invitation at a meeting or by telephone, written invitation) or on the initiative of the parents themselves.

Organization and conduct of individual consultations (conversations) (Appendix 2).

Educational work.

Development and maintenance of a website (or a page on the DOD website, group incontact ) creative association. In recent years, due to the active introduction of interactive forms of communication into our lives, teachers have begun to use the capabilities of the Internet to highlight the activities of their creative association. The website can be created entirely by a teacher or on the basis of a website builder (of which there are a great many now) or on the official website of your organization.

The structure of the site and the content of the material presented on it must not contradict the requirements of Russian legislation.

If the site has interactive surveys for parents, then this form of work can also be classified as interactive.

Visual information . The forms of work on pedagogical education are varied. Visual information in the form of stands and corners is universal and has enormous potential for illuminating the pedagogical process. At the same time, it does not provide for direct contact between the teacher and the parent. Therefore, the form and method of presenting information, as well as its content, is important.

Forms of visual and textual information :

    Thematic exhibitions are dedicated to any topic related to the family.

    Group exhibitions of children's works (periodically).

    Individual (personal) exhibitions of children's works.

    Photo showcases and photo collages: stands presented with photographs of children reflecting their life activities in preschool education.

    Information stands: “For you, parents!”, “University” for parents”, “Educational program for parents”. At the stand you can place information in the form of reminders, tips, recommendations and materials on the topics of raising children.

    Newspaper. It attracts with its colorfulness, photographs of children, articles authored by the children themselves, teachers and parents themselves. The newspaper may include a report from the scene (competition, hike), interviews, practical advice, congratulations and thanks, humor and much more.

    Booklets. Help the teacher introduce his association. The booklet may contain information for several years (program goal, achievements, alumni history, parent reviews, etc.), as well as for a specific academic year - schedule, operating hours, necessary equipment, rules of conduct, etc.

    Gold funds. This form is interesting, but, unfortunately, it is not popular enough, as it requires certain material costs. Within the framework of this form, the following funds can be organized:

    The video library can include not only films, but also recordings of children's parties, competitions, fairs, open classes, or simply the life of children in ODOD.

    “Family Library” - this fund may include fiction and journalistic literature, educational aids, guidelines for raising children, popular pedagogy and psychology for parents, and periodicals.

Thus, using various forms of communication with parents, the teacher creates a favorable microclimate between the students themselves and the family as a whole, necessary for the full completion of the learning process and the formation of the child’s personality; increases the level of pedagogical and psychological literacy of parents. After all, only joint activities will help achieve optimal results in raising and educating children.


    Kaleidoscope of parent meetings / Ed. ON THE. Alekseeva. Vol. 1.2. M., 2001.

    Kolyada M. Cheat sheet for parents. Donetsk, 1998.

    Malenkova L.I. Teachers, parents, children. M., 2000.

    Hamyalainen Yu. Parenting. M., 1993.

Annex 1

Organization and structure of parent meetings

The meeting is organized at least 2 times a year. Parent meetings can be of three types: organizational, final, thematic.

At the beginning of the school year it is mandatory to conduct organizational meeting, at the first meeting with parents, it is important to determine the day of the week, time and agree on the approximate topic of meetings for the school year (who they would like to meet with, get advice). This can be found out by surveying parents. It is important for parents of first-year students to present the educational program and the results of its mastery, the specifics and schedule of classes.

Any parent meeting requires the teacher to carefully prepare, create a kind of “scenario”, a plan, so that it takes place in an atmosphere of interest, with the active participation of parents. In preparation thematic meeting, it is advisable to offer parents in advance a questionnaire on the problem that is being discussed, recommend reading books or familiarizing themselves with periodicals. It is important to think over the design of the classroom or hall (arrange an exhibition of students’ creative works, select literature for parents, publish a thematic newspaper). The form of inviting parents to the meeting is no less significant.

The meeting must begin at a strictly established time. Parents get used to this requirement and try to adhere to it. Maximum duration 1-1.5 hours.

Each meeting (not a thematic meeting, but a working meeting) is structured in accordance with the following agenda:

    Information about the institution of additional education for children, about the children's association, about the achievements of children over the past period (only positive information).

    Useful information from specialists (doctors, psychologists, sociologists, scientists, law enforcement officers).

    Information about the work of parents with students over the past period.

    Planning the participation of parents in the affairs of the children's association for the next period.

In the final part of the meeting, the teacher thanks the parents for their participation and joint work. He asks those parents whose children have problems in learning and behavior to stay in order to find out the reasons and develop a joint decision on possible ways to overcome them.

At the end of the academic year there is final meeting. Its main goal is to present to parents the educational results of the program, demonstrate the achievements of students, as well as plan the activities of the children's association for the next academic year.

Appendix 2

Organization and conduct of individual consultations (conversations)

Consultations can be carried out on the initiative of the teacher (oral invitation at a meeting or by telephone, written invitation) or on the initiative of the parents themselves.

In the invitation, it is important to formulate the purpose of the conversation with the parent; wording such as “Please come see me next week” is unacceptable, since this statement leads parents into a state of anticipation, painful uncertainty and ignorance.

Knowing the purpose of the consultation, the parent will be able to prepare for it not only psychologically, but also informationally, collect any information, and remember the necessary facts. At a minimum, the consultation lasts 20 minutes. Consultation “in between” in a noisy common corridor does not bring any benefit. The success of the conversation largely depends on pedagogical tact, sensitivity, and the ability to interest the parent.

The motto of the consultation is: “We are together against the problem, but not against each other.”

The key to a successful consultation:

    Be genuinely interested in parents (ask them questions).

    Greet them with joy and enthusiasm, then your attitude will rub off on your parents.


    Call your parents by their first and patronymic names.

    Be a good listener (listening is the success of any consultation).

    Take a break.

    Make the parent aware of his importance and do it sincerely.

    If you are forced to reprimand, start with praise.

    First talk about your own mistakes, and then about the mistakes of your parents.

    Express your approval to your parents for their smallest successes and celebrate their every success.

    Do not strive to defend your own position at any cost.

    Consider the personal interests of parents.

Appendix 3

Methodology for studying parents' satisfaction with the work of an educational institution

The purpose of the study is to study the opinions of students’ parents about educational work and the organization of interaction in the institution and children’s association.

Research objectives:

    Determine the active participation of children and their parents in the life of the additional education institution, preparation and conduct of events in the association and study group.

    Determine how satisfied students' parents are with relationships with all participants in the educational process.

    To identify the emotional attitude of students’ parents to the institution of additional education for children, to events, and to negative phenomena in the children’s association.

The study is carried out at a parent meeting. The work is carried out using a special questionnaire. The questionnaire is given to each parent, and they answer all questions within 10-12 minutes.

Dear parents!

We invite you to take part in a survey on the educational system of the Center for Children's Creativity and Interaction between Teachers and Parents.

Your opinion will help to understand the current situation and develop recommendations for the teaching staff to improve educational work in the CDT.

We hope for sincere answers. The results of the work will be used only in a generalized form, so you don’t have to indicate your last name. Write down only the name of the educational program or association in which your child is enrolled.

You need to familiarize yourself with the answer options for each question, then select and indicate on the answer sheet the one that best matches your opinion.

We thank you in advance and wish you success!

    Did your child participate in the preparation and conduct of events at the Children's Creativity Center?

A) yes, all the time

B) yes, occasionally

B) no, did not participate

D) I find it difficult to answer

2. Do you like the events held at the Children's Creativity Center?

A) mostly like it

B) like it, but not in everything

C) mostly don’t like it

D) I find it difficult to answer

3. How satisfied are you with the relationship you have with your additional education teacher?

A) mostly satisfactory

B) satisfactory in some ways, not in others

B) mostly unsatisfactory

D) I find it difficult to answer

4. What attracts you and does not attract you to the Children's Creativity Center?

5. Your suggestions for organizing educational and festive events at the Children's Creativity Center.


Appendix No. 2

Questionnaire for parents

    How often should parent-teacher conferences be held?

    Do you attend all parent-teacher conferences?

    From your point of view, are parent-teacher meetings effective?

    What issues would you like to discuss at parent meetings?

Appendix No. 3


pedagogical ethics in interaction with parents of students

    Consider the personal interests of parents, their ability to visit an educational institution and parent-teacher meetings.

    Have a conversation with your parents in an appropriate environment, not on the fly.

    Address parents by first and last name. Know how to win over your parents.

    Know how to listen and hear, become an interlocutor.

    Do not insult parental feelings and thoughts; find positive traits and qualities in every child.

    Praise the child and parents in front of everyone, talk about problems individually.

    Contacting parents via written communication should be respectful, concise and specific.

Dear teachers. We offer you forms of working with parents that you can use when drawing up a “Plan for the educational work of a creative association.”

Event name


State-public forms of work.

Selection of the parent committee and representative to the Governing Board of Trustees of the organization.


Traditional forms of work

Parent meeting “Getting to know the creative association.”


Participation of families of the creative association in sporting events “Fun Family Starts”

Gatherings for children and parents for Easter


Open Day

Joint family holiday “My Family Tree”

Any month at the discretion of the teacher

Creative workshop dedicated to International Women's Day “Together with Mom”


Creative workshop dedicated to Father’s Day “Crafting with Dad”


Joint action of children and parents “Let’s make a birdhouse”


Hiking trip together with parents “Let’s save nature for future generations”


Parent meeting “Results of work for the school year”

April or May

Interactive forms of work

Questioning parents to identify requests


Individual consultations on training in a creative association

During the school year

Home visit

As needed during the school year

Parent conference “Creativity in the life of my child”

According to a separate organization plan

Questioning parents to determine satisfaction with the quality of educational services


Educational work

Creating a website or group of creative associations on social networks

Any month at the discretion of the teacher

Development of a booklet about the work of the creative association

Any month at the discretion of the teacher

Design and replenishment of an information stand for parents during the school year

During the school year

Organization of thematic exhibitions of students’ works (for display during traditional forms of work)

During the school year

VII . Conceptual apparatus.

Adaptation - the process of re-education in combination with influence, suggesting a change in personality development.

Leisure - part of the time of an individual, group and society as a whole, which is used to preserve, restore and develop a person’s physical and spiritual health, as well as to satisfy personal interests and needs.

Correction - a form of collective study and discussion of psychological and pedagogical problems of upbringing and education.

Conference - a form of collective study and discussion of psychological and pedagogical problems of upbringing and education.

Reproduction - reproduction of something, someone.

Primary socialization - due to the fact that the family is the first and main social group that actively influences the formation of the child’s personality; the biological and social connections of parents and children are naturally intertwined in the family. They determine the characteristics of mental development and the primary socialization of children at the earliest stage of their development. Teaching the child the social experiences that

accumulated by humanity, the culture of the country where he was born and growing up, its moral standards and traditions of the people.

Parental committee - a group of parents who were elected at a general meeting in order to represent the interests of students and actively participate in the life of the educational institution.

Parent meeting - this is a type of work with parents, which is based on the goal of gathering all members to discuss current problems and develop certain solutions.

Self management - this is collective management, the participation of all members of the educational process in the activities of the relevant governing body, the inclusion of performers in the process of developing and making common decisions.

Training - this is an exercise in something, living through some situation in the game.

Family - a small social group based on marriage and (or) consanguinity, whose members are united by a commonliving, housekeeping, emotional connection and mutual responsibilities towards each other.

A social institution characterized by a stable form of relationships between people, within which the bulk of people’s daily lives exist: sexual relations, childbirth and the initial socialization of children, household care, educational, medical and other services.

    Explanatory note

    Forms and methods of working with parents

    Approximate thematic plan for working with parents for the school year





Additional education for children plays an important role in the overall education system. This is the link that should ensure the holistic development of the child’s personality, his socialization, influence the formation of an elementary culture of activity and behavior, the formation of intelligence and general culture.

Raising a child in an educational institution and raising a child in a family is a single, inextricable process. The role of the teacher in organizing this work is great. It is very important to make parents complicit in the pedagogical process from the first year of teaching and raising children in preschool education.

Parents are the main assistants of the teacher!

Work with parents, like any work in an educational institution, must be carried out in an integral system and is of great importance. For parents’ help to be effective, they need to be trained to exchange experiences, discuss problems, and jointly look for ways and means to solve them.

It was noticed that children who lagged behind their peers at an early stage of education often caught up with them a little later. We all know that good academic performance is often associated with genetic cognitive abilities, the child’s personal characteristics, and motivation to learn. However, the role of the family in a student’s life is not the least important. In one of the schools, a study was conducted of the influence of the family on the educational success of younger schoolchildren. After completing the experiment, it turned out that according to the level of family influence on the child’s success, families were divided into four groups:

Characteristics of families that influence educational success

Children's performance results (levels)

Parents value success, expect good academic performance, encourage strenuous activities (parents' expectations coincide with the child's cognitive abilities)

Parents value success and expect good academic performance (parents’ expectations coincide with the child’s cognitive abilities)

Above average

Parents value success and expect their children to do well (regardless of their abilities)


Parents do not value their children's success and do not have high expectations for their children's performance (regardless of ability)

Consequently, parents can positively influence success if they work together with the child, believe in his success, never refuse the necessary help, and encourage hard work.

Where the teacher and parents act in concert, educational work in the association is usually carried out better and children are raised more correctly in the family. The teacher’s recommendations and advice must be followed. It is unacceptable for parents to speak disrespectfully about the teacher or allow themselves to make disparaging statements about him. This disorients children, pushes them onto the wrong path of opportunism, searching for a compromise solution to the current situation. By questioning the teacher's authority, parents thereby undermine their children's respect for other adults around them. Including to ourselves. It is more honest and easier to clarify any misunderstandings that have arisen in a personal conversation with the teacher.

For younger schoolchildren, parents and the family atmosphere are the most important factors in development. Some parents may need training and teacher approval in their efforts to help their children. In turn, the teacher must realize that his work with children will not bring great results without the active participation of parents.

The partnership between family and teacher should work in the interests of the child, sharing responsibility for his education and development.


In recent years, the crisis of the family institution has deepened. As sociological surveys and statistical data show, the prestige of the family, fatherhood and motherhood is declining in the country, the birth rate is falling, the number of divorces and the number of single mothers are growing. Along with this, there are often situations when in seemingly prosperous families, parents, having provided the child with all material benefits, practically do not engage in his upbringing. Very often, families lack professional assistance in organizing family education. These phenomena should be taken into account by the teacher when working with parents to raise children.

In addition, for the successful implementation of federal state educational standards of the new generation, it is necessary to strengthen ties between teachers of an educational institution and parents of students. This requires the development of forms and methods of interaction between teachers and parents of children, educational institutions and families. In UPEC this is most important when working with elementary school students, since working with primary school students has its own characteristics due to the age and life experience of the children, the transition to developmental education from the age of six, and a sharp decrease in the number of children who attended kindergartens before school.

The forms and methods of work of ECEC with parents must be aimed at increasing the psychological and pedagogical culture and knowledge of parents, and involving parents in the educational process.

The choice of forms and methods of working with parents, along with taking into account their needs and interests, should ensure, with the guiding role of ECEC teachers, the formation of an active position of parents, their readiness to interact with the teaching staff. After all, many problems (prevention and prevention of violations of the rules of behavior, increasing motivation to study and identifying the causes of lag in it, and others) can be effectively solved by interacting with the student’s parents.

Methods of working with parents include conversations, various tests and questionnaires, and observations. Forms of work include parent meetings, open classes, consultations (traditional forms), non-traditional - discussions, workshops, round tables, oral journals, trainings, master classes.

At the same time, forms and methods of working with parents can be individual and collective. Individual ones include questionnaires, individual conversations or consultations, the use of various reminders, studying the student’s family based on documents, meetings, and others. Collective activities include parent meetings, thematic events, lectures, clubs, conversations and parent consultations.

The work of a primary school teacher with parents can be divided into three successive stages.

The first stage covers the initial period of children's stay in the association. At the first stage, acquaintance with the families of schoolchildren is carried out. For this purpose, available documents and conversations with parents and children are used. An effective approach is to conduct a parent survey. Analysis of questionnaires allows you to learn about the methods of upbringing in the family, the child’s hobbies and behavior, his household responsibilities, and character traits. The information obtained at this stage serves as a starting point for planning work with parents.

The first parent meeting is very important at this stage, where parents are introduced to regulatory documents, the work plan of the association, the educational program and the main points of the child’s stay in the preschool. Reminders handed out to parents allow parents to navigate the specifics of their child’s education at SUT. Memos can contain both general information and represent the result of the work experience of a specific teacher.

The second stage covers the period until the end of the child’s education in the association. It is fundamental in the teacher’s work with parents. At this stage, various forms and methods of mutual activities of teachers and parents in raising and educating children are used. In this case, the teacher must:

increase the level of pedagogical knowledge of parents;

strengthen the trust of children and parents in the teacher and the authority of parents in the eyes of children;

expand the participation of family members in educational work and in various SUT events.

Let us consider in more detail the forms and methods of working with parents used at the second stage.

A parent meeting, being a traditional form of working with parents, can be built in a new way, using various techniques and approaches (debates, elements of a business game, seminar classes). Various exhibitions (of the best works, crafts for the holidays, etc.) can be timed to coincide with parent meetings.

A great effect in education, strengthening connections and mutual understanding between parents, children and teachers is provided by joint events: competitions and competitions, trips to nature with parents, excursions to museums, visits to exhibitions and various other events. They also contribute to the formation of a friendly team within the association. Wide possibilities in the joint educational work of the family and the preschool education center are opened up by the involvement of the children’s grandparents.

The unification of parents and children is facilitated by their joint work in studying the history of their family and making a “Family Tree”. Children become familiar with concepts and information about genealogies, professions and surnames of relatives, family holidays and traditions, and participation of relatives in war.

Grandparents of students, who, having extensive life experience, free time, and desire, are often ready to participate in joint work in raising children, have significant potential in strengthening the interaction between the teaching staff and the family. As practice shows, involving them in organizing events gives a good educational effect.

Modern information technologies offer great opportunities for improving work with parents on the part of the teacher and strengthening connections with them. They can be used both in organizing the events discussed above and for promptly informing parents via the Internet on the UDOD website and the teacher’s personal website.

The third stage of the teacher’s work with parents covers the time period after graduation from the association. At this stage, it is important for the teacher to transfer the accumulated experience of working with children and their parents to his colleagues who accept children into sports associations, etc. This will largely allow for continuity in educational and educational work with children, interaction with their families.

And, of course, the effectiveness of working with parents, and ultimately the quality of education, the results of raising children, largely depends on the skill of the teacher, his authority in the eyes of children and parents.

This is due to the fact that the child develops self-esteem based on his assessment by the teacher and the results achieved in learning. From the first days of teaching children in an association, a teacher becomes an indisputable authority for them, which is one of the most important prerequisites for training and education.

On the part of parents, there are three factors for evaluating a teacher: whether the teacher has pedagogical authority in the perception of parents, the level of individual work with their child, and the educational attractiveness of the teacher.

The practice of working with parents shows that the active use of the new and traditional forms of work with parents discussed above helps to improve the upbringing of children, strengthens the relationship between parents and children, and allows children to develop their abilities for cooperation, creative self-expression and self-confidence.

Basic pedagogical competencies that a teacher must have to effectively organize work with parents:

1. Reflective and analytical abilities:

Ability to analyze your activities;

The ability to foresee the results and consequences of one’s activities;

Ability to master methods of diagnosing the state of the individual and the team;

The ability to observe and evaluate the level of individual development of the student.

2.Organizational skills:

Set only tasks for children that will give the expected result;

Plan work with those who will carry it out;

Divide the goal into smaller tasks and turn them into differentiated tasks for group and individual work;

Create a positive attitude towards upcoming activities;

Use various methods to stimulate individual self-realization of children;

Coordinate the efforts of families and teachers in raising children.

3.Communication skills:

Establishing contact and mutual understanding with each child;

Correction of interpersonal relationships between children;

Fair resolution of all conflict situations;

Achieving mutual understanding between parents, teachers and children.

Sample plan for working with parents

for the academic year

1 year of study

the date of the

Parent meeting: “Introduction to the educational program”


Holiday game: “Red. Yellow. Green"

Exhibition of children's works: "New Year's round dance"

Round table on the topic: “Learning and play in a child’s life”

Exhibition of children's works: “Our achievements”

2nd year of study

the date of the

Vacation Event: Glider Competition

Exhibition of children's works: “Decorations for the New Year”

Conversation on the topic: “Family is the main educator” using the computer presentation “Children learn to live”

Holiday game: “Our needlewomen”

Conversation on the topic: “The most shameful methods of education”

3rd year of study

the date of the

Parent meeting on the topic: “Family education”


Vacation event: Contour model competition

Holiday game: “Our hands are not for boredom!”

Round table on the topic: “Children’s aggressiveness”

Exhibition of children's works: “Talent Workshop”

In addition, the following forms of work with parents are used:


Individual conversations and consultations;

Distribution of reminders;

Setting up a stand with information for parents;

Encouraging parents to cooperate.


The family is the child’s first collective, the natural environment for his development, where the foundations of his future personality are laid. From the moment a child enters an educational institution, a “pedagogical triangle” arises (teacher – student – ​​parent). Achievements in the upbringing and development of children depend on how the relationships develop between teachers, students and their parents. The family becomes not only an object, but also a subject of interaction. It is she who is entrusted with the responsibility for raising and educating children; the family must become a socially active participant in the educational process.

Working with families – impact on the educational potential of the family; The object of attention is not the family itself, but family upbringing. The following is needed here:

1) study of the family atmosphere surrounding the student, his relationships with family members.

Without the use of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics, it is impossible to constructively plan educational work in a children's team, or to establish work with a group of parents.

When using diagnostics, it is necessary to remember the moral aspects of all research and be guided by certain rules.

Rule one. If parents share information with the teacher, it should not be available to everyone.

Rule two. Diagnosis of the problem involves corrective actions by the teacher on the problem studied.

Rule three. Diagnostic testing should not be aimed at labeling.

Rule four. The diagnostic study must be carried out correctly and encourage further communication with the teacher.

Rule five. To study a problem in detail, one diagnostic study is not enough; it is necessary to use various types of diagnostics to obtain reliable material.

Cooperation with parents cannot be built “by eye”, relying only on intuition; it is necessary to know the characteristics of the modern family, its attitude to school and changes in education.

Why does a teacher need information about the family?

To attract parents to the work of the association

To conduct information and educational work with parents, as well as to create information materials for parents, “parental memos”.

What does an additional education teacher need to know about the families of their students?

Socio-demographic portrait of the family.

Family composition.

Last names, first names and patronymics of father and mother, their ages.

Occupation of parents and other family members.

Family financial security.

Range of interests, hobbies of family members.

Family lifestyle.

Organization and principles of family education.

Intrafamily relationships: dominant style of relationships (democratic, authoritarian, mixed), family microclimate, customs and traditions, family leadership, adult authority.

Educational position. Prevailing methods and forms of education. Level of pedagogical culture and self-education of parents.

Relationships between parents and teachers.

Participation of family members in the life of the association.

The nature of interaction with the teacher.

2) Psychological and pedagogical education of parents. This direction is organized using the following forms of work:

individual consultations;

round tables;

preparation of instructions for parents.

3) Involving parents in the educational process is carried out using the following forms of work:

open classes and events;

assistance in organizing and conducting various activities of UPOD and strengthening the material base of the association;

joint holidays;

hiking, excursions into nature;

competitive games.



Memo for parents

Rules for communicating with classmates

Simon Soloveitchik

      Don’t take someone else’s, but don’t give away yours either.

      They asked - give it, they try to take it away - try to defend yourself.

      Don't fight without a reason.

      If they call you to play, go, if they don’t call you, ask permission to play together, it’s not shameful.

      Play honestly, don't let your comrades down.

      Don't tease anyone, don't whine, don't beg for anything. Don't ask anyone for anything twice.

      Don't cry because of your grades, be proud. Don’t argue with the teacher because of grades and don’t be offended by the teacher for grades. Try to do everything on time and think about good results, you will definitely have them.

      Don't snitch or slander anyone.

      Try to be careful.

      Say more often: let's be friends, let's play, let's go home together.

      Remember: you are not better than everyone else, you are not worse than everyone else! You are unique to yourself, parents, teachers, friends!

Memo for parents

Family relationships

1) Accept your child unconditionally.

2) Actively listen to his experiences and opinions.

3) Communicate with him as often as possible, study, read, play, write letters and notes to each other.

4) Do not interfere with his activities that he can handle.

5) Help when asked.

6) Support and celebrate his successes.

7) Talk about your problems, share your feelings.

8) Resolve conflicts peacefully.

9) Use phrases that evoke positive emotions in communication.

10) Hug and kiss each other at least four times a day.

Questionnaire for parents

Dear parents!

I ask you to take part in the discussion of the development of your child in the association. I am interested in your personal opinion about the work of the elementary technical modeling association in which your child is involved. Please answer the questions asked in the questionnaire. The questionnaire is anonymous, so you don’t have to indicate your last name.

    Do you like the association your child is in?

Underline one of the correct answers:

    More yes than no;

    No more than yes;

In what mood does your child most often go to class? (underline):

  • With great desire;

    Out of obligation, but without desire;

    With great reluctance.

    In what mood does your child most often come home from class? (underline):

    Cheerful and cheerful;

    Tired but satisfied;

    Irritated, upset, dissatisfied with my job.

    Do you think your child’s individual characteristics are taken into account in the lessons? (underline):

    Are taken into account;

    Mainly taken into account;

    Yes and no (hard to say);

    Few are taken into account;

    Not taken into account.

    What don’t you like about the association’s work?


    Please tell me what needs to be changed in the work of the association?


Thank you very much!


Do you know your child

    1. Do you encourage your child to show positive emotions? How do you do this?

2. Does your child show negative emotions? Why do you think they arise?

3. How do you develop positive emotions in your child? Give examples.

    1. How much time a day do you spend communicating with your child?

2. Do you know from the child himself about his educational successes, about school friends and friends outside of school, what is the name of his neighbor or deskmate?

3. What are the communication problems your child has?

    1. Does your child like to work?

2. What does he like to do?

3. Can he do the work independently or only with your help?

4. How long can your child work?

5. Is work done enthusiastically or reluctantly?