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Judaism as a world religion. Is Judaism a world religion or not? Judaism is one of the world religions

(not the world, but everyone).

The world religion is a religion that has become widespread among the peoples of different countries around the world. Differences between world religions from national and nation-state religions in that in the latter the religious connection between people coincides with the ethnic connection (the origin of believers) or political. World religions are also called supranational, since they unite different peoples on different continents. History of world religions always closely connected with the course of the history of human civilization. List of world religions small. Religious scholars count three world religions, which we will briefly consider.


Buddhism- oldest world religion, which arose in the 6th century BC on the territory of modern India. At the moment, according to various researchers, there are from 800 million to 1.3 billion believers.

In Buddhism there is no creator god, as in Christianity. Buddha means enlightened one. At the center of the religion are the teachings of the Indian prince Gautama, who abandoned his life of luxury, became a hermit and ascetic, and thought about the destinies of people and the meaning of life.

In Buddhism there is also no theory about the creation of the world (no one created it, and no one controls it), there is no concept of an eternal soul, there is no atonement for sins (instead - positive or negative karma), there is no such multi-component organization as the church in Christianity. Buddhism does not require absolute devotion and renunciation of other religions from believers. It sounds funny, but Buddhism can be called the most democratic religion. Buddha is something of an analogue of Christ, but at the same time he is not considered either a god or the son of God.

The essence of Buddhist philosophy- the desire for nirvana, self-knowledge, self-contemplation and spiritual self-development through self-restraint and meditation.


Christianity arose in the 1st century AD in Palestine (Mesopotamia) based on the teachings of Jesus Christ, which were described by his disciples (apostles) in the New Testament. Christianity is the largest world religion in terms of geography (it is present in almost all countries of the world) and in terms of the number of believers (about 2.3 billion, which is almost a third of the Earth’s population).

In the 11th century, Christianity split into Catholicism and Orthodoxy, and in the 16th century, Protestantism also broke away from Catholicism. Together they make up the three largest movements of Christianity. There are more than a thousand smaller branches (currents, sects).

Christianity is monotheistic, although it monotheism a little non-standard: the concept of God has three levels (three hypostases) - Father, Son, Holy Spirit. The Jews, for example, do not accept this; for them God is one, and cannot be binary or trinary. In Christianity, faith in God, service to God and righteous living are of paramount importance.

The main reference for Christians is the Bible, which consists of the Old and New Testaments.

Both Orthodox and Catholics recognize the seven sacraments of Christianity (baptism, communion, repentance, confirmation, marriage, unction, priesthood). Main differences:

  • Orthodox Christians do not have a Pope (single head);
  • there is no concept of “purgatory” (only heaven and hell);
  • priests do not take a vow of celibacy;
  • slight difference in rituals;
  • difference in holiday dates.

Among Protestants, anyone can preach; the number of sacraments and the importance of rituals are kept to a minimum. Protestantism is, in fact, the least strict movement of Christianity.


IN Islam also one god. Translated from Arabic it means “conquest”, “submission”. God is Allah, the prophet is Muhammad (Mohammed, Magomed). Islam ranks second in the number of believers - up to 1.5 billion Muslims, that is, almost a quarter of the world's population. Islam arose in the 7th century on the Arabian Peninsula.

The Koran, the holy book of Muslims, is a collection of Muhammad's teachings (sermons) and was compiled after the death of the prophet. The Sunnah, a collection of parables about Muhammad, and the Sharia, a set of rules of conduct for Muslims, are also of considerable importance. In Islam, observance of rituals is of paramount importance:

  • daily five times prayer (namaz);
  • fasting in Ramadan (9th month of the Muslim calendar);
  • giving alms to the poor;
  • hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca);
  • pronouncing the main formula of Islam (there is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is his prophet).

Previously, world religions also included Hinduism And Judaism. This data is now considered outdated.

Unlike Buddhism, Christianity and Islam are related to each other. Both religions belong to the Abrahamic religions.

In literature and cinema, the concept of “one universe” is sometimes encountered. Heroes from different works live in the same world and may one day meet, such as Iron Man and Captain America. Christianity and Islam take place in “the same universe.” Jesus Christ, Moses, and the Bible are mentioned in the Koran, with Jesus and Moses being prophets. Adam and Hawa are the first people on Earth according to the Koran. Muslims also see a prophecy of the appearance of Muhammad in some biblical texts. In this aspect, it is interesting to observe that particularly severe religious conflicts arose precisely between these religions, which are close to each other (and not with Buddhists or Hindus); but we will leave this question to psychologists and religious scholars.

Religion is understood as a specific awareness of the surrounding reality, which is based on faith in a higher power. This social phenomenon and way of life includes certain types of behavior, moral norms and special rituals. It involves the performance of religious actions by people who voluntarily unite in religious organizations.

Believers of major religions are guided by religious injunctions contained in sacred texts. In these books, from the point of view of religion, many moral and philosophical concepts are revealed, such as good and evil, the purpose and meaning of life, death and others. It is believed that such ideas were created by God himself. These books, according to followers of religions, were created by saints, other great teachers, as well as people who, according to the position of a particular religion, have reached the highest level of spirit.

What are the main religions known today? This will be discussed in the article.

What constitutes religious life

Like any phenomena of spiritual life, religion is the result of the mental activity of people. Acting as an integral cultural system, it arose as a result of human mental activity, his feelings and will. Its four main components were attitude to the world, worldview, attitude, and hierarchy (or religious organization).

The existence of religion as a social and spiritual category is ensured by religious ideas and concepts. These include theories about the supernatural, concepts about God, myths, texts of sacred books, prayers, etc. A large number of works of literature and art serve to reflect people's perception of religion and related objects.

Externally, the image of religion is created by a religious cult. This huge cultural and spiritual layer includes religious holidays and rituals, divine services and prayers, and periods of fasting. It also includes temples, temples, sacred amulets, talismans, and icons. Religious actions associated with the mentioned objects and events form this cult, reaching the highest degree of spiritual unity of believers.

List of world religions

Millennia of development of people's religious ideas have formed the main religions that occupy a dominant place in human society. They began to be called world ones. For a religion to receive world status, it must:

  • to have a significant number of people professing it in the world;
  • not be associated with any state or national entity;
  • be widespread;
  • have a generally recognized influence on the course of human history.

Today the list of world religions (in order of occurrence) includes the following:

  • Buddhism;
  • Christianity;
  • Islam.

It is believed that, relative to the entire population of the planet, followers of Christianity occupy the first place, making up 33 percent of humanity, or more than 2.3 billion people. There are 1.58 billion Muslims on Earth, which corresponds to 23 percent of the population. In terms of the number of believers, Buddhists were in fourth place at the beginning of the 21st century. There are over 470 million people, or 6.7% of the planet's population. Ahead of them are followers of Hinduism (14%).

Does religion have a nationality?

In modern conditions, there are national religions in Israel (Judaism), in India (Hinduism), in China (Confucianism), in Japan (Shintoism). How were they formed?

If a religion is widespread within the borders of one state or its followers are representatives of one nation, it is called national. Its appearance is due to the emergence, development, formation and existence of specific nations. Young nations needed ideological principles that would identify them among other nations.

The role of the ideologist at that time was played by the religious system. Therefore, local cults and emerging religions served as the basis for the formation of national religions. Such early non-preserved religions include the religions of ancient national-state formations. They were characterized by a departure from the cults accepted in the lower strata of society, a short period of existence, polytheism, the emergence of the doctrine of the connection between a person’s behavior and his fate after death, and sacrifices. During the period of formation and development of feudal relations, there were later national religions that defended the interests of nations.

How is Islam different from Christianity?

The largest religions on Earth are Islam and Christianity. Together they unite over 55 percent of the planet's believers. Christianity dominates in the number of followers. It arose from Judaism in Palestine and at the initial stage of development spread to the Roman Empire, and later throughout the world. The basis of Christianity is faith in Jesus Christ. From him came the name of the religion, which recognizes the existence of God in the Holy Trinity (Father, Son and Holy Spirit). He, in the person of Jesus Christ, accomplished the work of saving man and the world. The basis of Christianity is the books of the Bible. Among the most important attitudes is faith in the actual incarnation of God and his salvation.

Islam, which arose later than Christianity, has a majority of adherents in the Middle Eastern and Southeast countries, as well as North Africa. Created by the prophet Mohammed in the seventh century. He inherited the traditions of Christianity and Judaism. The documentary foundations of this religion are the Koran and the traditions of Muhammad. Recognizes Allah as one God, proclaims faith in the Last Judgment and punishment, reward after death. He names the founders of all monotheistic religions that came before him as prophets.

What is Buddhism

Buddhism was the first of the three world religions to appear. Religion has an advantage in Asian countries. This doctrine of the awakening of the spirit arose in Ancient India before our era. It was founded by Siddhartha Gautama, who later received the name Buddha Shakyamuni. The main requirement of Buddhism is the observance of the moral law as a path to liberate the soul from the whirlwind of everyday life and achieve nirvana.

Buddhism is a religion that is recognized by various peoples with completely different cultural traditions. Its founder, after many years of studying consciousness, became convinced that people themselves are the causes of their suffering. This is manifested in their attachment to life and material well-being. Belief in an unchangeable soul is an illusory attempt to counteract universal variability.

A person must, having entered nirvana, get rid of suffering and achieve awakening. In him life is seen as it is. At the same time, through the practice of self-restraint in the form of following the five precepts and meditation, one can overcome attachment and illusions of stability. Buddha pointed out that teaching is not dogma. Its effectiveness is determined by the person himself. The teaching must be accepted only after testing it with your own experience.

Where is Judaism practiced?

Buddhism, Islam and Christianity are world religions. Where can Judaism be classified? Where does he confess? Judaism is a national religion that was formed in Egyptian and Palestinian lands at least two thousand years BC. His followers profess monotheism and believe that God created man in his own image and likeness. All aspects of our existence are covered by this religion. The Jew must observe clear requirements that determine his daily actions. The religion of Judaism also serves as a definition of nationality. Most followers belong to it from birth. In order to become a Jew, you must undergo a special procedure called “conversion.”

Being the national Israeli religion, Judaism has eight different directions (Karaimism, Esseni, Zeloti, Litvak, etc.).

Is Catholicism a religion

Buddhism, Christianity and Islam are included in the list of world religions. What is Catholicism? When did he appear and who does he confess to? This will be discussed further.

In the first millennium AD. e. Catholicism developed within the Roman Empire. The religion practiced by its adherents is Christianity. Catholicism has become the largest branch of Christianity in terms of the number of believers. It is not an independent religion.

The united Catholic Church has a high degree of centralization. She believes that she has all the truth. It was founded by Jesus Christ, who is its Head. The day-to-day leadership of the church is carried out by the Pope. Under his leadership, the Holy See and the Vatican City State function in the capital of Italy.

The central provisions of the Catholic faith are contained in the Creeds, the canons and decrees of the Vatican Councils, and the Catechism of the Catholic Church. In 1054 the church split into the Catholic, centered in Rome, and the Orthodox, centered in Constantinople. Catholics believe that their church was born from the pierced heart of Christ who died on the Cross. The entire history of Christianity before the schism is the history of the Catholic Church.

State and religions

Relations between states and religions depend on several circumstances. In such countries there may be:

  • presence of a state church;
  • special status granted by fundamental law to one or more religions;
  • separation of church and state.

The presence of a state church presupposes its direct government funding. At the same time, the country ensures control over the use of funds. Church organizations are delegated some functions of the state, such as registering marriages and the birth of children, etc.

In theocratic countries, all state power is concentrated at the head of the church and in its structures. They have no freedom of religion. Clerical countries are distinguished by the fact that there the influence of the church on social and political life is determined by laws. The Church is in a privileged position and has a real influence on political processes.

The secular state has no such connection with the churches. The full right of citizens to profess any religion or be an atheist or have anti-religious views is recognized. Here state and church structures operate independently. Government interference in religious affairs and vice versa is not permitted.

The role of religion in society

Religion performs important functions in society. It fills people's lives with special meaning and increases their self-esteem. Thanks to it, the culture of the population is enriched. Its dissemination helps believers communicate with each other, with the souls of saints, the dead, and with angels.

A follower of a particular religion acquires certain moral norms and spiritual values. They characterize a specific religious tradition, to a certain extent programming human behavior. At the same time, he feels himself to be part of a single religious community professing common values. This gives the believer a chance to assert himself among those who have the same views on the world.

On the other hand, recent history knows cases when political and public figures use faith for their own purposes. To achieve this, techniques are used to separate or unite people along religious lines. There are known facts of inciting hostility and religious intolerance, wars between religions and confessions, or even within one religion.

The list of world religions is small, but there are many of their followers, because sometimes only faith can save a person, cleanse his soul and body. Believe and be blessed!

Hello everyone! Judaism is one of the oldest monotheistic religions, that is, one in which there is only one God - the creator of all things. The name of the religion itself comes from the name of Judas. Only this is not the man who betrayed Christ. This is the Old Testament Judas, about whom there is little information in the sources. Nevertheless, his children began to be called the “tribe of Judah,” which gave the name to the people of Judah - the Jews.

In this post we will briefly talk about this religion.

Basic books of Judaism

Judaism is an Old Testament religion, the main book of which is the “Old Testament” of the Bible. In this creation, two texts are especially revered by Jews: “Torah” and “Pentateuch”. These texts come directly from Moses (in Jewish transcription - Moishe). These two texts completely regulate the life of a devout Jew (Jew). Moreover, for him to fulfill all 613 institutions of the Pentateuch, while for a non-Jew it is enough to fulfill seven:

  • Idolatry is a sin! One must believe only in one God.
  • Blasphemy is a sin! It is not right to desecrate the name of the Almighty.
  • Sin of murder (“Thou shalt not kill”),
  • Sin of theft (“Thou shalt not steal”)
  • The sin of adultery (“Thou shalt not commit adultery”)
  • The sin of eating the flesh of a living animal.
  • The trial must be fair.

As you might guess, these sins (prohibitions) were also included in the Christian value system called “mortal sins,” that is, those that defile the soul itself.

Basic religious principles of Judaism

  • There is only one God to be worshiped.
  • God is not just some higher mind or something, he is the absolute source of all that exists: matter, love, wisdom, goodness, the highest principle - so to speak.
  • Everyone is equal before this God regardless of race, gender, religion.
  • At the same time, the mission of the Jews is to educate humanity about divine laws.
  • Life is a dialogue between God and man. This dialogue is conducted both at the individual level, and at the level of nations (national history), and at the level of all humanity.
  • Human life has absolute value, because man is recognized as an immortal being (at the level of the soul), which God created in his own image and likeness.
  • Judaism is a somewhat idealistic religion, since it assumes the primacy of the spiritual over matter.
  • Judaism presupposes the arrival at certain periods of history of the Mission - the prophet of God, whose task is to return lost humanity to God's laws.
  • In Judaism there is also a doctrine of the resurrection of the dead at the end of human history. This teaching was called “eschatology.”

As you can see, there are serious similarities between Judaism, Christianity and even Islam that simply cannot be ignored. It can even be argued that these world religions appeared thanks to Judaism. And in this sense, the mission of the Jews is being realized very zealously! How do you think?

A little history

This history briefly represents the succession of the following stages in the development of Judaism:

  1. Biblical Judaism, which took place from the 10th to the 6th centuries BC. God there is called Yahweh, and he is quite cruel: remember how he told Joseph to kill his son Abraham, and then relented - this is how one of the followers of faith in one God was tested.
  2. Temple Judaism is the period from the 6th century BC to the 2nd century AD. It also includes the Hellistic (ancient) version of this belief. This branch, like the previous one, is connected with the history of the Judaean (Jewish people) and took shape when they returned to Palestine and rebuilt the second main temple. During this period, the rite of circumcision and the veneration of the Sabbath appeared. It was this version of this religion that Jesus of Nazareth himself encountered when he said that the Sabbath is not for man, but man is for the Sabbath.
  3. Talmudic Judaism dominated from the 2nd century AD to the 18th century, more precisely until 1750. Another name is rabbinism. This is why devout Jews are sometimes called rabbis. This version of the doctrine is known for exalting the Talmud: they say the Mishnah slightly removed the Jews from God, so one should now honor the original version of the doctrine, which is given in the Torah and the Pentateuch.
  4. Modern Judaism is the version of the faith from 1750 to the present.

As is easy to see, the history of the Jews is the most real sign of the omnipotence of spirit over matter. This is proven by the fact that these people, from their very appearance, clearly knew where their state should be. And this state was formed, albeit not peacefully, in 1948. See here for more details.

Best regards, Andrey Puchkov

Mira. It was formed in the 1st century BC in ancient Judea. The history of belief is directly related to the Jewish people and their rich history, as well as the development of the nation’s statehood and the life of its representatives in the diaspora.

The essence

Those who profess this faith call themselves Jews. Some followers claim that their religion dates back to the time of Adam and Eve in Palestine. Others believe that Judaism is a faith founded by a small group of nomads. Among them was Abraham, who made a covenant with God that became the fundamental tenet of religion. In accordance with this document, which is known to us as the commandments, people were obliged to observe the rules of pious life. In return, they received the protection of the Almighty.

The main sources for the study of Judaism are the Old Testament and the Bible in general. Religion recognizes only three types of books: prophetic, historical and Torah - publications interpreting the law. And also the sacred Talmud, consisting of two books: the Mishnah and the Gemara. By the way, it regulates all aspects of life, including morality, ethics and even jurisprudence: civil and criminal law. Reading the Talmud is a sacred and responsible mission, which only Jews are allowed to engage in.


The main feature of the religion is that God in Judaism has no form. In other ancient Eastern religions, the Almighty was often depicted either in the form of a man or in the likeness of a beast. People tried to rationalize natural and spiritual matters, to make them as understandable as possible for mere mortals. But Jews who read the Bible call this idolatry, since the main book of the Jews strictly condemns servility to icons, statues or images.

As for Christianity, there are two main differences. First, God in Judaism did not have a son. Christ, in their opinion, was an ordinary mortal man, a preacher of morality and pious word, the last prophet. Secondly, it is national. That is, a citizen of the country automatically becomes a Jew, without having the right to subsequently adopt another religion. in our time - a relic. It was only in ancient times that this phenomenon flourished. Today, it is revered only by Jews, while preserving the identity and originality of the people.


In Judaism, this is a person who brings the will of God to the masses. With its help, the Almighty teaches the people the commandments: people improve, improve their lives and future, develop morally and spiritually. Who will be a prophet is decided by God himself, says Judaism. Religion does not exclude that the choice may fall on a mortal who absolutely does not want to take on such an important mission. And he gives the example of Jonah, who even tried to flee to the ends of the world from the sacred duties entrusted to him.

In addition to morality and spirituality, the prophets also had the gift of clairvoyance. They predicted the future, gave valuable advice on behalf of the Almighty, treated for various diseases and even took part in the political life of the country. For example, Ahijah was the personal adviser to Jeroboam, the founder of the kingdom of Israel, Elisha contributed to the change of the dynasty, Daniel himself headed the state. The teachings of the early prophets are included in the books of the Tanakh, while the teachings of the later ones are published in separate copies. Interestingly, the preachers, unlike representatives of other ancient religions, believed in the advent of a “golden age”, when all peoples would live in peace and prosperity.

Currents in Judaism

Over the long centuries of its existence, religion has undergone many transformations and modifications. As a result, its representatives were divided into two camps: the reformists. The former religiously adhere to the traditions of their ancestors and do not introduce innovations into beliefs and its canons. The latter, on the contrary, welcome liberal trends. Reformists accept marriages between Jews and representatives of other religions, same-sex love and the work of women as rabbis. Orthodox Christians primarily live in most of modern Israel. Reformists - in the USA and Europe.

Conservative Judaism became an attempt at a compromise between the two warring camps. Religion, which resulted in two currents, found a middle ground precisely in this synthesis of innovation and tradition. Conservatives limited themselves to the introduction of organ music and sermons in the language of the country of residence. Instead, they left such important rituals as circumcision, keeping the Sabbath, and kash-rut intact. Wherever Judaism is practiced, in Russia, the United States or in European powers, all Jews observe a clear hierarchy, submitting to their elders in spiritual position.


They are saints for Jews. Representatives of this people are confident that during times of numerous persecutions and bullying, the nation survived and preserved its identity only by observing the canons and rules. Therefore, even today one cannot go against them, even if one’s own life is at stake. Interestingly, the principle “the law of the land is the law” was formed back in the 3rd century BC. According to it, the rules of the state are binding on all citizens without exception. Jews are also obliged to be as loyal as possible to the highest echelons of power; dissatisfaction is only allowed to be expressed regarding religious and family life.

Keeping the Ten Commandments received by Moses on Mount Sinai is the essence of Judaism. And the main one among them is the observance of the Sabbath holiday (“Shabbat”). This day is special, it should definitely be devoted to rest and prayer. On Saturdays you cannot work or travel, even cooking is prohibited. And so that people do not sit hungry, they are ordered to do the first one on Friday evening - for several days in advance.

About the world and man

Judaism is a religion based on the legend of the creation of the planet by God. According to it, he created the earth from the water surface, spending six days on this important mission. Thus, the world and all creatures living in it are God's creations. As for a person, there are always two principles in his soul: good and evil, which are in constant opposition. The dark demon inclines him towards earthly pleasures, the light one - towards doing good deeds and spiritual development. The struggle began to manifest itself in the form of individual behavior.

As already mentioned, followers of Judaism believe not only in the beginning of the existence of the world, but also in its peculiar end - the “golden era”. Its founder will be King Moshiach, aka the Messiah, who will rule the people until the end of time and bring them prosperity and liberation. In every generation there is a potential contender, but only a true descendant of David, who steadfastly keeps the commandments and is pure in soul and heart, is destined to become a full-fledged Messiah.

About marriage and family

They were given the most importance. A person is obliged to start a family; not having one is considered blasphemy and even a sin. Judaism is a faith in which sterility is the worst punishment for a mortal. A man can divorce his wife if after 10 years of marriage she has not given birth to his first child. The legacy of religion is preserved in the family; even during periods of persecution, each unit of Jewish society must observe the rituals and traditions of its people.

The husband is obliged to provide his wife with everything necessary: ​​housing, food, clothing. His duty is to ransom her in case of capture, bury her with dignity, care for her during illness, and provide her with a means of subsistence if the woman remains a widow. The same applied to common children: they should not need anything. Sons - until they come of age, daughters - until they become engaged. Instead, the man, as the head of the family, has the right to the income of his other half, her property and valuables. He can inherit his wife's fortune and use the results of her labor for his own purposes. After his death, the husband's elder brother is obliged to marry the widow, but only if the marriage is childless.


The father also has many responsibilities to his heirs. He must initiate his son into the subtleties of faith that the holy book preaches. Judaism is based on the Torah, which is studied by a child under the guidance of a parent. With its help, the boy also masters his chosen craft, and the girl receives a good dowry. Little Jews respect their parents very much, follow their instructions and never contradict them.

Until the age of 5, the mother is involved in the religious education of children. She teaches kids basic prayers and commandments. Afterwards they are sent to school at the synagogue, where they master all the biblical wisdom. Training takes place after main lessons or on Sunday mornings. The so-called religious coming of age occurs for boys at 13 years old, for girls at 12. On this occasion, various family holidays are organized, which symbolize a person’s entry into adulthood. From now on, young creatures must constantly attend the synagogue and lead a pious lifestyle, as well as continue further deep study of the Torah.

Major holidays of Judaism

The main one is Passover, which Jews celebrate in the spring. The history of its origin is closely connected with the period of the Exodus from Egypt. In memory of those events, Jews eat bread made from water and flour - matzo. During the persecution, people did not have time to prepare full-fledged flatbreads, so they were content with their Lenten counterpart. They also have bitter greens on the table - a symbol of Egyptian enslavement.

During the period of the Exodus, they also began to celebrate the New Year - Rosh Hashanah. It is a September holiday that proclaims God's kingdom. It is on this day that the Lord judges humanity and lays the foundations for the events that will happen to the people next year. Sukkot is another important autumn date. During the holiday, Jews, glorifying the Almighty, live for seven days in temporary sukkah buildings covered with branches.

Hanukkah is also a big event for Judaism. The holiday is a symbol of the victory of good over evil, light over darkness. It arose as a memory of the eight miracles that occurred during the rebellion against Greco-Syrian rule. In addition to these main memorial dates, Jews also celebrate Tu Bishvat, Yom Kippur, Shavuot and others.

Food restrictions

Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Confucianism - each religion has its own characteristic features, some of which extend to cooking. Thus, Jews are not allowed to eat “unclean” foods: the meat of pigs, horses, camels and hares. They also prohibit oysters, shrimp and other marine life. Proper food in Judaism is called kosher.

It is interesting that religion prohibits not only some products, but also their combination. For example, dairy and meat dishes are taboo. The rule is strictly observed in all restaurants, bars, cafes and canteens in Israel. To ensure that these dishes are as far away from each other as possible, they are served in these establishments through different windows and prepared in separate dishes.

Many Jews revere it not only because this rule is written in the Torah, but also for the sake of improving the health of their own body. After all, this nutritional plan has been approved by many nutritionists. But here we can argue: if pork is not so healthy, then what the seafood is guilty of is unknown.

Other Features

The culture of Judaism is rich in unusual traditions that are incomprehensible to representatives of other faiths. For example, this applies to circumcision of the foreskin. The ceremony is carried out already on the eighth day of a newborn boy’s life. Once fully grown, he is also required to grow a beard and sideburns, like a true Jew. Long clothes and a covered head are another unspoken rule of the Jewish community. Moreover, the cap does not come off even during sleep.

A believer is obliged to honor all religious holidays. He must not offend or insult his fellow men. Children at school learn the basics of their religion: its principles, traditions, history. This is one of the main differences between Judaism and other religions. We can say that babies absorb the love of religion with their mother’s milk; their piety is literally passed on through their genes. This is probably why the people not only survived the times of mass destruction, but also managed to become a full-fledged, free and independent nation that lives and thrives on its own fertile land.

World religions are a system of beliefs and practices that define the relationship between the divine sphere and a particular society, group or individual. It manifests itself in doctrinal form (doctrine, faith), in religious actions (worship, ritual), in the social and organizational sphere (religious community, church) and in the sphere of individual spirituality.

Also, religion is any cultural system of certain types of behavior, worldviews, sacred places that connect humanity with the supernatural or transcendental. But there is no scientific consensus as to what exactly constitutes a religion.

According to Cicero, the name comes from the Latin word relegere or religere.

Different types of religions may or may not contain different elements of divine, sacred things. Religious practices include rituals, sermons, worship (of deities, idols), sacrifices, festivals, holidays, trances, initiations, funeral services, meditation, prayer, music, art, dance, public services or other aspects of human culture. Almost every religion has sacred stories and narratives preserved in scriptures, as well as symbols and holy places to give meaning to life. Religions contain symbolic stories aimed at explaining the origin of life, the universe, etc. Traditionally, faith, in addition to reason, is considered the source of religious beliefs.

History of religion

No one can answer how many religions exist in the world, but there are about 10,000 different movements known today, although about 84% of the world’s population is associated with one of the five largest: Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism or forms of “national religion” .

There are a number of theories regarding the origins of religious practices. According to authoritative anthropologists, many of the list of world religions began as activating, inspiring movements, since the vision of the origin of the world, people (etc.) by a charismatic prophet generated the imagination of a large number of people seeking a more complete answer to their questions and problems . A world religion is not characterized by a specific environment or ethnicity and may be widespread. There are different types of world religions, and each of them carries prejudices. The essence of this may be, among other things, that believers tend to consider their own, and sometimes do not recognize other religions or as important.

In the 19th and 20th centuries, the humanist confession divided religious faith into philosophically defined categories - “world religions”.

The world's five largest religious groups, comprising 5.8 billion people - 84% of the population - are Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Judaism and traditional folk beliefs.


Christianity is based on the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth, who is considered the founder of this movement (1st century AD), his life is outlined in the Bible (Old and New Testaments). The Christian faith is the belief in Jesus as the Son of God, Savior and Lord. Almost all Christians believe in the Trinity, which teaches the unity of the Father, Son (Jesus Christ) and Holy Spirit as three in one Godhead. Christians may describe their faith as the Nicene Creed. As a religious doctrine, Christianity originated from the Byzantine civilization in the first millennium and spread throughout Western Europe during colonization and further throughout the world. The main branches of Christianity are (according to the number of adherents):

  • – The Catholic Church, headed by a bishop;
  • – Eastern Christianity, including Eastern Orthodoxy and the Eastern Church;
  • – Protestantism, separated from the Catholic Church in the Protestant Reformation of the 16th century and divided into thousands of denominations.

The main branches of Protestantism include Anglicanism, Baptistism, Calvinism, Lutheranism and Methodism, each containing many different denominations or groups.


Based on the Koran - the holy book about the Prophet Muhammad, called the main political and religious figure who lived in the seventh century AD. Islam is based on the fundamental unity of religious philosophies and accepts all the prophets of Judaism, Christianity and other Abrahamic faiths. It is the most widely practiced religion in Southeast Asia, North Africa, West Asia, and Central Asia, and there are also Muslim majorities in parts of South Asia, sub-Saharan Africa, and Southeast Europe. There are several Islamic republics - Iran, Pakistan, Mauritania and Afghanistan.

Islam is divided into the following interpretations:

  1. – Sunni Islam is the largest denomination in Islam;
  2. – Shia Islam is the second largest;
  3. - Ahmadiyya.

There are Muslim revivalist movements such as Muwahidism and Salafism.

Other denominations of Islam include: Nation of Islam, Sufism, Quranism, non-denominational Muslims and Wahhabism, which is the dominant Muslim school in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.


Covers a variety of traditions, beliefs and spiritual practices, most based on teachings belonging to the Buddha. Buddhism originated in ancient India between the 6th and 4th centuries BC. e., from where it began to spread across Asia. Scholars have identified two key surviving branches of Buddhism: Theravada (“School of the Elders”) and Mahayana (“Great Ship”). Buddhism is the fourth largest religion in the world with more than 520 million adherents - more than 7% of the world's population.

Buddhist schools differ in the precise nature of the path to liberation and the importance and canonicity of various teachings and scriptures, especially their practices. The practical methods of Buddhism include "withdrawal" into the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha, comprehension of the Holy Scriptures, following ethical and virtuous precepts, renunciation of attachment, meditation practice, cultivation of wisdom, mercy and compassion, Mahayana practice - bodhichitta and Vajrayana practice - generation and stage completion.

In Theravada, the ultimate goal is the cessation of klesha and the attainment of the exalted state of nirvana, achieved by the practice of the Noble Eightfold Path (Middle Path). Theravada is widespread in Sri Lanka and Southeast Asia.

Mahayana, which includes the Pure Land, Zen, Nichiren Buddhism, Shingon and Tantai (Tendai) traditions, is found in East Asia. Instead of achieving Nirvana, Mahayana strives for the Buddha through the path of the bodhisattva - a state in which a person remains in the cycle of rebirth, the feature of which is to help other people achieve awakening.

Vajrayana, the body of teachings attributed to the Indian siddhas, can be considered a third branch or simply part of the Mahayana. Tibetan Buddhism, which preserves Vajrayana teachings, is practiced in areas surrounding the Himalayas, Mongolia and Kalmykia.


- the oldest Abrahamic faith, which originated in ancient Israel. The Torah becomes the foundational scripture and part of a larger text known as the Tanakh or Hebrew Bible. It is supplemented by traditions set down in written form in later texts such as the Midrash and Talmud. Judaism includes a vast body of scriptures, practices, theological positions, and forms of organization. There are many movements in this religion, most of which came out of rabbinic Judaism, which proclaims that God revealed his laws and commandments to Moses on Mount Sinai in the form of inscriptions on stones, and in oral form - the Torah. Historically, this claim has been disputed by various scientific groups. The largest Jewish religious movements are Orthodox Judaism (Haredi), Conservative and Reform.


Is a practice that involves actions that achieve a change in consciousness in order to perceive and interact with the world of spirits.

A shaman is one who has access to the world of good and evil spirits. The shaman enters a trance state during the ritual and practice of divination and healing. The word "shaman" probably comes from the Evenki language of North Asia. The term became widely known after Russian troops conquered the shamanic Khanate of Kazan in 1552.

The term “shamanism” was first used by Western anthropologists for the ancient religion of the Turks and Mongols, as well as the neighboring Tungus and Samoyed peoples. As they observed and compared more religious traditions around the world, some Western anthropologists began to use the term loosely to describe unrelated magically-religious practices found in the ethnic religions of other parts of Asia, Africa, Australia, and even completely unrelated parts of the Americas, as they believed that these practices were similar to each other.

Shamanism involves the belief that shamans become intermediaries or messengers between the human world and the spiritual world. Where this phenomenon is widespread, people believe that shamans cure diseases and heal the soul, and that shamans can visit other worlds (dimensions). The shaman acts, first of all, to influence the human world. Restoring balance leads to elimination of the disease.

National religions

Indigenous or national teachings refer to the broad category of traditional religions that can be characterized by shamanism, animism and ancestor worship, where traditional means, indigenous or foundational, are passed down from generation to generation. These are religions that are closely associated with a specific group of people, ethnicity or tribe, and often have no formal creeds or scriptures. Some religions are syncretic, combining different religious beliefs and practices.

New religious movements

A new religious movement - a young religion or alternative spirituality, is a religious group, has modern origins and occupies a peripheral place in the dominant religious culture of society. May be new in origin or part of a larger religion, but different from pre-existing denominations. Scholars estimate that this new movement has hundreds of thousands of followers around the world, with the majority of their members living in Asia and Africa.

New religions often face hostility from traditional religious organizations and various secular institutions. There are currently several scientific organizations and peer-reviewed journals devoted to this issue. Researchers have linked the rise of new religious movements in modern times to responses to contemporary processes of secularization, globalization, fragmentation, reflexivity, and individualization.

There are no single agreed upon criteria for defining a “new religious movement”. However, the term suggests that the group is of recent origin. One view is that "new" may mean that a teaching is more recent in origin than most known ones.

Thus, in this article we looked at world religions from the oldest to the youngest, from the more significant to the lesser known.