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What can be found in everyone is the mirror of the psyche. Find a mirror: signs. Mirrors, phantom limbs and the human brain

Why can’t you: sleep in front of a mirror, take pictures, hang them in front of the front door, eat, cry in front of a mirror, look in a broken mirror, give mirrors as gifts?

The life of a modern person cannot be imagined without a mirror.
Meanwhile, not everyone knows that this object is capable of radically changing the surrounding space with its presence: accumulating positive energy, attracting it and transmitting it.
That is why you need to use mirrors wisely, not forgetting that if handled incorrectly they can play a cruel joke...

Among their studies, the fact of the energetic impact of a mirror on a person is undeniable. In their opinion, a mirror is capable of not only reflecting people and objects, but also absorbing their energy. Later, it is able to project this energy onto other people.

Therefore, many legends about “cursed mirrors” appear. Regardless of whether you believe in the energetic properties of mirrors or not, they exist. And, it is better not to perform manipulations with the mirror that have a negative effect.

Why can't you look in the mirror at night?

Among the many rules for handling mirrors, one of the most important is not to look in the mirror after dark. This law exists in many nations and beliefs. One explanation is that after darkness falls, a kind of portal opens in the mirror, a connection with the other world.

What happens if you look in the mirror at night?

If a person looks in the mirror at night, the spirits will be fed by his vital forces. The time between 12 am and 3 am is especially dangerous. At this time, you can see the devil himself in the mirror. That is why this time period is popularly called the “devil's hour.”

Words you shouldn't say in front of the mirror

  • About illnesses and pains. The mirror will collect all the negativity and can cause illness in you or other household members
  • About the fact that you are ugly. Pimples and new wrinkles may appear
  • "Horrible!". Avoid this phrase in front of the mirror. She can attract a lot of negativity into the life of the whole family.
  • About stupidity. Memory problems or mental illness may develop
  • About sadness or unhappiness
  • About suffering, uselessness or loneliness. A mirror is certainly not a friendly interlocutor. It’s definitely not worth telling him about problems in your personal life.
  • "You do not love me". You shouldn’t say such words, even as a joke, to your loved one in front of the mirror. It may happen that there will actually be a breakdown in the relationship.
  • "We are poor." It is also impossible to give an attitude towards poverty. Otherwise, for unknown reasons, money will constantly flow out of the house
  • “It’s unbearable to live like this.” Such a phrase can lead to new problems in the lives of all residents of the house

It is strictly not recommended to pronounce not only these, but also other negative attitudes in front of a mirror.

Why can't you eat in front of a mirror?

Many people have heard, especially from older people, the warning: “Don’t eat in front of a mirror!” This warning is not given lightly. There are several reasons why eating in front of a mirror is not recommended.

By eating in front of a mirror, a person can eat his happiness or memory. If a woman eats in front of a mirror, then along with the food she can eat her beauty. It is believed that a person's health and beauty will go to the other world if they eat in front of a mirror.

Even scientists agree with this warning. The effect of eating in front of a mirror is similar to the effect of eating in front of the TV. Digestion worsens and food is poorly absorbed by the body

Why can't you give a mirror?

People have long known that using mirrors can cause harm to a person. Many magicians and black sorcerers performed negative manipulations with the mirror and handed it to their victim.

Therefore, people always accepted such a gift with caution. Later, a habit appeared according to which mirrors should not be given as gifts.

If you were given a mirror and couldn’t refuse the gift, there are ways to cleanse negative energy:

The mirror must be washed with running water and dried thoroughly.
Also, the donated mirror can be placed in a box and covered with salt. Salt will take away all the negativity. The mirror should be left with salt for three days. After this, rinse the mirror and throw away the salt. After such simple manipulations, you can safely use the mirror.

Why can't you look in the mirror when you cry?

When a person cries, a powerful flow of negative energy is released. The person is upset and hates the offenders, regrets the actions he has taken. In addition, the appearance while crying leaves much to be desired. The mirror absorbs all the resulting negativity. Later, it will feed all the inhabitants of the home with it.
Why can't we look in the mirror together?

Mirrors are capable of reflecting not only real things and events, but also hidden ones. That is why ancient beliefs do not recommend looking in the mirror to several people, even if they are friends or a loving couple. A person can see the hidden thoughts of his partner in the mirror. And sometimes, it is better for them to remain secret. That is why, after such manipulation, many couples quarrel.

It is especially dangerous to look in the mirror with a stranger. There are a number of reasons for this:

Evil eye. A mirror, like a magnifying glass, projects all negative emotions. Even fleeting envy can cause a powerful energetic blow.

Why can't you look in a broken or cracked mirror?

If a mirror is a neutral object that gives back what it receives. That broken or cracked mirror is an absolutely negative object.

When a person looks into a broken mirror, he sees his image in parts. The same thing happens with his energy. It seems to be breaking or cracking. This is fraught with severe deterioration in health

When the mirror breaks, the mirror releases all the accumulated energy. If a person looks in such a mirror, then he is imbued with it

A broken mirror should be thrown away immediately, after wrapping it in a dark cloth. Otherwise, such a mirror will release its energy into the room for a long time

Why can't you sleep in front of a mirror?

It is recommended to cover the mirror if it is located in the room. And especially - in front of the bed
At night, the mirror turns into a portal between the world of the living and the world of the dead
Looking in the mirror at night is not recommended
Sleeping in front of a mirror causes night terrors and nightmares

Why can't you take pictures in the mirror?

The camera contains a mirror device. When a person takes a photograph of himself, a corridor is created from the mirrors. Such a corridor has a very negative effect on human health and energy. Through such a corridor, evil spirits can enter the home. Therefore, the now fashionable tendency to take pictures in front of a mirror is extremely dangerous.

I suggest recalling some “mirror” postulates:

1. All mirrors that are in your home must be kept clean. They should be regularly wiped with a damp cloth to remove dust and stains. If, of course, you want your life to be happy and cloudless.

2. If you break a mirror or a crack appears on it, do not hesitate, ruthlessly get rid of this item.

3. It is undesirable to hang a mirror opposite the front door, since the energy that penetrates the house is immediately reflected back in this case. The same rule applies to windows.

4. The mirror should not reflect the bed, because when a person sleeps, he is completely deprived of any protection, his energy leaves at lightning speed. If you suffer from insomnia, you should check whether the mirror is in its place. If necessary, move the mirror to a place where it will not reflect your bed.

5. Do not keep mirrors with sharp corners in your house. Make your choice in favor of round mirrors.

6. It is better to place a large mirror in the hallway, in which each member of your family can easily see themselves in full height. And, on the contrary, if the mirror “cuts off” your appearance (especially your head or legs), this is not good. Therefore, choose mirrors taking into account certain sizes. So, for example, the height of a full-length mirror is 140 cm, you can contemplate yourself up to the knees in a mirror with a height of 120 cm, up to the waist - 60 cm, and 40 cm is enough to reflect only the face.

7. If you want to fill your family nest with positive energy, place indoor plants in front of the mirror. But beautiful pots of flowers placed on the shelves will be reflected many times in the corner mirrors, which is even better.

8. An important property of a mirror is the ability to double objects when reflected. For this reason, by placing beautiful and pleasing objects in front of the mirror, you can increase their positive properties.

9. And finally, the final rule says: observe moderation in everything! Don’t make faces in front of the mirror, don’t look at it countless times a day, because the mirror takes your energy. In addition, do not frown when you notice extra pounds, wrinkles or a harmless pimple in the mirror; it is better to smile at your own reflection more often, compliment yourself in front of the mirror and love yourself for who you are.

2. Archaeologists suggest that pieces of polished obsidian (glass of volcanic origin) found in Turkey are the very first mirrors, but it was impossible to even distinguish shades of color in such mirrors.

3. Metals were used to make mirrors: tin, bronze, rock crystal, copper, silver, gold and stones.

4. From the moment man invented the mirror, it was classified as a magical object. It was believed to have some mystical powers.

5. Many people associate mirrors with some kind of portal to another world.

6. A mirror is not a soulless piece of furniture. There is such a thing as “mirror energy”. You need to remember that any mirror absorbs energy. Moreover, all kinds, both positive and negative, from their previous owners.

7. Children begin to recognize themselves in the mirror only at the age of 2 years.

8. Mirrors that reflect sound waves are known as acoustic mirrors. They were used in Great Britain during World War II to detect certain sound waves coming from enemy aircraft. This was before the advent of radar.

9.Such mirrors were built all over the coast of Great Britain, the most famous of them still standing in Denge, Kent. You can’t just approach them, access is limited - you can see the mirrors only on a special excursion.

10.The world's only acoustic mirror outside the UK is located in Maktab, Malta. This is one of the largest similar mirrors in the world - its diameter is about 61 meters. In the local dialect, the mirror is also called “Il widna”, which means “ear”. The location of the “Ear” is not a secret, but free access to it is closed.

11. The distance from us to the Moon is approximately 384,403 km, and we were able to find it out thanks to mirrors.

12. The distance from the Moon to the Earth is constantly changing due to the fact that the Moon rotates around our planet in an elliptical orbit. The distance from the closest point of the Moon's orbit to the Earth, known as perigee, is only 363,104 km, and at apogee, the farthest point, this distance is 406,696 km.

13.Astronauts of the Apollo program installed a corner reflector on the Moon, which was used to calculate the distance from the Earth to the Moon. Corner reflectors are a special type of mirror that reflects the laser beam back in the direction from which it came.

14. These laser beams are sent to the Moon by huge telescopes on Earth, and their reflected light allows scientists to calculate the distance to the Moon to within three centimeters.

15. Corner reflectors also increased our knowledge of the Moon. For example, they provided information about the lunar orbit, and we now know that the satellite moves away from Earth by about 3.8 cm every year. This data was even used to test Einstein's theory of relativity.

16. It is a myth that the mirror shows your face “upside down”: your reflection is not upside down, what you see is the left side of your face to the left of the mirror and the right side to the right; This is why the illusion is created that your reflection is upside down.

17.Nevertheless, there is a so-called irreversible, or truthful mirror - it allows a person to see himself in the mirror exactly as other people see him. First of all, such mirrors are used for applying makeup.

18. A true mirror is easy to create at home: just place two ordinary mirrors perpendicular to each other and look at your reflection from the combination: a true mirror will give you a 3D reflection that moves exactly like you, and not flat as in an ordinary mirror.

19. Surprisingly, there are mirrors that can reflect matter - in physics they are known as atomic mirrors. An atomic mirror reflects the atoms of a substance in the same way that an ordinary mirror reflects light. Electromagnetic fields are used to reflect neutral atoms, although some mirrors use ordinary silicon water.

20. Reflection from an atomic mirror is essentially a quantum reflection of de Broglie waves. It works to reflect neutral atoms that move slowly: such atoms are mainly repelled by the surface of the mirror. The property can be used to trap slow atoms or focus an atomic beam. Ribbed atomic mirrors work better due to the longer wavelength of matter compared to minute photons of light.

21.Mirrors can not only reflect light, sound and matter - they can also separate rays of light. Mirrors are used in many beam splitters and most scientific instruments, including telescopes. A standard beam splitter is a cube made of two glass prisms on the same base. When light rays hit the beam splitter, half of them continue to move along the same path, and the other half are reflected at an angle of 90°.

22. Any mirror that is in the house should not be placed below the heads of your household members. If it is lower, then the person will bend over in front of it to see himself in full height. Therefore, the mirror may have a response.

23. Remember if you place a mirror in front of the entrance to your home. This is only a plus for you. And it’s better if this mirror is full-length. This arrangement of the mirror can prevent negative energy that may enter your abode from entering the house.

24. Do not hang a mirror above or opposite the head of the bed. Due to its specificity, a mirror that is positioned in this way can cause permanent insomnia or regular nightmares. Still, you shouldn’t hang a mirror where a person tends to spend his leisure time.

25. There should not be too many mirrors. Since their huge number can affect the energy sector as a whole. You need to acquire only the number of mirrors that you need for comfort. Use the mirror for its intended purpose, and not as an element of decoration or beauty.

Popular beliefs, esoteric knowledge, magical experience and Feng Shui treat mirrors with equal attention and even caution. After all, the mysteriously shimmering surface is endowed with special properties that can influence our reality, bringing into it both joy and prosperity, and numerous troubles.

Since ancient times, mirrors have been associated with many beliefs and legends, rituals and fortune telling. A broken mirror portends failure and separation, while one located opposite a window or door can cause constant fatigue and various ailments for household members. If you accidentally look into the sparkling glass at night, you can see the devil himself, and if you light a candle in front of him, you will show evil spirits the way into your home.

There are many prohibitions associated with mirrors. They should not be given or thrown away, you should not sleep or eat in front of them, you should not look into the reflective surface together or take pictures of your reflection.

There are other “don’ts.” For example, you should not pick up someone else’s mirror found on the road or on the threshold of your own home. And there are good reasons for this.

  • An unknown mirror left by someone on a bench in a park or other public place is fraught with serious danger. Not only its appropriation, but even your accidental reflection in it can lead to irreparable disaster. After all, any, even the smallest, accessory is an excellent battery not only for positive emotions, but also for any negative. Unintentional contact with someone else's object will certainly project all the troubles and failures of the previous owner onto your life.
  • Some discovered specimens may be quite valuable items that it would simply be stupid to leave lying on the road or gathering dust in the attic. Many people cannot resist the temptation to become the owner of an exquisite and sometimes antique item. However, we should not forget about the danger they carry. If you decide to keep the find, be sure to carry out a ritual of cleansing it from negativity by rinsing it in running or holy water, and then completely burning a church candle in front of the mirror.
  • However, there are items that should not be appropriated under any circumstances. If you find an unfamiliar mirror on the threshold of your house or in your own apartment, then there is a high probability that this little thing is a magical lining. It should be disposed of immediately and very carefully, wrapped in thick cloth and buried away from housing. When selecting a find, take all measures so as not to accidentally look at your reflection. Indeed, in this case, eye contact will lead to the fact that some of the evil entities will still have a detrimental effect on you.

Since ancient times, the mirror has played an important role in human life. From antiquity to the present day, a mirror is not just a household item, but also a kind of “magical” object that you need to be able to handle correctly. There are many superstitions and superstitions about mirrors; the article will talk about actions that can and cannot be performed with a mirror, the history of the “development” of mirrors, and will also give some general recommendations for choosing a mirror.

Actions you can perform with mirrors

Mirrors surround us everywhere, they “see” our destiny and accumulate our positive energy.

  • So, in order for the mirror not to lose positive energy, it should be placed in a metal frame.
  • A mirror should suit its owner, so when buying a mirror you need to pay attention to its shape and size, and the type of frame. Such a mirror should fit harmoniously into the interior of a house or apartment. In this case, looking in the mirror, a person will feel comfortable and calm. Well, this will lead to the accumulation of positive energy.
  • Ladies should choose round and oval mirrors for themselves, then their life will be as smooth as the frame of the mirror (otherwise, if the mirror is square or rectangular, then the owner of the mirror can experience all the versatility of negative life moments).
  • In addition, the mirror should be washed regularly; a clean mirror characterizes the purity of a person’s soul and intentions, as well as a transparent and bright future. Well, washing the mirror will relieve it of accumulated negative energy.
  • You need to communicate with the mirror, “pour out” all your thoughts to it, share your joy and experiences.
  • The mirror is able to take over some of the negative thoughts and transform them into positive energy. In addition, you must say hello to the mirror.
  • Old mirrors require special attention. You should treat your grandmother's old mirrors with respect; they have seen a lot and remember a lot of good and bad moments of their owner. If you handle the mirror with care, communicate with it, wash it on time and do not allow dust to accumulate, then such a mirror will bring happiness and bliss to its owner.
  • Mirrors with wooden frames should be replaced with mirrors with metal frames (silver or gold frames are just right). Such mirrors, with the shine of their frames, will illuminate the life path of their owner and ward off evil spirits.
  • In a house where a person has died, all mirrors must be covered. The soul of the deceased, saying goodbye to the house and wandering around it, can see its reflection in the mirror and remain in the world of the living. This will lead to the fact that the deceased will not find peace in the afterlife.

Actions that are strictly prohibited from performing with mirrors

There is a specific list of actions that should not be performed with mirrors under any circumstances. Otherwise, this can lead to sad consequences in the form of failures, illnesses, and even death.

  • You should not look into a broken mirror; if for some reason the mirror is broken, then under no circumstances should you look into the fragments of the mirror. Such a mirror, or rather its remains, should be wrapped in thick paper and buried in a quiet, deserted place at midnight.
  • You should not bring babies and infants to the mirror. A child, seeing his reflection in the mirror, may simply get scared, and there will be a need to visit a healer.
  • Ladies should not lend their “bag” mirror; someone else’s mirror can “reward” the debtor with negative energy.
  • During fortune telling, it is strictly forbidden to line up mirrors in a corridor and look in them. Evil spirits, demons and ghosts may be seen: this will bring illness, bad luck and general discomfort.
  • You cannot look into a cracked or dusty mirror: the fate of the person who looks into such a mirror will be just as cloudy and fragile.
  • You should not hang mirrors in the bathroom (opposite the place where the person washes), and in the bedroom (opposite the place where the person sleeps). While taking a shower or sleeping, a person is most vulnerable to the influence of evil spirits, but a mirror, observing a person at such moments, the mirror can transfer all the negativity to him.
  • You cannot sit with your back to the mirror; a person sitting with his back to the mirror exposes himself to danger: the mirror sucks all the life and spiritual juices, and luck, out of a person.
  • Old mirrors cannot be subjected to oblivion: if you run an old mirror, do not wash it and place it in a dark corner against the wall, then such a mirror will take revenge for such an attitude. The first person to look into this mirror will find himself in torment, failure, suffering, illness and disappointment.
  • When planning to start a new life, you should not take an old mirror with you, especially if there was no happiness and good luck in your previous life. The old mirror will take all the negativity with it and transfer it to a new place. New life - new mirror.

A little history of mirrors

Perhaps the very first mirror of man was the surface of the water. Reflected in the water, the man saw himself, all his strengths and weaknesses. With the development of civilization, after people mastered crafts, smoothly polished silver and gold mirrors appeared (although only the elite and worshipers could afford such mirrors).

Such mirrors became not only a hygiene item, but also a ritual attribute. With the advent of glass, glass mirrors also appeared. They gave a fairly strong and clear reflection, but over time, such mirrors became quite popular and widespread among noble people (full-length mirrors, small ladies' mirrors, mirrors in hairdressing salons).

With the development of industrialization, mirrors became quite common among all segments of the population, and they became cheaper. The precious base was replaced with a high-quality polished thin layer of metal, but mirrors did not cease to be a magical attribute that “sees” not only a person’s appearance, but also his soul.

Choosing the right mirror

The mirror is our life companion. When buying a mirror, you need to adhere to a number of recommendations for subsequent life and mental comfort.

  1. The mirror should be “yours”. The mirror you like should be purchased immediately. It is not at all accidental if you turned your first gaze to this mirror (the mirror chose the owner and will bring him good luck and happiness).
  2. The mirror should be harmonious fit into home interior
  3. The mirror should evoke in the owner only positive emotions

    We all know that mirrors store all the information about the person who looks into them and conceal many secrets and mysteries. Among all the everyday objects of a person, there is hardly a thing more mysterious than a mirror. There are many myths and legends associated with it. Greek myth says that Narcissus, seeing his reflection in a pond, could not tear himself away from it and turned into a flower. Medusa Gorgon looked into her eyes, reflected in the shiny shield, and turned to stone. The honor of inventing this alloy supposedly belonged to Hephaestus himself, the Greek god of fire and blacksmithing. The first glass mirrors appeared in Rome. They were tiny, it was impossible to look in them, so they were used as amulets and decorations. Real mirrors appeared later, in the Middle Ages. And then they practically disappeared from everyday life. Surely you have repeatedly wondered what mirrors can do, here is the answer: To make a transition between worlds and to age or rejuvenate a person.

    How to use mirrors - rules and prohibitions

    1) If you break a mirror, seven years of misfortune await you. This is our double and if you hurt him, you hurt yourself. To avoid this, paint the fragments (the larger ones) black or immerse them in running water.
    2) You can’t look into a broken mirror because you can see the devil. But more seriously, you lose energy when looking at a cracked, broken mirror or a fragment of it - and this is at best, and at worst, you can expect trouble.
    3) If you show a mirror to a child under one year old, he will be shy. He may also not speak for a long time or his teeth will not cut well. He will get sick often.
    4) If, after leaving the house, a person is forced to return, he must look in the mirror, otherwise there will be no way.
    5) Mirrors in the house where the deceased is are covered so that his soul cannot be reflected there and frighten the living.
    6) It is forbidden for a woman to look in the mirror during her period, pregnancy or after childbirth, since at this time a “grave is open” in front of her. Let me explain: you can’t spin around in front of the mirror, looking closely at yourself. Moreover, you can’t twirl around naked.
    7) These days the energy is weak, and the mirror weakens it even more, opening the way to illness, misfortune and poverty.
    8) If you suspect that someone is plotting evil against you, try to bring this person to the mirror. Take a look at your reflection together. If your suspicions are justified, his true feelings will appear on your enemy’s face for a moment.
    9) You can go up to a mirror every morning (preferably the one in the hallway or living room) and pass your hand over it (the distance between the hand and the mirror should be 0.5 cm - no more) and ask: “Mirror, reflect all the bad things that will come to this house. Protect our entire family (list names).”

    10) In connection with all of the above, mirrors in the house must be kept clean. They need to be wiped every week, and more often if necessary.
    11) Mirrors are not recommended in the bathroom. You will pay for this beauty with health, family relationships or money.
    12) Do not hang a mirror at the head of the bed or next to the bed.
    13) Mirrors in the bedroom are closed or curtained at night. And you can’t hold a mirror above the marriage bed at all. Many people like to hang a mirror on the ceiling above the bed - this will not lead to good. A mirror at the head is also unacceptable - you will make many mistakes in life. Treason is possible.
    14) Mirrors should be in frames so as not to injure your energetic and physical health. Mirrors should hang no lower than the top of the head of the tallest family member.
    15) After unpleasant or simply noisy guests leave, wipe the mirror to wash off the “dirty” energy from it. Wash your mirrors as often as possible, no harm done.

    These 15 rules must be followed and then both you and your household will be happy.

    Why can't you sleep in front of a mirror?

    During sleep, a person’s astral body travels and, once in the looking glass, it may simply not return from there. The body, having parted with one of its indispensable components, dies. After all, how many strange, sudden, causeless deaths in a dream doctors ascertain every day. What about the term sudden neonatal death? Why babies suddenly die in their sleep often remains simply incomprehensible. Mirrors have enormous magical powers, both positive and negative. This is the gateway to the world through the looking glass - the other world, parallel worlds. These gates do not open easily, which is why we become careless witnesses to the harmlessness of millions of mirrors. However, once the door is open, it is very difficult to close it. It is almost impossible to interrupt forever a connection with the other world once established. A mirror is the strongest energy magnet; it can play on our weaknesses, take away energy, make us old, and even, as we have already said, kill. It is especially not recommended for small children, women who are breastfeeding, pregnant women, or during menstruation to look in the mirror for a long time. The body is weakened and more easily susceptible to negative influences.

    Why can't you look in the mirror at night?

    If you believe the ancient Slavic legends, at night a door opens in the mirror to the other world, where dark forces rule and it is there that the soul of the deceased goes. This is a well-known belief that has been passed down from generation to generation and has finally reached our days. It is not known for sure whether this is true or not, but it is still recommended to follow some rules in front of the mirror, for example, not to look at it when it is already dark outside. They say that mirrors, which reflect the world and people around them over many decades, preserve the images of the latter. There is a rumor among people that if you look in the reflection at night, you can see spirits, and evil ones at that. And the more you look at them, the more they will be fueled by your energy, which supposedly can help them get out of the other world. It is also forbidden to look into the reflection in the light of candles (since this can lead to the occurrence of diseases and various troubles), as well as after midnight, since from 12 to 3 o’clock in the morning the so-called “devil’s hour” lasts, during which you can see yourself in the reflection the devil. And you can’t guess in front of a mirror surface. To avoid unpleasant situations, you need to bring only a new mirror into the house, which has not witnessed other people's lives and accidents. The mirror should be washed regularly with water and salt. And it’s better not to place it in front of the front door or opposite the bed.

    Why can't you take pictures in the mirror?

    First of all, this is due to the fact that the camera has the ability to capture not only the image of the body, but also the soul, inner strength, mind... It is believed that those people who take photographs in front of the mirror literally reveal their soul to the camera, which will subsequently be reflected On the photo. However, there is nothing good in this, since some evil magician, seeing such a photograph, can easily damage a person. There is another, no less interesting opinion. It is believed that mirrors are capable of absorbing the energy of a person, often not just one, but several. They even say that if the mirror is old, then it could absorb the energy of even those people whom we did not know (for example, distant relatives who lived several centuries ago). All this is stored for a certain time inside the mirror surface, but someday it can come out and then the person who is in front of the mirror at that moment will receive all this energy. And it’s good if it is positive and not negative... There is an opinion that the click of the camera shutter can trigger the exit. But today on the Internet, in various social networks, there are a large number of photographs of people taken through a mirror. Of course, we won’t know how harmoniously the lives of these people are, but we somehow don’t want to test the effect of this ban on ourselves. If you did not know about the ban on taking pictures of yourself in the mirror and have already taken a photo, it is better to destroy this picture. There is an opinion that when stored in the house, such photographs bring misfortune to the people depicted in them.


    Please note: in each mirror you look slightly different: some small aspects are constantly changing. In some mirrors you really like yourself, but in others your figure becomes more curvy, wrinkles are more visible, the color of your eyes is duller, etc. And the reason is that every mirror on earth is unique.