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Why do you dream about the Rooster - dream book. Rooster is alive Why do you dream that chickens ate a rooster?

Family dream book

Why do you dream about the Rooster in modern times:

Rooster - Why dream of seeing roosters fighting - then conflicts in the family and competition in business await you.

If you heard a rooster crowing at dawn in a dream, then you will have good luck in business and financial success.

See also: why do you dream about an old hen, why do you dream about chickens, why do you dream about a comb.

Dream Interpretation of S. Karatov

Why does the Rooster dream:

If you dreamed of a rooster crowing, then joy and good luck await you.

Why dream of seeing a rooster that laid eggs - then financial profit awaits you.

If you saw roosters fighting in a dream, then you will have a conflict and a brawl.

Pocket dream book by T. Lagutina

Why does the Rooster dream, how to understand the dream:

Rooster - If you dreamed of a rooster, then you will be able to achieve an enviable position in society, but at the same time you will suffer some losses.

Why dream of seeing roosters fighting - then you will sort things out with the enemy.

If in a dream you heard a rooster crowing in the morning, then everything will be fine with you.

Dream Interpretation of V. Melnikov

Rooster - If you dreamed of an important big rooster, then family happiness awaits you.

If you see that a rooster pecked you, then problems await you.

If you saw a rooster flying onto a fence in a dream, then the streak of bad luck will soon end.

Dream book for girls

Why does the Rooster dream according to the dream book:

Rooster - Seeing a rooster - your cockiness and unwillingness to give in to anyone can lead to the fact that those around you will reduce their contacts with you to a minimum, and many of them will stop communicating with you altogether. You will be forced to spend quite a long time without people who can understand you in any situation. If you don’t try to change your behavior, then don’t be surprised that your friends will increasingly avoid your company.

Dream Interpretation of O. Adaskina

Why does the Rooster dream, what does it mean:

Rooster - A rooster in a dream marks a joyful period in life; you succeed in business, gain authority, but you will need to suppress excessive vanity. A rooster also means betrayal (a rooster crows in a dream, and you or your loved one will have to justify your infidelity in reality). Hearing a rooster crow in a dream is a favorable sign. It promises young people a successful marriage and prosperity in the home. According to another interpretation, such a dream means quick tears for a trivial reason. The cheerful crowing of a rooster in the morning means a successful marriage and prosperity in the house. Evening - to sad events.

A dream in which you see a cockfight warns you of upcoming quarrels and rivalry with a certain famous and quite powerful person. According to one interpretation, having seen a dream in which a rooster appears, you will be able to take a more reasonable look at the world around you, get rid of misconceptions and avoid mistakes.

Only for women: Seeing a rooster is a mistake for which only you will be guilty.

Hearing a rooster crow is a sign of betrayal, which curiosity will push you into. You will want to experience those sensations that are invariably present in the life of every person who has cheated on their partner.

Everyday dream book

If you dream of a Rooster, why is it:

Rooster - Seeing a rooster fight is a very favorable sign, which indicates that a white streak has come in your life and luck will now be your companion for some time.

So, if you dreamed of a rooster, then expect successful transactions, increased financial well-being, as well as an increase in your prestige in the eyes of others. However, at the same time, beware of getting star fever, because a vain and arrogant person is not the best company, and before you have time to notice, a crowd of flatterers will gather around you instead of devoted and faithful friends.

If you had a dream in which you saw a cockfight, then soon you can expect a rival, a competitor, to appear in your life.

To see that you heard a rooster crowing, then such a dream promises you happiness in your personal and family life. There is also a period most favorable for a wedding - a marriage concluded at this time will be long-lasting, strong and happy. A rooster crowing at night or in the evening symbolizes tears due to domestic troubles.

Also, the crow of a rooster is a warning signal against making mistakes - you should be as careful as possible in real life. Only special care and vigilance will help avoid many mistakes during this period of time.

Dream book of birds and animals

Why does the Rooster dream according to the dream book:

The rooster was a sacred bird in the culture of many countries, and often dead roosters were buried in the foundations of buildings under construction so that their spirits would guard these buildings. In the mythology of the Scandinavian countries, there was a golden rooster who sat on the top of the world tree Yggdrasil to protect it from evil forces. Fralar, a rooster from the underworld, lived in Valhalla, home of warriors, to awaken the heroes when the time came for the final battle.

They say that if a rooster crows in the afternoon, then you should expect unexpected visitors in the house, and the crowing of a rooster at sunset predicts that there will be a lot of dew at sunrise. For a girl to hear a rooster crow while she is thinking about her lover is a good omen. However, if on the wedding day the bride or groom hears a rooster crowing on the way to church, a quarrel is inevitable.

Dreaming of a Rooster? See the following interpreter.

Lewis's Dream Book

Why do you dream of a Rooster in a dream:

Rooster - The Rooster as a symbol has several personal interpretations. One of them is the rooster as a constant “alarm clock”, greeting the morning every day. The rooster can also be a symbol of thankless work, over-achievement and an aggressive desire for power, as well as a wake-up call that the dreamer needs. The rooster symbolizes rumors and disasters, as well as an annoying “peck” received from a person or situation (the “roasted” rooster pecked).

Lunar dream book

Why does a sleeping Rooster dream about this? It means:

Rooster - good news. But a rooster dreamed of on the 3rd lunar day symbolizes disaster.

Why does a woman dream about a rooster:

1 Rooster Dream book of catchphrases

Seeing a rooster in a dream means:

ROOSTER - “let a red rooster” - slaughter, beat, inflict a bloody wound. “Cocking” - arrogance, pride, anger, irritation, boasting; “cockfighting”, “cocky as a rooster”. “Rooster” (as a swear word) is a pretentiously, inappropriately dressed man.

1 Rooster American dream book

The stranger a dream seems to us, the deeper its meaning.

Sigmund Freud

1 Rooster according to Aesop's Dream Book

Sleeping with a rooster means:

The chicken is a restless bird, famous for its long clucking sound after laying an egg. The Rooster is the embodiment of courage and fighting nature, although in most cases these qualities turn into cockiness and pugnacity. Seen in a dream, these symbols are related to the household and the character of the people with whom the dreamer communicates.

To see a dream in which chickens are looking for food, rummaging through money scattered in a thick layer around the yard is a harbinger of sad news or an event that may happen due to your negligence, try to focus on the main thing, and everything will be fine.

Seeing a fairy-tale hut on chicken legs in a dream means you will be surprised.

If you meet a person whose speech you cannot understand because it strongly resembles cackling, do not believe the rumors; you will be deceived by evil tongues; Don't make hasty decisions under pressure.

Seeing a chicken that sits unnaturally in one place for a long time means that they may soon turn to you for help, citing illness or disability, but you should not take everything for granted. Help so that you don’t regret participating in a person’s fate later.

You dream of a chicken with a cow's udder - be careful: they are trying to deceive you, it is possible that the business that is being offered to you is an empty scam; do not believe those who promise big money and mountains of gold.

To see a chicken that attacks a stranger who has entered an unfamiliar yard - the one who promises to provide support will not fulfill his promise; do not rely on the help of those who have not been personally verified by you.

To dream of a garden bed being eaten by chickens - beware of a trick from careless family members, from children, from those who still do not know much.

To dream of a pan of cabbage soup containing an unplucked rooster - you are warned of a surprise that will cause in you a storm of emotions of the opposite nature.

In a dream, saving a hen that rushes to recapture its chick from a hawk is a symbol that your protector himself needs help.

To dream that you have been pecked by a roast rooster - before making a final decision, weigh the pros and cons, because the dream foreshadows something unexpected for you.

If in a dream you want to slaughter a rooster, then such a dream indicates that there are evil, envious people in your environment who are doing a lot of harm to you, even though you don’t know anything about it right now.

Killing a rooster in a dream that prevents you from sleeping at night is a sign that you are too cunning and will suffer greatly because of this. Perhaps such a dream indicates that misfortune awaits you due to the cunning of a person close to you.

Catching a rooster in a dream is a harbinger that you will soon have a difficult task that you are unlikely to be able to complete.

1 Rooster according to Dream Book 2012

Rooster dream meaning:

The need to “wake up” and/or be ready for something new. It is necessary to get rid of the habit of “cocking up”.

1 Rooster according to Miller's dream book

If you dream of a rooster, it means that you will enter a time of exceptional luck and growth of your prestige, but your happy rise will turn you into a vain and arrogant person.

A dream in which you see a cockfight warns you of upcoming quarrels and rivalries.

In a dream, hearing a rooster crow in the morning is a good sign, foreshadowing for young people a successful marriage and prosperity in the house.

If you dream that a rooster crows at night or in the evening, you will have to cry, and more than once.

Just as the Apostle Peter remembered Christ’s prediction after hearing a rooster crow, so this dream warns you against misconceptions and mistakes.

Inside everyone, even the best of us, lies an uncontrollable wild beast that wakes up when we sleep...


1 Rooster Dream book for the whole family

The rooster crows - you have a talent for singing. Should you try to become a singer?

A rooster and a hen - in personal life, in sex everything is very good.

If a rooster pecks you, someone will soon remind you of an important matter that you completely forgot about.

If you had a dream on an even day of the week, you will make a discovery that will bring you and those around you a lot of good things; if you had a dream on an odd day of the week, be afraid of theft, beware of thieves and robbers.

1 Rooster Chinese Dream Book of Zhou Gong

Rooster in a dream means:

Washing a rooster - foreshadows a verbal altercation with an official.

A chicken sitting on eggs portends great joy.

A rooster sits on a tree - portends wealth and profit.

1 Rooster Dream Interpretation of Stealing Veles

The groom will be found (for the girl) / fight, fire, betrayal, lead; rooster crowing - joy / to fire, danger; to kill a black rooster - beware of fire; catch a rooster - a boy will be born (for a pregnant woman); hear a cry - news; roosters fight - quarrel, fire; plucking feathers from the tail is a misfortune.

1 Rooster Old Russian dream book

Why does a woman dream about a rooster?

treason, messenger.

When in a dream it seems that someone is waking you up and calling you, do not respond and do not look out the window - this is one of your deceased relatives calling you to them.

1 Rooster Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

Why does a woman dream about a rooster:

Sitting on a tree - wealth, profit; washing a rooster - portends a verbal altercation with an official; Killing a rooster is a great happiness.

1 Rooster Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Seeing a rooster in a dream means:

To a scream, a commotion.

Cockscomb - your husband is cheating on you, and it will soon be revealed.

1 Rooster Italian psychoanalytic dream book A. Roberti

A dream with a rooster in the dream book is interpreted as:

See also Birds 1. The rooster has always been a symbol of a new day and observation, so if it appears in a dream, it means a new beginning or a warning to be more vigilant in your daily work. 2. We need to be more open and fearless in what we do. 3. The courageous principle, the Bird of vanity and dawn - all this is reflected in the appearance of the rooster.

1 Rooster according to the Online Dream Book

Sleeping with a rooster means:

According to the dream book, a rooster promises glory and universal recognition, just don’t get too proud.

If he crows in the dark, he will have to go through difficult times.

You dreamed that roosters were fighting among themselves - there will be intense competition and conflicts.

If the bird is beheaded, in order to achieve what you want, you will have to make titanic efforts, you will spend a lot of energy and nerves.

If you dreamed of a dead rooster, you should be more tolerant of others, don’t get into trouble, avoid any showdowns, give in now, otherwise later you risk being defeated and literally trampled into the dirt.

According to the dream book, a rooster with bright red plumage warns that in the near future you may be overcome by negative emotions, and if you do not keep them under control, something irreparable will happen, from scandals with assault to serious damage to your property .

If he has a severed head, in order to bring your plans to life, you will have to work hard and hard, to win your right to happiness, but if you are persistent and unshakable, everything will work out for you.

In a dream you kill a rooster - in reality you will find long-awaited happiness, you will achieve what you have been dreaming of for a long time, and all thanks to the fact that you can throw away everything unnecessary and overcome something negative in yourself.

A bird attacks and pecks you - you risk, due to your own negligence and irresponsibility, missing something important, which will cause you huge troubles.

A dream in which a rooster has black plumage warns that in the near future something or someone will provoke you to display negative emotions, you will fight the manifestation of evil, both around you and in the depths of your subconscious.

If it has snow-white plumage, great success awaits you, fate will be more favorable to you than ever, so now feel free to take on any endeavors, they are guaranteed to be successful.

1 Rooster according to the Dream Tarot

Rooster dream meaning:

Red rooster - betrayal, renunciation of the teacher.

1 Rooster Danilova's children's dream book

What does it mean if a woman dreams of a rooster:

Someone you know who can be called a fancy person or a fashionista (fashionista).

If a rooster crows, it means that important news awaits you from the lips of this person.

If he fights, you have to reconcile your friends.

If the rooster just proudly strides around the yard, wait for new clothes to appear in your wardrobe.

If someone shudders in a dream, it means that person is growing.

1 Rooster Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

What can a rooster dream about:

1 Rooster Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

Rooster in a dream means:

Seeing a rooster in a dream is anxiety; eat a capon - you will be overwhelmed by greed.

1 Rooster according to Freud's dream book

If a girl dreams of a rooster, it means:

Seeing a rooster in a dream means a mistake for which only you will be to blame.

Hearing a rooster crow is a sign of betrayal, which only curiosity will “motivate” you to do. You will want to experience those sensations that are invariably present in the life of every person who has cheated on their partner.

1 Rooster according to Freud's dream book

Why does a woman dream about a rooster?

Bombast; pride; selfishness.

Masculine energy.

Cock the trigger - shoot.

1 Rooster Dream Interpretation of Schiller-Schoolboy

Seeing a rooster in a dream means:

good news, peace and contentment.

1 Rooster Dream Interpretation of the White Magician Yuri Longo

Interpretation of a dream about a rooster:

A rooster seen in a dream is a symbol of aggressiveness, intransigence, and rebellion.

Hearing a rooster crow means unpleasant news will reach you from afar, affecting one of your friends. You will be so shocked by this that you will not be able to calm down for a long time.

Seeing a rooster fight means you will participate in the reconciliation of quarreling friends or arguing employees. Your mission as a peacekeeper will be successful.

1 Rooster Ukrainian dream book

Interpretation of a dream about a rooster:

If you dream of a rooster on the gate, there will be a fire in the house, you need to be careful.

The rooster crows - to the fire.

A rooster, especially a red one - for fire, fire.

How a girl dreams of a betrothed rooster.

1 Rooster Slavic dream book

A rooster in a dream predicts:

Herald of Treason; singing - warning of danger; plucking feathers from his tail is a misfortune; seeing a cockfight is a quarrel between rivals; to see a rooster chasing a hen is a quarrel between husband and wife and, possibly, divorce.

1 Rooster Dream Interpretation of the Healer Fedorovskaya

Why does the Rooster dream:

Seeing a rooster in a dream means a change in boss or person on whom all your affairs depend.

If you dreamed that you twisted the head of a rooster, in the near future you will be able to put your boss in his place.

Plucking or boiling a rooster means moving up the career ladder.

In a dream, you watched someone break the neck of a rooster - you will hear practical advice from one of your closest relatives.

1 Rooster Islamic dream book on the Koran and Suna

Rooster fighting is inciting discord between khatib (preachers) and muezzins (callers for prayer).

To see roosters fighting in a dream means you will take part in some kind of fight.

To see roosters fighting in a dream - in reality you will have to reconcile quarreling friends or colleagues at work. Your goal will be achieved with success.

1 Rooster Family dream book

Dreaming of a rooster means exceptional luck and success. Your task is to try not to get star fever.

A cockfight seen in a dream warns of future quarrels and rivalries.

Hearing the morning rooster crow in a dream is a good sign, foreshadowing a successful marriage and prosperity in the house.

But if you dreamed that a rooster crowed at night or in the evening, you will have to cry a little.

1 Rooster Icelandic dream book

Hearing a rooster crow means mortal fear.

1 Rooster Persian dream book Tiflisi

Cheerfulness, vigilance, courage.

1 Rooster Tsvetkov's dream book

Why does the Rooster dream:

Treason, messenger.

Singing is a quarrel, swearing.

1 Rooster Dream Interpretation by E. Ericson

There is treason among chickens. A rooster flying onto a fence is a messenger. If they bring or give a fiery red rooster, it means a fire. A rooster pecking grains means prosperity and domestic harmony. A rooster on a high tower - arrogance. A rooster near an egg is an unexpected inheritance. Catching a rooster means gaining respect. Hearing a rooster crow means receiving a declaration of love.

1 Rooster Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

If someone behaves like a rooster, it means he is putting on airs and being cocky. Isn't it time to learn humility?

“Cockerel” is often referred to as the male genitals, so the rooster can symbolize male energy and strength.

The crow of a rooster calls for awakening. Awaken spiritually, awaken to life.

In the Middle Ages, weather vanes in the shape of roosters were attached to the spiers of houses and churches - as a symbol of readiness to meet the dawn.

1 Rooster according to Hasse's dream book

Seeing someone laying eggs is an unexpected inheritance; catch - respect; to see a rooster at all means to come under suspicion; hear singing - you are loved; eat - you will be overwhelmed by greed.

1 Rooster Esoteric dream book

Your ambitions.

The appearance of the rooster is the degree of their satisfaction and justification, for example: beautiful ambitions are justified; pinched, you're trying in vain.

Hoarse - a lot of effort will be spent on self-affirmation.

1 Rooster Esoteric dream book

Why does the Rooster dream:

A dream in which you see a rooster foretells that you will make a mistake, for which you will only have yourself to blame.

If you hear a rooster crowing, this suggests that you will decide to cheat on your partner out of curiosity. You're just wondering how people who commit treason feel.

1 Rooster Esoteric dream book

Rooster. Lust, behaves like a "rooster".

1 Rooster Dream interpretation for a bitch

Amazing luck in everything.

Hearing a rooster crow in a dream means that in the future you will have a successful marriage and prosperity in your home.

1 Rooster Gypsy dream book

Pride, success, power.

A fighting rooster is a threat to your position.

1 Rooster Indian dream book

Seeing a rooster in a dream and hearing its singing means quarrel and abuse.

1 Rooster To the newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Why does the Rooster dream:

To a new lover (mistress); for a teenager - to a fight, conflict.

1 Rooster Dream Interpretation of a Path Seeker

Argument, anger, irritability; treason; hot-tempered person, guest.

Red - danger of fire, harm from love passion or fight.

Golden - extraordinary happiness.

Black - face an evil force within yourself or outside.

Crowing is an important event: be careful!

1 Rooster French dream book

Seeing roosters in a dream is good news. A singing rooster heralds joy and happiness in your home. Fighting roosters - foreshadow your participation in some kind of fight. Adultery. Imagine that you are cutting up a rooster and making soup from it.

1 Rooster Dream book alphabetically

Seeing an important, large rooster at the head of chickens in a dream - in reality, this portends happiness in your personal life, but a rooster pecking at you means an accident.

Fighting young cockerels - you will soon receive news from a friend that will sadden you. A rooster flying up onto the fence and crowing announces that good luck will replace the unlucky streak in your life.

A slaughtered rooster running around the yard without a head portends you a desperate struggle to realize your goals and the desired victory in it. A slaughtered fat capon means the death of a close relative. Cooking or eating rooster meat in a dream means breaking up with a loved one.

1 Rooster Dream Interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

Seeing a rooster walking around the chicken coop is a sign of adultery. If a rooster sits on the fence and crows, everyone will know that you have been cuckolded.

Imagine that you are cutting up a rooster and making soup from it.

1 Rooster Dream book of the 20th century

Symbolizes arrogance and conflict.

For a woman to see a rooster, for a man to see a rooster: this is a warning about a possible conflict or rivalry. After such a dream, try not to become arrogant and not respond harshly to harshness, otherwise it will end in a painful and meaningless quarrel.

A wounded or dead rooster: a sign that conflicts and squabbles can ultimately lead to serious consequences for you, and then unnecessary pride will suddenly turn into severe humiliation.

Good news.

Dreaming on the 3rd lunar day symbolizes disaster.

1 Rooster Dream interpretation of birthday people of May, June, July, August

A rooster crowing in a dream means a quarrel.

1 Rooster Dream book of Nina Grishina

A herald of some phenomenon or event / your desire to overcome your obsessive fear, feelings of inferiority / master of the house, family / caution is necessary in your work.

Pugnacious - worries/severe discord with former friends.

Lame rooster - true friends.

Singing - to lead.

Golden rooster - happiness.

Beautiful - danger from fire.

Black - clash with evil forces.

1 Rooster Dream Interpretation of Shereminskaya

High position, recognition and prestige. But you should not be overly proud of your achievements, otherwise you may lose everything; gossip.

How can you understand why you dream about a rooster, since there are so many associations associated with this bird? In this case, a wise dream book will help us: a rooster is rarely a harbinger of grief and more often promises something bright and pleasant.

What exactly depends on the plot of the “rooster’s” dream, and there are many options:

  • You just saw a rooster in a dream.
  • We heard him singing.
  • We saw a cockfight.
  • I dream about a rooster pecking someone and attacking someone.
  • You catch a rooster in a dream. or kill a rooster.

What did you see in your dream?

  1. As the dream book says, a rooster in a dream, seen from the outside, is a sign that honor and a high position will soon await the dreamer. You will receive recognition and respect due to your merits.

2. If in a dream you only heard the ringing crow of a rooster, this is a symbol of insight, awakening. Some new, dormant powers will be revealed in you - perhaps you will discover a talent in yourself or understand something very important about yourself.

3. The crow of a rooster, which was hoarse in a dream, means that you have to spend a lot of your own strength and energy to achieve a big goal. But if you make an effort, you will receive recognition in the future and achieve your goal.

4. If you dream of fighting roosters or chickens that cackle loudly, this clearly indicates the fact that in the near future you will witness a quarrel between your competitors or opponents.

How this will affect you personally is unknown, but the interpreter advises not to interfere and try not to add fuel to the fire, so as not to get involved in a serious conflict. Better stay away.

5. A dream in which a rooster was sitting on a tree foretells the dreamer a large profit from a successful business or cooperation with an influential person. Soon you will reap the benefits, so don't stop following your chosen path, work hard!

6. A lame rooster in dreams is a symbol of faithful and devoted friends. Be sure that you have them - and the dream probably transparently hints to you that in reality you for some reason forgot about them or are not sure of their reliability. But in vain, you have wonderful friends, appreciate them!

7. Seeing a singing rooster in a dream is a good sign. It portends good news and pleasant surprises.

8. If you dreamed of a golden rooster, know that after such a rare and fabulous dream, boundless happiness awaits you. Your life will soon become cloudless, and difficulties and troubles will disappear without a trace!

9. But, as the dream book says, a black rooster is a symbol of competition. Moreover, be careful: a competitor or rival is an unkind and treacherous person, and you should show special restraint when communicating with him. He's probably willing to go to great lengths. Your courage, honesty and strength are excellent weapons against such enemies.

10. If you dream of chickens peacefully pecking grains in the yard, know that in your home in the near future there will be complete prosperity, tranquility, and well-being. You don't have to know what poverty is.

11. If you saw a rooster in a dream rushing at someone, wanting to peck some person, this is a warning dream. He tells the dreamer that someone might let him down.

If you are counting on someone, waiting for someone's help, given a task or assignment - for some reason this person will not cope. So the best option now is not to expect results from him and start doing something on your own so as not to be disappointed.

12. If a woman dreamed that a rooster was chasing a hen, this is a clear harbinger of a persistent suitor. Perhaps the man will be too “puffy” to get your attention.

13. For a pregnant woman, according to dream books, a rooster in her dreams promises the birth of a strong and brave little boy.

14. Well, if in your night dreams you saw a rooster next to a hen, be sure: in love you will be very happy and prosperous. Even if something is not going well now, it will soon pass without a trace. Don't even doubt it: you are about to meet your ideal match.

Brave fighter

What do dreams promise the dreamer, in which he not only saw roosters or hens, but also had to come into contact with these poultry in some way?

Here everything directly depends on exactly how it had to be done.

  1. If in a dream you were suddenly pecked painfully by a rooster, this is a clear warning. Take your time to make a decision, weigh the pros and cons several times. The dream book says that you risk making a mistake.

2. If the rooster is just trying to peck you, chasing you, this is a reminder of an important matter. You forgot something important. Remember and get down to business - this is important.

3. Trying to catch a rooster in your dreams is a sign that you have a difficult and time-consuming, but important task ahead of you . If you don't give it up, it will result in either profit, happiness, or recognition.

4. Did you manage to catch a bird in your dreams? Expect great respect for you; soon people will begin to value and honor you very much.

5. Separating fighting cocks in your dreams is a sign that in reality you will have to reconcile quarreling friends or colleagues. And you will succeed brilliantly - you will prove yourself to be a true peacemaker!

6. Plucking a bird in a dream is a warning that in reality you risk wasting a lot of money on something completely unnecessary. Of course, you shouldn’t deny yourself everything, but be smart and don’t throw money away.

7. If you killed a rooster in a dream, the dream book succinctly and without explanation promises great happiness! What can you add here? Author: Vasilina Serova

Modern family dream book according to Freud:

A rooster in a dream marks a joyful period in life; you succeed in business, gain authority, but you will need to suppress excessive vanity. A rooster also means betrayal (a rooster crows in a dream, and you or your loved one will have to justify your infidelity in reality). Hearing a rooster crow in a dream is a favorable sign. It promises young people a successful marriage and prosperity in the home. According to another interpretation, such a dream means quick tears for a trivial reason.

The cheerful crowing of a rooster in the morning means a successful marriage and prosperity in the house. Evening - to sad events.

A dream in which you see a cockfight warns you of upcoming quarrels and rivalry with a certain famous and quite powerful person.

According to one interpretation, having seen a dream in which a rooster appears, you will be able to take a more reasonable look at the world around you, get rid of misconceptions and avoid mistakes.

Only for women

Seeing a rooster in a dream means a mistake for which only you will be guilty.

Hearing a rooster crow is a sign of betrayal, which curiosity will push you into. You will want to experience those sensations that are invariably present in the life of every person who has cheated on their partner.

What do dreams mean? – Juno’s new dream book:

Seeing a rooster in a dream is a sign that you are in a “bright spot”. Success and material well-being await you. The time comes when you can enjoy peace and joy.

Seeing a singing rooster in a dream - such a dream promises you caution and some news. Catching a rooster means that you will have a heated argument.

A pugnacious rooster - anxiety, quarrel with former friends. Lame rooster - true friends. Golden rooster - happiness. Red - danger from fire. Black - clash with evil forces.

(See interpretation: chicken)

A rooster in a dream is a fan for a woman, a rival for men and a competitor in business. Sometimes a dream about a rooster foretells you a meeting with a swaggering and vain person, which will be unpleasant for you. Stabbing him is a sign of frustration. Letting him out of the house is a harbinger of your child’s imminent marriage. Fighting roosters in a dream are a sign of quarrels or strife.

Hearing a rooster crow in a dream foretells receiving news that will indicate to you that a moment has arrived that you should not miss. See interpretation: scream.

It is also believed that a rooster in a dream warns of betrayal or deception, as well as that the time has come to make an important decision. If in a dream you hear roosters crowing, then you should avoid quarrels and showdowns that could harm you. Sometimes the crow of a rooster in a dream warns against mistakes or betrayal.

If you dream that a rooster laid an egg, then pleasant surprises await you, which mean the arrival of pleasant guests or the receipt of good news. Sometimes such a dream predicts an unexpected inheritance. See interpretation: feathers, an egg in which you pluck feathers from a rooster's tail, portends misfortune.

Seeing the bright plumage of a rooster in a dream is a sign of imminent good news about the arrival of a friend or lover whom you have not seen for a long time.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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