Construction, design, renovation

Traditionally, a wedding ceremony takes place in a church. The sacrament of confession: how and when to confess

Every Orthodox Christian knows what a wedding in a church is called. A wedding is a blessing for living together, having and raising children. Lovers should be aware that at the wedding they take a vow of fidelity, the violation of which is considered a sin. Newlyweds, especially women, want to get married according to all the rules, but not everyone has sufficient information about the latter.

Preparation for the sacrament

It is important for a couple to prepare spiritually for the wedding. A man and a woman should be confident in their choice Before taking such an important step:

Please inquire in advance about the number of guests allowed. Usually there are no restrictions, but it is worth checking. The bride must calculate that there will be no menstruation on the chosen date. This should also be discussed with the witness, since women should not enter the church these days.

Choice of clothes

The bride's dress should be closed, below the knees. If the top is open, you can use a cape. Gloves are appropriate on your hands. Be sure to wear a scarf on your head. Any shoes are possible. You will have to stand and walk a lot, so give preference to comfortable and light shoes. A woman’s lips should not be painted, because she will have to kiss a cross or an icon. This also applies to the witness.

A man should give preference to a formal suit and boots. No headdress required. All those present must wear crosses, which, if not available, can be purchased upon arrival at the temple.

How to decide on the date

It is necessary to determine the date of the wedding in advance, since the ceremony is not allowed on any day. Weddings take place on Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Friday.

The ritual is not performed during fasting:

  • Nativity Fast - from November 28 to January 6;
  • Lent - 7 weeks before Easter;
  • Petrov - on the 50th day after Easter;
  • Uspensky - August 14−27.

You cannot perform a sacrament:

  • September 11 - Beheading of John the Baptist;
  • September 27 - Exaltation of the Holy Cross;
  • from January 7 to January 19 - Christmastide;
  • Maslenitsa;
  • Bright Week (week after Easter).

The ceremony can be held at any time of the year, there are no restrictions. Girls really love weddings in winter, so they can look irresistible in a white fur coat. The anniversary of a marriage registered in the registry office can also be an excellent date for a wedding.

Behavior in the temple

Orthodoxy takes very seriously not only the appearance of parishioners, but also their behavior. You cannot talk or laugh during a wedding ceremony in a church. The rules are the same for everyone, no matter what status and position the spouses and guests have. It is necessary to listen carefully to the clergyman.

They come to the church in advance to prepare and buy additional attributes. You cannot make the priest wait; all urgent matters must be done in advance.

It is better to turn off or mute phones. You cannot stand with your back to the icons, break the rules and signs.

A wedding in the Orthodox Church should be done consciously, when a man and a woman are ready to be faithful to each other throughout their lives, to honor and respect each other. This is not just a tradition that everyone should follow, and not a fashion statement.

How the ceremony goes

The procedure for holding the celebration is different in each church. You can prepare for the event only by discussing the details with the priest in advance. Here How does the wedding ceremony take place?

It is better to celebrate such an important event with family and a small company. You can't celebrate with a lot of alcohol and energetic dancing. This is a family celebration, which is held in a calm atmosphere, without unwanted incidents.

A wedding takes place once in a lifetime, so it must be treated responsibly and with all seriousness. There is only one condition: the desire to hold the ceremony must be thoughtful and sincere. You can be debunked, but only with the permission of the diocese, which cannot always be given.

Andrey, Lesnoy, Sverdlovsk region.

How does the debunking ceremony take place?

Hello. I have this question. In 1987, I was baptized into the Evangelical Christian Baptist Church. In 1991, I got married and had a wedding in an Orthodox church in the Perm region; my father recommended that I accept Orthodox baptism, but at that time he married us. In 2009, at the insistence of my mother - and I had wanted to for a long time - I was re-baptized Orthodox in my homeland in the Sverdlovsk region. My wife and I have been married for 25 years and have not had any children. Now we are getting divorced. Do we need to get debunked if at the time of the wedding I was not baptized in the Orthodox way? And if you get debunked, then how? Is it where you got married or can it be done anywhere? Well, I would like to understand the sequence of such a procedure.

Hello! Since you belong to the parishioners of the Russian Orthodox Church MP, then you must carry out a church divorce according to their rules, and this is basically the “Definition on the reasons for the dissolution of a marriage consecrated by the Church,” issued by the Local Council of the Russian Orthodox Church, 1918.

And the procedure for divorce is as follows:

  1. Go to the parish church closest to you. You can consult with the priest there, who may know better the local practice in such matters.
  2. Find out who the ruling bishop is and where the diocesan administration is located.
  3. At the diocesan administration, draw up a petition addressed to the ruling bishop with a request for divorce, where you indicate the reasons that prompted you to make such a decision. Sample petitions can be found on the diocese website or on the website

The ritual of exorcism is quite dangerous, and the church rarely gives permission to perform it. However, cases of demons entering people's bodies are still a real threat. Find out how the exorcism ceremony occurs and who can perform it.

In the article:

The rite of exorcism - what is it and where does it come from?

The ritual of exorcism involves removing demons from the human body. Many believe that it comes from the Middle Ages - the times of the fight against witches, demons and other representatives of evil spirits. However, the theme of the infusion of spirits into the human body was present in shamanism, which existed long before the advent of Christianity. Most likely, the Catholic Church only gave a new name to this phenomenon. Similar rituals occur in all world religions.

Exorcism is the expulsion of the devil, but the church also classifies as evil spirits the spirits to which shamans turn, and other entities. Now this name is considered common for all powerful purification rites. For example, there are rites of exorcism of salt, water, oil and other inanimate things and products. It should be understood as the expulsion of evil spirits from food and things in which the demon has settled. They also expel evil spirits from premises, which is also sometimes called exorcism. In addition, this ritual was performed before baptism in Catholicism - it means the expulsion of evil from a person’s soul so that the Lord can enter it.

Exorcism and the persecution of people by evil spirits is a common theme in modern cinema and classic horror films. Perhaps this became the reason for disbelief in the possibility of becoming possessed, suffering from possessed demons and demons. The priests claim that this problem is still relevant and it did not disappear along with the Inquisition and the bonfires at which. Even in our time, when most people do not believe in the existence of evil forces, the ritual of exorcism is quite relevant.

Moreover, evil spirits are capable of taking advantage of people’s weakness of faith. After all, it is impossible to resist something that you don’t even believe in. Skepticism is not appropriate if we are really talking about the introduction of evil spirits into a person. But it should be remembered that science considers this phenomenon a symptom of a number of mental illnesses - demonopathy, split personality, hysteria, psychosis, schizophrenia and many others. Not all crazy people are obsessed, but not all crazy people need the help of a psychiatrist.

Exorcism spell - text to exorcise a demon

exorcism is usually called spells and prayers that are aimed at exorcism. As a rule, their meaning is to turn to the Lord for help in the fight against evil:

I appeal to you, an unclean spirit sent by evil. You are the very sin, deception, blasphemy, fornication, murder. We pray to the Lord God for the forces that will help drive you out. His greatness and power will resurrect the soul of the servant of God (name) and the devilish spirit will be overtaken by a terrible judgment. Lord, help us cast out the demon from the flesh and soul of the servant of God. You, treacherous enemy, leave the body you have occupied, cleanse it of your essence. May your reign over the whole world end, may your kingdom be destroyed, may your poisoned arrows rot, may you be destroyed, defeated, destroyed and subjugated, as you were prostrate in Egypt, Jericho, Goliath and Haman. You are a human slave and we are strong over you. We have the power to torment you for your deeds. We expel you from the body you are tormenting. We expose you to hellish and eternal fire. May the power of the Lord triumph over you. Let go and go wherever you are. You are forbidden to return forever to this body and own this soul.

While reading the words of exorcism, you cannot interrupt or stop, regardless of the circumstances in which you are - this is all the demon needs, he will try with all his might to stop the process.

Orthodox exorcism prayer - how to drive out evil

Exorcism (exorcism) in Transnistria

In addition to exorcism spells, it is recommended to read prayers. It could be "Our Father" or "Symbol of faith". In Catholicism the following prayers are read - Gloria Patri Anima Christi, Ave Maria and Salve Regina. But there is also a special prayer of purification for exorcism in Russian. The language of the prayer does not matter much, the main thing is the meaning that is embedded in it:

We cast out you, the spirit of all uncleanness, every power of Satan, every hostile encroacher of hell, every legion, every assembly and sect of the devil, in the name and virtue of our Lord Jesus Christ, be uprooted and flee from the Church of God, from souls created in the image of God and by the precious blood of the Lamb redeemed. You no longer dare, most cunning serpent, to deceive the human race, persecute the Church of God and tear away God’s chosen ones and scatter them like wheat. The Almighty God commands you, with whom you still want to be equal in your great pride; who wants to save all people and bring them to the knowledge of the truth. God the Father commands you; God the Son commands you; God the Holy Spirit commands you. The greatness of Christ, the eternal God of the Word incarnate, commands you, who, for the sake of the salvation of our race, fallen through your envy, humbled himself and was obedient even to death; who built his church on a strong rock and promised that the gates of hell would not prevail against it, for he himself would remain with it until the end of time. The mystery of the cross and all the mysteries of the Christian faith commands you to nobility. The high Mother of God, the Virgin Mary, commands you, who struck your most arrogant head from the first moment of her immaculate conception in her humility. The faith of the holy apostles Peter and Paul and the other apostles commands you. The blood of the martyrs and all holy men and women commands you pious intercession.

The prayers read during the exorcism ritual must belong to the faith that the patient professes. The exorcist must also profess the same religion as the possessed.

How is an exorcism session performed?

Nowadays, it is customary to record the exorcism ritual on camera. Video is usually necessary to demonstrate to non-believers in the existence of demons and demons. In addition, such videos are necessary for beginning exorcists, who must know what they need to prepare for and what the path they have chosen for themselves is. In the old days, the inquisitor or priest who read the sacred words of exorcism had an assistant who documented everything that happened to the patient and how the demon behaved. Besides, these are modern church rules.

During an exorcism session, there must be witnesses to what is happening - at least one person. In the old days, the relatives of the patient were called, but now the situation with witnesses has not changed much. There are many reasons for their presence. Relatives must make sure that their loved one's suffering is over. Their observations will be made public, which will convince more than one person of the existence of a problem that most do not even believe in.

In addition, there is another reason for the presence of witnesses - frequent fatal accidents. Evil spirits can cause harm to a person's physical body during the process of exorcism. The non-infliction of physical harm by the exorcist must be recorded by witnesses, and these should be not only his assistants, but also people who are close relatives of the patient. Of course, witnesses must be warned about what they will see. Sometimes there is also a doctor present who is engaged in providing exclusively medical care to those suffering from the machinations of the forces of evil.

Both witnesses and the priest or exorcist must confess before the exorcism is performed. Fasting is also necessary, the longer the better, but, as a rule, such patients cannot always wait forty days, so three or nine days is the optimal time for fasting.

The evil spirit is trying with all its might to hide its presence from the clergyman, but the latter must not be deceived by him.

He can bargain; the demon's offers are usually such that it is difficult to disagree. According to the Gospel, the demons even bargained with Jesus Christ, as a result of which they agreed to go into the bodies of pigs instead of going to hell. Sometimes they ask tricky questions about the interpretation of the Bible and the norms of Christian morality. Theology is their favorite topic. If the exorcist answers correctly, most likely he will be able to negotiate with the evil spirits about her departure. Humility and faith are the best weapons in this fight.

Any otherworldly phenomena must be ignored by the exorcist; the ritual and reading of prayers must not be interrupted. Sooner or later the demon will be defeated with the help of faith in Divine help and the sacred words of prayer. Peace and tranquility will be the first signs of victory over the forces of evil. One ritual is not always enough. Sometimes the fight against evil takes several years - it all depends on the strength of the demon and the professionalism of the exorcist.

After the demon is sent back to hell, a prayer request for further protection for the victim and his loved ones is mandatory. It is known that the demon can return, and only a lifestyle that is correct from the point of view of Christian morality can protect against this. After getting rid of evil spirits, you should visit church more often, pray and confess. It is advisable to keep the fast for some time. Sometimes a person from whom the devil has been cast out does not remember anything that has happened in his life since the moment the body was taken over by evil spirits.

Who can perform an exorcism ritual?

It is recommended to trust the exorcism of demons and devils clergy. The Church extremely rarely gives permission for such rituals - it can only be carried out with the permission of higher church leadership. Nowadays, exorcism is very rare, but there are monasteries and churches where the treatment of the possessed is carried out on a regular basis. Exorcism is a complex and dangerous ritual, which it is advisable to trust to real specialists in this matter. In its process, people sometimes die, and the responsibility for this often falls on the shoulders of the exorcist.

If you intend to become an exorcist, you should keep in mind that not every person is suitable for this role. He must be pure of heart and conscience, try to live in accordance with the laws of the religion to which he belongs. The presence of grave sins on your conscience is a factor that indicates that you cannot practice exorcism. Moreover, the demon will be able to use you for his own purposes if he comes into contact with you.

An important point is good physical health. Of course, there is nothing to do in such situations for a person with a weak nervous system. You must feel confident when communicating with demons - this will also have to be done. The voices of demons can cause almost physical suffering, but you cannot interrupt the reading of prayers - are you sure you’re ready for this? The presence of mental disorders is also a serious obstacle.

Both the assistants and the exorcist himself should not be squeamish, self-righteous or suffering from pride. The demon will hurl insults, trying to lead you into sin and interfere with the ritual. He has telepathic abilities, and will go to reveal the secrets of everyone present at the session. In addition, blood and excrement are something that you will see quite often. The evil spirit understands what emotions such a spectacle evokes in an unprepared person, and takes advantage of it.

Serious knowledge of theology, careful study of religious literature and diplomacy are what will be useful to an exorcist. The demons enter into dialogue with him, try to bargain, find a place to leave so as not to return to hell. They often use tricky theological questions to lure inexperienced exorcists into a trap. Knowledge of Latin will not hurt either - many texts useful in exorcizing demons have been written in this language.

The history and culture of the Russian people goes back many centuries. All these years it was continuously enriched with new phenomena and traditions, but continued to preserve the memory of the experience and customs of its ancestors. Often Russian national rituals form a rather bizarre combination of actions based on ancient pagan beliefs, which, nevertheless, harmoniously correlate with Christian Orthodox canons.

Most rituals in Rus' are, in one way or another, connected with religion, and more ancient, pre-Christian traditions with the mythological personification of the elements and natural phenomena.

The most famous and important pagan rituals that survived even after the baptism of Rus' include:

  1. Maslenitsa.
  2. Ivan Kupala Day.
  3. Caroling.
  4. Yarilin's day.

All of them, one way or another, were associated with the archaic ideas of the Slavs about the forces of nature and most often were tied to some events, calendar or seasons.


Since ancient times, the event that occurred on the day of the vernal equinox was celebrated widely and on a grand scale. People rejoiced at the arrival of spring: it is no coincidence that the symbol of this holiday was a pancake - a miniature symbolic sun. Maslenitsa itself symbolized winter. It was believed that after the burning ritual, she would transfer all her powerful energy to the earth, thereby ensuring a rich harvest and protecting her from natural disasters.

Ivan Kupala Day

Initially, the holiday was tied to the day of the summer solstice, but the name itself, which has survived to this day, was received already in the Christian era by the name of John the Baptist. This epithet in Greek sounds like “bather”, “immerser”, which is quite consistent with the essence of the celebration - ritual ablution in an open reservoir. This holiday very clearly demonstrates the bizarre combination of Christian religious traditions with pagan, archaic beliefs and rituals.

One of the main traditions of Ivan Kupala is jumping over the fire. It was believed that this promotes cleansing, protects against illnesses and allows protection from evil spirits. It was very important to swim in a river or lake on the night of Ivan Kupala, since the water was considered purified from all evil spirits and acquiring certain magical properties.

Yarilin's day

Again, in the initially pagan holiday dedicated to the sun god - Yaril, with the adoption of Christianity, certain motifs were added about the struggle of saints with the pagan deity.

On this day, the ancient Slavs turned to Yarila for help, so that he would provide the crops with sunlight and protect them from flooding. An important ritual that took place on this day was called “Unlocking the Earth.” It was absolutely necessary to bathe in the dew, because... It was believed that on this day it has healing and miraculous properties.


This ritual, as a rule, was timed to coincide with Christmastide and consisted of a group of young men and girls going around all the houses in the village, who sang comic songs or good wishes addressed to the owners, receiving a ritual reward for this. Old Russian farmers were confident that participation in Christmas rituals doubled the energy of fertility and contributed to an increase in crop yields, offspring of livestock, and ensured general well-being in the farmstead.

With the adoption of Orthodoxy, a significant number of religious rituals appeared, associated with the onset of certain important stages in a person’s life. Among the main ones are:

  1. Baptism.
  2. Wedding ceremonies.
  3. Funeral rites.


The rite of baptism signified the spiritual birth of a person and his belonging to the Christian religion. The child had to be baptized in the first year of life. For each baby, godparents were appointed, who presented the child with an icon of his patron and an Orthodox pectoral cross. The newborn was named in accordance with the name of the saint mentioned in the calendar.

The choice of godparents was treated very responsibly: it was believed that they were responsible for the child and should set a worthy example for him to the same extent as biological parents. After the ceremony was performed in the church, a festive and generous feast was held with the presence of all the people close to the newly baptized baby.

Wedding ceremonies

In Rus', they tried to set aside certain periods in the calendar year for weddings. It was impossible to get married during major fasts. In addition, weddings rarely took place during the period of the most intense agricultural work.
The main wedding rituals included:

  • Matchmaking.
  • Looks and glances.
  • Collusion.
  • Wedding train.
  • Wedding.

Not a single wedding was complete without matchmaking. This was the most important stage at which the groom’s family decided whether to persuade the girl they liked to marry their son. Moreover, very often at this stage, they were not even interested in the opinions of the potential newlyweds themselves, and the bride and groom could see each other only at the bride’s party.

If both parties were satisfied with everything, a wedding agreement took place, during which the heads of families literally beat each other’s hands, thereby symbolically indicating the achievement of a fundamental agreement on marriage between their children. During the conspiracy, the wedding date, invited guests, as well as other organizational issues were discussed.

To refuse to marry after an agreement meant disgracing yourself and your potential spouse. In case of refusal, the “injured” party had the right to demand compensation for all losses associated with this action.

On the wedding day, a wedding train was assembled, which consisted of elegant chaises, carts or sleighs, at the head of which was the groom's groomsman, who was in charge of the route.

Finally, the most important wedding ceremony was the wedding. After the sacrament was completed, the parents of the newlyweds were waiting at the groom's house, greeted them with bread and salt and threw a generous and cheerful wedding feast.

Funeral rites

The main meaning of all rituals associated with the burial of the deceased was the desire to facilitate his transition from this world to the kingdom of God. The funeral service could not be performed if the person was not baptized, committed the sin of suicide, or did not confess or receive communion during the year before death. The deceased was put on a pectoral cross, dressed in clean clothes and covered with a funeral blanket. Music was considered inappropriate, as were flowers.

It was believed that the main thing on this day was prayer for the forgiveness of the sins of the deceased. After the burial of the deceased, relatives organized a memorial meal, which was accompanied by appropriate prayers. Bringing food to the churchyard was considered unacceptable. According to tradition, food was brought to the church and treated to parishioners. On the 3rd, 9th and 40th days a funeral service was ordered in the church. All this time, the relatives mourned the deceased, dressed in dresses of dark shades

This article is very important for those who want to throw off the shackles of baptism. Also described here are two options for debaptizing the first one can be done alone without anyone’s help, but the second option is much more complicated but also more correct. Both variants of decrossing are correct; the choice of current is yours.

People who come to the faith of their ancestors after Christianity, as a rule, are divided into two types. The first is a person who is baptized, but does not strictly observe church rules, for whom manifestations of faith come down to wearing a cross and eating Easter cake. The second is a person who consciously tried to delve into Christianity, was deeply interested in it, went to church, observed fasts and took part in church sacraments. People who nevertheless decide to leave the church and begin to glorify their native Gods must undergo a special rite - baptism.

A person who has returned to the faith of his ancestors needs to move away from Christianity, and this must be done on three levels: physical, intellectual and energetic.

This is very easy to do on a physical level. We must stop going to church, observe church holidays, be baptized, get rid of Christian paraphernalia, etc. If a person has made up his mind, then it will not be difficult for him.

The most serious work must happen on the intellectual level. How the ceremony itself will take place depends on this. Everything needs to be carefully thought out and weighed. If a person has a mess in his head, or he hesitates, then it is better not to rush into the ritual. No matter how wonderfully the ritual is performed, if a person has not consciously broken with Christianity, then it will have no power. Until a person himself understands that baptism is a curse, there is no point in debaptizing. Therefore, the ritual must be performed only when a person is completely ready for it. There is no need to rush. A person should have as much information as possible about what he is giving up, and should know what a terrible intellectual disease Christianity is. Let’s dwell on this for now, and we’ll tell you about the ritual itself a little later.

What is baptism? Let’s not indulge in demagoguery, but turn to the brochure “On the Sacrament of Baptism,” published by the Orthodox publishing house “Blagovest” in 2001:

“...And whoever was baptized received in Christ that wonderful garment that covers everything base and shameful in a person.” Please note that it does not save, but covers.

“ is naturally born a sinner and guilty before the justice of God.” Well, yes. A person has just been born and is already a sinner. The main task of the church is to awaken a sense of guilt in a person, force him to pray and repent, and keep him in fear. If this succeeds, that’s all, a person becomes a “servant of God”, joins the “flock” of Christ’s sheep, and becomes ideologically controlled. Added to this is the energetic dependence into which a person is placed during the rite of baptism.

And during the baptism process, I ask you to pay attention to some words that the priest says during the ceremony:

“...Let the light of your countenance shine upon your servant...”

“The servant of God is baptized in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit...”, etc.

In short, the main purpose of baptism is to have another slave. All this is also clearly illustrated by quotes from the New Testament:

Revelation, ch. 22, art. 3: “...but the throne of God and of the Lamb will be in it, and His servants will serve it.”

Epistle of Peter to the Romans, ch. 6, art. 3: “Do you not know that all of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into His death”?

We can talk about this topic for a very long time. However, the connection of baptism with the energy of death is obvious. The same brochure says that “if a newborn baby must be baptized, then the priest reads a special prayer over his mother on the fortieth day.” I believe that this is enough to get rid of all this rubbish.

Baptismal ritual: what really happens?

Now we will analyze in detail the rite of baptism and try to understand what happens to a person at the energy level.

Baptism consists of the following actions:

1. Beginning of the ceremony. It includes the catechumen, renunciation of the devil and union with Christ (a set of specific questions and answers, and reading the creed). It makes no sense to describe all these actions in detail. Anyone interested in this can read the relevant literature.

2. Blessing of water: the priest blesses the water with a brush with blessed oil. Then “... it’s the turn of the person being baptized. The priest says: “The servant of God (name) will be anointed with the oil of gladness in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.” The forehead, chest, ears, hands and feet are anointed.” When anointing the forehead and chest, the corresponding energy centers (responsible for clairvoyance and emotions) are prepared to close (disconnected from natural forces).

3. Baptism: “... the priest immerses the person being baptized in water three times, pronouncing the words: “The servant of God is baptized in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen"". Then, after the font, a white baptismal shirt and cross are put on.

4. Confirmation. Miro is a special composition of various aromatic oils, flowers and grape wine. It takes place immediately after baptism, and the person receives the “gifts of the Holy Spirit” (oh, I’ll catch that spirit, oh, I’ll mark it in my ear). Otherwise, these gifts are called (and absolutely rightly) “seals of the gift of the Holy Spirit.” With the help of myrrh (which, by the way, is used to smear the dead), seals are applied in a cross shape to the forehead, eyes, nostrils, lips, ears, chest, arms and legs. With each stroke the priest says: “The seal of the gift of the Holy Spirit. Amen". The previous two energy centers are finally closed with seals, and unique “filters” are applied to the organs of information perception. If a person was baptized at a conscious age, then, coupled with his mental attitude and energy, these seals prevent the correct perception of information undesirable for the church.

5. Walk around the font three times. Following the priest, the godparents (or the godson himself, if he is an adult) walk around the anti-salt font.

6. Reading the Apostle and the Gospel. There is a reading of the sixth chapter of the Apostle Paul's letter to the Romans and the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 28, verses 16-20.

7. Ablution. The priest washes off the myrrh with a sponge (only physically, energetically they remain) in order to “protect it from desecration” (suddenly the child pees on the feet anointed with the myrrh).

8. Tonsure. Small strands are cut crosswise “at the back of the head, at the forehead, on the right and left sides of the head.” Then the hair is rolled up in a piece of wax and lowered into the font. Thus, the energy center at the back of the head is tied to the Christian egregor.

9. Churching. The priest reads prayers, then “introduces (or brings the baby) into the temple and brings it to the royal doors, saying: “The servant of God is churched in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen;” He will enter Your house and worship Your holy temple. In the middle of the church he will sing your praises.” After this, if a woman (girl) is going to church, she venerates herself to the halves of the royal doors, and “the priest reads the prayer: “Now dost thou dismiss thy servant, O Master, according to thy word in peace: for my eyes have seen thy salvation, which thou hast prepared before the face of all.” people, a light for the revelation of tongues, and the glory of your people Israel” (no comments needed). The men are led around the altar (the boys are led around). After all this, everyone present kisses the dead Christ on the cross.

10. Conclusion of the christening. Everyone goes home and a drinking party takes place.

This is how baptism happens. Now let's see how to get rid of all this disgusting garbage.

The first ritual is easier

Ritual of "Debaptism"

So: for the anti-rite (precisely “anti” - the opposite) we need an ordinary bathtub, half filled with cool water, if someone does not have the conditions, or a bathtub, there are also rural residents, where many do not have bathtubs, any container suitable for you can dive headlong; sewing needle (sharper, or buy a finger piercing needle at the pharmacy)

It is better to perform the ritual on an empty stomach, like many others.
So, the water has been collected and the sword is ready. We undress and say:
I remove baptism from myself, I break the slave collar, I am not a slave, but the grandson of the Russian gods! (take a small sword, pierce your finger, squeeze out a few drops of blood into the water and continue). - The blood of the Gods - Ancestors flows in my veins, Will return the pristine state to Pure Water! (We sit in the bath). - The water helped to cause baptism,
The water was able to wash it off! (we dive headfirst and stay underwater for 20 seconds and then emerge). - The baptized one has left, the grandson of the Russian Gods has entered nature! Accept, Mother Nature (name), hear, Great Ancient Gods! We leave the bathroom and read
“appeal”, after it we say:
Russian Gods, Glorious Gods, Ancient Gods! Hear me, your grandson, young relative! And may I always be heard by you, as a RELATIVE, in whose veins your blood flows... Let it be so!

Next, we need:
Chalk (or 50 meters of rope);
Ritual sickle (or a regular new knife). If not, draw (or lay out with a rope, whichever is more convenient for you) in a deserted (possibly indoors) place an ENDLESS SPIRAL twisted to the right, the minimum diameter of the outer circle is 3 meters. Cut off with a sickle (on which you first draw lines with chalk or your own blood.) ALL channels stretching from you to the “lenders,” especially the channel going up. Next, you step into the center of the spiral, trying not to step on any of the lines, enter a trance state and say:

ROD, Great Primordial Father of Everything and Everyone, may the Children hear us -
Your creations and incarnations!
Svarog is the parent of the Earth and the Light Svarozhichi,
Lada - Foremother of SVA,
Stribog, ruler of the winds and time,
Fire God - Connecting the earthly and heavenly races,
Light horse,
Makosh - Mother of Fates,
Veles - Owner of Paths, Connector of the Three Worlds,
Perun is a heavenly warrior,
Diva - Dodolushka,
Dazhdbog - Parent of the ancestor Aria,
Alive, Life-giving,
Lelya - blossoming,
Yarila is mighty,
Chur - guardian;

Hear us, Bright RELATIVES, I praise and honor you.
I praise you too, Mother Earth, Zemun Heavenly, Sedun Nizhnyaya!
I also glorify the Dark RELATIVES, for EVERYTHING and everything is a KIND!
Chernobog - the embodiment of Darkness,
Mara - ruler of the Navie World,
Viy - Ruler of the Underground Kingdom,
Morok - Guardian of secret ways,
Fornication - God of animal passion,
Lizard Underground,
The Evil One is a twister!

Just as all of you, reuniting your “Selves” together, awaken and represent the KIND, so do I, your RELATIVE, ADOPT/ADOPT again according to my free will and include me in the NATURE! I ask for protection and patronage from FORCES that are alien to me from now on and hostile... (Look with OTHER vision, if one of the Gods appears, he will be a patron and Mentor... Praise, thank and state the essence of the problem, ask for help).
Next, praise Makosh and ask HER to arrange your Share as it should.

And now more complex

Rite of unbaptism

This rite is not canonical, and its performance depends on specific people. The most important thing is to grasp the essence of the ritual and it is not necessary to follow this description in all details, it is important to grasp the idea itself. Nature itself and its Spirits will do the rest, and the gods of Rus' will help. This ritual is practiced in the Path of Rule community.

It is necessary to make a fire (it is best to do this before the ceremony, so that there is somewhere to throw a shirt and a cross) and outline it in a circle with salt. Summon Chur, bring the demand through fire to our ancestors - the Slavic Gods. After this, open the circle and get out of it. Place a bowl of drink in a circle near the entrance.

So, the baptism goes as follows:

If a person still has a baptismal shirt or cross, they need to be put on before debaptism. If the shirt is small, then you can simply hold it in your hand during the ceremony. If you have neither one nor the other, you can simply wear an old unnecessary shirt. Not far away, away from the main circle, a person sits on his knees. The one who baptizes him asks questions, and the person answers them:

1. Do you renounce the church? I renounce.

2. Do you renounce the Christian Trinity? I renounce.

3. And do you renounce Jehovah? I renounce.

4. And do you renounce Christ? I renounce.

5. And do you renounce the holy spirit? I renounce.

6. And do you renounce the mother of Christ? I renounce.

7. Will you no longer put a death-bearing cross on yourself? I won't.

8. Will you no longer kneel before the gods of the seas? I won't get up.

9. Are you firm in your decision? Hard

After this, a circle is drawn clockwise around it with either a knife or an ax. The circle closes and after that the process itself begins, which must take place in a certain sequence.

First, with the help of a knife or an ax, the person’s connections with the Christian egregor are cut off. It is necessary to imagine and feel these connections. They are best visualized as threads, ropes or webs attached to a person. These threads must be cut from the person with a knife.

After the connections have been cut off, it is necessary to open the person’s “fontanelle” (the energy center at the top of the head). With your right hand you need to heal those places from which the hair was removed during tonsure (mentally, salt through your right hand and send a ray of light to these places). Then a canal is “cut off” from the fontanel with a knife, with which it is attached to the egregor like an umbilical cord.

Next, you need to remove the seals that are placed on a person at baptism. The seals are on the forehead, eyes, lips, ears, chest, arms and legs. They must be removed from the human energy field. It’s better to visualize it as if peeling the skin from an apple. It is better to perform this action also with a knife (an ax is inconvenient).

Then the person’s shirt is torn off with a knife, and the chain on the cross (if there is one) is broken. The cross and shirt are thrown into the fire. When the shirt starts to burn, use a stick to pull it out of the fire, take it away and trample it thoroughly.

The next step is to remove the anointing from the body. A knife is used to remove the anointing from the forehead, chest, ears, hands and feet.

After this, the baptist asks:

“Have you denied Christ?” - I renounced.

“Are you ready to appear before our dear Nature and the Russian Gods?” - Ready.

When a person is cleansed, he must be introduced to the elements: fire, air, water, earth. This happens as follows: 1) Fire. A firebrand is taken and carried around the person in salt with the words: “Fire, take him under your protection and protection and give him strength.” 2) Earth. Either salt or cereal (buckwheat or millet) is taken, salting is done, and the person is sprinkled with the words: “Mother Earth, take him under your protection and protection and give him strength.” 3) Water. The same. 4) Air. It’s the same thing, only the air is pumped onto the person by hand. You can blow on the back of a person's head.

Now you need to start working with the pagan egregor. This should involve (very preferably) two people. The right palms are placed above the top of the head of the person being crossed (one above the other) and during the salting movement, either SVA or ROD is protractedly proclaimed (nine times).

The circle opens and the person is ready to accept the name. It's better to do it right away. The name must mean either the inner essence of a person or what he strives for. The name should not be "show off". If a person cannot do more than five push-ups, and at the same time takes the name “Lyutobor”, then this cannot be called anything other than insanity. It is best to coordinate your name with community members.

Adopting a name

A person stands at the entrance to the main circle facing the fire, with members of the community standing behind him. The right hands are extended towards the person being named, and the leader of the ceremony says: “We give you the name (….)! May the Gods of the Russians take you under their protection and patronage under the name (….)! Let it be so"! The person named takes the cup, approaches the fire, and introduces himself to the Gods. Asks for their protection, asks for their strength. Then he sacrifices a drink to his Ancestors (under whose protection he is now) and drinks a little himself. At the exit from the circle, the community exclaims: “Glory to (name)! Glory to the Russian Gods! The ceremony is over. May your life be bright and joyful, and good luck to you on your path to the Light!

I went through all this myself.