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Dream interpretation of eating a ripe and juicy apple. Why does a woman dream of apples? What does it mean to see Apples in a dream in the Gypsy dream book

(See interpretation: garden, fruits)

Seeing a lot of apples in a dream means quarrels and domestic squabbles. Eating an apple in a dream means grief due to discord in the family or in love. Boiled apples or jam in a dream foretell the imminent receipt of good news.

Picking ripe apples in a dream is a sign of pleasure and joy. Picking green apples in a dream is a harbinger of grief due to your own haste.

A sour apple in a dream means grief over a loved one.

Dividing or cutting an apple in a dream foretells a divorce for lovers or disagreements with business partners. Worthy apples in a dream mean unfaithful friends or envious people who will do a lot of harm to you.

Admiring beautiful or unusually large ripe apples in a dream is a sign of seduction and forbidden pleasures. Trying such an apple in a dream foreshadows satisfaction, enjoyment of the forbidden fruit, unless the apple turns out to be sour, bitter, wormy, etc. Asking the price for apples you like in a dream is a harbinger of love passion, succumbing to which you can lose a lot. Biting into such an apple in a dream means that you are prone to frivolous actions and are capable of taking great risks to satisfy your own lust. See interpretation: apple of paradise.

Interpretation of dreams from

Apples are the most favorite fruit, a concept that everyone knows from childhood. The symbol of integrity, youth, beauty, for the most part has a positive meaning and usually after a dream in which there were apples, a person wakes up in an excellent mood. So why do you dream of apples in a dream, how does the dream book interpret this undoubtedly popular plot? But as usual, nothing in the interpretation of dreams is clear; and therefore it is always important to remember the details and circumstances in which this or that object was dreamed.

Apples are a symbol of healthy eating, vitamins and health. What does it mean to see apples in a dream? Our article is exactly about this!

In this article you will learn:

  • Why do you dream about apples?

Why do you dream about apples?

Apples in a dream are ripe, juicy, they hang on a tree, and you watch them with joy - this means that in real life you are ready to reap the fruits of your labors. But you understand that in order for the harvest to grow, you need to work hard. Likewise in life, to achieve results, you need to work hard. You know what you can do, so just choose the path you will take to get the result.

In many dreams, apples mean wisdom, so you will choose the most correct path to fulfill your desires.

Also, ripe and juicy apples are considered a sign of good sexual appetite and healthy sexual energy. If you pick such an apple, then love and a serious relationship will be added to success from bed. Some dream books even interpret this as a symbol of a successful and happy marriage.

If you collect apples in a basket, it means you will collect praise from management. Know how to stop in time so that the basket does not overfill.

Interpretation of sleep depending on details

One of the most beautiful periods in spring is the period when apple trees bloom. Seeing such a garden in a dream for an unmarried girl or woman means the most pleasant thing - meeting great love or even marriage.

If a woman eats an incredibly juicy apple in a dream, and she understands that its taste is somehow unreal and magical, it means that in life she dreams of meeting a man whom she has had her eye on for a long time. He is also beautiful and magical. Only the acquaintance, if it happens, will be unsuccessful. Because this man is only interested in men.

When a man you know treats a woman to an apple in a dream, in life he will make attempts to seduce her. Whether to succumb to temptation or not is up to the woman herself to decide.

When a woman sees green, strong apples, the dream promises her peace of mind and harmony in the family. Strong green apples are a symbol of completeness and harmony of consciousness. When what is beautiful on the outside is beautiful on the inside.

  • Why do you dream of apples on a tree?

A rich harvest of ripe apples on the tree, which falls before you can pick it, means that your desires are too many and you do not know which one to strive for. You have set too many goals. You need to decide on your priorities and target them.

But if you caught an apple that was falling from a tree, then your wishes will come true very easily. Especially if you managed to catch a lot of apples at once.

If you picked an unripe apple from a tree and took a bite out of it, it means that you may have problems in your sex life, the scale of which depends on the size of the bitten off piece. And if you are simply harvesting unripe apples without tasting, this warns you that when you plan to do something, start small, outline the steps to achieve the goal and try to move forward little by little without rushing.

Wormy apples on a tree carry a negative connotation - your partner is most likely cheating on you.

  • Why do you dream about picking apples?

A dream about apples hanging on a tree. Interpretation of the meaning of sleep

For those involved in business, picking red apples means some danger in your affairs. Be careful when negotiating with partners, concluding new deals and signing contracts. Study them carefully. It may be worth seeking the help of lawyers to check their terms, even if you have already worked with your partner before. Reinsurance will not be superfluous.

If you pick an apple, eat it and don’t feel any taste, in life you should take a closer look at your immediate surroundings. Among your friends there may be a deceitful and unfaithful person.

You climbed onto an apple tree, pick them and throw them down - some unexpected, but very pleasant gift will fall on you. And if you accidentally hit someone, then someone else will do your job. You will only reap its benefits.

  • Why do you dream about picking apples?

If you collect apples in a bucket by picking them from a tree, your superiors will appreciate your achievements. But if you pick apples from the ground, then on the contrary you will be reprimanded. Perhaps even deprivation of the bonus if the apples collected from the ground turn out to be wormy.

Collecting small apples means small chores, a lot of small things. They are all necessary and will lead to good results, you just need to show perseverance and patience. And if you collect large apples, it means peace, satisfaction and a great mood.

If you pick green apples, it means good health awaits you. If you are sick, get well soon. If a man collects such apples, it means new acquaintances await him. If a woman collects, it means bringing long-standing plans to life.

  • Why do you dream of eating an apple?

A woman eats juicy apples and has a good sexual appetite. And she can improve her relationship with her husband. Have a romantic evening by candlelight, even if you have been married for many years.

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A man eats an apple - he needs to be ready to meet a woman. But this is not his soulmate. This is rather an influential person of the opposite sex who will help advance her career. She strives for power and can take you with her.

Picking apples in a dream is a good sign. Pleasant chores or changes in life await you

If you eat an apple that you were treated to, this may mean that they want to involve you in some kind of adventure. Don't agree right away, weigh the pros and cons. If this concerns work, then you need to carefully check all the documents and information that is conveyed to you. If you are treated to half an apple, and the other half remains in the hands of another person, it means that there may be discord between you and your lover or partner. Try not to let this happen.

If you ate a wormy apple, bad events will happen in your life in the near future that will set you back. But these events are temporary.

Dreams even differ depending on whether the apples have undergone any processing or preparation.

Soaked apples mean misunderstandings and slight conflicts with loved ones. Baked apples are a symbol of greed. Many things in the life of a sleeping person are done for the sake of money. People who are not so self-interested achieve greater results and have more satisfaction in life.

  • Why do you dream about buying apples?

Buying apples means meeting a person for whom you will experience great passion, which will paint your life with bright colors, but can also result in suffering. If, while buying apples, a girl bit into them and tasted them, it means that in life she is easy-going and can decide to do the most frivolous things.

  • Why do you dream of ripe apples?

Ripe red apples dream of success in the main business of your life. You are on the right track! Even if something hasn’t been going well lately, soon everything will get better again, look at the problem from a different angle, and you will find a new ingenious solution!

When you pick ripe fruits from an apple tree but do not collect them in a basket, you may suffer serious material losses through your own fault: you are inattentive to details and to those around you who have long wanted to tell you something. But you are too busy with yourself and your problems. And if you collect ripe fruits in a bucket or basket, then your work will be appreciated, but for this you will have to wait some time.

  • Why do you dream about big apples?

Big huge apples dream of equally huge discoveries. Recognition and respect await you.

Seeing large but spoiled apples, such a dream foreshadows some kind of negativity that will not leave a big mark in your life.

Large baked apples are big trouble.

Harvesting a rich harvest always promised a person prosperity.

  • Why do you dream about red apples?

Red apples carry a positive context in most cases.

If you eat red apples, you expect rewards and praise for your work. And you will receive them!

Picking red apples from a tree means you will soon meet your true love. Don't look through it!

If you make jam from red apples, it means that peace and material well-being will reign in your family.

  • Why do you dream about green apples?

If the sleeper is treated to green apples, interesting acquaintances and new prospects await him.

  • Why do you dream of yellow apples?

Single men, after dreaming about yellow apples, can begin to prepare for their upcoming marriage. Even if you don’t have a girlfriend yet, you will soon become acquainted and the relationship will rapidly develop, which can lead to marriage.

Seeing scattered apples that fell out of a fallen basket with a harvest means a quarrel with a friend. The balance will be shaken, your friendship will have to go through serious tests.

Yellow apples on an apple tree portend a woman's jealousy and a serious conversation with her partner.

If you sort through the yellow apples, selecting the rotten and wormy ones, mutual love awaits you, free from jealousy, dirt and mistrust.

  • Why do you dream about rotten apples?

Rotten apples that fell from the apple tree and were not picked mean material losses and information leakage when it comes to work.

Rotten apples promise the sleeper a reappraisal of those around him. You may have surrounded yourself with new acquaintances who say bad things behind your back. Think about old and true friends who have faded into the background. An old friend is better than two new ones, don't forget!

Rotten apples lying on the ground, according to Miller’s dream book, do not foretell immediate success. This does not mean that your ideas are doomed to failure, you just have to work a lot more, and the success will not be as resounding as you would like.

If you had a dream about apples, you can wake up in a good mood, because this symbol in most cases has a positive interpretation. To clarify which one, you need to look at the details. And even if the interpretation that you have determined is negative, then the prospects are not so terrible and, if interpreted correctly, can even bring positive moments into your life.

Dream Interpretation Why do you dream of apples in a dream: pick them, tear them, or eat them? first appeared.

Dream interpretation is an ancient science, and to this day people look into dream books in search of answers. Often we see symbols, signs, hints in our dreams - things that are definitely worth paying well-deserved, close attention to. One such obvious symbol is the apple. If you saw apples in a dream, what is it for? What to expect, what to hope for, and in general, how to behave?

Apples are the oldest of all existing symbols!

This is not an exaggeration. It is difficult to find a more ancient symbol in culture and history than this fruit - after all, it was the fruit that became decisive in biblical history. A forbidden fruit, a child of the Tree of Paradise, a symbol of eternal life and true pleasures - the apple has been endowed with sacred meaning from time immemorial. The apple tree itself is very ancient, but few people know about it - today the apple tree is too familiar to each of us. But earlier it was considered a sacred, sacred, powerful tree among many peoples, in particular among our ancestors. The apple tree is a symbol of fertility, limitless natural strength, life and longevity. The apple is endowed with many meanings: even a symbol of the Universe. Here is just a partial list of what this fruit means:

  • Force;
  • Fertility;
  • Wisdom;
  • Reward;
  • Life;
  • Longevity;
  • Temptation, temptation;
  • Beauty and youth;
  • Luck;

It is not for nothing that such a huge number of ancient rituals and predictions are associated with the apple tree and apples. Without a doubt, seeing apples in a dream is not just like that. An apple is too voluminous and important a sign to appear in a dream without a reason. Through such a dream, the subconscious, or even the surrounding Nature, wants to point out something, suggest a way out of a situation, warn about the wrong path, or, on the contrary, point out the right action. But the interpretation of such a dream must be careful - after all, apples are different from each other.

Apples in a dream – what to expect?

Dream books can help you decipher the meaning of the dream.

In most cases, apples appear in dreams as a sign of something good - it is rare in any dream book to find information about a bad omen if you dream about this fruit.

Most dream books indicate that eating apples in a dream means good luck, prosperity, and wealth. And it’s not surprising, because in the world of dreams you are absorbing a sacred fruit, and this is a good sign! The apple tree is a symbol of life and fertility, and it is also a feminine tree. It is the female nature that is close to the apple tree, so such a dream is very good for women, girls, and especially for. For a mother, seeing apples in a dream is a guarantee of the child’s health; for a pregnant woman, it is an assurance that the birth will be wonderful and the baby will be healthy and strong. Often pregnant women dream of an apple tree with apples - and this is a very good symbol, clearly a good sign.

For a young person, an apple can mean temptation, seduction, forbidden fruit. Remember Eve - she could not resist the beautiful ripe fruit. If a virgin has such a dream, this is a clear warning from the Higher Powers - and advice to be chaste, careful and not to commit rash, rash acts, and not to rush. So a young lady who saw an apple in a dream should be especially careful.

For a young man or man, an apple also has a positive meaning - it can mean victory, reward, recognition, etc. Such a dream often means the approval of the Universe in all endeavors, this means that you are most likely on the right path, and luck favors you.

Red, green - there is a difference!

The color of an apple is important in dreams. In general, colors have their own meaning, and the symbolism of various colors is a complex and extensive science. So, green has always been the color of goodness, friendship, cordiality, sincerity and honesty. This is a good, positive color. Therefore, we can safely say that if the apples in a dream are green, ripe, beautiful, this is an excellent sign. Probably, good, warm relationships with loved ones await you, reconciliation is possible, the end of the conflict. You might get an apology or make a new friend. If you recently started communicating with a new person, a green apple tells you that his intentions are pure and you can trust him.

As for the symbolism of the color yellow, everything is more complicated here. Yellow color is strength, assertiveness, survival, toughness. A man is more likely to dream of a yellow apple and will mean fruitful work, success in business relationships, and victory.

Red is the color of strength, passion, aggression, energy. If apples are red in a dream, this is a sign of fruitful friendship or cooperation, and perhaps love, passion, or conceiving a child. Often a red apple is a symbol of temptation, sensuality, which will not be in vain. Remember, an apple always means “fruit”, which means a result. Which one - you know better.

An apple from an apple tree...

The apple tree itself is an even more powerful symbol than its fruit. Therefore, the dream “apples on a tree” is a particularly important, fateful sign. Dreaming of an apple tree often means the same thing as the apple itself, only multiplied many times. If an apple is a good sign for a mother or a woman in labor, then an apple tree is simply excellent. In addition, an apple tree can mean a family reunion, a meeting with distant relatives.

I often dream of apples in the form of a pie, baked or in other dishes. This is an important sign - most likely, the World wants to advise you not to exaggerate your expectations in any matter. Otherwise, you will be disappointed - after all, there will be fruits, but far from what you hope or expect.

If you had to pick apples from a tree in a dream - this is great, feel free to expect a generous reward for your work, new friends or even love, recognition, money. What you truly deserve and sincerely desire will certainly come into your life!

An apple is rarely a bad symbol, but warning dreams do occur. For example, buying apples in a dream means deception or unsuccessful business. Such a dream can speak of your own selfishness, insincerity, and greed. Try to be more honest with people and in business.

It's even worse to steal apples in a dream- this is a clear hint from the Higher Powers that you are missing something important in life, while you believe that you yourself are unworthy of it. If you stole an apple in a dream, you probably don’t like, underestimate yourself in life, and this seriously bothers you.

Seeing rotten apples in a dream, or simply lying on the ground, dirty, ugly, beaten, and so on, is, of course, not a good sign. But he doesn't mean anything terrible. This means that someone close to you is not honest enough with you, or, on the contrary, you do not show honesty to people close to you. Also, rotten, spoiled apples can mean disappointment, the lack of desired fruits from work or creativity - keep this in mind.

Dreams are different

When interpreting any dream, a very important factor should be taken into account. No matter what the dream books say, each dream is an individual, unique phenomenon that will never happen again. And every dream has its own energy content, atmosphere, mood. Learn to feel this, because this factor can change the meaning of sleep! For example, you dreamed that you took a rotten apple and threw it out the window. The dream book says that this is a bad sign - disappointment, fruitless work, vain efforts and even illness. But in this dream you felt elation, joy, delight, and woke up with a feeling of cleansing! How can there be such a contradiction? In fact, it may be very simple! If this happens, then feel free to interpret the dream differently: you threw the rotten apple, that is, illness, failure and powerlessness, out the window, that is, out of your life! And, of course, we felt a surge of strength and joy. Do it for real!

Having learned to feel the mood of a dream, you will be able to correctly interpret symbols and signs, and use dream books wisely. This also applies to good symbols - after all, it happens that you dream of something harmless, even, according to the dream book, good - and you wake up in fear and tears. How can such a negative, obviously bad state come from a good sign? Of course, it is worth reflecting on the meaning of this dream.

As the dream book says, apples seen in a dream have many interpretations from famous oneirologists, most of them evaluate the dream about the fragrant fruits of apple trees positively, but there are many nuances. Who has the dream, on what day of the week, with what plot - all this plays a role. After all, not only the symbol is important, but also the actions of the dreamer.

Why do you dream of apples on a tree?

A blooming apple orchard is a very beautiful sight; such a dream leaves a feeling of celebration and future pleasant events. It is believed to foretell pregnancy for women. Seeing apples in the snow is a sign that nothing threatens your well-being, and a sun-drenched winter garden promises. In his dream book, Vanga calls this fruit a symbol of wisdom and reward. But why do you dream of an apple tree with apples? The interpretation depends on the plot:

  1. The tree bends from the abundance of fruits - to great income.
  2. For a girl, such a dream means marriage.
  3. Picking apples from a tree in a dream means losses due to one’s own inattention and unnecessary haste; a quarrel with a patron is possible.
  4. Apples under a tree on the grass - you can expect dirty tricks from a person from your close circle; it wouldn’t hurt to take a closer look at your friends.

Why do you dream about red apples?

The dream book “Apples” warns that you need to take into account the color of this fruit; depending on the color, the dream is interpreted. Seeing red apples in a dream means bright emotions and good mood, good prospects for the future and good news. It is important to use your chance, and your plans can come true. There is a sign that a red apple in a dream is a favorable sign, expressing the dreamer’s readiness to overcome obstacles. And the person who comes to the house will help with this.

But there are other, not so rosy predictions; it is worth noting that the interpretation of dreams about red apples is somewhat contradictory:

  1. Seeing it on a tree means a meeting with a suitable life partner.
  2. Buying such apples is a sign of successful completion of affairs.
  3. Finding fruit means illness and long treatment, disappointment in work matters.
  4. Does a beautiful apple turn rotten? There will be a tempting offer that you should refuse so as not to get into a difficult financial situation.
  5. There are a lot of fruits on the table or on the ground - you are surrounded by reliable friends who are always ready to help.
  6. The dreamer rolls a red apple on the table - an interesting secret will soon be revealed.
  7. Treating someone with such fruit means it’s time to look for a serious relationship for marriage.
  8. The fruits were stolen from the dreamer - to failures in business.

Why do you dream about green apples?

What does it mean if you dream about green apples? This sign is good for women, it symbolizes vitality and good health. If a man had such a dream, then he will meet with an old friend or a beautiful lady. The color green is believed to predict something pleasant:

  1. Ripe, beautiful fruit - cherished wishes will come true, respect from many people will appear.
  2. Eating such apples means very important events will happen soon.
  3. A woman dreams that she picked an unripe green apple - she will meet an interesting man.
  4. The girl cuts the fruit - k.
  5. Green fruits on the ground mean danger looming from relatives or friends.
  6. To pick such fruits means you need to spend more time studying, learning new things.

Why do you dream of yellow apples?

If you dreamed of yellow apples, astrologers advise paying attention to relationships with loved ones. For a woman, they portend well-being and prosperity, a successful marriage, and the birth of a baby. The sunny shade of the fruit brings together more pleasant signs, although there are also exceptions. Seeing yellow apples in a dream means:

  • successful marriage, good income;
  • a fun party, a visit from close friends;
  • for a woman - possible betrayal of a loved one;
  • picking such fruits means attacks of jealousy;
  • baking a pie from them means news from distant relatives;
  • wormy yellow apples - to discord in the family, but the conflicts will not be serious, it will be possible to find a compromise;
  • spoiled small fruits of a sunny shade - to changes in life;
  • sorting through such apples means falling in love soon.

Why do you dream of a white apple?

Any dream book considers white apples to be a positive image, because it is associated with divine signs and a wonderful future. This meaning also applies to fruits, but taking into account the plot of the dream. I dreamed of white apples in a dream:

  1. Good events that have been awaited for so long will happen.
  2. For a girl - the promise of a wedding.
  3. For business people - to a successful deal.
  4. The fruits float on the water - you need to be more active in achieving your goal, otherwise you may miss your chance.
  5. Burying white apples in the ground means your well-being will be at risk and you may lose money.
  6. Fruits rolled between the spouses - discord may occur.

Why do you dream about picking apples?

In many cultures, apples are considered a symbol of life, so dreams of ripe, beautiful fruit are considered a good sign. Especially if you pick them from a tree. Picking apples in a dream means pleasant changes:

  1. There will be a reward for your work; you can expect both material and moral satisfaction.
  2. Picking up fruits from the ground means success in work; perhaps your superiors will reward you for your efforts.
  3. Collecting fruits in a basket - others will appreciate your efforts, but not immediately, but after some time.
  4. There are a lot of apples, but they hang high, and it’s impossible to pick them - it’s unlikely that your immediate plans will be realized.

Why do you dream about buying apples?

If you had to buy apples in a dream, this means that outbursts of emotions can cause complex problems. At the same time, dream books about apples call vision a promise of success, a search for interesting communication, and opportunities to realize the most daring ideas. The interpretation also depends on the actions of the dreamer and the location of events:

  1. Buying fruit at a noisy market means a pleasant acquaintance; a new, devoted friend may appear.
  2. If you purchased fruits in a store and took away the last apples, and there is a long line behind you, good luck will come to you very soon.

There are several more interpretations of dreams about these fruits, depending on the actions of the participants in the dream:

Why do you dream about big apples? Considering that seeing this fruit in a dream is considered a good sign, the plot about huge fruits is interpreted very positively. Our ancestors believed that fame, health, prosperity and great respect awaited the dreamer. Astrologers predict even more interesting events in life and great discoveries in various sciences. Such a dream can also be considered as a promise of stability in business.

Why do you dream about a wormy apple?

As the dream book explains, bitter and tasteless apples in a dream are considered a sign of imminent troubles, so it is important to remember where this fruit came from. Was it given as a gift? You should stay away from this person. Did you pick it yourself? Difficulties will arise due to the fault of the dreamer. There is a risk of receiving incorrect information or not implementing your plans. What does it mean when you dream of wormy fruits? Dream Interpretations present the following interpretations about spoiled apples:

  1. Someone close to him harbored a grudge against the dreamer.
  2. Health problems may arise.
  3. A strong temptation will arise, which you should not succumb to; the results will be extremely unpleasant.
  4. Out of a bunch of apples, one is wormy - relatives will create trouble.

The color of the fruit also plays a role, depending on the color, the predictions vary somewhat:

  • wormy red apples - a faithful friend will support you in difficult times.
  • yellow fruits with worms - to, but if the fruits lie on the ground, then the swara will be short and not very significant.

Why do you dream about rotten apples?

Rotten apples in a dream are not a good sign, although some dream books interpret it positively. Considering that in reality picking up such a fruit is extremely unpleasant, the negativity is transferred to the explanation of the dream. Dream about fruits with rotten rot:

  1. To failure in actions and plans, all efforts will be in vain.
  2. Someone is preparing false information for the dreamer.
  3. To anger and envy on the part of loved ones or colleagues.

If you had to buy rotten fruits for a lot of money in a dream, then in reality you should be afraid of failure. Astrologers advise paying attention to official matters and commerce in order to avoid troubles with documents. There are also positive predictions in some dream books that are based on the color of fruits:

  • yellow - to important, pleasant changes;
  • red - profitable trip, unexpected profit.

Why dream of stealing apples?

What does it mean when you dream of stolen apples, although in reality the dreamer has never done anything like this? Psychologists explain this vision by depression and imbalance, the inability to make an important decision, and the desire to rely on others. Astrologers interpret the plot as a possible situation where one will have to lie a lot and act dishonestly. Therefore, it would not be superfluous to reconsider your behavior and reassess your values.

Why do you dream of an apple core?

If a dream about apples more often promises positive changes, then a vision about a core is interpreted as pitiful remnants of the prosperity that they could have had. This is a kind of warning about possible troubles that can be avoided if you do not engage in self-criticism, but take time to resolve complex issues. Such a dream is also explained by the need to acquire new knowledge, experience, connections, perhaps change jobs or close circle.

Why apples are seen in dreams is explained by famous psychotherapists and clairvoyants based on observations of many people. Despite their different social status, age and profession, the consequences of the dream or the reasons for the appearance of an apple in a dream were the same.

A juicy ripe fruit sometimes appears so vividly in a dream that upon awakening you can still feel its heaviness in the palm of your hand or its taste if you managed to eat it. The dream evokes pleasant memories, but the story of Adam and Eve, whose life was radically changed by an apple, is a little disturbing. Different interpretations are possible depending on the color of the fruit and the general impression of what was seen.

Most dream interpreters are unanimous in the opinion that a dream about an apple tree with ripe, beautiful fruits means the fulfillment of cherished dreams. A person should immediately take action to achieve them, the time has come. Bad apples carry negativity regarding family, fans and current affairs. The harm can be neutralized, but you shouldn’t let the situation get worse.

Eating a ripe apple foretells a long, comfortable life. A mother who has such a dream does not have to worry about the financial situation of her children - they will be successful. Eastern sages also considered the dream to be successful. Soon the person will receive good news or a large income.

Admiration for red apples can represent a forbidden passion that the sleeper is ready to succumb to. Picking a fruit from a tree and biting into it shows an accomplished fact. The dreamer could not resist temptation, and the subconscious reflects his action in a biblical image.

The details of the dream are of great importance. In addition, for a man and a woman, a dream about an apple carries different meanings. From the point of view of interpreters, the explanation of dreams for a young girl, an expectant mother and an elderly lady are not the same.

For the stronger half, career plays a huge role in life, so the symbols seen are primarily interpreted based on the state of the business and current transactions.

According to Miller

Psychologist Gustav Miller advised enjoying sleep with large, ripe apples hanging on a tree. Good health and strong will of the sleeper cause such visions. A good sign is to shake the fruit off the tree. If the apples located at the very top fall, the man will reach incredible heights in his professional activities. The highest ambitions can come true.

Rotten or spoiled apples reveal the machinations of envious people. Apples lying on the ground carry the same warning. You should not take even a beautiful apple from the hands of an ill-wisher in a dream. In reality, he will try to deceive, covering his intentions with flattering words.

For women, an apple tree that blooms and bears fruit at the same time means a future pregnancy. Juicy fruits speak of cloudless happiness and a prosperous period of life.

According to Vanga

The clairvoyant called the apple a symbol of wisdom. The reward for picking a fruit from a tree in a dream will be an acquaintance with an authoritative, middle-aged man who is ready to help. You should listen carefully to his words and not commit rash actions, then success awaits the sleeper.

Harvesting a rich harvest from apple trees in reality promises philosophical reflections on life and conversations with educated people. Vanga believed that not a single meeting on Earth is accidental and certain conclusions must be drawn depending on the character and mood of the other person. It is possible that a reassessment of past events will point the right direction to today's aspirations.

A wrinkled apple or cutting a fruit into slices indicates false information received and erroneous actions of the sleeper. It is worth once again sensibly weighing what is happening and changing tactics.

The psychiatrist saw the apple as a symbol of passion and sexual attraction. He explained why he dreams of an apple in a woman’s hands to her awareness of the unattainability of her lover. Perhaps he is not attracted to the fair sex at all.

Jealousy caused by the behavior of a spouse is represented by a dream with wormy fruits. The fact of betrayal may not yet have taken place, but the fears are not entirely unfounded.

Many ripe apples hanging on the branches show the sleeper's interest in sexual pleasures. Whether it is a forbidden fruit or an infatuation with a partner free from obligations, the thoughts of the sleeper are absorbed in it.

According to Velesov's dream book

The ancient Slavs believed that the god Veles sent dreams. In this way he warned people about upcoming events. For an unmarried girl, an apple seen in a dream promised quick matchmaking. The woman who stole the fetus should actually have expected pregnancy. Two fallen apples foreshadowed the appearance of twins. A fruit falling into a man’s hand spoke of receiving money or fulfilling his plans.

A dream where the sleeper picked up a wormy apple from the ground was considered bad. This was followed by illness or loss of some property. If the dreamer took a bite from a spoiled apple, in reality he was threatened with serious problems and troubles. Eating ripe fruit, on the contrary, led to a wedding and a happy marriage.

According to the Esoteric Dream Book

According to the Esoteric Dream Book, the dream showed the sleeping person the state of his soul. A sour, unripe apple meant immaturity and lack of plans for the future. The spoiled fruit reflected apathy and reluctance to find a way out of contradictory phenomena. A ripe apple spoke of the dreamer’s good health and good spirits.

If you remember a wormy apple, it is best to visit a doctor, since you have received a sign of a possible illness.

The most positive meaning and hope for good events came from a dream with beautiful, plump apples. Passion, health, profit - these are its main meanings. Anyone who saw rotten or unripe fruit should start to worry. Any contact with them or simply their presence in a dream did not bode well.

Nostradamus promised the one holding a red apple in his hands in a dream to meet a lovely lady. She will play a significant role in the fate of the sleeper. If such a dream was told by a representative of the church or a person of royal blood, the throne in the future could go to a woman.

A red apple indicates a reliable friendship that can help out in difficult circumstances. The larger the size of the fetus, the more the sleeper is respected and appreciated by others.

For both a man and a woman who are in love and dream of connecting their fate with the object of passion, a ripe apple promises a happy marriage. Only the dream books of Freud and Tsvetkov give a negative prediction. The latter believed that apples dream of ailments and troubles.

If a red fruit rolls on a plate, in real life the dreamer will be drawn into a whirlpool of events, and as a result someone’s secret will be revealed to him.

Yellow fruits

Why do you dream of yellow apples? They are not as bright as red ones, but the interpretation of their appearance retains a good meaning. Yellow fruits speak of hidden feelings that will soon become apparent. They predict marriage for young people, profit for businessmen, and additions to the family for married women. Sometimes eating apples means for a girl sadness from separation from her loved one due to a disagreement.

A golden apple lying in the dreamer’s palm is a wonderful omen. Luck, recognition and favor of fate are just around the corner.

A person thirsting for success and recognition must be patient if he sees green apples in a dream. Dreaming of picking an unripe fruit means problems will arise due to unnecessary haste. Sweet, despite the color of the apple, predicts positive changes that will come earlier than planned. A sour taste will lead to grief due to the fault of a friend.

An unripe apple that comes to the dreamer can warn of bad news. Most likely, you will receive a message about the illness of a distant relative.

Rotten Apples

Rotten apples in a dream give disappointing forecasts. Fruitless efforts, failures and losses will come to the dreamer after such a dream. He will have to work hard to eliminate the consequences of wrong actions.

Moreover, spoiled apples indicate the presence of ill-wishers. If among a mountain of ripe fruits there is one rotten one, someone surrounded by the sleeping person is trying to quarrel with the others.

Wormy apples

The meaning of a dream with wormy apples is even worse than with rotten ones. With a high probability, the dream reports illness or wrong actions that spoil brilliant endeavors.

Unjustified expenses and receiving false information are also possible. In reality, you should be more careful and prudent than usual. The sign has been received, you need to pay attention to it.

Actions with apples

It happens that you dream of not one, but many apples. The event foreshadowed by the fetus will seem to multiply, and the consequences of the dream will last longer. In dream books you can find why you dream about a lot of apples, and take measures to weaken the bad omens.

Falling apples promise family quarrels. Bought and brought home, they promise enrichment. Often in a dream the sleeper picks or eats apples. These actions have different interpretations.

Pick apples

Harvesting in a dream will bring good luck and abundance in reality if the apples are ripe and beautiful. Green, sour fruits speak of unfinished business or abandoned projects. The sleeper remembers them, and they lie like a burden on his soul. Spoiled apples portend illness and loss.

A man picking red apples seeks to get rid of competitors, and he will succeed.

There are apples

For a woman, the dream indicates discord in the family and a quarrel with her significant other. Only making jam or marmalade from apples changes the meaning of the dream and promises good news.

For a man, apples dream of difficulties in making a deal, especially if he cuts them before eating them. If he is hungry but cannot reach the apple, his hopes will not come true. Strong and ripe fruits improve the meaning of sleep. They report success and receiving rewards.


A familiar fruit in fairy tales and legends becomes a secret weapon or a sign of victory in a competition. An example is Snow White and Paris. The apple contains many vitamins and microelements, so no one is surprised by the saying about “rejuvenating apples.” In paradise, this fruit gave wisdom and knowledge.

Taking into account all the interpretations of dreams, you will probably be able to let only good events into your life and avoid negative ones. After all, the dream warns of what is to come. It does not mean exact facts. Everyone has the power to confront problems and radically change their fate so that the “apple” symbol brings prosperity and longevity.

My name is Julia Jenny Norman, and I am an author of articles and books. I cooperate with the publishing houses "OLMA-PRESS" and "AST", as well as with glossy magazines. Currently I help promote virtual reality projects. I have European roots, but I spent most of my life in Moscow. There are many museums and exhibitions here that charge you with positivity and give inspiration. In my spare time I study French medieval dances. I am interested in any information about that era. I offer you articles that can captivate you with a new hobby or simply give you pleasant moments. You need to dream about something beautiful, then it will come true!