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Knight of Cups reversed in relationships. The meaning of the Knight of Cups tarot and combination with other cards

The figured arcana of the Tarot are interpreted in different ways. They are often associated with certain personality traits, but can also serve as an indication of a specific person. The Knight of Cups Tarot has a positive meaning. In the traditional Rider-White deck, the card features a horseman. The cup is raised in his hand. He is calm and in no hurry.

Main plot

The classic plot for this arcana is a young man riding a horse. He sits calmly and confidently in the saddle, posing and showing off. He is wearing armor, his helmet is decorated with wings. Every detail of the plot has its own meaning.

The central figure is a man. Unlike knights of other stripes, he poses openly. His hands easily hold the reins and stop the horse in place. The animal does not show any concern, remaining obedient.


In interpretation, these elements are interpreted as narcissism and the desire to show oneself in the best light.

Colorful robes are draped over the knight's armor. This is a good mood. The patterns on the fabric are the embodiment of love, happiness and beauty. Such a person easily becomes the life of the party, skillfully maintains interest in himself and charms those around him well.

Palm trees, desert and hills can be seen in the background. This is a wonderful oasis that can become a salvation. But the knight doesn't need him. He strives to outshine the sun, to become the center of someone's attention. The man understands perfectly how to behave.

In the Tarot of Dragons, instead of a horse, a river dragon is depicted. The future Chinese Emperor Huang Di rides on it. He would go on to become the greatest character in history.

General value

Modern tarot readers perceive the Knight of Cups as an indicator of certain personality traits. The querent or the people around him can have them. But the ancient interpretation, where the card foreshadowed good news, does not lose relevance. Various confessions and love messages often passed through it. This lasso is the embodiment of dates and sensual encounters.

This is an emotional uplift that comes from the depths of the querent’s soul. It is always the approach of someone or something pleasant. For both men and women, this is definitely a messenger of wonderful feelings.

Traditional card meanings:

  • reconciliation;
  • resolving stuck issues;
  • finding compromises;
  • resolving disagreements.

The lasso portends a good time that will not be overshadowed by anything. This is cordial communication and a great mood. A person wants to bring joy to his soul, satisfy his needs.

These are leisurely walks along the embankment, theatrical performances and concerts, in short, everything that brings joy. It not only caresses a person, but also has a dreamy component. This is romance in all its forms.

Personal sphere

Most often, the lasso is an indication of happiness from love, but even in the absence of love, the lasso has a positive meaning. This is an elevated mood and a feeling of carelessness, daydreaming. The person is not at all business-minded.


The imagination is in the hands of the senses and this leads to a state of creative binge.

The querent's mind and heart are in a balanced state. This gives you a feeling of euphoria and allows you to effectively solve various problems.

If the card is the embodiment of a person, then he is very charming. It could be a friend, lover or brother. It is noteworthy that he does absolutely nothing to make him attractive. He is dressed haphazardly, is silent and does nothing. But it still has an attractive force. This is what makes the lasso the embodiment of love.

In such a person there is a place for mystery and mystery, but it does not frighten. A creative and sensitive person always retains a veneer of mysticism.


Male self-confidence “I know everything about everyone and I am on my own” is unusual for him.

Characteristic personality qualities:

  • low resistance to stress;
  • not vindictive;
  • takes everything too close to stress;
  • afraid of difficulties.

This is the embodiment of the knight from the books. Which is a romantic and dreamy hero, rushing to save his beautiful princess. He does not lie intentionally, but he can be mistaken and confidently conveys this to others.

In general, he is a rather affectionate and kind person. He can receive attention and give it. He is always ready to help and gets very upset when he is treated with hostility. These are lovers and courtly men. They are worthless fighters, but life without them becomes boring.

Work area

Now is the time to put your creative talents and imagination to work. Any activity that satisfies emotional needs and expresses feelings will be especially successful.


This can be any poetic or creative work, psychological help.

Arkan helps any representatives of the arts - actors, dancers, artists, musicians, etc. In some cases, he indicates the need for support in the person of an assistant, manager, or secretary. The Knight's main problem is that he is a creative person, so any administrative work is not for him.

A small business that is aimed at beauty, health and personal development is successfully running on the card. Moreover, the emphasis is on achieving harmony. Activities related to the social sphere will work well: caring for the elderly, orphans, etc.

There is a desire for cooperation and goodwill in the team. Everyone is ready to meet each other halfway, negotiations are conducted gently, diplomacy is shown.

In this area, the cards give direct advice - don’t worry and everything will be fine. It's time to forget about the problems and give free rein to your feelings, directing them to solve problems. It is important to keep your promises, make peace and take advantage of new opportunities 100%.

But there is also a downside to the lasso. She warns about the dangers of believing in pretense and illusion. Sometimes a person gets too caught up in fantasies and this interferes with the development of his business. Feelings are feelings, but you don’t have to be led by them.

Personal sphere

One of the best cards for relationships. Already in the established union, the honeymoon begins. Both partners strive for intimacy and togetherness. They idealize each other. Often symbolizes a marriage proposal.

The Knight of Cups does not always mean such an advanced level. In any case, nothing bad happens at this stage, everything is good and calm. Both partners project only good qualities onto each other and therefore nothing overshadows their union.

This stage does not tolerate secrecy. Sweets, bouquets, gifts - this is an incomplete list of possible signs of attention. In love, the querent is delicate, romantic and idealistic. He is tactful and gentle. Even if love is interrupted, he will never offend or take revenge.

The paradox of the situation is that despite his shyness and silence, the Knight of Cups attracts powerful tyrants. They are persistent and strong, eager to subjugate him. But because of altruism, he is served. In sex, he allows himself to be “taken.”


For lonely people, the lasso promises positive changes. Soon he will meet some important person who will change his life. He will begin to groom beautifully and show signs of attention. But don’t let your guard down; even a ladies’ man can be seduced. But a conquered woman is just a number in statistics for him.

Even if there were quarrels and conflicts in the marriage, with the advent of the lasso everything will work out. It's the right time for reconciliation. It is possible to revive cooled feelings.

Reversed card

All Tarot arcana are usually considered in two positions. In the reverse position, many of them change their meaning. In the case of the Knight of Cups, everything is not so bad. In this position, the card serves as a reminder of the dangers of any illusion. There may be difficulties in establishing contact, invitations and requests will be withdrawn.

Meetings do not work out, various circumstances and obstacles arise. News or trips are postponed. Timidity and uncertainty prevent you from achieving what you want. A person prefers to escape into a world of fantasy.

On a note:

Sometimes the card indicates a craving for addictions: gaming, alcohol or drugs.

In any case, the querent has something to hide. A shameful act, treason, theft, etc. He is prone to duplicity, probably experiences a disapproving kind of love (union with an unfree person, etc.).

Emotional cruelty provides opportunities for manipulation.

Health issues

In health readings, the card does not indicate anything serious. But it can serve as an indicator of emotional problems. These are various neuroses, hysteria, psychosomatics, etc.

The questioner may try to heal mental wounds on his own through alcohol or drugs, but to no avail. His affective side of personality is unstable, he vacillates chaotically from depression to euphoria.

In some cases, the card indicates a cold, anemia, or fatigue. Psychologically, it means complexes and moral torment. In the reverse position it indicates a high risk of poisoning, intoxication, etc.

Outsiders can use the querent for fraudulent activities. He may be sold low-quality goods or useless devices.

Interpretation of the situation

Each tarot reader selects layouts for specific questions or situations. Some of them are needed to make a decision. Tarot cards help in cases where you can get a clear yes-no answer. In the case of the Knight of Cups, it all depends on the specific situation. A positive option is possible when the querent is filled with romantic feelings and good expectations.

The development of the situation depends on the person towards whom the querent is breathing unevenly or on the one who has feelings for the querent. Everything will develop at the level of feelings, emotions will be different. The main advice of the lasso is to be happy regardless of external circumstances.

As a card of the day, the Knight of Cups portends the receipt of important news that will literally inspire you and lift you to seventh heaven with happiness. All this will help to successfully arrange matters that require a lot of imagination. This is a great time to solve your relationship problems.

As a card of the year, the lasso means that the coming period will be favorable and rich in opportunities. There will be a meeting with a high probability of a romantic outcome. Your social circle will expand and provide useful contacts that will help with creativity, etc. The card will help you discover your talents.

Some combinations

For a better understanding of the layout, it is important to interpret all the arcana together. They can enhance or worsen some individual manifestations. Neighborhood with the major arcana always means receiving an offer. For example, the Magician means an invitation to work, the Priestess gives information, but only the querent can decide whether to listen to it.

The Emperor is the archetype of the father, so he suggests starting a family or starting a work project. Lovers increase the likelihood of marriage. The Chariot indicates a move, the Force increases the desire for reconciliation, the Hermit shows negative energy and rejects. Changes are brought by the Wheel of Fortune.

But Justice says that stop looking for compromises and it’s time to sort out feelings. Death brings consolation, and Temperance brings understanding. Along with the Moon comes some kind of murky proposal.

The fall of Judgment indicates the time to ask for some kind of mercy from Providence, and Peace - from the Angel.

With the suit of Wands, various kinds of proposals also come in. Ace brings flirtation and love, Two indicates moving. Three embodies the need to cooperate. Through the Four there is a marriage proposal, and through the Five there is dissatisfaction and criticism. Six indicates that any obstacles will be overcome. He says the presence of obstacles is Seven.

The suit of Cups indicates more the love sphere. Dating and walks take place around Ace. A three may mean receiving an invitation to a social party. The possibility of receiving a marriage proposal is indicated by the Two and the Page. Nine and Ten indicate going to a banquet or other event.

The suit of Pentacles speaks about money matters. Ace foretells the receipt of a gift, but Two and Three foretell a loss - you will have to repay the debt and pay for services. Five indicates financial instability. And the Four offers to give what they have accumulated to those in need. Ten indicates making a profit.

In the Tarot deck, the Knight of Cups is considered a positive card. The image on the card fully corresponds to its meaning: courage, brilliance, honesty, nobility and romanticism. What does this lasso mean in layouts and how to interpret it in interaction with other symbols?


The card represents new plans, inspiration, lightness, kindness, piety. Let's consider the interpretation of the lasso in the upright and inverted position.


If the Knight is in an upright position, he describes the situation only from the good side. The lasso symbolizes enthusiasm, an optimistic attitude, dreams, long-term plans and hope for a bright future.

The card promises peace, tranquility and harmony. All problems will be resolved if you do not focus on the negative aspects of your life.

In the Thoth Tarot, the card signifies enlightenment, talent, inspiration, imagination, sensitivity.

The Knight of Cups is a man under 40 years of age. He is gallant, fair, honest and principled. Also, this card may indicate a creative person, an inspired person, a dreamer, a true romantic. His actions are often impulsive. He acts based on feelings and principles that he follows throughout his life. He can be perceived as a friend, a faithful partner in business, or as a young admirer.


In the reverse position, the lasso symbolizes a deceitful and hypocritical person who achieves his goal using the lowest methods. You can't rely on him because he doesn't keep his word.

When reversed, the Knight of Cups can also predict deception, betrayal of a loved one, concealment of important information, gossip, fraud and insincerity.

Map advises to be careful in business and in relationships with people. You should not yet trust your secrets and plans for the near future even to your closest people.

Value in layouts

If the Tarot is laid out for a situation in a specific area of ​​life, then the card must be interpreted in accordance with it. Let's consider what the Knight of Cups says in fortune telling about love, health and career.


In the upright position, the lasso indicates such health problems, How:

  • anemia
  • colds
  • emotional instability
  • depression

Most often, in fortune telling about health, the Horseman of Cups speaks of an unstable mental state, stress and ailments associated with mental trauma. The card advises you to discard fears, guilt, negative thoughts and switch to something positive.

In an inverted position, it indicates problems with alcohol or drugs, and also indicates the possibility of alcohol poisoning and overdose. The bad habits indicated by the Knight of Cups are a consequence of emotional trauma suffered.

Love and relationships

The direct position of the card speaks of love, tender feelings, ease in relationships and harmony. Most often, falling in a love scenario, the Knight of Cups indicates a secret admirer who, for some reason, cannot open his feelings.

If the question concerns the situation in your personal life, then for partners the card predicts an idyll and complete mutual understanding.

Also, this card is a symbol of change on the love front.. It can promise a meeting with your soulmate, a marriage proposal, a wedding.

A man should pay special attention to this lasso. If this card falls in a love reading, then he should change his attitude towards his partner. It is likely that he does not pay enough attention to her and does not appreciate her.

In the inverted position of the cups, it promises disappointment, betrayal of a loved one, manipulation of feelings, separation and quarrels. If the question concerns a nascent relationship, then the fortuneteller should exercise caution. Most likely, the person you are interested in is hiding his true intentions.


In an upright position, the Knight of Cups promises excellent prospects. The map describes the situation only from the positive side. Everything is now working out exactly the way you wanted. However, there will be no development for the better unless you yourself make an attempt to change your situation.

An inverted lasso speaks of the instability of the situation and the emergence of problems in connection with the betrayal of a loved one. You are completely dependent on the circumstances. Also, the Knight of Cups indicates that you are currently in an illusory reality, which prevents you from soberly assessing the situation.


The direct position of the lasso promises great prospects for career development. If the question concerns the future in the professional field, then the Knight of Cups advises getting the necessary experience and new knowledge as soon as possible. This is what will now help you stay afloat and allow you to climb the career ladder. In general, a direct card predicts career success, increased income and the emergence of new opportunities.

It is worth considering that this the card symbolizes creativity and creativity. To achieve, use creative thinking and do not be afraid of original ideas and a non-standard approach to solving problems.

In an inverted position, the Knight of Cups promises problems at work due to inattention, irresponsibility and loss of interest in activities. In addition, the card warns against risky actions and rash decisions. She advises being vigilant in your work and finances, and carefully considering every offer you receive.

If the question concerns a new job, then the inverted Knight of Cups clearly gives a negative answer. If the fortuneteller asks about superiors or colleagues, then the lasso indicates fraud, gossip and dishonest rivalry.

Combination with other Tarot

If you want to get a complete picture of the situation, as well as clarify the information received, then you should analyze the location of the Knight of Cups relative to nearby cards in the layout. What can this lasso tell about in combination with other Tarot symbols?

With the major arcana:

  • Jester– frivolous behavior, refusal, frivolous approach to business.
  • Mage- a lucrative job offer.
  • Priestess– obtaining valuable information.
  • Empress– new plans, search for like-minded people.
  • Emperor– an offer of cooperation, a proposal of marriage.
  • Hierophant- marriage.
  • Lovers– wedding, marriage proposal.
  • Chariot- changing of the living place.
  • Force– thoughts about a past quarrel, a desire to make peace with a person.
  • Hermit– refusal, lack of support.
  • Wheel of Fortune- cardinal changes.
  • Justice- go to peace, give in.
  • Hanged– staying in dreams, lack of real actions.
  • Death- grief.
  • Moderation– find support from loved ones.
  • Devil- an offer that is better to refuse.
  • Tower– divorce, dismissal, failed plans.
  • Star– an opportunity to correct the mistakes of the past.
  • Moon- adventure, negative intentions.
  • Sun- obtain consent.
  • Court– lack of understanding of one’s surroundings.
  • World- a pleasant surprise, success.

With wands:

  • Ace- mutual feelings.
  • 2 wands– change of place of residence, long-term trips.
  • 3 of wands– working in a team of like-minded people.
  • 4 wands– matchmaking, meeting your soulmate, romantic dates.
  • 5 of wands- manifestation of dissatisfaction, dissatisfaction with the state of affairs.
  • 6 wands– finding a compromise solution, developing the situation.
  • 7 of wands– tests.
  • 8 wands- a long-awaited meeting, favorable news.
  • 9 of wands- temptation, ambiguous offer.
  • 10 wands– the probability of reconciliation is zero.
  • Page- letter, good news.
  • Knight– rash actions, emotions.
  • Queen– recognition, reciprocity of feelings.
  • King- request.

With swords:

  • Ace- a mysterious admirer or admirer, good news from afar.
  • 2 swords- quarrel, hostility.
  • 3 swords– open conversation, revelations.
  • 4 swords- the need to defend your point of view.
  • 5 swords- an important trip.
  • 6 swords- a difficult situation.
  • 7 swords– choosing the easy way.
  • 8 swords– feeling of guilt for past actions.
  • 9 swords- victory over fears.
  • 10 swords- indulgence of one's whims.
  • Page– unpleasant rumors, conversations behind your back.
  • Knight– rivalry.
  • Queen- help from a powerful woman.
  • King- patronage of an authoritative man.

With pentacles:

  • Ace– good news, advantageous offer, increase in income.
  • 2 of pentacles– desire for financial independence.
  • 3 of pentacles– new opportunities, training.
  • 4 of pentacles– the need to follow one’s principles.
  • 5 of pentacles- deterioration of financial situation.
  • 6 of pentacles– debts.
  • 7 of pentacles- hopes for improvement of the situation.
  • 8 of pentacles– success depends on the efforts made.
  • 9 of pentacles– doubts, lack of self-confidence.
  • 10 of pentacles– manifestation of character, defending one’s interests.
  • Page– lack of experience and knowledge.
  • Knight– difficulties in business, stoppage of activities.
  • Queen– lack of experience, frivolity, waste.
  • King– the desire to gain financial well-being, sponsorship.

With cups:

  • Ace– romantic mood, love.
  • 2 cups- date, meeting.
  • 3 cups- serious intentions.
  • 4 cups- marriage, lucrative offer.
  • 5 cups– lack of mutual understanding.
  • 6 cups- success in personal life.
  • 7 cups– impulsive actions, mistakes.
  • 8 cups- good news, a long-awaited gift.
  • 9 cups- separation, betrayal.
  • 10 cups- pressure from surrounding people.
  • Page- An offer of marriage.
  • Queen- a woman who evokes strong feelings in the fortuneteller.
  • King– good relationships, reconciliation, harmony.

The Knight of Cups is a symbol of freedom of action, creativity, desires and impulses. You shouldn’t isolate yourself and be careful on this day. Try to accept all the problems that arise on this day with your head held high and a smile on your face. Then all the troubles will seem like a mere trifle. The card advises to express yourself, not to be afraid to stand out and not to deny small pleasures.

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Knight of Cups – Minor Arcana

According to astrology, the Knight of Cups corresponds to Venus in a harmonious aspect to the Moon, which symbolizes good mood and sincerity.

Other names for the Knight of Cups: Knight of Cups.

Brief description of the Knight of Cups: Peace, New possibilities, Romantic dreams, Sensuality, Imagination, Willingness to fall in love, Creativity.

Description of the Knight of Cups

The classic image on the Arcana is a beautiful, luxuriously dressed knight sitting on a horse. His horse is in motion, but it is not a gallop, a calm step. He drives slowly, allowing the Knight to carry the filled cup in his hands. The knight is quite confident in himself and in his horse.

In some decks he is accompanied by a faithful dog. In the background you can see the calm surface of the sea.

In the Age of Aquarius deck, a Knight in armor, covered with a cloak, carries a shining gold cup in his hands. The sea elements are raging behind him, but the Knight looks forward: he has goals, and the elements are not able to prevent them from achieving them.

The sacred meaning of the Knight of Cups

As in all images of Knights, on this Arcana the condition of the horse on which the knight rides is of great importance. Here we see a horse moving slowly. He is in motion, not at rest, but this movement does not prevent the knight from carrying a cup filled to the brim in front of him. The liquid from the cup does not splash, therefore the horse moves very slowly and carefully. That is why the card symbolizes peace, but peace is not static, but dynamic.

The cup containing the liquid shows the person's emotions. Since here this liquid is actually at rest, we can say that the knight’s emotions are controlled. If in the Page of Cups we see the expectation of the fulfillment of desires, then in the Knight we see action, movement towards what is desired, and this movement is thorough, thoughtful, calm and confident.

If the Page of Cups is characterized by emotionality, then the Knight has more mature, balanced emotions. Here we no longer see a child, but a man. He solves his problems consciously, in a businesslike manner and from the position of reasonable relationships, including love ones.

The Knight of Cups is not defenseless. He is wearing armor. Therefore, his peace and serenity is not weakness. If someone allows themselves to disturb his peace, the knight will immediately defend himself. Moreover, even a sharp word can serve as a weapon for him. His apparent defenselessness is only a hidden strength within. It is not so easy to unseat the Knight of Cups.

In the classic deck, wings are depicted on the Knight’s helmet. They denote a flight of thoughts, a search for information. The knight moves very slowly, which allows him to capture all the details and nuances. He accumulates information, analyzes it and uses it.

The landscape also suggests that the Knight’s movement is quite conscious and deliberate: mountains and a river are visible ahead. The knight sees these obstacles and calmly moves towards them, understanding in advance how he will overcome them. The river will serve him by giving strength to his horse, and he will definitely overcome the mountains, they do not frighten him or stop him.

Mythological correspondence of the Knight of Cups

In mythology, Arkan best describes the myth of Zephyr, the soft western wind, somewhat jealous and decisive. With the help of his power, he lifted Psyche and took her to the kingdom of Cupid.

The meaning of the straight Knight of Cups in the reading

In the upright position, the Knight of Cups has many meanings in readings. For example, if the Arcana is located next to picture cards (Kings, Queens), it will talk about the state of these people, their mood, attitude to the situation. This means that a person, as a rule, has a friendly disposition, experiences equal emotions, and is benevolent.

Interactions with such a person will always be based on mutual understanding and trust. Very often Arkan says that a person is engaged in some kind of creativity. This can be either a person of art or simply a creative person.

If the Knight of Cups falls next to the Magician (I Arcanum) or the High Priestess (II Arcanum), then this means the emergence of new love relationships in a person’s life.

If the Arcana falls alone without picture cards or is far from them, it can mean a young girl from 16 to 25 years old, since the Cups themselves belong to the Element of Water - a female sign. He can also talk about the readiness of the person for whom the alignment is being made to flirt, fall in love, and open up to new relationships.

Like the Page of Cups, the Knight symbolizes the fulfillment of desires. Moreover, it shows that a person is already approaching this moment. If the question is how to achieve what you want, then you should understand that the Knight of Cups’ main trump card is charm. It is by relying on it that you can achieve any results.

Any situation in which the Knight of Cups falls will have its logical continuation, but at the same time the person is slowly and confidently moving towards its completion.

The meaning of the reversed Knight of Cups in a reading

The inverted Knight of Cups indicates that a person is overwhelmed by emotions, but most often this is jealousy. Of course, jealousy manifests itself more in love affairs, but in business relationships it transforms into hidden rivalry and jealousy towards the victories of others. In this regard, any proposals that come under the inverted Knight of Cups require double-checking, since they may carry information distorted by emotions or even lies.

Under the influence of the reversed Knight of Cups, a person can make two mistakes. One of them is to stop and simply succumb to the cycle of your emotions, which, of course, does not contribute to the development of the situation. The second mistake is to rush off the bat, spilling your emotions on others, hurting with a harsh word, breaking relationships. Sometimes such a card threatens with changes in these states - first it will do something wrong, and then it will withdraw into itself.

Quite often, Arkan shows that either fraud has been committed against a person, or the person himself is a fraudster.

In addition, the Knight of Cups in an inverted meaning warns that a person’s drunkenness can negatively affect the situation. Especially if the Three of Cups appears in the scenario.

Direction of self-development

Arkan says that in order to move along the path of self-development, a person needs to learn to calmly carry his cup without spilling the liquid from it. Simply put, a person has to learn to curb his emotions, to make them his ally, not his enemy.

The difficulty is that at the moment a person is experiencing positive emotions, he is lucky in life, but there is always the threat of falling into euphoria and putting on rose-colored glasses. To do this, he must use a position of calm movement, namely, learn to notice details, evaluate them, smooth out roughness and use the information received.

If this does not happen, then the person will go into dreams, into dreams, into castles in the air. This threatens to reverse the Arcanum.

The reversed Knight of Cups indicates that a person is dominated by emotions. A person leads an incorrect lifestyle. He is immersed in some of his own images that are far from reality. He dreams, but does nothing to achieve his goal. In this state, he does not move along the path of self-development, but only marks time.

Everything is aggravated by the fact that a person lies not only to others, but also to himself. And this is most often unconscious. Most often these lies are inexplicable. A person needs to give up such behavior and try to control his thoughts and emotions. Understand that he lives in a fictitious world.

If this is not done, a person may even end up in a state of inverted Moon (XVIII Arcana) and even get mental problems.


In a work scenario, the direct Knight of Cups shows that work processes take place calmly, without tension. He notices details that are important well and applies them in his activities.

Such a person has everything taken into account, his affairs are in complete order. The work flows as usual, without requiring any special attention. You achieve your goals with ease.

When it comes to choosing a job, the Knight of Cups says that you need to pay attention to whether it is more focused on art or on the manifestation of creative abilities. Arkan also says that even a technical specialty will require a creative approach.

The Knight of Cups describes only the attitude towards work and the situation in the work team, but does not give an understanding of the content of the work, except that only for people of art it gives a direct indication of creativity.

There is a distinctly friendly atmosphere in the team; everyone approaches their work creatively. Employees feel each other very subtly. They love spending time together.

An inverted Arcana shows nervous tension at work, and this is associated with excessive emotionality, the desire to take leading positions and jealousy towards other employees. In most cases, with such a map, you have to finish what someone else didn’t do. This happens because someone did not notice the details, was inattentive, or was simply negligent in their duties.

There is no room for creativity here. The main motivator is projectism, and rash decisions predominate.

The team has constant scandals and quarrels, rivalry, an unhealthy environment, fraud and deception. This is accompanied by strong emotional outbursts.

Personal relationships

In personal relationships, the Knight of Cups manifests itself best, since it speaks of love in its purest form. This Arcana most vividly describes the rainbow and happy candy-bouquet period, when people are passionate about each other, try to please and sometimes see their partner through rose-colored glasses.

The card indicates flirting, courtship, affection, falling in love, comfort, spiritual mood and attraction. The lasso always marks only the beginning of a partnership. Such relationships very easily develop into marriage, but the Knight of Cups does not say whether it will take place or not.

In essence, the Knight of Cups characterizes a true hero-lover who charms and captivates with his charm.

For a lonely person, Arkan promises a new meeting that will bring a lot of pleasure and make the person happy at least at first.

The inverted Knight of Cups speaks of an immature relationship, when one of the partners has charmed the other and twists them as they please. Such relationships can be called dependent - one person takes advantage of another, and for this, everything is used: lies, charm, pretense, game, skillful manipulation.

The lasso also appears if someone else is involved in a love union, and this is not necessarily a relationship that has formed into a love triangle, but only a way of manipulating a partner from a position of jealousy.

If the Arcan falls on one of the partners, then we can talk about jealousy, even indicative. This person may be Alphonse, who manipulates his patroness by playing on feelings.

For a lonely person, the Knight of Cups appears as a warning. The meeting definitely promises, but at the same time the person will most likely be insincere. They can look after you beautifully, charm you, create the illusion of a fairy tale, but they themselves will pursue some of their own goals.

Personality characteristics

The Knight of Cups gives insight into a person who can be called a heroic lover. He is pleasant externally and internally. Most often, he is very affectionate, caring, and exudes charm. Knows how to look after beautifully.

These are young people from 16 to 25 years old, both girls and boys. Their appearance is distinguished by the following characteristics: light brown hair, blue or gray eyes.

As a rule, these are very talented people and can express themselves in any field of art - music, dancing, painting. Such people have very pronounced acting abilities.

The character of the Knight of Cups is dominated by romance, sensuality, but at the same time rationality. He is honest and open, friendly and knows how to love. He always takes care of the object of his love, as well as those around him. You can trust him with your secrets or cry into your vest.

An inverted Arcana indicates a person as charming as an upright one, but here, rather, he can be called an evil genius. He seduces with lies, is treacherous, insincere, and seeks to manipulate. Often such a person is capricious, lazy, and does not keep his word.

At the same time, he is emotionally immature. He is characterized by outbursts of emotions, the most characteristic of which is jealousy. He gets drunk quite often.

This person prefers to take rather than give. Very often he gets what he wants by cunning. Among such people there are often gigolos who happily “hang on the neck” of their beloved, playing along with her with all their might.

If the goal of such a person is real, then he achieves it by any means, not shying away from even prohibited methods. But quite often their goals are unrealistic, since they tend to build castles in the air and engage in project planning.


A direct card indicates good physical and mental health. Inverted indicates diseases of the genitourinary system of an infectious nature, alcoholism, and susceptibility to mood swings.

Layout for the situation

In situations, this card describes the person’s state at the moment, but does not reveal the very essence of what is happening. Although often the method of solving the problem and the way out of the situation depends on the condition.

As for the situation itself, according to the direct Arcanum we can say that the person is halfway to resolution. He is moving in the right direction, he has enough strength to achieve the desired result. The card suggests that you need to pay close attention to details and signs for further progress.

It is very important to maintain a balance of emotions in the situation. A person should be guided by the information received, and not by his own feelings that may accompany what is happening.

When the Knight of Cups appears in the layout, we can say that a person can easily find a patron or assistant in this matter. And if a King or Queen appears nearby, this means that such a patron already exists. The Emperor (IV Arcanum) or the Hierophant (V Arcanum) lying nearby will also say the same.

The inverted Knight of Cups will indicate that the situation is influenced by excessive emotions, and the person is more inclined to indulge these emotions than to solve the main problem. In this case, he may make hasty decisions or even abandon the search for a way out. This all leads to a worsening situation.

Arkan says that there is deception or fraud in the situation, and it is not necessary that the person himself is deceiving. If the King or Queen is nearby, then the Knight of Cups will indicate fraud aimed at a person from the outside.

The greatest danger is posed by the inverted Knight of Cups next to the card of the Moon (XVIII Arcana) or the Devil (XV Arcana). These combinations indicate that a person is hopelessly stuck in a situation because of his own or someone else’s lies. These are critical situations that bring losses, problems with the law, emotional or even mental breakdowns leading to alcoholism. Such situations can only be resolved by destruction.

Card of the day

The day ahead is very favorable: pleasant meetings, friendly company, love affairs, flirting, courtship, dating. On this day, a person will have peace of mind, he will be in a good mood.

An inverted Arcanum promises a very difficult day, primarily due to a restless emotional state and bad mood. On this day, jealousy and resentment can cover. A person may encounter deception, fraud, or frame-up.

Card of the Year

A year of favorable situations and good opportunities. It promises a romantic meeting with far-reaching plans. During the year you will communicate with interesting creative people and you may even discover your talents.

The inverted Arcanum says that within a year a person will have to get carried away with some implausible activity and end up in a company that will impose unrealistic goals on him.

Arcana Council

The card says that the time has come to reveal your talents and give free rein to your creativity.

Description of the Knight of Cups Tarot card

General meaning and interpretation of the Knight of Cups Tarot card in fortune telling and layouts

Direct card position

Appearing in a fortune-telling or upright reading, the Knight of Cups Tarot card signifies a kind, friendly atmosphere, good humor and a wise smile. This is a time of feeling harmony, romantic dreams and readiness to fall in love. Where strife and conflict reigned, this card foreshadows reconciliation and peace. These are simply hours of relaxation, a time when we give free rein to our imagination, enjoy the beauty of life, and enjoy art, especially music.

Reversed card position

The reversed Horseman of Cups communicates the fortuneteller’s insincerity or own bias, which is expressed in having his head in the clouds and a willingness to take everything at his word. If such an Arcanum falls on a certain proposal in a reading, then it suggests that the prospects for this proposal will ultimately turn out to be not at all rosy.

The meaning and interpretation of the Knight of Cups card in fortune telling and layouts for work, affairs and career

Direct card position

The Horseman of Cups in an upright position indicates a good climate in the team, calm work without rush jobs. When changing jobs, the Prince of Cups shows that the fortuneteller intends to give preference to the creative, artistic side, i.e. the card indicates precisely the attitude towards the work, but says nothing about its content.

Reversed card position

The inverted Knight of Cups is an inattention to detail, an unwillingness or unwillingness to delve into all the intricacies of a matter, a desire to catch “pie in the sky”, despite the hopelessness of such attempts.

The meaning and interpretation of the Knight of Cups card in layouts and fortune telling for health

Direct card position

Good health. In case of illness, complete recovery of the patient.

Reversed card position

Possible abuse. An imbalance in the body can lead to anemia or flatulence, colds, fatigue, and nausea.

The meaning and interpretation of the Knight of Cups card in fortune telling and layouts for love and relationships

Direct card position

It is in the sphere of love and relationships that the main meaning of the Knight of Cups Tarot card in the upright position relates. Here the card means a period of joy, love, affection, comfort, in a word, “spring of love,” the beginning of a romantic union. In existing relationships, Arkan speaks of reconciliation, when partners begin to understand each other better, when they no longer need words. At the level of events, the Horseman of Cups is interpreted as the love of a young man for a woman, perhaps even somewhat younger than her. If the card fell to a man, then this indicates the need to find that balance in a relationship that will allow you to love and be loved without harming yourself and the danger of being branded as an egoist.

Reversed card position

The Knight of Cups reversed usually indicates significant problems in a relationship. This could be playing on the feelings of another person for the purpose of some personal gain, as well as selfishness and insincerity of the partner. When fortune telling for the future of an existing relationship, the card speaks of disappointment that will occur due to the fact that everything is not working out at all as originally expected. If we are talking about a new acquaintance, then this Arcanum should be taken as a warning that a person clearly wants to seem better than he really is.

The meaning and interpretation of the Knight of Cups card in layouts and fortune telling for personality assessment

Direct card position

As a direct court card, the Knight of Cups denotes a man no older than 40 years of age. But this could be a very young person, however, who already has a very definite system of values. It is very likely that this person was born under the Zodiac Sign of Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces. He is a loyal friend and a gentle lover, a diplomat by nature. This is a calm, soft, poetic and artistically gifted person; a person who deeply believes in something and may be religious.

Reversed card position

In an inverted position, the Knight of Cups, acting as a court card, indicates the cunning and cunning of the person who came to the fortuneteller’s house, or this is a person who is at a distance, but close enough to the questioner and often supplies him with various information. You can expect lies, deceit, ambiguity, and theft from this person. This is an intriguer and a deceiver, or a hypersensitive esthete, always hunting for illusions.

Meaning and interpretation of the Knight of Cups card as a card of the day

Today you will feel like you have grown wings. And it’s not just about a good mood and well-being: perhaps you will receive news that will take you to seventh heaven. Use this opportunity to organize your affairs, especially those that require not only clarity of mind, but also rich imagination. And, if you have had problems in your relationship with another person, today is the best time to resolve them.

Knight of Cups card advice in fortune telling and readings

Express your feelings, allow yourself to dream about something. Don't burden your mind and heart with unnecessary problems. With a light soul it is much easier and simpler to cope with life's difficulties.

In the modern understanding of the Tarot, the Figured Arcana are usually considered as aspects of the character of the questioner himself or those around him. However, from time immemorial they all have a purely eventual significance. The appearance of the Knight of Cups in a reading always meant news, an offer (usually excellent). This is a card of love letters and seductive invitations. According to the Knight of Cups, we rush to a romantic date (if the Knight of Wands is also nearby, then headlong), we show and accept courtship.

This is a card of the “new spring”, the romantic wind blowing through life. She reacts exceptionally accurately to approaching the love and mystical side of life, to emotional upsurge (sometimes to seventh heaven). This Arcanum may indicate that the questioner’s actions are determined by feelings coming from the depths of the soul.

If the Knight of Wands has traditionally always been interpreted as someone absent or “on the run,” then the Knight of Cups has the opposite meaning - it is the arrival, the approach of something or someone pleasant.

For both men and women, the Knight of Cups has traditionally been interpreted as the “Messenger of true love,” and usually mutual. Hence the more modern interpretations, which are fully justified in practice: envoy, loyal ally, visit, also rapprochement, reconciliation, alliance, successful resolution of unresolved issues in relations with others. An atmosphere of friendliness, cordiality and warmth. The Knight of Cups is extremely favorable in conflict situations, foreshadowing reconciliation and agreement, elegant settlement of differences, and finding a valuable compromise.

Surrounded by negative cards, the Knight of Cups becomes a seducer and a deceiver, a dissolute reveler or a “good guy whose affairs are bad” (and the querent is asked to play the role of his assistant or savior).

The lasso portends a time not burdened by any difficulties, a good mood and cordial communication, as well as romantic interest. This card is used for recreation and entertainment, satisfaction of emotional needs, and joys of the soul. Receiving and purchasing perfumes and outfits, pajama parties, going to theaters and restaurants or walking around Montmartre or admiring the sunset over the nearest lake - the Knight of Cups only cares that the action caresses the soul and “turns on” the unrealistic, dreamy mode. And there - at least the contemplation of Christmas window displays, at least the Viennese waltz, at least the hundred and tenth “Amelie”. Perhaps it is French culture that has an almost magical ability to create vibrations of the Knight of Cups out of the blue, literally out of nothing... for which it is famous. What's so romantic about unkempt Montmartre? What is so special about all these Cardin scarves and Dior bottles, croissants, chansons, champagne, rough speech... you may not understand, just listen. In a German detective story, the main thing is the unbending police, in the English one - inheritance and poison, in the French one - love, and an almost inevitable romance with a criminal. The Knight of Cups is the eternal "Midnight in Paris". See and... come to life.

"On the seventh sky". Even if this is not head over heels in love (to which the card responds very sensitively), then it is elation, carelessness, daydreaming, good mood, lightness of heart, peace and harmony, a very healthy and happy state. A completely unbusinesslike manner. A creative binge, when the imagination is completely at the mercy of the senses. This is a card of poetry, inspiration, romance, and healing from heart wounds received in the past.

The power of emotions and creative imagination, renewal. And, oddly enough, in this rather euphoric state you can put things in order and successfully do and solve a lot. Perhaps this happens because harmony of mind and heart reigns; they do not interfere with each other and do not create internal barriers in business.

The traditional human roles of the Knight of Cups are a good brother, a true friend or a lover. As a character, the Knight of Cups is very charming. He may do practically nothing for this, remain silent, be dressed haphazardly - all this will go unnoticed. It is very easy to project what you want onto him, to hear words that he did not say and to attribute feelings to him in accordance with your expectations and desires - it is not for nothing that this card personifies the ideal of a lover. There is always an element of mystery and mystery in it, but not tense or disturbing, unlike the Moon, for example. Rather, this is due to the fact that the sensitive and creative Knight of Cups always remains a bit of a mystery to himself. He is not at all characterized by typical male self-confidence in the spirit that I am my own master, I know everything about myself, an open book. The Knight of Cups knows that there is still a lot in him with which he can surprise both himself and those around him.

This person has difficulty deciding on a profession or relationship (and sometimes even sexual preferences as such). He is not malicious, but is not resistant to stress, since he takes everything to heart and is easily frightened by difficulties. This is exactly the type of “wonderful person” for whom it costs nothing to get drunk (while the bitchy Knight of Swords himself is more likely to drive those around him to the bottle).

The Knight of Cups personifies such traits as romance, sensitivity, and dreaminess. Even if he lies, he does it, believing in what he says. Calculating cynicism is absolutely alien to him (but there is more than enough imagination, divorced from life).

In general, he is a very bright person, kind and affectionate. He is happy when surrounded by friendly attention, and to his credit, he knows how to not only consume this attention, but also give it to others. He is always ready to provide a service, to do something good, and suffers if his motives are misunderstood. He is the first to press the button in the elevator not because he is currying favor with his superiors, and he gives a woman flowers not because he is sexually interested. He is elegant and amiable not because he is gay. Gallantry is in his blood.

This is a seducer, a comforter, historically a courtly ladies' man. It is clear that sending such guys into battle was more expensive for yourself, but at court it was impossible to do without them. The ladies were bored, the courtyard lost its shine and turned into a barracks.

The Knight of Cups is a wonderful lover, although more in the ancient sense than in the modern sense. This is a lover not for the complexion, but for the blossoming of the soul. He is a master not so much of naturalizing the body as of delighting the heart, and he captivates with his tenderness, kindness and sensitivity rather than with pure masculinity and primitive rage (this is for the Knight of Wands, please). He is instinctively perceived by a woman as a gift, as psychological salvation, as a ray of light in a dark kingdom, and in general, this very accurately corresponds to his archetype. The only trouble is that in the ray of its light, almost all other kingdoms begin to seem dark. That is why a couple of absolutely innocent dates with him can cause terrible jealousy in a representative of the suit of Wands, Swords or Pentacles. They, one might say, were working hard, creating their own serious male kingdoms, including for their lady, and then this buffoon appeared, and that’s all! The lady looks like she’s drunk...she doesn’t need anything, just him. Here you can get angry (classic of the genre - “Assa”). Like the King of Cups, he plays on a field of feelings that is not directly accessible to other suits.

The card describes that period in spiritual development when the time has come to bring oneself into harmony with one’s strongest feelings and try to express them in life’s creativity at the highest level. Desires and feelings are the omnipresent force of life, they can be mastered only through attention and awareness, but not through suppression and oblivion. They help us to travel in our inner world, as well as to sustain and create in the outer world. The Knight of Cups inspires you to recognize your emotional needs, passions, suffering and live them with full awareness, fully surrendering to this experience and observing yourself in it.

The Knight of Cups personifies the airy (mental) aspect of Water, and therefore corresponds to the peaks of development of imaginative thinking. This gift can be successfully used in practice, but its role is most significant in spiritual development. The Knight of Cups personifies the noble seeker of the Grail, “hovering in the clouds” and worshiping the eternal feminine aspect of God. Esoterically, this is Lohengrin, the son of Parsifal, who had to leave his bride immediately after the wedding because, contrary to the ban, she asked him about his real name. Knights of the Holy Grail Castle help others incognito, anonymously, that is, this only happens as long as they are not recognized. They keep their true high rank as the greatest secret. This self-denial corresponds to the highest aspect of Scorpio (Eagle hypostasis, going beyond the ego). The Knight of Cups represents the core of courage - idealism and tenderness, the ability to remain kind and noble in both pain and happiness. In a metaphysical sense, it is a symbol of a neophyte, full of idealistic aspirations, strong feelings and hope for initiation.

In a deeply psychological sense, the Knight of Cups builds bridges, reunites the archetypal energies of the masculine and feminine. He has not fully come to terms with his inner femininity, but the process of seeking this reconciliation turns him into a very creative and charming person, capable of displays of great kindness.

This is the card of Pisces - emotionality, intuitiveness, imagination, dominated by romantic feelings, creative forces. He describes the cult of spiritual lightness, illumination of the waters of the unconscious with the light of consciousness (the Knight’s helmet on the head is crowned with wings - a symbol of the airy conscious element). The cloak of blue tones, decorated with scarlet Pisces, the river, and the symbol of the Cup refer astrologically to the sign of Pisces. This is the final sign of the Zodiac, embodying the victory of spirit over matter, the achievement of absolute fusion with the flow. The white horse is a symbol of nobility of intentions. The direction of his movement is opposite to the zeal of the Knight of Wands and the Knight of Swords. From the mystery of self-affirmation, he returns to the eternal Source, to the bottomless Utopia of Love. The highest feat of the Knight of Cups is to give her life.

Professionally used imagination and creative talents. All activities related to the expression of feelings and satisfaction of people's emotional needs - artistic, poetic, psychotherapeutic. In particular, this is a map of actors, as well as musicians. Artistry and the ability to hear the music of the spheres are the key to success. Dancers, poets, aesthetes, less often designers, restaurateurs (the energy of Pentacles is also needed) or showmen (with the energy of Wands). Consultants, soothsayers, teachers of fine arts, travel and pilgrimage specialists, organizers of meetings and acquaintances.

The dependence of productivity on mental comfort and creative inspiration. Often this card hints at the need for the support of a skilled manager, philanthropist, impresario, since the independence of the Knight of Cups is creative, but not administrative.

Work in the social sphere, helping people, companion status, human resource management. This card can describe a small business focused on recreation or personal development with an emphasis on harmony, health and beauty.

An atmosphere of goodwill and cooperation in the organization. Flattering offers, soft negotiations, diplomacy and willingness to meet halfway.

Advice: don"t worry, be happy! “Relax and have fun.” The Knight of Cups advises to forget about problems, in the sense of enthusiastically and completely using new opportunities without hesitation. And, of course, try to keep your promises. Make reconciliation.

Warning: idealization and pretense of feelings. We see something in a very idealized way, through rose-colored glasses. You shouldn’t get bogged down in your fantasies, replace the real with what you want, and be led by your feelings.

You will receive money soon, or at least a lucrative offer, encouraging information. This meaning clearly works in practice. Prepaid expense.

The reversed Knight of Cups (like the reversed King of Cups) has long been considered a sign of loss, especially as a result of fraud, deception or freeloading. This is a card of keepers of all stripes, including gigolos and marriage swindlers.

"Honeymoon". Harmony, pleasant pastime, warm emotional atmosphere, unity and intimacy. The Knight of Cups uncontrollably idealizes his partner and inclines him to do the same.

In fact, this card represents happiness in a love relationship, an emotionally rich connection with a creative, dreamy person. The most traditional meaning of the Knight of Cups is a marriage proposal. If the Ace of Pentacles is nearby, it will most likely look like a diamond ring as a Christmas gift. According to the Knight of Cups there are poems, letters, confessions, various manifestations of sensitivity and enthusiasm, declarations of love, open manifestations of feelings. Fullness of feelings, peace and tranquility, good mood, care, comfort and affection.

The Knight of Cups can also describe a less advanced, but still very real stage of a relationship, like a honeymoon, when nothing bad happens because both intensely project exclusively positive things onto each other and see only the good in each other. All Figured Arcana of Water deal not with reality, but with projection, a special inspired way of seeing it, replacing the actual with the desired. There is love, attraction, craving for each other, open expression of feelings, a great desire to spend time together, romantic charm, feelings close to climax. According to the Knight of Cups, sympathy is not hidden, but expressed - with bouquets and sweets, romantic invitations and gifts with meaning, compliments, poems and kisses. The symbol is extremely important here. Sometimes its meaning simply grows to mythological proportions, and some attribute (ring, cross, bracelet, key, mirror, photograph), a certain dress or shirt, a certain date, name, place, ritual or specific detail of appearance begins to play an incomprehensibly global role , incommensurate with their objective scale. It seems like a small thing. Blue handkerchief... Diamond pendants...

Sometimes the “symbolism” of the Knight of Cups in combination with projections typical of the water element gives an unexpected effect - the relationship itself becomes only a symbol of something. The range of manifestations is surprisingly wide, starting from their “substitute” nature (the partner does not even suspect that he serves only as a more or less pale copy of some other person, with whom the Knight’s relationship once ended, fell apart, or did not work out) and ending with “falling in love with Love itself” (the object is clearly secondary). Sometimes this character finds himself involved in a relationship against his will, drawn by complexes of the unconscious and unable to firmly say “No.” He tends to feel sorry and help, he can caress and sleep out of sympathy, becoming a “medicine for wounds” - and then end up sealed in a bottle and put away in a medicine cabinet for ten years. Now he himself needs a savior... In general, I wonder what literature and cinema would do without the Knight of Cups? His plots can be exploited indefinitely, because the Water of their emotional development is fluid, and the possibilities for new awareness and rethinking (Air) are enormous.

In love, the Knight of Cups is much more romantic, idealistic and delicate than the Knight of Wands. Here instincts manifest themselves more softly and subtly. He is gentle, warm-hearted and romantic. The high ideals of love are close to him and he does not consider them “naive” at all. You can safely trust his love (even if the relationship is interrupted in the future, he will do everything not to offend you in any way).

As a lover, the Knight of Cups can be unsure of himself, shy, and silent (which for some reason does not diminish his attractiveness at all). He is frightened by relationships with persistent, strong and tough people who can have power over him - and, naturally, it is precisely these people that he attracts with terrible force. He is capable of behaving altruistically and sacrificially. In sex, he gives himself, regardless of gender (and feels “taken”).

In general, the Knight of Cups takes his feelings very seriously and truly believes that they will last forever. Other cards in the layout will tell you how serious everything is.

A trip or expected news is delayed or postponed. Something is preventing the meeting from taking place, no matter how much you want it to.

Uncertainty and timidity that prevent you from achieving what you want. Escape from reality, inactive daydreaming. Hypersensitivity, self-doubt, tendency to obsessive fears. Sometimes it is an indicator of addiction to sex, alcohol, drugs and other things, mainly out of fear of reality. The reversed Knight of Cups usually has something to hide. This could be infidelity or an unapproved affair, drug addiction, financial difficulties.

According to Mary Greer, this card has one traditional interpretation - “the love that dare not name itself” (as same-sex relationships were called in the 19th century). In combination with the Tower, it could perhaps be interpreted as coming out.

A draughtsman, a flatterer, a treacherous and deceptive young man, an intriguer. Duplicity, window dressing. Incomprehensible feelings and sensations, ambiguity, clarification is necessary. Deception, fraud, cunning, dexterity, tricks, deception, lies.