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Viburnum, pureed with sugar. Viburnum, mashed with sugar, for the winter How much sugar is needed for viburnum syrup

It’s autumn outside the window, which means it’s time to prepare viburnum, pureed with sugar, for the winter. This berry is rich in vitamins, and since the viburnum in this recipe does not undergo heat treatment, it retains all its beneficial properties. This preparation can boost immunity and help fight colds and viral diseases. Viburnum will also help reduce high blood pressure; for this you need to take 1 tablespoon of berries before meals. I recommend preparing this healthy and tasty preparation for the winter!


To prepare viburnum pureed with sugar for the winter you will need:
viburnum - 500 g;
sugar - 700 g.

From the specified amount of ingredients I got 1 jar with a volume of 200 ml and 2 jars with a volume of 250 ml.

Cooking steps

Place the viburnum berries in a colander and rinse under running water.

From 600 grams of viburnum on branches, I got 500 grams of berries.

Place the berries in a clean bowl, crush them lightly using a wooden masher (you don’t have to grind the viburnum with sugar until smooth, some of the berries can be left whole). At this stage, the mass can be rubbed through a sieve, removing the seeds. But the heart-shaped seeds of viburnum contain a lot of vitamins, which during storage will definitely end up in the viburnum syrup and the preparation will become even more useful. Add sugar to the crushed viburnum in a ratio of 1:1 or 1:1.5 (for longer storage). I add 700 grams of sugar to 500 grams of viburnum.

Place the viburnum, mashed with sugar, into clean jars and cover with plastic or screw caps. This product must be stored in the refrigerator; the shelf life is approximately 9 months. On a winter evening, be sure to enjoy magnificent, delicious tea with viburnum. Our preparation is prepared without heat treatment, which allows us to preserve all the vitamins in the miracle berry. The sugar will slowly dissolve in the berries and the workpiece will acquire a beautiful ruby ​​color. Do not be ill!

The bright fruits of viburnum contain a huge amount of organic compounds, vitamins and microelements. The beneficial properties of viburnum are due to the content of tannins, phytoncides, vitamins A, C, and pectins in the berry.

Viburnum berries also contain copper, iodine, phosphorus, iron and magnesium. Green leaves contain formic, acetic, oleic, and valeric acids.


Viburnum: contraindications

Despite its beneficial properties, viburnum is contraindicated for people prone to hypotension. Berries help lower blood pressure, and their consumption can lead hypotensive patients to a critical condition.

Contraindications for viburnum:

  • Circulatory disorders (tendency to blood clots)
  • Arthritis
  • Urolithiasis disease
  • Allergy
  • Gastritis with high acidity, ulcer
  • Heart pathologies
  • Pregnancy and lactation
  • Gout
  • Kidney diseases

Preparations based on viburnum should be taken with caution even by healthy people, since abuse of the berry can lead to negative reactions of the body - rashes, deterioration in general well-being.

Contraindications for viburnum relate not only to the consumption of its fruits - the leaves, branches, flowers and even the bark of the plant have medicinal properties.

Viburnum during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Despite the fact that viburnum is an excellent source of beneficial vitamins and minerals needed by the expectant mother, its use is contraindicated during pregnancy. The fruits of the plant increase the tone of the uterus and are a strong allergen. In case of an overdose, a miscarriage is possible, and in the later stages, taking viburnum-based products threatens premature birth.

The allergic characteristics of the berry are manifested in the high content of vitamin C. If the body is oversaturated with it, an allergic rash may occur on the body. Therefore, many mothers during lactation refuse to take this berry.

Viburnum is completely contraindicated in the first three to five months of lactation - its intake can negatively affect the digestive system of the newborn. Gradually, a nursing mother can introduce viburnum into her diet - in the form of additives in compotes, teas, casseroles of 5-10 berries. At this time, you need to carefully monitor the child’s reaction - if there are no rashes, red cheeks, or digestive disorders, you can gradually increase its intake.


Viburnum: beneficial properties

Viburnum has a whole “bouquet” of useful properties. This is a herbal healer that helps during colds and infectious diseases. Viburnum is a unique gift of nature, a source of vitamin C, which has pronounced anti-inflammatory and antipyretic properties.

Viburnum is used to treat:

  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Heart diseases
  • High blood pressure
  • Diseases of the digestive organs
  • Colds and inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract
  • Atherosclerosis
  • Anemia

In folk medicine, all parts of the plant are used as raw materials. The bark of the plant is famous for its general strengthening properties; the juice increases the body’s immune forces and calms the unequal system. The berries are used as an antitussive and diaphoretic. Viburnum root helps with digestive disorders. The leaves are used as a means to cleanse the skin of rashes and furunculosis.

Decoctions from viburnum inflorescences are taken for bleeding and inflammation. Plant-based products increase appetite and promote sweating. Viburnum is an excellent sedative - it is used to prevent seizures and treat nervous disorders.

Viburnum with honey: beneficial properties

Honey-viburnum medicine is used during colds as an anti-inflammatory and immune-strengthening agent. The beneficial properties of viburnum appear in combination with drug therapy - eating berries with honey enhances the effect of the drugs and promotes faster recovery.

Taking viburnum with honey helps with coughs, wheezing, bronchitis, colds and complications from infectious diseases. The viscous mixture is used for stomach disorders, diarrhea, and helps overcome insomnia and nervous agitation.

The honey-viburnum mixture is indicated for use by women with severe pain and heavy menstruation. The remedy helps with high blood pressure, and drinking the mixture for a long time relieves the body of accumulated cholesterol. It is also recommended to use honey with viburnum for inflammation of the gums, dental diseases of the oral cavity, and anemia.

Preparing a mixture of viburnum and honey is simple - you need to mix crushed berries and liquid honey in proportions 1:2. However, it is not only the contraindications of viburnum that should be taken into account - honey is a strong allergen, which is harmful to use if you have an existing allergy to the product.

Also remember about the effect of heat treatment - it is undesirable for both viburnum and honey. During the heating process, the vitamin composition of the berry is destroyed, and the honey becomes unsuitable for consumption. The maximum temperature acceptable for a honey-viburnum mixture is no more than 60 °C.

Viburnum mashed with sugar: beneficial properties

An excellent remedy for colds and viral diseases is viburnum, mashed with sugar. In this form, the berries can be stored for a long time in the refrigerator, and during the cooking process the berries do not need to be subjected to heat treatment, but simply mix clean, dry berries and sugar in a 1:1 ratio.

  • Cold, sore throat
  • Coughing
  • Diarrhea
  • Jaundice
  • Hypertension

During winter cold, pureed viburnum is consumed as a vitamin drink, mixed with boiled water. Taking it improves appetite, enriches the body with useful substances and strengthens the immune system. The mixture can be added to tea or milk - just one spoon of viburnum quickly normalizes blood pressure in case of hypertension. As a preventive measure, viburnum berries can be consumed regularly, protecting yourself from viral and bacterial infections.

Viburnum for colds

Viburnum is one of the most potent medicines that quickly relieves cold symptoms. The huge content of ascorbic acid helps the body quickly cope with illness and restore lost strength.

At the first sign of a cold, you need to take warm viburnum drinks. To do this, you need to prepare tea from the berries or dissolve a spoonful of viburnum mashed with sugar in a glass of warm water. Drinking the drink relieves chills, eliminates sore throat, increases sweating and reduces temperature. After drinking warm tea, you need to go to bed, cover yourself with a warm blanket and sweat well.

When treating a cold, consider the contraindications of viburnum! This applies to people who have serious heart problems. The process of sweating puts additional stress on the entire body, which can affect the functioning of the heart.


Viburnum in cosmetology

The juice from the fresh fruits of the plant has bleaching and astringent properties, which is why it is used to make cosmetic products - creams, masks, lotions. The beneficial properties of viburnum make it possible to use the plant to remove age spots after pregnancy and to cleanse the face of acne.

For severe tissue acne, widespread on the face, chest and back, it is recommended to use a decoction of viburnum leaves, 1/4 of a glass per day. Wounds and inflammations on the skin can be treated with fresh viburnum juice - this will dry out the rashes and relieve swelling.

Skin whitening mask:

Mix fresh viburnum juice with the white of one egg, stir until smooth. Apply a thick layer to the face as a mask for 30 minutes. Rinse off with warm water. The course of whitening procedures is 15-20 days.

Anti-acne mask:

To get rid of rashes, viburnum juice is combined with fresh sour cream (cream) 1:1 and applied to the face. Leave the mask on for 20-30 minutes. As a scrub to remove dead areas of the epidermis, you can use crushed viburnum, frozen in the refrigerator. Carrying out 8-10 cleansing procedures will get rid of acne, eliminate pigment spots, and smooth out wrinkles.

Hand bath:

Add viburnum juice and sea salt to warm water in a 2:1 ratio. Lower your hands and hold for 15-20 minutes, adding warm water. This bath not only rejuvenates the skin of the hands, relieves redness and peeling, but also has a beneficial effect on the nail plate.

Viburnum for the winter (in sugar)

Red viburnum

Viburnum is a berry that is very beneficial for the heart and blood vessels, the infusion and syrup of which is drunk for blood pressure, to improve the condition of the skin, diseases of the digestive system, liver diseases and as a sedative and tonic. Viburnum jelly or syrup is taken for colds, coughs, upset stomach and hoarseness.

Inside each viburnum berry there is a bitterish seed, similar in shape to a heart. These seeds can be spat out or eaten along with the berries. It even seems to me that they give the viburnum syrup a special charm and piquant bitterness.

From viburnum in sugar (which is prepared like cold jam), syrup is gradually obtained. The berries produce juice and slowly dissolve sugar. This preparation of viburnum for the winter without heat treatment retains the most vitamins and microelements for you!

Preparing viburnum - 3 recipes

How to prepare viburnum for canning

The bunches of berries on the branches should be washed in cool water. Dry. To do this, it is convenient to lay out newspapers in several layers, and then cover them with a layer of paper towels (so that printing ink does not get on the berries, it is harmful).

Viburnum can be dark, closer to cherry color, and red. And to taste - more tart and bitter and sweeter

Then the berries can be placed in a jar, torn from the branches and sprinkled with sugar.

What jars and lids are suitable for viburnum

Viburnum berries with sugar can be placed in glass coffee jars if all the regular jars are gone after the jam and pickles season. Almost any lids that tightly cover your jars are suitable for this berry preparation.

The main thing: wash the dishes (both jars and lids) thoroughly and pour boiling water over them.

Closing the viburnum for the winter

How to store jars of cold viburnum jam

Viburnum berries are stored very well. It can stay in the refrigerator in a sealed container for a couple of months and not spoil at all. And viburnum sprinkled with sugar will last as long as needed until the next harvest.

The place to store viburnum in sugar is a refrigerator or a cold basement.

1. Cold viburnum jam


  • For 1 kg of red viburnum (on branches) you need 1 kg of sugar. That is, 1:1.

In addition, when you put all the berries with sugar in the jar, fill the remaining space up to the neck (about 2 cm) with sugar. Therefore, you will need a little more sugar in each jar.

How to make viburnum in sugar - recipe

Place the berries in prepared jars, sprinkling the layers with sugar. Fill the entire jar, leaving 2 cm to the top. Add a wide layer of sugar to the neck so that the berries are stored better.

Or - lay out half a jar of berries, fill half the jar with sugar (to the top).

Red viburnum in sugar

Cover with scalded lids and place in a cool place. In a couple of weeks, the red viburnum syrup will be ready!

How to use viburnum syrup

It is healthier to eat viburnum syrup with a spoon, like honey, without heating it or adding it to sugar. If only in cool water for fruit drink. To preserve as many vitamins as possible.

Be healthy and bon appetit!

Banks - urgently in the refrigerator!

Viburnum bunches

Some housewives cook viburnum jelly for longer, 50-60 minutes, like jam. If you took a double dose of sugar (1 kg) and closed it with simple iron or screw caps, then such preservation can be stored at room temperature.

If the lids are plastic (nylon) or there is little sugar (0.5 kg per liter of juice) and a short heat treatment, then such jelly should only be stored in the refrigerator or basement.

2.2. Cold viburnum jelly

But you can get by without heat treatment and preserve more vitamins in these healthy berries:

  • Mix well the viburnum puree (juice) and sugar in the proportion: 1 liter per 1 liter (that is, consider volume measures, not weight);
  • Pour the cold syrup into jars and store in the refrigerator. I don’t guarantee that this whole mass will harden into a strong jelly, but it should definitely turn out weak.

And such viburnum jelly will be very tasty and healthy!

Viburnum with sugar for the winter is one of the most useful preparations at home. It's no secret that the bright, bitter berry contains a record amount of antioxidants - biologically active substances that slow down aging and help us cope with diseases. In addition to saturating the body with vitamins and microelements, viburnum strengthens the immune system and puts a natural barrier against flu, colds and other infectious diseases, from which, as we know, there is no 100% protection. Vaccinations are not given against all diseases, and their effectiveness is questionable (I mean flu shots).

So it’s a nice thing to help the body cope on its own, strengthening its defenses with proven folk remedies. Viburnum mashed with sugar for the winter is just such a remedy. It couldn’t be easier to prepare, I even know several ways and I’ll tell you about them all. And if anyone would share their methods of preparing fresh viburnum, I would be very grateful!


  • 1 kg viburnum;
  • 1 kg sugar.

For all recipes for preparing viburnum with sugar, the ratio remains the same - one to one. This amount of berries and sugar provides the best long-term storage. Let me also remind you: the preparation does not involve cooking, and therefore you need to store jars with pureed viburnum in the refrigerator.

Viburnum with sugar, grated by hand

Sort through the viburnum, leave only the berries and remove the branches. Rinse them by placing them in a colander. Let dry, then place in a deep bowl, mash with a wooden masher, and mix thoroughly with a wooden spoon. Add two-thirds of the sugar and mix again. Take dry and clean jars, place the workpiece there, without filling it to the top by about 1-2 cm. Sprinkle the neck of each jar with the workpiece with sugar. Close with a nylon lid and place in the refrigerator.

Viburnum with sugar, pureed in a blender

Everything is much simpler here. Repeat the stage of washing the berries, first you need to sort them out. Then put the viburnum into a blender, blend it into berry puree, mix with sugar and put it in jars. The necks of the jars can also be sprinkled with sugar.

What to do if you don’t have a blender, but you don’t want to crush the berries by hand? Do not despair. For you sloths who don't have a blender :) I have prepared another method. We will prepare candies from viburnum.

Viburnum candies for the winter

For this delicacy you will need: 1 kg of berries, 200 g of powdered sugar, 10 g of starch.

Mix powdered sugar and starch. Rinse the berries. Place in a saucepan and cover with a mixture of sugar and starch. Close the pan tightly and shake the berries in a circular motion so that each one is in a sweet cocoon. Pour the contents of the pan onto a board, smooth it into one layer and air dry for a day (at room temperature).

Place in candy or cookie tins. Store in a cool, dry place and consume as a treat or vitamin.

What do we associate with autumn? With bright yellow foliage and scarlet clusters of viburnum. The fruits of this plant ripen somewhere in the middle of the autumn period, but they are collected only after the first frost. Before frost, the berries have a slightly bitter taste, and after the frost catches them, the bitterness goes away. If you harvested before frost, then before cooking, put the berries in the freezer for a while, the bitterness will go away and a pleasant sweetish taste will appear.

You can often see these healthy berries in winter; they turn so wonderfully red under their snow-white cover. People leave some viburnum especially for the birds so that they have something to eat during the cold season. But many people ignore this berry, believing that it does not smell very nice. And completely in vain. If you know how much benefit this plant brings, you will certainly start harvesting berries, and pureed viburnum with sugar will forever live in your refrigerator.

Viburnum with sugar for the winter (without cooking)

Most modern housewives try to make preparations for the winter that will retain the maximum amount of benefits. Our recipe today is especially relevant; we prepare viburnum berries, ground with sugar, for the winter. In this version, viburnum will fully retain all its properties.

There is no need to say much that viburnum is very useful; it will be an excellent means of prevention during the period of colds. But you can also make very tasty teas and warming drinks based on viburnum, adding, for example, lemon, orange zest, dry mint or lemon balm leaves. So, if you are interested, join us, let's replenish our bins with a few jars of vitamin preparation.


  • Viburnum – 350 g;
  • Sugar – 350 g.


At the beginning of autumn, viburnum is sold in almost all markets. Well, if this berry grows in your garden, even better. Actually, we start by plucking the bushes with viburnum, or purchasing viburnum at the market. The average bunch weighs approximately 350 grams, enough for a 250 ml jar. In general, since viburnum will be stored on the refrigerator shelf, it is better to choose small jars so that the contents can be used within one to two weeks. Rinse the selected viburnum branches under cool water, lay them out on a kitchen towel, and let them dry a little.

Now we begin to pick off the branches, the viburnum berries can be cut with scissors, or you can tear them off with your hands, any appearance of the berries will suit us, because we will still crush them. You can freeze picked berries if you have a lot of viburnum. You can also make viburnum juice or compote.

Let's return to our recipe. Transfer the tattered viburnum into a deep container. We take any press that will be convenient for kneading the berries. We carefully begin to knead the viburnum; the juice from the bursting berries scatters very quickly, so we work without fanaticism. We try to squeeze out the juice from all the berries as much as possible.

Measure out 2/3 of the granulated sugar. Pour sugar into a container with mint viburnum. We leave the rest of the sugar aside; we will need it a little later.

Mix the viburnum and granulated sugar, trying to make sure that the sugar crystals are completely dissolved.

Although we will not roll up jars of viburnum, we will still take care of sterility, this will be our guarantee of longer storage of the workpiece. As mentioned above, it is very good if you have small jars. We wash all the jars with soda, sterilize them, and also process the lids. We transfer the viburnum into clean jars, leaving a little space for the remaining sugar and future juice.

Add the remaining sugar.

Place the lid on the neck of the jar, tighten it, and place it on the refrigerator shelf or in the cellar, on the balcony, whichever is more convenient for you.

Viburnum with sugar for the winter through a meat grinder

The recipe for this preparation is as simple as shelling pears:

  1. Carefully sort out the viburnum berries, free them from the branches.
  2. Place in a colander and rinse thoroughly under running water, then allow the berries to drain and dry slightly.
  3. Place a fine rack on the meat grinder and scroll the viburnum through it.
  4. Combine the resulting mass with granulated sugar in equal proportions and mix thoroughly.
  5. Prepare pasteurized dry glass jars, place viburnum with sugar in them, without filling 1-1.5 cm to the very top.
  6. In each jar, sprinkle the surface of the viburnum a little more with granulated sugar and close with a tight nylon lid.
  7. Store in the refrigerator.

How else can you prepare viburnum with sugar for the winter?

  • If you think that the contact of viburnum berries with the metal parts of the meat grinder is not very useful, you can grind it manually. Place in a deep bowl and crush using a kitchen wooden masher.
  • If you want to get seedless and skinless viburnum, rub it through a fine plastic sieve. But remember that both the skin and the seeds contain an incredible amount of useful substances; it’s not for nothing that the viburnum seed is shaped like a human heart. Throwing them away is a crime.
  • Instead of a meat grinder, you can easily use a blender to prepare such a preparation.
  • And how delicious the preparation will turn out if you give it a little citrus notes. For 1 liter of the resulting sweet viburnum mass, add half an orange minced through a meat grinder (along with the zest). Stir, put into jars and put in the refrigerator.
Viburnum juice without cooking

An excellent solution would be viburnum juice without heat treatment; however, with any exposure to elevated temperature, the beneficial properties are partially lost.

To prepare the juice, the proportions will be different: for 1 kg of viburnum you will need 200 g of granulated sugar.

Grind the berries in a bowl with a masher, and then squeeze out the juice through cheesecloth. You should only have bones and skins left on the gauze cloth, and all the pulp will seep into the bowl. Add granulated sugar, mix thoroughly and let stand for a while until the sugar grains are completely dissolved. Then mix thoroughly again, pour into hot jars, roll up the lids and store in the cellar. If you have space to store such juice in the refrigerator, you can close the jars with nylon lids.

To speed up the process of preparing viburnum according to this recipe, you can squeeze the juice through a juicer.

How is viburnum useful?

The beneficial properties of viburnum with sugar can be listed endlessly. Its berries are rich in tannins, vitamins A and C, and pectins, which will effectively cleanse the intestines of harmful substances accumulated there. The phytoncides contained in the fruit cope well with microbes. The berries also contain copper, potassium, iron, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus and even some iodine. Both fruits and leaves are a source of formic, acetic, valeric and oleic acids.

It’s even difficult to name an organ in the human body that would not be affected by viburnum:

  1. Its most important benefit is in the treatment and prevention of respiratory and colds. It perfectly thins mucus, helps in the treatment of bronchitis and pneumonia, and is good for severe chronic cough.
  2. Any doctor, along with medications, will definitely prescribe viburnum for the treatment of throat and sore throat.
  3. Healing red berries will help get rid of painful sensations in the heart, will help dilate blood vessels, eliminate constant headaches and hypertension.
  4. Viburnum will help cleanse the liver and improve blood composition, get rid of small stones in the gall and bladder (it is a good choleretic agent).
  5. Viburnum is especially useful for disorders of the digestive tract. Here she is susceptible to many diseases: stomach pain and ulcers, gastritis with low acidity and indigestion, constipation and loose stools, duodenal ulcers and hemorrhoids.
  6. It is useful to take viburnum for nervous strain and fatigue.
  7. You can apply this remedy to treat skin diseases: eczema and pustules, boils, ulcers and wounds.
  8. Viburnum is a good prevention of cancer.

Contraindications for viburnum

Preparing viburnum for the winter with sugar is not suitable for people who suffer from hypotension. It lowers blood pressure, which can cause harm in this case.

Women during pregnancy should consult a doctor before taking this remedy.

If the acidity of gastric juice is increased, you should not take viburnum with sugar. People suffering from diseases such as arthritis, gout, urolithiasis and kidney disease should also avoid this healthy berry.

If a person has increased blood clotting and a tendency to thrombosis, viburnum is contraindicated.

Viburnum is very useful for children's bodies, but doctors still recommend not giving it to children under two years of age. After reaching this age, still do not self-medicate, but be sure to consult a pediatrician.

How to take and how to store?

Since our viburnum was prepared with sugar for the winter without cooking, it can only be stored in the refrigerator. It is believed that its shelf life is 90 days, but believe many years of experience, it perfectly retains its properties almost until summer.

Make it a rule to start every morning with a teaspoon of the prepared mixture, washing it down with 1 glass of warm boiled water. You can dilute the mixture in water and drink. If you do this every day, then you will not be afraid of any of the above diseases.

In case of colds, viral diseases, bronchitis, constantly make tea from viburnum mass and drink as much as possible.

You can replace sugar in the given recipes with honey, it will turn out even healthier.

Nature has gifted us with a wonderful natural cure for many diseases. All you have to do is harvest and make preparations. Don't miss this opportunity to give your body maximum health!