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Ulgu is official. Ulyanovsk State University Ulyanovsk State University: faculties, description and features. Areas of professional activity

About the university

Ulyanovsk State University is the youngest university in the city. Its history began in February 1988 with the adoption of the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR on the opening of a branch of Moscow State University in Ulyanovsk. Lomonosov. In the same year, in the educational building on the street. 200 students from the faculties of mechanics, mathematics and economics began studying at L. Tolstoy.

An important stage in the development of a new higher educational institution of the classical type was 1995. On December 17, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation B.N. Yeltsin branch of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov in Ulyanovsk was transformed into Ulyanovsk State University.

Combining classical university traditions with the latest trends in the development of Russian and world education systems, educational activities with innovative activity in the field of high technology, USU ensures the formation of moral, scientific and cultural values ​​of society through high-quality training of specialists who determine the prospects for the development of the main sectors of the economy and social infrastructure of the region .

Traditions and quality of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, laid down at USU over the years of joint work, largely determined the nature of the development of the new classical university on the Volga, its high educational standard and scientific potential, which allowed it to occupy key positions in the educational and scientific space of the region in a short period of time.

With the support of Moscow colleagues, a highly qualified teaching staff was formed at Ulyanovsk State University, which included leading scientists from universities in Russia and the CIS, which was the key to the high level of training of graduating specialists. Today the university is rightfully proud of its personnel potential; among the USU teachers there are many world-famous scientists.

Responding to the needs of the time, the university opens new specialties, creates departments and faculties, introduces new, progressive forms of educational work, using modern educational technologies. The leadership of USU pays great attention to improving the conditions of study and work, life and recreation of students, teachers and staff.

At the current stage of development of society, the task of forming a system at USU within the framework of which the integration of education, science and economics is carried out is of particular relevance. The management of the university signed a general agreement with the governor of the Ulyanovsk region Sergei Morozov, and there is an agreement on strategic partnership with the City Duma and district administrations. Ulyanovsk State University is a partner of the largest enterprises in the region, such as the Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant, the Aviastar-SP Joint Stock Company, the Volga-Dnepr group of companies, the Research Institute of Nuclear Reactors in Dimitrovgrad (NIIAR), the Mars Research and Production Association and others. An extensive system of additional education, including retraining programs, advanced training courses, the Master of Business Administration (MBA) academic program and other areas of work, create conditions for students to increase their competitiveness in the labor market.

Ulyanovsk State University is one of the leading universities in the Volga region, developing several projects in the field of high technology. Research in the field of nanotechnology is a key area of ​​development of the country's economy, acquiring the scale of national priority in Russia. The creation of the Center for Nanotechnologies and Materials on the basis of Ulyanovsk State University emphasizes the active participation of Ulyanovsk State University in the processes of introducing new technologies into science and industry in the region. The university has accumulated a fairly solid base of theoretical and experimental developments in the field of nanotechnology, and contacts with partners from other cities are expanding.

Ulyanovsk State University actively positions itself as a university for a healthy lifestyle. The structure of USU includes a unique division - the Institute of Medicine, Ecology and Physical Culture - which allows one to consolidate the efforts of scientists in implementing large-scale projects and conducting interdisciplinary research. Health-saving technologies potentially unite more than 15 scientific schools of Ulyanovsk State University, which include more than 80 doctors and 350 candidates of science. The results of comprehensive research in the field of radiation materials science, laser physics, nanotechnology, and research life cycle support technologies in recent years have been fully focused on solving applied problems in medicine, healthcare, biology, chemistry, ecology, environmental management, physical education and sports.

An important priority of USU is international cooperation. The university successfully operates Russian-American and Russian-German faculties, whose graduates simultaneously receive Russian and foreign diplomas. A joint structure is being organized with the University of Palermo (Italy). The plans include strengthening business ties with universities in the USA, the Czech Republic, Germany, China, Mongolia, Kazakhstan and other CIS countries, the exchange of teachers, the development of language schools and student programs.

The establishment of UlSU as a regional center of education, science, culture and innovative technologies is impossible without expanding the material and technical base. In recent years, large-scale construction of a student campus has been launched on the Sviyaga Embankment: in 2005-10. Three new educational and laboratory buildings, a sports and recreation complex, a stadium, and a dormitory for undergraduate and graduate students were put into operation. During the same time, the Center for Nanotechnologies and Materials Science, the research center for CALS technologies, the technopark “UlSU – High Technologies” and an electronic library with two virtual reading rooms with Internet access were created at UlSU. At the same time, the acquisition of new buildings, major overhaul of the classroom fund, and construction of social facilities, including residential buildings for teachers and university staff, were carried out.

The university successfully operates its own media: the newspaper “Vestnik”, a television studio, and a press center. Cultural and leisure activities at the university are provided by the Student and Sports Clubs of UlSU, as well as student government bodies: the Trade Union Committee of Students and the Student Council of UlSU.

The main pride of the university is its students. Ulyanovsk State University has everything to create a real student atmosphere: spacious classrooms, cozy dining rooms, access to the latest information technologies that erase the boundaries of space and time, modern laboratories - all this, of course, helps in study and science. For those who are seriously passionate about science, USU has opened a postgraduate course, where you can continue your studies in 60 specialties, as well as internship and residency.

Today, the mission of a classical university is not limited to personnel and scientific support for public institutions. By integrating into the intellectual, social, cultural and economic space of the region, the university nourishes and stimulates “growth points”. And itself, with productive cooperation with government agencies, becomes the center of science, culture and education.

Ulyanovsk State University is an example of active interaction with the Government of the Ulyanovsk region. Fundamental and applied research and innovative developments are carried out on the basis of Ulyanovsk State University in the interests of the Ulyanovsk region. Specialists from Ulyanovsk State University provide professional training, retraining and advanced training for civil and municipal employees, and provide methodological assistance in certifying the professional and managerial skills of civil servants. With the participation of the university, expert, information and analytical support is provided for the activities of executive bodies of state power in the Ulyanovsk region. USU has established itself as an institution of high social responsibility: not a single significant social program in the region takes place without the participation of the university.

The university pays close attention to well-thought-out personnel policies. Today it is difficult to imagine the scale of a possible personnel crisis in medicine, law, and other industries. The prosecutor's office consists of more than 70 percent graduates of Ulyanovsk State University, a similar situation with employees of the banking sector, creative workers, and certified physicians. Ulyanovsk State University graduates honorably withstand competition in the labor market, successfully work in legislative and executive authorities, occupy high positions in industrial enterprises, in commercial firms in the Ulyanovsk region, Moscow, St. Petersburg and other regions of the country, as well as abroad.

Today Ulyanovsk State University is not only an asset of the region, but also an adornment of the city. A real university town has been built on Sviyaga Embankment - a new microdistrict with playgrounds, fountains and lawns. The twenty-year history of the university confirms the well-known thesis: we live in an era that requires from society enormous power of creation and the desire to move towards development and self-improvement.

    Ulyanovsk State University- Ulyanovsk, st. L. Tolstoy, 42. Psychology, social work, valeology. (Bim Bad B.M. Pedagogical Encyclopedic Dictionary. M., 2002. P. 474) See also Universities Ch489.514(2)7 ...

    - (Ulyanovsk State Technical University, Ulyanovsk State Technical University), the largest educational institution in the Ulyanovsk region. Founded in 1957 on the basis of the Polytechnic Institute, which originated from the evening branch of the Kuibyshev Industrial Institute. WITH… … encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (UlSTU) ... Wikipedia

    Named after Ilya Nikolaevich Ulyanov (UlSPU) Year of foundation ... Wikipedia

    Ulyanovsk State Technical University (UlSTU) Year of foundation 1957 Rector A. D. Gorbokonenko Location ... Wikipedia

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    Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University- Ulyanovsk, pl. them. 100th anniversary of the birth of V.I. Lenina, 4. Psychology, preschool pedagogy and psychology, pedagogy and methods of primary education. (Bim Bad B.M. Pedagogical Encyclopedic Dictionary. M., 2002. P. 471) See... ... Pedagogical terminological dictionary

    It is proposed to rename this page. Explanation of the reasons and discussion on the Wikipedia page: Towards renaming/November 15, 2012. Perhaps its current name does not correspond to the norms of the modern Russian language and/or the rules for naming articles... Wikipedia

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The choice of a future profession is given a lot of time and attention from the applicant. After all, you don’t want to make a mistake about the demand for a specialty. And choosing a place of study takes even more time, because it is there that the entire foundation is laid that shapes the professionalism of the future specialist.

Let's consider Ulyanovsk University - one of the most worthy institutions in the Volga region. Which faculties and specialties at USU are most in demand among students?

About the university

Ulyanovsk State University annually graduates specialists in various fields. But the interesting thing is that the institution began its existence in 1988 and is the youngest educational institution in Ulyanovsk.

Almost 30 years ago, the university “began” as a branch. In its first intake, it accepted 200 students who began their studies at the faculties of Ulyanovsk State University: economics and mechanics and mathematics.

The institution experienced an important stage in its existence in 1995, when the current President Boris Yeltsin signed a decree awarding the Ulyanovsk branch of Moscow State University the status of a state university.

USU is still developing successfully. Over the entire period of its career, not without the help of Moscow colleagues, the University of Ulyanovsk has united “under its roof” a professional staff of teachers who came to Ulyanovsk State University from many parts of the Russian Federation and CIS countries. And, what is noteworthy, many of them have been awarded various professional titles, and some are world-famous professors.

The faculties of Ulyanovsk State University offer training in the most popular professions, which are valued not only in the country, but also abroad. Its methodology is the newest and most advanced using modern materials and aids.

The educational institution of Ulyanovsk State University is recognized as the best university in the Volga region.

List of faculties of Ulyanovsk State University

The university provides a wide range of specialties for applicants in different areas. One faculty of USU can offer a wide variety of professions. Let's take a closer look.

The following faculties are offered for specialist and bachelor's degree programs:

  1. Engineering and physics.
  2. Mathematical, information and aviation technologies.
  3. Economics and business.
  4. Legal.
  5. Humanities and social technologies.
  6. Culture and art.
  7. International relations.
  8. Medicine, ecology and physical education.
  9. Transfer.
  10. Institute of additional education (for those who already have a higher education or incomplete higher education).

The master's program offers the opportunity to study at the following faculties:

  1. Culture and arts.
  2. International relationships.
  3. Humanities and sociology.
  4. Legal.
  5. Economics and business.
  6. Medicine, ecology and physical education.
  7. Mathematics, information and aviation technologies.

In addition to a full-fledged higher education, the university provides the opportunity to receive secondary vocational education based on grades 9 and 11. Medical specialties are in particular demand among applicants. From Ulyanovsk University you can enroll in a medical college or school.

Faculty of Engineering and Physics of High Technologies

This is one of the oldest faculties of Ulyanovsk State University. It began working in 1989, the university was still a branch of Moscow State University. Upon admission, it is possible to choose a narrower specialty by enrolling in one of the departments:

  1. Oil and gas business.
  2. Service in the oil and gas profile.
  3. Physics.
  4. Management and quality control.
  5. Ground transport and technological means.
  6. Ground transport and technological complexes.
  7. Radiophysics.
  8. Innovation.
  9. Nanoengineering.

The teaching staff of the faculty consists of 108 people, among whom there are doctors of sciences and candidates.

Faculty of Mathematics, Information and Aviation Technologies

This is one of the first faculties of the university, which was opened in 1988 and was called the Department of Mechanics and Mathematics. Currently, it is a large-scale scientific and educational center for the training of highly qualified personnel. In addition to providing extensive theoretical knowledge, the faculty has research activities.

Faculty departments:

  1. Mathematical support and administration of information systems.
  2. Applied mathematics and computer science.
  3. Information systems and technologies.
  4. Applied Informatics.
  5. Automation of technological processes and production.
  6. Aircraft manufacturing.
  7. Computer security.
  8. Information security of automated systems.
  9. Infocommunication technologies and communication systems.

Institute of Economics and Business

In 1997, the Institute of Economics and Business was formed on the basis of Ulyanovsk State University. It included 3 faculties:

  • Control.
  • Economy.
  • Faculty of Business.

And 7 departments:

  1. Economy.
  2. Business Informatics.
  3. Economic security.
  4. Management.
  5. Personnel Management.
  6. State and municipal administration.
  7. Accounting and auditing.

Recently, 3 more basic departments have begun active work:

  1. Antimonopoly control under the Office of the Federal Antimonopoly Service for the city of Ulyanovsk and the region.
  2. Municipal government under the local administration.
  3. Banking technologies at the BINBANK branch in Ulyanovsk.

Faculty of Law

The Faculty of Law of Ulyanovsk State University unites 6 departments:

  • Theories and history of state and law.
  • Civil law and procedure.
  • Criminal law and criminology.
  • Criminal procedure and criminology.
  • State and administrative law.
  • Customs affairs and legal support of foreign economic activity.

In addition to theory, the faculty for training qualified lawyers pays special attention to practical training. The institution has entered into an agreement with several legal organizations in the city of Ulyanovsk, where future specialists undergo educational and pre-graduate practice.

Faculty of Humanities and Social Technologies

The faculty has been operating since 1993 and has been training specialists in the field of humanitarian and social technologies for 24 years.

Training is provided by 78 teachers. Departments:

  1. Philosophy, sociology and political science.
  2. Psychology and pedagogy.
  3. History of the Fatherland, regional studies and international relations.
  4. Pedagogy of vocational education and social activities.

Soon it is planned to create a department of "Tourism" for the master's degree.


The Faculty of Medicine of Ulyanovsk State University began its activity only in 1990. Its first dean was the authoritative scientist Tofik Ziyatdinovich Biktimirov, whose name later became the name of the faculty (since 2011).

The Department of Medicine has two main specialties:

  • General medicine, with a training period of 6 years.
  • Pediatrics, providing 6 years of training.

Culture and art

The faculties of USU, no matter how diverse they are, even offer training in some creative specialties:

  1. Conducting.
  2. Advertising and public relations.
  3. Design.
  4. Culturology.
  5. Journalism.
  6. Folk artistic culture (choreography).
  7. Library and information activities.
  8. Documentation and archival science.
  9. Musical and instrumental art.
  10. Musicology and musical applied art.
  11. Acting art.

The faculty is young. For the first time it “opened” its doors to the first intake of students in 1996. Currently, about 400 students are undergoing vocational training here.

Internships are carried out in the best universities in the country, as well as in America, England and Germany.

International relationships

In 2018, the Institute of International Relations will celebrate its 15th anniversary. It consists of 3 faculties:

  1. Professional communication.
  2. Intercultural connections.
  3. Linguistics.

The teaching staff consists of 130 teachers, 14 of whom have a doctorate degree. Those students studying for bachelor's and master's degrees have the opportunity to choose one of the following faculties:

  1. Linguistics and professional communications.
  2. Russian-American.
  3. Russian-German.


  1. Since 2017, UlSU has the status of a region. This became possible thanks to the victory in the competition organized by the Russian Ministry of Education.
  2. 800 teachers work on the university staff, and 131 of them have an academic degree.
  3. More than 10,000 students study at USU. And 40% preferred engineering, natural science and medical fields.
  4. There is a medical faculty at UlSU, which offers not only higher education, but also secondary vocational education.
University card
Ulyanovsk State University, Faculty of Medicine
date of creation

1919 (100 years)

On the base Ulyanovsk State University The Institute of Medicine, Ecology and Physical Culture operates.



Graduates of the Faculty of Medicine successfully work at Es Class Clinic Ulyanovsk.

  • Postgraduate education (pharmaceutical and medical) - founded in 2003. Offers full-time, part-time (only for pharmacists) and part-time forms of study at the choice of students. There are two departments and advanced training courses.

The opportunity to obtain nursing education, residency and internship is provided.

  • Ecological - this faculty provides training in the specialties “forestry”, “biology”, “chemistry”, “soil science”, “ecology and environmental management”. The first provides the opportunity to receive education in correspondence and accelerated correspondence forms. It was opened in 1994. As of January 2015, the dean is O.Yu. Shrol, Ph.D. Over the years of operation, the faculty has graduated one and a half thousand specialists.
    Cooperation is underway with the best universities of the Russian Federation. There are three departments, and a thematic museum has been opened on the basis of the faculty. Also, the Faculty of Ecology of the Medical Institute cooperates with schools in Ulyanovsk, offering schoolchildren the opportunity to hold environmental Olympiads and events.
  • Physical education and rehabilitation - within the framework of this faculty, specialists are trained to work in the field of physical education and sports, as well as adaptive (for persons with disabilities) physical education.
    Full-time and part-time forms of study are offered for each specialty. Candidates and doctors of sciences, Honored Trainers of the Russian Federation, and chairmen of sports federations work here. Since 1999, several masters of sports have been produced, including international ones, as well as medalists and winners of world and Russian championships.

In addition to several faculties, the institute also runs a medical college, which admits graduates of the 9th and 11th grades of secondary schools. It is developing its own educational and research department, telemedicine center, IT department, health promotion center, sports and fitness center and dentistry. In addition, those interested can visit the natural science museum, which is also part of the institute.