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Compatibility of Libra women in love and relationships. Libra woman - compatibility Libra girl compatibility with others

A true child of Venus, the Libra woman is in love with the very thought of being loved. Therefore, she often puts on a subtle love performance, trying to charm her partner.

According to the compatibility horoscope, the Libra woman does not belong to the category of those spoiled ladies who like to hang on her husband’s neck. Thanks to her logic, intelligence, and erudition, she manages to make a good career, while all her “masculine” qualities are surprisingly combined with emphasized femininity.

The mood of such a woman changes every minute; she expects those around her to guess her desires. The Libra lady is always looking for the ideal companion, but does not understand that he exists only in her imagination.

With compatibility, the Libra woman expects that her lover will be a worthy frame in which she will be a diamond. This is why many Libra women choose men much older than themselves.

When the romance fades, they try to transform the relationship into friendship. . Well, if you are not going to part with her, the Libra woman will become a charming wife, talented, sociable and charming.

Sometimes it even seems that Libra, knowing full well that men are afraid of smart women, deliberately puts on the mask of an elegant flower.

Indeed, she can chat for hours about anything - from politics to the latest season's fashion - and only if you have the strength to listen, you will be surprised to realize that her reasoning is smart and accurate. The Libra woman has something to say about everything in the world, and therefore she gladly enters into disputes and arguments, forgetting about time and enjoying the process itself.

Before the wedding, you may be touched by the fact that in these disputes you always have the last word. However, when Libra becomes your wife, you will be surprised to find that the roles have changed. Libra is great at putting everything into perspective and making the interlocutor (that is, you) agree with herself, it’s just that while she doesn’t have a wedding ring on her finger, she wisely hides it.

In marriage, her ability to analyze will be very useful for you. Tell her more often about what is happening at work, and be sure to listen to her advice - they are truly valuable. Despite the fact that your home may look like a flower shop, despite the fact that your wife loves to shower you with affectionate nicknames and kisses even in front of strangers, despite the fact that she can talk on the phone for hours and loves sweet donuts, remember that this The pretty head can also think wonderfully.

Compatibility of Libra woman and Taurus man

In terms of compatibility between a Libra woman and a Taurus man, this couple resembles twin children who are unlike each other: so different, but so close and elusively similar. Their union can be called the union of two true aesthetes and gourmets. The love for comfort and pleasure brings the Taurus man and the sensual Libra woman closer together, in life together it manifests itself in literally everything - from their common love of eating delicious food to the desire to own beautiful things and the ability to give each other pleasure in bed. All this contributes to the creation of strong and long-term, harmonious relationships, because it is so nice when you are connected with a loved one not only by solving pressing problems, but also by the ability to receive joy from life even in the smallest things...

Compatibility of Libra woman and Gemini man

In terms of compatibility between a Libra woman and a Gemini man, this couple is very harmonious. Their relationship begins and develops easily and naturally.

The fickle Gemini man can hardly be called a sign striving for family life, but in this union he is closer to this than ever. Although she and Libra are not very similar, they sometimes see their own reflection in each other. The Libra woman, with her frequent mood swings and conflicting feelings, is understandable to the Gemini man like no other sign, and for both such mutual understanding is rare...

Compatibility of Libra woman and Cancer man

According to the compatibility of a Libra woman and a Cancer man, each partner in this union has the opportunity to feel like a pearl fisher. After hard work, obstacles and stress, they may, with luck, obtain the beautiful pearl of true love. But, of course, there is also a risk of being left with nothing.

The Cancer man is cautious, but the Libra woman is contradictory and sometimes doesn’t know what she wants, which is why such an alliance is rare. However, the sensitive Cancer man and the loving Libra woman have many pleasant points of contact, but the indecision of both leaves an imprint on their entire life together...

Compatibility of Libra woman - Leo man

According to the compatibility of the Libra woman and the Leo man, this couple is literally created for a long and happy life together. Both are beautiful, regal, and simply impossible to miss wherever they appear. People around them are eager to communicate with them, as both have a warm, pleasant demeanor, are polite and have good manners.

According to statistical data, the marriage between a Leo man and a Libra woman has the lowest divorce rate. They have excellent mutual understanding, interest in each other appears from the very first minutes of meeting. The life together of a Libra-Leo couple is full of joy and happiness, warmth and mutual understanding. Partners quickly and easily get used to each other, become attached and rise together...

Compatibility of Libra woman and Virgo man

In terms of compatibility between a Libra woman and a Virgo man, this couple does not have very good compatibility and most often they are united by a difference in character and abilities: one has what the other lacks. They complement each other and learn from each other.

The Libra woman is too independent, her feelings are too contradictory, and over time she often begins to be burdened by family ties with the predictable and overly rational Virgo man. On the other hand, divorce for a Libra woman is too serious a step, which, due to her character, she may never decide to take. Because of this, there are situations when the marriage of Virgo and Libra exists only due to inertia and habit...

Compatibility of Libra woman - Libra man

This union has all the prerequisites to be long-term and durable. In each other, the contradictory Libras find their second self. In terms of compatibility between Libra women and Libra men, they have good mutual understanding and excellent sexual compatibility. They perfectly understand each other's thoughts, feelings and aspirations. But there is also a minus in this marriage - their emotions are also not inferior to each other in strength.

In everyday life, they can result in conflicts, which, however, rarely lead to a break. Thoughtful Libra needs a very serious reason to dare to divorce. That is why, if Libra expects from this union not only long-term, but also comfortable relationships, they should learn to compromise and give in to each other more often...

Compatibility of Libra woman and Scorpio man

In terms of compatibility between a Libra woman and a Scorpio man, this union resembles a battle of ice and fire. The sophisticated, secular Libra woman is incredible and desirable for the temperamental, strong and sensual Scorpio man.

In the Libra-Scorpio couple, passions are constantly raging. Both the Libra woman and the Scorpio man know how to control themselves, both are successful manipulators, and mutual attraction turns their struggle into an exquisite erotic action...

Compatibility of Libra woman and Sagittarius man

According to the compatibility of a Libra woman and a Sagittarius man, they form a wonderful couple. Their relationship is filled with harmony, mutual understanding and love for each other. The Sagittarius man is the most ideal partner for the Libra woman from the entire Zodiac Sign. The same can be said about a Libra woman for a Sagittarius man. Together they can achieve stunning results and conquer more than one peak.

The emotionality of the Libra woman and the temperament of the Sagittarius man give this couple excellent compatibility in sexual relationships. In other areas of life, partners, as a rule, also find a common language well: the fickle Libra woman, like no one else, is able to understand the fickle Sagittarius man, he, in turn, does not put pressure on her, for which the Libra woman is very grateful...

Compatibility of Libra woman and Capricorn man

According to the compatibility of a Libra woman and a Capricorn man, a family union between them is one of the most difficult unions.

If a Libra woman is wondering who to choose among her admirers, then she should make a choice not in favor of the Capricorn man. If the Libra-Capricorn relationship has already developed and love has come, then the Libra woman should be prepared for the fact that she will have to make a lot of efforts to save this marriage...

Compatibility of Libra woman and Aquarius man

According to the compatibility of the Libra woman and the Aquarius man, there is no special warmth and comfort in their family union, but there is also no strong tension and dissatisfaction with each other.

Both partners do not seek to change or somehow put pressure on their half. Equal, respectful and friendly relations develop between them....

Compatibility of Libra woman and Pisces man

According to the compatibility of the Libra woman and the Pisces man, the relationship in this pair can turn out well. Both partners are united by a love of beauty. The Libra woman in this union receives from the Pisces man so much warmth and tenderness, kind words and attention, as, perhaps, from no other sign of the Zodiac. And the Pisces man in alliance with the Libra woman finds a quiet, cozy haven.

Quarrels in a Libra-Pisces couple begin over money. The Pisces man usually does not know how to make money. The only exceptions are those who have found their calling. But the Libra woman is used to living in comfort, and is not ready to be limited to little. In a stable environment, she can make good money herself. But if a crisis occurs, she is helpless. And, besides this, the Pisces man cannot support her. Therefore, couples of a Libra woman and a Pisces man often break up during financial crises...

People born under the zodiac sign Libra are among the most flighty and fickle. They hesitate for a long time before making a decision, and are often unsure of their choice. The Libra woman's compatibility with other signs is good. But she needs a more courageous and active partner who will support her.

Character of the sign

Libra is the only inanimate sign on the zodiac circle. The Libra sign includes people who were born from September 23 to October 22. In communication they are very pleasant and courteous, they know how to attract attention. This sign rarely makes enemies.

Libra has positive qualities, these include:

  • perseverance and hard work;
  • subsequence;
  • love of order is the ideal housewife;
  • willingness to help;
  • unpretentiousness and practicality.

Negative traits include inconstancy. They can change their mind in an instant, which is why they are often disliked. They are also critical of everything new and do not admit that they are wrong.

Their characteristics say that they are used to making a lot of demands on their partner. This leads to disappointment later. But if the chosen one does not meet their moral and ethical beliefs, they are ready to end the relationship. Still knowing what they want.

Libras are also a little prone to envy. They may experience this feeling even towards a loved one if he is more successful or wealthy. A good quality of Libra is optimism, which makes them easy to communicate with.

This sign is very persistent and practical. He knows what he wants from life and is willing to work hard. The Zodiac can achieve a lot in the creative field, where you need to think abstractly. Libra is one of the fairest representatives of the horoscope; they evaluate a person by his actions and are absolutely selfless.

People under the sign of Libra need a calm, drama-free relationship. His partner should have similar interests and hobbies, then the union will be especially strong.

This sign is very balanced and will not experience aggression or anxiety for no reason. This makes them more reliable partners.

They easily find new friends and are prone to flirting. This may cause quarrels with their chosen ones. But if Libra meets their person, they will do anything to create a strong union.

Fire element compatibility

Under the element of Fire are Aries, Sagittarius and Leo. These are very emotional signs who often commit rash acts. Because of this, their union with Libra will be successful. They will calm and balance fiery representatives.

The most successful pairing will be with Sagittarius. The characteristic says that these signs understand each other well and can achieve a lot if they work together. Relationships with Aries and Leo are more complicated. It will be easier for them to find a common language only while they are both young.

a lion

These signs can create a strong tandem. They pay attention to each other soon after meeting and their relationship begins to gradually develop.

  • For these signs the first place is:
  • mutual respect;
  • trust in partner;

caring for loved ones.

Leo's advantage is that he is open and sincere with others, and Libra tries to see everyone as an ally. They can be connected not only by romantic relationships, but also by friendship. They often have common hobbies and interests.

Working together will be effective if they can properly divide responsibilities. The characteristic says that Libra is better at establishing contacts with partners and subordinates. But if these signs work together, there are no romantic feelings between them.


This couple has a chance to create a strong family. They are united by the desire to take care of loved ones and respect for traditions. Sagittarius will take the initiative. Their union will be strong and lasting.

They will also be successful in their working relationships. Thanks to Libra's sociability and charm, they will be able to attract new partners and improve their material well-being.

Air Signs

Representatives of this element are best suited for Libra. An alliance with Gemini will be successful; this sign will give its partner confidence and teach him to look at the world more broadly. Libra will also improve organizational skills.

A pair of two Libras is the most successful. These signs understand each other well, quarrels between them occur very rarely.

They are united by the following qualities:

  • love of travel;
  • composure and organization;
  • fear of routine.

When meeting someone in adulthood, it will be more difficult to build a relationship, because Libra’s negative qualities begin to clearly manifest themselves.


The horoscope says that this couple can build a good romantic relationship. Their tandem will be calm and balanced. They will not loudly sort things out; scandals between them are rare.

If they don't give up and try to find common ground, the relationship can be strong. The Water sign needs to become more restrained and control their emotions, while Libra is not afraid to show their feelings.

Any person at least once in his life was interested in his future. Women want to get married successfully, have children, live happily ever after, but not everyone will be so lucky. To learn at least a little about your future and prevent bad moments, you can choose a good spouse. To do this, read various horoscopes and find out compatibility by zodiac signs. What is the compatibility of a Libra woman with other signs?

Libra wife and Aries husband

Compatibility with a Libra woman and an Aries man is very high, since the planet Venus influences the woman. Libras are endowed with kindness and charm; Aries men simply cannot pass by such beauty. Aries behaves well with Libra. Very often, a man and a woman, before starting to live together, distribute roles so as not to quarrel too much. Basically, they divide their responsibilities like this:

  • the wife plays the role of muse;
  • my husband is just strong.

She also always knows that her man is the smartest and most handsome. You should not forget to constantly remind your husband of this. Not only will he be pleased, but such words will increase his confidence and strength. In addition to the love that always exists in a relationship, they are each other's friends.

Libra girl and Taurus guy

Compatibility between Libra woman and Taurus man also has hope for success. Taurus, of course, do not have the best character, they are stubborn and strong, and the girl next to him simply blossoms. She tries to support him in everything, which is why she deserves strong self-love. This couple complements each other and always treats themselves with respect. A Taurus man will always bring a smile and a great mood to his beloved’s life, and will also constantly make all her cherished dreams come true.

Such relationships only happen with Libra, since other signs are not ideal. Often a man may show irritability, but the woman quickly copes with this and calms her lover down. Such a couple will live well in marriage if the guy’s horoscope year is Dragon or Goat, and the woman is Snake, for example, or Tiger - difficulties may arise with others. Under such circumstances, the chances of strong love and a strong family in marriage increase several times.

Gemini and Libra Love

Geminis have a very difficult character, Libra can also go too far and harass everyone around them, which is why this will be a wonderful couple. A girl with such a zodiac sign will relieve stress from her man and bring him only positive emotions. It will be a good match when the guy is also a Horse according to the eastern horoscope. Then he will become calmer and quieter. This also awaits the Tigers.

In the first years of marriage, the spouses will get used to it, and after a while they will completely get used to it. They may have quarrels of a domestic nature, but after a while everything will return to normal again. Peace and harmony will reign in the family. The sexual relationship in this couple is also at the highest level. They will never be bored before bed. The couple trusts and loves each other very much.

Libra girl – Cancer guy

Marriage compatibility between Libra women and Cancer men is not ideal. In order to live normally in love and prosperity, you will need to try very hard, since the characteristics of these signs are not the best. For a couple to start living together, they must have a strong passion, which over time will develop into love. Libra and Cancer are completely different in character. Their inherent traits will be useful in bed, but not in life.

To live well and not swear, you will need to learn to give in and negotiate. Keep all bad emotions to yourself and don’t take it out on each other. It would be good if these signs were Roosters according to the horoscope. Roosters easily transform negative emotions into positive ones.

Compatibility of Libra with Leo

The Leo guy is the very (best) soul mate for Libra girls. Sexual relationships, love and trust will be present here. There will also be quarrels and misunderstandings, but these are all trifles compared to a strong and friendly family. These people know how to negotiate with each other and give in. The marriage will be ideal and strong.

The peculiarities of this couple are such that the wife knows how to cleanse all the bad emotions from her husband. And the husband, in turn, appreciates and respects such actions.

What are Libra and Virgo like?

From the outside, the compatibility of Libra and Virgo looks like a little romance. Their marriage will end very quickly. Sexual partners will be ideal, which cannot be said about family life. There will always be nothing to talk about, since people have quite different views on life. Therefore, you need to try to fix your relationships or seek happiness with other signs.

When partners are Rats or Dogs according to the eastern calendar, the chances increase significantly. The Dog or Rat will find an approach and be able to win his love forever.

What to expect from identical signs

What kind of relationship will these zodiac signs have? Such a relationship will be ideal. Compatibility will be present in all areas of life. The couple will get along well, both in bed and in everyday life. People with the same interests can live happily ever after.

Libra always goes towards their goal and fulfills it. They love independence as well as freedom. The couple will always give in to each other, and every year they will find something new for themselves, as well as develop in their relationship. Support and trust will always be present, and this is the most important thing.

The girl is Libra and the guy is Scorpio

Are Libra and Scorpio compatible? It’s quite difficult to say about this. A guy may like a girl, even though she doesn’t have the most ideal character. The partner will not like the fact that the girl wants to lead in the relationship and plays the role of commander. The girl will be constantly angry that she is given little attention.

Libras love romance, relaxing in restaurants, going to the cinema, love and a lot of flowers. Scorpio is not endowed with such behavior and does not intend to do so. Perhaps a woman will be able to convince her man, and the relationship will go uphill, but this happens very rarely.

Combination of Libra and Sagittarius

Relationships with Sagittarius are the most pleasant. It takes work to make them interesting. It is worth paying more attention and making romantic surprises. Sagittarians want their beloved to sit at home all the time and take care of only the family. If the girl agrees to such conditions, then everything will be wonderful. But a man will have to take responsibility for romantic actions and many gifts.

When the eastern calendar shows that the man is a cat, then it will become a little difficult for the woman, since her husband will be a little lazy. But in general, the union of this couple depends only on themselves. If they find compromises, their lives will become happy.

Combination of Libra and Capricorn

Capricorn and Libra are generally opposite personalities. Capricorn always understands what he is doing and knows what exactly he needs from life. He also knows who will become his wife and what kind of wife she will be. But a woman is not always ready to tolerate such behavior and stubbornness as that of Capricorns. She will not want to dance to his tune, but in order to improve relations, she needs to somehow negotiate and find compromises.

Compatibility of Libra with other signs

Libra compatibility horoscope ♎ Sexual compatibility of Libra with other zodiac signs


Aquarius and Libra are, of course, not the most ideal couple. They do not know how to motivate each other and fulfill their cherished dreams. These signs are very calm, so there is a high chance of getting into everyday problems. If you are lucky and their eastern horoscope shows that the guy is a Dog or Ox, then the activity in the relationship will increase. The marriage will be strong if the man turns out to be a Cat or a Rabbit. The couple will be filled with strong passion and love.

Compatibility of Libra and Pisces

Libra and Pisces are a bad match. Their marriage will not lead to anything good. There will be constant quarrels and conflicts. But the union can also give positive aspects, since it will have the balance that the man possesses. The couple will be forced to visit a psychologist and work on their mutual understanding. It’s quite difficult to talk about spiritual connection, since there is none. Only love will help you cope with problems in the family, and also if the partners begin to give in to each other and not contradict each other.

As they say that lovers are soul mates, this is not about them. There are no ideal relationships here and there won’t be unless you work on them. It is also worth taking into account the year in which the lover was born, since success in relationships and family depends on this.

Many different characters, roles and images are intertwined in the representative of this duality. The agile and cheerful Libra strives for balance and harmony in all areas of their life. Balance, stability, stability, equilibrium - these are the most important words for the autumn sign. Libras carry over their desire to balance everything into their personal lives. Those born under the rule of the air element tend to idealize their partner, endowing them with all sorts of positive characteristics. After all, it’s much easier to live this way, and this sign avoids all sorts of difficulties, but you can’t call him a coward. Libras are loyal friends who will always come to the rescue in difficult times.

Scales. Compatibility with other signs. Air and Fire

Aries is attracted to Libra only as a sexual object. Emotionally, the signs are completely different. Impulsive Aries scares off Libra. Poor compatibility, short-lived marriage.

One of the most harmonious pairs of the Zodiac is Leo and Libra. Both signs are creative and extraordinary personalities. Libra will adore and idealize him, placing him on a pedestal, not forgetting to applaud with his mouth open in delight, and this is all the latter needs. In addition, they have many common interests. There is no room for boredom.

Libra will also have fun with Sagittarius. Both love adventure, company, and are both independent. Sagittarius is even excessive, in the opinion of the Air sign. This circumstance can become a stone of contention between the couple, because it is important for Libra to have a permanent and reliable partner.

Scales. Compatibility with other signs. Air and Water

Libra and Cancer. There is a difference in interests and temperaments. Low compatibility. Misunderstanding. Adventurous Libra drives Cancer crazy with their eccentric antics. In addition, the crustacean is the owner, and the air sign needs Cancer offended.

With Scorpio there is both attraction and sympathy. But malicious sarcasm is unacceptable for Libra. In addition, the air sign is not averse to flirting, and Scorpio is painfully jealous. One good thing about this pairing: Libra will never challenge Scorpio’s dominance, but will happily recognize it.

With Pisces, other than harmony in the sexual sphere, there is nothing in common. Bad combination. The marriage is doomed.

Scales. Compatibility with other signs. Air and Earth

The relationship between Libra and Taurus is harmonious. True, there are a number of problems, but if you want to compromise, everything will work out. The inconstancy of Libra angers the jealous Taurus. But if the former fill the heart of the latter with warmth, then the marriage will be successful and even happy.

Libra is offended by Virgo’s criticality, and she is irritated by the air sign’s fluttering through life. Poorly compatible couple. Virgo will not receive support from Libra, then she will decide to lecture her partner, but this is where the relationship will end, since Libra does not tolerate coercion and grumbling, and Virgo will not even see a desire from them to meet them halfway. The marriage is doomed.

There is poor compatibility and misunderstanding with Capricorn. Although Libra is initially drawn to this pragmatic one, Capricorns can provide for themselves and their partner, which makes them happy. But then it becomes clear that there are no common interests. Selfish Libras will not become a sensitive partner for Capricorn. The common ground here is the attitude towards money and sex. But you can’t build a relationship on this.

with other signs of the Air element

All Air signs: Libra, Aquarius, Gemini combine perfectly with each other. Here the sexuality of the partners is in harmony, and there is a commonality of interests, and a light atmosphere in the house. An excellent prospect for a happy marriage.

Libra woman. Compatibility with other signs

The most beautiful women of the entire Zodiac, dressed in fashion, exuding a trail of perfume and mysteries, have crowds of fans. They prefer to be looked after by intelligent men, devoid of rudeness and vulgarity. There is an attraction with Aries. With Leo there is every chance of success. The Libra woman also has sexual attraction with Capricorn and the opportunity to become a happy and harmonious couple. Compatibility with other Air signs: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius is considered the most harmonious.

Libra strives for perfection in all aspects of their being, and in love too. They have good compatibility in love and marriage with people of those zodiac signs who share their values. A careless person is unlikely to be compatible with them. One of the most noticeable traits of a Libra is their warm smile, and if they smile at you from the bottom of their hearts, you won't be able to pass them by.

Libra has the best compatibility in love and marriage with the zodiac signs Gemini (from May 21 to June 21), Libra (from September 24 to October 23) and Aquarius (from January 21 to February 18). They are well compatible with Leo (July 23 - August 23) and Sagittarius (November 23 - December 21).

Incompatible signs for them are Cancer (June 22 - July 22) and Capricorn (December 22 - January 20), although an alliance with Cancer can be useful for career, and with Capricorn for emotional support. A relationship with Scorpio (October 24 - November 22) can give Libra an advantage financially. When it comes to marital compatibility, one of the best choices is Aries (March 21 to April 20). Partnership with Virgo (August 24 - September 23) is fruitful for spiritual development.

Read more about the love compatibility of Libra with all twelve signs of the Zodiac in the articles below:

Compatibility Horoscope for Libra with Zodiac Signs

Libra - Aries Libra - Libra
Libra - Taurus Libra - Scorpio
Libra - Gemini Libra - Sagittarius
Libra - Cancer Libra - Capricorn
Libra - Leo Libra - Aquarius
Libra - Virgo Libra - Pisces

Libras bring peace and harmony and will avoid conflict by any means necessary. They are incorrigible romantics and love to surround themselves with beauty. Learn to be diplomatic and your Libra will shower you with love. If we talk about love and heartfelt affections, they do not like to demonstrate their feelings, sometimes they are overly inclined to weigh the pros and cons, forgetting that love is a flight of the soul, and not a subject of academic study.

Libras are looking for a partner who can bring out the best in them and allow them to feel the fullness of their being. But if they have met such a person, it is not easy for them to make the final decision to start a relationship. They need a lot of time to weigh all the pros and cons of a potential life partner, and then decide. And even after so much thought, they can instantly change their mind if they think that the choice was wrong. Anyone who is in a love relationship with Libra must learn to be patient and understand that haste in making decisions upsets the emotional balance of people of this sign.