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Why do you dream about counting money? Counting money in a dream: what it means according to different dream books. Muslim dream book - why do you dream about money?

Anchor points:

Counting coins, trifles

Everyone knows that money loves counting. Therefore, a frequent guest is a dream in which you need to count your money savings. The plot of the dream, where man counts small change, – carries a negative meaning and means losing money in reality. Remembering the meaning of the word “to waste time on trifles,” the dreamer should reconsider upcoming expenses and go into austerity mode in order to improve his affairs. This will allow you to save money for more important purchases and get through tough times.

However, some sources are of the opinion that such a dream rather predicts upcoming financial success. The ability to count every penny speaks of a person’s excellent business qualities. And economy and practicality will help to significantly improve your financial well-being.

Accounting paper, large money

The interpretation of this dream is extremely favorable. Count paper bills, especially large denominations - to solid profits and improved financial situation.

There is significant progress ahead in business, which will bring with it the implementation of even the most impossible plans and decent financial rewards for your efforts. The results of the work will be appreciated by management, and among colleagues they will be provided with honor and respect.

Money in wallet

If the dreamer finds money and begins to count it, such a dream may become a harbinger of financial problems. Perhaps the situation will become so complicated that you will have to apply for a loan or borrow money from friends. Therefore, upcoming expenses in real life need to be controlled as much as possible in order to prevent the plight of your family.

Count and run

Such a vision has a clearly negative meaning and portends financial difficulties and losses, as well as shame and reproach. Counting stolen money in a dream and running away from responsibility - to universal condemnation. Reckless and frivolous actions in reality can ruin the reputation and cause severe criticism of the dreamer. Therefore, it is advisable to temporarily refrain from harsh statements and aggressive actions, even if the situation requires such a reaction.

In a dream about money, a lot depends on additional factors. For example, a dream about finances in the summer or spring - fortunately, good luck. And in winter or autumn - unfortunately, losses.

The metal from which money is made also has its own symbolic meaning. Silver ones promise tears, copper ones promise sadness. Gold coins will bring grief, and paper bills will bring news.

Excessive emotional coloring of a dream (strong excitement, vivid emotions) characterizes an empty dream. This is just an echo of the day's problems.

A painful mood and a bad feeling in a dream signify negative events in reality: financial losses, old quarrels, illnesses. Negative emotions in a dream about money will bring problems in life.

Experiences and grief at the moment of counting money promise mistakes and carelessness in reality. This means that mistakes made can lead to serious consequences. It is necessary to put things in order in personal and work affairs. Otherwise, conflicts, demotion, grief, and health problems will accompany the sleeper in the near future.

If a girl saw paper money in a dream, then this vision should be heeded. Because it might mean something. And to understand what you need to prepare for, you should look through several dream books. Because in different books there are different interpretations.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Fedorovskaya

So, if a girl saw paper money in a dream, this is a sign of profit. Now, if she dreamed of copper or silver coins, she would have to start worrying, since such a dream foreshadows troubles, troubles and thoughtless waste.

If the dreamer holds paper bills in his hands, but of small denomination, this is a sign of sadness and, perhaps, even grief. But large ones - to pleasure and joy. Crumpled small bills are a bad sign. And it foretells poverty for a person, and prolonged poverty. God grant that you don’t have to count change all your life. If he took large bills and exchanged them somewhere for small ones, it means that soon he will have to waste his precious energy on worthless little things. In other words, exchange it for small coins. Seeing yourself throwing away banknotes means large and often wasteful expenses.

Dream book of the 21st century

If a girl saw paper money in a dream, this is good. Especially if she received them from the hands of another person. This is to receive monetary rewards in real life. Large bills mean a bad dream. Large amounts of paper money mean that a person can buy into temptation and commit some bad, sinful act, most likely related to finances.

Slightly crumpled bills with stains mean that a person will soon show such a bad quality as self-interest. Receiving a reward in the form of a stack of money means profit, which the dreamer will very soon receive for his well-deserved work and efforts. He will probably get a bonus at work. And if a person’s bills suddenly fell out of his hands and scattered in different directions, this means trouble that he will have to tinker with. But in the end he will be able to get rid of them and finally find peace.

Interpretation according to Freud's dream book: why do you dream about money?

Paper bills that appear to a person in a night dream are a symbol of happiness, wealth and good luck. But coins, on the contrary, mean troubles, sadness and tears. An excellent sign if the dreamer receives money from someone. But giving them away is bad. This means that in life a person will lose something very important and dear to him.

Finding money is also a bad sign. He warns that someone close to him is preparing something bad against the dreamer. In addition, it is advised not to take other people's things. And it doesn’t matter whether they are lying unattended or someone has lost them. This won't end well. And receiving an envelope with a large sum from a friend, acquaintance, colleague or relative is a positive sign. This means that people around him consider the person to be very generous, responsive and kind.

But torn bills are a very bad symbol. It promises hunger, poverty and robbery. You should be more careful during this period of time and more careful in terms of wasting money. Otherwise you can go bankrupt.

According to Miller's dream book, why do you dream of paper money?

Many small denomination bills that a person counts in a dream are a symbol of pettiness and scrupulousness. This is a sign from above, and it advises a person to reconsider his behavior and attitude towards financial and material values. But if he saw himself giving banknotes to someone, it means that he will soon need a fairly large sum for the task that needs to be completed.

If a girl saw paper money in a dream and picked it up, then she should prepare for minor troubles. But you shouldn’t worry about this, because all your worries will lead to incredible happiness that you never even dreamed of. But if she paid for anything with these bills, she must prepare for failure. The same meaning has a vision in which the dreamer loses a fairly large sum. He should prepare for an unsuccessful period at work. Stealing money is also a bad sign, and it portends danger. You should be more careful in life, especially in your actions.

According to the Italian dream book

In addition to the above, there are several meanings that such a dream has. Paper money (according to the Italian dream book) means the comfort of life and the arrival of wealth. If a person swallowed banknotes, it was for self-interest. You should be more reasonable and moderate your ardor in relation to money and material values. If the dreamer sees himself counting banknotes, this is a sign of prosperity and happiness. Moreover, it should be noted that everything in a person’s life is normalized and stabilized. Finally, a calm period and a bright streak will come.

But finding a wad of money is a bad sign. This means things are going wrong at work or in business. So it’s worth paying more attention to how you conduct your business so as not to burn out.

Intimate dream book

A few words should also be said about what money (paper bills) means in dreams according to the erotic dream book. If the dreamer is counting them, then you should think about whether he has too sensitive feelings towards finances and material values? Probably, this vision is stinginess, scrupulousness and pettiness that escape from a person’s subconscious. And this, as everyone well knows, is not the best quality. They can doom the dreamer and all his attempts to achieve success on the personal front to failure.

But finding banknotes is an excellent sign. It promises prosperity, which will come very soon in your personal life. And receiving a large amount of money just like that is a pleasant surprise from a loved one.

Vanga's Dream Book

Why do you dream about paper money? A lot of counterfeit banknotes seen in a dream means deception, disappointment and large losses. This vision seems to warn a person - there is no need to trust people. And not only to strangers, but also to loved ones. One of them may deceive, and this will not end well.

But paying off debts with money is a positive sign. Soon things will go smoothly for the person at work. But the dream of royal paper money usually means that the dreamer has only a short time to wait to get an unexpected jackpot. But lost bills are bad. Such a vision promises difficulties, failures, as well as the collapse of various kinds of plans and goals. A dream in which a person’s money was stolen or taken away has the same meaning.

Nice find

And finally, you should say a few words about why you dream of finding paper money. It would seem that such a dream should mean something pleasant. It's always good to find money or something valuable. However, dream books give a completely opposite definition. Finding a large sum in a dream means quite large expenses. And it is possible that they will double the dreamer’s income. Such a vision is a sign from above, and it advises a person to be more thrifty and careful in handling finances. In some cases, this dream predicts successful financial affairs and the receipt of a fairly large reward.

Finding a large sum in an inconspicuous and secluded place, and then feeling awkward, means big expenses. Moreover, the dreamer himself will be to blame for them. Because of this, he will be ashamed and embarrassed to remember this later. So you should monitor your expenses, otherwise you can get into trouble and even go broke. Such dreams rarely appear to a person just like that - in most cases it is a warning or indeed a sign sent from above.

Counting money in a dream is often a favorable sign, with the exception of some cases. Our dream book will help you understand what it means in your dream: whether it promises financial well-being, prosperity, the successful implementation of your plans, or whether it calls for a change in attitude towards banknotes, or to prepare to overcome difficulties.

Income depends on you

Seeing and counting a large amount of money in a dream promises good earnings. Perhaps the sleeping person will receive a salary increase or be transferred to a higher paying position.

Did you dream of counting money? Dream books often interpret such a plot if paper bills appear there as a symbol of upcoming prosperity. However, it will not come just like that, but will be the result of work and perseverance. The dreamer will be able to quickly create basic capital and increase it.

Possible troubles

Why do you dream of counting money, especially small change? The dream book says: you are a petty person, you should change your own attitude towards money. No matter how attractive banknotes may seem, they will never replace normal relationships with others.

Did you dream of counting out change while feeling upset? The vision warns: you need to conduct your undertakings more carefully, accurately, and better think through the steps you are taking. Seeing yourself counting small things means events will happen that will cause tears.

Successful business, profit

If in a dream a person experienced joy, he planned his affairs perfectly, so he does not need to worry about his well-being.

Why do you dream of seeing and counting large banknotes in your wallet? The sleeper expects excellent business prospects, respect, and favor from others. Gold coins - get wealth. They also symbolize frugality and practicality.

What were they like?

To correctly interpret the dream, remember which banknotes you had to count:

  • minor ones - dissatisfaction in business, troubles at work are possible;
  • large ones, especially gold ones, promise wealth;
  • your own, in your wallet - your undertakings will bring income and benefits;
  • strangers - you will have to engage in extraneous or unprofitable business;
  • copper coins - problems and difficulties lie ahead.

Counting small money in a dream means that very soon the sleeper will face annoying disappointments. Large - fortune will smile favorably on him. Strangers - the dreamer will experience a cash shortage, which will make his situation difficult.

Meaning according to Miller's dream book

Did you dream of counting a lot of money? The dream says: you may well achieve prosperity and happiness. You just need to make an effort.

The interpretations offered in dream books provide an opportunity to look into the future. This may be due to the symbols received during sleep, which can be good or bad. To find out, you need to decipher what you saw, and to do this, try to remember as many details as possible and take into account the emotional load. It would be useful to compare the information received with events occurring in real life.

Why do you dream about paper money?

If you hold banknotes in your hands, it means that you will soon receive a tempting offer. A dream where you had to give money, for example, to pay bills, warns that one of your employees wants to pass off your idea as their own. There is information that a dream about paper money predicts the emergence of serious scandals. Fake bills are a symbol of deception and wasted energy. Giving someone money means that in reality you will receive a well-deserved reward. If you pay for any services or purchases, this is an indication that you are a successful person who can cope with a matter of any complexity.

A dream in which there was a lot of paper money, on the contrary, promises problems in the material sphere. According to other information, such night vision is a symbol of the fulfillment of cherished desires. A bag full of paper money is a sign of long life. If you received a large sum thanks to the lottery, it means that in life you can count on an improvement in your financial condition and good luck in all your endeavors. A dream in which you saw large paper money in your wallet indicates that things will soon go up. This may also be a sign of the opening of tempting prospects. If the bills were crumpled, it means that dishonest people will appear in life. Such night vision can also warn of conflicts with employees at work.

A dream where a wad of paper money appeared is a symbol that foreshadows favorable changes in the near future. If you see old banknotes, it means you can count on new promising opportunities that you will be able to take advantage of in the near future.

What does it mean to find paper money in a dream?

Such a dream predicts an improvement in your financial situation. Soon, your business will go uphill. If you find money and are counting it, this is a negative sign that indicates there is a risk of losing happiness. Finding paper money in a dream and picking it up from the floor means you can soon count on. A dream where you found large bills foreshadows the onset of a successful period that will replace failures.

What does it mean to steal paper money in a dream?

If your paper bills were stolen, it means that you should expect some problems and hardships in the future. A dream where money was stolen along with a wallet predicts the emergence of big life problems that will have a connection with finance. If you stole the money, this is an indication that in reality there is a desire to satisfy your needs.

Such night vision predicts an opportunity to make good money. If you are counting banknotes, this is a symbol of a stable financial situation. Counting money and discovering a shortage means that serious troubles will soon arise in life.

What does it mean to receive paper money in a dream?

If you received a certain amount, this is a sign of loss and grief. A dream where other people give paper money predicts that you will unexpectedly receive a tidy sum. Another dream book contains information that such a dream is a symbol of the opening of tempting prospects.