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Interpretation of the dream of refuge in dream books. I dreamed about a bunker - what is this for? What does the dream portend: Bomb shelter

Charity, helping the unfortunate.

Dreaming about "Shelter" in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

To be in a bomb shelter in a dream - this dream means that you will be forced to resort to someone’s protection.

Seeing in a dream Running away, refuge

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Finding shelter in a dream or finding yourself in a safe place means that you are worrying in vain - you are not in danger. Running away from danger in a dream is a sign of fear and anxiety due to the fact that you have been drawn into a risky business.

If you see “Shelter, refuge” in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Building a shelter or refuge in a dream means developing a defensive strategy in relations with ill-wishers in reality. If in a dream you are looking for shelter, you will have to justify yourself because of your voluntary or involuntary involvement in some kind of fraud.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Shelter?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:


Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Shelter?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

You will be actively involved in charitable activities. Being in a shelter, seeing people there - people in difficult situations will turn to you for help, and only you can help them.

Decoding and interpretation of sleep Refuge

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing some kind of shelter from the outside or visiting it means doing charity work and helping the disadvantaged. To seek refuge for oneself is to experience anxiety, fear in connection with some events. Finding shelter, hiding somewhere - quickly overcome troubles.

If you dream of a Shelter, a refuge, what is it for?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Building a shelter (shelter) in a dream means salvation from the evil machinations of your enemies. If in a dream you are looking for shelter, it means that you will be guilty of some kind of fraud and will want to justify yourself.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Shelter?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A reflection of the desire to hide from the outside world, to retire. Reflection of a state characterized as “tired of everything.” The need to look inside yourself and deal with the causes of problems.

Shelter - see in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Shelter is a reflection of the desire to hide from the outside world, to retire. Reflection of a state characterized as “tired of everything.” The need to look inside yourself and deal with the causes of problems.

Interpretation of sleep Shelter

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Help someone.

What does the dream portend: Refuge

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

An affair with a wealthy man.

What does the dream portend: Bomb shelter

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Hiding in a bomb shelter means committing an unworthy act that you will be ashamed of all your life.

Dream Interpretation: why do you dream about Shelter, refuge

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Building a shelter (shelter) in a dream means salvation from the evil machinations of your enemies. If in a dream you are looking for shelter, it means that you will be guilty of some kind of fraud and want to justify yourself

Dream Interpretation: What does shelter mean?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

They will help you in a difficult situation if you saw or hid in a shelter.

Seeing a shelter, refuge in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Building a shelter (shelter) means salvation from the evil machinations of your enemies. If you are looking for shelter, it means that you will be guilty of some kind of fraud and will want to justify yourself.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about the Swallow?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

The swallow is a symbol of spring, the beginning of the day, renewal, new life. “The swallow begins the day (spring),” says popular wisdom. It is with this bird that people associate all their best dreams and motivations. The swallow is perhaps the only one of all the birds, with the exception, of course, of the stork, ...

Dream Interpretation: Why Forty Dreams

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Represents a period of trial, trial, initiation and death. Since it is associated with four, it means wholeness and totality. Forty days from Easter to Ascension are the period of immunity and the time of the right to asylum.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Hay?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

In ancient times, hay represented fun, relaxation and a lack of responsibility. Now, most likely, the hay represents an irritation - like hay fever - and an unknown quality. Seeing hay in a dream perhaps represents examining the practicalities within ourselves. This may be an opportunity to provide...

Author of the article: website

Why do you dream about a bunker? According to the information contained in modern dream books, this image is a bad omen, as is any presence under the surface of the earth. However, a bunker can also have a positive meaning in that it can be clean and functional. To correctly interpret the dungeon you saw in a dream, try to remember what it looked like and what experiences it caused.

Miller's Dream Book

Why dream of being in any underground shelter? The famous psychologist Gustav Miller believed that the dreamer must take care of his good name, otherwise he will not avoid general shame.

If a person saw a bunker in a dream, then he should avoid any dubious enterprises, especially of a financial nature. If he succumbs to temptation, he will earn nothing but public distrust and censure.

Bomb shelter

If in a dream you go into a bomb shelter, then the Modern Dream Book is sure that the key to interpretation lies in the reasons for this action.

In the case where the dreamer sought refuge from shelling or terrorist activity and hid in a specialized bunker, then in reality he will have big problems. In connection with these difficulties, the sleeper will try to persuade relatives or friends to help him.

And if you climbed into an abandoned bunker simply out of curiosity, then because you are trying to find adventure for yourself, you may quarrel with someone.

Shelter during the war years

Why do you dream about the Wehrmacht field headquarters during the Second World War? Tsvetkov’s dream book assures that this refuge symbolizes the Nordic character and unbending will. Sometimes such traits flow into impenetrable obstinacy.

If in a dream you visited a bunker turned into a museum with a group of tourists and a guide, then in real life you will be able to lead people with you when needed. But keep in mind that you need to act according to a well-developed plan, and not under the influence of an emotional impulse. Otherwise, everything will turn into failure and the anger of like-minded people.

What does the Modern Dream Book say about a dream in which a person came across an abandoned Nazi fortified point during a walk in the forest? And how to interpret the personal belongings and remains of German soldiers found in the shelter? Watch what you say, otherwise the consequences will be dire.

Abandoned Dungeon

If in a dream you found yourself in an underground labyrinth or walked through a tunnel that connects one bunker to another, and almost got lost, then the Eastern Dream Book believes that you are trying to forget about some outstanding issues that need to be resolved as soon as possible.

Why do you dream of getting out of this dungeon? It will be possible to cope with difficulties at the cost of minimal effort, and the dreamer will not miss out on any personal gain.

Your emotions

Why else could you dream of an abandoned headquarters or shelter? For a more complete answer to this question, dream books advise remembering what feelings the bunker evoked in the sleeping person:

  • fear, anxiety - you will have to concentrate on labor-intensive work;
  • thirst for discovery - find a hobby;
  • surprise and anticipation - the opportunity to develop and implement ideas;
  • apathy - you need to rest.

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Dream Interpretation - Underground civilizations

Usually dreams with such plots and characters are dreamed of by... Anyone who deals with information of this kind, either you read books with similar plots, or this information is gleaned from other sources... Games, films, etc. And therefore at night in your dreams you see everything exactly in such pictures.

Dream Interpretation - Underground City

The dream is about how you analyze your stages in life, trying to sort everything into pieces, but it doesn’t work out very well. You have no outside support and with great pleasure you immerse yourself more and more often in your inner world. Thereby driving yourself even further into problems, which can lead to depression.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Dream Interpretation - Underground houses

All thoughts are about work or health, or both at the same time. A good time to solve practical problems; it is possible to combine several functions at work. There are a lot of productive, exhausting contacts and conversations, a lot of documents and business papers that need to be sorted out, and empty conversations are distracting. Nervousness, anxiety, and fussiness appear. You grab onto everything and don’t have time anywhere. A lot of unnecessary expenses and confusion in business. There may be health problems and doctor visits. There are a lot of grueling contacts, but the work is worth it. The danger of saying too much at work. Change of personal attitudes, plans, complete change of personality. A person can quickly grow old or younger, and add something extraordinary to his appearance.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Why do you dream about a bunker?

Dream book of healer Akulina

You dreamed of a Bunker - your emotional restraint can lead to a cooling of your relationship with your loved one. Imagine that you are leaving the Bunker on the sun-drenched seashore. On the day of sleep, try not to hold back your positive feelings: compliment, admire, rejoice. This way you will prevent undesirable developments.

Why do you dream about a bunker?

English dream book

Bunker, basement - A bunker, in essence, is a cave built by man, but if the cave most often embodies the mother's womb, then the bunker is a place where you can hide from impending danger; it is the external situation that determines whether a bunker is needed or not. Dream interpretation bunker - Why do you have a dream: Are you threatened by something, literally or figuratively, in real life? Do you feel like hiding underground and staying there until the all-clear sounds? Was there someone else with you in the dream, and if so, was it someone you could trust to solve the problem?

Why do you dream about a bunker?

Dream Interpretation of E. Avadyaeva

If you dreamed that you were building a bunker, then you have to do a painstaking, tedious task.

If you dreamed of a coal bunker, then you may get sick, but your friends will not leave you in trouble.

If you dreamed of a hay bin, you will be acquiring new skills.

If you dreamed of a destroyed bunker, they think badly of you.

Bunker - If you dreamed of a grain bunker, then you have far-reaching plans.

See also: why do you dream about a barn, why do you dream about a building, why do you dream about storing.

Why do you dream about a bunker?

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

The bunker is the entrance to the subconscious.

Why do you dream about a bunker?

Slavic dream book

The bunker is a dangerous journey with a romantic overtone. Cancer.

The reality and meaning of dreams

Sleep from Sunday to Monday

The dream is associated with the dreamer’s state of mind, his fears and concerns. A pleasant dream promises resolution of problems, a frightening one promises the development of depression. Such dreams rarely come true. However, for people born on Monday, they are prophetic.

27 lunar day

The dream is intended to rid the dreamer of erroneous ideas about his life. It demonstrates the depth of differences between illusion and the real state of affairs. Such dreams can only be beneficial if they are interpreted correctly.

Some visions are so vivid and interesting that it is quite difficult to forget about them. A bunker in a dream foreshadows very long and painstaking work. Most likely, the sleeper will have to start some important project. Seeing a hay bin means acquiring some important skills in reality. For young people, this vision most often foreshadows passing exams at a higher or secondary educational institution. Building a coal bunker means experiencing some difficulties in reality. But all problems can be overcome thanks to the support of friends.

What if you dream about a bunker

To decipher what you saw in more detail, it’s worth looking into the dream book. A grain bin, for example, is a symbol of far-reaching plans. Perhaps the dreamer's life will change for the better. He will begin to think not only about today, but also about tomorrow.

Finding yourself inside a destroyed bunker in a dream means in reality you will be left without the support of loved ones. The sleeper will be very disappointed by the behavior of his friends and relatives. It will be unpleasant for him to find out that someone is spreading not very flattering rumors about him.

What does the bunker portend?

If you dreamed of an abandoned bunker, in reality a person will refuse the help of others and will try to solve all his problems on his own. Destroying a bunker with your own hands in night vision means trying to get rid of ill-wishers. The dreamer will understand that there are people around him who do not wish him well and pursue only selfish goals. The sleeper will gather his strength and refuse communication, which only takes away vital energy. If a girl dreams on the eve of her wedding that she is in a bunker with her fiancé, the marriage will be successful.