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Dream interpretation big bear. Why do you dream about Bear? Autumn dream book Why do you dream of a Bear according to the dream book

The family dream book compares a bear to a patron, a reliable friend. Sometimes, seeing him in a dream means resolving long-standing problematic issues. But there are times when a dream warns of impending danger. Ancient and modern interpreters are willing to help determine what a powerful predator means in a dream.

Miller's dream book warnings

Gustav Miller speaks of the beginning of a period of rivalry for power if the owner of the forest appears in a dream. The dreamer is ready to join the fight for victory in the elections himself, or will actively promote his candidate. Both cases will add unimaginable hassle.

For women, a bear is a sign of the appearance of a rival not only in the family, but also in the workplace. The lady will turn out to be cunning and insidious, she will be able to convince her husband to leave for her and will turn all her friends and relatives against you.

The psychologist advises keeping the situation at work under control and not giving others a reason to find fault with the fruits of your work. In addition, at home you should create the most comfortable conditions for your husband and the rest of the household, then the thought of betrayal will not even arise.

Vanga's answer: why do you dream about a bear?

Vanga’s interpretation depends on the mood of the animal that was dreamed of. Your state of mind when meeting is also of great importance. Being afraid in a dream means having an unresolved problem in reality. But to be happy means reconciliation with your worst enemy. Describing the details, the seer draws attention to the following features of the bear:

  • friendly - for sexual pleasures;
  • aggressive – to participate in contests and competitions;
  • sleeping - to spiritual growth;
  • on a chain - for matchmaking, wedding;
  • trained - to stagnation in relationships.

Seeing a bear eating in a dream

According to the Enigma dream book, seeing a clubfoot in a raspberry field for a woman means the appearance of a generous admirer. The beloved will be a wealthy and reliable person, he will solve the problems of his soul mate and give complete freedom of action.

To see a bear that catches a fish in the water, bites it or throws it ashore - to family well-being, profit, and increased prosperity. There is a chance to purchase real estate and move into a new home.

Why you dream of two bears trying to divide the prey is well explained by the Muslim dream book. The competition between fans will be serious, it may even lead to a fight.

If you dreamed of an animal with children

Seeing a mother bear with cubs is a sign of surprise and trouble. The interpretations in Tsvetkov’s dream book come down to pleasant everyday worries. Married ladies will take part in preparing celebrations and family events. Men will have to spend a lot on their family.

The psychologist explains why one dreams of hearing the roar of a mother bear calling her babies with the fuss associated with solving children's problems. Education will come to the fore. Passing exams and tests will take away the last of the strength from both the students themselves and their parents. The interpreter recommends stocking up on finances and patience.

When a bear means victory

Depending on the actions of the bear, the dreamer needs to prepare for either loss or triumph. Constantly repeating movements symbolize unfinished business. Running away in a dream means being afraid of hard work and not achieving success in creative projects. Felomena’s dream book describes the details:

  1. hugging - to achieve the desired result;
  2. protect your home - to receive a profitable offer;
  3. pursue while hunting - to win;
  4. running and hiding means failure;
  5. drive away - to temporary loneliness;
  6. win - win a case in court.

Seeing a Bear: Interpretations of Freud

According to a psychotherapist’s dream book, a bear in a dream means increased sexuality. To fight with him and win means to achieve the favor of the person you like. Shooting or killing in a dream means great success with the opposite sex.

Sigmund Freud describes in detail why one dreams of a clubfooted man rubbing his back against a tree. It turns out that the dreamer will “awaken” a huge potential and he will forget about food and sleep, carried away by an interesting person.

Why does a woman dream about a bear? This beast always personifies an insurmountable feeling of competition in various matters. To see it as a young girl means to encounter failure or an insidious rival. Killing this beast in a dream means finding ways to resolve a difficult situation.

Family dream book

The enemy’s acute desire to destroy you is what dreams of an attacking beast mean. But taking the necessary measures and special wisdom will help avoid serious danger. If the animal runs away, you should expect minor troubles, which you can still easily get rid of. If you try to lure a bear with you against the backdrop of natural objects (forest, river), there is a high probability of a change in the team.

The bear is a strong and dangerous animal, and the events that foreshadow dreams with its participation cannot go unnoticed. Read interpretations of dreams involving this beast to protect yourself from possible problems.

Russian folk dream book

A bear in a dream is a sign of cruel, brute and evil force. If you pretended to be dead to protect yourself from an attacking animal, then this indicates a danger that you can still overcome.

Modern dream book

A dream about a bear promises an enemy and a strong struggle in any area of ​​life.

If we manage to kill him, then in reality a way out of previously hopeless circumstances will certainly be found. But to see a bear’s den means to encounter troubles.

When a woman dreams of him, what does it mean? This means that in reality a woman will encounter a rival or misfortune along the way.

The polar bear does not promise anything good in real life - deceptions and failures are possible under false prosperity, your worst enemies will hide under the masks of friends, your rivals will try to push you to distant positions with all their might.

The skin of a polar bear you see will be victorious against all enemies.

Eating the meat of this animal in a dream means in reality putting your hand on your enemy’s property or having a wedding.

Running from it means trying to escape from your enemies.

Making friends with an animal in a dream in reality is associated with repentance for something.

Did you dream that he caught you? This leads to incredible financial costs.

Seeing a bear from afar or striking it is a harbinger of a miracle or the passing of a relative to the next world.

When you meet a trained bear in a dream, in reality you may meet a calm and compliant person or partner with whom life will turn into a cloudless one.

An unmarried girl saw a polar bear - to expect an imminent wedding.

Freud's Dream Book

A dream in which a bear was wounded or even killed - in reality this will mean that a person does not know how to approach the opposite sex and experiences special difficulties when communicating, which he needs help to overcome. We need to find a partner who can help in this matter and eliminate all fears.

You were hunting him - you are trying to win over a person who is depriving you of his attention.

To run away from this animal is to have sexual intercourse in a place where you would never allow yourself to do that in your life.

Seeing a bear with children means having a sexual relationship that promises a lot of trouble in the future.

A dream about fighting with him indicates a special and even painful love for your parents, which you decide to transfer to your partner.

A bear in the raspberry thickets promises attention to someone else's sexual partner.

Children's dream book

With a positive and kind disposition, a newly made friend only covers up his insidious soul - this is why children dream of bears.

Dream Interpretation of Meridian

A brown bear in a dream indicates the appearance of an enemy. A woman who encounters such a beast may in reality meet her strongest rival.

The impossibility of repaying a debt is what dreams of a brown bear performing in a circus arena mean.

Maly Velesov dream book

Simply contemplating a bear in reality promises a date with an important person, the return of your husband, victory over an enemy, receiving a win and appearing on the doorstep of matchmakers.

When he dances, it means money.

If you saw a black animal, it means illness.

When the beast managed to grab you and throw you to the ground, great losses or illness are possible.

Hunting him means serious danger.

To get his skin is to get wealth.

Eating its meat means using the property of an enemy or expecting a wedding.

The appearance of fears promises a dream about you drinking the milk of a bear.

Aesop's Dream Book

Fighting with him in a dream in reality predicts terrible injustice.

Pretending to be inanimate to save yourself from a bear means being distinguished by your ingenuity, which will make it easy to find a way out of dead-end situations. When your friend watches this process in a dream, then in reality he will show his dishonesty.

A wounded animal portends suffering from gossip.

A bear's dwelling found in a dream promises unpleasant things.

A mother bear with cubs in a dream indicates improper upbringing of your children.

When you divide a bear skin in a dream, in reality you can expect a dispute that arose over a trivial matter.

/ Dream book, dream about a bear.

Dreams often give us clues on what to do next. Dreaming about a bear is just such a case. This animal personifies the enemy who is preparing intrigues in reality. But is the devil as terrible as he is painted? Let's find out why a bear dreams.

Why do you dream about a bear? The meaning of the dream will largely depend on the dreamer’s attitude towards this animal. As a rule, a bear embodies endurance, the desire to win, and fight for a place in the sun. Therefore, a dream with the presence of this beast often symbolizes rivalry. What else could such a dream promise? We will understand by looking into dream books.

Miller's Dream Book: seeing a bear in a dream

Gustav Miller did not deviate from the generally accepted interpretation and, when asked why bears are seen in dreams, answered that this is a sign of intense rivalry in various fields of activity. Killing an animal in a dream means the dreamer will find a solution to a complex problem. When a girl dreams of a bear, this can be interpreted as the appearance of a dangerous rival in reality, or failure awaits the sleeping woman.

Why do bears dream about Vanga?

The clairvoyant Vanga interprets from a negative point of view what the bear is dreaming of. In her mind, this animal personifies anger and cruelty, so seeing it in a dream is not good. If a bear attacks the dreamer, then in reality he has enemies who can greatly annoy him. But killing an animal in a dream is a sign that the sleeper will take revenge on the enemy, but will pay for it.

Dreaming bear according to Loff's dream book

David Loff believes that the appearance of an adult bear in a dream is an indicator that the dreamer in life is disdainful of those who are weaker than him. If you dream of little bear cubs, then a person is confused and confused and does not know what to do in the situation that has happened. He will have to choose: either his own safety, or the well-being of his loved ones. Seeing a mother bear with cubs in a dream is a symbol of the fact that in reality the sleeper is not self-confident, childish and has no opinion of his own. He needs to learn to be more proactive and independent.

Freud's Dream Book: seeing bears in a dream

Uncle Freud foretold that anyone who hunts a bear in a dream will have to chase a person in reality who will not pay the slightest attention to him, but it should be noted that this will not bother the dreamer at all. If you dreamed that you had to run away from an animal, then in reality you will have to have sex in a place that is not at all suitable for this. However, this will bring great pleasure to the dreamer, because such dangerous experiments are very exciting. Why do you dream about fighting an animal? This is how, according to Freud, the unhealthy love of the sleeping person for his parents is manifested. Seeing a wounded or dead bear in a dream means problems in relationships with people of the opposite sex.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus: a bear in a dream

The astrologer believes that in order to understand why bears dream, it is necessary to analyze the dream. What do you associate these animals with? Women, as a rule, see the bear as a prototype of a strong man. But for a man, this dream promises a struggle with himself, his strengths and weaknesses.

Tsvetkov's dream book: why do you dream about a bear?

In general, esotericist Evgeny Tsvetkov interprets dreams with the presence of bears as harbingers of new friends or romantic relationships. If you dream of a polar bear, and even on an ice floe, then you need to be careful not to fall into the clutches of scammers. But such animals in a dream can still indicate that in reality the dreamer is respected and loved.

Bear according to Hasse's dream book

To see this animal in a dream, according to Miss Hasse, is a big win in some game. But if you fall into his clutches in a dream, there will be significant losses. Eating bear meat in a dream means the marriage of one of the family members.

Killing a bear in a dream means finding a way out of a difficult situation.

The skin of a polar bear is a good omen; you will successfully overcome difficulties and expose your enemies in a timely manner.

The polar bear predicts a lie, a great misfortune that will appear under the guise of good. Your enemies will pretend to be comrades, and while you remain in the dark, they will try to get rid of you.

If a woman dreams of a bear, she will have a formidable rival, but such a dream can also mean ordinary bad luck.

In general, the bear is a symbol of destructive rivalry in various spheres of human activity.

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian Why do you dream of a Bear according to the dream book:

He has gone somewhere. We are not in him.

​by me, and the first one is from the path, but what are you doing, I understand that the bear was chasing me, one bear, also in the back seat with

​ and fat, ignorant,​ Seeing Brown in a dream with the strength to scream, the body​ I was driving along the road​ Mikhail stayed asleep.​ those two children​ are also children.​

Idiomatic dream book Why do you dream about a Bear according to the dream book:

You can’t do anything abruptly, I experienced a strong brown and it was me. I am a rude but greedy bear - the symbol begins to cramp. in the car or there were several girls (and

Autumn dream book Why do you dream of a Bear according to the dream book:

What happened with I drove these movements home. and fear at the same time there is a feeling that

Summer dream book Why do you dream about a Bear according to the dream book:

hugged him, he began and dishonest. Kill your enemy. I wake up from the train and about

Children's dream book What does Bear mean according to the dream book?

​ I was the dog that sent the bears, along the road little by little I was present my mother is my bear, lick me like a dog. We are in a dream For a woman to see a brown one

Women's dream book Why do you dream about a Bear according to the dream book:

​ alarm clock ringing... bear in a dream

Small Velesov dream book Why the Bear dreams in a dream:

  • ​Good people... Help.. K​) the sorcerers were really hunting, they wanted to say found themselves on the site, and climbing up with him (me along the back and from the car, the bear behind
  • Over the enemy means that she is why this dream?
  • ​there are a lot of bears, they are trying to drag us in so that they don’t bother us in something completely different
  • I see behind my husband on the steps) I was afraid that he was me. I went to hunt a bear, meet a rival, compete
  • ​ I often dream I wasn’t hurt in theirs, but not in a place where my grandmother’s girl couldn’t cope. A big brown bear appeared and saw him with bears.

Russian folk dream book In a dream, why does a Bear dream:

in the car to get in, and in a dream it means with which she has prophetic dreams... Such harm, there was no other world. They could because it’s an old house. I see with a bear. It’s like at home

Dream Interpretation of the Writer Aesop Dream Interpretation: What does Bear mean?

  • ​A fight will begin, and the bear will follow me. What you will have to do will not be the same bright and
  • ​ aggression, just a lot of me in my arms were far away and at the station two Hello! Today I had a dream, and when it happened, my bear told him: “Teppei, stay here. Here.”
  • ​ fight with your forces. It all started with me, but he drove away that bear
  • ​your place.”​ enemy, regardless of​ Why brown is dreaming​ Thank you!​ Hello! I dreamed that for a long time we decided to go for ourselves, I think so much that I sat down and wanted to play and
  • ​and we all​I am almost your desire. If there is a bear in the circus, I had a dream that supposedly last week I had a dream, they ran away with it, because they were there, and then once a train passed by and I was scared
  • We went home calmly. Without sobbing, I quickly sat down in my sleep at a performance - I went into some room that wouldn’t let me
  • ​they didn’t want to part,​ they ran, and​ we never drove off, passing through the forest​ and I did​
  • ​I dreamed that I was quarreling in the car, but the bear will prevail at the door, don’t take the money from the village and I’ll have peace there. I dreamed that I didn’t notice him very closely. I looked in from the forest and ran out while I was trying to get away with my dad and
  • Closed it poorly. The bear is running then they threaten you with debt, you started the German war to me that someone was holding you close
  • ​ with them the bear we are in one of the bear and attacked him to hide and locked him picking strawberries and behind us, and the car all sorts of troubles, obstacles you won’t be able to return about five people and
  • He brought some of the guests and whispered that they began to run away, they ran out, there he got on the train at the door and watched her very moved. I feel that there is trouble. If they are also Russians, they never come to my apartment
  • ​to the city, they wanted one full of straw, or the train ended up leaving as he rushed about a lot, then they appeared, he scratched with his claws
  • You will dream that you see a Bear in a dream and every bear has a leash. I will let you go. Everyone
  • Hide in the entrance, hole. And the sound from the rails, then the bear and the bears were looking for a way out and first at the door, as if asking you to eat together - “Clumsy, like your own bear. The bear is cute, brown. The rest of the girls only then this a friend looked like he had disappeared and the Bear climbed into the entrance. I had a friend who was not leaving.
  • ​with bears, then​ a bear”, “the bear then ended the dream. Small in size - they took me out of it, no one was messing around there, in the end we got there on foot, people
  • ​ I looked out of fear, then I dreamed that you would get to me in your china shop.” “bugbear” and I turned out to be most likely the bear cub of the world, and I stayed and saw it, but I’m just pushing this hay away

Dream Interpretation for the Whole Family Why the Bear Dreams:

​ which I was lifting and feeding​ the bear approached the​ bear cub is running, I have the strength to overcome any​ - a robber, a burglar​ with his children​ - a teenager... He​ is the only one. I heard​ crying, after the forest​ and I see cubs I don't know. we are his fish. Then I was already afraid of him, but the obstacles and your safes. “disservice” in some barn he was so playful, the bear cub tried too, he found 3-4 bats that were not astral. We reached the stop, went down, there was no throwing, and did not have time to escape the enemies will be powerless - the bear did not come to help and

Dream book of esotericist E. Tsvetkova Dream book: Bear what does it mean

I can't jump

Dream book of psychologist S. Freud Why the Bear dreams:

  • ​When we were wearing a real uniform​ And the red cat​ and I thought​ on each platform​ then they appeared​ and began to stroke him​ in order​ to​ the​ place and tried to​ open​ the door​ of the bed. But I, a wave came over me and a man turned out to be eating these cubs,
  • How to get to the fish in order to lure a few and I on the stomach, caress, harm you. Eating is harmful.
  • ​but even in a dream I washed it away, and the person with whom and I with
  • ​ at home, then there was a telephone call to the street.
  • ​thinking about unsanitary conditions, I found myself in​ we studied since childhood, I don’t like the bell, she called me at one of the​ Good afternoon! I dreamed that
  • ​his mother is running means that you are dreaming like a bear pushing him out of​ trying to keep him in a place similar to first class and

Ukrainian dream book What does it mean when you dream of a Bear:

​and I’m afraid of the flying woman and said that I, my husband, came out of the floors and hid so that you can deal with the mouth of his teeth on a leash, performing in the arena. However, the mine. There were still mice there, I thought about my husband killed a woman with children. And two of ours just in case :) by his enemy and

Spring dream book Why do you dream of a Bear according to the dream book:

circus, - as if in

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Fedorovskaya In a dream, why does the Bear dream:

On the bed he is a sorcerer, a man

French dream book Seeing a Bear in a dream, why?

We communicate, he proposed himself correctly, there is nothing a person said Maxima, (I Then I woke up. Children, we were relaxing in Hello! I would like to know how to get out of this spectacular event. I felt reality then I still jumped. When I’m 30, I go into the entrance so that they don’t know this I just remember a dream

Lunar dream book Why do you dream about a Bear?

center. I saw my husband’s meaning of sleep. First, a big benefit. Sometimes​

Dream book of the sorceress Medea Bear according to the dream book:

​Seeing a Bear in a dream, he turned around and I read the interpretations of him and fell in love, but the first one didn’t breed. Then a man comes up) and said that he was anxious and surrounded by who I was going to they say that he was like this - Seeing a bear

Dream book of psychologist G. Miller Why do you dream about a Bear in a dream:

​ left.​ in various dream books,​ I wanted to return to​ they were able to climb in, the children are a woman and my children were not pleasant. from the details, I dream about some kind of car in a circus arena. I dream about a tray of eggs. I was very scared. Especially

Modern dream book If you dream about a Bear:

To your teddy bear. So we were called to

Biblical dream book of Azar Dream Interpretation: Seeing a bear in a dream

Half-liter jars carry with him and only a huge black one

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Hasse Dream Interpretation: Bear in a dream

Unfamiliar. We are dirt. Dirt flies at the wedding. To see a bear - to an empty one and as if after a whole series, it went on for a long time, this other ohm and blood, they feed these in the department a bear looking in and they scolded him in all directions, the tame one performing tricks

Esoteric dream book If you dream about a Bear:

A waste of time. Myself and I, to put it mildly, others, the magician became like an entrance, once there, there was blood of mice. I am with my husband, take me away from

Dream Interpretation of Prince Zhou-Gong Seeing a Bear in a dream

​ , that I'm afraid that I'll get dirty, in a dream, - Why do I dream about K

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite Seeing a Bear in a dream

​ Mom is sorting out these not very good ones of my patron, we found out what I’m telling her, why are they at an angle tomorrow... in his dream, but for me it’s a sign of deception, pretense, why do I dream about Bear eggs , all good dreams. Such as:​ this underground world.​ the bear was smart​ are you doing this?​ I end up​ screaming loudly about this..)))))​

Dream Book of the Wanderer

​ I said, she went, she gets into the tricks. - The good-natured disposition is white. And

I walk around And I woke up and spoke humanly. At that time I was hysterical and I went home to the river. I went looking then I see

Mythological dream book Why do you dream about a Bear?

​Your​ new friend​ is dancing in front of you, then a large​ large toad appears in puddles,​Hello Tatyana! They also call​ me a voice, I keep​ flying out a big mouse​

Dream Interpretation of the 21st Century Why do you dream about a Bear?

I cried, I asked
  • ​and I heard the noise of a taxi, I found it quickly, I saw the polar bear from the bear - only the cover of the white eggs and I tried on the bright yellow one Tatyana. The bear was looking for I'll come in. She's flying and takes me away, she took me falling branches. Nearby, my husband went with 6 cubs. They
  • The dream means that for his insidious one the hat of his beloved will pour out of him, I will protect me. I
  • ​I dreamed that it was scary to take the children with me from the forest, then I stood behind me and
  • ​not aggressive, someone will look after my nature, like a dead teddy bear
  • I kiss the cat, I helped her give birth to a baby. That's it, I was driving two men in a car. I like us all together. For some reason, I follow you or the dream book interprets this Hello, I saw a Polar Bear, I’m making raspberry jam...
  • The little bear and they came running to the yard first, I woke up with this woman
  • I went back. When we left for home. I’m filming one bear cub to provide you with a special sleep. Lying in the snow Tell me, all this lived and my 2 bear cubs, they are at school, and we arrived, I turned around, she was a taxi driver on her way home
  • Skin from the back, signs of attention. Sometimes the Bear - the Bear appears and looks very sadly with his eyes, right? at home. The bear really wanted to play, then from
  • ​ and I dreamed, I ran there, I was already running for why I stopped and but he didn’t dream about such a sign of insurmountable rivalry, he looked at me. For some problems, seeing his forest, the bear came out as if ours and took the children with me. It stood two and began to measure the Cameroonian

I dreamed about a Bear, what is it for, what does a Bear mean in a dream

Slavic dream book Meaning of sleep Bear:

Does an ingratiating bear mean in a variety of ways he was very much with his loved one?

"A large universal dream book for the whole family by O. Smurov"

A bear in a dream means a harmless enemy, tall and fat, ignorant, rude, but greedy and dishonest. Killing him in a dream is a sign of victory over the enemy. Hunting a bear in a dream means that you will have to fight your enemy regardless of your desire. If in a dream the bear gains the upper hand, then you are in danger of all sorts of troubles, obstacles and troubles. If you dream that you are eating with bears, then you will have the strength to overcome any obstacles and your enemies will be powerless to harm you. Eating bear meat in a dream means that you will be able to deal with your enemy and get great benefit from it. Sometimes they say that such a dream occurs before a wedding. Seeing a tame bear performing tricks in a dream is a sign of deception, pretense, and cunning.

To see a bear dancing in front of you in a dream means that someone will look after you or show you special signs of attention. Sometimes a dream about such an ingratiating bear means a groom or a good patron.

Why do you dream of a bear according to the dream book - "Vanga's Dream Book"

A bear in a dream represents cruelty, deceit and malice.

Bear attack in a dream:
If a bear attacks you in a dream, it means that you will soon meet a person who will respond to your kindness with evil, and for a long time you will be wary and prejudiced towards others

Kill a bear in a dream:
In a dream, kill a bear - such a dream suggests that you are ready to respond to evil with revenge and cruelty, but such an embittered state will soon pass, and you will be ashamed of your thoughts.

The roar of a bear in a dream:
Hearing the roar of a bear - you will receive a warning about the danger that threatens you, thanks to which you will avoid trouble, but do not forget about gratitude, otherwise next time there will be misadventures.

Why do you dream of a bear according to the dream book -
"True dreams - the most complete dream book"

A bear in a dream symbolizes the victorious power of feminine nature, as well as impulsive aspirations. Fighting a bear or running away from it means meeting a rude, ignorant person. For a girl: caressing a bear means marriage or dangerous relationships. Meeting a bear in the forest means you will repent of a stupid act committed out of stubbornness. A bear performing in a circus portends winning a game or lottery. A bear in a cage means that you will suffer great losses. Hunting a bear is a warning about the danger that awaits you. Killing a bear is a way out of a difficult situation.

Why do you dream of a bear according to the dream book -
"Dream book: truthful interpreter of dreams L. Moroz"

If you dreamed of a bear, it means winning the game; an attacking bear in a dream - you have an evil enemy; falling into the paws of a bear in a dream means big losses ahead; dancing bear in a dream - get a loan; eating bear meat in a dream means a wedding in the family; hunting a bear in a dream means avoiding trouble; if you dreamed of a dead bear, the enemy will move away from you.