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Salted milk mushrooms recipe is simple. Milk mushrooms, salted in jars for the winter. Pickled milk mushrooms - video recipe

Autumn is the time to harvest mushrooms. When it rains often, but is still warm, this is the most mushroom time. We are now experiencing the last, most productive wave of milk mushrooms. Among my friends there are many mushroom hunting lovers and everyone is interested in how to make mushroom preparations, how to deliciously pickle milk mushrooms so that the reserves will delight you in the winter. I’ll tell you how my parents did the pickling of milk mushrooms, volnushki, saffron milk caps, and value mushrooms. They were born and grew up in the village during the most difficult times for the country and the gifts of the forest helped them survive from hunger.

How to deliciously pickle milk mushrooms

There are two main recipes for pickling mushrooms with your own hands. With or without boiling. They are all called differently, but more often as “hot” and “cold”.

What you need to pickle mushrooms:

  • Mushrooms – milk mushrooms (any subspecies) black, dry, Russian, etc.
  • Coarse salt

Not necessarily, at will and your taste preferences

  • Peppercorns
  • Carnation
  • Horseradish leaves
  • Black currant leaves
  • Bay leaf

How to prepare milk mushrooms correctly?

You need to pick mushrooms in clean forests, away from roads and enterprises. Take young ones and only those you know. Anything that is unknown or in doubt falls into the toadstool category. I don’t recommend buying mushrooms, it’s a lottery game.

The collected milk mushrooms must be prepared for pickling. To do this, you need to wash them thoroughly with your own hands to remove forest debris and dirt.

The interval between picking mushrooms and processing them should be as short as possible; the best thing to do is to deal with them as soon as you get home.

Some people recommend soaking the milk mushrooms in water for several hours, but we didn’t do that. Unless, so that the mushrooms can be washed better, take two basins, fill them with water, put the milk mushrooms in one with their caps on the bottom, and in the other wash them with a cloth, sponge and toothbrush. In the end, the debris on the back of the milk mushrooms is washed away well with high pressure from the shower.

Fresh milk mushrooms taste bitter. In order to remove this bitterness, be sure to use coarse salt; fine salt will not work. Coarse salt has the remarkable property of absorbing moisture and drawing out bitterness from mushrooms. This is why mushrooms are salted and kept under pressure.

It’s easier to pickle milk mushrooms using the “cold” method, but it takes longer, so the pan must be enameled. There is no need to boil the mushrooms. The rest is done in the same way as written above.

Cold pickling lasts 30-45 days, the temperature for pickling is not higher than 10 degrees.

The mushrooms are firm and crispy.

Delicious salted milk mushrooms can be prepared as a separate dish, in unrefined sunflower oil or in sour cream with onions for boiled potatoes and porridges cooked in water. Or as part of other dishes, for example, make scrambled eggs, add to soups.

Happy mushroom hunting!

Mushroom picking season is in full swing. But not all of them can be fried in a frying pan or dried for the winter. For milk mushrooms, for example, the best cooking option is pickling (although modern cooks fry and stew them). However, not everyone knows how to pickle white milk mushrooms.

How to distinguish milk mushrooms

These mushrooms grow in large quantities in our forests. And collecting them is a pleasure: they grow in large colonies, and distinguishing them from their inedible relatives is quite easy. But before you salt white milk mushrooms, you need to understand that they can be raw, black, yellow, and peppery.

White (also called real - raw) milk mushrooms are considered the most delicious when pickled. The cap of this mushroom is white or yellowish (more likely even creamy) with watery streaks. It is uneven in shape (wavy), tucked in and heavily pubescent at the edges. If the milk mushroom is broken anywhere, white juice will appear, which will turn grayish when exposed to air. It is best to look for such mushrooms in birch and pine forests.

If you have collected the yellow variety, then you definitely need to figure out how to salt milk mushrooms in jars - they are used only in salted form. The cap of the yellow milk mushroom can grow up to 15 cm in diameter. But this is not the maximum yet. Black ones are considered the largest. Their caps can be 20-22 cm. This type of mushroom is eaten salted, but first boiled.

Pepper mushrooms are also considered interesting. The fact is that if you dry it and crush it, it can completely replace pepper on your table.

Secrets to getting great crispy salted mushrooms

So, we already know that milk mushrooms are an excellent appetizer on the winter table. Crispy, delicious, it will remind you of the sunny autumn days of “quiet hunting”. But the stories of the masters about how to properly pickle white milk mushrooms are depressing, and it seems that it is tedious and difficult.

First, there are a few important details to remember:

  1. Only young and firm mushrooms without traces of “rust” or worms are suitable for pickling.
  2. Before salting white milk mushrooms, be sure to soak them for several days.
  3. Use the right containers: enamel dishes without chips, ceramic or wooden barrels, glass jars.
  4. Be sure to rinse already prepared mushrooms under running water; you should do the same with the cloth that covers the pickles and the pressure.

Processing method

So, if you are planning to salt milk mushrooms, you will need a proven recipe that is suitable specifically for your mushrooms. Because, as already mentioned, black milk mushrooms must be boiled before salting, and white milk mushrooms can easily be sent to a jar and raw. Actually, there are two main methods for preparing salted milk mushrooms: cold method and hot method.


In both cases, the preparatory stage involves not only thoroughly washing the mushrooms, but also soaking them in clean water. If the days are hot, then the water needs to be changed every 2 hours, and the total time the milk mushrooms stay in it should not be extended by more than 1.5 days (day, night, day). In cool weather, you can increase the time to 2-3 days with water changes every 4-5 hours. All the bitterness will come out of the mushrooms.

Cold way

It’s not difficult to understand how to salt white milk mushrooms. The main thing is to follow all the rules. If you only have a few mushrooms, a clean glass jar will do just fine. Of course, traditional oak barrels are preferable, but where can you get them?

Add a layer of salt to the bottom of the jar (remember that for all types of pickles you should use coarse, non-iodized salt). It should be assumed that for every kilogram of mushrooms, about 40 g of salt is taken. We place horseradish and currant or cherry leaves on it, garlic (this should also be cut into small slices) and dill inflorescences. Having dealt with the spices, start arranging the mushrooms. This must be done very calmly and carefully so as not to break the fragile mushrooms. The milk mushrooms should be folded with their caps facing down. Sprinkle each layer with peppercorns (3-4 pcs.). Fill the jar to the top and cover the mushrooms with currant or cherry leaves.

Then you need to create oppression. To do this, take a lid or saucer smaller than the neck of the jar, and place a load on it. The entire structure must be removed for 1-2 months in a cool, dark place. In the city this is most often a refrigerator, but in suburban conditions it is a basement.

Hot way

If you are not sure that you know how to salt milk mushrooms, the hot method is for you. Firstly, most people are afraid to use raw mushrooms, and secondly, this technology prevents them from souring in the marinade.

For hot pickling, you don’t have to soak the milk mushrooms for so long. A couple of hours is enough. Then each batch of mushrooms should be boiled in salted water for 20-30 minutes. The water needs to be changed for each serving.

During the cooking process, foam will appear on the surface of the pan, which must be removed as much as possible. Next, the mushrooms are placed on a sieve and washed with cold running water.

The pickling container is filled with spices (unlike cold pickling, onions can also be used here), then mushrooms are also placed with their caps down and, pressed down with a load, they are put away in a cool place for a week.

If you have collected a whole cart of milk mushrooms, then boiling them a few pieces at a time is impractical. A large volume of mushrooms is blanched. Boil salted water in a saucepan and place mushrooms in nets for blanching (these are containers in the form of stainless steel nets). After 15-20 minutes, the milk mushrooms are removed and the water is allowed to drain. Then, based on the calculation: 60 g of salt per kilogram of already boiled mushrooms, they are salted in prepared containers. These pickles will be ready in 20 days.

You don’t need to be a genius in the field of network technology to find out how to pickle milk mushrooms for the winter using hot and cold methods. These mushrooms are white beauties waving their caps in forest clearings.

As practice shows, collecting them is difficult. When they are young, it is difficult to find. Sometimes it feels like they are playing hide and seek with us. And while mushroom pickers are looking, milk mushrooms make their way to the surface, overcoming a layer of moss and fallen leaves.

When sorting mushrooms collected in the forest, select strong and small milk mushrooms and pickle them in the way you like. We looked at hot salting technology. Now let's talk about the cold method.

It is noteworthy that dry and fresh milk mushrooms are salted in the same way. Therefore, I recommend placing the main emphasis on soaking. The procedure is extremely important. Before you start pickling, clean and rinse the mushrooms well, as there is no need to boil them. Using brushes, sponges and pipe cleaners will help make the task easier.


  • milk mushrooms – 5 kg
  • salt – 500 g
  • dill tubes
  • horseradish leaves
  • currant and cherry leaves
  • garlic


  1. Place the peeled and washed mushrooms in a glass or enamel bowl. A wide saucepan, basin or bucket will do.
  2. Fill the milk mushrooms with water and cover with a large plate. Place pressure on top, then take it to a cool place for three days. Change the water several times daily.
  3. After 72 hours, remove the milk mushrooms from the pan, sprinkle with salt and place in containers in which they will be salted.
  4. Make a bed of horseradish and garlic between layers. When the container is full, cover with gauze folded several times. Place horseradish leaves and remaining herbs on top of the cheesecloth.
  5. Place a weight on the circle, which will hide the mushrooms in the brine.
  6. Place the dishes in the cellar for a month. During this period, keep an eye on everything. The brine should always cover the milk mushrooms. Of course, if you don’t want the mushrooms to become moldy.
  7. After the time has passed, transfer the milk mushrooms to jars without rolling up the lids. Store in a cool place.

This pickling technology allows you to prepare clean and snow-white mushrooms. They are used to prepare cutlets, appetizers, caviar or salads.

The benefits and harms of milk mushrooms

In conclusion, I will add a few words about the benefits and harms of milk mushrooms. This mushroom grows in Siberia, the Urals, Belarus and Kazakhstan. Very rare in deciduous forests. The European population knows practically nothing about the benefits and harms. As for our country, here milk mushrooms are considered the best representatives of the mushroom kingdom. And this is not without reason.

The benefits of tasty and aromatic milk mushrooms exceed meat. They contain more protein than animal foods. They are salted and pickled, and eaten with onions and sour cream.

People suffering from tuberculosis know about the invaluable benefits. This mushroom neutralizes the pathogenic bacillus. Regular use helps get rid of urolithiasis and kidney failure.

This natural antibiotic is used to treat serious illnesses. Mushrooms contain many vitamins. They are a source of riboflavin and thiamine. It's no surprise that they are used in the pharmaceutical industry.

Harm is caused by improper preparation. Milk mushrooms contain milky juice, which causes poisoning. Careful processing removes toxins. That is why it is recommended to wash mushrooms thoroughly and soak them thoroughly at home.

Bitter pungent taste and elasticity milk mushrooms They create a lot of trouble for housewives in the kitchen, especially when preparing for the winter. I want to get rid of the bitterness caused by the milky milk, and at the same time preserve their original hardness. Despite these contradictory properties of mushrooms, they still find their place in many dishes. In addition, lovers of “quiet hunting” value them for their richness in vitamins and proteins, as well as for their calorie content, which is equivalent to meat. We managed to collect advice from experienced chefs and learn in detail how to prepare delicious milk mushrooms for the winter.

Drying milk mushrooms

Like any mushrooms, these representatives of the Russula genus are very demanding on the drying process, which can be carried out not only under the influence of sunlight, but also in the oven or over a fire.

Important! Due to their taste characteristics, milk mushrooms are included in the list of conditionally edible mushrooms. They are not toxic or hallucinogenic, but are suitable for consumption only after special processing.

If, of the many ways to prepare milk mushrooms for the winter, you have chosen this one, before starting work you should have young and not flabby mushrooms collected in sunny weather. Select undamaged specimens, carefully inspect them, and clean them of any remaining leaves and soil. After this, wipe with a damp cloth, but do not wash. Water is very quickly absorbed into the structure of forest trophies, as a result of which they lose their taste properties, and over time they can become moldy and crumble. Large mushrooms should be divided in half and the stems of all should be cut off.

Now it’s time to decide where you will harvest milk mushrooms for the winter.

How to dry milk mushrooms naturally

Mushrooms strung on pre-prepared rods made of stainless materials or raw threads are hung in the air on a sunny day or in a well-ventilated dry room. It is advisable that drying takes place away from the road, in a place protected from wind and dust. The ideal option is an attic or roof.

To cook milk mushrooms in the air and the sun, you can use a wooden sieve, a sheet of plywood, or even an ordinary table. In these cases, the workpieces are spread out in a thin layer and care is taken to turn them over in time. Mushrooms need sunbathing until they lose their juiciness and become dry and brittle. In good weather, sometimes a day is enough for this.

How to dry milk mushrooms using the oven

When the dampness outside does not allow for natural cooking, dry the milk mushrooms in the oven. First, they are kept at temperatures up to 50 degrees and
placed at the top of the oven. And when the moisture has evaporated, after about 4 hours, the temperature can be gradually adjusted to 75 degrees and moved lower. Don’t forget to turn the milk mushrooms over and make sure they don’t steam. It is recommended to dry them at the original temperature. If you want to dry several baskets of forest products, you can, without waiting for the first baking sheet to complete the process, place the second one in the top row. But remember that for each batch the equipment must be washed and wiped dry.

Did you know? Gourmets refuse dried mushrooms, believing that during processing they lose their taste and acquire an unpleasant dark color.

Ready mushrooms are placed in plastic bags and stored away from strong-smelling foods. Before eating, be sure to wash them thoroughly and soak them in water for several hours so that their inherent bitterness goes away.

How to pickle milk mushrooms for the winter

Many people love salted milk mushrooms due to the variety of recipes for preparing them for the winter. It is these preparations that enjoy great success among chefs of all levels. Depending on taste preferences, there are several pickling techniques. And the risk that the mushrooms will turn out tasteless is almost always eliminated.

How to prepare milk mushrooms for pickling for the winter

Forest trophies will acquire a delicate spicy taste only after performing some culinary tricks. During the preparation process, as usual, they need to be sorted, sorted, cleaned of soil residues and weighed. Immediately throw away mushrooms covered with spots, with insects or worms living in them. Then rinse everything selected thoroughly, preferably in running water using a washcloth or toothbrush. Clean mushrooms are left to soak in an enamel pan for three days.

Moreover, the water needs to be renewed daily every 4 hours. If the kitchen where the container is located is hot, two days will be enough. Check readiness by chewing a small piece of mushroom. If they are not bitter, they are washed thoroughly and large specimens are cut roughly.

How to salt milk mushrooms for the winter in a cold way

Before preparing milk mushrooms for the winter using this technology, it is important to take their soaking seriously - this will affect their taste. Traditional recipes for simple salting do not require excess ingredients.

To prepare you need:

  • 2 cups table salt;
  • old dill stems without caps;
  • several cherry leaves (can be replaced with currants);
  • horseradish leaves;
  • several cloves of garlic;
  • 5 kg of milk mushrooms.

Salt the milk mushrooms and transfer them to the prepared container. A wooden tub or an enamel pan will do. It is important that the dishes are free of cracks and rust stains. Dip small mushrooms in salt, each separately. Then generously top them with garlic and chopped horseradish. To prevent your pickle from darkening, experienced chefs recommend loosely tying it with gauze and placing all the remaining leaves on top, including horseradish.

Then we cover it with a plate (if we are talking about a saucepan) or a mug, and pour something heavy but small on top, so that the mushrooms will soon drown in the brine that will be released. We send the barrel to the cellar and make sure that mold does not form on top.

If you are salting milk mushrooms cold for the first time, remember: to avoid this, the top layer should always be in brine. In a month, you will be able to diversify your table with pickles. The finished mushrooms amaze with their white, fleshy pulp and taste; they are transferred to glass jars or left in a tub.

Important! Under no circumstances should you seal the salted milk mushrooms with a tight lid. This promotes the development of microbes that cause botulism and poisoning.

Salted milk mushrooms are used to prepare simple salads, holiday dishes, various snacks and savory dietary cutlets. It is also served as a separate dish with sunflower oil and onion.

How to pickle milk mushrooms using the hot method (in jars)

This method is created for impatient mushroom lovers. You will be able to savor the delicious milk mushrooms in just a few weeks. The technique is also considered safer, because during harvesting the mushrooms undergo heat treatment. Salting milk mushrooms using a hot method is also not troublesome. The composition of the marinade can only be vinegar and salt, or it can be supplemented with laurel leaves, currants, cherries, horseradish; cloves of garlic, dill, allspice or black pepper. You can expand the ingredients according to your taste.

To marinate mushrooms according to the classic recipe you need:

  • currant leaves;
  • 2 tablespoons salt;
  • 1 kg of milk mushrooms;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 6 tablespoons vinegar;
  • 2 tablespoons sugar.

Cut the prepared mushrooms and place them in a pan with water. After boiling, cook for another 10 minutes, removing the foam. Mix salt and sugar with water, add vinegar and put on fire. When it boils, add the mushrooms and boil for about 20 minutes. After that, transfer to jars and roll up the lids.

When choosing a cooking method, many are interested in how to store salted milk mushrooms. When compared, the cold method loses. Such mushrooms can remain in the cellar for no more than six months, and pickled ones won’t go bad for a year. True, in both methods their hardness is lost; the pickles are suitable for filling in pies and soup.

Methods for freezing milk mushrooms

When frozen, inexperienced mushroom pickers often pierce. Subsequently, after defrosting, the milk mushrooms look like something slippery, gray and unpleasant.

Obviously, this method is not easy and requires certain knowledge:

  1. Milk mushrooms are wet mushrooms. If you put them in the freezer without pre-treatment, they will retain their natural bitterness and will be unusable.
  2. The less porosity, the more suitable the mushroom is for freezing.
  3. Before freezing, milk mushrooms must be sorted by size. Large ones are cut into pieces.
  4. When frozen, mushrooms can be stored for no more than four months at a temperature of -14 degrees.
  5. Mushrooms can only be thawed once.
  6. When defrosting, milk mushrooms do not thaw in the microwave or oven.
  7. Before freezing, milk mushrooms are boiled, fried or simply scalded.

Milk mushrooms are one of the favorites of mushroom pickers, and are also considered the best among conditionally edible mushrooms. Usually they go to pickle milk mushrooms using the hot method for the winter. The mushrooms themselves are quite meaty and juicy, having their own special aroma. The recipes below will tell you how to properly and safely salt milk mushrooms for the winter.

Also on our website you can find recipes that your whole family will enjoy.

Using the hot salting method provides several advantages. Firstly, the mushrooms will never have an unpleasant odor, secondly, the natural bitterness will disappear from the milk mushrooms when boiled, and thirdly, they will definitely delight you, your family and friends with their original taste. Hot salting is considered a fairly safe way to prepare conditionally edible mushrooms.

Required Products:

  • one kilogram of white milk mushrooms;
  • 60 grams of table salt (coarse);
  • 4 large garlic cloves;
  • 10 black peppercorns;
  • 10 blackcurrant leaves;
  • 2-3 umbrellas of overripe dill.

Pickle milk mushrooms step by step recipe:

  1. Clean freshly picked milk mushrooms from plant debris, which sticks to the caps of these mushrooms more than to other “gifts of the forest.” Cleaning milk mushrooms is a tedious task, but the result is worth it.
  2. Cut the legs short, that is, leave about a centimeter at the base. Cut out rotten areas, and if you find wormholes, it’s better to get rid of such mushrooms; they definitely won’t go into pickling.
  3. Wash the caps thoroughly in cold running water (under the tap), using a soft brush to make the job easier.
  4. Cut large mushrooms into several smaller pieces; small and medium ones can be left whole.
  5. Place the processed mushrooms in a saucepan, pour in plain water, add some salt, and wait until it comes to a strong boil.
  6. After the water boils, cook the milk mushrooms for only five minutes, do not forget to remove the foam formed during the cooking process.
  7. Use a slotted spoon to catch all the mushrooms and rinse them in a colander in cold water, so they cool a little and drain.
  8. Sprinkle a small portion of salt on the bottom of a sterilized container, throw in two peppercorns, a dill umbrella, two blackcurrant leaves, and the first layer of mushroom caps. Then again salt, spices, milk mushrooms and so on. Mushrooms should be packed fairly tightly.
  9. Do not pour out the mushroom broth, but pour it over the stacked milk mushrooms; they should stand so that excess air comes out (you will see how small bubbles rise to the surface).
  10. Next, seal the container, cool it, and move it to a refrigerator or cold cellar, where the workpiece will be stored. Metal lids are not suitable for closing.
  11. A month and a half later, the white milk mushrooms will be completely salted and will be edible.

After reviewing the recipes on our site, you can also prepare other delicious preparations, such as and.

How to salt milk mushrooms in Altai style

An old Altai recipe for pickling white milk mushrooms in a barrel will tell you how you can preserve a large number of collected mushrooms for the winter. In fact, the cooking process is simple, despite the long soaking. The list of ingredients also consists of all the familiar and classic spices in canning. The end result is a lot of tasty and aromatic salted milk mushrooms, which you can treat to a large number of people. By correctly calculating the ingredients, you can pickle 20 or 30 kilograms of mushrooms.

Need to:

  • 10 kg of fresh milk mushrooms;
  • 0.4 kg table salt (not iodized);
  • 35 grams of green dill;
  • 40 gr. chopped garlic;
  • 18 grams of grated horseradish root;
  • 10 laurel leaves;
  • 40 grams of souls. pepper

How to salt white milk mushrooms:

  1. Sort the milk mushrooms, cut off the stems (they will not be needed for pickling), wash the caps.
  2. Place the processed mushrooms in a large bowl and fill completely with cold, clean water.
  3. Soaking will take from two to four days, it is necessary to change the water in the basin, do this at least once a day.
  4. After time has passed, transfer all the mushrooms into a colander or sieve to allow the remaining liquid to drain.
  5. The barrel must be prepared in advance: cleaned, scalded with boiling water and dried.
  6. Mushrooms are placed in a barrel in layers: mushrooms, salt, spices. Repeat until all ingredients are in the container.
  7. Cover the top layer with a clean white rag or linen napkin, place a wooden pressure circle, and place the heaviest press possible. If the load is not heavy enough, the milk mushrooms will not produce juice.
  8. During the pickling process, the volume of mushrooms will noticeably decrease, so you can add more mushrooms here, if desired.
  9. During the first 24 hours, under pressure, a mushroom brine should appear above the circle.
  10. After 25 days, the milk mushrooms will be salted and will be suitable for consumption.

Recipe for pickling milk mushrooms

This recipe does not use any spices or seasonings at all, the only preservative is coarse salt. This way, you will fully experience the taste of mushrooms, without any extra flavoring. Salted white milk mushrooms can be used in different variations: as a separate appetizer, and also as part of salads and soups.

For thrifty housewives, we have also prepared dishes that will not only decorate your dining table, but will also become a wonderful and tasty addition to your dinner.

We take:

  • five kg of freshly picked milk mushrooms:
  • 300 grams of coarse table salt.

Salt milk mushrooms recipe:

  1. Wash each mushroom separately in cool running water, paying special attention to the caps, as a lot of forest debris accumulates on them. Cut off the spoiled areas, cut the mushrooms themselves into small pieces, so you can also see the condition of the mushroom inside (if there are traces of wormholes, then such specimens should be thrown away; they will not be suitable for pickling).
  2. Place the washed and processed milk mushrooms in a clean wide basin or large bucket, pour cold water into it. Since they themselves are lighter than water, they will naturally float up; to immerse them back into the liquid, you need to place a flat object slightly smaller than the diameter of the container on top and press it down with something heavy. There is no need to press down the milk mushrooms too much; we just need them to completely disappear into the liquid and the soaking process to begin.
  3. Soaking will take five days, and every day you must change the water at least once. Foam that appears on the surface of the liquid indicates that it is time to refresh the water for the mushrooms, otherwise they will simply turn sour and, as a result, will be unsuitable for further use - such mushrooms are already poison.
  4. After five days, the soaking process will end, the milk mushrooms will significantly decrease in size, just in case, try a cut of the mushroom on your tongue, if it does not taste bitter, then the mushrooms are definitely ready for salting.
  5. Place the pieces of soaked mushrooms in a separate bowl, generously sprinkled with salt. For any mushroom pickles, you usually use salt that does not contain iodine, otherwise the mushrooms will simply turn black.
  6. Place a pressure circle on top of the mushroom surface and place the heaviest possible load (now it should compress the mushrooms well).
  7. In this state, the milk mushrooms should stand for three days, and they need to be stirred once daily. During this time, the mushrooms will release their own juice, mixing with salt, it will become a brine in which the milk mushrooms will be salted.
  8. Three days later, place the milk mushrooms in jars; they should be placed very tightly, without voids. Closing lids are either polyethylene or regular with screw threads.
  9. The workpiece should stand for about a month or a little more, then you will definitely be sure of its readiness.

For lovers of winter preparations, our collection of recipes also includes, which can serve as a separate dish or be used for preparing salads.

How to cold salt milk mushrooms recipe

Not all lovers of salted milk mushrooms are satisfied with the hot salting of mushrooms; many people prefer to pickle milk mushrooms in a cold way. When prepared using this salting option, white milk mushrooms turn out crispy and remain as snow-white as before cooking. Various salads, snacks, caviar and even cutlets are made from such milk mushrooms.

List of recipe ingredients:

  • milk mushrooms (white) - five kilograms;
  • non-iodized salt - two glasses;
  • old dill stems (without seeds) - 10 pieces;
  • garlic - 1 large head;
  • cherry and currant leaves - 15 pcs.;
  • horseradish leaves - 5 pieces;
  • horseradish - 1 small root.

How to cold pickle milk mushrooms step by step recipe:

  1. Wash and clean the mushrooms from dirt.
  2. Place clean milk mushrooms in a capacious container such as an enamel (plastic) bucket, pan, basin.
  3. Pour cold tap water, cover the area of ​​the mushrooms with a wide plate or a special circle, press down with a not too heavy weight.
  4. Soak the container with milk mushrooms in a cool room for 72 hours, changing the water daily.
  5. After soaking, roll each mushroom in salt and place in a container where the milk mushrooms will be salted.
  6. Place peeled garlic cloves and sliced ​​horseradish root mixed with mushrooms.
  7. Cover the surface of the mushrooms with gauze folded in several layers; place horseradish, cherry, currant leaves and dill stems on it.
  8. Place a heavy pressure, under it the milk mushrooms should bleed juice that will cover them completely. If the brine is not enough, you can add salted cold boiled water (50 grams of rock salt per liter). Do not leave the top mushroom layer dry.
  9. Milk mushrooms will be salted for one month in a room whose temperature should not exceed +10 degrees.
  10. You can then store the salted milk mushrooms in the same container or transfer them to jars. Keep refrigerated.

How to salt milk mushrooms

This recipe is a simple version of pickling white milk mushrooms with short soaking and blanching. The salted mushroom preparation made using this method is ready in 25 days.


  • 3 kg of milk mushrooms;
  • 150 grams of salt;
  • tablespoon black peas pepper;
  • 10 leaves black currants

Salted milk mushrooms recipe:

  1. Sort out fresh mushrooms, peel, wash and soak in salted water. Water is salted according to this calculation - a tablespoon of salt dissolves in one liter of water.
  2. Soaking will take 36 hours, change the water 4-5 times during this time, and add fresh salt to the water.
  3. After a day and a half, rinse the mushrooms under running cold water, and then blanch in boiling water for five minutes.
  4. Place the boiled milk mushrooms in a sieve to drain.
  5. Place the mushrooms in jars, sprinkle with salt, peppercorns and blackcurrant leaves.
  6. Cover with nylon lids and store in the refrigerator.

Salted milk mushrooms have been very famous in Russian cuisine since ancient times. They are equally good as an independent snack or as one of the ingredients of a dish. Milk mushrooms are still considered the best classic mushrooms for pickling, which is why salted milk mushrooms are sometimes even called “royal mushrooms.”