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How to bake potatoes with chopped bacon. Accordion potatoes with bacon in the oven. How to cook delicious potatoes with bacon and cheese in the oven: useful tips

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: 50 min

Accordion potatoes with bacon and cheese in the oven are a very tasty and aromatic dish. These potatoes can be served as a side dish to a festive table - a hearty, beautiful dish that all guests will enjoy. For friendly gatherings with beer, you can bake large tubers - one per guest. It is convenient to bake potatoes in a baking sleeve; firstly, they will bake well, and secondly, the baking sheet will remain clean. I also want to draw your attention to this one.
It will take 50 minutes to prepare, the above ingredients will make 2 servings.


- potatoes – 400 gr.;
- boiled-smoked bacon – 120 gr.;
- hard cheese – 60 gr.;
- ground paprika – 5 g;
- butter – 15 g;
- dried thyme, parsley, vegetable oil, salt.

How to cook with photos step by step

To prepare this dish, choose two large oblong potatoes. This form is preferable, it is easier to cut and bakes faster.
Peel the potatoes, cut out damage and eyes.

Next, cut off the bottom of the potato so that it fits evenly on the board. You will need limiters for slicing, for example, Chinese chopsticks.

Place the peeled potatoes between the sticks. Using a sharp knife with a wide blade, make transverse cuts in increments of 0.5 centimeters. Chopsticks will not allow you to cut all the way through the potatoes.

Cut boiled smoked bacon with skin into very thin strips.

We hold the potatoes suspended by the outer slices - the potatoes open up like an accordion, and place pieces of bacon between the slices.

Mix butter with fine table salt, grate potatoes, sprinkle with ground paprika.

Take a baking sleeve, put potatoes in it, tie it on both sides not very tightly so that there are holes for steam to escape.

Bake in a hot oven for 35-40 minutes depending on the size of the tubers. Oven temperature 200 degrees.
15 minutes before readiness, take out the baking sheet, open the baking sleeve, sprinkle the potatoes with grated cheese and dried thyme, and put them back in the oven.

Serve the dish hot, piping hot, sprinkle with green parsley.

Bon appetit!

Such an appetizing dish is good to prepare not only for a family feast, but also to treat your friends to it at a party. The fact is that, despite the simplicity and availability of ingredients, accordion potatoes with bacon and cheese in the oven, a recipe with a photo of which we offer, turn out deliciously tasty and very beautiful in presentation. And preparing it is very simple - just a few processes, and the prepared potatoes are sent to the oven for baking.

While the potatoes are baking, you can make several salads and appetizers from fresh vegetables, and the festive table will be ready. Prepare, for example, .
For a snack, you need to choose medium-sized potato tubers of approximately the same size so that they can be cooked at the same time. The potatoes need to be cut in the shape of an accordion and insert slices of bacon (you can smoked lard or pancetta) and cheese into each cut - this way they will not become dry.

Potatoes prepared in this way turn out to be especially tasty, so you need to count on at least 2-3 potatoes for each eater.


  • potato tuber (medium size) – 3 pcs.,
  • bacon (pancetta) – 100 g,
  • cheese (hard) – 50 g,
  • garlic – 1 clove,
  • mayonnaise (or sour cream) – 1-2 tbsp.,
  • greens (for decoration),
  • spices.


Wash the potato tubers thoroughly in warm water with a brush to remove dirt from the skin. Then we dry them and cut them with a sharp knife so that the cuts are 3-4 mm apart and do not reach the base of the tuber.

Then cut the bacon and cheese into thin slices.
Place a slice of bacon or cheese into each potato cut (you can alternate them).

Then place the tubers on a baking sheet and bake them in the oven for 40 minutes at 180-200°C.

Transfer the finished accordion potatoes to a dish, sprinkled with finely chopped herbs.

Bon appetit!

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We offer another option for a hearty, quick dinner. Potatoes with bacon in the oven is a simple dish that combines both meat and a side dish at the same time. When serving, be sure to complement the hearty food with herbs, fresh vegetables or, for example, a simple salad of fresh cabbage and cucumbers.

Tender potatoes with melted cheese under a thin crispy slab of bacon - nutritious, satisfying and very tasty!

  • potatoes - 8 pcs.;
  • raw smoked bacon - 8 plates;
  • cheese - about 100 g;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • salt - to taste.

Oven baked potatoes with bacon recipe

How to bake potatoes in bacon

  1. For the recipe, we choose medium-sized potato tubers of approximately the same size. Wash, add water and boil until fully cooked. You can check readiness in the traditional way - pierce one potato with a knife. If the blade sinks into the middle easily, stop cooking and drain the water.
  2. After cooling and peeling, cut each finished potato lengthwise into two equal parts. Lightly sprinkle the pieces with salt and ground pepper if desired.
  3. Place a slice of cheese on one half of each potato.
  4. Cover the cheese with the other half of the potato. We wrap each piece in bacon. You can secure the meat with toothpicks, but this is not necessary.
  5. Place the potatoes in a rimmed baking dish. Cut the butter into thin slices and place it on top of the bacon. In this case, it is not necessary to additionally lubricate the mold with vegetable oil/butter, since a copious amount of oily liquid is already formed during the cooking process.
  6. Bake the potatoes and bacon in the oven for about 20-30 minutes, without covering the pan with a lid. The optimal temperature here is 200 degrees. After cooling a little, sprinkle our dish with fresh herbs and, adding light salads or just fresh vegetables, serve immediately!

Potatoes with bacon in the oven are ready! Bon appetit!

So today we are going to cook bacon wrapped potatoes in the oven. There are many modifications of this dish, because each housewife uses her own tricks to make it even more tasty and satisfying.

The classic recipe is generally extremely simple. You only need two ingredients: the potatoes themselves (about 1.5-2 kilograms), as well as one package of chopped bacon (about 200 grams).

The potatoes, of course, need to be washed and peeled. Next, each fruit should be wrapped in a piece of bacon. To ensure that the bacon-wrapped potatoes bake well in the oven and don’t fall apart, you can secure the meat with a toothpick. And too long pieces of bacon, in turn, can be wrapped in a “rose.”

Then you need to put it all on a baking sheet, and cover the top tightly with special food foil. Place the baking sheet in the oven, preheated to two hundred degrees, for approximately 40-45 minutes.

As you can see, everything is very simple. However, you can complicate this recipe a little and prepare, for example, bacon-wrapped potatoes with cheese. For this, it is best to take it in plates.

Before it needs to be boiled in its skins (without peeling). You can check the readiness by piercing the vegetables with a fork: if it passes easily, you can proceed to the next stages of cooking, and if the action requires some effort, you need to leave the potatoes to cook a little more. After the potatoes are ready, they need to be cooled slightly and peeled. Next, each fruit must be cut in half, put a slice of cheese on one of the halves, and then cover it on the other side with the other half. As in the first recipe, you then need to wrap each potato with a bacon strip.

Before you start cooking potatoes in bacon in the oven according to this recipe, you need to line the baking sheet so that the meat does not burn. And on top of the bacon, place a small piece of butter on each potato. The oven, again, should be preheated to two hundred degrees. But the time required for baking in this case will be much shorter (after all, the potatoes are already ready) - about 15 minutes. During this time, the cheese should melt and the bacon should fry a little.

There is another interesting recipe that will allow you to prepare delicious bacon wrapped. For this you will need the following ingredients: 6-8 large potatoes, 150 g of cheese, 200-300 g of mushrooms, onion, 1 tablespoon of sour cream, milk, bacon, spices, salt, dill.

Thoroughly washed potatoes should be cut lengthwise into two halves and, after salting, send to cook in a saucepan. When the finished potatoes have cooled slightly, you will need to remove the core using a teaspoon. But don’t throw away the skins - they will be needed later. In a bowl, add a little milk to the potato pulp to make a puree.

Next you can do the mushrooms. Bacon-wrapped potatoes in the oven taste best if you use wild ones. They must be washed well, cut into pieces and fried with chopped onion in a frying pan. 5 minutes before they are completely ready, you need to add sour cream to them and then stir.

Mix the prepared mushrooms with mashed potatoes and grate a piece of cheese into the same bowl. Next, all that remains is to add the chopped dill, and then mix the filling thoroughly. Finally, it needs skins. You will get some kind of “boats” with filling. Each of them must be wrapped in a sheet of bacon, placed on a baking sheet, which is placed in the oven for 15-25 minutes.

Bon appetit!

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If you have guests coming over soon, and the only thing left in the refrigerator is potatoes and a couple of pieces of meat or cheese, don’t worry. Cook accordion potatoes in the oven - this interesting and nutritious dish will not leave your guests hungry and will allow you to act as a hospitable host, not lacking in imagination.

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How to choose products for accordion potatoes?

How to choose products for accordion potatoes? Sometimes you just don’t have to choose food: what’s left is what we cook with. But if you have a choice, it is better to choose fresh ones - this way the dish will not lose its taste.

Potato tubers should be large, oblong, regular in shape, and without dents. If the potato is greenish in color, it contains substances harmful to health - it is better not to use it.

Traditionally, accordion potatoes are cooked in the oven with meat (bacon) or cheese. But the filling may contain mushrooms, apples and other products - the cook’s imagination will suggest a variety of options.



Use stops to prevent cuts from being too deep. For this purpose, you can use a tablespoon, putting a tuber in it, or two wooden sticks, inserting potatoes between them.

There is no need to generously salt or pepper the dish, as some fillings already contain spices.

Cut off a small part of the tuber on one side and make cuts on the other. Thanks to this technology, the tuber will stand steadily on the baking sheet.

If you use new potatoes for a dish, you don’t have to peel them.

Feel free to experiment with fillings. Potatoes go well with many foods, so you are unlikely to risk spoiling the dish.

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Accordion potatoes with sausage




We will need:


favorite sausage
hard cheese
salt, pepper, Provençal herbs

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1. Peel the potatoes and cut into circles, without cutting all the way, in the form of an accordion
2. Insert half a circle of sausage into the slits, pour in melted butter, salt, pepper, sprinkle with spices
3. Place the potatoes on foil, cover with another layer of foil and seal the edges tightly, making a baking dish.
4. Place the potatoes in the oven for 40 minutes at 180C
5. Next, remove the top layer of foil, sprinkle the potatoes with grated cheese, leave for another 5-10 minutes until the cheese melts

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Accordion potatoes with bacon




Oven accordion potatoes with bacon are a classic version of this dish. For one large tuber you will need 20-25 g of bacon. Calculate the number of tubers and filling according to the number of people present at the table.

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Peel the potato tubers, rinse well and make cuts.
Cut the bacon into thin slices so that they fit easily into the cuts.
Salt and pepper the potatoes and place bacon slices in between.
Place the prepared tubers on a baking sheet or in another container and place in a preheated oven for half an hour.
You can check the readiness of the potatoes with a fork or knife, which should fit easily into the tubers.
When the dish is baked, you can place small slices of cheese on the tubers and place them in the oven for a few minutes. The cheese has melted - it's time to remove the potatoes from the oven.
You can serve lunch on fresh lettuce leaves, sprinkled with finely chopped herbs.

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Accordion potatoes with mushrooms


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Accordion potatoes in the oven can be cooked with mushrooms. A recipe with a photo will help you create this culinary masterpiece from simple and satisfying ingredients. Any fresh mushrooms are suitable for cooking. If you take dried ones, then you need to first soak them in water and boil them, then dry them on a paper towel and fry them. Pickled mushrooms will also work, but they need to be washed and dried before cooking.

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Chop the prepared mushrooms into small pieces and fry in vegetable oil.
Chop the greens and place them in the cuts of the tuber along with the mushrooms.
Salt and pepper.
Wrap the potatoes in foil to prevent the filling from falling out.
Bake for half an hour.



Accordion potatoes with chicken and apples


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Several potato tubers;
200-250 g chicken breast;
1 tomato;
a piece of lard;
2 apples;
a few cloves of garlic;
salt pepper.

Chop chicken breast, lard and tomato into thin pieces.
Peel the garlic cloves and finely grate them.
Mix mayonnaise, spices, finely chopped herbs and garlic.
Peel the potatoes and make cuts.
Salt and pepper.
Place chicken, tomato slices and lard into the slits.
Line a baking sheet with foil and place strips of lard on it.
Place the prepared tubers on the lard.
Peel the apples, remove the cores and cut into small pieces.
Sprinkle the tubers with apple slices and pour over the mayonnaise sauce.
Wrap the potatoes in foil and place in the oven for half an hour.
In order for a crispy crust to form on the potatoes, it is recommended to slightly open the top layer of foil 5-7 minutes before turning off.
Serve the dish hot on lettuce leaves, sprinkled with herbs.



Accordion potatoes with cheese


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Accordion potatoes with cheese in the oven are a juicy and tender dish that will not leave anyone indifferent. If you don't have rosemary as indicated in the recipe, you can add any herbs you like.

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Several fresh potato tubers;
hard cheese;
rosemary leaves.

Wash the potatoes and make cuts.
Cut the cheese into thin slices.
Place the filling in the gaps, alternating a slice of cheese with rosemary and a piece of butter.
Add salt.
Wrap each tuber in foil.
Cook in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for half an hour.
Open the foil slightly and turn on the “Grill” mode for 5 minutes.
Serve hot.



Sauces for dressing


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The original dressing will only improve the taste of the dish. The following sauce options are perfect for accordion potatoes in the oven:

- sour cream. Peel the onion and garlic, chop finely and fry in a frying pan. Chop the greens and mix the roast, herbs and sour cream;
- cheesy. Finely grate the cheese and mix with mayonnaise, herbs and garlic.

Delicious appetizer with Bechamel sauce

This sauce requires a lot of time to prepare and a large number of ingredients. But, if you are expecting guests, you can pay attention to it so that the accordion potatoes baked in the oven turn out more refined and presentable.

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Accordion potatoes with béchamel sauce

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50 g butter;
2 tbsp. l. flour;
0.5 l of milk;
1.5-2 tbsp. l. breadcrumbs;
1 tbsp. l. chopped nuts;
1 tsp. ground red pepper;
spices (choose any herbs you like to taste);

Melt the butter in a bowl and add flour to it.
Heat until the mixture begins to foam.
Stir with a whisk while pouring milk in a thin stream. Make sure that no lumps form in the sauce.
Add spices, salt, heat for a few more minutes and remove from heat.
Prepare the potatoes as in previous recipes; before putting them in the oven, pour this sauce over them and cover with foil.
Mix butter, nuts and red pepper and sprinkle the mixture on the dish 10 minutes before cooking, slightly opening the foil.
The dish can be consumed either on its own or as a side dish for fish or meat.



video: Accordion potatoes in the oven

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