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Why do you dream about being given something as a gift? Chief editor of the portal: Ekaterina Danilova. What does it mean if you dreamed about Gifts

Some people forget about them in the morning or don’t attach too much importance to them. Others, on the contrary, believe that dreams are harbingers of some important events. It is useless to argue about this; everyone decides for themselves. But regardless of whether a person believes in the symbolism of dreams or not, it is always interesting to understand this flow of fantasies, images and details. Fortunately, today there are a huge number of dream books that provide interpretation of dreams. So, if you want to find out the meaning of a particular vision, it is not difficult. It’s so interesting to find out, for example, why we dream of receiving gifts or why we see different landscapes in our dreams.

It is clear that events in dreams can be both pleasant and not very pleasant. And the same vision in different sources is interpreted differently: from both a positive and a negative point of view. This, however, is not very good, as it creates confusion. How to figure it out if the information in different sources varies so much? Although there are cases when all dream books interpret a dream in the same way.

Positive dreams

For example, dreams related to gifts are written everywhere with a plus sign. Moreover, you can give it to someone, you can accept it, you can lose it. In short, there are many options. But women, as a rule, are more interested in what it means to receive gifts, and especially to know what it means to dream of a gift from a man? Moreover, this interests both married ladies and young ladies. This is understandable, because receiving gifts in reality is always pleasant, and many, having become accustomed to the fact that in dreams everything is always the other way around, are simply waiting for a catch. However, it is impossible to find it here.


To begin with, it would be nice to understand what a gift means in a dream in a general sense. All dream books say that receiving a gift in a dream will actually lead to some kind of profit, including material profit. This is a harbinger of something positive, pleasant surprises, interesting meetings, or simply a symbol of surprise.

True, if you don’t like the gift you dreamed about, you should expect that the surprises in store for you will not be too pleasant.

For the wedding

And now about the most interesting part. Almost all dream books, when explaining why a gift is dreamed of, agree that it is for an imminent wedding, which will also be happy. Moreover, the future husband will certainly be rich and close in spirit to the woman. a strong happy family, the appearance of healthy children, possibly in large numbers. In general, when you see your lover giving you something and saying nice words, you can calm down. Such a dream is evidence that the person is right for you and will not go anywhere.

Freud's opinion

Why do you dream about gifts? An interesting interpretation is given in Freud's dream book. Here the gift is considered not from a general point of view, but from an important moment for the relationship and Freud.

According to this, it means the desire to establish close contact, including sexual contact. It turns out that if a woman receives a gift from a man in a dream, it means that the latter wants to establish a relationship of this kind with her.

Gypsy interpreter

Still, there was one dream book that interpreted a gift from a guy in a negative way. The gypsy dream book and the gift in general do not present a very rosy view, but this is not so important. The important thing is that a present from a man is interpreted there as a possible danger. But still, in most dream books, a gift is a symbol of something good. So don't focus too much on the negative.

Present from ex

This option is also possible: in a woman’s dream she dreams of not just a man, but the one with whom she broke up. In order to fully understand why you dream of a gift from an ex-boyfriend, you first need to understand what the appearance of such a person in principle means. According to dream books, this is a symbol of excessive preoccupation with the past. If your ex-love not only fleetingly visits your dream, but also gives you a gift, it means that your heart is not yet completely free. This dream can explain a lot in reality, for example, why there are no new relationships. It's simple: because the past has not yet been completely forgotten.

Specific gifts

In order to more accurately understand what a gift means in a dream, it is important, in addition to the identity of the giver, to turn to the specific items donated. Receiving a hairpin is a clear sign that you are surrounded by care and attention from a man. If they give you a fur coat, this is an omen that you will soon find yourself in an embarrassing situation due to the fact that you will be mistaken for another person.

But if a man gives you a pet (in particular, a dog), this means that a life of great comfort and prosperity awaits you. When you dream of a book, especially one packed in wrapping paper, it’s worth thinking about. Such a vision indicates that you are being prevented from learning the truth, and most likely, this is done by the donor.

Jewelry makes great gifts

However, it’s no secret: nothing pleases women more than receiving jewelry as gifts. So, earrings are a symbol of deception. - to happy events and love confessions, possibly dates. The necklace is a symbol of a successful marriage.

Jewelry also promises a wonderful husband. Because they symbolize the exclusivity of the one for whom they are intended. The more expensive the gift a woman receives in night vision, the more happiness she expects in family and intimate relationships.


In general, it’s quite clear why you dream about a gift. Almost all unmarried girls dream of getting a ring from a man. Of course, even in a dream this decoration is interpreted unambiguously and is a symbol of the fidelity of a loved one, a harbinger of an imminent wedding, as well as love, a strong union, and affection. Two wedding cards - for engagement. A single gold ring on the hand is a symbol of not only marriage, but also the birth of a child.


In fact, it is not so important what exactly we dream about and how to interpret this image. Much more significant is how exactly we react to dreams. We attract to ourselves what we focus on and what we think about. This does not mean, of course, that by dreaming about a wedding, we are thereby bringing the event closer.

However, if, having seen a not-so-nice present in a dream, we become fixated on the negative, then it will quickly burst into our lives. Figuring out why you dream about a gift, whatever it may be, is one thing, but thinking about it all the time is quite another. Yes, I dreamed it. If you were curious, you can find an interpretation in the dream book, but no more. For dreams to come true, you need to be more active in reality, and not go into the world of your own dreams. So dream books are good, but you shouldn’t rely too much on them, you need to take fate into your own hands.

Why do you dream of giving gifts?

A dream in which you have to give gifts has a negative meaning. Depending on how exactly it happened, its meaning could be like this:

  • - handing a gift to a stranger means you are in danger. You will become a victim of deception, or someone will try to discredit your name;
  • - present it to a friend - this person will bring you a lot of grief and problems. This may be done not out of malice, but out of thoughtlessness, but it will be up to you to deal with the consequences of his rash actions;
  • - giving something to the deceased - you are tormented by a feeling of guilt towards the deceased, you cannot come to terms with his loss. It is better to get rid of such thoughts as soon as possible, otherwise it can lead to depression and illness.

Why do you dream about a gift from a man?

If the gift was received from a man, then your life will be cloudless and happy, you will be given a pleasant offer. You will be surrounded by friendly and sympathetic people who are very attractive to you. But if in a dream you did not experience joy from what was happening, then expect trouble.

For a married lady, a dream means that her husband sincerely loves her, will try to surround her with attention and care and ensure a comfortable existence. For an unmarried girl, this is a sure sign of an imminent wedding or meeting a man who will become her husband.

Why do you dream of receiving a ring as a gift from a man?

If in a dream a girl received a ring as a gift from a man, this is a double symbol. If she knows him, the plot indicates his tender feelings and deep affection. But there is probably no complete understanding between them. Omissions and guesses can ruin relationships. If she doesn't know the donor, then this is a danger signal.

A married woman can also have such a dream. It was a ring with a red stone, which was presented by a stranger - the dream can be regarded as a formidable warning. Her affair on the side will be discovered, which may even lead to divorce. Gold portends wealth and success in society.

Why do you dream about a watch as a gift?

A watch is a very symbolic gift, even if it was given in the kingdom of Morpheus. For those involved in entrepreneurship, the product predicts business prosperity and extremely valuable contacts that will strengthen their financial situation. This image also indicates the successful completion of the work started, an increase in salary and other pleasant changes.

If a woman is given a watch along with a bracelet, she will soon get married. But if the product was in a gold case, then you should not be happy. The dream seems favorable, but in fact it has a negative meaning - it foreshadows false slander against her or fraud in order to seize her property.

Why do you dream about buying a gift?

Anyone who buys a gift in a dream is a generous and open person, always ready to selflessly help people. However, such generosity often turns into condemnation and mistrust. By duplicating behavior characteristic of real life in a dream, the subconscious mind warns that it is time to change your behavior style and remember your own needs and desires.

The purchase of items for donation should also be taken as a hint that small problems will arise in business, in affairs, but you will solve them quite easily and quickly.

According to scientists, all people have dreams during the so-called REM sleep phase. These dreams are very different, and often, upon waking up, a person cannot immediately understand why this or that dream occurred. Therefore, people resort to the help of a dream book. Some people believe in them, others don’t, but they exist. And sometimes it’s still interesting to look into such a book.

What if you dream about receiving gifts?

Dreams really are very different, sometimes good, sometimes not so good. One such good dream is a dream in which a person receives gifts.

Why do you dream of receiving gifts? Both receiving and giving them is, as a rule, a procedure that brings joy and pleasure. And both in life and in dreams.

There are a large number of different dream books, but they all interpret dreams about gifts in approximately the same way.

So, here's what the new family dream book says about sleep.

Receiving gifts is a joy. For people minding their own business, it promises changes for the better in terms of finances.

For a young woman, this is a good sign; it promises her a successful marriage with a person similar to her, as well as financial well-being.

Receiving a birthday present is rare luck.

If in a dream a person himself gives a gift, then the dream acts as a warning - you need to be on alert so as not to miss the opportunity to resolve troubles.

Maybe old dream books are more accurate? For example, grandma’s dream book prophesies entertainment following a gift. But giving means losing a friend.

An old English dream book: a gift from a lover - friends will do everything for the dreamer’s well-being. For a guy - to betrothed love and family fortune. For a girl, the betrothed will be a true gentleman.

Miller's dream book says receiving gifts means extraordinary happiness. And if you are planning any financial transactions, you don’t have to worry about them.

For a young girl - to a successful marriage.

But giving gifts yourself means losing a good opportunity. Perhaps someone is not satisfied with the actions of this person.

If the dreamer dreams that he is giving someone a gift for his birthday, then he simply does not respect this person in reality.

Loff's dream book interprets receiving a gift in a dream differently.

Receiving a gift is seen by Laff as a way to establish an imbalance in the relationship and a hint on how to do this. Here you need to pay attention to what kind of gift was given and by whom.

If the dreamer is just expecting a gift, perhaps he is subconsciously trying to justify someone’s hopes. Or, on the contrary, the realization that loved ones do not live up to the hopes placed on them.

What does it portend?

Tsvetkov's dream book is quite short. A gift in a dream signifies some news. For a woman - a successful marriage. But giving yourself means a profitable business.

Sometimes it’s interesting to look into some unusual book, for example, an esoteric dream book.

So he interprets such a dream not entirely successfully. Namely, if the donor is known, then expect trouble from him. If not, then things are even worse. This unknown person wishes evil and can even cause damage.

Choosing a gift means financial losses; you shouldn’t be too wasteful and do rash things.

But making a gift with your own hands means that the financial situation is in the hands of a person.

The same not entirely traditional dream book is the gypsy one. If a woman receives a gift in a dream (from a man), then she should be careful, someone is planning something unkind towards her. If the dreamer himself gives a gift, this is a good symbol, namely for resolving problems.

Returning to the topic of dream interpretation using ancient dream books. Aesop's dream book interprets this dream interestingly.

For example, if a loved one gives a gift, but the girl in a dream is so happy that she forgets to look at what is there, then this is a sign of a love date. Perhaps even a declaration of love from a person who has loved for a long time, but is afraid to say it.

Some people believe in dream books, others call them fairy tales, and dreams are just pictures from the subconscious. To believe or not is up to each person. The main thing is not to forget that the mood of the dream book directly depends on its compiler, so it is better to listen to yourself and believe only in the good!

Even in a dream, it is pleasant to receive a bouquet from a gallant gentleman. However, in dream books this plot is interpreted ambiguously. In some cases, it can anticipate the appearance of a worthy, attractive admirer, a long-term passionate romance, or a proposal to create a marriage union. In others, it warns of quarrels, separation, and disappointment. Why do you dream when a man gives flowers?

Waiting for love

In a dream, did a man literally shower you with flowers? Such a “million red roses,” unfortunately, does not promise a passionate romantic relationship, a devoted, ardent admirer. At least until the dreamer understands: the demands she places on her suitors are extremely high, and she needs to be a little more tolerant and lenient. It is useful for the sleeping beauty to soberly evaluate her merits, the dream book hints.

Do you dream that a fan presents armfuls of flowers that he collected in the meadow? It turns out that cute daisies and cornflowers in a dream symbolize pure friendly relationships.

Remember the song “yellow tulips are the messengers of separation”? So in midnight dreams, they, as well as yellow asters and daffodils given by a man, predict separation from a person dear to the heart for a long time.

Habit, convenience

Feelings have cooled down, it will not be possible to revive them, which is why I dreamed that a young man was giving a single or withered flower. No matter what efforts you make, you can’t return your former passion, the dream book summarizes.

He gives almost the same advice to a lady to whom in a dream her lover presented an artificial flower. The only difference is that in this case the relationship has long since outlived its usefulness, but the couple continues to run a joint household because of established habits and everyday conveniences. So is it worth wasting precious years simply vegetating next to an indifferent, spiritually and physically alien character?

But if in your night fantasy a young man hands you a flowerpot with a flowering plant, you can rejoice! According to the dream book, this is a sign that in reality a new feeling is arising in you, and it is mutual, bright, joyful. This will be mutual love, which, if the dreamer wishes, will allow you to create a strong union for many years.

ABC of floristry

To correctly understand why you dreamed that you were given a bouquet, you need to remember what plants it consisted of.

  • Suppose you dreamed that a man was holding out a bouquet of daisies. Then take a closer look, your admirer is probably really too indecisive and modest.
  • But asters in the night phantasmagoria are a symbol of unfulfilled dreams, unfulfilled hopes.
  • It would seem that harmless primroses are received in a dream on the eve of a stormy scandal or quarrel.
  • But forget-me-nots prophesy moments of joy in your personal life.
  • Dahlias are a sign that promises good luck and success.
  • Strict lilies suggest in a night dream that in reality something will have to change.
  • It’s easy to guess why roses were dreamed about. These flowers, both in dreams and in reality, are associated with passionate feelings.

  • However, if you see sunflowers, then you are simply in the epicenter of stormy love passions.
  • Narcissists are often seen in dreams by people for whom the main thing is an impeccable appearance. After all, they are sure that there is no one more beautiful than them in the world.
  • Wonderfully smelling hyacinths in spring, according to the dream book, anticipate separation.
  • What are the field weeds - cornflowers - dreaming of? An excellent sign suggesting that the sleeping woman’s business will go uphill!
  • But intoxicating jasmine is a warning about a fleeting amorous connection.
  • Pretentious peonies are a sign that you will be lucky in love.

In the spotlight

Miller believes that a luxurious bouquet composed of different flowers predicts success for a sleeping woman with members of the opposite sex. The number of her admirers will be almost the same as the number of inflorescences in the florist’s work.

Donor's identity

The identity of the person who presented the flowers will also help to decipher the secret of night fantasies. If he is well known to the sleeping woman, then after waking up she will receive from this gentleman a rather unexpected proposal, which, by the way, promises certain benefits.

It is wonderful when the role of the donor is played by a young man who is attractive to the dreamer, because the dream book states that in reality she will be connected with this character by strong mutual feelings.

A new attractive admirer will appear, which is why I dreamed that the bouquet was presented by a stranger.

The magic of numbers

Did a stranger give you fresh, beautiful flowers? An excellent omen that promises joyful changes in your personal life. You will meet a new love or unexpectedly renew your relationship with a former lover.

Three scarlet flowers in a dream, presented as a gift in a dream, in reality will turn out for you in the fact that the gentleman will offer his hand and heart.

It wouldn't be bad if he gave you three white ones. As the dream book assures, it is too early to think about a wedding, but you will spend many wonderful moments with this character.