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Dream thieves break into the house. “Dream Interpretation of catching a Thief dreamed of why you dream of catching a Thief in a dream

Why do you dream that you managed to catch a thief in a dream? The dream book advises to interpret the vision literally. In real life, you will be able to prevent something unpleasant and even terrible.

Miller's assurances

Miller's dream book, for example, claims that catching a thief in a dream means eliminating enemies and ill-wishers.

Fix it immediately!

If you happen to see and catch a thief who is trying to rob your apartment, then in reality you will have to correct past mistakes. If you don't do this, you will create big problems.

Did you dream that you found thieves in your house? Subconsciously, you are waiting for someone’s aggression or trick from the outside.

Get ready!

Did you dream that you captured a criminal at the scene of a crime? This means that you prevented a mistake that threatened to develop into incredible trouble.

In a dream, catching up with robbers means serious life trials. Further events, according to the dream book, will be prompted by the dream plot and a competent interpretation of the dream.

Hurry up!

Why do you dream that you captured a thief? This means that the person you know is plotting and weaving intrigues in real life. But you will be able to expose her if you hurry.

If the woman managed to stop the thief, then the decoding is literal. A certain lady will encroach on your lover, but you will take action in time and the relationship will be saved.

Decoding characters

Why do you dream that you caught a thief in a dream? The dream book is sure that further interpretation depends on the personality of the robber.

  • A relative means prosperity.
  • Friend is help.
  • A stranger is an uninvited guest.
  • Pickpocket – minor damage.
  • One thief means danger, enmity.
  • A lot – acquisition, success.

If you yourself were a thief and you were caught in the act, then the dream book predicts short-term success, and then a whole series of troubles.

Take the chance!

What does it mean in a dream to catch a thief practically by the hand? The dream book is confident that you will wisely take advantage of this chance.

If in a dream you grabbed a robber by the hand and even beat him, then there is clearly progress in business.

Did you dream that you caught the hand of a dishonest person? The period has come when you are literally able to move mountains to achieve your desired goal.

Work hard!

Why do you dream that you were able to return what was stolen? Personal hard work and perseverance will lead to the speedy acquisition of the desired wealth and prosperity.

Did you dream that you found stolen property after the criminals fled? The dream book thinks that in real life you will get what you sorely missed.

If in a dream you managed to return what was stolen on your own, then some business will initially make you worry a lot, and then turn into a great success.


What does it mean if in a dream the detectives were able to return the stolen property after a long investigation?

What is our dream? The work of a brain overworked during the day or veiled messages from parallel worlds? Sometimes night images are so vivid that, willy-nilly, you want to look into your dream book. Theft committed by strangers, or one's own participation in illegal actions - such dreams can foreshadow material or spiritual losses in real life.

Inconsistency of Predictions

A dream about a thief is not necessarily a symbol of trouble; sometimes the meaning of a dream is positive. Much depends on the details of what was seen, as well as the profession, social status, age and gender of the dreamer, and the life situation that developed at a given time. Let's consider what a dream about thefts and thieves means for different people, and also compare the interpretations given in popular dream books.

What does a theft seen in a dream portend for a young girl?

If a girl has a lover and she sees something like this: thieves are breaking into the apartment or are already taking out the loot, then you should take this as a warning about treachery in your immediate environment. It is quite possible that one of your friends is jealous of your happiness and is trying to destroy it. You need to behave less openly, not to talk about the details of your personal life even to your closest friends or relatives.

The folk dream book interprets such a dream somewhat differently. A thief sneaking into a young girl's house symbolizes the groom. If this is a group of criminals, wait for the matchmakers to arrive, get ready to accept a marriage proposal from your longtime admirer or a new acquaintance.

A thief in a married woman's dream

For women connected by family ties, dreams about thieves and robbers are a harbinger of a marital quarrel due to gossip and unfair slander. Sometimes such a dream foreshadows a meeting with a former admirer, an office romance, or the beginning of a love relationship on the side.

The image of a thief can also represent a person to whom you have entrusted some secret, or told about personal or official secrets. Be careful, he is not at all who he says he is. As a result of his dark plans, your career or family well-being may collapse.

Interpretation of sleep for men

Such a dream is considered very unpleasant: a thief in a house behaves like a master, does not run away or hide. This means that you will soon learn about your wife’s betrayal and see with your own eyes the fact of adultery. The dream may foretell a divorce, division of property, separation from loved ones due to a forced move, a long business trip, or imprisonment.

If a man is not married or his strong marriage is not in danger, then such a dream can be explained by the machinations of business competitors or problems at work. Perhaps someone is trying to denigrate you, remove you from your position, or drag you into an obviously losing enterprise. Catching a thief in a dream means repelling your enemies, getting out of all troubles with honor, and successfully coping with the difficulties that arise.

To be a robber yourself - perhaps you have treated one of your relatives, friends or colleagues unfairly. The dream serves as a hint to reconsider your behavior and correct your mistakes.

The influence of sleep on business, career, business reputation

You watch as robbers enter your house under the cover of darkness, but are unable to budge to stop them - expect troubles at work, a salary reduction, a demotion. Several thieves are a symbol of conspiracies going on behind your back and the spread of false rumors. Such a dream may foretell the loss of profitable deals, disagreements with superiors, a break with business partners, and material damage.

If a person you know is hiding under the mask of a thief, then you should take a closer look at the people around you. Perhaps someone close to you is plotting evil against you, trying to compromise you. If a thief who appears in a dream does not show his face, chance acquaintances are likely, which will turn into personal quarrels, business conflicts, and litigation.

For people planning to open their own business or enter into a new contract, seeing a thief in a dream is an unfavorable sign. The implementation of the plan may encounter unforeseen obstacles, bureaucratic delays, extortion of bribes, intrigues of envious people, lucrative offers will turn out to be a deception. As a result, you will experience the loss of large sums of money, disappointment due to wasted time, and powerlessness in the face of current circumstances.

The meaning of situational variations in dreams

Let's look into the esoteric dream book. Theft here is associated with losses in real life. But if in a dream you manage to stop the criminal, this means that in reality everything will work out for the best.

Taking part in the capture of robbers means the successful completion of a financial transaction, the commission of a noble deed, and the acquisition of like-minded people.

If you grab a pickpocket by the hand, your opponents will be defeated, you will prevail in a dispute, and win a lawsuit. For girls, such a dream can mean reconciliation with a young man.

If you had to engage in a fight with a criminal and at the same time recognize the thief in a dream, it is possible that this particular person will help in the implementation of your plans, take your side in the conflict, and give good advice. A similar situation, when the face of a robber is unfamiliar to you, may portend danger or disappointment when contacting random people.

Sometimes you may dream that you locked a thief in a room, tied him up, or even killed him. This development of events suggests that very soon all the problems weighing you down will be a thing of the past, and your future life will be joyful and happy.

Interpretation according to Miller's dream book

The American master of psychoanalysis, Gustav Miller, believed that the image of a thief should be interpreted depending on the specific circumstances in the dreamer’s life. In general, this symbol is quite favorable. If you are lucky enough to catch a thief in a dream, success awaits you in financial and love affairs, victory over enemies, and advancement up the career ladder.

Seeing yourself as a thief running away from law enforcement officers means you will find yourself in a sticky situation, from which you will be able to get out thanks to the support of your friends. In some cases, such a dream may portend mild ailments, minor problems at work, or cooling of feelings between spouses or lovers.

Sometimes you have the following dream: a thief tries to pick your pocket on the street, and you engage in a fight with him or flee - this means that very soon you will find out that someone is trying to harm you, and you will be able to expose and punish your opponents.

Interpretation of dreams according to Hasse

The Polish clairvoyant Miss Hasse, who enjoyed enormous popularity at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries, left her own dream book as a legacy to her descendants. A thief in a dream, according to the fortuneteller, does not bode well; it promises health problems, financial losses, gossip, intrigue, and the machinations of enemies.

The loss of valuable things discovered in a dream warns of a possible breakup with a loved one or a quarrel with friends. But these troubles can be avoided by changing your attitude towards loved ones.

If you have a dream in which you yourself are the thief, this can result in job loss, financial difficulties, gambling losses, or the loss of large sums of money as a result of fraud on the part of casual acquaintances.

Interpretation of sleep in Longo's dream book

For those who are looking for a job or have just got a new job, seeing a thief sneaking into the house in a dream means career growth, the emergence of fresh ideas, and the awakening of inspiration. Perhaps you will be promoted, loaded with assignments unusual for your specialization.

If in a dream you had to grab a thief by the hand, think about whether you were too hasty in making some decision. Such a dream may foretell the cancellation of an important transaction, lost profits, problems in financial affairs, which will ultimately be successfully resolved.

According to the psychological dream book compiled by Yuri Longo, a thief in a dream is a fairly favorable symbol for business and purposeful people. Seeing yourself in the image of a robber means a quick way out of a difficult situation, the patronage of influential people, and friendly support.

Sometimes you may dream that after the theft has occurred, you are covering the thief’s escape, trying to hide him from his pursuers. Such a dream speaks of excessive softness of your character and advises you to pay attention to your surroundings. It is quite possible that one of your relatives, colleagues or subordinates is abusing your trust, plotting intrigues, or using your kindness for unseemly or selfish purposes.

What does theft symbolize according to Freud's dream book?

According to the famous psychoanalyst, almost every dream we have has erotic overtones. Dreams about thieves, robbers and other criminal elements who strive to take advantage of other people's property are no exception.

What do we see when we open Freud's dream book? A thief in a man’s dream represents unconscious sexual desires towards someone else’s wife or girlfriend. For young women, “criminal” dreams foreshadow a stormy love affair, an affair with a married man, fleeting intimate relationships that will negatively affect their reputation and cause a nervous breakdown and depression.

Interpretation of a dream about thieves according to Vanga’s dream book

You saw a robber sneaking into the house, but you managed to expose the thief in a dream - which means that in reality you will have to face dishonest people to whom you will give a worthy rebuff. Frequent repetition of such dreams indicates that you are overly carried away by caring for material well-being; you should turn your gaze towards spiritual values.

The theft being committed before your eyes is a symbol of perseverance and leadership qualities. Now there are many ill-wishers around you, but they do not have the strength to prevent your success. Thanks to the gift of persuasion and diplomatic talent, you can turn your enemies into reliable allies.

In a dream, did you catch a thief and punish him for what he did? The dream book of the Bulgarian seer says that such a situation symbolizes inflated demands on people and exaltation of one’s own importance. Remember whether you have always acted according to your conscience, and try not to be too categorical in assessing the actions of others.

Stealing in a dream means you are trying to get something that does not belong to you. Leave unnecessary ambitions, be more compliant and tolerant of others, do not forget about kindness, justice, and honor.

according to Miller's dream book

If you dream that you are a thief and the police are pursuing you, this means that you will face failure in business and your relationships with others will deteriorate. If in a dream you yourself are chasing a thief or catching him, it means that you will defeat your enemies. If in a dream you are being pursued by night robbers, this foreshadows in reality a complication of relations with your opponents. Such a dream warns you of the necessary caution, especially in relationships with strangers. If your home or place of work is robbed in a dream, this means that fate will require courage and firmness from you in defending your convictions. Such a dream promises misfortune to careless people.

Seeing theft in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

Ask anyone who has ever been a victim of theft, and they will undoubtedly tell you how the person who has gone through it feels: insulted, humiliated. In early childhood, we learn that taking a toy from another is taboo, moreover, if a toy is taken from us, it offends our feelings. However, meanness and acts of theft are common dream images. Depending on whether you are a thief or a victim, there are several interpretations offered for consideration. As a thief, you may sense a lack of resources or an injustice in the distribution of goods. For example, if you dream that you are stealing basic necessities - bread, food, things necessary to survive in the environment that exists in the dream - then you see yourself as a beggar. In real life, this may manifest as behavior that isolates you from others or leaves you feeling like you have no choice. However, to dream about stealing from people you know may reflect your perception that they are better off than you, even though you don't think they deserve it. If you are playing the role of a victim, a possible theme is fear or loss. The list of suspects will help further clarify the situation. If you are a victim and the stolen items are of fundamental importance, then material loss creates anxiety. However, if the lost items are of minor importance and the suspect is more valuable to you than the items, then you may feel like someone you know is trampling on your rights or deceiving you. However, it is also important to take into account the items themselves and their significance to you. Their symbolism may indicate an area of ​​life in which boundaries are being violated, which will help you find a solution to the problem of restoring your position.

I dreamed about theft

according to Miller's dream book

If you dream of theft or robbers committing theft, this means your spinelessness and future failures. A dream in which you are accused of committing theft means that an annoying misunderstanding will interfere with some business and you will be very worried about it, but in the end you will unexpectedly find yourself in honor. If someone else is accused of theft, it means that in life you will condemn an ​​innocent person with reckless haste.

If you dreamed of a thief in a dream, then this is a reason to think about it. And here it’s more likely not a matter of some kind of fear, but of banal interest, because a thief is not just some kind of neutral subject. It may well reflect your intentions, hidden desires, fears, phobias, etc. You can interpret such a dream either independently or with the help of specialists. It is better, of course, to immediately turn to dream books so as not to be mistaken in this matter.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

If you dream of a thief, then in real life you can expect the loss of your property and things. Seeing a thief in a dream means strife and deception. Probably, such a dream warns you against prohibited practices in some areas of your life.

If you are the thief in the dream, then a temporary improvement in things awaits you, but in the general context everything will remain the same.

Interpretation according to Hasse's dream book

According to Hasse’s dream book, a person dreams of a thief as a sign of confrontation, loss and danger. Be careful - don't fall for the tricks of your enemies.

If you happen to steal in a dream, then in real life you will face sadness, poverty, and humiliation.

If something was stolen from you in a dream, then you may lose your close friends. Take the maximum amount of time to remove such a threat, because losing a friend never brings anything good.

According to Maly Velesov's dream book

  • A thief in a dream foretells the dreamer a confrontation with opponents, minor problems, difficult situations.
  • Many thieves dream of disappointment.
  • If in a dream you see a thief cleaning out someone’s house, then this is good. The dream book does not specify specifically, but the sign is positive.
  • If you steal, this predicts either poverty-stricken times for you, or, on the contrary, successful business management.
  • If you steal a specific object or thing in a dream, then this is a sign that you most likely will not have this in your life.
  • But if a thief walks in the yard, then this is a harbinger of a fire.

Transcript according to Miller

If in a dream you are a thief, and at the same time you have to run away from law enforcement agencies, then in life you may face misunderstanding and loss of trust from loved ones. Your comrades may also turn away from you. Perhaps some of your short-sighted actions will be the reason for this. Be careful and think bigger.

If in a dream you caught a thief, then in life you will have victories over your opponents. And if you have to run away from thieves in a dream, expect problems with your enemies in reality; they may become more active and give you trouble. Be more careful and careful after such dreams.

Vanga's Dream Book

If you caught a burglar in a dream, this is evidence that you do not trust people and are wary of everyone. Such a dream indicates excessive attention to material wealth, although it is time to think about the spiritual.

Seeing a thief doing his job in a dream speaks of your strong and unshakable character. Your principles are pure and strong, thanks to which you have made many enemies. However, there is no need to worry, such enemies are not dangerous to you due to their insignificance. Most likely, you are capable of being a leader and administering fair justice.

If you are the thief in a dream, then this promises you disappointment. You really want to get something that you don’t deserve either physically or spiritually. You still have to work on yourself and do good to people. And only when your soul is clean from sin will you be given what you want.

Punishing a thief in a dream is a sign to the dreamer that in life it is necessary to value justice and act in accordance with it. But at the same time, you should not condemn or pass judgment on someone.

Freud's interpretation

This dream book interprets a dream with a thief as the dreamer’s desire to have intimacy with the girlfriend/wife of a friend or neighbor. Probably, a person may not mentally desire this and in every possible way suppress any thoughts related to such intimacy, but the subconscious in a dream makes itself felt and indicates your natural attractions.

Dream book of the 21st century

Why does the dreamer dream of a thief in a dream?

Thief - Seeing a thief in a dream means troubles await you; for a girl - a quick marriage. Pickpocket - warning: someone is trying to harm you.

If you dreamed of a thief quietly sneaking into the house, it means your self-confidence and success in business.

If you dreamed that you were robbed, then in reality you will find out who your ill-wishers are and what their plans are; For a girl, such a dream can be a harbinger of someone’s anger and envy.

If in a dream you were robbed on a grand scale, leaving practically nothing, it is a good dream; it promises you favorable deals, successful contracts.

If you dreamed that you stole something, such a dream could be a warning: you should not take risks in reality, as this could lead to loss or damages. Stealing in a crowded place means bankruptcy; stealing from yourself means loss or decline in business.

Buying stolen goods in a dream means that in reality you will be able to achieve someone’s favor.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream of a thief in a dream?

Thief - Why dream that you are a thief and the police are pursuing you, then failure in business awaits you, and your relationships with others will worsen.

A thief pursuing you means acquiring dangerous enemies who will destroy you if you are not vigilant in dealing with strangers.

Chasing a thief or catching him means that you will defeat your enemies.

Why dream that your home or office is being robbed? Your position in business life or society may be shaken, but the courage shown in the fight against these difficulties will save you.

If you dream of a pickpocket, then your enemy will succeed in disturbing you and causing you trouble. If a young girl dreams that she has been robbed by a pickpocket, then she will become the object of someone’s envy and anger, because of which she may lose a friend.

If a young lady herself “cleans” someone’s pockets, then her impoliteness will annoy her partner.

Aesop's Dream Book

Allegories about the Thief

Thief - It is unlikely that this word evokes pleasant memories in your subconscious. The image of a thief is presented as something dark and unpleasant. If this symbol appears in a dream, then do not rush to hide valuables and install new locks on the door, because this symbol has several meanings. In the old days, it was believed that part of the blame for theft goes to the one who leads people into temptation with his carelessness. “What is poorly placed is not protected by fear.” “Don’t put it in a bad place, don’t lead a thief into sin.”

  • A thief - a thief who sneaks into your house - means that in reality you have made an unforgivable mistake that will cost you very dearly.
  • If you dream about how you caught a thief, in reality you will do everything possible not to miss the chance.
  • Why dream about a thief stealing something personal and valuable from you means that in reality you are being deceived and your personal well-being is under threat.
  • Why dream about being offered to buy a stolen item is a bad sign. Someone will try to take advantage of your personal and intimate.
  • You found an item stolen by a thief - symbolizes well-being and prosperity created by your personal labor.
  • You saw yourself as a thief - this predicts problems and emotional experiences for you.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

What does it mean if you dream of a Thief

If you yourself were in the role of a thief and tried to steal something, or you even succeeded, the dream, even if it seems strange to you, symbolizes that you are too absorbed in some kind of passion that cannot find application or realization. And this weighs heavily on you. Most likely, the thief is a symbol of your loneliness. You are trying to find a partner because you need a close, trusting relationship, but you just can’t do it.

Unfortunately, if you dreamed of a thief, this is a disappointing sign; the situation will not be corrected. There will be no changes in your personal life in the near future. The meaning of the dream in which you see a thief will depend on its other details and circumstances.

  • A thief is a thief to a woman - in most cases, he symbolizes one of her admirers. So, if you are still single and suddenly see a thief, we advise you to take a closer look at your surroundings - perhaps there you will discover a secret and modest admirer.
  • If you saw a thief getting into your house - in reality you should be wary of deception.
  • Catching a thief, pursuing him - a dream warns of possible family quarrels and conflicts.
  • Well, if you dreamed of several thieves at the same time, this is a sign that you will have to endure some kind of disappointment.

The ABC of Dream Interpretation

To dream about a Thief, what does it mean?

  • If you dream of a thief, for example, if he has broken into your house or you see him stealing something from other people, this is a sign, a warning that in reality you should change your behavior, otherwise you may lose someone’s trust, respect from others, society will treat you worse. And all because you are using some unworthy methods to achieve your goal, prohibited techniques.
  • You dream of a thief; if you catch him, someone will try to deceive you, you will find out about it, which will ultimately result in a quarrel with this person.
  • Well, if you yourself stole something, were a thief, the dream says that although you will be able to achieve success, obviously it will be very short-lived.
  • If you saw in a dream a thief who stole something very valuable from you, it means that a person has appeared in your environment who is deceiving you. You have to detect the deceiver, otherwise your well-being and peace will be disturbed.
  • To dream of buying a stolen item means that someone is trying to take something that belongs to you. Perhaps the secret that you have kept for so long and carefully will be revealed.
  • You see yourself as a detective who finds a thing stolen by a thief - this means that in reality you will find what you were missing. The dream predicts prosperity and well-being that will reward your efforts.

Rick Dillon's Dream Book

Why do you dream about a thief in a dream?

  • The thief, no matter what happens, is in all cases a bad omen. If you dream that you are catching a thief, for example, after he broke into your house or you simply participated in a general pursuit, the dream warns you of impending danger. You are likely to take part in some event or business, an adventure that requires great dexterity, skill and caution from you. Or danger will threaten you from the outside.
  • But if you saw a thief stealing, watched him from the side, but did nothing, this is a prediction that you yourself will be involved in something bad.
  • If the dreamer is a woman and she dreams of a thief, then, in most cases, he symbolizes one of her admirers. So, if you are still single and suddenly see a thief, we advise you to take a closer look at your surroundings - perhaps there you will find a secret and modest admirer who has not yet decided to express his feelings to you. Maybe we should encourage him?
  • It seemed that you were robbed - oddly enough - this is a good sign that predicts the conclusion of a successful deal that will bring you great benefit. Or the dream can promise a good acquaintance and good luck in personal relationships. The dream in which you caught a thief also turns out to be a positive dream - it predicts well-being for you.
  • But if you caught a thief, pursued him, but failed to catch him, expect quarrels and conflicts in the family in reality.

Persian dream book of Khubayshi Tiflisi

Thief's Interpretation

  • Thief - thief - this dream is a warning about separation from a loved one. But separation is not always something negative. Yes, it causes emotional distress, but sometimes it is only beneficial.
  • And if in a dream you dream that a thief has stolen something, separation will bring you profit in the long run. Therefore, do not rush to be sad - this is just your case.
  • If you dream of yourself in the role of a thief, the dream predicts serious troubles for you, perhaps disaster. Of course, it is difficult to foresee everything in advance, but still, if you had a dream, try to behave more carefully and calculate your every step.
  • If you dreamed that you were going to steal something, the dream may be a sign of an approaching illness. However, there is good news, it will not be too dangerous, and you will definitely recover.
  • If a thief managed to take you hostage, it means that in life you will have to go through a lot of worries and problematic situations.

Dream Interpretation of the White Magician Yuri Longo

If the dreamer dreamed of a Thief

    Why do you dream of a thief sneaking towards the house - you will be fine at work. Such a dream is primarily associated with your professional activities. You will, as it were, get a second wind, although the so-called critical moment will come, when it will seem that just a little more, and you will simply die from tension and fatigue. The thing is that you are going through a difficult period at work. Once you put in the effort, you will reap the fruits of your efforts with pride and pleasure.
  • You yourself were a thief, which means you will finally be able to solve a problem that you have been struggling with for a long time. The way out of a difficult situation will be unexpected; one of your friends will offer you the right solution. You are required to have patience and attention to other people's opinions, because it is “from the outside” that you will receive valuable information.
  • Caught thief - you should beware of making too hasty decisions, because, although at first glance they seem correct, in fact they will only bring harm. In your position, you need to think about every step, then you will easily achieve success. The more seriously you take the problem you need to solve, the better. It is even possible that at the moment you should not be active, but wait: perhaps the situation will resolve itself.
  • A fleeing thief whom you, for some reason, help escape - you are a very gentle person and tend to find, first of all, something good in everything. This is a very good quality, but sometimes it can hurt you. It’s worth taking off your rose-colored glasses and not being so naive. It will be much better if you look at the world more realistically and balancedly, learn to see things as they are.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Why do you dream of a thief in a dream?

You see a thief is always a warning of serious danger threatening you. Try to behave more carefully, not get involved in various adventures and carefully calculate your every step. A thief in a dream is a recommendation to avoid conflicts, especially with people who have real opportunities to harm you. And although it may be impossible to foresee everything in advance, still a dream in which you dream of a thief means you need to be on your guard.