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Fortune telling by wax figures. Wax fortune telling. Castle, cross, incomprehensible plexus

With popular wax fortune telling, the meaning of the figures of a fish, flower, dog, child and others will reveal important secrets. Interpretation when casting on wax is the key to knowing the future, which also allows you to accurately and quickly get answers to many questions.

There are several options for interpreting figures and signs. More often, fortune tellers use not only generally accepted meanings, but also rely on their own experience and intuition.

Wax fortune telling - dog


A dog appearing on wax is a positive symbol, indicating that you have a protector.

Most likely, this is not a blood relative, but a close friend. This is the person you can trust now. In some cases, the image is interpreted as the alter ego of the fortuneteller.

If you asked the higher powers for advice, in this case the dog suggests that it is necessary to adapt socially and look for new acquaintances. People who will support and help start a business, a project. If someone trusts you, you cannot betray this person, otherwise it will be difficult to regain his favor.


Fish in wax divination is a multifaceted sign. In most cases, the silhouette says that very good, wise advice was given that you ignored.

Now you need to ask for help from those who understand the situation, and not try to do everything yourself. Sometimes the figure of a fish on wax appears to warn of false friends who may let you down.

If the question is asked by a woman, then an addition to the family is expected in the near future. One of the rarest interpretations of the symbol is sudden good news.


It is definitely a good sign if the fortune telling turns out to be a flower. It symbolizes well-being, harmony and success. A very joyful event will happen in the near future. The appearance of several such signs indicates that personal life will begin to improve.

For those who already have a partner- this is a stable strong relationship, a revival of passion. For singles This is a hint, you will soon meet a companion and get married. In rare cases, a flower predicts popularity and success among colleagues.

But you need to achieve everything yourself. If you just sit and wait for happiness, it will not knock on your door. Don’t give up, start taking action and fortune will be on your side.


The versatility of the elephant figure often reflects the physical state of the fortuneteller or client. However, in order to do it correctly, you need to pay attention to its outlines.

If the symbol is neat, very clear, at first glance it is clear that it is an elephant (there is no doubt), this indicates good health, a good life, nothing will interfere.

Also, a clear figure of an elephant represents relatives or close friends who are ready to support. For the one who is being told fortunes, it means that he knows how to use his power and influence, tries not to make mistakes, and achieves his goals.

A vague, crooked figure, when the elephant is only guessed, says that you need to pay attention to your health. Perhaps you have some kind of hidden disease or exacerbation.


This symbol can be interpreted in different ways. Pay attention to where the branches of the crown are facing. If they are directed upward, then a happy future awaits you. Down - problems in the financial or love sphere are possible.

Some sources indicate that the appearance of a tree indicates purchases, pleasant gifts, and sudden offers. You cannot refuse them. If the question was asked about personality, then the tree testifies to a courageous individual who stands firmly on his feet, is a materialist, and is not inclined to fly in the clouds and fantasize.


The appearance of a child or an embryo figurine in fortune telling indicates the beginning of something. This is not necessarily pregnancy. There is a chance to start life over with a new leaf, get a job, learn a skill, move to another country, and so on.

  • If the figure is clear, then no matter what you take on, everything will work out.
  • The image is blurry, then when starting something you should be as careful as possible, the path will not be strewn with roses.


Of course, this is love, perhaps the beginning of a new relationship, a quick marriage. To receive the complete prophecy, pay attention to the symbols located nearby. The circle talks about marriage. The appearance of a large number of dots means financial success.

Vague outline - not a very stable relationship, most likely you are unsure of your feelings. A clear heart speaks of a good union.


If you see a bear while reading with wax, it means it’s time to change something. This applies to absolutely all aspects of life. It is necessary to be cleansed and renewed.

Choose an area in which you urgently need to fix something. The bear also warns that due to the fact that you are not able to be flexible, problems at home regarding household matters are likely.

If the question was asked about relationships, then the appearance of a bear speaks of an alliance with a partner who will have a very difficult character and will try to dominate.


A very favorable symbol for wax fortune telling is a bird. Get answers to the questions you've been waiting for. It is possible that they will completely change your life.

A flying figure speaks of very good news or a sudden win. When fortune telling for love, the sign promises a meeting with the person with whom you will spend your whole life. At this stage, it is advisable to listen to the advice of more experienced people. A trip to another country, perhaps for business, is not excluded.

Remember, fortune favors those who make efforts to implement plans, so you shouldn’t sit idly by. You need to act, then the higher powers will be favorable.


An insidious and fickle cat warns of deceitful friends, fraud and betrayal. Pay attention to your friends. It is possible that even the closest one will be among the traitors.

Wax fortune telling is one of the oldest methods of fortune telling, which originated in Ancient Egypt. It is not very difficult to guess what attracts inexperienced witches, but it can also be difficult to understand the answers received.

In the article:

How to tell fortunes with wax

There is a providence for the future; they usually choose a simple but reliable one. To get a clear answer to the question, follow the rules of fortune telling.

They tell fortunes only on a moonlit night; the preferred phase of the moon is waxing or full moon. The day before the ceremony, they tune in, do not overeat, drink alcohol and do not participate in noisy parties. They make sure that the necessary attributes are at hand at the right time.

They don’t tell others what the girl is going to do. At the moment of witchcraft there should be no strangers in the room. The exception is when girls gather for joint fortune-telling.

An important factor is attributes (candles, bowl, water). Use only wax candles - paraffin ones will not give any effect. It is difficult to find candles made from real wax; you look for them in specialized stores or buy them in churches. Water has an information field: it is not recommended to take tap water. The best option is water from a stream or shallow fast river.

Fortune telling begins. They think about the question and say it out loud and confidently. The candle is melted and the resulting wax is carefully poured into a bowl of water so as not to spill past the vessel. They try to pour in one place without jerking their hand. They wait until the wax takes on clear outlines and proceed to interpret the results.

Favorable meanings of figures in fortune telling

There are several interpretation options. The main thing is to listen to yourself. If intuition tells you something different than what you read in the article, trust your sixth sense.

Germ (embryo)

The figurine of an embryo symbolizes new plans, ideas, the beginning of a new life: pregnancy, new job, relationships, hobbies, etc.

Look closely at the silhouette. If the appearance is neat and does not blur, the ideas are successful, and the undertakings will end in success. If the figure does not have a clear silhouette, droplets of wax come off, be careful and do not jump into the pool headlong.


A good sign, symbolizing harmony in life, a joyful event. If there are a lot of flowers, a passionate romance or marriage is coming. Predicts new friends and acquaintances, increased popularity. The drawing speaks of prosperous times that will soon come. You can’t sit idly by: the main thing is not to rely on fortune telling and not to miss the chance that comes your way.


A favorable sign representing the answer to a question. The information will affect your future life. If a flying bird is depicted, good news or unexpected luck awaits. It is possible to win the lottery.

Projects or recent ideas are successful. If a girl reads fortunes about love, she will soon meet her lover. They are expecting a long trip, traveling abroad.


The image has several interpretations. Symbolizes the physical state of the fortune teller. Much depends on the appearance of the figure. If the boundaries are clear and neat, everything is fine. When the figure is blurry or crooked, the situation is not as good as it seems, pay attention to your well-being. Recommendation to monitor appearance.

The elephant represents loved ones who will always support. Symbolizes strength and perseverance, which a person skillfully uses to achieve goals. The elephant is a wise animal, whose appearance warns against mistakes. You can’t put pressure on people, look for compromises.


The object is interpreted in different ways. It matters which way the branches of the tree are turned: if they are directed upward, happy days await, if downward, there is a black streak ahead.

The drawing marks the imminent acquisition of desired things or sudden offers that cannot be refused. Usually these are risky ideas related to study or work. A symbol of a strong person who is not prone to empty dreams.


In fortune telling, the heart symbolizes love, imminent marriage, and a new romance. If a ring is visible near the heart, the girl will soon get married. There are other interpretations. If there are several dots around the heart, your financial condition will improve.

The interpretation depends on the state of the drawing. If the boundaries are unclear, the intentions are vague, the person is not sure of his own feelings, danger awaits. They reconsider their views and motives.


A dog is the personification of a friend. There is a true friend who is trusted. The figurine is interpreted as an alter ego. A dog is a social animal and symbolizes advice to gather like-minded people or start your own business. You cannot betray people who trust a fortuneteller, because it is difficult to earn it again.

Interpretation of unfavorable meanings of figures

There are images that promise trouble. If the result is unfavorable, the Higher Powers warn of impending misfortune and give a chance to prepare or try to change the situation for the better.


The symbol is interpreted in different ways. The silhouette of a fish means advice from wise people in difficult times, which will not be heeded. This is not the right time to show pride.

When fortune telling on wax, fish appears to warn of betrayal. A sign that it is necessary to reconsider the environment. Interpreted as an early pregnancy in a fortune-telling family. If it is a fish, they are expecting an addition to the family.

It is rare to find a favorable interpretation of a figurine about good news, from getting a desired job to the recovery of a grandmother. The news is unexpected, but pleasant.


The bear is a symbol of the need for change in life. Major changes are needed (change of field of activity, moving to another country, divorce, marriage) or minor ones. The figure personifies the lack of flexibility in solving everyday problems and immersion in everyday life. A person is haunted by failures due to his difficult character. If a girl guesses for love, this is a symbol of the beginning of a relationship with a dominant man.

Such an ancient magical ritual as fortune telling with wax and water allows you to make the most accurate forecast for the future and find out what trials or gifts fate has in store. To do this, just light a large candle, pour the spreading wax into a container with cool water and wait for the random drops to form a single picture. Then all that remains is to carefully study the drawing, find the correct meaning of the figures and interpret them in relation to your own life.

Letters will indicate men and women from your immediate environment, numbers will help you find out the date of upcoming events, and other symbols will help you understand what exactly will happen. A snake, an animal and a raccoon will predict problems and illnesses, and good, pleasant deeds will be hinted at by such symbols as a heart, lips, a swan, a dog, an angel, a fish, birds, a child’s embryo, etc. Knowing this useful information, you can insure yourself against troubles and prepare perfectly for good news and favorable events.

Correct fortune telling with wax and water - interpretation of figures

Accurate and correct fortune telling with wax and water provides for a certain principle of conducting and interpreting figures according to their meaning. For the ritual, you need to retire to a room with soft, calm lighting and close the door tightly, asking family and friends living in the same room to remain silent, not to burst in without warning and not to interfere with the process.

Among the accompanying elements you will need the following items:

  • medium or large wax candle;
  • box of matches or lighter;
  • container with cool, but not ice-cold water.

To ensure that the outlines of the figures are clear and clearly readable against the background of the light walls of the container, it is worth using colored candles. Pink and red are ideal for love affairs, green for questions about health, and bright yellow or gold will tell you as clearly as possible about finances. This approach will make fortune telling more accurate and provide the questioner with the most correct data.

How to tell fortunes with wax and interpret figures

A few hours before the ritual, you need to mentally clearly formulate the question of interest and focus on it. During fortune telling, you must not be distracted or interrupt the session. When lighting a candle, you need to carefully monitor its behavior. It will tell you whether the moment has been chosen to communicate with higher powers.

If the candle flares up instantly upon first contact with the fire and produces an even, medium-high flame, you can safely continue with your actions. This is a favorable sign from above. Strongly sparkling, hissing and simply noisy combustion shows that important information awaits the questioner. A poorly lit wick with a low, weak flame indicates that the moment was not chosen for the ritual. It is better to stop everything and wait for more suitable conditions or continue, but only if there is an urgent need to receive an answer. A candle that does not light indicates that the action must be stopped immediately and transferred to a more favorable day.

The interpretation of figures should be approached very carefully and without haste. The wax parts need to be inspected and determined what exactly they are. It is not always possible to immediately see the correct silhouette, so the figure can be turned from top to bottom, to the right or left. Once a suitable angle is found, a detailed interpretation can begin.

Wax fortune telling for the future - detailed meaning of the figures

When conducting wax fortune telling for the future, it is very important to know the detailed meaning of all the figures. Without this information, it will not be possible to correctly interpret the drawing and find out exactly what the future has in store. If negative symbols predominate in the ritual, you should not get upset and depressed. It is better to take a closer look at the values ​​and try to understand how to correct the current situation. After all, the result of fortune telling is not a verdict that cannot be appealed, but a hint or advice from higher powers, which is worth listening to and drawing the appropriate conclusions.

Interpretation of the meaning of figures when fortune telling about the future on wax

  • Lampshaded - the fortuneteller has become a victim of deception. You need to think about the behavior of others, analyze the words and show maximum patience and endurance.
  • A car is a new happy path, enormous opportunities. If you manage to get rid of laziness and apathy, there is a chance to radically change your life and easily get what you want.
  • Amphora is a symbol of anxiety. The friend of the heart is not yet ready to build a long-term relationship and move from the candy-bouquet period to something more serious.
  • An angel is a sign of changes that a person must make in himself. It's time to discard passivity, immaturity, laziness and get down to business with your own affairs. The payoff will be enormous, the main thing is not to procrastinate.
  • Banana - jealousy on the part of a loved one, intriguers and traitors in the immediate environment.
  • The tower is a calling given from above, an upcoming wedding.
  • Damn - loneliness, frustration, depression.
  • Boomerang - everything given, good or bad, will return a hundredfold.
  • Dumplings - diligence and hard work will ultimately be rewarded with well-deserved success.
  • Wreath - a pleasant event is approaching, usually associated with family life and love relationships.
  • Balloon - unexpected difficulties may arise on the way to the goal.
  • Question mark – self-doubt, indecision, fear.
  • Kettlebell – difficulties in relationships with others. You need to moderate your demands and stop harshly imposing your opinion on people.
  • Guitar – harmony in communication with loved ones, loved ones and friends.
  • Pear - the financial situation will soon improve, the work started will be successfully completed. In some cases, it may portend a happy marriage with a loved one.
  • Lips – hot passion, sensual pleasures with the chosen one of the heart.
  • Caterpillar - you need to put aside frivolity and take care of your loved ones.
  • Dolphin - all difficulties will be overcome, perhaps unexpected help will arrive.
  • Home – celebrations, guests, moving to a new place of residence, a good moment to start grandiose projects, and for a girl she will soon get married.
  • Chimney - immediate plans are very vague, the likelihood of making a mistake is very high.
  • Hedgehog - arrogance and toughness spoil the situation, you will have to learn a soft and loyal attitude towards people.
  • Raccoon - erroneous actions, dangerous delusions.
  • An acorn is the beginning of a new project, the birth of a grand idea. Hard work will be crowned with success and bring triumph.
  • A woman is a good friend with a generally positive interpretation of the entire composition, or a homewrecker, a rival, if most of the figures have a negative interpretation.
  • Giraffe - it's time to decide what is a real goal and what is just a dream.
  • The embryo of a child - it’s time to turn everything planned into reality.
  • Beast - you need to be careful, as an unfriendly person has appeared in your immediate environment.
  • The snake is a disease, a danger to serious, long-term relationships, activation of the most insidious enemies.
  • Umbrella - open - there are small, minor difficulties ahead; closed - serious problems.
  • Turkey - there is no need to be afraid of the future, everything will turn out well and the time for celebration will soon come.
  • Helmet - problems and their solution should be sought in oneself. The issue will not be resolved if you simply isolate yourself from the world.
  • Jacket - awaits contact with a serious, influential and extremely active enemy.
  • A cage - if closed - a trap, the impossibility of getting out of the current situation, open - the problems will soon recede, and the situation will become clearer.
  • Claws - there is an unfriendly person around, hiding under the guise of a good friend.
  • The wheel is a change of life cycles: one ends, another begins.
  • Ring – engagement, wedding, marriage. If the dots are located nearby, it means a successful business partnership with a good person.
  • A cow means prosperity in the house, material stability.
  • Wallet - the acquisition of something valuable; surrounded by dots - the arrival of a substantial amount of money.
  • Crab - you need to listen to your intuition and discover a false friend in your environment.
  • Swan - good news, positive changes in life, loyalty of a loved one.
  • Lemon - envy of other people's luck.
  • A leaf means prosperity, a few leaves mean great personal happiness.
  • A medal means hard work, diligence and all efforts will eventually be rewarded.
  • Mill - gossip, empty talk, stupid speculation.
  • The bag is empty - serious losses are coming; full - income will soon increase significantly.
  • Hammer - to achieve success you will have to defend your opinion.
  • A man is a new life partner, groom, admirer, future spouse. If the right hand is directed to the side, he will come with a gift.
  • Fly - minor difficulties, irritating phenomena, hesitation in solving problems.
  • Anvil – stability, prosperity, good, reliable income.
  • Clouds - dreams, ideas, the birth of new projects, creative excitement, inspiration, in some cases doubts, lack of self-confidence.
  • Necklace - elderly relatives will cause a lot of trouble and difficulties, but in the future this will be rewarded with valuable gifts or an impressive inheritance.
  • Glasses - you need to look at a problematic situation with a fresh look and then it will be successfully resolved.
  • A parachute is a happy way out of an unpleasant situation, getting rid of difficulties.
  • Spider - an influx of money, a hint of the presence of cunning people and scammers around.
  • The Rooster is the beginning of a bright streak in fate; good events are already on the way.
  • Saw - hard work and diligence will help you overcome obstacles.
  • A pistol is a quarrel with loved ones, a real danger, possibly a threat to life.
  • Stripes - a long road or a long journey awaits ahead.
  • Bird - good news, meeting with old friends, in some cases, the emergence of a love relationship. Dots next to the picture mean a quarrel or scandal.
  • Bee - the more work put into the business, the greater the reward will be.
  • A hand is a faithful lover, a devoted friend, if clenched into a fist - a quarrel, dissolution of a relationship, revenge.
  • Fish is a comfortable environment, harmony of sensations.
  • A candle is an important moment in life, a possible imminent wedding.
  • Heart – sincere feelings, devotion, true love for many years.
  • Rocks - difficulties in achieving the desired goal.
  • Eggshells - good news coming from far away.
  • A dog is a faithful, reliable and devoted friend who you can rely on in any situation.
  • Owl - betrayal of a loved one, illness, failure in business, difficulties.
  • The sun is prosperity, cloudless happiness, creative inspiration, success.
  • Spiral - in the end, everything secret will become clear, and the situation will become clearer; you may have to deal with scammers and liars.
  • The wall is a misunderstanding between the fortuneteller and his immediate environment.
  • Arrow - a letter will bring bad news.
  • Chair - getting a new position.
  • Steps – professional success, rapid career growth.
  • Period – financial wealth, unexpected arrival of large sums of money.
  • Snail - before taking an important step, you need to think very carefully. Hasty decisions will lead to unexpected problems.
  • Duck - luck, success in business and personal life.
  • Weather vane - you must not be influenced by strangers.
  • Fruits - prosperity, material well-being, good luck in any endeavor.
  • The church is an inheritance, a marriage ceremony, a wedding with a loved one.
  • Cup - you need to pay special attention to a new acquaintance and then it will bring many good, pleasant moments.
  • The turtle is a signal to show wisdom and restraint. The implementation of the plan is not far off.
  • The ball is harmony in life, love and work.
  • An apple - whole - stable material wealth, bitten - a temptation that should not be succumbed to.
  • The egg is the birth of new projects that will bring excellent returns in the future.

Wax fortune telling - what do the shapes of letters and numbers mean?

When divining with wax, it is very important to establish what the shapes of letters and numbers mean. As a rule, the letters indicate the initials of people from among close relatives, friends and acquaintances. In some cases, they may indicate the country, city or street where you are going to go. The numbers symbolize different time periods or amounts of money to be gained or lost.

The meaning of letter and number figures in wax divination

  • A capital letter always shows the first or last name of a person of great importance to the questioner. Or the name of the country that you will be visiting in the near future begins with this letter.
  • A lowercase letter represents people from a circle of more distant acquaintances, colleagues, neighbors, former classmates and fellow students.
  • The numbers symbolize certain dates, numbers, months, years or a specific time when fateful events for the questioner have already happened or will happen. With a definite interpretation and the presence of supporting figures nearby, monetary losses or gains are predicted.
  • Clear, clearly visible lines of letters and numbers hint at good news and pleasant life changes. Vague and difficult to read foreshadow negative news and troubles.

The most accurate meaning of pictures for fortune telling with wax

Having started fortune-telling with wax and water for the future, you need to clear your head of unnecessary thoughts and concentrate on one specific issue. In order for the ritual to give the most accurate prediction, you should let the candle burn well and try to make not just one figure, but several, with wax on the water. When the overall picture freezes, all that remains is to carefully study it and begin to correctly interpret the meanings.

If figures, letters, and numbers are found in one composition, there is a chance to determine exactly when the upcoming event will appear and who, besides the questioner, will take part in it. This will help you build the right line of behavior and give you a chance to completely avoid conflict situations.

Interpretation of pictures during wax fortune telling

  • Symbols such as lips and heart are always associated with love and family relationships. For men, as well as for women, they represent the emergence of the brightest feelings, engagement, wedding or marriage.
  • The appearance of a swan in the overall picture speaks of loyalty on the part of the partner and the seriousness of his intentions. Other birds more often symbolize the arrival of news, both good and negative.
  • Snakes symbolize wisdom and fortitude, but can also indicate illness, breakup, or betrayal. In this option, it is necessary to take into account the accompanying figures and interpret the symbol in the context of the overall negative or positive orientation of the picture.
  • Dogs mean loyal friends who are ready to help at any moment, fish show that life flows smoothly and harmoniously, and the embryos of a child hint that it is time to take on a new project.

Knowing these interesting nuances, even an amateur can learn to correctly interpret wax images formed on water.

Fortune telling with water and wax is one of the popular types of divination, which the fair sex turns to when they want to look into the future or find out their destiny. Even in Ancient Rus', people tried to use divination to reveal the secrets of the unknown. As a rule, girls and women gathered together and performed various rituals and fortune-telling on the eve of Christmastide, New Year and Christmas. We will talk about the main method of fortune telling with wax and water, as well as its interpretation in our article.

When is the best time to guess?

Even today, the correct time for fortune telling with water and wax is considered to be Christmastide - two weeks of winter holidays from Christmas to Epiphany. In the event that serious changes occur in a person’s life, it is allowed to tell fortunes not only on holidays, but without abusing the ritual.

Christmas fortune telling with wax and water is one of the most truthful methods. Many believe that it is on these days that water has the greatest energy. This is also explained by the fact that the subconscious of a fortuneteller independently chooses his destiny in wax forms formed on water. Water, with the help of its energy abilities, only accompanies this, and wax transmits the necessary information, since it is an energy-informational material.

Among the signs received, one should look for only good meaning. Bad predictions should not be taken on faith, as they can set the fortuneteller up for failure in business at the very beginning of the year.

Rules for fortune telling in ancient times

During the times of Ancient Rus', for fortune-telling at Christmas (with wax and water), female representatives chose special places that enhanced the effect of divination. As a rule, a barn, a bathhouse, a canopy, attics or abandoned housing were used for this. Immediately before the ritual, the young ladies let down their hair and untied their belts. Also a mandatory condition was the removal of the cross.

In modern times, when performing fortune telling, young girls do not strictly adhere to the rules and advice to which our ancestors paid close attention. Now, in order for the result of fortune telling with water and wax to be more or less reliable, you should wisely approach the choice of the main attributes.

Requirements when choosing a candle

Experienced experts in this field recommend purchasing candles from outside the hardware department. Since most likely in such a place they sell candles made of paraffin. For fortune telling by candle wax on water, only a natural product is suitable, so it is better to buy wax at a beekeeping store. Church candles are also suitable for the ritual; they are usually made of wax.

Next, for fortune telling, you should pull the wick from the purchased candle, and roll a ball from the candle itself. This should be done carefully so as not to break it. It is believed that the vertically standing attribute of fortune telling is a kind of symbol that directs the desires of the fortuneteller to the Almighty. A broken candle breaks the connection, and the interpretation of fortune telling for Christmas on water with wax turns out to be incorrect.

During divination, it is necessary to take seriously not only the choice of candle, but also the quality of the water, since it is the transmitter of information. When fortune telling with wax and water, you do not need to use settled water; such liquid has already absorbed a lot of unnecessary information. Tap water is not the best option for divination; it has no energy and is considered dead.

What determines the accuracy of interpretation?

In order for the interpretation of fortune telling for Christmas on water with wax to be truthful, it is recommended to lower a small mirror to the bottom of a container with water and pour the wax over it. With the help of a mirror, information will be concentrated in one place, and the image will be more accurate.

The wax must be poured in one place. If the image turns out blurry, the wish you made was not conceived accurately. In addition, it is worth paying attention to the fact that before the process of fortune telling with water and wax, you should completely abstract from reality and concentrate on your intended desire. Otherwise, the answer may turn out to be inaccurate and vague.

Fortune telling for Christmas using wax and water

You can cast a spell using wax and water in different ways, all of them are simple and based on the same mechanism of action. Girls use fortune telling with water and wax to find out: the near future, imminent marriage, the number of children in the marriage, what the relationship with her husband will be like, whether he will be rich. You can tell fortunes to yourself, a friend or relative. For this you need the following items:

  • deep container;
  • iron spoon;
  • cold water;
  • small mirror;
  • two candles;
  • Matchbox.

Experienced specialists in this field recommend performing the ritual at midnight. Immediately after fortune telling with wax on water, the figures that are formed do not need to be thrown away. Those that carry good omens can be used as a talisman; bad ones are best buried in the ground so that a negative prophecy does not come into force.

Fortune telling: drip wax into water

To begin the ritual, you need to place the prepared mirror in the center of the container. Then you should think of a question of interest and keep it in mind throughout the entire fortune telling process. After this, you need to pour water into the prepared container so that the stream flows onto the surface of the mirror.

At this time, you need to remove the wick from the candle, roll it into a ball and place it on a spoon. The second candle should be lit and a spoon should be placed over its fire, gradually melting the wax ball.

The melted wax should be poured drop by drop into the water over the mirror and, after waiting a little, take out the resulting figure. Then, using your imagination, try to understand what the fortuneteller associates with the resulting three-dimensional image.

The meaning of figures and interpretation of symbols

The process of divination does not take much time. More effort will have to be spent on interpreting the figures when divining with wax and water. When deciphering, you should be guided by your own internal feelings. The meaning of an image is subjective. As a rule, where one person sees a figure that will bring good luck, another will notice an image that promises grief and misfortune. If an incomprehensible blurry image is obtained, a series of bad days awaits the person. A detailed designation of wax on water for fortune telling is below.

Animal world

  • The stork means that the fortuneteller will have a happy family life and a new addition to the family. Also, for a creative person, such a figure symbolizes insight and a surge of new strength.
  • The butterfly portends the emergence of serious problems. If other figures are also present, this promises the appearance of a deceitful person on the path of life.
  • Squirrel speaks of the appearance of work that will take a lot of time.
  • The bull warns of a possible threat.
  • The dolphin symbolizes overcoming existing difficulties, perhaps with the help of a friend.
  • The hare indicates cowardice and uncertainty.
  • A snake can portend danger and also denote wisdom.
  • The crocodile means that the fortuneteller will be able to overcome troubles thanks to the ability to understand people.
  • The cow symbolizes wealth.
  • The cat speaks of the onset of a dark streak and protects against betrayal.
  • The swan portends good news.
  • The horse speaks of the determination of the fortuneteller.
  • The bear symbolizes stagnation in business.
  • Fish warns that the fortuneteller will soon receive wise advice, which must be heeded.
  • The elephant says that it is necessary to calmly approach solving all problems.
  • The dog denotes devotion and trust; the fortuneteller is surrounded by decent people.
  • The duck symbolizes good luck and fortune.
  • The turtle advises that there is no need to rush things, everything that needs to happen will definitely happen.

Man, body parts

  • Eyes symbolize deception; you must act carefully.
  • The head portends a promotion or new discoveries.
  • A woman warns about the possible appearance of a homewrecker in life.
  • The germ/embryo speaks of the birth of something new: love, friendship, job change, moving.
  • The bone symbolizes overcoming difficulties.
  • Face: if with a smile - joy, sad - the appearance of enemies or problems, several faces symbolize a holiday.
  • A man signifies the arrival of a guest with good news.
  • Heart: if clear, then to mutual feelings, with fractures and veins, to heartache and experiences.
  • A human figure foreshadows the appearance of a new friend.

Equipment and buildings

  • The arch symbolizes development, the transition to a new important stage in life. In addition, the arch can portend a journey.
  • The tower suggests that in the near future the fortuneteller will have a wedding or will have the opportunity to develop his talents.
  • The door signifies a new stage in life.
  • The house foreshadows the emergence of a new household, that is, a move, a successful marriage. Also, such a figure symbolizes happiness and harmony in the home.
  • The car indicates that a new path awaits the fortuneteller ahead.
  • The plane indicates the fast road. If the vehicle looks shabby, the trip will be unsuccessful.
  • Car: a new path awaits you ahead, which will bring happiness. There will be a lot of new and interesting things, laziness and apathy will remain a thing of the past.

Various items

  • The lampshade signifies possible deception. It is necessary to analyze the words and actions of colleagues and friends.
  • The angel speaks of possible changes that affect the character of the fortuneteller. Infantility, laziness, passivity will go away. Also, such a figure can mean the emergence of new love, good news or help from loved ones.
  • The pancake symbolizes loneliness.
  • The tubercles indicate possible troubles and difficulties.
  • Letters or all kinds of numbers indicate people or the date of an event that will be important for the fortuneteller during this period of time. The letter is the initials, the number is the date of an important event, which can relate both to the person personally and to someone from his close circle.

  • The bouquet symbolizes joy, gifts, holidays.
  • The rope denotes the emergence of difficulties. In the event that nodules are visible on the figure, problems will concern health, loops - financial issues.
  • Mushrooms indicate changes in life: a change in activity or the emergence of a new feeling.
  • The dragon indicates that the fortuneteller will have to show willpower.
  • The stars talk about the fulfillment of desires, success in career or in love.
  • An open umbrella means minor troubles may arise; a closed umbrella means serious difficulties.
  • A ring or candles indicate an imminent engagement or wedding.
  • The dot symbolizes the emergence of additional income and profit.
  • The pit is the most undesirable figure in fortune telling, as it foreshadows illness or imminent death.

In order for the figure obtained during fortune telling to be interpreted correctly, the wax should be observed from the very beginning of the process. It's worth watching how it flows down and what images appear first. How, after some time, they flow into others and are finally formed.

Only when all the wax has been poured into the container can you begin to interpret. When deciphering, it is worth paying attention to which images replaced each other. Individual figures may have the same interpretation, but most images should be viewed individually.

If the fortuneteller cannot interpret the formed image in any way, you should not give up fortune telling or despair. You need to rest for 5 minutes and start the process again.

Girls have been practicing since ancient times. And there is nothing unusual in this, because you rarely meet a person who would not want to lift the veil of secrets of the future. However, why, among the many ancient Slavic fortune-telling techniques, do they choose fortune-telling with wax and water? The thing is that this practice is considered the most reliable. This is due to the fact that the human subconscious independently determines the fate of the fortuneteller in the wax patterns that formed on the water. And water, due to its energy abilities, only helps in this. Wax is also an energy-informational material capable of delivering certain information.

A little about the methodology

Fortune telling with water and wax is essentially an interpretation of many water casting techniques. Previously, it was believed that water never lies, and if wax, tin or other rapidly cooling substance is poured into it, it will instantly provide the fortuneteller with information about his future fate. Today, fortune telling with candle wax is a little forgotten. It was replaced by other, simpler techniques, such as mirrors, wedding rings, etc. However, knowledgeable people claim that, despite the effectiveness of other practices, fortune telling with water and wax remains the most reliable. But only if you perform them correctly and know the meanings of the wax pictures. Fortune telling with candle wax is recommended for Christmas or Epiphany. They say that it is on these days that water has the greatest energy. Previously, girls chose certain places for such a pastime, which enhanced the effect of fortune telling. Most often, a barn, a bathhouse, a canopy, an attic, or a long time ago were used for this. Before starting fortune telling with wax for the betrothed, the girls unbraided their braids and untied their belts. It was also necessary to remove the pectoral cross.

In order for the result to be true, you need to most accurately follow all the rules of fortune telling with water and wax. First of all, this applies to candles. You should not purchase them at a regular hardware store. Most likely, they sell candles made from paraffin, and only a natural product has a special effect. Therefore, it is better to purchase wax in beekeeping stores. By the way, you can use them because they are also made of wax. The wick inserted into them is carefully removed, and the candle itself is rolled into a ball. It is very important to try not to break the candle. This is due to the fact that a vertically standing object is considered a symbol of the direction of the fortuneteller’s desire towards God. If the candle breaks, then this connection collapses, which means that the interpretation of fortune telling on wax will be incorrect.

In addition, when using classic wax, pour it into one place. If the picture is blurry, this means that the desire is not formulated accurately. The choice of water should be taken very seriously, since it is the transmitter of information. You should not take settled water, as it has absorbed a lot of unnecessary information. Tap water will not work either, since this liquid has no energy, it is “dead”. It is advisable to use water blessed for Epiphany. If there is none, you can take water from a spring, freeze it and use it only for fortune telling.

In order for the technique to show a more accurate result, it is recommended to place a small mirror at the bottom of a vessel with water and pour wax directly over it. Thanks to the mirror, information will be concentrated in one place and the picture will be clearer. Among other things, it should be remembered that before starting an interpretation, one must completely abstract from what is happening around him and concentrate as much as possible on the issue that concerns him. Otherwise, the answer may be vague and ambiguous.

Classic fortune telling with wax on water

This technique does not require special preparations; a minimal set is enough:

  • iron container with melted wax;
  • cold water;
  • flat saucer;
  • candle;
  • matches.

So, pour water into a saucer and put a mirror. The candle is lit and placed to the left of oneself (on the side of the heart). Having formulated the question, they begin to pour wax into the center of the mirror. The resulting figures will be the answer. Having completed fortune telling on wax, the symbols are taken out of the water and turned over. The information should be viewed from the side that was facing the bottom of the saucer. To do this, the figurine is brought to any vertical surface and their own future is determined by the shadow it casts.

Candle signs

When going to tell fortunes, you should also pay attention to how the candle burns. Let’s say that if it lights up quickly and burns evenly, it means that higher powers agree to help and allow us to lift the veil of the future. If it begins to sparkle or hiss, it means that the fortuneteller will very soon learn important news. A candle that burns slowly and burns poorly is a harbinger of bad news. If the candle cannot be lit, then fortune telling should be stopped immediately. The color of the candle also matters. For example, if they are telling fortunes about their betrothed, it is better to take a red candle; when they want to know about health, it is better to take a green one. Well, if fortune telling concerns money, then it is advisable to light a gold-plated candle.

Interpretation of fortune telling

In order to correctly interpret the information received, you should observe the wax from the very beginning: how it flows, what shapes are obtained at the first stage and how they flow into the final result. It is very important to note which pictures replace each other, as this will give a more detailed answer to the question. The result can be interpreted in different ways, depending on the circumstances, the mood of the fortuneteller and the significance of the question. Some symbols have a common meaning and are always interpreted the same way. However, most wax pictures should be viewed on a case-by-case basis. This is especially important if people of different ages or social status were present during fortune telling.

If a fish falls out

So, let's begin to interpret fortune telling with wax. Fish - good value. It indicates that the fortuneteller will very soon have to hear good news related to water. This figure also means that a taciturn, wise mentor will appear in your life very soon or has recently appeared. It is very important to listen to his advice.

Wax divination: heart

Oddly enough, even a wax heart speaks of love. This sign warns that in the near future the fortuneteller’s thoughts will be occupied only with love, everything else will fade into the background. Most likely, the chosen one will reciprocate. The shape of the wax heart is also of great importance. For example, if the heart is clearly expressed and has clear boundaries, then the fortuneteller need not worry - the love is mutual and will end in marriage. It’s worse if the heart is not clearly poured, has veins or has spread a little - this is a sign of unhappy love. Such relationships bring only pain and disappointment.

What does tree mean

This fragment shows that the fortuneteller is a purposeful person who has enough internal resources to achieve the task. He will successfully solve all his problems on his own.

If a flower falls out

If fortune telling on wax shows a flower, it means that in the near future we should expect changes for the better. The fortuneteller will experience success in both financial and love affairs. Moreover, it does not matter what kind of flower was obtained during casting. Any of them shows the openness of the fortuneteller’s soul. If a bouquet of flowers appears, it means that you have many friends who are sincerely glad to meet you. Unmarried girls most often receive a rose. In this situation, the picture speaks of nascent love. You should not push this feeling away because it is truly genuine.

What does the figure of an elephant mean?

If after casting an elephant is formed, one can only rejoice. This figure has several meanings, but all are positive. First of all, this symbol suggests that the fortuneteller is a strong-willed person with a huge supply of vital energy. Things are going steadily well for him, his life is completely successful. However, he should pay a little more attention to those around him, otherwise his luck will leave him. This sign also indicates that the fortuneteller has good patrons who are always ready to help and shift some of the problems onto their shoulders. In some cases, a wax elephant indicates good physical shape of the fortuneteller.

If a dog appears

This is a very good sign. This casting means that next to the fortuneteller there is a true friend who will come to the rescue in any difficult situation. Also, this fragment can characterize the fortuneteller himself, that he is a devoted friend who highly values ​​the existing relationship. Sometimes a wax dog is a kind of hint, indicating that together with friends you can solve any problem.

What does snake mean

This symbol can be interpreted in different ways, depending on life circumstances. Sometimes a snake is a sign of wisdom and strength, and in some cases a warning of danger. On the one hand, the snake indicates the fortuneteller’s ability to find a way out of any trouble. On the other hand, it warns of the appearance of treacherous people in the fortuneteller’s life who will bring misfortune. Perhaps at this moment you have problems, the cause of which was the insidious people around you.

What does the embryo figure say?

Most often, such fortune telling can be interpreted as the birth of something new. Perhaps the fortuneteller has conceived some business and wants to carry it out as soon as possible. An embryo can also indicate pregnancy, that is, the birth of a new life.

If a squirrel falls out

In nature, this is a very thrifty animal. In this regard, such a picture speaks of the fortuneteller’s love for everything material. It may also indicate that you are ready for any difficulties in life.

Abstract pictures

Any letters, numbers or symbols usually indicate important dates or specific names. Such an interpretation can serve well when it comes to the name of the betrothed.

The line means the beginning of something. If it is straight, then everything will end well, if it is zigzag, problems will occur.

If the wax has not spread and the figure in the water resembles a dot, it means that material well-being and unexpected wealth await the fortuneteller in the future.