Construction, design, renovation

Fortune telling from a dream book. The magic of numbers

  • Fortune telling - if you dream that you are telling fortunes on nine mirrors, then this means that in reality your rivals will beat you. This dream is especially unpleasant for businessmen, as it clearly shows how weak you are as a competitor.
  • Pay attention to the reflections in the mirrors. If the surface of the mirrors is foggy and does not reflect anything, then this means that you have failed the task that you have been working on for a long time and persistently, and all because you succumbed to the persuasion of others and allowed yourself to be convinced. If at least one of the mirrors reflects something, then you still have hope of correcting the current state of affairs.
  • If you are reflected in all nine mirrors, this means that in reality you are striving for power and will soon receive it. Most likely, you will be promoted, assigned an interesting project, or transferred to a new facility. If your reflections in the mirrors are calm or smiling, then this is a good sign - you will demonstrate your abilities and your superiors will be pleased with you. If your faces in the mirrors are distorted with grimaces, then this means that you will not live up to the hopes placed on you.
  • If, while fortune telling on nine mirrors, you break them all, then in reality you will be able to break out of the vicious circle and cope with the burden of the problems that have fallen on you. If you break some of the mirrors, then you will need the help of friends: the number of mirrors that remain intact is the number of people who are currently your comrades-in-arms.
  • If you hang all the mirrors on the wall in three rows of three mirrors and wonder while standing in front of them, then in reality you will be seriously disappointed in yourself, you will understand that you are not able to cope with the task that you have taken upon yourself. For women, this dream is especially dangerous, since what they see in these nine mirrors will come true within nine days.
  • Fortune telling using nine candles shows that you spend too much time on work and forget about home. If the candles are white and long, then in the near future things will go very well for you and you can take a vacation from work, but if the candles are black or small and crooked, then expect trouble.
  • If all nine candles are lit, then you will withstand any tests that will fall on your head in the coming days. Smoking or extinguished candles symbolize your defeat in the fight against competitors.
  • Broken candles indicate that over a certain period of time you or your family will have health problems; the number of broken candles determines how many months the illness will last.
  • If after fortune telling on nine candles you throw them all away, then in real life you will receive a lucrative offer or get rid of an old enemy.

Increasingly, the modern world is turning its attention to centuries-old knowledge and practices, which in fact turn out to be not meaningless theatrical and religious actions, but find their scientific justification. One of the latest “discoveries” suggests that water has memory. Scientists have experimentally confirmed that any human thought is reflected in a liquid substance. Is it any wonder that already in ancient times, fortune telling on water gave our ancestors answers to all the questions that might have worried them at that time.

Ask the water...

Water not only remembers, it knows everything that was, is and will be in this world. She also knows when, finally, academic minds will explain all its “magical” properties. But this is not the most pressing problem that concerns the average person. Much more he wants to know the answers to the immediate questions that concern him at the moment. Nothing is impossible in this world if you know how to guess on water correctly. Before you try the ancient method in practice, read the rules, without following which the actions taken may be ineffective.

When to do fortune telling

Optimally - during the period of a strong Moon (when it is waxing or full) or during Christmastide.

You will get the answer to the question if exciting thoughts have been overwhelming you for a day or even more. If a question bothers your mind from time to time, then focus your attention on it purposefully. Think about the problem during the day, and in the evening organize fortune telling by water using one of the methods described here.

The necessary conditions

  • You can perform the ritual alone or in a circle of like-minded people. It is especially successful when there is a “human guide” in the group. He may not be a psychic, but if dreams coming true are a common thing for him, then there should be no problems with interpretation.
  • In any case, you will need the most convenient one - a deep metal bowl. Other items as needed: a candle (be sure to be wax, not paraffin!), a mirror, matches and a couple of pencils.
  • The water must be cold and special: Epiphany, consecrated, spring, well, rain, or purified at home by freezing and then thawing. Simply typed from a tap is no good; it is heavily clogged with unnecessary information.

Fortune telling with candles and water

Three days before the ritual, prepare three and place water in a small container in your room. On the appointed night after midnight, place water on the table and candles around it at the corners of an imaginary triangle. Place the mirror behind the candle at the “top” of the figure.

Start fortune telling on water by concentrating on a question to which you would like to know the answer. In this case, you need to look through it detachedly until a certain change of images appears that you need to remember. This is the answer to an exciting topic.

This way you can get information from the near future. The main thing is not to overdo it. If nothing happens within 10 minutes, extinguish the candles and go to bed. Perhaps the information channel is closed for your own good.

Fortune telling with matches and water

It is held during the Christmas period or on Christmastide by unmarried girls. On the night of the ritual, the young lady will see her future husband in a dream. Fortune telling with matches and water is extremely simple and reliable.

Before going to bed, place a small bowl of water (saucer) at your head (on a stool, for example). On top of it in the center, place a pair of pencils parallel to each other at a short distance from each other (like rails). Start laying a bridge on top of them using matches (like sleepers). But leave this bridge unfinished, laid out to the middle of the path (in pencils). This is done so that the dream “does not escape” and is remembered.

In the morning or during the next day you will remember. You can tell it only after noon.

Fortune telling with wax

Interpretation of symbols

The interpretation of fortune telling by wax on water is individual in each case. This must be taken into account. Everything matters: the nature of the question, the personality of the questioner (gender, age, temperament, social status), specific circumstances. Nevertheless, there are images whose interpretation is approximately the same. If fortune telling on water with a candle is being carried out for the first time, the practice of interpreting wax figures is minimal, or you do not dare to express your assumption out loud, use an auxiliary explanatory dictionary.

Animate symbols

Stork - you are happily married or you will soon have a child.

Angel - help will come from an unexpected direction.

Butterfly - success in love.

Camel - a fun journey.

Wolf - enemy, quarrel.

The rider is a nuisance.

Crow - bad luck, misfortune.

The eye is a deception.

Caterpillar, worm - selfishness.

Dragon - fulfillment of desire, finding harmony.

Hedgehog - it is necessary to change the type of behavior, trust people more.

Woman - can mean both a wise adviser and a homewrecker.

The hare is a danger.

The beast is an enemy and ill-wisher.

Snake is a serious disease.

Horse - a lot of work or matters require urgent intervention.

A cat or cat is a betrayal of those you trusted.

Chicken - a prosperous family life.

Swan - good news.

Leo - success in business.

Medusa - your secret will become public knowledge.

A man is a friend, for a girl - a groom who will appear or, on the contrary, leave.

Bear - for friendship.

Mouse - minor squabbles, loss of money, but not very much.

The monkey is an insincere friend.

Deer - well-being.

Rooster - treason.

Spider - deceit and betrayal.

Bird - good news or new love.

Bee - work will benefit you and your loved ones.

Child - pregnancy or new project.

Fish - adaptation to new conditions, comfort.

Elephant - wisdom, advice from an elder.

A dog is a faithful friend, ally.

Owl - illness, failures, difficulties.

The tiger is an unexpected danger.

Duck - good luck, prosperity in business.

Turtle - procrastination in business.

Lizard - an unpleasant encounter.

Inanimate images

A car, carriage, plane, shoe or other object symbolizing movement promises travel. Pay attention to its appearance. For example, a “shabby” car portends an unsuccessful trip.

The arch is behind an important life stage, a new round of development.

Shoe - life change.

Tower - change of social status or marriage).

Lumps, potholes - difficulties, perhaps insurmountable.

Letters or numbers are significant dates or indications of specific names.

Fan - difficulties at work or serious problems in the family.

A wreath means a happy marriage soon.

Grapes - love, financial well-being, luck, prosperity, abundance.

Carnation - birth of a child.

Guitar is the fulfillment of aspirations.

Mushroom - vitality, perseverance, longevity, surprises.

Home - changes, moving is possible.

Spruce - success.

Star - career growth, luck, good news, true love, happiness.

The key is fulfillment of what you want, confidence, knowledge, time when success is in your own hands.

The book is an improvement in qualifications, perhaps a new stage in life.

Bell - important news. Good or bad - depending on the shape of the figure.

The ship is a long, interesting journey.

Basket - troubles are behind, changes are ahead.

The cross means illness or trouble, but all this can be overcome.

Circle - fixation on the problem or immutability, nothing changes in your business.

Ladder - career.

A tree leaf is fragile luck.

The machine is an increase in responsibility, taking charge of the business.

Mill - a lot of work, gossip.

A hammer is a sign of strength, the ability to move a mountain to achieve a goal.

Bridge - it is necessary to come to a compromise, only then a solution to their current difficult situation will be found.

The anvil is a stable financial position achieved through one’s own labor.

Knife - discord in relationships, hatred, quarrel.

Scissors - conflict at work or discord in the family.

Clouds are a premature question, a pipe dream.

Glasses are a wrong view of the situation; you need to change your opinion.

Horseshoe - success, happiness, luck.

Stripes - to the road, perhaps a long business trip.

A straight line is the beginning of an important matter.

Rose - dream come true, love.

Point - profit, good money.

A flower is the fulfillment of your most cherished desires.

A cup is a harmonious existence.

Hat - for guests.

Ball, ball, sphere - a stable position in which it is important not to stop there, but to move forward.

Apple - health, love, material wealth. If it is somehow spoiled, you should overcome the temptation.

Egg - new ideas and dreams.

ABC of dream interpretation

Fortune telling on cards or objects - check the accuracy of the news received today.

Idiomatic dream book

“Guessing on the coffee grounds” means uncertainty, deception.

Lunar dream book

Don't rush to guess, everything will happen in due time.

Maly Velesov dream book

Fortune telling, divination - leading / will not help your grief, losses.

Newest dream book

Why do you dream about Fortune telling in a dream?

Fortune telling for a patient with a surgical disease - a radical operation.

Numerological dream book of Pythagoras

Fortune telling in a dream using two mirrors means that you will regret something very much.

If fortune telling in a dream is successful and you see someone’s reflection in the mirrors, then after 2 weeks you will learn some information that has been hidden from you until now, and your regret will turn into indignation. However, do not rush to act, wait until your indignation subsides. Trust the person you met 2 days ago after a long separation, and you won’t go wrong.

If fortune telling in a dream proceeds sluggishly and unsuccessfully, you will regret that over the past 2 months you have allowed yourself to be fooled by those around you.

If in a dream at the end of fortune telling you break mirrors, after 2 months the period of your suffering will end and you will enter a new phase of your life. Don't forget to summarize.

If you are telling fortunes using two candles, then pay attention to the flame - if both candles burn evenly and brightly, then you will have a new goal in life, and you will be able to achieve wonderful results if you rely only on yourself and 2 like-minded people.

A flame that is barely visible and about to go out is a sign of impending anxieties associated with a change of plans. Perhaps your bosses will be especially demanding of you in the next 20 days.

If one of the candles goes out, there is no reason to worry, the bosses are simply studying you up and down, checking whether they can entrust you with a new responsible task.

If at the end of fortune telling on two candles you break both or one of them, after 11 days you are in danger of failing the exam if you are studying, or making an unfortunate mistake during a public speaking. For women, this dream promises disappointment in their gentleman.

Family dream book

A dream about fortune telling reminds you of some important and long-delayed matter.

If a young girl sees this dream, she will have to rely on her intuition and make a choice between two admirers.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if you dream about Fortune telling?

If a young woman dreams of fortune telling, she will become an object of suspicion.

If they read fortunes on her hand, she will have many friends, men, but women will treat her judgmentally.

If she herself examines someone’s hand, those around her will admire her deep mind.

If this is the hand of a high-ranking person, she will need the support of friends, despite her own elevation.

Dream Interpretation 2012

Fortune telling is a reflection of anxiety from thoughts about some important and/or unfinished business. A reflection of the desire to know something, but in finding the answer you need to rely on yourself - on your intuition and prudence.

Dream book of the 21st century

Why did you dream about Fortune telling in a dream?

Fortune telling in a dream promises you a surprise in reality, possible losses due to excessive haste, the need to solve the problem facing you.

If your destiny is predicted, such a dream promises you happiness in love.

A fortune teller in a dream is a sign of unreasonable worries and torment in the search for truth.

Dream book of the future

If you are telling fortunes in a dream, this is a reminder that some important pending matter is bothering you, but you need to be careful and beware of troubles and problems if you decide to see this matter through to completion; For a young girl, a dream about fortune telling means that fate forces her to make a choice between admirers and in this choice she must rely on herself in everything - on her intuition and feelings.

Dream book for lovers

If a girl dreams that she is telling fortunes, this means that she will have to make a choice between two admirers. In this she will have to rely only on herself, her feelings and intuition.

Dream interpretation horoscope

Fortune telling on cards - such a dream means that you should seriously think about your future.

Dream book for a bitch

Fortune telling - you are worried about something very important to you, but you need to show maximum caution and prudence in order to successfully complete it.

To guess on your own in a dream means you have to make a difficult choice, trust your intuition and inner voice, they will tell you the right path.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Fortune telling in a dream is a sign of doubt and emotional distress. Often this is a reminder of some important task that you have put off, but is gradually bothering you.

If the fortune teller in a dream is friendly, and her words fill you with confidence and calm, such a dream suggests that things may soon work out on their own. This is a very favorable sign, urging you to get rid of worries and trust in fate. Nevertheless, you should not take the results of fortune telling literally - they may only contain a hint of certain events.

If, instead of calm confidence, you feel impatience and excitement, such a dream is most likely false.

Receiving a frightening prediction in a dream means that you better not let things take their course. Rely on your strengths and try to avoid unnecessary fuss.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Fortune telling on coffee grounds means separation.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

Fortune telling on coffee grounds in a dream is a waste of your time.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Fortune telling on coffee grounds in a dream - this is what awaits you in reality.

Miller's Dream Book

Fortune telling in a dream is a reminder to you that some important pending matter is bothering you. But when deciding to follow through with it, be careful.

If a young lady sees this dream, it means that fate forces her to make a choice between two admirers. But in this choice, she must rely on herself in everything - on her intuition and prudence.

Chinese dream book

If you approach a person who is engaged in fortune telling using the I Ching, it portends a disease or illness.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Why see Fortune telling in a dream?

Fortune telling in a dream means being concerned about some important matter that requires a decision, but in order to make it, you need to properly weigh the pros and cons.

For a young girl, such a dream means that she is faced with a choice of which of two admirers to prefer and which to resign. This decision also requires her to be subtle and slow.

If someone tells fortunes for you in a dream, it means that in reality you will be disappointed by dubious pleasures. If you are guessing, in real life you are overcome by doubts with and without reason.

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Fortune telling in a dream indicates that you are worried about some important pending matter. When returning to this matter, exercise caution.

For a woman, such a dream means that she will have to make a choice between two admirers. In this choice, she must rely entirely on her intuition and prudence.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Interpretation of a dream: Fortune telling from a dream book?

To guess is to be deceived; surprise, sometimes a form of intuition.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

In a dream, you were engaged in fortune telling - good news awaits you.

If you dreamed that someone was telling you a fortune, listen carefully to what they predict for you, much of this may come true.

A dream in which you watched someone tell fortunes to one of your relatives means: in the near future you may have great luck in gambling.

You dreamed that you watched someone tell fortunes to one of your friends - know: in the near future you may win an important dispute.

You watched someone tell fortunes to a complete stranger - do not pay attention to this dream.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Guessing means losing money; warning not to rush.

Explanatory dictionary of dreams

Guessing is a surprise.

Gypsy dream book

If you dream that you are being told fortunes, this means that unexpected changes in fate await you, which may or may not be favorable.

If you yourself know how to predict the future, this means that sudden insights about the future await you. You should pay special attention to the premonitions that you may have over the next few days.

Esoteric dream book

Meaning of sleep: Fortune telling from a dream book?

Guess for yourself - seek advice in matters, do not decide everything yourself.

You - be careful, treason is possible.

Why do you dream if someone tells fortunes by your hand?

If a person dreams of fortune-telling, it means that his soul is troubled by doubts. Most likely, he is at a crossroads, unable to choose the right path, and subconsciously looks for clues in his dreams. Also, it can be a reminder of some important moment or task that needs to be returned to in order to streamline the flow of life.

It is possible that the postponed task needs to be completed urgently; delay can lead to undesirable negative consequences. If someone tells fortunes on your hand, your life will be filled with gossip of the worst nature. A woman who has such a dream will never lack admirers. At any age, there will be men around her who are in love and friendly. However, this fact will lead to envy from your friends. It is likely that the sleeping woman will lose friendly relations with all representatives of the fair sex close to her.

When a woman herself acts as a fortune teller and predicts someone’s fate along the lines of her palm, in the near future she will have to prove the sharpness of her mind and earn the respect of others. If fate is predicted for a friend who has a significant status, it is he who will support the sleeping woman in moving up the career ladder.

You can determine what the prediction means in a dream by the general atmosphere of the dream. A fortune teller who looks friendly and speaks with calm confidence is an auspicious sign. All problems will be eliminated by themselves, and you will not have to make any additional efforts to solve them. A negative impression from a dream says that you should not trust fate blindly. Much depends on the diligence of the sleeping person. Only with some effort can you rest on your laurels, enjoying the well-deserved result.

For an unmarried young girl, fortune telling by hand serves as a kind of warning. Soon she will have to make a choice among several fans and it is important not to make a mistake. Therefore, it is worth paying close attention to the words of the prophetess. If during fortune telling a person begins to feel anxious, on the contrary, one should not look for hidden meaning in divination. This is a false dream, designed to lead the sleeper astray from the right path, introduce chaos into his life, and also force him to question his chosen goals.

When you have your hand read, you need to prepare for the possibility of drastic changes in your life. It depends only on a person’s actions whether these changes will be good or bad. The dream predicts the possible course of events, but does not definitively determine their nature.

By the way, a dream in which the dreamer himself acts as a predictor may mean that a person has some kind of extrasensory abilities. It is advisable to listen to your feelings over the next few days. It is possible that they will help solve current problems.

What does a fortune teller promise in a dream?

There are dreams that are close to reality, but at the same time they are sharply etched in the memory and attract attention with their unusualness.

The unusual can be in a familiar environment in reality (everything seems to be as usual, but you feel that something is wrong), in cause-and-effect relationships, or in the presence of seemingly ordinary, but at the same time surprising people around us.

It is precisely such dreams that include a dream in which a fortune teller is present. Although a lot of people in their hearts believe in various fortune-telling and predictions, magic and the like, in reality not everyone encounters witches and fortune-tellers.

Such a dream inspires curiosity and vague anxiety. Therefore, after waking up, a person looks for a dream book to find out why the fortune teller is dreaming.

What does sleep mean?

The fortune teller is a twofold image. The modern perception of fortune tellers was formed under the influence of the ideas of ancient people and their belief in shamans, various priests and predictors with special knowledge.

Medieval morality also had an influence, as did the gypsies - professional swindlers who cleverly lure out valuables from those who want to know their fate. That is why the dream fortune teller displays:

  • Existing or impending anxiety about the future.
  • Fear of being deceived.

To correctly interpret sleep, you need to pay attention to:

  • Age and appearance of the fortune teller.
  • Items she used.
  • The words she spoke.

Noble dream book

In the noble dream book compiled by N. Grishina, the fortune teller is considered the personification of news, the content of which you can predict if you familiarize yourself with the meaning of the attributes of fortune telling and other elements of the dream.

Grishina believed that such a dream indicates a twilight state of the soul and a lack of clear thinking.

If a fortune teller is in a dream:

  • She predicted a terrible future for you, full of various troubles and tragic events - in reality, you will easily overcome all existing difficulties. At the same time, the dream warns you against excessive uncertainty. This trait can be readily exploited by outsiders to achieve their goals.
  • She predicted fate by hand - you will soon meet a person who will change your life forever. If you accurately remember the words of a fortune teller spoken in a dream, look in dream books for the definition of individual words - this will help clarify your future.

  • I told fortunes to your relatives or friends - these people really need your help, attention and care.
  • I read fortunes on cards - a woman will have a romantic date in reality. This dream recommends that men be attentive to those around them in order to promptly notice and weed out ill-wishers.
  • Laying out the cards - you need to pay close attention to business and financial issues.

If in a dream you made predictions by hand, you can trust your friends completely and completely. Predicting your own destiny means achieving respect and success through perseverance.

Miller's Dream Book

Miller noted in his dream book that the fortuneteller symbolizes your unconscious concern about a postponed matter. When making a waking decision to end this matter, you should be careful.

For women, such a dream promises a difficult choice between two gentlemen. At the same time, friendly relations with the opposite sex prevent this woman from organizing her personal life, and she has no real friends.

Other dream books

The esoteric dream book states that a dreamed fortune teller as a symbol of deception requires maximum caution in reality. If you were a fortune teller, try to pay attention to other people’s advice, consider not only your opinion when resolving issues.

Considers why a fortune teller dreams in a dream, and a psychological dream book. If in a dream you:

  • We talked with the fortuneteller - it’s time for you to sort out your love relationships. The turn of events will help maintain the connection, and you need to not miss the moment.
  • If you read your hand, your friends will be exclusively men.
  • If you predicted the future using coffee grounds, in reality the events that you predicted in your dream await you.
  • Fortune telling with cards means people talking about you behind your back.

Fortune telling to acquaintances who hold a serious position in reality indicates that you need help and support. If a prophecy frightened you in a dream, in reality you will overcome all obstacles.

The influence of circumstances on the interpretation of sleep

Objects with the help of which the fortuneteller learned the secrets of the future have a special influence on the meaning of the dream. If the fortune teller was used:

1. Mirrors - in the near future you will experience regret. But if you had a dream in the autumn, your dreams will come true.

2. With candles, and the flame was high and bright - a new goal in life and relying only on your own strengths will help you achieve outstanding results.

A weak flame indicates a change of plans and associated anxiety, and a dying candle promises a new responsible job or disappointment in a fan.

3. Coffee grounds - you will do something that is not worth your time.

4. With a magic ball - you need to strengthen your position.

5. With cards - analyze the feeling that you experienced in the dream, as it indicates the main trends in your life.

It is also important who the fortune teller was. Freud noted that a dream about a fortune-telling gypsy is a warning - your destiny is connected with a partner who does not value your relationship. If the gypsy managed to steal something, the lost item will clarify the true meaning of the dream.

The gypsy dream book claims that a gypsy telling you a fortune foretells the future, which you can find out by remembering her words.

To understand why a fortune teller dreams and what her words mean, you should also take into account your attitude towards fortune tellers. If you are skeptical, interpret her words in reverse (promises poverty - to wealth, etc.).

Dream Interpretation: fortune telling what dreams mean

Interpretation (meaning) of sleep Fortune telling

If a girl dreams that she herself is telling fortunes, then under no circumstances should she guess in reality - she may “miscalculate” her happiness. If a fortune teller predicts her fate, close relatives will give practical advice that will help her understand her personal life. Fortune telling on cards is a minor nuisance. A dream is very important when a girl tells fortunes using candles. Candles and a mirror - long, dreary loneliness. Pouring wax into water means a quarrel with relatives. Dreams in which a girl reads fortunes with candles is a warning that in real life she should behave as peacefully and restrainedly as possible, then she will be able to avoid negative situations.

A young man who dreams that a fortune teller is predicting his fate should be prepared for some major change to occur in his life. If a fortune teller reads palms, you should expect unexpected profits. If on the cards - on the contrary, to financial losses.

A woman who reads fortunes on cards in a dream should expect trouble from her household. She should be prepared for the fact that she learns something shameful about them, and calmly accept such news. Fortune telling with candles "clearance" in material difficulties. She or her spouse will receive a salary increase, or a wealthy relative will offer financial assistance.

The only thing that matters to a man is the dream in which he himself tells fortunes with cards. This dream foreshadows him receiving an inheritance or an expensive gift. If a girl dreams that she is telling fortunes, dream books predict that she will have to make a choice between two admirers. In this she will have to rely only on herself, her feelings and intuition.

In our dream book you can learn not only about why dreams about fortune-telling occur, but also about the interpretation of the meaning of many other dreams. In addition, you will learn more about what it means to see fortune telling in a dream in Miller’s online dream book.

Fortune telling with cards is often dreamed of before receiving important news. However, the information in it is not always reliable. The dream advises checking it out. If in a dream you saw your relative or friend telling fortunes with cards, in the near future they will have to win some kind of bet or win a discussion.

For a sick person, fortune telling on cards may portend surgical intervention. For a young woman, a dream in which she sees fortune telling on cards promises the need to choose between two gentlemen. This should be done as soon as possible so as not to lose both. In this case, you need to trust your intuition.

Why does the Fortune Teller dream?

You can find out for free in the dream book, why do fortune tellers dream, having read below the interpretation of dreams from the online dream books of the House of the Sun. If you need to find out what it means if you see something other than a Fortune Teller in a dream, use the search form for online dream interpretations.

Why do Fortune Tellers dream?

See Fortune telling.

Seeing a fortune teller in a dream

Fortune teller (witch, sorceress) - something is being planned against you, perhaps out of envy.

What does the dream Fortune Teller mean?

Talking to her in a dream is a sign that you are confused in your love affairs, and only a happy turn of events can bring your love story to a happy ending and engagement. Hearing her prediction in a dream indicates failure. Guessing yourself in a dream is a sign of a useful acquisition. Telling fortunes to someone in a dream foretells an important meeting with the right person. To see someone being told fortunes in a dream means good or bad news. See interpretation: bewitch, prediction, stranger.

See a fortune teller in a dream

If you are told fortunes in a dream, this means that you have to make a choice between two admirers. Rely on your intuition, which will not let you down and will tell you the right choice. A young man who sees a fortune teller in a dream will be surrounded by the attention of the fairer sex, which will greatly increase his self-esteem.

What do dreams mean? Fortune teller

Gypsy, ancient fortune-teller with a passion for esoteric fortune-telling practices; deception, doubts, internal contradictions; unexpected news, coincidence; positive event, parting words. Often dreams of a gypsy also signify fateful luck.

Dream about Fortune Teller

For an upcoming romantic acquaintance (if a fortune teller is telling fortunes).

If you are wondering to yourself – dissatisfaction with your sex life.

You can become a professional fortune teller.

What does a fortune teller mean in a dream?

Fortune teller - you are seduced by forbidden pleasures.




Someone reads my hand and says that I won’t have a child, but I will buy one.


I dreamed that a work colleague was reading my hand and said that I had a piece of iron in my stomach


Hello, dear experts! Help me interpret the dream. I dreamed from Friday to Saturday that my aunt (who is neither a fortune teller, nor a clairvoyant, etc.) looked at my right hand and said that I would get married at 42 years old. I'm 29 now and I'm very upset about this dream. What could this dream mean? I'm really looking forward to your answer. Thank you in advance for your answer.


Hello, dear experts! Help me interpret the dream. I dreamed from Friday to Saturday that my aunt (in real life she is neither a fortune teller, nor a clairvoyant, etc.) looked at my right hand and said that I would get married at 42 years old. I’m 29 now, and what I had in my dream really upset me. Should you believe what is said in a dream? Is this a prophetic dream? Thank you in advance for your response


I dreamed of a man and he told me fortunes, and he said you will be with this man whom you saw on your hand. And I dreamed that I was flying on an airplane


A gypsy woman read fortunes with her right hand and said that I would move to live in another city and everything would be fine, a child would be born, a girl. I already have a daughter.


Hello! On the night of Good Friday, I dreamed that a man divined on his hand betrayal and some event that was taking place according to the law, according to justice. What could this mean? Thank you in advance!


Hello! On the night of Good Friday, I dreamed that a man predicted betrayal and some event that would take place according to the law, according to justice. What could this mean? Thank you in advance!


I am walking along the road with a friend and a very handsome man comes up to me, takes my hand and tells fortunes by my hand. He says: “You have many men, but you will remain alone and will not get married. That it’s all about the weed, you know what kind of weed we’re talking about. »
And my friend still couldn’t stop asking what kind of weed he was talking about. It's so malicious.


Hello, I dreamed of someone telling my hand and saying that in 25 days a fatal mistake could happen)))


Fortune telling with mirrors

With candles

With water and mirror

With water for bed

Fortune telling by ox or horse hide

Fortune telling with mirrors

With candles

This fortune telling is best done in the winter - on New Year's Eve, Old New Year's Eve or during Christmas time. At this time, you are making plans and want to know whether they are destined to come true in the coming year. With the help of fortune telling with candles you can find out about this.

A few days before the fortune-telling, buy three candles from the church or, if this fails, prepare twisted yellow candles. Also, collect clean spring water from some source in advance and place it in your room next to the bed. It should stay like this for 3-4 days. And only after these preparations can you guess.

The best fortune telling time is night. Take out the candles and place them on the table in the shape of a triangle. Pour the prepared water into the decanter and place it in the center of the table between the candles. Place the mirror so that it is behind the decanter in front of the candle. Calm down and focus. Mentally ask a question to which you want to know the answer, and look at the water through which the mirror shines through. In a few minutes, some fragment from your future life will appear in the water, and it will be the answer to your question.

With water and mirror

This is how girls usually guessed. Silently, without speaking to anyone, pour water into the basin. Take a large mirror in your hands and look through it at the moon. If you see a picture of a guy, it's good luck. This means that the new year will be favorable and your wish will come true.

If you speak at this time, your wish will not come true.

With water for bed

1. Make a wish for the person you will bewitch, place a cup of water under the bed and make a bridge from broom branches. When you go to bed, say: “Mummer, take me across the bridge, because I can’t get through alone.” In a dream, you should see the person you were wondering about. You will dream of the groom in the same outfit he will wear at the wedding, and he will take you across the bridge. If you are not destined to get married soon, then no one will.

2. Another way to see your betrothed is to place a decanter of water and a glass next to your bed. Before going to bed, be sure to recite the spell three times: “You’ll get tired from the road, I have some water, come, betrothed, I’ll give you a drink.” Then pour water into a glass and go to bed. And then at night you will dream of a man who will drink water carefully poured for him. This is your betrothed.

3. Take about a thimble of salt and the same amount of water, mix and eat. Of course, such an amount of salt tastes disgusting, but you can only guess in this way once a year - at Epiphany. You can’t wash down the salt you eat with anything else; it’s better to just go to bed right away. Before going to bed, say the spell three times: “Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, he will give me a drink” - and calmly fall asleep, thinking about who you can see. At night, already in your sleep, you will be unbearably thirsty, and a man will come into your sleep and give you water. This is the betrothed. Remember who you dreamed about.

Fortune telling by ox or horse hide

This fortune telling was one of the most terrible in folk practice, because in the villages they firmly believed that devils and mermen lived in the water and could drag the fortuneteller to the bottom. Descriptions of fortune telling are given in books by many folklorists of the 19th century.

“Some people tell fortunes about the year’s fortunes using skins taken from cattle. For this purpose, several girls take a tabletop (tablecloth), bread, a knife and a raw cow skin, go to a crossroads or an ice hole, spread the skin there, put bread on it and draw a circle with a knife, within which they sit, covering themselves with the tabletop or tablecloth , and, grabbing each other’s little finger, they make a will so that fate will inform them what will happen to them this year, and in the mysterious silence of the night they listen: one hears that the suitors are traveling on a large train; another imagines that there is a large gathering of people in the field - a sign of a bountiful harvest, and so on. Such fortune telling occurs not only in Russia, but also in Scotland - according to Walter Scott. They tell fortunes at night, wrapped in raw cowhide or cowhide, sit waiting for answers to questions asked, or have visions that reveal the future.

They carry cow or horse skin to the ice hole and sit on it there, drawing a circle around the ice hole with a cinder made specifically for this purpose. In time, the water devils go out to the ice hole, taking the skin with the person who is sitting on it, having made a wish, and instantly carry it to a long distance - for example, to the house of the future groom, and so on. At the end of this work, they want to appropriate the one sitting on the skin for themselves and with great desire they fly to the ice hole in order to plunge into the water with it, where the persons must have time to pronounce at the ice hole itself: “Cheer out of this place!” - how can you save yourself, otherwise inevitable death follows."

Numerological Dream Book

Fortune telling in a dream using two mirrors- means that you will regret something very much.

If fortune telling in a dream- proceeds successfully and you see someone’s reflection in the mirrors, then after 2 weeks you will learn some information that has been hidden from you until now, and your regret will turn into indignation. However, do not rush to act, wait until your indignation subsides. Trust the person you met 2 days ago after a long separation, and you won’t go wrong.

If fortune telling in a dream proceeds sluggishly and unsuccessfully- you will regret that over the past 2 months you have allowed yourself to be fooled by those around you.

If in a dream at the end of fortune telling you break mirrors- in 2 months the period of your suffering will end and you will enter a new phase of your life. Don't forget to summarize.

If you are telling fortunes using two candles, then pay attention to the flame- if both candles burn evenly and brightly, then you will have a new goal in life, and you will be able to achieve wonderful results if you rely only on yourself and 2 like-minded people.

A flame barely visible and about to go out- this is a sign of future worries associated with a change of plans. Perhaps your bosses will be especially demanding of you in the next 20 days.

If one of the candles goes out- there is no reason to worry, the bosses are just studying you inside and out, checking whether they can entrust you with a new responsible task.

If at the end of fortune telling on two candles you break both or one of them- after 11 days you are in danger of failing the exam if you are studying, or making an annoying mistake during a public speech. Women have this dream- promises disappointment in the gentleman.

Miller's Dream Book

Fortune telling in a dream- this is a reminder to you that some important pending matter is bothering you. But when deciding to follow through with it, be careful.

Fortune teller in a dream- a sign of unreasonable worries and torment during the search for truth.

Lunar dream book

Guess- don’t rush, everything will happen in due time.

Chinese dream book

You approach a person who is engaged in fortune telling using the I Ching.- portends a disease, illness.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Guess- to be deceived; surprise, sometimes a form of intuition.

Dream book of a gypsy

If you dream that you are being told fortunes- this means that unexpected changes in fate await you, which may or may not be favorable.

If you can predict the future yourself- this means that sudden insights about the future await you. You should pay special attention to the premonitions that you may have over the next few days.

Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

Fortune telling, bewitching- losses will not help your grief / grief.

Guess- surprise.

Esoteric dream book

Guess to yourself- seek advice in matters, do not decide everything yourself.

To you- be careful, treason is possible.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Guess- to loss of money; warning not to rush.

Collection of dream books

If you are wondering in a dream- this is a reminder that some important pending matter is bothering you, but you need to be careful and beware of troubles and problems if you decide to complete this matter; for a young girl a dream about fortune telling- means that fate forces her to make a choice between admirers and in this choice she must rely on herself in everything - on her intuition and feelings.

Read the cards- such a dream means that you should think seriously about your future.

Fortune telling on coffee grounds in a dream- waste your time.

Dreams from Saturday to Sunday

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say out the open window: “Where night goes, sleep comes.” All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone about your bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.